THE Weekly Rev 1 1 Li t ' ' o Vol. VII-No. 49. REIDSViLLE, N. C ., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 8,6 $1 PER YEAR, E. G Neweemb Lead eaaer in Wines, Liquors and Cigars, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC Beers, flies and Porters. All IGoods Warranted Pure. ADJOIKIHG KATIOHAL BANfc, PURE MOUNTAIN WHISKIES. You don't need to go any further nor send any further than the corner of the Peay Block to get what you want in the line of Drugs, Medicines and Toilet Articles, When you trade with F'etzer & Overman you are trading with The People On 'Drugs and everything pertaining to urugs. nave you tried any otb & O's W.itchhazel Rum ? If not, try it. You will like ic. Don't forget the place the corner of the Peay RIock. A welcome awaits you. Come in and wirm by out tire, it doesn't cost any more to warm a whole lot ihan iust two o'hers. Headquarters For- Fine Whiskies, &3. Opposite the Depot. Reidsville, N. C. Nothing but Pure Goods handled by us. Send us your orders for all kinds of Liquors. Pool and Billiard Tables Wm. YOUNG, Propr. J. -W. GIBSON, Wg'r. Open Day or Night. Clegg's European House, HOTEL .ItfjZ) Newly Furnished Throughout. All Modern Conveniences. Hot and Cold Baths Game and Ovsters to Order, Special Rates to the Professional. W. F. CLEGG, Proprietor. Opposite Depot, Greensboro, N. C. OUR NEW We are now comfortably established in the building: corner of West Market and Gilmer streets. Our bar is fitted up with hand some nw fixtures and our stock of WHISKIES, BRANDIES, WINES, fcC. Is the purest and best to be had. We make a specialty of Pure North Carolina Corn Whiskey and guarantee our goods .0 be the .best on the market. We sell both wholesale and retail and ship goods to any part of the Country. Mail orders receive prompt at tention. We return thinks to qur many customers for past patronage and. by fairtlealing and eurteous treatment, hope to merit a continuar.ce o same. WM. YOUNG & CO. Reidsville, N. C "Telephone No. 35. Tin and Slate Roofing GUARANTEED GUTTERING AND SPOUTING DONE SATISFACTORILY. Tin, Sheet Iron, Copper, Zinc, &c, always in stock. - CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED PRICES RIGHT. H. R. FORD, REIDSVILLE, N. C. ,N.C, SALOON Brandies, Wines American or European Plan C-AJ QUARTERS! WATERTIGHT. Greensboro GENTRY SOLD AT AUCTION. The Worjd'a Champion Facia Stallion BrlDg 7.600. New York, Feb. 14 At W. B. Pasig's sale of thoroughbred trottera etoc at Madison Square Garden to. day John R. Gentry's appearance be fore the auctioneer's stand was greet edwitha round of hand clapping The horse has a pacing record of 2.03,' and holds the title of champion stal lion of the world. He is a bay. foal ed in 1889, and stands 15 2 hands high. Frank Ellis and John Turner did the bidding, starting at $4,000. and running up $500 jumps to $7,500 when the great horse was transferred to Wm. Simpson, the well known pawnbroker of this city, for $7,600. Talk for Tour Town. Stick to your town. If it is on'y a ol lection of cabins, stand by it and pick out its most attract! ve features when speaking of it. Your share of the universe amounts to the place where your dys are spent. Your eity is the best of cities, your people the foremost of all people. Talk it, E reach it, teach it till all the world elieves it, and you will B'xm get to believing it yourself. Speak up for your city. . No mat ter where you are, pull for the place where friends are. That is the secret ef progress. You can find plenty of oojecuonaoie leatures aoout any city. Make yourself as nearly ob livious as possible to the shortcom ings of your town. Kem ember that your neoole are the people that you know best. As a matter of course, you are more fa miliar with them than you are with those of strangers, with whose good points only you become acquainted. .faint out the scars when you draw a picture of your home folks. Leave out the blots when you chart your surroundings. If you practice a healthy, appreciative sentiment in speaking about your, own environ ments you will soon forget your cynicism and your home will become what it should be, the fairest spot on earth. Stick to your own city. Make its surroundings the most agreeable, its scenes the most beautiful, its location the most admirable, its resources the nearest inexhaustible, of all the places in the world. Preach it. believe it and impress it upon others. You will be happier by cultivating such a spirit of pa triotism. Your friends will like you better, your association will be more tgreeable, your work will please you better if you stick to your city and your people. Rome, Ga., Telegraph. A New York Tarn About Ransom. Gen. Matt Ransom, ex Senator from North Carolina, now Minister to Mexico, is a fascinating man. Near his county seat in Northampton county, in North Carolina, ther? once lived one neighbor Brown, a well-to do-farmer and great admirer of the Senator. The Senator had borrowed from him the sum of $500. As the farmer was not in need he never aked the Senator to pay ihe debt until hard limes came two years later. The session of Congress was over and the Senator was home on a vacation The old man called his eldest son to him one day and said: ''Saddle your horse and go over and ask the Senator if he wouldn't be so kind as to pay me now, Lein' as I need the money." Off went the young man. He was received graciously by the Sena tor. When Jack got back home he reported as follows: "Father, he treated me so nice that I just couldn't ask him for tbe money." . The old man got angry, and call ing his younger son to him, said: 'Now, Jim, don't act a fool like vour brother, but go and ask the Senator to pay me what ho owes me, and lon't you come back without th money ; do you heart" "AH right, father, you can count on me." Jim brought back the same report is The old man was now thoroughly angry and disgusted. He nad his horse brought and swore chat he would get back his money or die in the attempt. The boys said nothing. Toward sundown their father rode leisurely back, his face beaming with smiles. The boys began to speculate on the tesult, and Jim said: "Well, well, ind we let the old man outwit us " "Well, father, you got your money', lid you?" they broke forth in one breath. "No, my sons, T was wrong and you werj right. You 8( e the Senator is a little pinched just now, and, as be was mighty clevar and nice to noe, I thought I would lend him 500 more. He's all right, boys." A Lighthouse at Cape Hatteras. Work on the Diamond Shoal light bouse, off Cape Hatteras, is to be be iin next spring. The new plans con template an immense structure, built on the screw pile order, with tbe foundation of the light practically 100 feet beneath the wave surface and protected on all sides by hundreds of tons of riprap to prevent damage from shifting sands. Iron piles wilt be driven down by hydraulic pr8--ture until a sound footing is secured, ind the actual structure for the light keepers and materials to maintain the light will be built on the interior ?t the skeleton to a height of 165 fret bove the water. The cost of the itructure when completed ip estima ted at $L200,000, and of this sum there is now available $400,000. Dia mond Shoal projects into the sea jeyen miles off Hatteras, and is cov ered with from 6 to 20 feet of water, ft is marked now only by Hatteras light, standing on shore seven miles from the outer edge, and not discern ibleinhazy or foggy weather. The proposed light will be on the extreme edge, seven miles from the nearest shore, and visible twenty three nau tical miles. The latest fog apparatus will be provided, and there will be accommodation for three keepers. It will probably take two years to com plete tb project from the date the work begins. When completed it will be the most notablo lighthouse in the world. Army and Navy Jour nal. The Time For Building Up the system is at this season. The cold weather has made unusual drains upon the vital forces. The blood. has be come impoverished and impure, and all tbe functions of the body suiter in con sequence. Hood's Sarsaparilla is the great builder.-because it is the One True Blood Purifier and nerve tonic. Hood's Pills become the favorite ca thartic with all who use them,. All drug gists. 25c, - Another Fusion Proposition. Populift Schoolfield, of Rocking ham county, write to the Reidsville Review, giving his views on the sub ject of fusion, which are embraced in the following extract: ' "While I do not speak authoritative ly, but mingling, as I do, eve-y day with the rank and file of our party,. I think I know their sentiment We want no fusion with either of the old parties over and above county and legislative tickets the Populists to have the legislative and the Republi -cans th'3 county ticket. Such a com bmation as that would be highly de sirable both from a Populist and Re publican standpoint." If Senator Pritchard sees this prop osition to eire the Populists the legislators, it is to be hoped some friend will be near to throw ice wat er in his fac to keep him from faint ing. The chief thing he wants ,tith fusion is the Legislature to re ect him to the S nate. If Mr. School field's plan is his ultimatum, fusion is dead, so far as Senator Pritchard is concerned. Raleigh News and Ob server. That the blood shou d perform its vital functions, it is absolutely necessary it shou'd not only be pure, but rich in life giving elements. Tnese results are best effected by the use of that well-knowa standard blood pur fl r, Ayer's Sarspa rilla, Much of life's misery is due to lndes tion; for who cm be hopy with a pin in his stomach? As a corrective and strengthener of the alimentary o g ns, Ayer's Pills are invaluable, their use be ing a1 ways attended with marked, benefit. Although Neatly Concealed This is Really A Bid for Your Patronage. Ml Any one cutting this advertisement O'U and presenting it at our store before March rebate 1st, 96 f 5C o on worth of goods anv offer is genutne p itronage. Sit PDRCELL & THE LEADING Culuuei J. si. Carr. Col. J. S. Carr's acceptance of the presidency of the Southern Tobacco Manufacturer's Association leads the Danville Tobacco Journal to sav : We know of no gentleman in the trade more eminently fitted for the head of the organization than this worthy son of the Old North State a gentleman of affable and pleasing address, the highest order of admin istrative abilities, sterling business qualifications, which, together with an indomitable energy, has placed the concern he represents in the ca pacity of president, the Blackwell's Durham Tobacco Company, the leader in its branch of the tobacco business in this country. With such a man as Colonel Can as president of the Southern Tobacco Manufacturers' Association, with the assistance of his able advisors, the other officers of the association, the Journal is assure 1 that the tobacco manufacturing interests of the south have made a progressive move in or ganizing that will redound to the benefit of the en the trade of tbe South. " Belief In Six Honrs. Distressing Kidney and Bladder dis eases relieved in six hours by the "New Great South American Kidney Cure." This new remedy 13 a great surprise on account of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in the bladder, kidntys, back and every part of the urnary pas sages in male or female. It telieves re tention of water and pain in passing it almost immediately. If you want quick relief and cure this is your remedy. Sold by W. S. Alien, Druggist, Reids vule.N.C tf When Honey la ' A black woolen bondorado gown is always a'usefut gwn, and there re many ways of brightening up. the sober gowns, i - For a middle aged woman they , are fashioned with a full plain skirt, : lined with black silk The fitted coat bodice has short ba- ques at the back and side laid in mail Sit plaits at each seam at the waist line, while the open fronts are pointed of the and turned b ck in ref ers wuuien mairiHi Bviicieu around the edge The full, .taffeta vest has a black ground, over which is scattered double petunias. The collar -band is made of the taffeta, with a jabot of accordion-plaited black chiffon at the back ! The gtrot sleeve has a cuff. When these. gowns are mide for young women they have round bodices., with Eton ket fronts, which are edged with switch ing and open on a vest of cense, old rose taffeta or green minor, velvet. which ia put in full with the lower fdge drawn, under the wide 1 belt or allowed to droop on it, as is most becoming to the wearer. The plain collar band of cloth has a turn-over collar to match the vest The leg of-' mutton sleeves are un trimmed. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Tne best salve in the -world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers salt rheum, fevei sores, tetter chapped hands chilblains, corns, a d all skin eruptions, and posit ively u res piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed t give perfect sa i .f acti in r m ney refunded. Price 25c psr bo v. For sale by Parcetl & Dudley and W. S. AHen, Reidsville, aod esse Carter. Mdion. N C will be entitled to a purchase f a ( Sec. This sold by us. is a bid lor your an DUDLEY, DRUGGISTS. Aii.nrr'E Kt MAINS. JTur Teare In the Myetena Cored. This country contains - large mul titude of men and women who an debilitated and weak of the effect o la grippe. If every one would do a the Rev. Petty, of Virginia, did, thib vast multitude of sufferers would soon be well and strong again. Hi writes : "Last winter I had a very bad case of la grippe which left me enfeebled and liable to cold at the slightest exposure I tried a number of rem edies, but taey afforded only trmpo iary relief. I saw an advenisemewt of Pe ru na and concluded to try it I have been using it for two months and it has aff rdid me much relief It is indeed a panacea to mo. It ha invigorated me more than anything 1 ever tried I have reccommi ndeo it to others and advisod them to senu fi r your pamp ileta. I have wntiei of it to d stant friends. Tou can ut tlus statement m any way yoi choose." R v, H Petty, Baptist, Dry Jj'ork, Va For further particulars and a mul titude of witnesses write to The Pe ru-na Drug Manufacturing Company, Columbus, Ohio, for a free copy f ji their illustrated treatise on la gsipp Pe-ru-na is also a sure cure 01 catarrh, cough, colds, bronchitis, firtt stage of consumption,' and air cli matic diseases of winter. The only bio xl -pur fier admitted o exhibition at the Chicago World's Fair was Ayer's Sarsaparilla. all others bet n excluded as secret preparations and pat ent medicines With doctors and pbai macists, it has always been coa-idered About Ui It more . My old friend Z , who laid all the floors in Biltmore house, the North Carolina home of George Vanderbilt, amazes me with a description of that marvelous place in the mountains. The house stands in the midst of a tract of 70,000 acres of ground. Mr Vanderbilt's holdings in the vicinage amount to over 100.000. Frederick Oimstead has done some fine land scape carder-lime hinMinn. ;,. bridges over mountainous streams witn stnkmcr effect The house has been five and a half years m minding, and 11 ,000,000 bricks I were used m the construction, all made out of clay on the-estate. A I great deal of Indiana stone was used in addition, one piece weighing over wirww tons, me extreme length of .Duuiiore nouse is 375 teet, and width 192 feet. It contains 100 rooms and has three elevators. During Christ mas week, when the housewarmintr wcupieu 11, eignty servants were required to keep it in order. It contains twenty-two bath rooms, be sides a swimming pool sixty bv tnirty, with needle baths, sprays, vapor rooms ano all the equipments iv.imi r xvutssiail Dam. it is one ot tbe few private residences in tne united btates with steam laun ary. 11 is neated by team, 15,000 ieet ot superficial indirect heating ountw;; uemg required, while over twelve miles of steam pipes are used to connect tbe radiators with the uo-norse power boiler in the base ment. iew York Press. Thrj VVutCil Cpr;r,r O .rnir. Ihe bheiby Aurora, discussing the political ouuooic, speiks of Col Carr in inae words: 'The Democracy of North Caroli uo r-ur a muu, uggTPsnive leader, in wnom the peoplj confid, one wboe name is a talismnn of success No trickster or broken down politician is needed in a fight where the result is so close, but an aggressive, sue ce8?iui man is wanted to leal ihe ueaaocratic hosts to victory. 8u 'h a man is (Jol Julian S Carr, of Dur ham, whose generosity is only ex v) uia mouesc worm, on" wno is true as stev I and in whom all parties can safely confide Nominate mm tor Uovernor of North Carolina and no apologies or explanations will oe necessary, for bis record is clean and his name, like Biyard, U above reproacn. "The editor has not consulted Col. arr, but knows he is a true Demo crat, seeking no nomination, yet will ooey me can or nis party in tbe con flict. Select him, make a bold, svs temattcand aggressive campaign and victory win percn upon our banner. A Young Pr.Algy. People who dropped,into the musi cal entertainment bv' the Schubert Symphony Club at V. M. C. A. Hall last Saturday night' were very much surpriHea at tne wort ot a charming little tot. in kilts, called on the bilLs Master Tommy Pureell. In face and figure he delights the eve; his work on the violin is remarkable playing uy note ai o years 01 age. 11 ih comic songs and Irish recitations brought uuwn Hujrms 01 applause, and all were loath to let him leave the stage. American newspapers have been raving over this one little mor- 1 1 " 1 . ior t erdi won8, and tor once they are praising something meri- iiiuu. jxitftwr 10m nas ie?ii ap-IH-aring in public a great deal of the time since he was two-and-a-half years old, and has become a verv prominent feature in the company o'f wuicn nis iatner is manager. St. ijouis Chronicle. Opera House, Thursday, February 27th. S-ttl- VrrsBH Silver. " is raiuw interesting to note in the House vote in detail last Fridav on the Senate free coinage substitute to tne nouse bond bill, that Mr. Set tle, Kepublican, is the only North Carolinian who voted against fre. silver. We luul supposed that Mr. Pearson would also, but he and all others, excepting Mr. Settle Deinv c -a s, Kepubuc ins and Populists, viz : -uessrs. thinner, oodard, Shaw, Strowd, Lockhart, Shuford and Lin- ney cast their votes for free coin- ;tge. In this connection it is verv interesting to note also that of the six Populists in the House North Caro lina furnishes just one-half, viz: Messrs. Skmner, Strowd and Shu ford. And this suggests the inquiry: v7utKiue 01 iann Carolina is there any Populist party any more? Charlotte Observer. Two Lira 8Td. Mrs. Phoebe Thomas, of Junction City 111., was told by her doctors that she had consumption and that there was no h p tor her, but two bottles Dr King's Ne Discovery completely cured her and she ays saved her life. Mr. Thomas Eg ers. 139 Florida St., han Francisco, suffered trom a dreadful cold approach ing consumption, tried without result everything else then bought one bottle ot Dr. King's New Discovery and in two weeks was cured. He is naturally thankful. It is such results, of which these are samples, that prove the won d rful efficacv of this medicine in coughs and colds. Free trial boales at Purceli & Dudley s and N. S. Allen's Col J. S. Canning-ham. Col. John S. Cunningham, of Per hoo, is at the Metropolitan for a tew :ays to study the political situation 1 nd do what be can for the encour agementof immigration. The Col onel is very deiirous that something tfhould be done for tbe financial relief of the country on conservative lines He would rather, "get there" thai, dgure for position merely. He says that his people are deeply interested in securing a good class of immi grants, chiefly agricultural and also mechanical laborers. He says th' people cannot understand why the cannot manufacture in brandy their fruit which would otherwise b wasted and he favors tbe abolition of utzes on fruit brandies. We knew of but one community in tht y-rld where dy-pepsia i practically un (Dow.?, and lh t is the Shakers of Mount trf-hanon, N Y. These good peop e we been tu . I vine the r.ubj-ct ot oee--o more th 11 a bun r 'Cl year, and that they und rstand it pretty thoroughly i- -v denced in the foregoing ract. men Digestive Cordial is the safest and be. emedy m case of indigestion that w now cf. A trial bottle can he had hromib vour druggists for the tnflin turn of to cent. The shak r Diees ive Cordial supplie- .he syste with f ,1 already digested nd at the sam tim- aids the digestio f other t od. It will almost instant ;-e'ieve th ordin -rv svmpt m mf ind -estton, an 1 no uff .'rer need t be toi .vhat these are. Laxo is the best me1icHfo childre Ooctors recommendl't in place of Castor OiL 1 ' -:.r- Y Highest of all in Leavening 1 AcsonanrEELY pure State N-w. As yet the o t'ook i p-vr for thr formation of a North Carolina bae ball legu. Th Democratic St comu'ltw is dividid on thf currency question. 311st about 'qu'uJy. It is said by som persons that fhr yet erists a secret political oociety in this State Th oMet active merchant in bu' inefls in this State i Lawson M Sum mit, agod 95. at Shelb". The State Da ryman's Association mt it OTcnnch firm, netr Hill boro. on tbe 19th instant Th V nw m")nrnnt fund ha not - yt meh d $1 500 Mmy non n Hiowly and in a icatterin2 way. The Superior Court clerks all ovor me anw are designating the pollu.g places under th new election law. It is reported that the Southern raipway Is making lanr purohws or lands near Salisbury on which to place a colony. The Firmrs' Alliance now ha only 15 000 members in this Stat- It is said that many of these are only nominally members. Conservative Democrats sav thv think their State Oimmittw oueht not to met until aftr the Republi can committee has taken action. This means they favor a late conven tion. The bodv of W. T Surls, who w killed at Durham, irw taken to Little Rivr Acadmv. Cumberland county, for burial The river was so swollen that the coffin was taken aerom on two boat lashed together. No le of th family, sava a relative or two who swam the stream wa present t the burial. Even SuHes' wife was not present. O i th- way a cyclone wept over ths country, an I a tree fell on' the hearse wrecking it and badly injuring the horse nd a boy who was driving. Chareh Directory. Methodist Rev L W Crawford, pastor Services ev rv Sunday, morn ing and night bunaav school everv sabbath at 9:30 a. m Prayer-meeting -very Wed icsday night. Y uuj raen"- nraver meeting every Mo idav mgh'. Bipt'st R-v Dr. Mun lav. rstor Services every Sunday mminji m! "iht Sunday sch ol every Sabbath at 9:30 a m. fraver-meeting everv Wed nesday night Young People s Union very Vlon iav night. leachers meet ing every Friday oight. P-esbvterian - Rev. D. I. Craig, pas tor. "Services everv Sunday, mornv ind nia;ht Praver-meeting rvery Ved nedav night ScDdav-cb"ol every SbTth t q 30 a. m. Expismpal Rev J. W. Barker; Kvc- r Services everv 2nd and 411 ."vj'i- Uvs at 11 h m ai'l 1 p m undav- bool every sjb'nth it 1 ocitck. Hazell Street Me h -di-t Rev J. B Tanor. ato . Servuvs ev-rv sn;ind nd ti.nrth Sundays, jtt nit;ht. bv the pastor; evc-ry fir-.t and third Sunl ty, ,t night, b Rev. W. P. A' are, iocl preach er &unlay-scho.l every aunday arter- noon. Primitive Baptist Rev. W. F. Dam- run, pastor. Services 4th bUiidiy in each month Our peop:e are grooving more and n re n the hiitot noking to farceii & udley lor the latest and bet of every thing in he? drug line. Tb -v seil Lham riatu Umg! Rem-dv, tini'us lor it cu i ot Dad corns, croup iia jvnoopin cougn. When ;n .ietd ot such a medi ae nve ttjis remedv a tril a id vu wi o- more in pleased itn cne re-u;t. AiiottM-r Kichm-oid in the Flid. Swncer Adams, clerk of the court if Caswell count v. is said to be an aspirant for the Republican nomina tion in the t irtn district, tie is a silver nian and is said to be popular with Populists, while Settles gold views render him an unpopular cand idate if there is to be tusion. W in ston Daily. It is rumored that Congressman Settle is threatened with a failure of renomination in the Fifth district this 3'ear because he is for Reed, the Republicans of the district, it is alleged, being fir Mckinley. S. B Adams, ot Caswell county, is said to be slated for Settle's successor. All this is doubtless speculation. States- ville Landmark. Marvelous Brolt. From a letter writte.i by Rev J Gunder man, ot uimonoaie, anca.. we ars per mi tied to make this extract: I havs 110 nesitation in recommending ux. King - New discovery, as the results were tlmost marvelous in the case of m wife. While I was ostor of the Baptist thurch at Rives Junction she was brought down vith Piieumonia succeeding LaGripp-. Terrible paroxysms of coughing wou d last hours with little interrupt on and it teemed as it she cou d not survive them. friend rec nimecded Dr. King's New Discovery; it was quick in its work aod nghly satisfactory in its ';. Trial bottles free at Purceli & Dudley's a;id W . S, Allen's drug store Cranl for Sergeant at Arm. Congressman Settle is still travel ng around but hj is still us $5,000 a year for representing th Fifth district in Congress He was in Greensboro Saturday night and is eporied to have said that Maj Grant, just selected by the Repubi ans as rgeant at arms of the U. S .Senate, told him that Butler was not oing to vote for him Grant and . hat he ex peeled to be defeated C r . . tin it is that be cannot go through without Butler's vote, but it is not so .rtm th .t Butler will decline to rote for him. Carelessness in girlhood causes tbe grea tht suffering and unhappmess i afterlife Liittleirregula ities and weak nes-es in girls should be looked aftr promptly -.nd treatment giyen at once. lr Pierce's Favorite Prescripviou p- o motes regularity of all feminine functions, makes st'ength and bunds up a sturdy ;caltb with which to meet tbe trials to .ma. The Favorite Prescription is not umversa panacea. It is good for but ie thing. It is directe i solely atone set of organs Dr. .Pierce's C mmon Sense Medical Adviser, a 1008 rage medical work, pro fusely illustrated ,' will be pent free on rectift "f 31 ne cent stamps to cover postage ouly. A dd res , World s Dispen sary Medical Association Buffalo, Y It you would always be healthy, keep your blood pur with Hood's Sanapa. nlU, the-One True blood Purifier.' Power. - Latest U. S. Gov't Report mum. Out. Carr' Slomn. Tlie Raleigh correK indent of the Charlottt? Observer says : It aj i tears from the best informa tion which can lie gathered that, the views of Col. Julian S. Carr as to a "straight ticket and no concessions," meet with the approval of his party. Sterling and fire-tried Democrats say they far prefer to lie whipjied on a square issue and ticket than to win on a compromise arrangement. They also say that with a straight ticket they believe they can win. Perhaps it is not saying too much to state that Col. C irr is at this moment re garded a.s the moat available candi date. Why, certiinlv. What does the Dem K-ratic party in this State want to go to bodging and compromising for? Concessions and the lack of nerve to make a straight fitrht de feated it in '94. Statesville 1. nd mark. The little dautrhter of Mr. Fred Web - ber, Holland, .lass., bad a very badcoi and cough h ch he had n t been able to cu e with a iv ihitg. I wave him a 25 cent bottle of namber.ain's Couon Remedy , says W. P Ho dsn merchant and postmast-r at West Brimfi ld, and the uext tim I -a him he said it work ed like a thirm Th s remedv is in tended especially f r acute throat and luag diseases such as colds, croup and whoop ng couh. and iris famous for i s cues. There is no danger ii giving it t chiidrer: tor it contains nothiug in jurious b r sale by Purceli & Dudley. Reid.-vuie and Icsse Carter. Madison. N. C 'S. ttl' Got the Coon nl G'g in. Hon. Thos. Settle's coon seeretarv. Corltett. is no doubt loing SJttle's work, and in turn the fact is doing s.nne work for 3lr. Tommv in this district. However if Mr. Settle likes it, and the colored gentlemen likes it also, our side of the fence is satis fied. Burlington News. English Spavin Liniment removes all Hard, Soft or Calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses, blood Spavins. Curbs. Spiints Sweeney Rintr-Bone. isriflfs Sprains, hi! Swollen Throats, Cough, e'e av? $50 bv use of one bott:e Warranted .hs mos1 wonderful Blemish '"" " ever known. So d by W. S. Allen Druejri-, Reidsville. N C Oae l umiu put o rouid in a pair of p ints makes tne wh ile work bd The Bucksk n Isreechrs are as cau fully in- sptcttd o. to e they leave ihi taciiry aa if 'hey were diamonds It you hnd one little frtul: in tticm ake them b .ck and grt another pair or your money If we a ft sell tee best pants mide we won't sell any. SIMMONSX reguiator7 THE BEST SPRING MEDICINE is Simmons Liver regulator. Don't forget to take it. Now is the time you need it most to wake up your Liver. A sluggish Liver brings on Malaria, Fever and Ague, Rheumatism, and many other ills which shatter the constitution and wreck health. Don't forget the word Regulator, it is Simmons Liver Regulator you want The word Reg ulator distinguishes it from all other remedies. And, besides this, SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR is a Regulator of the Liver, keeps it properly at work, that your system mav be kept in good condition. FOR THE BLOOD take SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR. It is the best Mood purifier and corrector. Try it and note the difference. Look for the RED Z on every package. You wont find it on any other medicine, and there is no other Liver remedy like SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR-the Kingof Liver Remedies. Be sure you get it. J. H Zeilin & Co., Philadelphia, Pa Southern Railway Co., (Piedmont Air Line,) Local Sched"le, in Effect Dec 28, 1895. SOUTH B JUNO. Tr ins pass Keidsvllle aa foil ws: 7:17 a. on. N'o daily For tlanta an all points Sooth. Solid train from Richmond to Ai lanta. Pullman s eeping car from Richmond to Greensboro 6:50 p. m No. 35. daily, (fast mail), foi Cha 1 tte, Winn a, Augusta -nd all point South ;-n . a 'Uthwe t. Tnr uehPtllman draw-.tiy-room buffet a'ecper between New York. W ashuigton. At anta an . New Orleana 6 j a. m. .0. .7, Washington and South, western Vest'buled limite .. . aily. Stops a Reids il'e only fo. passe irers beyond Char lotte, NRTH BOUND. io:jq p. m No. ia, daily, t r RichTiond an1 points North. Cariies ' ullman slecpi. k car frnm .r..nsbrr . lo Kichitioml. 3:48 p. m o -j6 Kasi Mail, flail v. for Wushinvto Knhmoni and a t bointa NiTtb. Carries Puilman arawin -ro' m b' ffei ineut i ftom New O leans to New Y rk sud I.ckson- rillc to New York. Ii4 p. m Vo. vS Washington and S. th- cMcr;. Vestibued, limited. Daily. Mops at seiosville only for through passengers. All freisrh' 'rains carrv Daasenters. W. H. OKENN, tien'i ooperintendant. Washington, D. C. $4 These anoea fit to perfection aad M only tbe best of leather can. They're shapely, pliant the moet comfortable ml footwear. They always manag ft let to ir and keep out water. - SOLD Dlr OOTTON BROS, aT )

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