E. ,G. Newcomb Leader in fines, Liquors and Cigars, ' . ' ... " '-'. . - ' 'V- .-- - FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC Beers, (Aas and Porters. All Good3 Warranted Pure. wmsumaun, Greensboro, N..C; PURE MOUNTAIN WHISKIES. CARTL'A N D THETAILOR Has Received His New Stock lor Spring ni..:& i: mi- jlj-' biiBviiiLs; uiuuims, wursiGiis . Pant Cloth in Stripes, Checks and Plain, All the latest for Spring Wear. New Style of Umbrella. New lot of Shirts, Plain and Fancy Bosoms! Call and take a Look ? H. H; CARTLAWD. Greensboro, SMITH & MORRISON are his Open Day or Night. Clegg's European House, TEL ..nsriD Newly Furnished Modern Conveniences. Hot and Gold Baths. Game and Oysters to Order, . Special Rates to the Professional. W. F. CLEGG, Proprietor, Opposite Depot, Greensboro, N. C. fiiiAMn RiiAMn RiiAMn This is the time that Tobacco Growers begin to th'nk what is the best Guano to use under their crop that will make the fiuest To bacco. Years of experience and the great amount ot fine Tobacco raised by the following well fcnown brands: Zells. Oriole, Va, Hih Grade, Patapsco, Star Special, Brit ish Mixture, Piedmont, Owl Special, National, Se Fowl, Owl Guano, Peruvian, hould be convincing to thinking people that these goods are the best, and also that we can give lower prces than ever; in fact, cheap as the lower grade goods. Serd in your orders. Correspondence solicited. ''.."''.; J V.Y- : ' ' -.S For Corn we offer Beef, Blood and B me, Little Giant Corn Grower and Stem. '-. . ' . . -S ' -" OVERBEY & SWANSO.M BROS.. Wholesale-Grocers ani Daalers in Saais and V Fertilizers,-; ' ... 214 MAIN STREET, DANVILLE, VA. - '. '. , Mr. T. I. Cobb, of Caswell, is with us, and will be glad to see and serve his friends. i-6 am ' GREENSBORO- , SASH AND BLIND C0EV3PMJV. -HIASUFACTUUEIISOF-- Sash, Doors, Blinds, AIouldingB, Brackets And Dealers in All Kinds of Pine L' 7"v? iHTb" Mesl Factory in Orn nboro. Tin and Slate Roofing GUARANTEED GUTTERING AND SPOUTING DONE SATISFACTORILY. Tin, Sheet Iron, Copper, Zinc, &c, always in stock, ' CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. PRICES RIGHT H. T. FORD , REIDSVILLE, N. C. Roaring Gap Summer fiesort HoteL OPEN FROM JUNE 1 TO OCT. 1. ROARING .v:- - ' '. - i" : ;. it t If.- : - J - - IN.. (J, Special Agents at Reidsville. American or European Plan. C-F1 Throughout. All WATERTIGHT, GAP, N. C. D. W. C. BEHBOW Prop- Located on top ot the Blue Ridge range of mountains; 3,300 ieet above the sea level, and 2,300 teet higher than El kin; the railroad station only 15 miles d'stant. KATKS-ti.00 per day, $10 oo per week, and by the month Yowingtothe room and num ber in the 100m), and upwards. Servants and chil dren $15,00 per month. Half rates tor leu. time than one month. , If you are going to spend the 6ummer away from home come here. ij. FOR THE GOLD STANDARD THE REPUBLICANS SO DECLARE IN NATIONAL CONVENTION. Platt to Get Recognition From Hanna -The Gold Men Have Their Own Way In the Financial Plank-Silver 'Men Kicking. ,S St. Louis, June 16. As ft result of muchtelegraphicnegotiationsbetween St. Louis and Albany it is definitely stated on what ia believed to be good authority that Governor Morton bas finally yielded to the solicitations of friends and agreed to accept the rice presidency, and the despite the split in the New, York, delegation: he is being vigorously pushed. Other can dldates prominent today are Hastings,' of Pennsylvania, Hobart, of New Jersey and Evans of Tennessee. The canvas of delegates shows that five hundred and forty-three have no choice; the others are scattered be tween fifteen candidates. ? A hot sun came out of the early miet, after which a brisk, refreshing breeze early this morning, provided more scenes characteristic of a national convention than any having yet been seen. Trains arriving trom all sections of the country from five o'clock until noon brought a big contingent of visitors to the conven tion. - Warner Miller who has bf en mak ing a stiff fight for gold today says he will not stick for the word gold in the platform and has joined the straddlers. U. S. Grant, Jr. a mem bfT of the California delegation makes the announcement that-his brother Col. Fred Grant, cf New York, is a candidate for the Vice Presidentcy. Reed's friends don't attach much importance to the peti- r t4. : . nu iiuu-i uufcwju urging nun w) ac cept the second place and it is still maintained he will not accept it. A careful summing up of the situa tion ftfVTn q tn indirt tha rwvMfnin'An of the gold standard in the platform, as certain figures show twenty-four states for the gold standard, nine for free silver, twelve for a straddle ani six doubtful. Up to the hour of the meeting of the convention, Haona and his hench men have worked with a vim to se cure a straddle platform. Great iov is felt unon th nart nf the New York delecatinn whon it. positively announced that Hanna would permit Piatt to nams t,h can. didate for the vice-presidency. Every oiuw issue m me piauorm nas Deen asrreed unon. Ther will ha a patriotic declaration in favor of Free vuoa. wevBiaau b auminisiranon will be literally excoriated, with especial reference to the infamous bona deal. It will favor more liberal pensions and civil RervicA rpfnrm will Be commended. The platform has been analyzed by Hanna, Quay, Piatt and other leaders. No objections have been made to anything except the currency plank. That will he finally " ronfiidprAd tsmivht. rf - . J i, Committee on Resolutions. " Owing to the turn down of Chaun- cey I Filley, bis followers in the Mis souri delegation faver McKinley. - The silver men today are undecided as to what course of action to take. Tbeyarenot openly organized, but it looks today .as though some of them might bolt the convention. Tbev have hot caucused vet. Thir leader, Senator Teller, is, however. doing some vigorous quiet work and Committee on Resolutions. The Tennessee delegation is re- ROlvl tod fl V trt 'A.rnpatlv' rnoVl V-rrr -na - " J f"" for the vice presidency. Maine comes out with the cams of Senator Lodge for Vice President, urging him as the father of the gold uiuveuieoii. At 12 o'clock th rvmrprHnn Kail is filling slowly. A s-re of delegates are in their seats. A few scattering seats in the gallery are occupied. The aisles are crowded. There ap" pears considerable difficulty in find ing proper seats in the convention hall.. , ';;-: The text of the financial plank of the platform was agre?id to at a con ference of the leaders just befote the con vehtion nut, as follows: "The Republican party is unre sei vedly for sound money. It caused the enactment of the 1 iw providing for the resumption of specie pay ments in 187& Since then every dollar has been as good as gold. -' We are unaltably opposed to every meas ure calculated to debase our currency or impair the credit of the country. We are therefore opposed to the free coinage of silver except by interna tional agreement; aud "until Such agreement is obtained the existing gold standard must be preserved. "All oursilverand paper money now in circulation as currency must be maintained at a parity with gold and we favor all measures to main tain enviolably the obligations of the United States; and all our money, whether gold or paper, at the present standard the standard of the most enlightened nations of the earth." : . About half of the delegates were in their seats shortly after noonj Tom Piatt was given the first ap plause.: Senator Teller has an aisle seat in the fourth row from the front. Piatt's seat is in the aisle to the left of HnAabcp MiHoi. TJlioo Lauterbach took his seat without demonstration. , Chauncey Depew was cheered. . At 12:20 thereon vention was'cilled to order. The prayer of Chaplain Sale was 6horfc. lastin? onlv this minutes. He was not heard ten feet distant. yc-i-'v:;':v-;v.:- ; At 12:30 Secretary Joseph Manley read the call for 1 the convention. Nearly all the seats were filled. There were manv vacant seats in t.hA c.ol . lery. About twelve thousand peo ple were present, y- . At 12:34 Chairman Carter rre- 8entod the name of Fairbanks for temporary chairman. He was elected ..;u 4. -a. : - Fairbanks bee-an his address at 12:36. His reference to sound monev was applauded by the delegates from the East, and rpecivari in ailpnca hv those from, the West. : A strong effort has been made to incomoratft in - thft tariff nlanlr a clause favoring a bounty on sugar manulactured from beets, an indus try which the States of Nebraska, Kansas, California and several others are vitally interested in. The draft of the plank quoted above was not finally agreed to until nearly noon. . After its preparation it was carefullv read, aospntftd tn hv TInnnn and Foraker. Foraker will be chair man of the committee on resolutions. It was first stated that Senator Lodge would be the chairmain if a Etraight out gold platform was adopted, but having won the fight for gold, Mr. Lodge gracefully presented Foraker as chairman. , Fairbanks brought out a storm of applause when he declared the free and unlimited coinage of silver at sixteen to one an impossibility when silyer was worth thirty to one. His mention of the Monroe doctrine brought applause. Reference to Blaine aroused cheers. There was baod-clappng for Free Cuba and pro tection. Fairbanks finished Lis address at 1:20. . . Secretary Carter read the list of secretaries. National Committee man Lambe, of Virginia, offered a resolution that this convention be eoverned hv th mlAs'nf t.h lncfc na ional convention; also that the usual committees oe appointed on resolu tions, credentials, permanent organi zations, and that all resolutions in relation to the platform be referred to the committee on resolutions with out debate. Adopted. It was 1:20 when the roll call of States for the names of representa tives on the various committees bs guo. - ;-w:K ;,' :j ..: At 1:35 there was hearty applause when Foraer was named as chair man of the committee on resolutions.'-'-:- - : ;-v-,- After the roll call was completed the convention took a recess until 10 o'clock tomorrow morning. The committees on resolutions, creded tials, rules, and permanent organiza tion were notified immAdiaroltr affur the adjournment of the convention. - . : . ... v --4 1 ' - Coolly Handled. ITS A FACT age. ITO A CAPTthat we try 1 10 il I lU I to merit it. ITS A FACT the best advantage. ITQ A C APT ihatourgod8 I I v W Trill I are superior to any others. ITP l C AflT that our ser- iid n i Hii I to the best. itp n cnnT I I O H I rill I prescrsptio ns carefully and accurately. ITQ A E APT fcat jour I I fi I flu I credit is good wre want your name on our books. ITO A C A lir time 115 rl I Mil I is strictly 30 days. K PDRCELL-fi THE LEADING DRUGGISTS. JtARTINSVlLLE MATTERS. Martinsville, Va , June 15. Mr. and Mrs. R W, Blair who have boen visiting the family of Mr. J. G. Ptnn, Broad street, returned to their home in Danville today. The concert given Friday night by the "Parish Helpers" jyas a financial success. - . Rev. A. W. Anson returned today from Wytheville where he has been attending the Episcopal council. Misses Maggie and Sallie Penn will leave today for Danville to visit their sister, Mrs. R. W. Blair. The funeral of Mrs. Trent, who died at her residence on Church street Sunday morning, will take place from the Episcopal church at 4 o clock this afternoon. , ; "-':v'; '-' The lectures givn by Rev. J. T. Belts were very much enjoyed. They were very interesting and instruc tive. Mr. Banks Rucker, of New Orleans, is visiting bis mother on East Church street. ' 5 Miss Mary "Williams, one of Mar tinsville's charming young ladi s, is visiting Mrs. W. T. Paxton, in Dan ville. Miss Rawley, of Winston, N. C, is visiting at the Pastorium this week. J. D. Stultz is spending several dnys at Cliff Springs, presumably for his health. - PERSONAL. Free 64 page medical reference book to any person afflicted with tsny special, chron-c or delicate dise.ie peculiar to their sex. Address j tqe leading physi.-ians and surgeons of the United Slates, Div JIathaway & Co.f 2?-l-2So. Broad Street, Atlanta 1 ; - THIS CONQKESS. Guilty of Both " Si. a ef Commission and The record of this Congress has be n concisely and accurately written long ago. It left undone those things which it ought to have done and it did those things which it 'ought not to have done, and there is no health in it. The one great thing which it ought to have done was to pass a bill for the relief of the finances of the government, and that it con spicuously failed to do. Speaker Read announced in the beginning that it was to be a "do nothing Con gress " In one respect this was a true prophecy, Ic was a do nothing Congress as regards thoss things it ought -p have done. In other re spects it was active and enlarged it self without measure. In the matter of epprohriation, to borrow a phrase from : the sporlinir fraternity, it beats the record." In making ap propriations it was "out, of sight " The great Fifty-first Congress, the first Reed Congress of blessed mem ory, reached the high water mark and goes down to history as the first billion-dollar Congress. This pres ent Congress will make that one seem niggardly and parsimonious by con trast. It had already provi ded for extra 4ingl about - six hundred and twenty millions doUars from the pock ets of the unfortunate taxpayers, ani there is another session coming. The ri ver and harbor bill, so to speak, t'took the cake." The President vetoed it, but it went over his veto with a rush. Goose creek and Duck pond and Gudgeon river all must be dredged, so that the various Con gressmen will stand solid with the boys at home for re-election. It is ' r - ' c----; J. that we desire your patron- r that we can serve you to vice is equal that we fill DUDLEY, how the accepted method of filching campaign funds from the pockets of the taxpayers. . . ? And the lengthening of the pension list has not been neglected. The fed eral government has been likened to a great Cow and the Congressmen to milkmaids. Baltimore Sun V tvAB IS Kt'INIKG CUBA. . : "The war. how being waged in Cu ba is devastating , the island," paid Consul General Lee to me today, "I understand enough of the situa tion to knaw that the destruction of property between the lines of the contending forces is enormous. "Bodies of troops from both the Cuban and the Spanish armies and bands of men belonging to neither side rob and burrr because there is no authority between the lines to re strain them "The property of American citizens is suffering greatly, and v ill continue to suffer until : peace comes. Peice should come immediately. "But there is no peace,' and will not be for a long time, if it depends on a de cisive victory by one side- or the other."--- Gen Bradley T, Johnson in N. Y. Journnl. CRAZY WOMAN S ACT. Bridgeport, Conn., June 16.- Mrs. Arthur. Wakeman, while temporanl y insane, cut her baby 's throat with a razor at 6 o'clock this morning. Wbeu reason returned she swooned and be came a raving maniac. THE YALE CREW AT HENLEY. London, June 16. The Yale crew arrived at Henley today and was given a warm reception by tre mayor and , -aldermen..'. They went put for a practice this mgrnia?. BAD LUCK FOR THE FIRST THROUGH TRAIN TO CHAT-I TAKOOGA. . Yesterday aft r oNn, somewhere below Kaleigh, as N 15, the new through tram frorn Norfolk to Chat tanooga was tte. mi;g along a goat was seen on the ir-ck ahead. In a moment a little colored girl ran out from a house near the track to save it; he father saw' bertand ran after her to keep her from being run over. ; ; . As usual, however, he lost his life in trying te save his child and . then didn't accomplish it, for she was also killed, while the goat, of course, got away and wasTlot hurt Greensboro Record. . - - : Ayer's Pills promote the natural motion of the bowels without which there can be no regular: healthy J op eration For the cure of biliousness, indigestion, sick headache, qonsipa tion, jaundic and liver complaint these pills hasve no equal. Every dose effective. OLD DOMINION NEWS. ' Portsmouth has a new daily, the Evening Timos. Democratic primaries in "Winches ter Saturday night resulted in the election of a'solid delegation of twelve in ; favor of the nomination of Mr. Marshall McCormick, of Clarke coun ty, for Congress. William Meadors, who, on the night of January 23th last, shot and killed Maggie F. Driver in Girolami'u oyster saloon, at the corner of Fif teenth and Franklin streets, Rich mond, will serve a term of twelve years in the penitentiary . " ; , : The President, accompanied by In ternal Revenue Commitisioer Miller, went on a fishing trip to Leesburg, Va., yesterday, where he was again the gde8t of Mr. Harrison, who has a fine trout preserve just outside the village. An elegant day and a -.'fine catch are reported. , The Roanoke Trust. Loan and Safe Deposit Co., has gone into voluntary liquidation, executing a deed of trust to, L H. Coke, trustee. The asset is of the company amount to $646,994. 45 and the liabilities due to de o i torsare 1213,329.35, and account of re discounts and bills payable $29,364 50, making a total of $242,693.75. H. A. Smith, a Richmond machm ist, is making a bicycle boat. His idea is .to construct a bicycle machine that will run on water equally as well as the machine now so much u?ed on land. His boat is 31 feet long, and is to be propeli-d by ten riders, who will be seated on saddles just as if they were on "dry land" bicycles. It is estimated that the boat will carry twentv passengers. A trial trip will Jrobably be made some time in uly. -V--, --v.. - --. Carolina Clippings. James Smith,: drugtrist at Newton, has made an assignment. , CoL E. D. Hall, of Wilmington, died yesterday in his 73rd year. A store at Weldori was broken into by thieves Wednesday night. The Southern Dental Apsociation will meet in Asheville, commencing July 23. Greenville is rapidly rebuilding the portion of the town that was burned m February. Bertie Democrats held an enthusi astic county convention and declared for free silver. A scientific building costing $15,000 is to be erected at Davidson College to the memory of the late Colonel Martin. - . ; A horse thief, named Thomas, was caught with a stolen horse in Burke county yesterday and locked up in Morganton jaiL During the commencement exer cises of Elon College, Colonel Julian S. Carr added $500 to his already lib eral gifts to that institution. The Lenoir Topic says the name of ex-Congressman W. H. Bower will be before the Democratic convention of the Eighth Congressional District t Efforts will be made by those rais ing the Winchester memorial fune to secure enough contributions to erect a shaft as well as headstones over tha North Carolina Confederate gravts. 'V . . 8nrato Win. ' The people recognize and appreciate real merit. . That is why Hood's Sara parilla has the largest sale - in t'-e world. Merit in medicine means ti e power to cure. Hood's Sarsapiflla cures-absolutely, permaner.tl v curs. It is the One True Blood Purifier. Its superior merit is an established fart, and merit wins. . ; - - Hood's Pnxs are easy to take, easy to operate. Curenaigestion, head- The old rrian who looks out at t h world with clear ahd heat'hy eos cannot help feiingRrejaeratifte-t?ott at the thought that his'children have inherited from1 him no weakness cor tendency to disease'. . The healthy old man is th man whd has throub out hts life kept his digestion g m and hi blood pure. Net one m a thousand ; does dd it. Germ go through the healthy bod y without effect. Let them once find lodgirieflt Or let them find a weak . spot, they will develop by trie million and th blood will be full of thm Instep d of giving strength to ; the tipsue. it will force upon them innutritious matter and the man will lose flesh and the more susceptible he is to disease. " The Spanish prisons at Cfiita are filled with prisoners to their utmost capacity, and nil prisoners deported from Cuba will hereafter be sent to the island of Fernando Po If strength is what you want, you should study what causes your weak ness. : -'-:'":,'":r-: '" v , -t:S'" It is practically lack of food. - ButTou eat three meals a day, and all you can eat at a time. . Yes, but do you digest it? Food undigested, is not food. It' is not nourishment.- It doesn't create strenarth. To D'gest your- food take Shaker. Digestive Coram at ,meais. Alter a while you will digest your iooa wiin- out ir. irien you win get wen, ana stroner and l ealthv. Shaker Digestive Cordial cures in digestion and all its symptoms.- su-h ns nnuspa. headache, pructations, nain in the stomach, ciddiness. losi of appetite, ef. It makes your food nourish you, and makes you strong om for. tmil hpnrtir J Druggists sell it. Trll botle 10c, ' Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Report Vrvs A r I V7 u nr :U X sm Lij TANDEBBILT'S MARRIAOR. .1 An Krent That Will Interest New York' 400. Cornelius Vanderbilt,' Jr, i to marry Mis Grace Wilson. The wedding will take place in tha near future- - '.."'. ' -. - ' The wedding will," doubtle,s, be the most notable of the season; Mr. Cornelius Vanderbilt, Jr., is the eldest living son of -Mr- and Mrs. Cornelius .Vanderbilt,- and presumably-the heir to the bulk of his father's fortune. . His attentions to Misi Wilsin for the past year have been subject of society talk. The young persons were together much at Newport last summer, and in the autuma went abroad. Miss Wilson accompanied both ber sister and brother in law, Mr. and Mrs. Ogden Goelet, who sailel a month after the departure of young Vanderbilt. ;Itis unders-sood that they became engaged' during this stay abroad Miss Wilson is a beiuty of the blonde tvpe. Her face h oval, with regular features, and her complexion is beautiful. Sh is somewhat above medium h ight and has a su oerb figure. -She dresses finely and in good taste. " l Her wedding gown, it is sa:d, is completed, and, with ; the entire trousseau, was made last -spring in Paris Mr. and Mrs. Goeletaod Jliss Wilson have but verv recently rh turned to town, aud were only shortly preceded by youn Vander bilt. The latter bers a family likeness to his father. He is tall, has gray eyes, and very d irk hair. He enjoys yachting, and is quite a student. His father, it is said, told a friend that Cornelius, Jr., would sometime -be worth $4,000,000. - Miss Wilson's father is also one of the multi-milltonait es of the City, but he made every cent of his furtune himself. His eldest son, Marshall Orme Wilson, married Miss Caroline Ast jt, a sister of John Jacob Astor. No one doubts that young Vander bilt and Miss Wilson are making a love match. Their present joy is so written on their faces. But there has been, it is said, opposition to the mtch on the part of Vanderbilt's parents, owing to " the fact that Miss Wilson was the elder of the two. But since the return of their son from Europa they, withdrew all ob jections and are taking an active part in the arrangements for the wedding. There will a great gathering of millionaires at this wedding. All of the Vacderbilt famity and its con nections the entire Goelet and Gerry families, the many Astors, will all turn out in force. Distressing Kidney and Bladder dis eases relieved in six tjours by t,he "Nsw Great South American Kidney Care." This new remedy 13 a great surprise on account of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys. back and every part ot the tirnary pas sages in male or female. It relieves re tention of water and pain m passing it almost immediately. If yon want quick relief and cure this i-yoar remedy. S dd by W. S. Alleo. Druggist, Keids- ville. N. C, tf A SAD ACCIDENT. Bv eoine tor days and weeks with Piles vou are running a great risk of los- ncr vour life. Reader, the Royal Pile Co. of Winston, N, C. has. a remedy that is guaranteed to cure you. It has cured others of long standing and wit! cure you Send 25 cts. in silver or stamps for trial pac6age,or $t for onemoaths treafment. Money refunded u not nenenitea. Address Lock B 210. Winston. N C EXAMINATION OF TRANSVAAL HAIDERS. C,:-!" ',: London. June 35. The examination of Dr. Jameson and his fellow officers in tue Transvaal raid, whi h was re sumed at the Bow street police court last week, ended today. Jameson, Sir Joha Wflloughby, Col. White, Mj r Wli e, CoL Gray and Hon. Ch i.rl' s Cov ntry were committed for trial and f ho other drfendeuts were di-jchargt:d. : , ... - - s v Itch on human, mang on horses, digs and all stocky cured in 30 minuets by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. Th-s never fails. .Sold by W. 8. Alien, druggist Reudsvlle. N. C. ' , . m via x in: n s w youk:. i Kpw York. Jime 15. At 12:30 this nf fmnnn an unknown mn entered the-Amersterdam bank in the Mct- r, I L-xri onr' t h -use btnldiner aud de mand t in.'.iv y bf t e president, Geo. N. VN vckoil Ue;i g r.'iu-a ne sooi. WvfkofT and himvclf Both were i l! ns.' to the hofpital Their con dition is ser ou-4. Wy-kofT is not yet dead though in fondi ion The bullet ent red Irs stomach.- The man who fir d the sh ' was un iries jiarK, aged thirty. He is a crank. RanWr'Wvnkfil! renort ed dead, assailant in a critical condition. NTrtt manv Inisiness houses in these United Stat S can boast of fifty years' standing The business 01 ur.- j. Ayer &Co's.i L well, Ms ., whose incomparable Sarsaparilla is known and us d everywhere, has p 1st its half -centennial and was never so vigorous as at present.; " Abridged HUtorJ of Courlsbip. . Met him met him a?ain in love with him. Met him again no longer in love with him, but he is in love toit.h me because I am so beriUtif nl. Met him again he is siill m love with me, not only because I am so beautiful but because I am also eood. Sorry for him. Again I met him he is colder than he was. Think be has forgoit-n my beauty and goodness. I, however, am inclined to thiuic that I am in love with him after al. How lucky he is, and how angry mama will be. Mama proved to be stmugely pleaded Mnk s mo' angry, - for I knw she is rot a good judge of a young girl's he irt - Flirted wi'h him. out rageously to make inama a"gr dmnt succeeti Engaged to him glad. Married to lain sorry . Alverti-m U'elvEviEsv. - 7r a n for n ' DR. DELGADO MAKE3- COM- PLAINT. 7 Washington. June 13. Dr. Jose Dalgado, with his fathsr and Dr.. Rodriguez, hi attorney, called at the State dapirtmmt today and had an interview f with Secretary Olney, lasting about twenty mmnte? re specting the presentation of a claim on the Spanish government for in demnity for ill treatment on hi (Dr. Delgado's) elates in Cuba. The doc tor;, walked with the aid of a stout cane and shown! signs of his terrible experience. H is desideily Lame and bears a great scar across the right side of his face and neck. Two cruesome souvenirs of his Cuban exderience the doctor showed to Secret ary Olney. Oae wai a part of the machete which had mid tho wouni upon his nock, as ho lay upon the ground. Tho upper half of the blade was broken off by striking a stone when the blow was delivered, the result boing unquestionably to save the life of the victim Another token was the bullet -Mrhich had been shot clear through thighs and which the doctor had received, recovered and preserved. Dr. Delgado is a brother of Mr. F. R. Delgado, one of the most esteemed citizens of Rockingham county. The Doctor upon his return from Wash ington will pay his brother a visit. E lglish Spivia L nimsat remivss al Hard, Soft or Calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses. Blood Spavins, Curbs, Splints, Sweeney. Ring-Bone, Stifles, Sprains, ail Swollen Throats, Coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by W. S. Allen, Druggis. Reidsville, JN. C- Eloped At Thirteen Quite a little excitement prevailed at West Point Thursday as the re sult of the elopement of Mr. A. L Elam, formerly of Richmond, now connected with the West Point broom works, with Miss Hunter Marshall, the thirteen-year-old daughter of Captain J. H. Marshall, of this place. The young girl started from ht r homo early yesterday with her books pretendingly for school, but, instead of this, stie m-!t Mr. Elam at the early train for R'chmond, where they made their way for Washington, with the intention of consummating their marriage. r ? .. Many a man, who has been S9nt to an early and even sucidal grave by the tortures of dyspepsia, would be alive and well tcnlay, had he tested the virtues of Ayer's Sarsaparilla This is no temporary appetizer, but a radical, scientific remedy. It make life worth liying. At a recent meeting of the Board of Directors of the Central State Hos- Eital, it was determined to build a osi-ital for the colored epileptic in sane of the State, at Petersburg. The work of digging the foundation for the new building has been begun. - If the seams of the BUCKSKIN BREECHES were the kind that rip, while the buttons were poorly fasten ed, and are always coming off, we wouldn't say they were good pants. As it is, each detail is perfect. The seams, buttons, pockets and fit are all the best. They are the best pants we know how to make. SPANISH SUSPEND WARFARE. ' Madrid, June 15. The Council of Spanish generals in Cuba have de cided to suspend operations against , the insurgents owing to the rainy season. The cure of Rheumatism has often taxed medical skill, but it's preven tion has been very easy by an occa si .-uil use of Simmons Liver Regula tor. It keeps the liver well rrgulated , and the system free from poison. Therein is the secret of health. "I have used it for years for Indigestion and Constipation, and also found it give one relief from a touch of Rheu matism," N. Hughes, Lordsburg, N. M. ; .. . v '... :'. TO MOTHERS. It your baby has a bad cold or the croup, get a bottle of Goose G ease Lin iment, rub its throat and chest. It will give instant relief and a pleasant night's rest. ' For sale by leading druggists. Every bottle guaranteed or your money refunded. Manufactured by Goose Grease Liniment Co., Greensboro. N. C, s - s 6 3 lyr d and w Goose Grease has been used in Ger many for cold, coughs, croup 'and rheu matism for a thousand years. Try a bottle before you condemn it, and if it " does not cure ; you take the bottle to your druggist and get your money. For sale by leading druggists. Manus f actured by Goose Grease Liniment Co. , Greensboro. N, C. SIMMONSX REGULATOR THE DEST SPRING MEDICINE is Simmons Liver regulator. Don't forget to take it Now is the time you heed it most to wake up your Liver. A sluggish Liver brings on Malaria, fever and Ague, Rheumatism, and many other ills which shatter the constitution and wreck health. Don't forget the word regulator, it is Simmons, Liver REGULATOR you want The word REG ULATOR distinguishes it from ail other remedies. And, besides this, SIMMON Liver regulator is a Regulator of tn Liver, keeps it properly at work, that yop system may be kept in good condition. FOR THE BLOOD take SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR. It is the best blood purifier and corrector. Try it and note the difference. Look for the RED Z on every package. You wont find it on any other medicine, and there is no other Liver remedy like SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR the Kingof Liver Remedies Be sure you get it. . J. II. Zt ilin & Co., rhnde!;-5.5 Tlfe

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