E.G. Newcomb Leader irv Wines, Liquors and Cigars, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC Caers, Ales an tf Porters. All Goods Warranted Pure. I...: mmm, . ' Greensboro, H C. PORE M0DMTA1N WHISKIES. Our Mew Fall ave Arrived For tnade-to-order Suits, Pants r.tid fancy Vests New fashion plate, showing the latest styles in Cutawnys, Single and Double-Brcasted Sacks, Prince Alberts, Tuxedos and Full Dress. Shirts, Collars and, Cuffs. We have Shirts made to order if desired. Canes, Umbrellas and Furnishings of all kinds. H.-.Hv CARTLAND, Greensboro, - . N.. 0, SMITH & MORRISON are his Special Agents at Reidsville. Open Day or Night. Cleggs European Bouse, TEL JJXTJO iNewly burnished ..Throughout. All Modern Conveniences Hot and Gold Baths; Game and Ojsters to Order, Special Rates to the Professional. W. F. CLEGG, Propriet&i. Opposite Depot; Greensboro, N. C. -Kep All Kind's Orchard Grass, Clover Seed, Crim- son Clover, V; Seed Rye, &c. Fa 'mers remember you will soon wr tit the best V heat and Oat Fertil zers. We will have them. . We can et any number oF certifi cates testifying that such are the facts. Your Frie ds, . Tobacco drderers THaT WILt order tobacco. We think we have the b st ti.bacco Ordc e. now on the .niarke;, at a vtry reasonable price. Call mi examine it. : Tin ianll:''Slat8'Bopfjhg! ALL WORK. GUARANTEED. ' Large Stock of Stove Pipe, :,. Lard Cans, Zinc, Etc. Tin, Copper, Sheet Iron, Wire Always in Stock. Y H. - R.: ' Oothes American or European Plan ; ajbJFB. : " AuSOH & of Seeds Such as .a .:. urs to serve. .FO.RD; AG3S0.M Ism JTIIANKSGlVINfj TIMES. Ifc'acornin'.'long Than kpgivin' with its pleasures an' its J03 ?, An' we're all a looking' forwaid to the meetin' with the boys. , An' Sue will come from college, an . Jimmy won't forget. An1 "wf.'Jl ell ffel miglily think ful . thiit we're all a livin' yet! The turkey's br en a-spreadin' of his feathers fat an' fine. An'hia "gobble, gobble, gobble" feoms a-darirg s to dine; But the verdict's been agin him, an his execution's set, AnT be makes us fel right happy that we're all a-living yet! f There's folks'll ponne from Texa?, an' II inoi pn' 5Iane; New York'll send us Bdly, an' Ilamp- . shire'il give us Jane: We'll have a great bandshankin' when all ti e friends air met. An' won't we feel right happy that - we're all a-living yei? - Ifn eomin' 'long Thinkpgivia' with nil its love and light; - It's dinner in the day time-it's mel odies at night. The turke V fat and juicy t he table's silver's Pet. An' were fetlm' mighty happy that weVe all living yt! Frank Stanton in Ailiiiti Conttitu tion. " - IIUKDKED MEN STRIKE.- New York, Nov. 23.The s rike ot the St. Paul building, at Bread way and Ann street, was extendi d to an other of Contractor Ilrdden's build ingi, that at Brord way and Twelfth sireft, where 100 nif n. stemtitcers and their helpers, marble polishers, marble- cutters ; and- their hespers, plasterers, hoisting engineers, tile layers and their htlpeiv, electrical workers, slate and metal roofers, itn and . fcheet-iron. workei 8, atd stone workers, went out in olx-diecce to the order of the Board of Walking Dele gates. -Tv; Pickets were placed bout the building along Twlfih street anp Broadway to warn nil union ; work men against going to work on that building. Today the men said a third strike would be ordered on another of Ur. Iledden's buildings in- Nf6au strr et if : ho does not come' to an understanding with the Board of DelegaUs. The men do not relieh the idea of the strike, and wct out reluctantly. Several of them aid they were anxi ous to go back to work, and hoped that a settlement would soon be reached. A SAINTLY HUGGER. . Jersey City, Nov. 20. Chief Mur phy, of -this city, was closeted for over an hour on Tuesday night with Mrs. .Chat cn W, Collins, of 93 Cot tage street, Margaret Phor, a pretty 17-year-old ear servant girl employed by Mrs. Collins, and the girl's brother-in-law. After the conference the chief ref us d td give any information about it, except that it was a very serious case. Yesterday the chief unbosom d himself. He said that Mies Phor was there to make com plaint against a Cathol'C priest, who, the alleged, had assaulted her.: The girl's story was that about 9:30 p. m.j when she was alone in the house, the priest, whom the knew as a friend of the family, called. He sent her down stairs for a bottle of whiskey; - The priest remained at the house for a litde more than an hour, and when he was about to go away he asked her to kiss him good night; She refused, she eaid, and then . the priest caught her in his arms and tried to kiss her. She struggled, but he overpowered her- and threw her on a sofa. Chief . Murphy asked the girl to make oath to her statement, but fbe refused. Her parents also were desirous that she should make a sworn statement, but she could not be persuaded to do so. Mrs Collins told Chit f Murphy that she: had known the priest since she was a girl i He is a middle-aged man and called at -her house frt quently. At one time,Mrs Collins says, he was connected with St. Joseph's church in Jersey City. Chief Murphy refused to give his name. ; When Baby was sick, we gam her Castoria. v When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. GOV. BRADLEY'S LEGS. " Faducah, Ky., Nv. 20. Joha Dugan, a conductor on th Illinois Central railroa J. who was dismissed on the comt)lint r f Gov. Bradlev. ("will bo reinstated. - G jv. Bradley put nis leec on a seat in a co.ich while he was traveling from Louisville to Central City. This is contrary to the road's rules, and tl n nonductor UM the Governor to lemorehia feet. The Governor disregarded the order, J it is said, and Dugan, catching hold j of the gubernatorial trousers, pulled 1 Gen. Fitz Lee does not appear to know when he will return to Cuba. .Some men, if in his peculiar situa tion, would not return at all. ' CABIN PHILOSOPHY. No matter how big de fish is, folks won't hi happy z loDg ez df y thii k dar's biggf r fish unkpiched. Dar's po many hills on de road ter heaven dat fonie folks mi? w sde place entirely by buildin a railroad 'rou d 'cm. , ; Ze reason people won't go ter church in rainy w edder is kase Cey religoh ain't waterproof. "When .yen is certain which wnv tv ro at de forks er de road, de beH1 thing ter do is ter go de light way. , Iou't look dowu on folks kase dry's lesser dfn what otHs. De winu is fo small dat you can't see it, but it raises de detbil in a cyclone. De race in't ter de swift, ner de battle ter be sUong; but df se hrab S8mj son felJern commands a mighty heap r rrspec when dey turn loote on de community. ITie Constitution. ' POLITICAL PREACHERS. Dr. Charles Conk I in, of Springfield, Mats., has wisely summoned up the effect of political prehebirg in these words. -.- The damage is -wrought by the resentment it arouses in the hearts of thf e of contrary politi cal faith. This resentn.ent grows out of the feeling that the pulpit in political discussion is a kind of coward's ccstle. There can be r.o reply to eharg-s made from the -sacred desk. Another effect of political preaching is to make the chuich a class ics'itution. L'ke draws hke. The partisan pastor will draw new people who think as he does npon these external ' matters. - The pubjic can mold public opinion, develop the public conscience much more effective ly by indhect methods. Since the heat of the campaign has be n succeed d by a cooler and more deliberate judgment the forte cf Dr. Con klin'a reasoning wij e ippreci- ated. OLD PEOPLE. Old : reople who require medicine to regulate the bowels and kidneys will find the true remedy in Etectr c Bitters. - This medicine do s not stimulate and, contains no whiskey nor other intoxicant, hut acts as a tonte and alterative, It acts mildly on the stomach and bowel?, adding strength atd giving tone to the or gans, thereby adding strength and giving tone to the organ?, there bv aiding nature in the performance of the functions. Electric Bitteis is an excellent appetizer and aids digestion. Old people find it just exactly what they need. Price fifty cents and 1 1. per bottle at the drug stores of J. Q. Dudlfy and W. S. Allen. A BRUTAL AFFAIR, The little son of Mr. W. L. San didge, a fireman at the Fifth avenue station, Lynchburg, was cut on the hand by a negro youth 3 esterday while coming down that street. The little boy had a small sum of money in his hand, " which the ngro de- manded, and upon the little fellow refusing to give it up,-the negro cut him, - Mr. Sandidgo and the police are looking for the negro. . ' Baeklin'a Arnica Salra. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, : Bruises, Sores, Ulcer, Salt: Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands. Chilblains, Corn? and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cure Piles,- or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion or money refunded.v: Price 25c per box. For Sale By Purcell & Dudley and W. 8. Allen tf Rev. Dr. J. R. Howerton has deter' mined to resign the pastorate of the First Presbyterian Church of Nor 4 folk in consequence of ill health, the climate of that city disagreeing with him, and will accept the call recently extended' him by the Presbyterian Church in Charlotte, N. C. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. $100 REWARD f 100 The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one areaaea disease that science has been able to cure ii all its stages, and that is catarrh, Hall's Calarrn Cure is the only positive cure known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease,, requires a con Ftitutional treatment. - Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting di rectly -upon the blood and - mucous services of the system, thereby - de stroying the foundation of the dis ease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing ita work. The'proprieto'rs have so much faith in its curative powers, that they offer one hundred dollars for any cas ? that it fails to eure.' ' Send for list of testi monials. Addres?, F. J. CHENEY & CO , Toledo, O. "Sold by druggists, 75c. ' RheumatWmCared in a Day. ..- ; "Mystic Cure' tor Rheumatism and Neural f gia radically cures in i to da-a. Its action upon the sys'em is remarkable and myster ious. It remove sat oac the cause.- an! the disease immediately disappears. The first dose arestly benefits, 7s cents. Sold by FETZER& OVERMAN Druggists " Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Report THE OPOSSUM'S FRIEND. ; Yesterday a well krown citizen rushed into the effice of Enquire C. D Slaughter ard csked to be f hown the law in regard to croe'ty to animals. He ssid he tad juf t see n a negro going-Tip the street with a large opes pum wboee fat and " tender looking tail was tightly cenficed in the grip of a split stick. So tightly did the cruel stick grip, tfce epct sum's tail that blood whs flow ing freely there fre m. Thip, the man thought, was indeed cruelty to an animal. If the law covered the caw, he. wanttd to the man arrested and punished. After looking up the' law, Ef quire Slaughter told him'that. in his opin j n, nothing could be done. He con strued the law to have been designed for the pre t etion of dcmerticanimnls alone, tnd the opossum", he thought, as cot a very domestically inclined animid, end came under the Leading of "game." There is no doubt about the opos sum tricg gan.e. ".'Although te b&s a pott of sca'mtfaofd look and way about him, Le will fight every time you hem him, and his bite is some-' thu g to be re menibercd. Danville EveningHera'd Ert;l sh Spavin Litimtijt renoves ah h;.rd, u tt or Cklkud Inrnps aud b'tm ithes frcm hwses. "T1jrtd favius, curbs, splints. Sweeney, ring-bone, stifles, sprain, all spoilt n ibro&ts; congh-vetc. Save $50 by nte of ote hottle. War rantee! lhe mos.1 wi nderfv.1 blemibh cure ever Inowu. okI by V. S. Allen, drugget, Keidsv.lie N. C. MARRIAGE IN LLAKSVlLiE t Las t Wedne sday evening at 8 o'clexrk, in the Methodist churt-h tt lyaksville. Rev. D. EL Fields cfhYiat irg, Mr. 11. J. Parrish ard Mis Lummi? Jarre tt were united in the holy .lords of matrimony, The Al lowing is the list of atte ndants: Mr. Jatnes Bark sdale with ML-s Nannie Forbes, Mr. L J. Pritchtt atid M iss WUUe Moore, Mr. P. S. Cox and Miss Mollie Joyce, Mr. Thomas Birksdale and Miss Roxie Hailey, Mr. Henry Jarrett and Miss Sallie Waphburn, Mr. W illiaEflTCuiry and Miss Maude Jarres L - -" x Af ler an elegant repas at the resi dence ot the bride's parents, the happy couple left for their future home at Byrdville, Ya. ?Mr. Parrish is an industrious and popular employe of the Danville and Weetern railroad Goose Urease nas oeen nsed in Ger many for cold, coughSj cronp and 1 be tuatistn for a thousand ye ts. Try' a bottle before you condemn- -it, and if it does cot care you take the bottle toi your druggist and eet your, mocty. For saleby leading druggists - Manu factured by Goose Grease Linim3t Co.1 Greensboro N. C THE LEVIN ASSIGNMENT, The Proceedings in The Case as The Danville Herald S iw it. : Mr. A. Levin, the merchant who made an assignment a few days ago to sheihf P. II. Boisseau, had a branch store in Reidsville, - N. C. The goods in the Reidsville store were also assigned to Mr . Boisseau. Four bales of these goods were shipped to Danville and received by Mr. Bois seau and4onr other bales were left in Reidsville. ' - .Yesterday v Deputy Sheriff S. D. Wcmack went to-Reidsville aft-r the goods left there; but he found the store "-empty and no trace of the goods." L. C. Connard atd a Hebrew named Shochet, who were the agents Ond clerks of Mr. Levin ot the Reds-' ville establishment, could not or rather would not give Mr. Womack any satisfactory aotount of the' mis- I "Binggoods, andhe had them arrested on a warrant charging embezzlement; They were taken before mayor Redd,; who dismi8st d the case, declaring he had no jurisdiction, -They were taken before Esquire Hazel, who issued -thei warrant for their arrest: Ho felso dismissed, the "i case , on the - same; .ground taken by the mayor, j i' Mr. Womack could do nothing further, so he returned home and re1 portvd the matter to Mr a Boisseau. The latter has not yet determined what course to pursue. Th.3 goods are gone, however, and tnere is little probability -that they will ever be recovered. - ' , ' ' Judging from rumors find proce d ings, the Xeviu assignment, recorded in the clerk's office a few days since, is likely to be routed An injunction has been granted by Judge- A. M. Aiken restrainirg the Trustee from selling the stock as authorized in the deed. The petitioners claim fraud and irregularities. y t Mr. Simjn Levin hf.s- bought out the business of his brother, Mr, A. Levin, who assigned his stock of; gt o last week 10 Sheriff. Bois eau : for the benefit of his creditors. Dan--' ville Herald. . Wiih the b.ocnnrs of the won,t.n We are in had case ir detd. Fur. unlike al other hloc mt-rF, They will never go to seed. A COLORED RAPIST. . On Wednesday lart a negro named Joe Hairslcn. living- on Dirk Strang-.'s land eat of Cascade, made a lelonicus esfault on a colored girl named Reynolds, navipg accom plished his hellish purpose, he fled, and was overtake n. We dne 6da v night he made his escape from the ofBers and is again at large. RhxuTd he pgain be caught there is talk of Judge Lynch tryiug the case, 88 the colored pe-ople are furious. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. " coil cf.-. llH THE CIRCULATING LIBRARY On November 16th a suit was insti tuted in the Corporation court cf Lynchburg by the . Methodist Book and Publishing company against Charles O. McCaskey, proprietor of the Southern Library Association, for 1706. With the suit an attachment was f erved on the circulating library of the association there, and for several days the many subscribers have been unable to secure books. We earn that they have adjusted matte rs in Lynchburg, but the Dan ville branch, to far as wean gather, ii still in" swampo , up slumpo, not ecmmatable -Tie simil tigsstu cf lies trtry BUT WILL HE DO IT. The Maecn (Ga.) Telegraph says that Mr. McKinley's first day as President will be to develop the nat ural wealth of the country by every means within his power. "This," it says, "the people will expect of him, es they have relieved him of the distractions- both as to money and the tariff, which have so sorely tried bis predecef Si i s." It wculd be pleasant to accept this as a fair s'atemeni of the preent condition of affairs, but it is impossible to see how the new President is to avoid very decided "distractions" cf both the f orta men tioned. The Telegraph advises Mr. McKinley, by calling men of the bcuth to his Cabinet, to stimulate its energies and quicken its hope, and says thai "in no other way can he so entirely t ssure ; the people of his statesmanship, and in no other way so effectually lay the spectre- of sec tional animosity with its train of eviL" Ob, yes; Maryland went Republi can, and the fact is not to be won dered at. The Republican Sheriff at Easton . took prisonors out of the county jail, marched tbem to the poll?, voted them, and then locked them up again. Now a Democratic circuit judge , is after . him with a sharp stick, so to sneak Oh, yes; Maryland went for McKinley. This Is the complaint of thousands at thia season. They have no appetite; food does not relish. They need the toning op of the stomach and digestive organs, which a course of Hood's Sarsaparilla will giva them. It also purifies and enriches the blood, cores that distress after eating and internal - misery only a dyspeptic can know, creates an appetite, overcomes that tired feeling and builds np and sustains the whole physical system. It so prompt- ly and efficiently relieves dyspeptic symp toms and cares nervous headaches, that it seems to have almost ' a magic touch." 33fe Sarsaparilla ' Is the best In- fact the One True Blood Purifier. -j -.,. are tne best after-dinner HOOd S FlIIS pills, aid digestion. 3M. Eat Heidsvillo, N. C.

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