The T7c3kly Review ONE DOLLAR PEtt YEAR. OLIVER "BROS., PR0PR8. ADTEKTISI NO RATES tURNISHfcD . - ON APPLICATION. Entered In the fstofflce at Retdavlllg as second-class mall matter. Consul O encral Lee has left Wash- -Inston for Cuba. Before leaving he had a final conference with the; Pres ident. ' After January '4laOhe Republicans .trill publish the iTribnne, a-dilyi oaner at the State capital. Jt is to advocate co-oneration between the i Republican and Populist parties What economy and thrift will do is Bhown by the fact that Queen Victoria is creditea witn owing iau,wv,uw, i nil of which has been accumulated I -inra cam on the throne. : AUB ltBb Un ui I that Weyler is in a trap and is likely to be captured. If Maceo catches I him we sincerely trust mat he win give hint a dose of his own medicine, j ThArA a 918 tax-oa vers in Rock. incham county who failed to pay their poll taxes. It is rumored that lit the next term of court they will be indW.rt Tt wmild ba wall fort!itra to look after the matter. Up to June ,30th last Uncle Sam had disposed of 965,000,0) f his land, dut he is not land poor " yet as he has about 60 ,000000 .acres left, not includihg about 540,000.000 acres in Alaska. . All 13 JJUVT UUUJC VSUVCl It., Alien, Bays the Raleigh Observer. At 10 o'clock yesterday morning Gov. Carr appointed him to succeed Edward 3 Boykin, resigned, as Judge of the Sixth Judicial district. The New York Herald says it has positive asd authoritative informa tion that President MeKinley will call a special session of Congress to convene on the 15th of March to pass a tariff measure and supply the de fienney in the public revenues. Mr. MeKinley is said to believe that a tariff measuro can be gotten through the House by the 15th of April and that it may pass the Senate and be come a law by the 1st of June. It is to be hoped that a special scssioa will be called. . The country wants to see the MeKinley administration tiy its speed as early as possible, When Dr. Parkhnrst compared Mr. Bryan to a viper before election, .fr ."d, because nearly me in these part, regarded ts a common enemy; but it he denounces the coal trust t nJ-suckers and as "possessed of , inon of theft and murder" (a Parkhurstian phrase), a loud " "squawking . arises from the "capita listic piess." It appears that the . doctor is now inciting "class-hatred'' and displaying alarming "anarchis tic" symptoms. The Hartford Times after cxaming his Thanksgiving day utterances, finds "a very demagogic note" to "ignorant and iuconsklerate'' " persons. Of cocrse the New York Sun is terribly wrotiglit up over the doctors' sentiments. SpiMigfield, O., Kepublican. ' Congressman Baily, of Texn?, one of the Democratic leader?, recently eaid: "The Democrats realize that" there must be some measure passed that will affont sufflcent revenue for the current expenses of tlia govern ment, and; J wo will r.ot filihuster against any rcfer.ue measure intro duced by the Ref ublicanf, but" we Will resist any protection measure. I nbould thiuk, tliorgli, that the- Re publicans would wait until tliey had the Presidency and the entire Con gress before they attempted anything ; then they could pass a purely Repub lican bill. I don't think there will be any tariff legislation this session, and it looks as though an extra session is among the iuevitable things, The Democrats wiU htsve a caucus some time this week, when we will decide on what course to pursue. Yes, I have seen tbe talk of Senator Chan dler's proposed internation hi metal lic resolstion.but I think international hi-raetallism is onjy a dream. I would be glad to see it accomplished, hut it can be ' nothing more than a delusive hope," - f ' Cures taia" in favo; dI Hood's BarsaparillA, for no other medi Tal h cine. Its freat cures recorded In truthful, conylnclng language of gratefnl men sn4 women, constitute its moat effective 4 vertialng. Many of these euros are mar Veloai. They hare won the confidence of Ahe people; have given Hood's Samps rilU (he largest sales In the world, and have made necessary for its manufactare the greatest laboratory on earth.' Hood 'a Barsaparllla is known by the cures it has made oarea of scrofula, salt rheum and eczema, cores of rheumatism, neuralgia and weak nerves, cures of dyspepsia, liver troubles, catarrh coree which prove n n LfU Garoaparill TALMAGK TO WED . ' At'Shig Sing, New York, the en- cagptneui of MKs Susie Manjrum, ol that villas. Ui t.lm TIrv. T. DaVViM Talinagc, of the caplloi cityM ... . . i Daniel D, Mangum, who ie a grain dealer in New York city and lives in aing Jsing. . He is reputed to be a niillionare, and ,his daughter is a popular young society woman, Ihe date of tho wedding is not yet announced, but the preparations are under way and it fs thought it will take place in holiday week or shortly after the new vear begins. ELECTRIC BITTERS. Electric Bitters is a medicine suited for any seaspn, but perhaps more generally needed when the languid, exhausted feeling prevails, when the liver is torpid and suiggtsh An4 f It vmwl nT-M . ImJa nrl 1 1 OY atiye , . d A . uM of thU medicine nas often averted long and perhaps fatal " bilious fevers. No medicine will act more surely in counteracting ana ireeing mc system r - i. i:i : TnAirroeit Coti.f, ' niT.inou yjeld to Electric Bitters. 50c and i.oo per bottle at Dudley's and Allen's drug stores. CHURCH DIRECTORY, Main Street Methodist Rev. II. F. Chrietzburg, pastor. ; Services every Sunday at Jl a. va and 7 p.m. Sunday-school ev :ry Suuday 9 :30 a. in. il Praj'er-meeting every Wednesday at 7 p. m. - - Young Men's Union praj er-meet- mg every Monday at 7 p. m First Baptist Rev . J. A. Mundy pastor. Services every Sunday at 11 a. m and 7 p. tn. - ' . Sunday-school every Sabl a at 9:50 a. m. Prayer-meeting eyery Wednesday, at 7 p. m. loung reoples Union prayer meeting every Monday at 7 p m. Cottage prayer-meetings weekly. First Presbyterian Rev. D. Craig, pastor. Services every Sunday at 11a m and 7 :15 p m. Sunday-school eyery Sabbath at 9:30 a m, " Prayer-meeting every Wednesday at 7 :15 p m. St. Thomas' Etnsconul Rev, F, A Fester, rector. Services every first Sunday at 1 a m and 3 pm. Sunday 'School every Sunday at 1 a m. Hazell Street Metitodist--Rev J B Tabor pastor. Sunday school every Sunday after noon. Priraitiva Baptist Rev. Dameron pastor. Services every fourth Sunday, Public cordially invited to atlenc all of these churches. Visitors a ways welcomed, BLOOD IS LIFE It is the medium which carries to ever' nerve, muscle, organ and. fibre its nourishment and strength. Jf the blood is pure, rich and healthy yoti will be well; if impure, disease will soon erertake yoy. Hood's Sarsa parilla has power to keep you in health by making your blood rich and pure -Hooh's pills are the best after-dinner pill : assist -digestion, cure constipation, 25c. m ii OTK!E. I will be at tbe folic whig: named iUees on the dates tuntioued Mow or the purposo. of collecting your tales. I nrga every one to meet me and nettle up. Kocky Si-ring. Monday, Dee. 14. SiiDpnon'a Store, in juoruingr. Tesdfty.Pc 15 New Hethel, in the fveiilng.Tnesda, Pec IS. Hufflnea' Store, Wedufdy. Ihe it. rompHonvtll, Thhrfday. Vett. f, Uiifflu. iiay. bee 18. Uregon. Saturday. le 19. U-ah8ville, MouUay, l.e Jl, iteidsvllle, Tuesday; Decii. . Very ltespeetfolly. W. B. W..AT. Sh'K. Kocklngliaiu county asy to Tafco asy to Operate M features peculiar to Hood's rata. Small fa size; tasteless, efficient, thorough. As one ra said: You neror know 70a tiave taken a pnl till it Is an ever." 2se. C I. Hood & Go, Proptilors, Lowell, Mass. The only pM to take with Hood's SarsanarlUa. "BETTER THAN EVER," V FOUR ELEGANT MODEL?, 485.00 And 1OO.O0r- hxt Catalcccs Fwac. " - FREE PILLS.. Sen 1 your, address to II. E. Buck- en & Co., Chicazo. and eet a free box bf Dr. King's New Life Pills. A trial will convince you of their merits. These pills are easr in action and, are particularly effective in me cure or constipation hnd sick headache. .For malaria and liver troubles they have been proven in. vsiuaoie. iney are guaranteed to be perfectly faeo from everv deleterious substance and to be purely vegetable. ney tio not weaken by their aetion. but by giving tone to stomach and bowels greatly invigorate the system. Keguiar size Z5a per box. Sold at Allen's and Dudley's drug stores. 1. BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. ' The best salve in the world for cnta. bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum. fecr sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively curM piles, or no. pay required." It is gnarantee.1 to give perfect satisfaction: or money refundedr : Price' 25c"par boil If or Sale bv W: 8. Allen and T. -T. Dudley, druzsrlsts. ': ; - -' - . t ww -. i : ? , 'ACHING JOINTS Announce the presence of rhnnma. ism wltjch causes untold suffering. Rhei ra tism is due to )actic at I J in the blood. .It ..cannot fce . cured hv liniments or other outward applica tions. Hoods Sarsauarilla, Dnriflea the blood, removes . the cans of - - r . rheumatism and permeriently cures tiustiisease. mis is the testimony , niousanos pi people who once suffered, the pains of riieumatiam 6ut who have actually been cured by the use oflloott's Sarsaparilla. Its great power U net upon the blood - anrf remove every lmunrftv is the secret r the wonderful cures by Hood's Sarsaparilla. - - . . - - When Baby was Jtek, ire gae her Caatorkw When she was a Child, she cried for Caatoria, When she became VSm, she clung to Caatoria. When she had Chfldran,ahe garettMni Oaatork. let The Whole World Know The Good DreMes' Heart Cure ocs HtAHT DISEASE. baa.lU xlcttm m dUadSQtar. Always tanrht that symptoms become well denned, the patient becomes alarmed and a nerrous panic taltea place. Bat when a sure remedy la round and a tuirs effected, after years of sofferlac, there Is great tJolclP n deslr the whole world know." Mrs.. Laura'Wina inger, of Selkirk. Kansas, writes, MI desire to let the whole world know what Dr. allies Tf FiTilPC' Heart Core has dona for 1JI i'iUCJ me. For ten years I had Heart Cure ? tow hert r ' - aeas of breath, palplta JveStOrCS. tlon. pain in my leftside. Milrli oppressed feeling in mj aCTlyUtttt chest, weak and hungry spejls, bad draaras, fiuld not lie on either aide, was namb aadatir4 terrjply. I took J)r. Miles' Heart Cure and before i saiftbad ffr;pnd bottle I felt its good efl eeta.1 feel fwttiot I fully reoorered. and that Dr. Miles' peart (Sufg inyllfe." Dr. Miles' Heart Cure 1$ mA& en ruarantee tihMrst bottle bene$prOirfgad9d. mm m And Diploma Awardexl CHERRY PECTORAL FOB THROAT and ,; LUNG COMPUIBTS 4 t !raworutffe7 fstfl''"3ie'lBsW.' ;"" rs Jllk til a TELEPHONE GREENSBbRO, N.' C. - WHOLESALE beg to call your attention to the following Which As very scarce day I have in Garliti Fancy In crates, 81.25 Carload Hon York Onions, In three bushel bags, S2.25Jper bag In lots of 15 barrels, 31.50 per barrel. In lots of 5 barrels, 51.55 per barrel. Single barrel, $1.60 per barrel. Catawba Grapes Car; Eat'g Irish Potatoes WHITE BEANS, COLORE?) BEANS, WHITE PMS, CLAY PEAS, Virginia Peanuts, ; - ; 5 gispKorprjLLy, (')) Grserisboro, ; N. C. IM can- telephone liDM J. uu mi D NO. 46. ALS FliiUST, and advancing every sock and to arrive JBabbage, per hundred pounds 9 JpQ in bag, $3.60 par bag, Per hundped, 2.50. fr liox 300, J3,7.j. lira pound baskets, 18c. Guarantetd 3 bushels to barrel, $1.50 bughet. 1.10 bushel. 1.00 " IdTThe best place in the Piedmont Section to sell your Jobacco. .-79 " .00 1.00 " rae fri?e of charge, liblate-Katz-Ilaiilu.'EL Oo Leading AT,THK BIG STORE. OPB. iMcADOO HOTEL' Clothiers i THE BIG v. - IS That;; "Bread. is-., LS- :,: lhererore jou should have -it4o6.fV Ve have pure baking powder. Let us give you ihe articles ' needc to make first clas tread. ' We guarantee to eaveyou 'money.-- That White , can save you money on all goods purchased ol Jiirn goes with out saving. He buys for cash aiwi saves the 1 middle-man's profit by purcjiasing all grades of goods in large lots. '' -' HE HAS SHOES. Paying out money is disheartening business when you that there is no certainty ofybur getting value received, who invest hard-earned money in our $3.00 shoes eel they have the best of the tradct they have, The guarantee we GO TO REIDSVILLE, N. C. F3ANKPINNIX, J.H.PINN1X, J. H-G20GAN. LEADER WAREHOUSE, -ir,RKIDSVlI.LE. N. C.- FRANK PltMNIX & CO., Proprietors. - i '. ' Unsurpassed facilities ior handling anl sol ing leaf tahaocq. Tey highest market prices guaranteed, ME Will continue in the lead in quantity obtained for tbe fanners. AMPLE ACCOMMODATIONS.' PLEMTY Farmers.' FOR THE SA?E SASE -QKEENSBOKO, N. C .a WMUTT X CO.. PvonvietovM. J. II. THS REVllSif S v vULATlOri ; YOUR NAME PUT FROG IN YOUR FKTZEIi'8 CHAPJNE FO CHAPPED SIv. - DR. BLAIR'S fJOUQ li SYRUP.. FTZER'S SOVLTU STATE 11EADACIIE CURE. WITCH HAZEL.Rfjy. RUM.. " PpUTE ATTENTION. FAIR DEALUvi. l(X$ESTt PpRE PpUGg. - . Accurate and. 8cienti4e geryio in CQnP9UniDf Prescriptions and moderate prices sfb a fevy 'of ' .. the things that are kept "pn'tap" at . r Fetzer & Overman's, DRUG STORE AT Til E? jCORN ER pF PEAV BIX)CK - v - GREENSBORO, N. C. Business Done on Righ lanes '' ; Everb article sold in our house guacan- " teed or money refunded. - - ' '"; Prices lower than the lowest V ' - - . . . wCALt. AT TH&wn BIG STORE . , . -And see their raaromoth line ofw - CLOTHmC. CLbfHIMC. STORE, OPl. McADOO HOUSE. GREENSBORO, 5BOR0V N?C. :. (-:- SAID the , -Staff of Life." 1 feel Men that We want fie m to Uow that give is what sells our ahSis. WHILE'S. sold and the highest dticpb ... OF STALLS. PATOHAGE SOLICITED. Warehouse, OF 3'EAF TOB A flfin V 1 www. IS GROWING WEEKLY" HAVE ON THE BOOKS NOW. LEADER CURES..; SUMMERi DISEASES Tbe Ideal Remedy for diseases off the steaMch end bowels such as tianbeta. Dysentery, Imfigestioa, Oyt pepsuu Cramps, Loss of App. tite, etc, to that standard of w-r' all sfteoltiaes, ' ' Dr. KING' Q HOYflltGEHHETUEH. Mr. L. T. Collier, Kosciusko, Miss . ays: "My bowels would act from tan to twenty tirasa a day, of a bloody, mucus nature. My kidneys were very ouj out oi oraer. I was treated by tba best physicians, and they said I could live but a short while. I thea commenced Toslnr Rots! Germetuer. In thrse weeks I could eat aDythlnft and do as much work as ever, I con tinued the Germetuer, and cat. testify that I am entirely cured, and that; Germetuer did the work." J-It is as pleasant to take as-, ""' lemonade, and bonds up frooN the first dose. It cares dls-, ease by removlog the cause. -Sold by Drvfcgtmtm, Onm Dotlatv . MAMuraeTwaca omlt a THE ATLANTA CKEUICALCO., WEt. Writ tar 48 aaga S a, HaSa Tr . Use GERMETUER PtUSaad CERMETIO COUCH SYRUP. PARKER'SCINCER . .10 PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM I n mat . Wyifa Vh Hair to lta TnUM CtSwT Cm nala ditaana ktir I-miiiS I Vt-rwr Valla to iMbm n a. mm m m m.m .11 J -k l . - fl CkfekMl.V Vadlah DW Kim rtriiiYROYAL p;ua OtmM rat CafeaMMT a likJ. mmmljtrmmd la IU4 aaa Z i ', atalatl aita mnm. -IU1WT tW t- Ilea.' araa v RIPA-N'S The modern stand ard Family Me-li- 03 -1 C3 u cine : cures tr.e common every lay ills of htmanity.v w O . Ak aaj aveata 'r W. 1 Ii;.aa ShotM. If mmt for yr rlcc k jrar dealer ( ana1 far eataaae, cecare th Mtr. a i4 ret tkeaa far yaa. TOR L DOUGLAS 03 mBMTSHOeTKEMLDf')j2a It to a rwajnfeai ahee. wlta ao terkco. i toread to thafae mad of ha best r oa)t. wiluh and easy, and w aioJh. mrt A. Tt tku. Trodt than, aa otker manufacturer, lr Ir hatuk ewed sboa oocttng from fUitt t ssbasiaHmi f" ijte, ounuortaiua ana dura.-' '.am Thai S3 tom-mad tnoea ooallos from 6M .&,. aa RJ 14 ft113 Farmer, if'Uoad XTeta tamlcaf m(Xlh Inalde, hear Vfttvi'- ax tea. " ara wry iVom aad ar.l TnMe was Kta f gain a wmu wiji wear tiv at jf- .Laka. flrtVA' t4.el Sl.T) ?-- bca ara oa their inert U, aa tae Increasing aatct .:).. I HIM'! tS.OO HiafUtwc. wie, beet Sad UIC9 loeoia. Tar at (Jtali- -tif r Kreixrh Imparted anoes eoatln from S4J to ' lalea' (,ae. S. ..d S.:.. for laaea are the beat fine Uongola. StyiUh an durable. CaHtiaaa that W. u .jd- ;l,e and 9rkKSUma4 0Qthebotluntnr av .u.n. W-1. 1iuU.Uh P. .f Vaaa. Ayer's Pills Are compounded with the view to general usefulness and adaptability. They -are composed of the purest vegetable aperients. Their delicate sugar. coating, which readily dis solves ra tne stomacn, preserves, their full medicinal value and makes them easy to take, either by old or roung. :. for constipation, dysper H&bflioushes&ypfci hfetdache, n"fl fso; lo 'ehck "colds and fAvprW yefrfPills Are thP Best Unlfke ptKer CathaHicsT the affect yers is js io strengthen M rf?Ctepy:prni and -restore to fiem their replac and natural a&. ion. Doctors evervwherenrescrirla them. In spite of immense compe iitlonTthey have always maintained their popularity as a family wed' iclne, being in greater demand now than ever before. They re put : up .both Jnjiahr and boxes, and ' whether for home .use or travel, ; "Arer'e Pills are preferable to any other. Have yu ever tried .hem? Aye r?s Pills - rVefMed"by Dr. 7. C. Ayer k Co., Lowe, Uaaa , .. Bold by all Dragg-lata. livery pose Effective tfACNET.C OILI . lastant Killers! f sla. t lat.n.l arAmi 1 1 w .iqi iiaii Curas JiHHUMATlBM, J"EDRAL At a ar . to a. o ' " j 'bos. Croup.IMptherirV, Soi ThrutfC HEADACHE. M if roa!ric. , r THE HORSE BRAKD. .LWfiUE' thamoet Powerfnl and Fe&etrstinK Umuiont; jr Man or Beaat lo existence. Ltu-ge tl nize Kc "juc. alxe aJo. . JOHNSON'S ORIENTAL SOAP. faoa BtaalrritleY.:-. Lad!, 'will find tt the tibial liosrtja.sB4JWg4iiv nrfumd Toitot floaty-H Make j k.ta f al'a45r Jfaatoraa ttc Wxt cfrJ plaxloni U a Imur ior tha BatH for Infanta. plaxloni lii Imurf for the BatH for Infanta!. It alajra Itching, oleaoeea tha scalp aa I proutoUS tbe growth oi hair. irioa2&a. ror-u .- CASTOR 'X mht t I'or Isianti and Cjiiidi i f W i. f,: -. '',. " ! attalSAk'' .rMW ,.jA Ff&t. Is the beat-In fact the One True Blood rurifler. 1 nw t rn c,,r8 v? Vlat tir to 7oi Ttifo TP, Bo .Annrooirri, ails wae tmm '

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