OL, IX, NO. 16. REIDSVLLE, N. C. JUNE 25 1897. 61 PER YEAR. Fr De I There are Others, j Hut none in the State that carry such a complete line of supe rior ttraiglil and blended whiskies, old mountain, apple and peach .brandies. California wines and grape brandies received direct from vinvers and distillers. Fresh Export Beers, Ales and Porter from the leading Brewers of this! country and Europe, . Go Newcomb. A TN TATVTV l XT A rrTAXT ay i- a "fc -THE CELEBRATED- Vienna Cabinet Lager Ard Tivoli Hofbrau Export, "Brewed by Robt. Portner -ALEXANDRIA, VA. ft Batter than ever before. WM. YOUAG & CO., Agents For Kcidsville, 3. C, pe service on Long Distance 'Phone No. If you want our goods telephone L.UM Manufacturers and wholesale dealers in flooriug.ceihng.siding, mouldings sash, blinds, framing, dors, shingles, laths and all kinds of building ma er al. Heavy timber andL factory bills a specialty. All dressed lumber ki n dried. Before placing yrur orders write us for prices. PITTS & BAIN, Successors to Wm, Love. Wapay 'phone charges on messages from Laatsrille, Spray, Wentworth, Keidsvillc W. C. CONTRACTOR. jotton mills and all kinds heavy buildings a spesialty. I have had long experience and can give best of references. Mans made in a practical manner at l11 kinds of building, from the finest I UR STOREROOM .AND WAREHOUSE. Is full of Buggies, Spring Wagons, Carriages and we are ruuning them off at prices that talk. You cannot afford to wait for the mud to dry np but come right along. TWO CARLOADS JUST IN HARNESS. .; ; As cheap as you want it, Prices will surprise you. Come and see us whether you wish to ouy or not. We claim Rockingham county. - Respectfully. M Successor to Newell & Matthews, - Kentucky Dew Whiskey. Standard of Xui'ity. '!-... tietilled of carefully selected grain thd leader of hne old fashion whiskey, avor Las no superior. iiecommended by leading physicians for thei distillers direct or our agents at distillery prices. 4 years old, $2.50; 8 years old, $3.50; 12 years old, $4.50 per gallon. o charge for packing. Send money with order, satisfaction guaranteed ox ley refunded. 5,000 guaranteed as to purity of goods. OLD KENTUCKY DISTILLERY, 205 W. Mail St., Iiouisville, Ky. I a Jug direct from our Distillery and be convinced. J. H. NEESE, fry r" . ' -GIVE ME I TVILL NOT liU East Market Street, fframes, Sash, Doors, Blinds, uoors, uui Work, Mouldings, Balusters, Stair Work, Inside Finish, r Ckpe Fear Manufacturing Co., MANUFACTURERS OP" Building: material of all Kind! lers in Rough and Dressed Lumber, Shingles, etc. Hard wood a Specialty. Eltiaates Furnished. IJo. 209 Lewis Street, Greensboro IT, a v -rt . Brewing Co. AT. J. FUQUA, Hanager, Better than ever before. 89, connected with all local points us and "we do the rest." BAIN, Office, 2o9 Lewis Street, Greensboro, N. C, lowest priees, residence to the commonest building. Greensboro, N. C. matured in wood. Kentucky Dew is and for mellowness and richness cf the club and sick room. Bay from Dealer in all kinds of Marble and Granlfa Monuments, Headstones, Tablets, Rus tic Monuments, Vases, Chairs, Settees, Markers, Log Curbing and all kinds of Cemetery Work. A CALL.- UNDERSOLD - Greensboro, ftL C. Mantels, Brackets; Veneered BEiR State News. j' - The next meeting of the State Press Association will be held at Waynesville. Hickory has increased the value of its taxable property $100,000 within a year. Cabarrus county authorities have pur chased $ 1,500 worth of road machinery. Counterfeit money is being widely cir culated in Western North Carolina, it is said. " ' j Hendersonville will be dry next year. The vote was 115 against license, and 92 for it. " Dunn goes for prohibition by 86 ma jority Dry towns seem to be in the lead just now. ' - The Gastonia Gazette claims that there is an apple tree in that county, seven feet inches in circumference. - r- A, P. T. Polk, of Goose Creek town ship, Union county, has sold sixty-seven bushels of onions from one acre this year, Winston had a novelty the other day. Two drummers, man and wife, traveling for different houses, emered that town. Among the counties "so far heard from that elected negroes" on the educational boards are Craven, Richmond, Hertford, Warren and Wake.;..:;-,-:' cjjyv This county pays about three times as much per day for feeding the criminals as it does for feeding the unfortunate poor. Morgan ton Herald. Mr. Mebane, Superintendent of Public Instruction, directs the indictment of the Wastington county: cotrmisioners for refusing to notify the people of the Au gust school elections, v : j The Pittsboro Citizen says a Chatham- it e was recently thrown from a mule, the mule being frightened by a bicycle. He recently appeared in town again. This time, however, he hitched his mule a mile away and walked into town. Some vandal Friday night entered the house of Mrs. . Baird on Chestnut Street, which is unoccupied, and removed all the spigots' from the water nines so that the building was flooded. The per petrator ot the outrage also removed the gate and put it on the street car track, says the Asheville Citizen. K. D. MeCarson showed us specimens of coal Wednesday found on the land of Berry Front, two miles an" a half West of Hendersonville. They are from all we can learn the best anthracite coal. The specimens were found on the surface, and it is thought there is a big deposit of coal near the 8urf.ee. Hendersonville Times.-l The Lenoir Visitor says that the case of the State and Al. tJ. .Shearer and others against the Caldwell Land and Lum er Company for damninar John's river and obstructing the fords has been compro mised by the company agreeing to deposit $300 for the building of a road up the East side of the river, so as to avoid the fords, . ' .-: s : , :. A "sound money negro evidently Man advance agent of prosperity. has been operating in Western North Carolina. He secured several $3 pieces from which he proposed to make the proprietors pills which would cure diseases instantly. When he had secured a goodly quantity of the yellow metal, he, accompanied by it, took his departure without thanking his patrons for their favors. Mr. Harry Wootten has become the champion cat killer, says the K nston Free Press. Cats killed over a hundred little chickens of Mr. J. C. Wootten. killed all except three, and by his in struction, Mr. Harry, his son, has taken revenge by killing all the cats that come prowling around. So fat fifteen cats have been killed. If a cat. as is said, possesses nine ives, young Harry has destroyed 133 lives recently. Some sturgeon fishermen captured big- al . 1 . t . IT r XirriS;",- were coming up tho Ntiicii r tor trul n they got opposite Slocum'a creek thev spied a bear swimming across the creek. They Failed the boat close to the bear and one of the men dispatched him with an axe. The animal was a young black bear, five feet in length, and was brought to Newbcrn and sold. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castorla. When she was a Child, she cried for Castorla. When she became Miss, she clung to Castorla. When she had Children, she gave them Cantor ta. Th fao-iimila-Slg&aturs Of Will Pay Telephone Charges. The following progressive Greensboro firms will pay telephone charges on all messages to them ot a business nature from Reidsville, Leaksville, Spray and Wentworth and will give prompt atten tion to all orders by telephone.- V. O. Bain J. II. Neese M. G. Newell John A..Yoari Thos. Woodruile r Cape Fear Mfg. Co. ' W, F. Clepg t Hro. Pomona Hill Nurseries II. U.: Cartland, Tailor : Pomona Terra Cotta Co. Pitts & Bain. Lumber, etc. Robert Portner Brewing Co. Greensboro Seed & Plant Co. C. M, Vanstory& Co. Clothing. Cox Ferree Dry Goods Company, . E. G. Newcombe, whiskies, brandies, etc. . ! Fishblate-Ka'z-Rankin Co., .clothiers and furnishers. XV. G. Mebane Co., wholesale grocers. Merchants onlv'J Guilford Lumber Company, dealers in lumber and building material. s No. 1L Polished Solid Oak 6-Draw-er Chiffonier, 63 Inches high, BOX inch e a long. 18 inches deep. It la well constructed and has good locks on each drawer. Special price, (Orders promptly filled). 03.39 Our success is not accidental. It la the reward of 48 years of honorable business. Our experience in the Fur niture and Carpet business is yours for the asking. Our immense illustra ted catalogue of Furniture, Oil Cloths, Baby Carriages, itelrigerators. Bedding. Springs, Steel Beds, etc, is free to all who write for it, and we pay all post age. If you ask your local dealers a J vice you will not send for our cata logue, as he will Jose a customer. Jf you consult your pocket-book and want double value for your dollars, you wilt deal with the manufacturers. Send your name on a postal now. Julius Nines & Son BALTIMORE, MD. POPS. AFTER BUTLER. CIO SCHEME BEHIND MOVEMENT. THE Will Icapltat Their Ltkd.r.-Na.b-Till Coaftrtae Will AsR ferJIarion BatUr. BcalarnMloa. "JT Fusion' ' Seems to b the Cry. The middle-of the-roaders are pre paring to decapitate Marion Butler, chairman of the national executive committee of Populists, says the At lanta Constitution. There is a deep scheme back of the movement in Georgia and in other States where Populism has taken bold. It means that tho convention will ask for the resignation of Mr. Butler, of North Carolina. It means that those who gather there will refute all plans for fusion. - At that time the Watson forces will organize. Mr. Watson was wired for an out line of what he thought would be the outcome of the Nashville convention. A reply of a very characteristic nature was reaeived. - "Head in the stars." answered the Populi3t leader. "See The People's Party paper of this week." The artic.c which Mr. Watson re ferred is one of the most significant which has yet appeared with reference to the activity among the Pops. It shows that the call for the State conference in Georgia was forced and that it was only after referring the question to the members of the State executive committee thit Chairman Cunningham decided to call the con vention. Perhaps the most meaning reference in the article is as follows : "While Butler is reading the men behind the Nashville convention out of the party, he may find himself read out of the party, and it will likely prove quite as easy lor the middle of-the-roaders to find a new leader as for bim to build up a new following." But the meaning which Mr. Watson reads in the stars speaks for itself. The article is as follows : We congratulate the rank and file Populists of Georgia upon the pluck and determination with which they have fooght for and won the call for a State convention. They havelem onstrated beyond all question that the men who do the voting know where they are at" and what they want and that no so-called leaders can divert them from the course they wish to pursueor successfully oppose and over-ride their will. While no people more readily follow their chos en leaders along the beaten .'ines of Populistic principles, it is now clear that no man nor sec of men can swerve them from the road blazed out ul Omaha. - Few men have enjoyed the respeci and confidence of the party in a higher degree than Messrs. Cunningham and Siblej-, 3et when these gentlemen oppo e the Nashville conference (and we give them both credit lor purity of motive and honesty of conviction) they find themselves without a corpo ral a guard of followers. As will be seen trora the county resolutions published fn another column, the vo- Iters of thpir own county hav e met in well unu lunu suu niuiuut ouiwcun- mg voice adopted clear ana ringing resolutions not only against fusion and in faror of the Nashville confer ence, but in favor of such complete reorganization of the party machinery as wjll leave no man who has attempt ed to mislead them in the past in po sition to contuse or disconcert them in their onward march in future. "This is no reflection upon Messrs, Cunningham and Sibley, as the peo ple would refuse to follow Messrs. Watson, Peek and Traylor, just as promptly, if tbese trnsted leaders advised a policy or advocated a prin ciple their own judgment could not indorse, Populism is movement of, by and for tie people, and the people themselves are the true lead ers. Wherever you find a Populist you find a man who thinks with his head instead of his feet, and even a Pericles could not mislead and de ceive a party made up of such men. Mr, Britler may persist in Lis re fusal to recognize trie authority of the Reform Press Association to call the conference and may, as he says, de cline to grace it with his presence, but it is now evident that the men who go to Nashville will not altogether forget Mr. Butler. W hether a majority of our i fusion Congressmen and western State offic ials will follow Mr. Butler or return to the camp of genuine Populism re mains to be seen, but it is certain that few true Populists will follow them into the camps of either of the old parties. Even if two or three h-indred thousand of so-called Popu lists should stand aloof or desert oar colors, we shall still nail the assem bling ot the conference, for then we shall know of a certainty who are for us and of us and wc can again present .he same strong, compact, united and aggressive front to all the foes of good government that characterized the party before the Pandora's box of fusion was brought into the Popu list camp. With the rank and file of Georgia Populists we take up the cry of "On to Nashville," and pray that God's wisdom may diiect and j,uide the deliberation and action of the dele gates. " .: . . ' '. This gives the programme of the people who will form the Nashville convention. v They will pass resolutions against fusion and request the resignation of Marion Butler. BUCKLKN'S ARNICA SAL VK. Tne best salve in the world far cuts bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25c per box. For sale by, VV; S. Allen and L. L. Sapp, drussi t To Cora Constipation Forever. Take Cascarets Oaiulv rnthnftii. in. j If C. C, c, faii to cure, 0rwgjiB,s refund money. Fifty Years Ago. Who could imagine that this should be The place where, in eighteen ninety-three That white world-wonder of arch and - ..dome Should shadowlhe nations, polychrome . , . Here at the Fair was the prize conferred ' On Ayer's Pills, by the world preferred. Chicago-like, they a reco.d show. Since they started 50 years ago. Oyer's Cathartic Pills have, from the time of their preparation, been a continuous success with the public. And that means that Ayer's Pills accomplish what is promised for them; they cure where others 1 "ail. It was fitting, therefore, that the world-wide popularity of these pills should be rAconized by the. World's Fair medal of 1893 a fact , which emphasizes th- record: 50 Years of Cures. . It May beThos. Capt. P." B. Glenn, whose duties as United St-tes District Attorney are practically finished, has won the rep utation of a faithful and able officer during his term. It is not likely that the people of the State will permit this ; patriotic and devoted - North Carolinian, and eloquent and fearless defender of the undying principles of unadulterated Democracy, to remain in the shades of private life. In 1901 it may be Governor Glenn. As the standard bearer of the State Democ racy tie would make a vigorous and memorable campaign, Sentinel. A Good Suggestion. While the tariff fiends are at it why don t they put a high duty on import ed husbands for American million aire's daughters. The unrestricted importation of this class of raw ma terial is certainly working a serious hardship to the you ng : manboi d of America, and if the Republican partf has any regard for infant industries let it demonstrate the fact now by adding this item to the schedule of taxed imported articles at once. Durham Sun. 1 Waa Sooa Fecliat Better. For three years I was troubled with my Heart anu liver, l was run down in healty and could hardly walk. I was so weak. 1 tried many medicines and finally bought a bottle of Hood's Sarsaparilla. I was soon feeling better, and after taking a few more bottles-1 was strong and able to work." W, J. Harris, "Cioverdalc, Va. . Hood's Pills are the favorite family cathartic. Easy to take, gentle, mild. 25c. Tbtrt is ttbiag Good. ... There is nothing just as good as Dr. King's New Discovery for con sumption, conghs and colds, so "de mand it and do not permit the dealer to sell .you some substitute. lie will not claim there is nnythinsr better, but in order to mike more profit he may claim something else to be just as good. Yu want Dr. King's New Discovery lecause you know it to be safe and reliab'e, and 'guaranteed to do good or money refunded. For coughs, colds, consumption and for 9 II affections of throat, elies-t and longs, there is nothing so good as is Dr. King's New Discovery- Trial bottles free at Allen's and Sapp's drujr stores." : Good Fof Texas. Grand old Texas is very kind, to her children. This year's product will give to each inhabitant One bile of cotton, six bushels of wheat n I forty bosh is of corn, one fat : hog, two bushels of peaches, twenty Im .h els of oat?, one-quarter of beef, thiity dozene,'gs, ten chickens, one turkey, two pounds of honey, ten pounds of wofl, half a mutton, half a bushel of Irish potatoes twenty water-mel ns and man things unnecessary to men tion. Dallas, Texas. News. Did Yoa Er .-. Try Electric Bit ers as a remedy for your troubles ? If not get a bottle now and get relief. This medicine has been found to be peculiarll adapted to the relief and cure of al female complaints, exerting a won derful direct influence in giving strength and tone to the organs. If you have loss of appetite, constipa tion, headache, fainting spells, or are nervous, sleepless, excitable, melan choly or troubled with dizzy spells. Electric Bitters is the medicine you need. Health and strength are guaranteed by its' use. Fitly cents and $1.00 at Allen's and Sapp's drugstores, Dr. Broughton to Take Part. Dr. L. G. Broughton, of Roanoke, has accepted an invitation to take part "in the local option fight now in progress in Martinsville, Va., and will speak in that city on thev8lh and 9lh of next mouth. ETerybody Says So. Cascarets Candv Cathartic, the most won derful medical discovery of the age, pleas ant and refreshing to the tasie, act gently and positively on kidneys, liver and bowels, cleansing the entire system, dispel colds, cure headache, fever, habitual constipation and biliousness. Please bny and try a box of O. C. C. to-day; JO, 525, 50 cents. (Sold and guaranteed to cure by all drup gi? A MAQNETIO SENTINEL. By its Means Hostile Vessels Give Warning of Their Approach. Lieut. F. B. Badt has patented an electro-magnetic sentinel, which is designed to give warning at a distant post of the approach of a hostile war ship to a submarine mine, or to ex plode the mine automatically. Such a device was badly needed. The usual method employed for coast protection by means of explosive mines was to sink them in the waterway to be pro tected, ordinarily in a narrow chan nel, and .from two observatories on shore, connected by telephone and telegraph, the officers on duty follow, by means of range-finders, the move ments of any hostile vessel. When the instruments indicate that the ves sel is directly above the hidden mine, a switch is thrown which sets free an electric current, and explodes the mine. This method is expensive, as it entails keeping up two observa tories, two sets of instruments, and two or more operators. Moreover, the apparatus cannot always be Te lied upon; it may get out of order just at the moment it is needed. It can follow the movements of only one ves sel at a time, and at night, in fogs or storms, it is of little or no use. Ldeut. Badt's device is automatic in its action, and gives warning by night as well as by day. It is simple and direct in its operation, and requires but one observatory, one set of instru ments, and one attendan t. When ar rangements are made to explode the mine automatically, the attendant can be dispensed with. Aninduceion coil, suitably connected, is secured to the mine or torpedo, the fuse of which is fired by a powerful electric current switched on either automatically or at the observatory. When the modern war vessel, heavily protected by iron or steel armor, approaches the induction coil, .there will be a magnetic disturbance which is instantly indicated to the of ficer on duty at the observatory. He watches the vessel, and at the proper moment closes the fuse circuit and ex plodes the mine. In case an automatic device is employed, the arm of an in dicator is deflected until contact is made, which causes the explosion. Pittsburgh Dispatch. TOBACCO'S MAETYES. : Cruel Punishments Kings Inflicted on Early Smokers. Small boys struggling with the after effects of their first encounter with a cigar do not have half as bad a time as some persistent smokers in the past had. Eastern potentates once despot-j ically treated their subjects for in dulging in the Prankish novelty of a smoke. In Persia, where but re cently dire strife for possession of the tobacco monopoly reigned, Abas I., of dread memory, cut off the lips of those who smoked and the noses of those who used snuff. On one occasion, when he had dis covered a man selling tobacco, he threw both the man and his wares into the fire. The Turks, under Ax murath IV., were simply punished if they infringed his edictnot to smoke. Cruel acts were practiced by Moham med IV. Sir Edward Sandys, of Pontrefract, in his travels in 1 6 1 6 says he saw a Turk, who had been caught solacing himself with a quiet smoke, dragged before the tribunal and con demned to the torture of having a hole pierced through his nose and a pipe inserted. Then he was seated on a donkey, backward, and driven through the city. Not less cruel were the barbarities practiced in Russia under early czars. Any subject caught smoking was pub licly knouted, and in soms instances his nostrils were split open. If guilty a second, oifense he was put to death. The ambassadors of the duke of Ilolstein, who visited Moscow in 1G34 were eye-witnesses to the pub lic whipping of eight men and one woman found selling brandy and to bacco. By way of pa Ilia tins this pun ishment it was stated that numerous houses had been set on fire in Moscow by smokers. St. Louis Post-Dis patch." '.V Unexpected. The popular young druggist joy fully wended his way home and, bounding into the house, clasped his young and beautiful bride tenderly to his breast. "Madeline," he cried, as he smoothed away the waving tresses from her fair forehead, "I have glad news. You can have that new. ball dress that you wanted." With a glad little cry of joy she buried her face in his shoulder. Then, gazing wistfully up into his happy face, she said: "How good you are to me, dear! Tell me how it has hap pened. When you went away this morning you were downcast." "I know I was, dearest, heTeplied; ''but this afternoon I got an order for an extra prescription." Philadel phia Press1" Sunshine for Insomnia. Sleepless people and there are many in.America should court the sun. Tne very worst soponiic is lau dinum, and the very best is sunshine. Therefore, it is very plain that poor sleepers should pass many hours in the day in sunshine, and as few as possible in the shade. ..' . Xo Health With Import Blood. In Pr. David's loda-Ferrated Sarsapa&illa, eares eyphtliH, acrorala, cancer, jroltre, and all blood and shin disease. If yoa suffer with any of the above symptoms and will be cored without endangering any other healthy portion or your system, take vr. uavld s toda-Ferrated Sarsansrilla.the rreatest blood purifyer, not only of the nineteenth century, but of all centuries. . Don't pat off taking It bat (ret it at ones. Price $1.0o per bottle, six bottles for $5.00 at Allen's drag store lgMturs f Edacate Tour Bowels With Cascarets. Cand Cathartic, cure constipation fnrar.r. 0c, 2So. It C. p. C, fail, druggists refund money. .. . i iSi m To Be Despised. Duiham Sun says the man The who will so far forget that he is a man as to speak s slanderous word and stab with innuendo, or with a shrug of the shoulders, or a toss of fie head, carries with him, and about Iiim, the odor of sulphur. He who wilfully lies about h s fel low man and causes strife between friends is next kin to his Satanic Ma jesty. A man who tells a falsehood about a woman, with the indention of injur ing her reputation, in order that he may carry ( his point, will find that even in the deepest hell he will be despised, and the imps of darkness themselves will shun bim, and Satan will be so afraid of Idm that be will chain him fast in the darkest corner of his illuminated realm and place a guard around him with prpnged forks to prevent his escape. . . . ' i i ' ''' ' Lynching. . V ith the news of lynching in Ohio and Florida, comes the shocking in telligence that the assaulter has again asserted himself in Detroit. He is a brute to try the loyalty of those who revere the law. : How public senti ment wavers under the pressnre of his damning wickedness has been demonstrated since the affair at Ur bana. A Presbyterian minister of that city has from his pulpit defended the illegal hanging. He cites that provision ot the divine code which says :;.,';'.'"'. - ( "They that commit such an abom ination shall be cut from among the people." He asks each man to put to himself the question : "If that bad been my wife or daughter, what course would I have pursued in regard to the criminal ?" and makes the assertion that "from this time forward nothing short of the death penalty for such crimes will afford sutllcient protection to womanhoo I. Detroit Journal. Thru were never a'.iy 1 nchings of negroes in the Soath before the war, because, as a slave, the negro never committed fie crime for which he is now lynched. .The lawless North, by its winked enfranchisement of the ne gro, and by its diabolical teachings, has ut into the minds of the poor brutes ihus endowed with the highest privileges known to men. to commit the crimes which invitb the ly nchings. r ayetteville Observer. Are Ton Tired and Expcrlene gone feeling ; feel a loss of spirit a and a lack of interest in what is going on around j-ou. Has your appetite failed and have you become weak and languid Do you feel that what you have eaten has not itisfied you and lias done you no good? Do you sometimes feel a "lump rising in yor throat" or a burning in your stomach f Does your food ferment sbort'y after eating and cause you to belch f If you have any of the above symptoms, you need a mild tonic, not strong drugs. Get at once a bottle of Dr. David's Cherry and Iron Tonla Bit" ters and life will be worth living, Price $1 per bottle, six bottles for $S at W. S. Allen's. Gained la Lots of Ways. Wm. J. Bryan has gained 27 pounds in weight since the close of the Pres idents! campaign, pulling the beam at 210 pounds. lie has gained in other ways, loo. -i i ii i The Gldsboro correspondent of the Wi'm ngton Messenger says that Rev, Mr. Vernrr. an apostle of sanctification, who claims to hail from London. Kneland, hired a horse from the livery stables here vesterday to go to Fremont, but he took another direction afitr leaving town, fie was soon overtaken by the proprietor tf the team to whom he confessed that he in hard luck and had started off with the intention of celling the turnout. The proprietor nave him a lecture in the road ai:d sent him on In journey afoot. luc-ne Vunr I to we I a With ('nftrarets. Candy Catli:mii cure constipation forever. 10c. 25c. If C. C. C. fail, drupirlsu refund money. M -in Cumberland high sheriff and Cross Creek's constable are both under require ment' to appear for trial at the , next Criminal Court, The curious thing about it is that they were both arrested at the tame time and at the name place, ''Long John" he.Tintf warrant on the sheriff thereupon aer i tg a warrant or! ''Long John,"; both for entirely separate alleged offenses committed while acting in their official capacities. Their friends are ''arm;; much amusement over the matter, sat k the Fayettevi'.le Observer. Med Dp ! "Whether in the form of pill powder or liquid, the doctor's prescription for blood diseases is always the same mercury or potash. These drugs bottle np the poison and dry it up in the system, bnt they alsi dry up the marrow in the bones at the same time. The snpplenesa and elasticity of the joints give way to a stiffness, the rack ing pains of rheumatism. The form gradually bends, the bones ache, while decrepitude and helplessness prema turely take possession of the body, and it is but a short step to a pair of crutches. Then comes falling of the hair and decay of the bones, a con dition truly horrible. Contagious Blood Poison the curse of mankind is the horrible of all diseases, and has al- wayi baffled the doctors. Their pot ash and mercury bottle up the poison, bnt it always breaks forth again attack ing some delicate organ, frequently the mouth and throat, filling them with eating sores. S.S.S., ia the only known cure for this disease. It is guar anteed trarely veee- table, and one thousand dollars reward ia offered for proof to the contrary. It never fails to cure Contagious Blood Poison, Scrofula, Eczema, Rheumatism, Cancer, or any other disease of the blood. If you have a blood disease, take a remedy which will not injure you. Beware of mercury; don't do violence to your system. Don't get bottled up! Our books sent free to any address, gwifj Specific Co ?, Atlanta, Ga, " Wpotash MERCUfil7 I i y i9 ' most l : Ofe L f" " , ' I . 1 .. . .o"5: ir s. r L Jl IbsoIutclT'-l'-rc. Celebrated for its . great leave strength and healthfulness. Ai the food against alum and all f of adulteration common to ti cs c 'IT'. I brands. ROYAL BAKING I DEI! CO., NEW YORK. Pelbam News. As the L. D. came into the crowd at the po8tofnce this morning an 1 f t his long hicko.y stick up he deliverc 1 himself as follows : "There is the best wheat crop tLU year ia ten, and about all of it is now cut down and in the shock. Winter oats, too, are as good as ever scon. Apples are ripening and now soma are edible. The delicious and pe culiar flavored dewberry is aho ripo and abundant. Water-melon vine are late and very sorry, but if the era of prosperity promised last fall would begin to. bud the farmer would L3 happy, but their counting now re minds me of the ante bellum hunter who was always telling big tales an I proving them by his servant, Gccr;-?, who always wentwith him.One day tha master told his company of killing a deer shooting him through ona hind-foot and in the ear with his rifle, killing the deer instantly. His listen ers didn't believe it and told him tho thing was impossible ; whereupon La called upon the ever faithful George, who said ob I yes sir. Master euro did.' 'How was it possible George ? ' You see the deer sir had his hind foot up scratching his ear so Mas'cr Just shot through the foot in the bur of the ear." After the company left Georo went to his master confidentially and said 'Jlas'er, next time wLcrx there's company here and you tell? them big tales don't get them so far apart. Now, dat deer foot and Lead too far apart, it puzzled me like h'll to get 'em together. So now it's puzzlicg McKinley and crew to get their ends together." 'Well," said another, 'any one that expects anything in the way of pros perity to the South or the farmer from Republican rule is either a fool or a knave. It's impossible to make people rich by robbing with a tari.T or taxing them out of house an l home," The L. D. got his great stick and went towards home like a dutiful husbacd who knows he couldn't eri-1, but for the sweet influences of wife. People keep coming-here to get married. Bczfuz. We wish to caution all users of Simmons .Liver Regulator on a ubject of the deepctt interest and importance to their health perhaps their lives. The sole proprietors and makers of Simmona Liver Regulator wn that customers are often deceived Ly buying and taking some medicine of a similar appearance or taste, believing it t-i be Simmona Liver Regulator. Ve warn you that unless the word Regulator is on the package or bottle, that it is not Simmon s Liver Regulator. No one else makes, or ever has made Simmons Liver Regulator, c r anything called Simmons Liver Regulate r, but J. II. Zeilin & Co., and no medicine ma i by anyone else is the same. yVe alone can put it up, and we cannot be repponsible, if other medicines represented as the saim d not help you as you are led to expect t).y will. Bear this fact well in mind, if you have been in the habit of using a medicine wLkh youiupposedto be Simmons Liver Regula tor, because the name was somewhat l.i it, and the package did not have the word Regulator on it, you have been impoe-l upon and have not been taking Simmons Liver Regulator at alL The Regulator Lb 1 been favorably known for many years, an l all who use it know how Decenary it ia Lr Fever and Ague, Bilious Fever, Consli; a tion, Headache, Dyspepsia, and all disorders arising from a Diseased Liver. We ask you to look for yourselves, ar. 1 ee that Simmons Liver Regulator, wLh h you can readily distinguish by the Red Z on wrapper, and oy our name, is the or.! ruedicina called Simmons Liver Regulator. J. H. ZEILIN A CO. Simmona ZAver Zlesuiaicr. When in need apply"to Headquarters for all kinds of- Builders' Supplier Lime, "Carsonvs Rivcrton." Cement, Rosendale. Cement, Portland. Building Brick, Common. Building Brick, Repressed. Fire Brick, Superior. (Of my own make try them.) Fire Clay, Excellent. Plaster, Calcined. Plasterers Hair, Steel Roofing. Roofing Paper, Steel Siding. Glazed Sewer Pipe, Clay Flue Fij Lowest Prices, Wholesale and Retail. Thos. Woodruffe, C"Sole Agent for "The American Injector" aud "The Lyman Kx haust Head," Free telephona connection our prospective customers fro 1 j

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