VOL, IX, NO. 3 5 REIDSVLLE, N. C. OCTOBEH 29 1897. SI PER YEAR. Torn floore Drinking Inspiration W'Mtl. ' j -THE CELEBRATED- Vienna Cabinet Lager And Tioli Hofbrau Export, Brewed by Rofot. Portner ALEXANDRIA, VA. Better than ever befor?. WM. YOUNG & CO, Agents 1 For Keidsville, N. C. Free" s vice on Long Distance 'Phone No. 89, connected with all local points If you want our goods telephone us and "we do the rest." pmir v;i d v;e dd. We can and will sell j"ou a better Bu.g3, Spring Waon, Pliae tin or Carriage for the money than jou can buy from small dealers. We buy only in car Tots and dissount our bills. The ahiount we save u freight and cash discount is our i rofiL and le buggy is ours at the same lem. "Look sharp-' when Ihev is i lower grade. We can rn price. Continue to come to it of EVI YROM G. NEWELL, EU1B Manufacturers and wholesale de.ilers Sash, blirt Is, framing, d'.ors, shingles, latl.s and all k inds of building ma leavy timber and factory l-ills a specialty. All dressed lumber . Before placing y ur orde-s write us for prices. terial. kiln drie PITTS & BAIN, Successors to Wm Love. Y pay ' hontf charges on messages From LeaVsville, fpray, Wentworth, Keidsville W. C. CONTRACTOR. Cott n mills and all kinds heavy buildings a specialty, I have had long xperiencc and can give best of references. Plans i lade in a practical manner at lowest priees, All ki.i Is of building, from the finest John W Clark, Manager J Ford's Tin Shop Pays $ t For This Space d Guilford Lumber MTg Co, GREENS BO BO, N. C.- Are llLer prepared than ever to furnish t!iir cust uifrs with a I kinds 1 building material. We oierat a lare plant al Ashelioro. N. C, for h inanufacti re of all kinds of Lumber, Doors and Snsh, and. one at Greonslmn and can fi I orders on shirt notice at the lowest prices for ood work. Win dow and door frames, mantles, all kinds of tur ed and scroll work. In fart all the Urn ler of every description that goes in a house. All the mail ordei from the s nallest to largest Hll receive our persot al attention. Don't tail to write u and .et our prices belore buying IWe p 13' telephone charges on messages... from. Reidsville Wentwortth, Leak ville and Spr&v. Al! work guaranteed. ANDY CATHARTIC CURECOHSTIPATION 25 30 4 ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED Vi pUuxi VyfctWtfry. Ad. STEBLIXQ BEMEDT CO., P.-om a pair of spark ling eye, never trnsird them to a bumper of more l.isci'Mn wineor wnnel liis song wit ; a r.cherg Irausht that can he filled from our pure wines. ..imported r domes ic. O ir Whiskies, Brandie , M crs, .-Gins, etc.. are warranted by their, brand. Paithful'y Your?, E. G. Newcomb Greensboro, N. C, Brewing Co. I. FUQUA, flanager, Greensboro, N. C. Better than ever before. vt price smaller dealers pay fer 'otferyoua bujsjy at our price. fit vou up in harness ft your see i s ; we'll serve you right. Successor to Ne'well 4 Mathews, G ree iiflu ro R! in nooring.ceiling.siiling, mouldings BAIN, Office, 2o9 Lewis n:eet, Greei.sl oro, N. C residei.ee to the commo 1 1 st building ALL DRUGGISTS Chicago. Montreal. Caa., or New lorkT til w7 Aia'tYer Gwine Ter Quit It's now been years since Mar'sa I freed us, an' what's "de use to talk an' groan, About how hard he use tor work us, out in de field a 'pickin' stone, An' pilindem in heaps togeder, an' totin' taters to de pit, Why should you allers keep a talkin', er, ain't yer never gwine $ ter quit ? ' . Now I'se not sartin' 'bout one ques tion: has I been b.tter off er worse, - ' . - . . Since I'se been made free anr a vo ter ? I sometimes think it's been a curse, Fer polerticians often mix yer, (I wonder if they'll eber quit ?) I 'spect when dey rea?h Jerden's riber, dey '11 sartin, shore ' be talkin' yit. Dis world am mighty hard ter lib in ; I'se had right smart of trou ble, too, A tryin' ter : earn an hones' living but 'peers like somehow I got through ; . .': -'' But lots of times 'twas fearful risky, I had some powerful licks ter hit, An' once just kase I found er chick en, de Jedge said, ''ain't yer gwine ter quit ? " - C. II. Addison. Mayfield News. Dead leuves are falling and au tumn is here in all of its wondrous beauty. The Leaksville visitors, Misses Ruth Saunders and Liza Turner have returned home, to the regret of their numerous beaus and friends. Several "at home's"' and parties were given in their honor, and, all around it was an enjoyable visit. Miss Margerine Gibson has re turned from a most delightful visit to Ruffln, where she has been at tending the Ruffin protracted meet ing conducted by Revs. Tabor and Chreitzberg, of Reidsville. " 'Possum meat am very good," and 'tis said there is quite a number of them. The boys seem to enjoy the hunt for them more than they do the meat. Quite a number of the Mayfield people attended the protracted ser vices at Pelham Sunday. The pas tor, Rev. Shore, conducted the meeting. We are sorry to announce the death of Mr. Tom Ferguson, which occurred Mondav nierht, October 11th. We extend our sympathy to the bereaved ones and may the en tire family be comforted in the hour of their trials of trouble. The trial of Miss Gibson vs. South ern Railway Co. for the loss of her trunk which was burned in the Ruffin depot, was held the 15th. Miss Gibson won the case. A. L. Hannah was her defendent, and J. T. Pannill the opponent. Quite a number of marriages are to be soon, so says madam rumor. Vinegar 'on't be in much demand as lots of it i'? made out of the fall apples. BUCKLEX'S ARNICA SALVE. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to to give perf ect satis faction or money refunded. Price 25c per box. All druggists. Testimonials From Prominent Livery Men. Bedford City, Va. Mch. 10, 1897. Mr. J. Kyle Montague, Christian burg, Vu. Dear Sir: We have been using some of your Colic Cure for horses, and find it the only sure cure we have ever been able to get during our experience of five years in liv ery. Your horse and cattle pow ders are also the best we ever han dled. Wishing you much success with both, we remain, yours truly, Johnson & Cowling. Wythkville, Va., Nov. 2, 1895. Mr. J. Kyle Montague. I have been in the livery business for fifteen years and I have never found anything equal to Montague's Colic Cure for horse I have tried it on a number of cass "jid it cured all of them in a short me. I can recommend it to be tbx best thing I have ever used. A. D. Hatcher. Sold by M. A. Whit, Reidsville, dealer in general merchandise, gro ceries a specialty. Also by dealers throughout the country. Wast I g Away from povert' of the blood can be ar rested and l.ealth and vigor revived, by using a remedy that hps stood the test of years, ami in no single case failed to eliminate the diseased taint from the blood, repair the waste, and build up into health and life. This great cure is the sheet anchor of ev ery hysieian, in all diseases of the blood. So tie your own doctor and take what your disease requires, a healthy blood maker Dr. David's !udn Ferratr d Snrswparilla. Prire $1 per bottle, six bottles for $5 at Allen's drug store. - s At an enormous eTprnse. we have issued a beautiful Cai pet CatakKiv litnographi d in colors. Inch ao nat ural that tbo colon 1 )UU! la this bo lt loitlc exactly like the carpeia every color aud every flower isrepto ducO'l. Evory irrado If included in tMscaa lojrua (9 v t tl.50) Hnd t mpmher tbi bc .k i FKErt, ASH WIS PAY AM. POSTAGE. If you wish us to rr.ail quality aampie, aud ua 8c. in Btaiuj to cov-r espouse. We have neeu doihrbusiaeasia Ba'tf more for 48 years and you run no link inbuv-iaic fro n the mill. Drop a portal now far our catalogue and save the bitf profits you are paying tha middleman. Our Furniture Catalogue ia also free. JULIUS BINES & SON, Please mention this paper. II H COME HDM8, GENTLEMEN, COME HOME f Toe Labors of tbe Bimetallic Commission Are Fiaished.-Come Himc. To the American bimetallic com mission: Come home! Your work is done, your labors are ovr. Yoa hive accomplished all that it was possible to accom plish. You have, in fact, won a great victory for truth and honesty. Rest upon your laurels now ; and come home ! , ; You have done more for the cause of bimetallism than any other agen cy has ever done abroad. You have done more in that direction than any monetary conference has ever been able to do. Therefore, come home! You have done what the whole Democratic press and Democratic party have been unable to do you have demonstrate! the fact that the cry of international bimetallism was a piece of folly at the beginning and a fraud at the ending a bait concocted to deceive the honvst voters of the United States and to lure them further and further into the toils of gold monometallism In accomplishing this you have' -won a victory for truth and honesty, and you have also won a, groat political victory. The people of the United btates without regard to parties we mean the honest voters, who care for nothing but the truth---are under great obligations to you. Come home - and receive their thanks! Whenever the people of this coun try have grown restive under the crushing effects of the single gold standard and manifested a disposi tion to throw off the shackles of hardship and poverty thus imposed upon them, they have been told to wait to wail for international co- oxeration. The very men who had , been most active in promoting the gold standard by the demonetization of silver announced themselves as bimetallists. Prior to 1S93 there was not a public man nor a leading newspaper in this country that dared to make an argument in behalf of the single gold standard. the gold men said to the people, 'only what you propose to do by Congressional action we desire to do by means of an international agree ment. Let us try that Avay nrst, and then it will be time enough to talk about independent free coin age." Well, for quite twenty years the bait of international bimetallism has been held out to the voters of the United States, and these voters, being naturally conservative and cautious, have tacitly consented to postpone all relief from their hard ships until all efforts to secure in ternational bimetallism were tried. On the other hand, the gold men who have charge of the Kexubliean party, the gold syndicate which contributed a campaign fund of $2,000,000 ltst year, were so thor oughly cenvinced that the people are opposed to the single gold stan dard that they protested through their agent, Mr. Hanna, against the use of the word "gold" in the Re publican platform, and. in order "to gain votes that would otherwise b? driven from them, the Republican lejiders pledged their party to pro mote international bimetallism by all means in their power. The result was that among the earliest acts of Mr. McKinley's ad ministration was the appointment of a bimetallic commission to visit the various capitals of Europe and endeavcr to l-riag about an interna tional agreement to re-open the mints to silver. In their labors the American commissioners were to have the active and diligent aid of all American officials abroad, am bassadors, ministers and others. In their efforts they were joined by the government of France, and together the representatives of the two gov ernments laid the cise of interna tional bimetallism before Germany and England. Germany was con tent to follow the lead of England in the matter, and so it was in the power of the British government to promote or to reject international bimetallism. Many people who do not under stand the situation will 110 doubt be surprised that England refused to play the small part assigned her. The British government was not asked to abandon the gold standard on its own account, but merely to re-open the mints of india to free coinage and to consent for the Bank of England to keep a silver reserve up to the legal limit the latter being a mere question of detail, it was supposed eren by some well in formed persons, that England, con sidering the deplorable state of affairs of the Indian empire, would accede to these xroposals. As a matter of fact, h jwever, the English cab' net is no; the governing power in England in - nutters financial. That xxwer is exercised by the money 'barons in the "city" the area being not more than a mile square. Quite recently the city rose up in its might and gave the cabinet to understand that the xro posals laid before it were intolera ble and not to be considered. . Why did these money barons of the "city" of London protest so ve hemently against the re-oxjening of the Indian mints as an aid to inter national bimetallism ? Simply be cause international bimetallism would cheapen gold, and this would injure the selfish interests of Eng land in two ways.- In the first place, it would cheapen the dollar in which the rest of the world pays its debts to Great Britain, and in the second place, it would raise the prices of the products that England is compelled to buy cotton and other staple products. Now the very thing that the money power of London the eity has been try ing to do for a quarter of a century, and with a success absolutely won derful, considering the ruin it has wrought in other countries, is to make the dollar dearer and dearer, so that the dollars owing to them may ' be ; more valuable and s o t h a t t h e com -modi ties which "England is com pelled to buy may be cheaper. Gold monometallism is just as certainly to the interest of the money lenders of Great Britain as -bimetallism is to the interest of the people of the j Ayers , ; - ji I Cherry f J Pectoral f ? costs more - than ether nedi- c cines. But then it cares more ' i' than other medicines. ' Most of .the cheap cough i medicines merely palliate; !! b they afford local and ..tempo- Jo rary ; relief. 'Ayer's Cherry lj J; pectoral does not patch up or J J palliate. It cures. - - )' ithiisa. Bronchitis, Cronp-S' Jf' WfcUijCI-g Coujh,and every. J ;xue coshwj;Al...4fcB ohi ; , remedies fail, vield to 'IjAyeFs j; l;i Cherry Pectoral J It has a record of 60 o years of cure3. - Sand for tho "Cuxebook" cJ (' free. ..J ! J. C. Ayer Co., Lowell, Mass. ! United States. Those who desire to criticise the policy of Great Brit ain as selfish and narrow are-wel come to do so. Each nation has its own interest?," and if its rulers do not look after them they are the author of their own troubles. Wo ay again gentlemen of the A mericau ; bimetallic commission, come home!- You have done your duty neatly and far more completely than we had anticipated. You have shown that international- bimetal lism, in its conceiJtion and purpos3, is a mere iolitical bait thrown oat ; by the Republican party to catch gudgeons. Having made this ex posure, come home to your friends and prepare to take part in the campaign that are ahead of us camxaigns in which the financial issue will be so definite and clear cut that the Republican xarty and those who control it will have no opportunity to evade it. By demonstrating the futility of the mission on which you were sent, you have given the xeople of the United States the long desired op portunity of settling this great question unmixed with other issues. iiy laying bare the hypocrisy of the vhole scheme, you lave driven the Republican party to the alternative so clearly expressed in its platform, rhat party - has xledged itself to maintain the gold standard until international bimetallism takes its place. As you have demonstrated that the plea of international bi metallism is a fraud," and that an international agreement is an im possibility, you have accomplished a work wholly out Of proiortion in its importance to that which you were apixinted to perform. The peoi)le of this country, without re gard to party, owe you a debt of gratitude. As the result of your earnest and active negotiations, you have com pelled the Reiublicaus in all parts of the country to advocate the gold standard or stand discredited before the country. Henceforward the jjeople of the United States will know how to make their choice. Nothing but a wheat famine in other parts of the world and good crops at home have xrevented the farmers of the West from raising their wheat at a loss. And there has been no such providential interfer ence in the case of the farmers of the South. They are now selling their cotton at but little more than five cents a pound. If, under all the circumstances, the xeple the' .United ' States want the gold standard, dear m n ?y and poverty xrice3, we-want- them to have it : but we want them to vote for it with their eyes open. If, on the other hand, they want high r prices, cheaper money and the Xrosperity that follows such mani festations, we want them to vote with the Democratic '-party and for the indexendent free coinage of silver. Even the gold men have inadver tently admittad that tha deprecia tion of the dollar, as CJtnparel with commodities, will bring prosperity. Unwittingly they hailed the advent of the "50-cent dollar" with respect to wheat as a blessing. To that extent they have admitted the truth of the Democratic contention a truth which the whole ptv pie will recognize when th? gold stan dard presents itself for their in dorsement at the ; polls. Atlanta, Constitution. A card on the oucside of office door says : 'Gone to lunch. Be back in ten minutes." And," the man will be there on time. That is, for some days, weeks or even months, he will. Then he will be at home occasionally for a day. He'll tell you he had a headache a turn . of cholera morbus, or maybe he'll say he had a lump in his stomach and felt too miserable to move. The lump was : probably two or three ten-minute lunches condensed. : The man who ''bolts" his lunches will find Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pel lets the best friend he ever met. There is no case of biliousness, constipation, indigestion, "heart burn," or . any of the rest of the night-mare J breeding brood, that these little- ."Pellets"- will not cure. They cure 'permanently. Send 21 cents in one-cent stamps to JVorld's Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo, N". Y., and receive Dr. Pierce's 1008 page "Common Sense Medical Adviser," profusely illus trated. Educate loar lioweu WHh Cuacarfetft. -Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever, IOC, S5c. If C C C. la 'i, druggists refund money. C01. JOHN S. CUNNINGHAM. The Newly Elected President of the North 'Carolina Agricultural Society. At the - recent annual meeting of the" .North Carolina Agncultura. So i ty, under the auspices of which the State Fair 13 held, Col. John S. Cunningham, of Person county, was unanimously chosen president ror tne ensuing year. This is an honor worthily be stowed and a better selection could not have been made. Under his wise management we predict that the society will reach a higher de gree of prosperity and useful nes than ever before in its history. . V - - COL. JOHN S. CUNNINGHAM. Col. Cunningham is a young man n the prime of life and vigor, ros- sessed of amxle means, a thorough going gentleman and popular with all classes. He enjoys the distinc tion of beinz the lar crest tobacco planter in the world, and his whole life has been devoted to matters pertaining to agriculture. He is possesse i of rare business qualifica tions and good, 'old-fashioned com mon sense. He will apply to the management o the affairs of the Agricultural Society the same busi ness methods so successf ull v em- lovetl in the conduct of his own extensive interests, and no one doubts for an instant the results. Col.-. Cunningham represented hie county in the State Legislature of 896 and made a brilliant record as one of the minority leaders. Al though Person is usually a Republi can county, Col. Cunningham was elected by a large majority on the Democratic ticket, which attests the high esteem in which he is held by the people of his own county. TO' I" RE A COM) IX 0.E DAT Take Laxative Hromn Quinine Tablet. A! druggists refund moni-jr if It fail to core, f, They are After Yoa. Douglas' shoes, sol I by William, lopkins & Co., arc iot advertise I tw II HIE KEVIEW, J. O. Pliarp. the "lo trice coal raa'n" advises bis patrons to ha.n -1 in their orders no as it is probab'e t!tit a supply cheaper than Red the well-known c iri he had at pre lent air. ..'? advertisement' of the Dratihou's P.-actieal Business Cullcgo, if jo;i are int Testdl in securing an education. Th Youth's Advrcite is adver tised in this paper for the first time this week. Newvomb. of Greensboro, has a clrmije of ad. The statement of t he Cit'z m'a Bank shows that t'lis exotdlent inui tution is in a splendid condi'i n. John D. Huftincs, in his spae; this week, announces that. 0:1 Novertber first he will sell no i l tor ca.li only. He wd!, ihcnTore, be in a position to met ennpetitiou on !ha jiMaiid floor and ean sell his high class of good at a clsc profit. Jo Lindsev & Co. wfiuM call your att m ion t advrti-d in the r . stoc't of vehicles asu-t-Iif r c .1.1! When a young woman sits down and ponders over her future life, there is one all-important subject which she should not forget. In a day dream she may build castles in the air With a happy home, laugh ing children and a loving husband in the fore-ground. At that moment she may be facing death.' Matrimony and motherhood hold out no happiness to the young woman who suffers from weakness and disease of the distinctly feminine organism. The wo man who suffers in this way will be a weak, nervous, sickly, petulant wife, an incapable mother and an unamiable hostess. Not knowing the truth, her acquaintances will not understand that she is deserving of pity rather than reproach. . ? - Any woman may be strong and healthy in a womanly way if she will use the right . remedy. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is the best of all medicines for weak and ailing women. It acts directly on the de licate and important organs that make wife hood and motherhood possible. It makes them strong, healthy and vigorous. It banishes the dangers that surround ma ternity. It insures a healthy baby and an ample supply of nourishment. Thousands of women who were weak, sickly, nervous invalids, are now healthy, robust wives and competent mothers of healthy children, as the result of the use of this medicine. Mrs. John "M. Conklin. of Patterson, Putnam' Co., N. V.v (Box 104). writes: " I am enjoying perfect health and have been since I took the last bottle of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, t had falling of the internal organa. or female weakness, and flowing caused by miscarriage, and was very weak when I commenced taking your medicine." -v ' The unfailing, ' never griping cure for constipation Dr. Pierce's Pleasant PelleU. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Tatfao - timil fJraitnrt 'taw Ttrr WILMINGTON STAR'S SAYINOS. The presumption is that Hori David b. Hill is still "a Democrat." But he hasn't come down from h's roost yet, Karl Decker, who rescued Evan gelina, is a handsome fellow and was at one time an actor. Perhaps that accounts for his playing his part so well in the Cisneros drama. Speaker Reed isn't enjoying the outcome of the recent municipal elections in this country. He fears It does not augur in f avar of hi grip on the Speakership of the next Con gress. - - ; According to the New York pa pers the registration of voters foots up 567, 0C0, which they say means that between 525.000 and 530.000 votes will be cast. Here will be a chance to distribute some boodle. A St. Louis bacteriologist imparts the interesting information that it isn't the healthy microbes in a fel low which hurt but the others. The general impression was that it was the able-bodied mikes that did the work. ,' -"';' Some of the Democratic papers in unio are howling about colonizing, bulldozing, etc., by the Republicans. which might lead an outsider to conclude that the Republicans stand 1 pretty good chance of coming out on top. .' The Public Prosecutor of Mexico ieems to mean business. He de mands the execution of ten men mxlicated in the assasination of he man who attacked President Tiaz, among whom are some high p jlice officials. The London Post thinks President McKinley is trying to pick a quarrel vith (ireat Britain. Mr. McKinley "s not as fond of pickle as that. He s thinking a good deal more about Jhio and New. York city 1 cw tian be is about John Bull. Some of the Georgia papers are oking fun at those Alabama doc tors who insisted on fumigating ome pig iron before they let it ome into their town. Perhaps hey thought the pigs might have been feeding on microbes. Some of the highly- moral editors lon't think that Mr. Decker should have resorted to briberv. forcrerv md lying to carry out the Cisneros iffair. Probably they might also bject to the distribution of that drugged taffy by Evangelina. There are 30,000 colored voters in Greater New York who, it is said. are kicking against the Piatt ma chine and it is further said will vote for Van Wyck. If that be true it w 11 be bad for Tracy and adds color jo the claim that Van Wyck will gat there. An Old Doctor'! Favorite. . . Dr. It. M. Gillam, who practiced medicine over forty years, origi nated, used and claimed that Botanic Blood Balm, (B. B. B.) which has now been in use about fifty-five years, was the best tonic and Blood Purifier ever given to the world. It never fails to cure the most mal ignant ulcers, sores, rheumatism, catarrh and all skin and blood dis eases." Beware of substitutes. Use this standard remedy. Price, per large bottle f 1.00. AFTER SEVERAL THXTORS FAILED. I have been afflicted with catarrh for many years, although all sorts )f medicines and several doctors lid their best to cure me. My blood vas very impure, and nothing ever had any effect upon ..the disease un til I used that great Blood Remedy known as Botanic Blood Balm, (B. B. B.) a few bottles of which effect ed an entire cure. I reccommendit to all who have catarrh. I refer to my merchant or banker of Athens, ia., and will reply to any inquiries. R. R. Saclter. For tale by druggists. Notice. We have the pleasure of announc ing to the public that the-following I idies and gentlemen have kindly c msented to act as judges in the p ize contest of the Chrysanthemum show to be held in the Rifles ar mory in November: Mesdames James Hutcherson. S C Penn, A M Whitsett, F R Penn, J W Arlington, Wm Lindsey, E S Sheppe, R P Richardson, T E Bal sley, J R Webster, R M Denny and Messrs Rominger, Scoet, Webster, Balsley, and Misses Boyd and Leach. The day on which the show is to be held will be announced later. CHURCH IMKKCTOICXV Services will be held in nearly all of the city churches Sunday. The doors of every Reidsville church will be open and a cordial invitation is extended to all td worship God within their sacred walls. This in tritation is also to "the stranger .vithin our gates'' ;- as well as ho me people. ; .'.;-.':--;-..... Main Strebt Metiiowst Dr, F. H. Ch 1 e: zberg, pastor. Services every Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. ; Sunday-school 9 ;3o a. m. ; week-day pray er. meeting every Wednesday at 11 P. m.; young'men's prayer ser vice, (for men: only) every Monday night at 7:30. Flrst Baptist Dr. J. A. Mundy, pastor. Services every Sunday 11 a. m. and 7;30 P. M. ; Sunday-school 9:30 a. m.. Mid-week prayer services every Wednesday 7 :30 p. m. ; teach ers' meeting every Friday evening at the same hour. - First Presbyterian Rev. D. I. Craig, pastor. Serves Sunday morn ing at ten and at 7:30 p.m. Sunday school immediately following the morning, service. Prayer meeting every Wednesday 7:30 p. m. St, Thomas' Episcopal Rev. F. A. Fetter, Rector. Preaching every first and fourth Sundays at 11 a. m: and in the afternoon at 4 :30. Sun day-school every Sabbath. Evening prayer,' every Wednesday evening at 5 o'clock. Ware's Chappel (Methodist) Rev. J. B Tabor, Paston Preaching every Sunday night ; Sunday-school 3 p. m. Prayer-meeting Tuesday 7:30 p. m. Young Men's prayer i meeting every Saturday night. Royal aaakas tk food ptfro, wbtlMoaw aa4 dallcUwa. r Absolutcl Hirv ovm. aAKKMi wnmnrn m., v y- . THE PENH E vTIARY BOArj). Declares Dr. Klrby Smith GuHty-J. R. Sm!'. ' SuperiateBdeat Onlj Is Name. The penitentiary directors Thurs day unanimously decided that Dr. Kirby Smith, son of the superin tendent, had been guilty of the grossest immortality with two of the female criminal insane; that the charges against him were fully proved, ' and Dr. George L. Kirby and Superintendent Smith were commended for promptly discharg ing him as supervisor. The board also decided to place thepenitentiary absolutely in charge of the executive committee, com posed of DirectoisChadbourn, Mar tin and Cotten, thus taking control entirely out of Superintendent Smith's hands. Smith made no protest, but submitted to all. He is now only nominally the superin tendent. His submission is all that saved him, as but for this he would have been deposed. All the officials and employees who have their fam ilies in the ienitentiary are ordered to move them immediately. No bills are to be paid unless approved by Chairman Dock ery and two ex ecutive committeemen. There will be a complete overhauling, and all surplus employes will be dropped. It was decided that the peniten tiary should not be leased as the general sentiment in the State is strongly against leasing. Chairman Dock ery says an excel lent showing was made by Suerin- tendent Smith as to farming opera tions and tt at after paying the debts there will be t25,00O surplus. putting cotton at a basis of 5 cents, and that there will be also plenty of grain and feed for another year. A proposal from a Petersburg firm for convicts to make shirts in the penitentiary was referred .to a committee. It was decided that all incompe tent emjlDyes should be dropped and the penitentiary not made a refuge for office-seekers. Incontinence of water during sleep stopped immediately bj Dr. E. Detchona Anti Diuretic. Cures children and adults alike. Price, fl. Sold by V. 8. Allen, druggist, Keidsfille. - Will Pay Telephone Charges. The following progressive Greensboro firms will pay telephone charges on all messages to them of a business nature from Keidsville, LeakRville, Spray and Wentwoith and will give prompt atten tion to all orders by telephone. W. C. Bain J. II. Neese M. O. Newell John A, Yoorig J. It. McUuffie. Cape Fear Mfg. Co. Shrier'd Mioe Store. Pomona Hill Noroeries II. II. Cartland. Tailor Pomona Terra Cotta Co. . Greensboro Hardware Co, Pitts A Bain. Lumber, etc. Robert Portncr Brewing Co. Greensboro Seed A Plant Co. C. M, Vanstory A Co. Clothing. F. G. Newcoiube, whiskies, brandies. etc. Fi.hblate-Katz-Kankin Co., clothiers and furnishers. W. O. Mebane Co., wholesale grocers Merchants only. J uuillord Lumber Company, dealers in lumber and building material. The use of the surgeon's knife is becoming- so general, reaultinjr fatally in aach a large number of cases, as to occasion general alarm. Mr. William Walpole, of Waiahtown, South Dakota, writes; "About three years ago, there came under my left eye a little blotch about tbe size 01 a smaii pea. It grew rapidly.and shooting pains ran In every direction. I became alarmed and consulted a good doctor, who pronounced it can- vcer, ana sua mat it 'must be cut out. This I would not consent to, having little faith in the discriminate use of the knife. Read ing of tbe many cures made by S. 3. S., I determined to give that medicine a trial, and after I had taken it a few days, the cancer became irritated and began to discharge. This after awhila ceased, leaving a small scab, which finally dropped off, and only a healthy little scar remained to mark the plac where the destroy er had held full sway. A Real Blood" Rem Cancer is in the blood and it is folly toexpect an operation to cure it. S.S.Li. guaranteed purely vegetable) is a re&l remedy for every - . disease of the blood. AZj f f Books mailed free;V O V 4 V 4 sddreas Swift Spe-.X - . rific Co.. Atlanta, O' Too Inch Me HUGH .R.'CCOYV, ATTORNEY AT LAT7. REIDSVILLE. N. C Prompt attention to all business. Special attention to settlements of realty and Negotiation of loans and the rent ing snd selling of real estate in town m country. i4. Weatworth ea iloadi?. "", n i l 1 ' , " JIAAU WJAdU HO ri01f