AT 7 9 Don't forget the lawn party to-night for the benefit of the" new Episcopal church. The Largest Stock and The "fiiixwest Prices, v Pins, 1 to 5c paper. , Nee'-le, lto5c paper. , White Tape. 1 to4o roll. y Children's hose, 5 to SOc per pair. Ladies bose, 5 to 50o per pair. Ladies gauze vests, 5 to 50o each. A uplerid Hn. or Ladies' kid gloves, including the celebrated!. Cen temeries id d in all the ner shades. The world-renowned R. & 0. corset, 50c to f 1.2s, N lengths. A splendid line of Ladies Handkerchiefs, 2-for 5c to 50c each. Ladies Beauty pins, very sty lisb now, 2 for 5c to 10c. Fancy Belt Buckle. 25c to 75c each. Back combs and Side combs. Illuminnm hair pins, 10c dozen. We claim a stock of Ribbons. 1 to 75c a yard that can't be matched in Reidsville. Ladle's sailors almost any price von want Trintred hat from 5OC op. The largest stock of millinery and the best tr mmei 1a ' e s Le. A new line of silks for waists, and crepons for skirts. A few 01 chose 50c wasli s'lks and tatfetas left. There will be no more alter these are gone Percale, Ginghams Charabys. Uallita Cloth, Colored Welts, Cheviots, Cotton Suitings, etc. Prices away down. White P, K. 12i to 35c per yard, Calicoes, 4 and 5c, Bleach I'omestics, 4 to 6ic per yard. 5. 8, 9 and 10-4 sheeting at low prices Diiiiitys, Lawns and Organdies, 5 to 30c. A splendid line of White Organdys. 16J. 25, 85. 40. 50 and 80c per yard. All very wide. Hay's Partridges make of Ladies' fine slippers, strictly up todatein style and quality. Bring us your Eggs. Chickens and Hams. The highest market price paid for same. Yours for Ilojest Dealing, THE CASH STORE, The Leader in Dry Goods, Etc. -REIDSVILLE. N. C. Localettes. .. . 4 . is iu the city. ! . lr S: C-Peun :8 h.avinS mprove- itnenta in the way of new porches, Miss Ida Ellington has been quite bath room, etc., made to his resi- i" iuf mo Lasi Dcyerai uays. i ueiice AT SAPP'S. aiiss uussie trans is spending tne ! Messrs. II V. II in pa and v. r week with Miss Jennie Courts in the i Watt are this week having their couatry. Main street res deuces lepainted The foundation for the salcon of , and modeled. Messrs. Rorer and Jackson was laid ' The tobacco market has been this week. ?" without special inteiest this week. Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Bolyn are Breks hiiVe beea moderately good happy over the arrival of a fine; prices well sustained on all baby at their home. jgrades. Mr. William Giles' new residence ' ,, Mr- WiU R. Rankin, of one of is being erected ou the beautifullot u,cvusw teauiug doming nras, rv . l r A. 1 . . I T r next to Dr. J. C. Mills, Miss Florence Moto, of Berry, was visiting Mrs. J. W. Mobley on Main street this week, Mr. H. L. Hopkins is at home this week after a profitable business trip to Eastern Carolina. Mr.(j. W. Jacobs has returned to I e tsvulle from Chatham. He will send some time with his family. was in town this week. His many fiiends here are always delighted to see him. i S. l. Ware, trustee, has sold the stock of goods formerlr belonging to ; T..B. Williams to W, P. Ware, who will consolidate with stock in his old stand. Dr. Sipp now has his new fouh- There U fouuUiu fnied with good thinps. Coco Cola, Fruit Malt, Eureka Malt Hoff'sMalt, Pepsin Celery Phosphates. If tiff YOUR SPRING HOTJSE-CEEANING! t 1 "vri s 11 . A I .Oeevvliz! Dtis-t 'fsf is le'rible now. solation in thf ' thought that wi can um-inlrla th ...... . in nit. IIJ. streets when om waterworks sys tem is in. i kinds soda drinks from early in the Several Reidtvillians at tended the morning until 12 o'clock at night, E worth League and Sunday-school .except on Sunday. oonterence at ureensDoro last wees, t Rev. tain buzzing and will dispense all refreshed and invi.rornH.,1 l.v r WE PAY 'PHONE CHARGES, OUR EXPENSE. SO USE YOUR 'PHONE FREELY AT HEADQUARTERS ror Bararaios Wheat, oats and grass are now looking very promising. The raius of last week did incalculable benefit to each. A very large crowd of bachelors I and young men will spoud tomor row out at one of the nearby ponds ) fishing. Nearly everyone needs a good j spring meuiciue, ana iioou s aaEa-, J. A. Mundy. of the First Baptist church, this city, will de liver the lomuieuiement serruou before Roanoke Female College in Danville this month. Madison V, municipal election was held Tuesday. Mr. Frank McGbee whs elected mayor. The dispens' ry question was also voted oa and was carried by twenty-three majority. One of the negroes putting in the panlla is by all odds the best that piping tor the waterworks plant money can buy. j happened to a serious misfortune M q, nm frviim ...v i,a -Tuesday. One of the eight inch r. 1. Kumn McCollum, who has t- m . , , 0 c ... . .1 . pipes tell 011 him, breakiuyr two of been with the regular army for the n,yrjbg 8 past four years, h 18 received a dis-. ' charge and arrived home Sunday, j Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Brooks were His many friends here were de- hferJ nWL siting the family lighted to greet Mr. Robert Garrett "'Jj v!' Wf on our streets this week. He has ?',er ' dl.stnct ,a tew jcaio ugu, auu luiBu ma pmpu ar Main Street Methodist church last Suudav. Drs. Sapp. Williams andElling-j ton amputated both feet ota patient The Ladies1 Aid Society of St. at the poor house Sunday. She is Thomas' Episcopal church, will give now resting well and will probably a lawu Prty ia tQe yld ' Mr. W . recover. 1 - uu uuuici oncci riiuaj night. Ice cream, strawberries, occasional draught at our fount. Yes, it has been delayed bv the cool weather we have been living, but very soon-possibly this week-you must begin. We want to help vou. We have : mm We will mi'd at the fountain.'' The Druggist entirely recovered from his receu illness. The Concord Times gays that Co. E led the procession marching through Havana. The Times is in ietc, will be served. Everybody cordially invited to atteud and help i0miiu, j. ka j xiuivajoiu out ft wnr hv PBiiRft iu thwr ivit. error here. Co. A led and our boys ronan-e-of Co. D were second. 0 T . Tne weather has been exception- ir. josepn o. DiacKwea spent a allv (.,.d f(,r farm W(.u rhi " wfr SAP?, JUST RECEIVED ! S. Blackwell few days in Reidsville with his to know ne did success on and the farmers are rapidly pitch is meeting with splen- with Uelaycd work. Tobac the road. artJ a littlw backward but lo.. Misses Maria Pannill and Lucy ana healthy. Ballard, who have bee,n visiting looking well. Miss Florence Pannill on West Market street, returned to their homes in Virginia Monday, The Review feels very grateful towards many of its friends lor words of praise and commendation ineir crops ana catching up acco plants ard but lojk thrifty Wheat and oats are The ground is be ginning .0 get rather hard. IWick!u'n Arnica Naive The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped 1.. 1 . l,;iv.t:-w. .,, 1 . ti appearance of the paper last week. fiuptions, and positively cures 11 r pilesorfto-ay required. It is Mr. W. G. Rakestraw, of Malloy, iguafapteed. toWgjve iHJrfect satis oalled in Saturday and made ar- faetiouor nionev refunded. Price A new lot of those very popular West Point white rough straw sailors, nice rand cheap, at MRS. JOHN SHAW'S CASH MILLINERY STORE. SCALES STREET. An Immense Line of Ladies' Wear and all Kinds of Dry Goods: Barker Mills Bleach, 6c. Crepons, Silks, of all kinds and prices. Organdies, Lawns, 5c yard and upwards. Wash Silks, different colors, 50c per yard. , Henriettas. Serges, Chiffons, Mouslins, Peques, Ginghams, etc. Ten-quarter Sheeting, Pillow-case Lines, etc., at different prices. Complete line of Clothing, Trunks, Valises, Shoes Hats, Etc. We want ynnr. trade every day in the year. If we misrepresented oar poo ls tell you something that wasn't true jou'd lose conlldeno. in us. It wouln be folly idle folly to misrepresent our goods. If you find them not ms represented, and you ire not satisfied with your purchase, hriiij; it back and gft your money. Fair, isn't it ? anemeuts to try The Review for awhile. He wanted it, he said, be cause it was straight Democratic and had never been anything else. Alreaay three or four ladies have decided to go to Wrightsville vvhi.le the Rilles are in camp tlrre this summer. The boys are hard at wo;k very best company Guard. 2aC per box. drug stores. Allen's and Sapp's er. The boys are hard at 1 now and expect to be the ! th$ lt llkely as best company in tne Btatef 18 "i Deputy Marshal Starbuck last week seized about 10,000 cigars from thy cigar dealers here which, were stamped with counterfeit s a nps All of these wer j manu factured in Pennsylvania and seiz ures have been made all over the couatry. Mr. J. W. Mobley has accepted a position w th the fe&mpla lirowu Mercantile Co. in Greensboro. He has long been one of Reidsville's most successful salesmen, and is a splendid gentleman in every respect. We hope he may yet retain to our midst again, ai Reidsville can ill afford to lo'iti uch citizens. Our former townsman, Dr. L. G. Broughton, now paatov of an At lanta church, is having a hot tiino in that gay old towu. Last week q, negro murderer and rapist name 1 Bam Hose wag burned at the stake h't Mewnan, a town Rear Atlanta, Dr. Broujrhton preached $ rd hoi sermon and denounced the lynoheiu tB cowards Sa muruerers. , is denuncistion raised 9 hpwl and threats were made against him. Monday night his ohuroh was en tered by unknown parties and dp, e r itedand placards stuck up wanj- inu Dr. Broughton of a terrible fate in store for hiin. Pieces of Sam Hose's flesh were sent him, accom panied by terrible threats and tie nunciatioas. The Doctor says be is not afraid of the cowards and defies them to do their worst. DEPARTMENT STORES Headacho Is of ten a warning that the lire? Is torpid or luactive. More serlou0 troubleitoay follow. For a prompt, efficient cure of Headache and all liver troubles, take Hootl'G PHlG While tuey tore rouse tne liver, rest full, regular action of the bowele, they do not gripe or pain, do not Irritate or Inflame the Internal organs, but have a positive tonic effect. 25c. at all druggists or by mail of C. I, Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. When a man owns a blooded horse he is always careful of its health. He looks after its diet and is particular that the feeding shall be regular and right. W hue he is not that he oai some di sease or disorder. When the trou Me guts so bad that he cannot work he will begin to give himself the care he gave the horse at the stait. Good pure, rich, red blood is the best insurance against insurance of any kind. Almost all diseases come from impure or impoverished blood. Keep' the blood pure and strong aud disease can find no foot hold, That is the wee upon which Dr. Fiorue's Golden Medical Dis covery works. It cleanses, purities and enriches the blood, puts and keeps the whole body in perfect order; makes appetite good, diges tion strong, assimilation perfect. It brings ruddy, virile health. It builds up soliu, wholesome flesh (not fat) when, from any cause, re duced below the healthy standard, t makes no difference how bad the wound if you use De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve, it will quickly heal and leave no scar. Sold by SAPP, the Druggist. . J liue been a sufferer from chronic j diarrhoea ever sinoe the wir and have used all kinds of medicines for it. At las; I found one remedy tlmt has been a success as a cure, add thai is Chamberlain's Colic, (Jnolera ami Diarrhoea Remedy,-!. K. Grmham. Gaars Mill, t.a. For sate by Sapp, the Druggist. Pneumonia, la grippe, coughs, colds, croup and wn wping cough rapidly yield to One Minute Cough Cure. Use this remedy in time and save a doctor's bill or the under taker's. SAPP, the Druggist. By allowing the accumulations in the bowels to remain, the entire system is poisoned. DeWitt's Little Early Risers regulate the bowels. Try them and you will always use thera. SAPP, the Druggist. Is it Mllousness? T)ysipsift? Heartache? IiidiK'stioii? Hour Stomach? Oo at once l o On.' root o( th mattor ami take Paviit'a l.lver StravTlattings, Carpets, Rugs, Art Squares, Window Shades, Curtain Poles, Pictures, Etc. AH ready for you at very close pric?s. J. TIM smith, . .. ,t (',r. "lUUKYCiUNCK. fcal.-smeii at i0 Kirn.iure nor. SJVI1TH, CHAfCF & CO. Reidsville, N. C. Tolm D. Pannill, ATTORNEY AT LAW Office at Weiuwortlu C. Prompt and careful attention givpn to all business. Practice solicited in State and Federal courts. Will t ten.l trials before Justice of Po.i(B in any part of Hockiiiijliam county; In Reidsville every Saturday. dropsy; CUKU with vt-KPfabto li;iiiediH. Hav cured many thousand in. (Uyi at leant two-thirds of all Hvuiptoma remoy BK. n. H. C8EH,.t $0JS, Box K, Atlanta, Oa. HENDRIX IS TALKING CORSETS AGAIN. Hear ye him ! Thp best and most comfortable .Corset that a woman can wear is the W. B. Corset. The next Curset you buy let it be a W.B. Wea.i it for one or two months and if the hones push through bring it bick to Hendrix and he will give yau a new corset and take your old one. w . ts. corsets are sola m Kemsvitle bv 1). A. Hendrix exclusively Remember this and don't let or allow other merchants to persuade you that they can sell you a corset as good us W, B. Now we want to write. tew lines about SHOES AND SLIPPERS. What we wish to say is that we make a specialty of Shoes and Slhmers for ladies misses iud children and believe we can truthfully say we have the best assoruue-iu in Keiusvuiu. Hendrix stock of Lawns, Orsrandies, Percales. Linen, Crashes and Hillinery beat anydn town. That is what the ladies say and they generally know. livms' tiy kf ptiif thH liver rigui. Sold at W. S. aiibii'h Oriw Htort. To Care a Cold la One Day. Take Laxative Broiri'i Quinine Ttjblets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure, ton. Your First Cigar Had anything but a pleasant cttiict upon your nervous system. YOUU FIRST SPKINU SUIT that you get of us is a gein of neatness. It lit-i perleet, h pcrl'eut and that is all there is to it. It don't make you ill. It niaktj-ou happy. We pay charges on all telephone communications. Call us upjrom any point and you will receive prompt, attention. .' der Idanks mailed on request. Phone 123. When writing ih address, Or. RANKIN, CHhHOLM, STROUD & REES, CLOTHING AND HEN'S FURNISHINGS. 300 South Elm St. Greensboro, N. C. We ship goods anywhere on approval.