ROLL CF HONOR, la lb. R.Idiville Grided S.hool for the M jath of First Primary Grade, Miss Cora Pitts, teacher lone Grogan, -Bessie Morrison, Lilian Allen, Dixie Hall, Mattie Pettigrew, James Hamlin, James Womack. Tom Jennings. Lower Second Grade, Miss Flor ence D. Pannill, teacher Florence Fountain, Martha Howell, Luther Butts, Lottie Ware, Abe Woujhck, Margaret Ingle, Frances Hamlin, Florence Stokes, Wallace Howell. Intermediate Primary Grade, Miss M. K. Fetzer, teacher Madge Paylor, Maggie Huffines, Lottie Benson, Ben Trotter, Robert Craf ton, Fred Hutcherson, Clarence In gram, Vivien Hurse. Adv. Third Grade. Miss Ella V. Farish, teacher Hunter McAllister, Cola Allen. Eva Martin. Lizzie Blackwell, Mary Womack. Minnie Huffines, Mary Windsor, Lula Ab bott, Susie Blackwell, Mamie Fer- rell. , . , Fnnrth Grade. Miss Jeanme El lington, teacher Olive Perkins, j Ethel Hardbarger, Pearl Barber, Sallie Meadow, Mable Cranford. Fifth Grade. Mins Loula Gardner, teacher James Windsor, James Womack, Jimmie Meador, Eugene Meador, John Benson, Mae Balsley, Lnla Pettigrew, Agnes Martin, Willie McDonald, Ima Allen. Sixth Grade, Miss Mary B. Jen nings, teacher -Mary Deshazo, Bet tie Hall, Lei ia Montgomery. Marion Stokes, Robert Suttentield, Annio Venaole, Marion Womack, Lucie Ware. Seventh Grade, Miss Hunter Ir viu, teacher Bessie Worsley, An nie Barnes, Willie Dalton, Lawrence Harrison, Thomas Blackwell, Emma Renn. High School, Prof. W. C. Allen, teacher Janie Williams. Mary Pierce, David Baynes, Irvin Craig, Zery Gwynn, f the Eighth Grade; Hettie Ford, Gussie Trotter, Annie Womack, Sarah Webster, Ira Hum phreys, of the Ninth Grade; Ida Gwynn, Lucy Hall. Ada Stokes, Ada Vickers, of the Tenth Gra e. E. S. Sheppe, Supt. eanrnl WrelcbalmW; ul How to Overcome it. Millions of people dm throaffh life Kali tick., half well rrxtU B. weary. Iretful, bm-.fc-acbt!. hi-aOnchft. all sorts of aches, iiiejr don't iiyatjyt hlii because they have some how koi ten It Into their heads that It is all lioiistnsethls way ofletiliiK oilers self run down to a limp dishraK. What one needs is to get up and (jive one's Mood a good, vigor ous olaiistinf out with a flrst-class saria rilla. Of course there are saraiparlllss and kareaparilla You want oue lhat will the work. That'a DsvtVa sarsaparllla, jld at Alleu's Drug otore. David's Sarsaparllla-"' oua true Mood SoldUr Happily Married. An event of considerable interest yesterday was the marriage of Mr. Woodall, of Rockingham county, a soldier recently returned from Cuba, and Miss Moseley. of Haluax county, Va. The couple arrived at Milton early in the morning, ex pecting to secure license and be married here. Finding no such ac commodations here, they continued their journey to Yanceyville, where the necessary license was procured and the knot was tied by Rev. S. H. Williamson. The happy couple passed through Milton in the after noon, on their return. The bride is young and very attractive and the groom appeare ) well aoie to sue cessfully tight the battles of life under the new generalship. The above, from the Milton Her ald of the27tu, will be read by many friends of the groom, Mr. George H. Woodall, with interest. He wis one of the members of Co, D, and Capt. Ellington says he made an excellent soldier and was one of the most popular of his boys, Mr. and Mrs. Woodall will reside in Spray in the future. To Whom It May Concern. Strong words of indorsement for Pe-fu-tta, and for the manufacturers of Pe-ru-na,from prominent officials of its home city. lion. Samuel A Sjt '. picture adjoins this paragraph, writes the follow" rJC letter: pleased to and Dr. S. D. Deab Sib: so fully remedy for has been Your high m ft - fe&trt 1 SI I Ibk 7 iff the worth of the gentlemen conducting this great enterprise, prepared me to expect a meritorious article only, from your establishment, but its real worth f ... 1.. . 1 . A 4 .. J V l.a .- . Col. Armflcld'a rarell. .Tnt before the b-eakins of cmp at Savannah, the First North Caro lina Regiment was reviewed by Armfield. In addressing himself to his men the gallant Colonel said : "Fellow Soldiers: Now that the time of our separation is so near at hand, I desire to express to you my appreciation of your services to your country and the very able manner in which you have per formed every duty. "At the beginning ours was a new and undisciplined regiment; now 'tis the equal of any in discip line and efficiency. This is due to the undivided support of both officers and men alike. "You have done your duty well. I wish for each one of you a safe journey to that home you left for your c-iuutry's sake, and a long and useful career in life." The parting words of Colonel Armneld were received with cheers by bis men who would have fol lowed him anywhere he might have led. The Sprla j Mouths Are most likely to find your blood impure and lacking in the red cor puscles which enable it to carry nourishment to the nerves and other organs. Therefore you feel weak, tired and listless and are troubled with spring humors. Relief is given by Hood's Sursaparilla. Iam row in better . i.ealth and weigh more than ever before in my life." Mrs. Catharine E. Moyle. Huntington, W. Va. That distress after eating is pre vented by one or two of Hood's Pills, They don't gripe. Oak Ridge's Baseball Team. Writing us last week our corres pondent said : This has been the banner year for 0. R. I. in baseball. Out of nine atnes played seven were won and only two lost. Tne reader will ob serve that in every case, excepi one, our boys went out against teams from college?. The following is a siimmarv of the score up to date: University 11, Oak Ridge 0; Wil liam Bingham School 6,' Oak Ridge 14; Cornell, game was not played, being called off in the third inning; Guilford College 0. Oak Ridge 7; Horner's 4. Oak Ridge 5; Wake Forest 5. Oak Ridge 4 ; Wake Forest 1. Oak Ridge 10; A. & M. 2. Oak Ridge 4: Roanoke 1, Oak Ridge 4; Guilford College 3, Oak Ridge 21. The Snre Latirlppe Cur. There is n suffering from th's cjeadful malads if y-u will only get the right remedy. You are having pain all through your bodv, your live- i is out of order, have no appetite, no life o: ambition, have a bad cold, in fact are completely used up, Klec Irio liitters 19 the only lemedytoat will give you prompt and sue re lief. They act directs on your Liver, Stomach and Kimeys. i.p the whole system and mane vou ie. like a new being. They are sruaraceid to cure or price refunded. For tl at Alien's and Sapp's drug stores, only 50 cents per bottle. The Pebble In llicBiook. Throw a stone into a stream, and the distui baue of the water will not cease until the concentric circles which roh on from the point of the etone'siffimersion be stopped by the farthest shore. Advertising nths the tide of business as resistlesslv as the stone moves the surfac of the water. Even if it miss the par ticular object of its aim, like a poorly directed missile thrown in'o a stream, the advertisei'd thought will run out through the great cur rent of publicity with results as certain as the motion caused by a pebble tossed into a brook. h. Black, Mayor of Columbus, 0., whose Executive Dkpt. , City or Columbus. To whom it may concern : I can most cheerfully recommend re-ru-na as of the very greatest possible benefit in cases of catarrh and other diseases of the mucous membrane. Thisremedy hasestablished itself in the minds of the people as of the greatest possible worth and genuineness. I have known Dr. Hartman for a number of years, and am Bay that he is one of the leading citi zens of this city, a man of the very highest standing and character in the community. Respectfully, Samuel L. Ulacb, Col. Arthur L. Hamilton, commanding oflicer of the Seventeenth Infantry Ohio National Guard, whose residence is at SOU West First Avenue, Columbus, O., bears witness to the efficiency of Pe-ru-na. Here is Colonel Hamilton a letter picture. Columbus, 0., May 18, 1897. JIartman, Besides havinsr the merits of Po-ru-ca demonstrated in my family, I have a nuni- 4erof friends Who have taken it for catarrh, and sUJinach trouble, and all unite in praising it. As a summer and winter catarrh lean fully recommend it. Authuu L. Hamilton. From the Hon. Samuel J. Swartz, Police Judge, Columbus, O. Statk or Ohio, Supreme Coi bt Law Librabt," Columbus, O., Nov. 12, 1S97. Pe-ru-na Medicine Co.k Columfois, O. ' Gentlemen: The result of using Pe-ru-na so gratifying to me that 1 cannot but congratulate you on the success of your remedy. standing in the business community', and Specialties, Drink Fruit Malt, at Sapp's. Read Hitchcock's Cash Store ad. Drink Pepsin Celery Phosphate, at Sapp's fountain. When ycu want good fresh fruit always call at Benson's. Carned meats and fruits in creat variety. II. T. Martix. H. T. Martin can save you money on shoes; stock complete. All kinds of fancy groceries and table delicacies to bo found at P. H. Williamson & Co's. A fresh lot of Royster's candy just received at Benson's. Ice, ice, ice. at Benson's lee House, under Mr. Perkinson's store. Sapp keeps ixmstantly on ice all grades of malt. By the glass or bottle. . . Vaccinate your business against 1 contagion of dull times with the virus of good advertising, TpLfCX RE HERB thn Earlv I n Hi Biy' Siw-KI"t VtlHiniii " . " " " Ben . We have alt we will be able to get. Come early KKTZKK k M1MS. Carefully selected stock of shoes at Hutcherson's. You can be htted and pleased by calling there. You can always find the best and freshe t fruit at Benson's. Just received, a beautiful assort ment of crackers and caket. II. T. Martin. Benson sells the best grade of fruit, and also as cheap as anyone. A very beautiful line of shirts f or summer wear at Hutcherson's and the prices are very reasonable. A &ood family horse for sale; also wagon and harness. Call on J. H. Benson. The Deering Ball bearing Binder, Reaper and Mower are the best on earth. For sale by Jim Robinson. Money to Loan On good real es tate security. Apply to Johnston & Johnston, Attorneys, Reidsvihe, N. C. . " Madres, P. K., Percales, and all kinds of dry goods at Mrs. J. A. Roach & Son's at prices made low to reduce stock. Best pianos and best organs at best prices. Old instruments taken in exchange. Jno. D. Huffines, Reidsville, N. C. Improve your cattle by patroniz ing H. P. Brown's registered Jersey bull from Pennsylvania. Service, $1.50. No calf no pay. All who are wanting liu e for building purposes and for sanitary purproses, by the gallon or barrel, call on P. H. Williamson & Co. Hpinrp WATEU for Indication. I V 1 ll d'hik tr 1 1 oou-nnJ li . uoi expensive. Hulil only at Fetzer & Minis'. By the glass, by the gallon or liy the barrel. Ice! Ice!! Ice!!! The Crystal Ice Co. recieved their first carload of ice this week and huve begun their morning delivery to private families. Hutcherson sells many hats be cause his prices are right and tiis selections are the best. He knowb the popular t'ashioas, and buys ac cordingly. . I have a modern square Vose & Son's Piano, seven and one-third octave, which I will sell cheap. This piano is as good as new. J. W. Hknson, Leaksville, N. C. The Crystal Ice Co., Cosmo Be. son. Manager, recieved their firn" carload of ice this week and will continue to handle until cold weather. Write to Jno. p. Hufiines if you want anything in the way of tomb stones. He is prepared to give best work at lowest price. Office at Mayo & Smith's Book Hture, Reids ville, N. C. All those who want the veiy best fertilizers for corn and tobacco should drive into the Leader Waie i.ousolot and get loaded with the celebrated and popular brands at P. H. Williamson & Co's. fertilizer warehouse. Wanti d To employ at once a sober, industrious man, with ex .perience and capable to manage a farm on which there is worked about six or eight hands. One without family desired. Apply to J. B. Johnston. If yon want a Crown Piano or any other piano. If you want a Crown Organ or any other organ, don't forget that J. W. Ht nson. of Leaksville H. C, can furnish you direct from the factories and save you agents' and city dealers' large profits, A very eleaant line of gents' un derwear, one which will do credit to larger places, is to be found at Hutcherson's. He also an ex quisite Btock of summer clothing, such ' as will enable you to keep cool. Crash suits, square coats. pweet, Orr & Co s. pants. Waterworks. Joe Lndsey & Co. are going to o en a full line of waterworks supplies, bath tubs, closets, hot and cold water arrange ments and keep a full corps, of plumbers. They are also going into the g-m;rai hardware biiMuess ftfll make reapers, mowers, grain drills, rkes, thresher a: d saw mill belts and supplies a specialty, and keep on selling buggies, wagons, har ness and bicycles. Our line of gent's summer shirts is rot o'.lv pretty and up-to-date, but iLt puces fire eye-upinjis, as we have marked them way down. J. C. Huffiues & Co. The regular annual meeting of the Farmers' Mutual Inf urance Co. will beheld in Wentworth May Sth. All members areexpcted t,g attend as there will be business of impor tance to transact. Leader Warehouse is pushing things at a lively rate theso days. Prices on all grades of tobacco are soaring skyward and the Leader boys have no trouble in making their customers happy. J. C. Huffinos & Co. have a very complete line of hot s for nnm, women und t hil lieu. Also .shoes for bicy lists, aud tennis shoes, and the prices am wl-ways at the bottom notch. Turkey red prints, 4c per yard. A tine line of dry goods from which you can select what you need. Georia rai-ed meal' is 2"!ng to he a star fchture at the fortlu-omiujs fair in Atlanta, The liherMl prizes which have bc"n announced lv the State gr i u tural S ciety lor t;.t sto k hvj been sup. ileinented with three liundred dollars in -pecial pre miums t.y two Atlanta firms. The idea, evidently, is to start among the farmers of Georgia, it possible, a fashion of their own rueat. WORK. done. This is true of the housewife's manifold du ties and ap proximate! y true of the thousands who work all day in factor ies and stores and half the night in making and mendng their Own clothes or sewing for others to patch oct a meagre income. Women who are too much on their feet, or who are unable to stand the strain of over-work and worry, are peculiarly susceptible to the weak nesses and irregularities that are the bane of womankind. The sytr.ptoms of such derangements are insufficient or excessive menstruation, headache, backache, neu ralgia, leucorrhcta, displacements and ex treme nervousness aaiountt'.-g in many cases to hysteria. The use o norphine is dangerous and examinations . y male phy icians are painful and unpleasant. Bradfield's Female Regulator, the itandard remedy for a quarter of a cen tury, will speedily and permanently cor rect the woist disorders of women. Brad field's Regulator is sold by druggists at one dollar a bottle. Interesting and valu able books for women maiLi free ou application. THE BRADF1ELD REGl'LATCR C3 AlUnta. r.s. Joe Cutter, FASHION ALE TONS03IAL ARTIST. Pniir h ".ir anil inly tne lif-t woi k.ncn. jiolile and uii to-datf . 1'al 1 011 j; us ihkI wi will ai jir Ciit It h'kI give vou irotxl ser . c-. r. TAKE NOTICE. I have several nice buildinu lots for iale cheap; also my steam mill. Somebody can ;et t bargain, R. H. WRAY, Reidsville. April 2.r,t!i, lJ9. Administrator's Notice. Havtr.ff nuallfln.1 an Administrator of I.ncy RiuhBrrtsoii, d.-c-.tspil. nil pei-sons having claims osjainst "i- l1 oercaspil iw herftiy notidoil to (irescnt I liotn to me irocrly a... h2t. 1 1 . ( u. I rtn Kof.iia thi. tur Huv if May. IH 0. or tills notice will be jil-lifl in lint- j of tluHr pavuKMif . 1ll i 'r0M!i in ).'ltd to ilift nalil tl' C cased ar notifW to inuke Im mediate 11 yinein to me VV o -TAPI.K, Adm'r of 1-U''V RlrHAiiDsoN. deceasei'. n,!n'irt-p, rm-'.i.h Diamond Im- ENHYRQ U PILLS Ortjlni.l and (Inly Ucnuine. Drurr'tst for Chirhutcr't r. m'i'h Pin- r5TjH'i-i. wiih b!u rihbon. Tr.!:9 Win itsmr' for rnrlr.'lnr, niiu-jiillt 91 ..-it...' I A.'... h. Mttn.11 V f Mail. l","0O T'"in'l. Nam I'a; " 'rtTiiohe-.triieinlctUOni M'ein I'lr."' Vi l tu l-wtl Drutia. CUIIill HI PARKER'S MAtR BALSAM ntie nd bcouniiel th baa mm rnmrn. Never Failii to Hestore Huir to iU youtl,riil Oo ox-. Guru 'nlp diwfM A nair tmliiig. A QUICK CURE FOR COUGHS AMD COLDS. VF.RV VALUABLE rerrody in all affastiona ot the i THROAT LUNGS. rvr.'tlta. 2c. I dvis i L?.w.:zrs: go., um., S Prop'sof Perrv DAvia' PAiM-Kiaen. f' FOR BALE BY All Druggist, Chemists WOMAN a . pi 01,1 mw wm dares that HAS woman's- 'mWmni work is never mk&iz&3&; 1i 1 1 1 t jjl ml x v 11 mitt mm I 1 I w WWW W. E PARKER THE GREAT mi u o Li. THE GRrVT "J haxstc yK (ujrrnc J" 2 wb. ta. (S WS.C0. 1 5; S ST.IMIJ. ST.UBJ11 S L" W. WI. PARKER CO. -IF YOU A Tobacco Fertilizer THAT WILL GROW THE WEED THAT WILL BRING A BIG PRICE s. USE Go Ober ons STANDARD FERTILIZERS. It takes years of e.cperienr-e to make a strictly reliable tohaceo raanarp and we had had it. You ran't afT-ml to take the risk on fertilizer put up by those who have not had lonjj experience. Ask for Ober's and Take No Other. FOR P.H. WILLIAMSON & GO Why Do They ? Why Do so Many People trade at thii Store? Why Do They Come frm Far, away as well a$ Near at Home? Why do they return Regularly, Season After Season? Why do They Tell Their Friends Also to Come? Is it sentiment or accident? No.; This U the reason ; the reason that governs all buying' and selling trans-j actions, It is because they save j money by trading here, Tiie . tlomr j nant sestture of this store is itsj system of low prices, and people have learned to rea izQ that a dollar will j go farther here than in other ste es. I We have the best and most reliable j goods the market alf rds. Selected by experienced buyers to suit the WILLIilS, HOPKINS & GO. Leading Clothiers and Furnishers, DO WT FORGET OUR STANDARD BRANDS OF FERTILIZERS For P ant Bads. At) 1 W3 ah kjep a full stock of Plant Ped Cloth,, Fancy Groceries, Shoes, BOOTS AND DRY GOODS. Cow Feed, and all kinds of large or small Grain for all purposes. P. II. WILLIAMSON, R. L -HUBBARD AND 1 1 EN RY TROTTER WIL'" bEKVK YOU WITH PLEASURE. P. II. "WILLIAMSON & CO, THE RELIABLE CO. MAJESTIC. "n o r m a MAJESTIC WANT Co's, SALE BY- particular wants of uir customers and sold at strictly one price to every purchaser. What everynn want in the clothing or furnishing line you are reasonable sure to find here. If for any reason a purchase should prove unsatisfaq tory we are ever wdling and nnxmus to make it right. That makes trading tr re safe, pleasant and economical. The new spring linen of clotlilnp, hats and furnishings are corning in every day. Call and examine them. MERCHANTS.- n 1