K.. ' TT1 t "1 VOL. XIV, NO. 102. REIDSVILLE. N. C., FEBRUARY 21, 1902, $1.00 PER YEAR. State News j Condensed.! Easily Explained. Short Items of Interest. f it rr 7 H p M It" V 11 Good Fertilizer Pays There is no longer any question as to Whether or not Fertilizer pays. The only question is, which will pay best. And we have solved that question as to All Grain said Grass Crops by furnishing; the Banner. No farmer need worry his mind now in the least about what, kind of fertilizer he ought to use on these crops. All he need d when in need of fertilizer for com, outs or grass U to hitch up and drive until he find;' the Hanner. There is not a" brand oi the market tliat will produce batter resn Its. Do not be persuaded to t:ike any chances by using a:i inferior grade of fertilizer, made by someone you don't know anything Take no risk in trying to save five cents you may loose several bushels of corn or oats. Reidsville Fertilizer Co. An Article III) We know it is good. You will say so too when you try it for coughs, colds and lung troubles. It's a Tillable remedy, and worthy of YOUR confidence. SAPP'S PHARMACY. IS IT RIGHT? k Did you ever hear of a widow offering to yf return the money because her late husband m did wrong to insure his life? st DOES IT PAY? I 4) Every time you pay a premium on your Jf T Life Insurance policy you are providing for w !? your own orphans, and did vou ever hear of W an orphan asylum declaring a dividend ? Vi IS IT A When a man insures A old age, and keeping ouioi me poor nouse. thing to do? !f so, A DO IT Arid the place to get FRANCIS .A j. S. DALTON, Jrl Solicitor. Z about, became ou can pos-iblv jet it for live eenU less in the baj than the Planner eons or because mi are told tls il it. is as gooe a the Banner. The l:i!i er h:i a reputation that no o; e can dUputc. In fact it, is rccg'i:zod as the .tandard grain fertilizer, as doublles you have often i'ea 1 the expression used by people trying to ed other brands : 'It's as i;or,it a the lianiie.r." If they do not :ee)uiz'j tlie Hanner a being at the top why me this expression? That is a worthy rep resentative of ours or any other store I. WISE ? V his life, he is building: w his wife and children u iNow, is that a wise V NOW. the best is with i WOnACK, vr Royal & Borden, of (Jeldsboro, will establish a big furniture ware hoase ia Raleigh. , The Red Men, of Rakish, have taken steps toward establishing an orphanage by that order. Col. Julia It?. Curr will deliver an address in Oxford tomorrow. The occasion ot the address will be the celebration of YVastainjrtuH'B birth day by the orphans at the Oxford Asylum. The Secretary tf State's report shows that 327 corporations were bartered last year. These briug ia aa average incorDaration f of about 30 each, which goes into the oiato Treasury. A dispatch from Washington says that Qeu Julian 8. Carr will not be a candidate for the Senate, but will enter the race for tea Cob grt-ssional nomination against Com gre.sman T. W. Kitchia. A charter has teen graatad to the Atlaatic Institute Corapaay, of Morehead City, which ha for its objewt the establishing of one or more schools to be conducted under the auspices of the Atlantic Baptist Association. A petition has been tigued by about thirty-fivecitizu8 of Lexing ton for the purpose of organising an Odd Fellows loilge at that place, and aa soon as the reeessary ar r (ib genu ant s ean bo ma'ic a new Iwdge will be itifttitutcd. B. N. Duke has made another doaat.ou to Trinity College of $25,UUO, to bta used for the building of a new dormitory. Mrs. J. Edd Stagg hats also made a donation for a handsome pavillion. Work on both landings will be started soon. Wen. T. F. Tooa difd iii Raleigh Wedaesday morning, He had been ill with pneumonia fov a loug time, but was improving and had been able to bo up and about his room fjr some daysA and his death ereated surprise a& well as gauine rogret, for h was a noble man and a gallant Coufederate Boldior. The American Manufacturing Co , (ireeusboro, which recently pur chased the business of the Hunter Manufacturing Company, is enlarg ing the plant and preparing to iu crease the output. Tho concern manufactures overalls, hunting '.oatB, etc, finding a rea y sale for the product throughout the South and Southwest. Fiona an interview given by s?v eral cotton m unu fact men it would cm that unless there ia some change in prices a largeciu tailaient may follow among the .yam mills. A prominent manufacturer saiu tha at present prices for spot cot ton it is almost impossibla for the mills to come out as good as even on manufuetured gods. Mills ma king the finer grades af yarns are about the only ones nsakiag any money, it is said. Ills Choice. "Wlmt would you liko to lie when you grow up'" uskod an old genlle' man. "I'd liko to Lo a bricklayer," replied the boy. ''That's a euiinnenilrJile ;nib!t!on AVliy would you lil:o to bo a brick layer?" " 'f'iitise tliere's t;o in:i!'y ilays vIi-.t bricklayers can't worl.." A (.Odd nirunlt'.. "Cut why," asked the presith'iil ? the country where women ruled, "did you buy that battleship?" "It was such a bargain," replied Hie secretary of the navy. "Of ourse, tin engines don't work very well, and there are some flaws in the guns, but it !oo':s as fine ns any of tho others and only cost half as much." Chicago Tost. The Way of Women. Nell Dut you must never mention what I have Just told you. Bess-Why, is It a secret? Nell Oh, no, but Bess Then it Isn't worth repeating Chicago News. Pointed Directions. Merritt A man shouldn't bother a woman by talking business. Cora That's right, dear. If you mea, business, go talk to papa. Smart Set. Whea yu lack energy, do not relish year food, feel dull and stupid, after eating, all you ned is a dose of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They will make yoa feel like a new man and give you an appetite like a bear. For sale by W. 8. Allen. Foi atom noli Troubles. "I have taken a great many different - medicines for stomach treuble and ' conetipatioa." gays "Mrs. S. Geiger, f "tJutkertun, Iowa, "but sever have had as good results from any as from Cham berlain's Stomach and Liver Tab lets. Tor sale by W 8. Allen. The exceptional powers of vision akj trlbuted to Uncivilized men and to cii i Uized men A?bo pass their lives In the open air, supposing they exist, are eas ily explained.- They are only mani fested while looking at familiar things which the supposed possessors of sueli Bight have been long trained to see. The shepherd distinguishes sheep where the town dweller sees nothing, because the one Is accustomed to the place and objects and the other not. Tho herdsman distinguishes cattle and the huntsman his prey because they are practiced and see little differences which perhaps they cannot describe, but which they perceive almost uncon sciously. The sailor and the longshore man detect what the visitor fails to see out on the horizon and will tell you of the peculiarities of rigging which enable them to distinguish one boat from another. Of course they are used to these things and undoubtedly see niore aud also guess more than the casual ob server, for in my experience they are not seldom wrong. Popular Astrono my. Mor.kejH aa Coin TcNtcm. It is said that the great ape of Slam is in great request among the Siamese merchants as cashiers in their count ing houses. Vast quantities of base coins are known to be in circulation in Sia in, and no living human can dis criminate between the good and bad coinage wilh as much accuracy as these apes. These monkey cashiers possess the faculty of distinguishing the rudo Siamese counterfeits in such an extraordinary degree that no train ed hanker can compete wilh them In their unique avocation. In plying his tfndo the ape cashier meditatively puts each coin presented to him in bis mouth and tesis it with grave detilieratien. From two i live seconds is all tho time this intelligent nuimal requires in making up his de cision. If the coin is all riht, it is carefully deposited in the proper recep tacle; if base, it Is th; own violently to the lloor, while the coin tester makes known his displeasure at being pre sented with the "counterfeit by giving vent to much angry chatter. Well Preserved. The man who essays to give a lecture or talk in the "slums" must have hid wits well In hand. He may eiicmintet apathy, but he is sure also to find an embarrassing readiness of ton, rue. An earnest young man from a college, settlement was addressing a company of lathers and mothers on the subject of "Christinas In the II ," Iclihig them of ways in which the day might be made bright although money was scarce. He had visited many houses In many cities and was well informed. "I'm not. talking about what other people have told me,-' he said genially. "It's what I know from my personal experience. I have seen over a hun dred Christmas celebrations and" "Man, dear," came in a rich Irlsli American voice from the rear of tin room, "It's wonderfully preserved ro are for a man that old!" Confederate HIIIh. The pnf-sage of a ('onfed-rato bill as money Is not a violation of the statute of the United states which. makes it an offense for any person, except un der authority of a proper otiieer, to have in his possession any obligation or other security engravi d and printed after the similitude of any obligation or other security issued under the au thority of the Cubed States, with in tent to sell or otherwise use the same, but to constitute a violation of such provision the instrument used must in its inception have been intended to simulate some obligation or security of the United States. The general like ness which one form of paper money bears to another is not sulticlent. Ill Fed. Rep. (N. I)., Judge Amidoio, 3C9. llld Ills Own Killing. A story once went the round,; in Taris that an enterprising visitor to M. Constans proposed to pick a qinrrcl with M. Roc.tiefort and kill him. "Many thanks," said ronstans, "hut I do my own murders." The retort found its way to Constan tinople, and, when M. Constans arrived there as French embassador ho was struck by tho exaggerated deference of the Turkish ollieiajs from Armenia. A man who did his own murders him eelf was a remarkable figure to ad ministrators who employed tho Kurds for that necessary business. A TbMi.ul D.lltr r tiro '.vu Vwny Mr. W. W. Hiker, ot 1'iaiavicW lt. Neb, writes: "My wife had lung trouble for over filteen years. We tried a number of doctors and spent oeer a thousand dollars without, any relief. She was very low and 1 lost all hope, when a friend suggested try ing Foley's Honey ann Tar, which 1 dtd ; and thanks be to this gieat rem edy it saved her life. She is st ronger WVttA CM 's she has ever known in ten years, We shall never 'be without Foley's Honey and Tar and would ask thso allltcted to t ry it,"- L. L. Sapp. ' - FrioBds of Theodore H. Price, whose unfortunate transaction in cotton iu 1000 caused the failure ef tha brokerage firm of Price, Me Curaiek & Co., say that he has re cently won $3,000,000 by tha rise in the price rf the great Southern staple Tne National "Woman Suffragists hud their inning lefoto Congress this wank, M.s. Carrie Chapman Cult, president of the organization, and sixty f her followers swooped down upon the House Jucieiary Committee and prestnted a strong aigumeutia favor ef tuff rage for women, presenting an amendment to the constitution giving wjaaen tLe right to vote, ThBiee blockade in Chesapeake Bay has (jorupletnly stopped navi gation. Even the ooean steamers me delayed, while powerful ice b sat try to cut a path for them tbrowgu ftelds of ice from one to five feet thick. Tho ice is jammed 6 f teea to eighteen feet high against the Saudy Point light house and tho Beveu Foot Knoll light, the latter ia the center of the bay. The Temps at Paris has published a despatch front Con- stautiaople which aunriuces th at Miss Ellen M. Stone has boea re-' leased by the brigauds, who have ; hell her captive since Seplem br :i last, and has fccn handed over iu good health to the Jrago nMii of the Americau legation. The liepatoh aids that.the Rev.lsilka bus been arrested on the charge ot has lieen arrest complicity in th kidnapping of Miss Stono. Charles A Towne, the late aomi nae f the Populists for ice-Presi-dor.t, and oae of tho rcctnt leaders of tb.i Democratic party, ma'le the f.)iUwin statement in Lou'sville: I am out of politic; for good. Per haps in years to coroe, hfter I have provided bread, I may write a few l ooks aud mako a few speeches on economic q-.iestionti. When I was in politics I not only devoted all my time to it, but my money alao, and t b e l e suit was that 1 fouud myself short in finances last Kummor, so I ('icitrled to k to New York and .see what I could do there towards re yaiuitiK it.'' I suppose it is aboat all there," s.iH Captaiu Riyhmoui P. Subsoil, when seen lesardiae President iic'fscvult's reijuosit for his retire incut, "'and beyond that thero is j not iiitteli to say. I have not re.id tin.' full text of it, but it was by my ! inquest, and ho follows the reasons for retirement. My eyes were iu jured by my work, and it i irupos siblo f :r nie to remain in th it de 'j-.rtment of th-. uavy, Until I u Kged ir. the wrecking; work my eyes were I't.ong ;md gave ma no trouble. There is'a difforeuco be tween tho retirement I desire and a l est (nation under anile of the Dfpurtmeat: a retired officer is re Uastd from svrvice in time of ! peace, to bo cal!.d upuu ra war." it has been agreed by the Senate, j that a tif al vote upon the Phi i, pino taiil'f bill and tho pending j a'Dcndiuisn's should bo taken up next, lloudy afternoon, The aree j uit nt was reached a low minutes a't'i- tho Weaateconvenod Tuesday. : i Tiic oaly stipulation made by tho I minority whs that the last day Lhotild bo devoted to speeches not exceeding 15 minutes Two speech ! wero delivered one by Sena- i i lor Wel:im''tcuTf Marylaud in op j portion to tha pendiag bi'iand tho other by S'-uator Stewart, of Color f(o, in sup!ort of tho . measure. ' Mr. Welfington's add'-oas ceverel the Philippine question generally and h? sot forth ht well known vipw forcefully. There will be some lively oppo sition to the Poit Office Appropria tion bill which, as reported by the Iiou:--e Committee, places the rural ean iu s under the contract system. A i;ijmbr of Southern Democrats believe tb-t this system would re buP. iii the successful oompetion of negroes, and such a condition, tbey argue, would destroy the useful ness of the uiial delivery hystem in a large way. The opposition is not confined to Dem crats by any tneuiis, but Republicans, wko have us -d their potronage U advantage will Hue up fitrongly in the fiKbt, It is contended also that a contract wad carrier would Ve debarred from the delivery of registered mail, and this fact ia reckoned as a forceful argument against Chair man L-md's plan. VoJeanle Empilona Arc grand, but ftkin Eruptions rub lil'e of joy, Ihicklen's Ami a Salve cures them, also old. running and fever sores, ulcers, boils, fclons.corns, warts. cuU. bruises, burns, scalds ' vt niii ct. " 1" - cure on carin, orncs um puiua ami aches. Onlv 25c a box. Cure gua- rantecd. Sold by W L L.Sapp, l)rug'4i-t,. S. Allen ard Baking Powder Mads from pure cream of tartar. Safeguards the food against alum Alum baking powders are the greater menacerc to health of the present day. boyi BAumn fowttk oo , new took. 0s a Trirap tt Dirtsn. Danville Register. A man by the name of Barks, to gether with his wife and four chil dren, were discovered a day or twe ago in a barn abeut two miles from the city without food, fuel or proper raiment. A kind hearted colored man provided them with wood and money and provision! were given them by the people in the city. Chief of Police Aktrs interested himself in their behalf and learned that they were en route to Dur ham, N. C.,' from Pulaski City, where Darks and his wife had been employed. Chief Akere offered t arrange transportation fer the funiily to Durham, but he was in- forined by Mr8 Bark9 thftt thy rt'i,l fc f ia m r 4-It in u erh Ika preferred to tramp through the country and that all they needed was something t eat. Much sympathy was felt for tho strangers by those whe learned of their conditien and their apt tils did not fall on deaf (are. lathe house where they are staying there is-: only a short supply of old straw aud other provender for beds. As sot n us the weather breaks they will continue their journey to Dnr ham. o lm o c 4) 4 U O c O (I) o 2 6 i i (1 K c : Tooth I Brush Economy. J We have tootli brushes f r live and ten cents that are sold for double the prices in some J places. Extra good ones for O fifteen cents, splendid values for t he money, but we do not urgc the sale of any of these because real downright econ- om v cornea in buying something a little better. We would advise you to pick a brush costing 25 cents or more for two reasons : x First, your teeth are worthy of the best brush made. Tho better'the brush the more per feet its work. Second, the higher grade J brushes are guaranteed to give long and perfect service. t FETRER & MIMS, Corner Peay Block. Foley's noney and lar ior children.safe.sure. No opiates. WILL G. KIEKMAN, Readier of Piano, Violin, Mandolin, " Guitar, and . all Brass . and Reed Instruments. Instructor of T (AA S I a I KAK. AI AiUU LIN CLUBS, CHORUS CLASSES CHURCH CHOIRS, ETC. Reihsvillr, N. C