TTVTT U 11 ib nam u till 14 l V 6 ? I J f i PW ! '1 V V o f 1 1 YV "VII h7 -rj- REIDSVILLE, N. C, OCTOBER 24, 1902. $1.00 PER YEAR W YOUR "v V OUSE Is liable to burn tonight, and leave you without a home for your family and without money to rebuild. INSURE IT. at once and get a 00j night's rest. We have been in the Insurance business fifteen fi years and paid out thousands of dollars for ires, and the reputatinn of this office is thoroughly established. THE BEST Companies are the only kind we will rep resent, and our rates are the lowest that can be had in reliable companies. Francis Womack, The Insurance Man. HITCHCOCK'S PRETTY OPENING. Beautiful Display of Articles for Fall and Winter at tbe New Store. Wct.ster s Weekly. I."nl. Tho event of the season, m Hi ? mercantile rculm, was the grand opening t;f fall and winter millinery ai d dress goods at Hitchcock's Cash Store, Tuesday ami Wednesday, Oct. 15th and Kith. These were Indeed w. diys for the ladies uf Reals ville and vicinity. They always to this occasion with in tlw selection u his present stock, he has completely telipsed all previ ous treasons. You may think this i strong language, hut go and see if it is not true. The headgear is simply gorgeous this season. Hats are ve y large and tlat, as though they were made to hold hu endless amount of trim mings. Birds ,-uid feathers of all de soiiptumsare nuich iu demand. The most Peautiful laces in black, and white, together with other gauzy materials, touched by tho hand of IN l look forward to mis occasion wiui ,ht flf thl, h..t9 ft pleasurable expectations. W e enjoy 4,in,m ot i.JV,.utus much in anticipation. From every Fur hat, u u u,ss (,ri!SSV allJ mope standpoint this was an unpiecodenr, s,.rviw,i,l-, nature, there are wings, ed success. Owing to the delay in birds, etc. . and manv pretty patterns getting their now store the opening SIik , ,!u. ,M,W pids that are just was nearly a month latar tha-i usual, j ,.unm)1, to the fure ho me mines nau quite a wnno u gm, ulhb(mH wm, shown ;n nluiiCSa va riety. It v.uld hi hard to find a mo' e effective trimming for misses t J S DALTON, Jr, Solicitor y V'------- N-V plans Cures Cholera-Infantum, Diarrhoca.Dysentery, and ,y halves. the Bowel! roubles of r. Hitchcock Children ot Any Age. Aids Digestion, Regulates the Bowels, Strengthens the Child and Makes TEETHING EASY. MOFFETT. M. D ST. LOUIS, MO. ATLANTA. Oft.. NOV. 111. ltJOO. . 1.11. W. h baadM Dr. MIMt's TKF.XTTINA (Ttl.lnS Potr-terM rvr Mm.i iir,i mtroa. :u. u , iu ,.u. ,it trail iu a nroDrtctrT mmlieino, una nir iraas m u iiiu ii"iniy iu- . ".rv",." ,1 m .-.Ann In nnr lhrA II n 11 ii Tt'tl cross Iter Tc:ir. 1, it 13 I, .i T WtDg to the motbr nr trie counirv. i t uii y ht utnn their exoectotious whetted. Hut 1 lirchcuck was eipual to t he emergen cy even if they had been expecting morj than they were. Any city in North Carolina milit well bo proud of this firm's nw store. It occupies the first and sec ond stories in tho right hand section of the Kernodle Hlock, fronting (ills , iik r and Scales streets, and is by jtdds the most attractive business j stand in Iteilsvillo. It is roomy. Momfortablc, neat, clean, well ven tilated and lighted, and has ti e most gant show windows this side ol Richmond. To say that it was built illy for Mr. Hitchcock, his plans oeing toliowta to int: leuer, j will give some ide i of its beauty, ! convenience and completeness Our merchant prirce never does things rKTHINGJOWDIRSy! Costs Only 25 cents at Druggists, l Or mill 25 cento to and Mrs. Ii vin in buying tin ir stock were mindful of I the fact that they would have plenty I of room and bought accordingly. It 1 is the largest stock of the kind ryer bp ught to Reidsvillo. r merit uii'l ttio fiusinction it .i i.lf...'lMiii:v : i.:l: Is the etll'CtB uf tUti BUlUUlDf Sana OTwcooMt to quickly tb. MoUlc. ii;:ll;:..t t'i nwf. , v.. ,.,.,. n 1)rllitta. and children's hats Their stork is up to date in every thing found m a firot class millinery cstablisliment. such as handker chiefs. iiiH-kwear. gloves, etc. They are still agents for the celebrated (.'entemeri kid glove. If you were not at the opening, do the next best thing you can anil vis it tho Hig Store at once. Mr. Hltcb cock, the merchant prince, and his iiKsistants, Mrs Cornm Irvin, Miss 1 Mae Gumn. Mrs. S. K. Tarrish and Misseq Ada Denny, Laura Powell and Lil Duniett, will esteem your presence a compliment and make your visit one of unalloyed pleasure. Miss Amanda Hitchcock's mantu i inakmg est'iblishmei.t is situated on the sec .nd floor. She has unrivalled facilities for planning, cutting and fitting, and is assisted by several exs perieuvd and artietic dress-makers. She will take Measure in assisting any patron iu the selection of mate rials, etc. THE OLIVER-CARTER WEDDINU. Ritchin Oives Patterson a Roust. KXPKRI KNCK HA! The Cheapest Fire SHOWN THAT are. HEATERS. They :u e easy to operate, " clean, irive you all the liVat. OUR LINE SS FULLY GOmPLETE. M-.AI, IIAIIDWAlih l.U. at 3ood ot Furniture d licaliIKII'le! tin allele Hall A Change's V iiinifurc M.nre is n c niz-'M fur furniture. The ouulities are the vet v the largest and prices uinpiestiouahly the lowest. If you are not a customer ou mutit to !. Have name registered ami take advantage of our low prices. Here ou will liml :i wonderful ranue of styles and prices. Kroin the finest down t( ami including the lowest priced desirable furniture made, and all splendid value;- The viirietv is enormous tlie Itirgest, liv shown in the county. All tit emphatically the We nsk you all to come and look over our stork. The ladies flocked to the store by hundreds; tho crowd w;ts simply im mense. It reminded one of holiday times when lady shoppers turn out en nitisse. Rut to get down to business U.i entering wo will go first to the dress goods counter. Here we find a full line of standard goods, serges, cash- meres, etc,, in all colors and qinli tios. These areas unchangeable for street wear as the laws of tho Medes ; reply to the ipi-jstiou a id Persians Beautiful broadcloths in different weights and colors were shown, together with tho serviceable and stylish camel's hair. The boucles and bourotts which make such beau tiful vi arm winter suits were to be seen. The d splay of materials for evening costumes was exceedingly j ,itilru.t ullj prettv. consisting 01 voues. siiks W pur ir, wt lowe believe, -t i riees 1ALL & CHANCE, Undertakers and Purniture Dealers. I Wedding Invitations. IN ! is St st st; st crejio weaves, crepe de chines, etc. Trimmings to suit every style quality and color of oodn named are shown in great abundance. Promi nent were the appliques in white cream and black, Those trim so beautifully that Dame Fashion is loth to give them up. Gimps, gal loons, frogs, cords, etc , are seen in many different patterns. Rraids will form a veiy important i part cf the season s trimmings, a-i evidenced by the splendid assortment displayed. While (specially suited to tailor-mndo gowns, they aro in such variety and so mafiy combina tions that they seemsuited to almost anv purpose. Their line of velvets and silks were never more complete or more in fa vor. Near the dress goods counter we see displayed the cloaks, capes, jacks ! ets, etc., of different cut and quali fies. All can be pleased out of the i variety from which they have to se lect. It is predicted each season that ( fewer shirt-waists will be Been, but I on the contrary they grow more in j favor, and more elaborate. The show it f goods for this purpose was never ''more beautiful or varied. Silks in liuxboru, N. C, Oct. 11 - lion V. Kitchni tqiunt Sunday aud .a of Monday here with his family. Your correspondent approached Mr 1 ' : I ' . .) I. . 1 1 . I . . .1 iMiciiiu aim ;imm'u nun auuui inc charge;- beiiitf uiado by his opponeut iiL'iiinst hiui. Mr. Kitchin said in Mr. Ratter- i'. 1 1 1 1 son, tiller reiuHiig dv Ms chairman and 10 111 0 personally a joint diweus sion is Misrepresenting both my record and my campaign. He naid I ch;.rgcd him with being the candidate of the enrpwntiotis, which ii not true. A majority of the corporations of t tic are Democratic. i They cannot compare corporations with Monopolies. The trusts and niouopniy lotees want Mr. Rattcrson elected. This is my charge. He ' said in Durham that 1 was trying to .arouse st rife between employer and employe, whi h ia utterly untrue. "When he declined to meet inc I ( knew he would have the opportunity ; of makinir charges which are false, aud ; which can he easily answered, hut 1 : did not expect him to use it. "Many of the best owners of mills, as well as operatives throughout the 'district have heard me speak, and not ! one has heard a word that carried a ; spirit to arouse prejudice between the ' employer aud the employed. I made , my appeal to the conscience and , manhood of my heaters ami iu every 1 speech I try to make men better. "I shall speak again in Ihirhain misled the heretofore, no man who hears me will niisuuder stand my words. "He lots surprised me, however, in nothing more than in his misrepre sentation of my resolution which ! introduced to prevent sectarian legislation, 'the whole intent of which where he seems to have people somewhat, and a.- plain, plaids, and figures, and the ass is ,o emphasize the doctrine ol separa- h Cards for Receptions, st st st vt; St sortiiieiit of woolens is exceedingly attractive. 1 ordered materials are much in evidence, with designs and colorings that tire unique. Their line of hosiery is fully up to the standard. If you try their Hluck Cat Hose for children, especially for boys, you will be much pleased. Nothing wears belter. Their wojI ana cotton underwear is especially Dice. The while lamb's wool vests aie beautiful in quality and veiy comfortable looking. The Hon ol church and Mate, which he ! knew was introduced during my first term in Congress, am! ha.- been rc introduced in each succeeding Con gress: and yet he has said it was for t he benefit of Morinonism, which he must know to he untrue." Mr. Kitekin upon being asked as to his majority, said "Unless a large amount nf money is used in be half of my opponent, 1 will carry tl e district by about nine thousand, but 1 Ceremony Performed by Rector Fetter at ttc Episcopal Charch. Henry liloun',. iu Raleigh l'o-l. Keidsville, N. 0 , Oct. As the modesty of your brilliaut aud talented Keidsville eorrespondeut will not per mit her polished peu to describe that scene of intoxicating beauty aud hap piness that was witnessed touight in Keidsville as her clever aud hand some brother wa particeps crimiuis, as the lawyers would call it, in the glittering tiara of attiaetivcness. 1 will myself, in my plain, biunt way, tell of a scene where heart met heart upou the love throbbing current of estatie bliss aud rapture. At Hy man s shrine, Cupid has brought the loveliest offering, and amid a joyous scene of beauty aud brilliancy, of fond hopes, melting into sweetest fruition, a true, noble, handsome young gentlemau, with a life iu perfect treud with all that is high and praise worthy, aud a pure, lovely, must at tractive young woman, with all the seductive charms aud resplendent virtues that adorn true womanhood, united their young live.- in that bliss jiti..rl.l s..,i,t .., i i .1 ii I n .. .1 .... r-v UIIUriL.U LUIIUUi Ul LCIJ'll'ul irillll.tll j mcnt mat tlows so beautitully upou the song threaded river of marriage. St. Thomas Episcopal church was the place and Manton Marble Oliver and Miss Mary Love Carter were the con trading parties. The Hcv. K. A. ' a tiitt ( iiii im;mjiui itvioi , omv mion, and Mr. Francis Womack presided at the organ, and l'rof. Kirktnan accom panied him on the cornet, aud furnish ed exquisite music. At ! o'clock the deep-toned, melodious breathings of ; the organ announced t he an lval of the j bridal party, and into an exquisite ' scene of beauty and fragrance aud naelody and gong Messrs. ('has Harris j and Houston Neal marched down the centre aisle, followed by Misses Kthel Wright and Fannie Holt, of Jacksonville, Kla , who were met at the altar by Dr. J. A. Williams and Mr. Russel Tucker, who came down the right and left aisles. Then ttc maid of honor, Miss Adelaine !od shaw, of Tryon, came down the center aisle, and was followed by the cyno sure of attraction the lovely Miss Mary Love Carter aad her brother, Mr. Robert Carter, of Nebraska. At the same time Manton Marble Oliver, witk his "best man," Mr. VY. W. Blaekwcll, entered from the vostry. And then with the beautiful and ex quisito Fpiseopal marriage ritual they were united in love knit union and fond hearts met in sweet com niimion. The bride was handsome ly gowned iu while silk mull over taffeta, with duchess ace veil, caught with pearls, carrying a shower boquel of bride's roses and maiden hair fern The maid of honor and the bride's maids were poems of ravishing beauty in white organdie and white carua tions. The ehurch was tastefully and artistically decorated, and seemed a fitting icalin for Flora to hold her carnival of beauty and brilliancy After the ceremony the bridal party assembled at the residence id' ('apt. J. II. Carter, where exquisite n lie h nicnts were served, after which, amid heartiest congratulations, the happy couple took the northbound train lot' Washington City, buray Oaves aud other points of interest. Thus united, with the manliest virtues an 1 the sweetest womanly graces so hap pily and so harmoniously blendini:,lilc will be to t tie id sweet witii pjrlunie and resonant with song, and every song will seem an echo ofcelcsiial harmony. 4lorlilis Vi' Comes from Dr. I). Ii. Curgile, "I Washita, I. T. He writes: "Finn bottles of Klectrie Hitters has cured Mrs. Hrewer of scrofula, which had caused her great sull'ering for years. Terrible sores would break oul mi her head am' lace, and the lu st doc torscoiiid give no help; but, iter cure is complete and her health is excel lent." This shows what thousands have proved that Meetrie Hitters is the best blood purilier known. It is the supremo remedy for irzema, let- Have You Decided What kind il a wci'ding gill you will make that friend of embrace matrix yours who u ill uiun mi soon? Let Us Help You We h Ol H id s in ; In avo the suitable town, tit lakes'. Stock of hu Ibis, purpose .1 the prices on Cut Glass, China or Silver Are tl.c lowcsl ever heard nf We want your trade and w ill make it pay ou tu Call on us. R. C. BERNAU, Gi;Ki:Nsr.(u:o, N. C. H rr 5 c "t c n 3 CT C -t o X n m d c H 3 m i i 5 "s, WHO'S AFRAID? Not the mtiti who carries suilieienl ius'irau-e. I :N (lie oilier fellow the inn wlio attempts Msv cal l le wlialever, lie i t c spread ol fire. Why not Lift Why no' unite maniilaet urcrs? rctidily extended lire insurance (,n . premises. Hi save by run lio iiistnaiiee one w iiu leyrs lid ol this dreail '( t be i unlidciice of Crtitit is more to those who carry toek and li isiucss J. (i. STAPLES & SOtN Will G. Kirkman, PIANO Im:i; C 6 9 Rcid.sville, N. C. red in allswool aro advised for the am eonlident of six thousand majority i tcr- salt r,icu,. ,llct'rs- '"''l;'1"1 W rrd PKi ?-mv r7. vt (1 delicate. They have pants to match m all the grades of white and eolois ' d. An endless variety of hamburgs and laces are displayed at their coun ler. It is always wisdom to have a nice a-sorlment of these things for winter. It would indeed be hard to match their line of these goods. in spite at spend. " ill the money they can Tin ''lil' ill a 4lllt Is envied hy all poor dyspeptic whose Stomach tind Liver tire out of order. All such should know th t l)r, Kind's New Idle Fills, the won- j The housekeeper will be interested derful Stomach and Liver Kemedy, above others in the handsome table ! riv(,s .. s,,4.mii,i ..imetiti. mm ml : 1. I..... l, ...... I., ..f " 1 ' iiiii'ii, iiu(in.iiin, n'wuir, lyui ium-i ui different varieties, dresser covers. irestioii and a regular bodily habits: JO IAI. j I Q VHI IP APPPTITP 8h like. ' Pretty patterns of ! lhal lUH" u great ! IVVVU IW I Wfim nriS III Ea. : UpholBterinK goods are also shown. ".V- ('v 2-)C ut Allen s and , I One of the most interesting feals Saip s Druostores. ' ureS of the opening was tho hand- j - some line of turs displayed. They j ii rniiuii NnrKuiii. will become even more appreciated a , A d))(.torg t(jk, Ucni k ,Iaillill(,n ! little later when the cold December : ., f , ... ,., ,r . , winds begin to blow. They are even ;! Vt Jcller.n )., aLer sulfer.., Liiegailb iainS, rrediUdSL CJiripS, I U II UOr forseV(,rai yeara pa8tt j would die unless a costly operation niiirtlmnc Pnfcv TTrrrrc 0-f-n ' The millinery department was a I wu- performed ; but ho cured nitnself spring WIllCKeilS, IDUlLtJI, -tl-ggb, eiC. 1 thing of beauty. "The Milliner's lie- with live boxes of Huckleu's Arnica Km ltoslmell. Klishn Klmore and l!fcrv Trot !reat" WM curtained in, ma- ( Salve, the surest I'dc cure on earth, Nervous Headaches --- - - king nn attractive corner onaaies IcnfilfSce1 lo Ittbat VOtlf every want 1st stl';pnci!: TPy TTurbliTjpTace TdniheTitlangof na I'erhftjis it is a little had, but it ouht not to be. If it is you can certainly tempt it and make it oo nl enough if you dc your shopping here . nino sores. it stimulates liver, kid neys and bowels, expels poisons helps digestion build up tbe strength Only oDc. Sold by W. S. Allen and L. L. Sapp Druggists. Public Speaking;. The county Democratic candi dates will speak on tho following dates at tho follnwirg named places: Leaksville Tuesday, 2H. Spray, Tuesday mght, 2s. Stoneville, Wednesday, 2:t. Mayodan, Wednesday night, l".t. Wentwoith, Thursday, :io. Bethlehem, F riday, 31. Keidsville. Saturday, November I. Thai I lM-ilihliiK Mt'iKluelic Would ipiickly leave you, if vou ucd Dr. King's New Life l'ills. Thousands of sufferers have proved their matchless merit for Sick and They make - H nad the Unl rntlwo in Uiu worib iiiepur-4U umisst tH. i , it i u ! !...;). I i i, II Ii Groeerv I i CAN FINNISH us with your crdcrs. H. WILLIAMSON CO. Mr. Hitchcock has lone enjoyed an enviable reputation in the realm of millinery. Assisted by two of his milliners, Mis Gump and Mrs. Irvin, a box. Sold at Allen's and Sapp's Drugstores. Fewer Callous; Wearb Longer. build up your health. Easy to take Try them. Only 20c. Money back ifn" enrol. Sold by W.S.Allen an L. L. Sapp. Druggist. h'o-im,, I;.,.!... 'iopinea, Swis, s (,.., .... S,!;t. Ire-;;,-. Celery s:il.a.l, ' "i li i s uier, ,lu:ilel-, (';lkc icing, Pink viuar, L,,ir (,'abln Maplu sirup. Cr.nio-e cakes, Zwieback, Mtiple Ml.'.'ir, Strnjn,,, (H,m. v oW cream eiee-e. New Rolled Oats. Ilcin'.'s p,,i..lei, .(ellitM, 1'reservcs, jinger Ale, Mainschino Cherries, Kviipomted Horse liaddish. Tomato Ketchup, Worcester Sauce. Iniba Uelish, Olives, Prepared Mustard. Chili Stiuce. Also a full line of sugars, coffees, cakes, crackers, canned goods, Kingan's Reliable brand Cured meats. Fish, Salt, Toilet and Laundry soap, Tea, Soda. Starch, Tobaccos, Cigars and lots of other good things too numerous to mention. (Jive us a trial. Our gees with tvtry thing we sdl yon. Thone No. ,ri2. ACME GKOCERY CO. Agents for Tate Spring Water.