THF BSVI REVIEW. VOL. XVI, NO. 21. REIDSVILLE:, N. C HAY 22, lM)3. $1.00 PER YEAR FARMERS, REIVlEiVlBER Special Yellow Leaf, Peruvian $ Mixture, Bob White. Tlie superior quality of these goods and the very low price at which they :;re ! old places them entirely out of the line of t'ouqii" ai'itl. Those goods arc composed of lie cry best iegredients A known I'crplat l j-rowth, ard failure is impossible, when goods are u cd. The. Special Yellow Leaf is said by our i w n State chemist j to forty cents a ton, coiuiuereially, higher than any other goods o:i I his mark 't. D. L. WITHERS & SON, Wcntwarth. 3 GUANOS THAT PAY YOU. The fanners of KoeLmgh.'uvi and adjoining counties, in order to make success in raising tolly ecu, should use a fertilizer that grows it with good body. J. II. Hurtou sells Till': guano. This is no joke. H you have not used his ;;uann ask your neighbor who has. They will tell you about The Old Reliable Piedmont. Tobacco with good I ody weighs heavier and sells higher than a poor nondescript. To get the best results use the Piedmont and grow rich, wavy, heavy tobacc. It has stood the test lor ihirty years and justly won L's reputation of being as good as the best, and better than the rest. J. H. BURTON. A NICE COAT OF ilASTIC - PAINT Will rvfresi eii your house and pie:-eive the building. IS GUARANTEED ABSOLUTELY PURE. This guarantee goes willi it. Ak those who have used it and be con vineed. AVe also carry a large assortment of Carriage and Wagon Paints Bmatnclts, Oils, etc. THE GOSSIP OF WASHINGTON There is considerable concern manifested among mcnibeis of the Cabinet and c ;. other i prominent officials in Washington regarding the extent and the em phasis ith which the President, in his western speeches, is dwelling upon the Monroe Doctrine. It is believed in the East that the Mon roe Doctrine is most expensive to maintain and brings with it no ade quate return. It has been pointed out that whenever a European na tion secures control of a colony the commercial status of the newly ac- l quired territory becomes fixed, the : demand for foreign goods increases 1 and the United States secures its ! share of the commerce. In South j America, however, the integrity ot numerous petty governments is pio ' served by the United States and the lesult is that these little countries arc constantly at war, that they ! repudiate their commercial obliga ! lions without hesitation and to the serious loss of every American busi nessman who attempts to deal with them, and that even when the Unit ed States 1 as a favor to ask, a iu the case of the Panama canal, it receives even less consideration than is accorded European nations. Un der these circumstances the officials refer ted to regard it as ill-advised (or the President to dwell withsuch marked emphasis upon the subject. The facts are, ol course, that Mr. Roosevelt is afraid to discuss the tariff because ol the factional differ ences on that subject in his own party, is unwilling to discuss tru ts and monopolies for lear of further offending the Wall street interests and fir.ds the Monroe Doctrine a safe topic b jcause few people under stand it and most regard it as a sort of patriotic dutv to uphold it. In cidentally, Mr. Roosevelt wants a larger navy and the alleged iiegessi ty of maintaining the Monroe Doc trine furnishes an excuse for his coveted "big stick." It is learned on authority of a member of the Cabinc-. that the President and Senator Hanna have made a trade whereby the fenner will welcome as his running mate, provided he secures the nomination, Mr. Myron T. Uerrick whom Mr. llanna is just now booming for Governor ol Ohio. The Cabinet officer alluded to was invited into I the President's official family be I cause of his political sagacity. He says, "Colonel Uerrick is one oi strongest possibilities for the sec oud place on the ticket. It seems now that the liklihood of his being nominated will become much stronger if he is triumphantly elect ed eovernor of Ohio next fall. Should his m jority lall far below normal, however; his availability will be seriously affected." Secretary of State Hay is now thoroughly convinced that there ' officials will be permitted tc resume ' was no foundation lor the reports ' his duties. In the case of Machen THE OLD Pi&.lSJlfZ-'LSC, forwarded here last week by Mirr ; tuere appears to oe no -occasion tor ister Conger at Pegin to the eflect i his office. There is now a supers that the Russians had. occupied Niu ! intendent of city tree delivery and a Chwang in Manchuria. It appears superintendent ot rural free deliv that United Stales Consul Miller, at Niu Chang, heard that the Russians ery. .vs '"general superintendent, of free delivery " Machen occupied were to occupy the forts at that a position analogous to that of an ponu ana immediately communi cated with Minister Conger who cabled the statement to this coun try. There had been some moves inei:t of Russian troops in Manchu ria but nothing in violation of the treaty stipulations. Although it is stoutly maintained at the S'ate and assistant postmaster general which he had labored to have himself aps pointed. It is now regarded as more than likely that after the eon elusion of the present investigation the division of city free delivery will remain under the supervision ot the Eirst Assistant Postmaster Navy departments that nothing has ; General and that of rural free de occurred to necessitate tlie presence Hverv will be permanently transfer of a stronger naval fleet in Chinese ' red to the bureau presided over by waters, it i . regarded as sum.' what I the Fourth Assistant Postmaster significant that w ithin the past 1 General where it will be in close re week the Wisconsin, the Raleigh, j lationship with the star routes.etc, the Albany and the Cincinnati have : apparently its national location, been ordered to attach themselves ' mmm Absolutely Pura THERE IS NO SUS57I7 to the Asiatic squadron. Representative Swanson ol Vir ginia, a Democratic leader on the floor of the, is iu Washing ton ana" recently expressed some views on the pn -'dental situation. Mr. Swanson regards Senator Gor man as the most available man in the party but names Judge Parker ol New York as his second choice. He see encouragement in the en thusiasm with which Mr. Cleve land has been receivtd on sevird occasions as demonstrating more than usual interest in the democrat ic nominee and auguring success for the democratic ticket but he docs not believe Mr. Cleveland stands the slightest chance of being nominated. ANEW FLAG FOR THE SCHOOL. The Members ol the Junior Order Lodge Pre. eeot it With Appropriate Exercises. Wednesday morning Carolina Council, No. U, Jr. O U. A M. pre souted the public school with a beau i if ul flag, which was accepted by the committee and ra sad for the lust time- after pretty aud irnpres sive spot-cues nau neen mane, The members of the order inarch eti iu order fiom their lodge ro m j to the building, aud were mvited imo the assembly ha1!. Pretty aud j appropriate songs were sung, and Mr. .1. R. Joyce, on behalf of tho j lodgo, made a beautiful speech, preneating the flag to the scLoil eomuntteo. Mr. J. T. Puuuill, for the school Iki.'ii'(1 rtoiliod. m'C.Hntinir it in limine The most important development i;1UKUat,e am making time remarks The Knights of Pythias will not have their usual weakly nieetiagon Monday night on account of the Carnival and the Graded School c immeneement. You never heard of any one usinr Foley's Honey and Tar and not biing satisfied. L, L. Sapp. Statciaoot of Conflition of Bank of Reidsville At close of business April 9, 190.", RESOURCES: in the Postoffice situation durin the past week has been the summary , removal ol August W. Machen. general superintendent of the divi sion of free delivery, and the up 1 pointnient as acting superintendent of M. C. Eosnes, who is regarded as the most able postoffice inspector in the service. It will be remembered that it was Mr. Eosnes who cleared up the Cuban postal service afte with reference to the order ami its interests and principles. Roth efforts were highly compli mented aud showed that the speak eis had given thought aud patience to the preparation of their remarks. The committee from the lodge then tied the rope to the flag, aud when the children, the members of tho order, the eurnuiitteemeu and quite a number of visitors had marched to the front of the build Loans and Discounts, Overdrafts, secured, Overdrafts, unsecured, Banking house, Furniture and Fixtures, Real estate, Cash items, Revenue stamps. Cash in vault and due from banks, 141.413.18 10.2U6.6S 1,011.17 7.121.66 2,357.73 5,623.2s! 288.22 105.44 21,949.33 193,976.65 Estes C. Rathbone had gotten it ins mg it was raised by a squad of loan almost inextri able muddle, 'belittle girls who are in Miss Pitt's Since Machen 's removal some inis ; room. The flag is twenty seven portant discoveries have been marie i fe1 l,Ju- lJul1 lnting it to the although their character will not be ; rS? ? Insure to which iouutn.1 lojvvaiu reveled until Fourth Assistant Postmaster General I'ristow com pletes his report. It has been aris nounced that the appropriation for rural routes has been exhausted and no fuither loutes will be es tablished until after July i . Thero have now been removed : from office lour officials against whom charges have been preterm! , j Judge Tyner, Mr. Christiancy, Ty- ner's assistant, Machen and Super intendent Beavers, although the j latt.r was permitted to resign. It is not believed that any one of these the members have hiuee the new building was com pleted. j Total, j LIABILITIES: i ' 'amtal stock Daid in. i Undivided profits, less ex. aud taxes paid, 9,396.99 Dividends unpaid, 474.00 Notes aud bills re-dis- eounted, 19,733 29 Cashier's checks out standing 243 17 Certified cheek account 53.95 Deposits, 114,075.25 1Mn II 1'ity lo Buy Clieiip A heni ri'iiif iiy for coughs ami colds is al" liiflil lnil J'l'ii waul HomolliliiK t liat will rc i i v v and riire I lie inure Ncvrt ami litiiirr- 1 1 h results of I limit! mul hiii-r troulilcs H'luil sliiill yuii do-' iin to i, A-aimcr mid iiioi'm ri-KUlar li mil! V Yen, if possible, if not piisHiblrt for yuii. ! Ihmi in fit Iut chhh take i hi' only mined- Hint Iihh licen Introduced In all Hip rivili.t'il countrie with hiicccnh In shvhi'k IIiiohI mill Iuiik H'oublcH, "HohcIiWh o. 'riniui Syrun." II no! only Ih-hIh and Htim uliili'M tliftlssueH In destroy the tfcrui (II- itfiiMe, hut allays iiillaiiiinatiun, caimen easy exiiccloralion, Kivcs a ood niKht'a rest, and cnri'S tin' patli'iil . 'l'ry one tiottle. Recotn ini'ii.led uiany year. by all il ru tfK'sl H in Hip world Vou can ct IhW rellahlM riiincdy at Alli'li'H ilriii;Mlori'. Price 2T.C and )r,c. 193,fl76.5 Total, I, J. F.Watlington Cashier, dosol- omnly swear that the above is true to the best of tny knowledge and belief. J. F. Watunuton, Cashier. Sworn to and subscribed before me tLiic April 1(1, 1903. W. 0. Harris, N. P. Correct. Attest B. M. Hitch cock, R. T. Williams, E. M, Redd, Directois. r HAKE OUR STORE HEADQUARTERS DURING THE CARNIVAL. GILES & MinS HARDWARE CO, YOU KiOW OUR GUANOS! You and your Weiehbors have Used Them Before. U is therefore useless for us to tcil yon liow good they aie. Fertilizers which have beui trieil lor yeais are the kind we f-cll, and you cannot idl'ord to experiment with any other kind. Don't Give up a Sure Thing To expiriment with something that's new. Messrs. Sam BiihIiiicII, lb my Ti otter and Will Mender will see to it that vonr every want is supplied Try as with your crders. We will please vou. P. H. WILLIAMSON CO. $15. - riATTRESSES - $10. Elastic Felt Mattresses the same class of mattress, but not as good as one we sell you, is advertized in the magazines at $15.00. Now $10.00 is I more than enough for the magazine advertized article jxu are looieei oui ot $j,00, when you send a magazine advertizer $15.00 for an article not as good as the mattress we sell you. It Always Pays to buy Here. Th prbnipal thing you get from a 'magazine advertiser is "talk," it's heap. It's costs several times as much to advertize in a magazine as it dis in an v first class newspaper in Keidsville. Any furniture denier can inrnish yon a letter mattress lor $10.00 than those advertized in the maga -ntntt m any eitr in ihe eon n try i--Hel'oro - btaiig-tcuipted-Come toiiur sLojfc. and tpsu:d und eaveour money. HALL & CHANCE, Furniture Dealers and Undertakers. I ! J i ! I I i I j I i ! i H 3 rt C i ro rt 3 a o -t n rn a 2 m $ o o CD 3 Will be a Feature of Garden seed LANDRETH'S SEED Have stood the test for over a hundred yea s. A full supply of these varie ties at CARN I VAL WEEK ! Fetzer & nims1 Drug Store.