LAND SALE Pta of North rrolin, V.' . i ,-. tiaiM lit If . utioii dirfrtel to th ...i..ri,.,,.t nut of the Superior Viir f i. t ..... i.o i-.n i.t v In f vop of J . Hash ... .i'.nxt s H. Vanirhn. E. B. Vaiitflm, J i- v,i,n mi) K F. Kumlev. If fptiiiitiil. I wl'l. lit fr nit of Dip Court Hons f 0 r in t towu or Wentworth at one o'clock. On the 2lHh day of February, 19 i f. r rssi to-tlie Muhftit Ni1dT H I Vaughn's entire Interest inthe land of K I v.nhii'a ostiito. It hcinir one utHl'Vilfit i ti.rh tnivrMt in smd lamia d.'rribe 1 nt fj!l iw. to wit: Efglmiing at a post oak In M'h Yautrtin's line running North 1R pol- rt.L- mtl lillilltjarMT thniiCH K,1Jt 6ti 1.1 t t o FpiiDieli oak mi) pointers; then N SI l: loc to f tiesmui oiia on in.rui t ...i.t viiiniliiir fr.-lul ThornnS lHf Iheuce Kostern course with esid road Mr fi the IWhey Hprirgs rod; thenc m iit poles to a stake In Angle' line; kiii.raAmuiit lin t,t1 wen Throilwic ..iIh th k Vaughn, E. B. Vaughn and Daniel Y a.nitiiih .tab in uift rn t; thitnpp aI rrv. n i MtlU ,'ili ni'tl' .' . ...... Mi line V p' led to the beginning, c on tinttir 170 Brrs. mure r Another tract bounded as follows, to w It: Beginning t stone new e. rnerin nnoi line, running Nortii S4 poe to h pnafoi .1. UL'aaf lllll (fi & f'hputlltlt? Ihtt t tk a' H po es -to ft sweet gum 10 Marshall's II thence r.ast on new line ji: pme io Ieimin1ltg .rontnininn no. wore nr irn.i. This the 27th day of January, l:ti't. f m. f. nNMX,Hhfii(r LAND SALE. By Tlrfuo of itn orrtcr of thfi Snrcrinr Ciuni . . n t. it.: the untierHlKnco win ht cukii in m fiijrhest lililiie. at fuhllo miction in lli tow of ilBldavllle, t i-leeti o'clock on Saturday, the C-th day jf Ft b., 1 0C ir-prt1ii tract or narccl of Isrni. MitustB I Knid on tli witters of Iiaw rlvr, nrfjiiiiiinir the bind of Robert Somem; Iot ri e W i i It son, Jon.ittmn Koi.erlHoii niionn-rs linirliinlnif Ht the month of HerlHn erecli riinnliiit wit It Haw river ft) nolen toft hY'h on the t-iitik df Rftld river; thencH Norlh 1.1 Kt 13 Boies to a Hloni-; thence Huth 77 W'rvt ',u s to a 1'oidar on the -hank o llhihln rieek; tlience clown the creek ft It lrexiilcru to thn tiettlm'iltix: and cental inn,.' i'l S 4 acri'Hv more or lean. Sale made mi liject , to 'coiiflriiiat Ion of court !'d title retained tt nt 1 1 full payment of the jinrchaH" irire. H. 'Id fur tiartllloh amonx the lielr of I leororo Ilerliln, deceased. This tin; WU day of l)eC'tn her. !W K. It. SMITH, Coiii'i LAND SALE Py virhte of an order of the Kupeiinr (?iiurt the umleriiifiied will at. the coin hoiine door In Went worth on Mo.ulajv tlio 8th (lay ofKeb,, 10!)1 lit IIOnI! Bell for CliHtl to the, hlirhent hid. 11 1u order to iiiafcn mhkIh to imy.. 4vht..-i certain tract or parcel of land altuatu In the town of Keidnvtlle, near the factory of i he KelddVllh Kertili.erf'ompany, adjoining th" lands of H It Scut, Klla Neat and others, and conta lin nir one half R'Ts, more or lesa. Hale made auliject to the contlrtnatlon of court and title retalncJ until full payment o the liurchnau nioney. ' TLla the. tutl! day tit er, li)03 H. II. SMITH. Adm'r of Ucorfje Neal, di:u'd NOTICE f aIIbph i t a,l m I ii tut yu 1 1 iti littnn 1ha aahllu .. .:.. . m 1. ........ W'.r.. ... .... nf .llin II M.tfliitr H.kiiiiauu.l htttflii luBiinrit. the iiiidermifiifd from the Huperlor court of nocKinnain county, nonce is nereny (riven to all peraona ludebled to aald eatate to flotn forward and make Immediate payment, and all persons holding claims ajraliiHt said est ale to present (hem for payment, duly proven, oh or before the nd Cay of January, IStnV ort hls nonce win ne pleaded in par or ineir recov ery Tlila the 3Iat day of Dee , tmi. J. H. WALK KK. Adm'r of John K. Motley, d c'd ISTotico Havlnu- iitialllled km AdmlnlHtrator on thi cetate of Fannie Hcrhlii, deceased, I heretiy liot.lfvall ltel-HinH owlnir hhIiI eutHtn tn nnn.i forward and make Immediate payment, anil II peraona having claluiH ftKainat aald astute will presenttheiu to me on ir before the 1st day nf January, mnfi, or Ihle notice will he pieausa in nar oi wieir recovery, XhlH un jHth day of Due, J. B. JOHNSTON, AdiiilnlHtraror of r'annle Herbln.dec'd X ror Kst-class 1'ntil, SIuulc I and Oru (tin in fal liif and I'lmils, t Jersey Cattle, Poland China, limn moth Mi lad y nil Stonls, John A. Young, Greensboro, N. C. A. I). IVJE, Attornov tit - Xjav Will practice in ituckinojiam and fl(1Jolnin?courilU', Siiccial titlen tion given to tho collection of claims All corrcspoii'lcnce promptly mis wtre 1. Aillreas : Leaksville, N. C Dr. W. H. Wakefield CnAItLOTTK, N. C Can bo consultftl in his office at No. 320 North Tryou street except on cacliVt)(.liiolav and Tliursilayi Watch for ;. announcement of Ins visits m Ki-i'lHvillo. 1'racticc limitc l to Eye, Ear, "'Noijt aiil Throft L. L. SAPP, Practicing Physician, Office in the WhitsetJ building, ovei C. J. Mathews & Co'b.- 'phone 7b. Residence 'phone 138. All cull promptly attended day or bight. t -tci Cw!Js Prevents PneumoB! Warming the Poultry Houre. Tlicre are many v;iys of wur:i.? poultry hoiiso, but ti e I'hm thru; n in our Illustration is not only a chonp one, but it also vcutiidtt.-s the pouUry bouse by sup;'!yu;:,r frc:-h warm air. Any kind of flat top stovo, or even a kerosene oil stove will give sutlicient heat. Forty d-'re"; I'alironlie't 13 warm t'not'"h for a poul'iy houe; the f x.. of the stove d"per.c?s on the length if t!iv Ihhiho. It is e.dsy enough to put a .s'ove in th- ji 'iiltry bouse, but we wi.-,h al.'-o to e;itilate the house while w.inipn,' It, as well as to make . use of a Icroycne lamp, or small stove, if int little wariiith is retuirol. 'I I he !r U simply a dosed box; one yard sipiar , and one inch doipvniiiths o! Ortiiitiiy !ieet iron. The box,', or heater is placed on a fmall Ftove. or if lens are at tached to each corner of tiie heater, a lamp may bo placed under it. ' The cold air comes in at A, pa. ses through the box, becoming heated,' and emerges at the pipo H. The cold air pipe is half an Inch In'. diameter' and tho warm air pipe one Inch. The pipe A. should be long enough to extend through the walls to the outside, so asVto bring In the pure air. These pipe3 may be niadi of tin. By bring log In the fresh air and heating it, the poultry house Is not only ventilated but warmed. This permits of closing It tightly, no as to avoid the cold air. No ventilators On the top of the build ing will be required, and the air will keep the bouse dry. Always bring tho air In and discharge it near tho roof, as the birds will not then crowd, or become lame, as they will when the warmth Is below them. Indian Game Fowls. The game fowls of various feather are mostly supposed to have descended from the wild Jungle fowls of south ern Asia. The so-called Sumatra are well known for their indomitable pluck and other fighting qualities. The In diana Games bear some resemblance to the breed mentioned above, but are not Identical. The cocks do not have the long, snaky necks, and the wicked, cruel look of the Sumatras, but are more compactly built, heavier and have a more stylish appearance. They are peculiarly valuable for the gridiron, having a delicacy of texture and fine gamy flavor. But it ia for the purpose of crossing with other breeds that they are most valuable. Like all the game? the hens make excellent mothers. Farmers and Failures. . Pin up two faots to be considered when you are discouraged: Thero are fewer business failures among farm ers than among any other class; more men begin without capital and be come owners of good business In farming than In any other vocation. ;:V:':''. Doubtful i i Mamma Johnny. I left 10 cents on this shelf a little while ago. Did you take it? ..:,'''.. ....:... ., Johnny Tos'm. There's a poor old hunchback man that has a biK family to support, and I gave it to him. Mamma An, and where did you sen this poor man. Johnny He came to the door sellln' caudjes an' things, Philadelphia A Testimonial. "Gentlemen My Hair was coming out in handfuls, but slnco I began using your Matchless Hair Invlgorator it has stopped falling out entirely." An Eskimo Episode. "You are the light of my life." lighed tho lover, edging a trifle closer to the hand carved ice Betteo. "You only say that because yon know I drink so much train oil," she blubbered. . "'However, it resulted ia a match. Judge. - Clrcumsances Alter Cases. "This paper says woman's chief at traction is her hair. Do you think Bor "Not on a muddy street." Michigan Wrinkle. M men wero as anxious to do risht 8 they are to get their rights, the world would soon brf righted. Happiness Is an art, and we havo to Ifiara how to be happy, just an hare to bwa how to be goo' - ' j: Method f:r Cstchirg Them. The ttTn.p''!! hunters h ive adopted a new methyl fur i-aivhina; ternpla. j and what few are b it in the Chesa i r-?ake 1!a ami its tributaries wJl I Boon be in the terrapin iw) TL9 now device is a trap cmstru-'-ted aout I on the same nrim iulo as an eel no I - 1 The body of the tra; fonrtrD'tud of wire and the entrav.-e of twine, so woven that the Uirapins easily ea ter, but fiuJ It iDHm.-.s;ide to got out. The trap Is then Idled with bait,' far. the most part crushed crabs, and stt ia the marsh where terrapins have been' bx ated. The terrapin hunter ualks through the marsh and discov ers his game by the protruriing heaiM, as the terrapins are compelled to come to .the- surface to I reat'ie. Many of them are drawue!l.ii these traps, and one hunter stales that he has Feen twenty-two drowned In this manner (lurins; the present summer. A terra pin cannot live In one of these traps over three 'hour, -a nd thus the hunter must be on the move (Onstautly if he would preserve bis ;;aaie alive. Ter rapins are also being caught In '.'puree ntftfi, but these cannot be used In shallow streams successfully, on ac count of the numerous stumps of trees on the bottom. One hunter made a lare haul wi;h a fyW some weeks ago. fie saw a hirge number af terrapin going up a narrow marsh stream, and knew, that it was tisclessi to follow them at once, on account o! the numerous deep holes, which ren dered "the terrapin' practically safe from pursuit, lie therefore stopped uj the stream with the exception of one narrow outlet, in which he placed his fyke. Night after night he waited patieutly for the terrapin to tome down. At length one night there came a heavy rain, and the terrapin came down with a rush, so that he caught more of them than he had caught at one time for many years Baltimore Sua. Just Laughed. " ' As the pen is symetimes mightier than the sword, so the laugh Is, on occanlon, as powerful as in eloquence the spoken word. "There are many different kinds Of conversational .'.accomplishments,"' re marked a man well up in the ways of the world, "and ! have paid due at tention to the ''cultivation of such as lie within my range. Great is lan guage great, indeed and beautiful withal. Next to my limited ability with words, however, I rank my facul ty of using the smile, or the laugh, as the cane may be. . "I don't mean pleasantry and mirth, as domestic social graces, but as de fensive business artillery. Of course, a man's first impulse, when another misguided man makes a palpable mov to 'do him up' or asks some unreason able and preposterous business favor, Is to enter on wordy opio8ltIon strenuous, naturally,, and, perhaps, violent. This, I have learned, Is waste of nervous force and allows argument on the part of the unfriend ly man who is trying to make the touch. The stronger weapon Is to laugh Just laugh. Utter not a word, no matter how much the . other may lay; but Just keep on laughing. I've routed many ; deep laid, dishonest schemes with a good, hearty laugh, Try it." Detroit Free Tress. "Few persons tire, perhaps, aware that a thing of beauty is a common peanut plant, growing singly In a six or elght-lnch pot and grown indoors during the colder weather," said a Lexington avenue florist. "Kept in a warm room or by the kitchen stove, a peanut kernel, plant ed In a pot of loose, mellow loam, and only moderately moistened, will soon germinate and grow up into a beauti ful plant, expending its branches over the pot. "The leaves close together like the leaves of a book on the approach of night, or when a shower begins to fall upon them. The plant bears tiny yellow owors. There is nothing else Just like it, and florists throughout tho country might well add it to their list." . Don't use your eyes when f.ey are tired. Do just as careful of your teeth as of your hair and complexion. Don't let yourself get stout; plump ness is pretty, fat is not. Drink lots of water; boil it if doubt, ful of Its purity. Take as much exercise as possible; a dally walk is a great tonic. Lemon in a glass of warm water, taken before breakfast twice a wealt. Is excellent for the complexion.""""" High stiff linen collars have come m again, just as the modish woman had succeeded in educating hersolf tway from them. The new models are, a rule, embroidered, which adds a femi nine touch to their severity. Flax thread mercerized is provlled In all colors for embroidery and fajot atltcnlng upon linen frocks, Found n Cur for linlletloii. I use Cham! erlain'a Stomach and Liver Tablets for indigestion and find that they suit njy case better, than any dyspepsia remedy I have ever tried anil I have used 'many different remedies, I am nearly filty-one years of ape and have stffercd a great deal from L.digestion. I can eat almost anything I want to now. Gko W. Ksionr, Rock Mills, Ala. For salo by all druggists. Some llubblaf Oilers. The Constitution, the Inland Farmer and Hie llirlcf a weeR Mew York World and Tin lUview, i.tsu. t t'oiuo)olltan, the (instltntloti, th A in. .rl. nit Aorrirulliirftliat and Rv lew. i 0U. Ike Woman's Home Couipaniou, the Col I atltui Ion and The Kevlw. 11.75. JVLllM3f INaltirers Ciftlfroin the Sunny 2 oath Shortens ycur foo3-Laitte w lift America is a nation of dyspeptics ; the use of lard in cookinjr is the main cause. For your own protection you 6hould divorce yourself from all food cooked with lard. Instead, use Cottoler.e, the purest and most palatable shorteninj possible to produco. Cottolene is made from refined vegetable oil and choice beef suet, is full of richness, yet free from dys pepsia. It will give you better food, and food which will agree with you. Cottolene is never sold in bulk. It comes in sealed white pails, with red label and band. In the center of the label is our trade mark a steer's head in cotton plant wreath. Cottolene is not exposed to all the odor which surround it ; lard is, because it usually ccmes in bulk. The quality of Cottolene is guaranteed, we 6tand behind it. You take rio chanoesin " Its use.; vj Forestall dyspepsia by the use of Cottolene. Any good grocer will supply you. One trial will make you wonder why you stuck to hog lard 60 long. '... .....,:;.. ;:-. .- ': USE $ LESS. Cottolene being richer than either lard or cooking butter, one-third less is required. PPFP ?en1 u a 2e ttamD to w Post and "11 mail you eopy of our book, . -XJ'-' 'Home Helps." edited by Mrs. Rorar, which contains 800 choice recipes Made only by THE N K. FAIRBANK SOUTHERN OPERATING OVER 7,000 Quick Routes to all Points NORTH-SOUTH --EAST-WEST Through Trains Between Principal Cities andReSOrtSAIfordloj Flrst-cIasa'Accomodations. ELEGANT PULLMAN SLEEPERS ON ALL THROUGH TRAINS DINING, CLUB AND OBSERVATION CAES , For epeed, comfort and courteous employees, travel via the Southern Railway. Rates, HcheJnles'aiiil othir Information furnlsheA by addressing the undersigned: R. L. VERNON. T. P. A.. J. H. WOOD. D. P. A.. r t Chnrloite. N. C. W. A. '1URK, P.T, M Your Order For imvthiiig jout need u. Jew elry, Watches, Silvcrwtire cr Opiital Gccds. We 'will eetve ou right, li connt ction we havt I lie onlv u rn pletc urinding plant in tho Stale lor making spectacle lenses." hend us your broken glasses. We can dui) ic ate tl cm, CHARLOTTK. N. C. What is Dr. Petty's Natural Stock lick ? It is not a rew thing. It was prepared and deposited in the earth by Nature lor " all 6tock. For sale by all dealers. Manufactured by The Lick Company, Winston, N. 0. Review s Voting Coupon. : ' : :. This Coupon is good for One Vote for i !n ! J As tho Most Popular l ady Rea.der of The Review, . , -. : : A l JANUARY 29TH. t Cut out and deposit in ballot box at Fetzer's drugstore. 0 COMPANY. Dept 553 Chlcaso RAILWAY - MILES OF. RAILWAY. , , Asheville. N. O. i S.! II. HARD WICK, G. P. A., J '.- . f FREE For The Asking. 'Numbers of tUa'ers have brnntls of (zoods they would 10 . doulit he glad to ge rid of and if eouie con suiners could . be , found carcleas enoiioh of f heir constitution to us. same they could obtain their wante, free for the asking. Rut it is not so with the famous OLD HENRY PURE RYE WHISKEY Every dealer will tell you It Is Ms beat seller, no' talking or iiersuaaton neceitMry, everybody satisfied and feeling certain they have the best, when In our original utfhRffeg. with seals over corhs, naiuh blown In bottles and picture on label. If parlies in prohibited sections will write to us we will see that they sre supplied by measure or bottles; everything packed in plain buses, ns niavks to show " conleutsr and "deliv" ered free of freight or express charges at their stations. STRAUS, GUNST & CO.. Proprietors, v' ' Uichmond, Va n lb L3 Pneumonia follows La Grlppo but never follows the use of oney and Tar It stops the Cough and heals the lungs. Prevents Pneumonia and Consumption, Mb. Q. Vacbeb, of 157 Osgood St., Chicago, vritas: "My wife bad U grippe and it left her with a very bad cough on her longs which Volki's llo.NEf and Tab cored completely. Nothing has ever equalled it Nothing can evor surpass it. A Terfett For Ail Throat and I Cure: Lung Troubles. Money back if It fau3. 7 rial Dottles free. ' 8LBH83H eidsville eview, Semi-Weekly, $1.00 Per Year I I I ONTAINs MOKE Town News, County Nys, 5tate News, National New 5 And better reading than any paper printed in Rockingham county It ket'pn you poi-ted till the time, It is the bes t family paper. It publishes the news of society, the coming' and going of the people, the news of all clnsses, and reports of every important event in its territory. From week to week it gives twice as much Rockingham tews as any paper published. That explains its popularity I Noefolk & Western ralroaid. Schedule in IJlI'ect Aug 30, 1003 ;WINON-!ALBM DIVISION. SOUTH HOUND. Dally 915 am 10 28 am 11 45 am 11 48 pm 1 81 pra Sally Sunday 5 16 pm 6 id pm . 7 IS pm 8 l pm Lv. Roanoke Rocky Mount MartliiBVilie Madlsou "Walnut Cove Ar. Winston a do pm 1 00 pm lu 15 pm I 0' " fl - 1 ' ' r.lyngs x Flew Discovery gcrt:i.l;48a"i:'1 sicistoo KORI'H HOUND. t.v. Winston 8 00 am t 60 pm Walnut Co 8 43 am 8 88 pm -KadiaoD 9 18am '8 Mpm Martinsville 10 24 am S 00 pm '. Koch y Mount . 11 56 am 8 29 pm Ar. Koanohe 1 00 pta 130pm WKST HOUM LEAVE ROANOKE DAILY 4:t5 sm. Vestlbuled Limited for Bristol, Knoxville, (.liattuuontia. Pullman sleep ers to Memphis and New Orle alio. ESI 1:15 p m lor Radford, BlneUeld Columbus, Chicago Rl,d to all points weit. Fullmau sleerers Roanoke to Columbus. 4:35 p m daily except huuday for Bluefleld . and Intermediate siatioim. ... 1:45 pra dany fir Hadford. Brtstol and Interueaiatf itntiiiB Mceper to Kuox vlllo. . . --, -II io nm. For Bristol, Bluefleld, Norton, Pocahontas snd Welch NORTH AND EAST BOUND. I:f0 pm and lS:''5pm. For Lynchburg, Peters butff, Richmond and Norfolk. Pullman sleepers on nlht trains for Richmond and Norfolk. 1:52 pm. For Washington, Hafrerstown, Phil adelphia and New York. Pullman sleep ers to New York. 8 25 nm. For Hagerstown and Intermedial stations. 12:ii5am. Vestibuled Limited for Washing ton, Baltimore, Fhiladelphia and New York. Solid tratn Pullman sleepers. 1:05 a m for Lynchburg-, Petersburg, Plch H,oiidand Norfolk! "DURHAM DIVISION. 8 16 pm. Dally for Lynchburtr, Leave Lynchburg, Union station, 4:30dailj except Sunday for Durham and interm diate points. For all additional Infor ji tlon abply at ticket office or to M. F.BRAOO, Trav. Pass, Agt., Roanoke, Va W" B. BfcVILL, Oen. Pats. Art., Rcanoka V TO THE Glorious Mountains of West ern North Carolina. Invites the attention of all Heatth and Pleasure seekers Low-Rate Summer' Tickets Are on sale from principal points in the South. and Southeast, to the nottd resorts located on and reached by Southern Railway. Tick ets on sale up to and including September SCI, 1903; limited to 'Ytober 31, 1903, for return. "The Land oftha Skv" AND ' "Sannhirc Country." ' L A Ashevllle. N. C. and Hot Sprints, N. C Offer every attraction to the sum. travelor or invalid. The East Ten ncssee and Vijginia Resorts a'so oflVr many inducements for hedth and pleasure. Ask any summer Kauway Agent for Summer Homes Folder, descrip-. tive ot the many deluhtlul resorts reached by Southern Railway. e So in

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