LOC ALETTES. Mr. Robert M. Hancock now has the contract for carrying the mails from Reidsville to Wentworth and return. Mr. Bud Williams sends us word that bis wheat threshed out 93 bushels for the 6ix bushels which he sewed. Mr, S. H. Ware made 640 bushels of wheatwhich was 100 bushels or more of what be expected. The yield is tery good in this immediate section. Misses Myrtie Burnette and Birdie Lamherth have succeeded MiBses Julia and Bessie Withers, who have resiened their positions with the Bell Telephone Co. Mr. C. L. Hen n is is opening up a fancy grocery store iu the building next to Sharp's barber shop, and will throw open his doors to the public In a few days. There wiU be a picnic at Calvary church on Saturday of next week The dav will be observed as "Or phans' Day," and a special collec tiuu will be taken for orphans If the Reidsville Tobacco Board of Trade is wise it will arrange to hive this splendid market properly advertised during the fall and winter. Those towDS wbicn are trying this find it pays nicely. Chickens and ecES have been 6caice all the spring and conse quently are very high. Good frying size chickens readily bring a quarier or thirty cents, and eggs sell right along at tuteen or eign teen cents per dozen. Mr. D. Bailev McCollum, whose death we announced last week car ried an insurance policy for $1,000 in the Equitable, which is repre sented here by Mr. J O: Mallery, and on which Mr. McCollum had paid only two premiums. A gentleman remarked yesterday that the past two weeks here hsd been the most pleasant for the young people of any he could recall. We have during that time bad a large number of fair visitors and our people have entertained them liberally. Mr. N. D. Fetzer. of Concord, a brother of our townsman, Mr C. H. Fetzer. and Mrs. R. T. WilliamH and MissMollie Fetzer, of Reids. ville. died at bis home in Concord Wednesday at 11 o'clock. Deceased was a nrominent citizen of his own. The Reidsville relatives at tended the funeral and burial. Mr, George W. Brittian, of Dan v.lle, has about completed bis drug a ore here and is now opening up his stock. His stand is In the Den nv building which has been beauti fully remodelled. Messrs Hutch erson Bros, also have their feed store in the building, the entrance beiDg from Scales street or at the rear of the drug store. The Central Hotel, now occupied by Mrs J. H. Rascoe, will be va cated on the first of the month, and repairs will bemadeto the building and a large addition added. It is the intention of the owner of the properly to double the capacity of the hotel and it will be in charge of one of the most experienced and popular ladies of the place. Mr. Raecoe's family will move into their new home, the Rochelle cot tage, on Main street. A representative of the Bell Tel ephone Company is in Reidsville this week making , contracts with the subscribers for an increased rate for telephones The rate for bus ness 'phones will be $3.00 per month ; for residence s with a single 'phone on the line $2; where there ae two or more 'phones the rate is $1 50. Quite a number of patrons have refused to sign the contracts, and will have their 'phones discon tinned. The old rate was ! and $125. The Reidsville military company was reorganized Wednesday night under most auspicious circum stances. Fifty splendid men en listed for the full term, many of tbeMft being the pick of the mem bership of the ReidsviPe companies which made such a history for the tow a. The officers elected were R. i. Gladstone, J r ., captain ; G. W. Burton, first lieutenant; W. H. Foy, second lieutenant. Each of the.se are ex-captains and will guarantee a rousing - attendance each drill night and a good com pany.. ' The Daughters of the Confeder acy met with Miss Lola Stone Wed nes lay afternoon and the members were delightfully entertained by the hostess who very kindly fur nished musin and refreshments. Delegates to the Southern Meeting, which will be held at tt, Louis in October, were elected, Misses Min nie Williamson and Lola Stone be ing chosen. The chapter is very much pleased with the work ac complished by the band of workers who are continually looking after the comfort of veterans and widows of old soldiers. The town commissioners attheir session Tuesday tabled a resolu tion asking for restrictions for the saloons, until there was a full meeting of the board present, Messrs. Wry and Penn were ab senr Mr. Pipkin introduced the les dution Commissioner Williams sa d be would vote for the resold S.. . I . . .1 1 . A llb- at night and open them not earlier than 6 in the morning, but a re-, quirement thatj the . windows (and Bcreens were to be changed, he thought, bad better be investigated and asked that tbe resolution be placed on the table unless these provisions were stricken out. There ia some talk in the Greens boro correspondence of the State dailies about Raleigh. Durham ant ureensDoro competing ror the ap pointmeot of the Third Regiment Band of the North Caroliua Na tional Guard, and when Colonel J N. Craig was asked about tbe mat ter be said that no change was desired. One thing is certain: t he State never had a better band than this one, and it is known that the towns named can not secure the appointment if the selection is made on the merits of the organ izations The band will attend en campment next month in fine shape, having assurances that new instruments and uniforms will be shipped at once. At a business meeting last evening lb a following officers were elected: Chief Musi cian, J Fred Tesh; Principal Musi cian; Manton Oliver; Sergeants, J. A. Haldin. J. H. Morrison. W. B Gillie. C. L. Tesh, R. T. Burton, H L. Morrison. Albert Osborne; Drum Major, R. M. B. Ellington. The corporals will be appointed later. PERSONALS. Miss Fatie Paschal is visiting her relatives in Walkertown. Miss Marion Noell, ot Danville, is a guest of Miss Kate Haigh. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Chamberlain visited relatives in Wineton-Saleui this week. Miss Cora Norman has returned from a visit to her relatives in Greensboio. Mrs. Goodson and Miss Tildy Njwell, of Danville are guests of Mrs. S. H, Ware. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Rowe spent a day here this week on their return home to Danville. Mrs. W. T. Heouis of Mt. Airy, is visiting ber son, Mr. C, L. Heu- nis, in tbe West End. Mrs. R. G. Gladstone is spending some time at Kittrell, visiting her relatives. ; Mrs. J. O. Magruder and little daughter, of Danville, are visiting tneir relatives here. Mrs. J. D. Goodman, of Philadel phia, is visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. A Ingram. Miss Mollie Womack has gone to Raleigh, where she will attend the summer school for teachers. Miss Winifred Adderton, of Lex- mgton. who has been visiting Miss Lily Watt Penn, has returned home. Mr. Willie Stephens left last night for a trip through Texas in h interest of the Old North State tobacco Company, Mrs. J. A. Meldau and Mrs. Cbas. May, of Rock Hill, S. C are here for a visit to their sister, Mrs. L. P. Clark, on Main street. Miss Maggie Moorefleld, from near here, is spending some time in South Bjston and Nathalie, Va , visiting friends and relatives. Major Galloway and Miss Annie Galloway left yesterday for a visit to Mrs. Joe Scales, at isault Ste Marie, Michigan. Mr. Francis Womack has returned from Moore's Springs, where he pent the past ten days recupera ing. We are glad to know that he has entirely recovered from his indisposition. Misses Mary Drake and Mary Drewry, of Richmond, and Miss Blanche Vass, of Danville, three; of the Old Dominion b most lovelv blondes, are the : guests of Miss Mary Hunter. Bethell. one of the Old North State's prettiest bru nettes, '; ' BUSINESS BUILDER. S. Get delicious cold soda at Hennis Ware Grocery Co. Crossett shoes for sale only by Williams, Hopkins & Co. Some extra values in two-piece suits just in. Williams, Hopkins & Co.' We 6erve pure coca cola at our new fountain. Hennis-Ware Gro eery Co. We deliver goods anywhere m the city. 'Phone 111. W. T. Barber. For rent A six roc m bouse on Law-onville avenue. Apply to W J Irvin. TOO KNOW WHAT YOU AKE TAKING .: When you take Orova'a Taslnlpua ('Ml Tonic because tbe formula is ulainl v tirfiited on every bottle, allowing that It is simply on and Quinine In a tasteless form. No cure, no iay dug WANTED lOOO Bushels Good Wheat. Large line Ladies Dress Goods, Piece Goods, Shoes, Tinware, Hardware, Hen's and BVs Clothing. A ull stock of Groceries always on hand MATHEWS &C0. You can't eet pure coca-cola ev ery where. ' Try Hennis-Ware Gro eery Co's. We are still giving away presents at our new fountain. Hennis Ware Grocery Co. For Rent My cottage on East Market street. A'l conveniences, and now vacant. Come In and keep cool while vou drink at our fountain Hennis Ware Grocery Co. We deliver drinks promptly 'Phone in your orders. Hennis- Ware Grocery Co. The prettiest line of negligee shirts we have ever shown. Wil liam, Hopkins & Co. .Leave your orders ur pure ice cream at Hennis-Ware Grocery Co., delivered at any time. iMew goods are coming in every day. Lvery thing new - and fresh Lowest prices W. T Barber. The best line of straw hats for boys we have ever bad, from 25c up. Williams, Hopkins & Co. New line of men's pants just in ; some sums and extra sizes in the lot. Williams, Hopkins & Co. Telephone subscribers will please add to their lists No. 114, W. T. Barber, dry goods and groceries. Don't fail to see our line of men's iind boys' summer underwear. Prices right, Williams, Hopkins & Co. Tbe household and kitchen furni ture of tbe late Mrs. Mary J. Hutch erson will be sold at public auction July 14th at ? o'clock. The best straw hat for 25c we have ever had; in fact we have some extra values in straw bats in all lines -Williams, Hopkins & Co. Lost A 1 bia'-k silk watch fob. with gold medal containing "R. G. S. Declaimer.1' and C. N. N." Re ward if returned to Charlie Nor man, at Sapp's Drugstore. If you wish to have any hauling done John Galloway or Albert Stub- bleneld would he gind to serve you. Trunks will le callad for and deliv- ered promptly. All orders left at Allen's drug store will have careful attention. 'Phone 46. The odds and ends suits at Hutct ! erson's are tbe cheapest suits ever sold in Reidsville. The suits at $5 are worth $8 to $9. Tbe counter of suits at $7.50 sold for $10 to $15.00. This is no joke. Come and see for yourself. Cash only takes these bargains. Hutcherson, the clothier. To my friends and patrons: I have threshed wheat for you during tbe bad crops and have appreciated your patronage, and now we have gotja good one and I have t ought the best nt-w Guiser outfit that is made, and I want to thresh for you again Thanking you for past patronage, I remain. Respectfully yours J. A. Bkvill, Benaja, June 17, 1904. The Norfolk & Western Railway bas inaugurated through Pullman sleeping cars Roanoke acd St. Louis on trains 3 and 4 via Columbus, Ohio, and Pennsylvania lines. Trains 3 and 4 now carry Pullman Parlor cars daily Norfolk and Roan oke. With this additional exten sion forms practically an unbroken Pullman service from the Atlantic to the World's Fair. Excursion tickets of several kinds and limits are now on sale. An additional through train and sleeping car ser vice has been inaugurated. Wanted. People from Reidsville and vicinity desiring to go to a summer resort to consider Busbee Hall, Skyland, N. C. There are seven springs on the place tine free-stone - water, one of iron and one very similar to tbe celebrated Tate Springs " Rates for board. $6 to $10 per week, according to rooms and number of people occu pying them. There are six trains each day to and from Asheville which stop at our place We can accommodate 30 people, and have ball-room, piazza, etc. The most beautiful scenery in all the world. For further information address 'Bu sbee Hall," Skyland, N. O. Fair Notice I am perfectly will ing to iddulge people indefinitely so long as I can do so at my own expense, but must not do this to the hurt of others. 1 owe for the goods charged on my books and if settle ment is not made at once I shall be compelled to transfer the accounts to an officer who will spare no means in collecting them. I have not taken judgment against anyone in 25 years as I remember, and would not do this If I could help it 1 always gave them away when I was able, but I don't think it is right to give other people's goods away, and wemusrall do flghtyotrf k now. A hint to the wise is suffic ient. Your friend, W. P. Ware. 'l2 GOOB-BY SAL OF ALL SUHMER GOODS. Begins Tuesday, July 5th and Continues 10 Days It has been our custom to clean up summer goods In July by putting prices on same that will make selling ea&y. Here are a f ew prices to show you this is no sham. 100 Taffeta silk, 75c. $1.25 Taffeta, $1.00 $1 35 Taffeta, $1.15. $1.50 Taff.ta. $1.20. All fu l 36-inches wide, wear guar anteed stamped on the selvage. Big values iu fancy and wash silks, and great bargains in wool dress goods and skirting. CoUon oils, regular 15c, now 10c. Ouc lialf wool Nun's veilinst, 9c in all shades. NicelOc sliirtingjgingtiams. 7c. Special reductions on table linen, napkins and towels. LAWNS AND DIMITYS 5c lawn, 3c ; 8c lawn, 5c; 10c and 12 12c lawn and dimity, 8c; 16 2 3c diu ity, 12 1.2c. 12 1 2c corded P. K., 7 1 2c. 12 1-2 and l5o thin white waistings, 9c- Nice French batiste, 30o quality, now 20c. Special prices on 40-inch lawn. 36-inch white linen, 50c, aqw 35c. Ten-quarter linen sheeting, regular $1.25 quality, 90c. White 18c galitea now 12 l-2c. HAMBURGS AND LACES The knife has gone up to the hilt in our Hamburg and Lace box, shaving off the profits, and in some cases the price is cut in half. The best value ever shown in linen laces, lc yard up. Hamburg 8, So yard up HATS, HATS Ia order to cleaa up oar stock $1 00 bats 50c ; $2 00 hats $1 00 ; $3 00 hats $1 50 and so on up. We don't intend to carry over a single hat and no reasonable offer will be refused, as they must go. Special prices on ribbons, and ia fact almost our entire stock of dry goods, dress goods and millinery to go at aWrifice. Special prices on hosiery. Remember trading stamps go with every purchase and they get you a nice present. Don't forget the day and date of the Big Sale at Hitchcock Cash Store. A SPECIAL SALEi Something for the porch. Don't misa seeing, even if you don't buy anything in the line of PORCH ROCKERS, SETTEES, CHAIRS, HAMMOCKS, ETC Shown here There is plenty ot variety in the style and material and prices run all the way from ONE DOLLAR up about as expensive as you will probably desire. HALL & CHANCE, Uudertakers and Furniture Dealers 'Phone 75 Residence 132. rt N c SECURITY. Money kept at home is neither safe or convenient. The profess ional tniei nas no difficulty in getting at, it while the rightful owner often has. The casn is at tbe wrong end of tbe line when an account bas to be settled. By de positing money with The Bank of Reidsville this difficulty, with others, is removed. A check book carried in tbe pocket enables the depositor to make a payment at any time and at any place. J. F. Watlington, Cash'r H Mill -t Foley's Honey and Tar for children.nafe.sure. No oolatex Young's Jerseys Are great burden bearers and will give you a lift on tbe road to prosperity. Young's Hogs will get there if you give them half a chance. Thousands have planted Young's trees and are now adding his Jerseys and Hogs which will give them prosperity. Address, JOHN A. YOUNG, Greensboro, N. C Nothing has ever equalled it. Nothing can ever surpass it lr. lung Nov; Discovery WrMPTIOM m w m " . a va oi fcH, aaa rn, . tl M trie VULU A Perfect For All Throat and Cure: Lung Troubles. Money back If H fails. Trial Bottlal tf. Hot Baths, Cold' Baths, Refreshing Baths. Any kind of Baths and Plumbing Fixtures and material installed by the Tinners and Plumbers, FORD BROS; UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Academic Department, Law, Medicine, ; Pharmacy. Free tuition to teachers and to minister's sons. Sohoinrshina h loans for tbe needy. ',:....-.... 620 Students 67 Instructors New Dormitories, Gymnasium. Water Works, Central Heating System. Tbe Fall term begins Sept. c. 1904, Address, v 5 FRANCIS P. VENABLE, President Cn A PEL II ILL, N. C. I THE BANK OF! 5 Ml A riicraXT W Madison, N. C, DROPSY! WUX9 W1M MtMOI Bemliaa. BaraauaA muBj thnaiaod aaaaa eallM lnfwilM. Is lnj at laaat w4hlrd of all .rinptoma ranaa ad. Taatliaonlala and Til OATS treatment f raa. K. I. . (UU'I SOlt. Boa CAlUat.Oa. - Is Authorized by Law to act X X as Trustee, Commissioner, I A s s i gnee, Guardian, Administrator, Execu tor. BUSINESS SOLICITED. I Grove's Tastdsss MH Tome hes stood the test 25 years. Avcra-o AnraslScJcs over Osa czi a Hrca tcttlcsr-Docs this rcccrd cf ncrit epped tayenj?- - tlo Czrc; tlo Vzy. 5Cr. Enclosed with every tottleb Ten Cwnt package 6f Crove't Eack Roct Liver T?L