Women S5 Well as Men Are Made M i sc ra We by Kidncv Trouble. Klanc our,-j - landless : l-.v when t c n VmVt " T ,"1 I r 1 1 - i v..''i--.kkd-l':!-r:Mr.rt- j rf'n; if ft- '. v r.n ,'.e rH'd r - ; -i le an? to ;,f! ..'.v.:. -.1 i' the cva i;h of !', ci 1 t'.i Iir:t I'O treatrr.tr.t cf lh;i unpleasant ti condition cf the v.r.i t5 a h;il.t a-; :n are made mn- hlatld-T. tr.-.':i I-. i rr-'t rs'iel.'. tr.er, mr -r- ' c-,-. trd'uUe is d:;e w a .- .'- . kidney a-d ll..:.: -? moat p?cp!s s..rr -r Women a v-'.-ii a,; n erable v,-i'.h ktai.ey and and both -nei the. -' an. The r.".d " ! i r-.r Swanp'Ko'-t i : . by d-r- . ! t ' crnt and -f-r-.e.' (!;.;!:! y' iirfc. Y .ii r - i i " .i Ei,!T)p.!e t ! .ruil fr", .-.he s..-, 'i -iig a!l . .' i.. ' .'. f'-t v:?n . ...... ...i .thonsp.r.di- of tc U';s ai, from sufferers curei, in & Co.. ri1 , -. mer.titn tins f -.rc.- l)ont rn.ike a ! ; v nuvtake.-hut re mem-! her the -i,;,iie,- Swamp-Uot, and the addres, l:jr,-l i i- i-.H. N. V., on bottle, j NOTICH OP LANDSAI.I:. Hwaiison Iii'o.- A' .''.' . -vs. I'.y virtue o( an ' evecutioti duet ted to j the undersigned from the . Superior Court of Rockingham;.-ropnty. N t , in favor of ) A (a. i by, J r Swatinoii and W tl Sw,Ui-on, p,.it('eM trailing as Swanson !io- A- t'n, pi tintill's, and against Jesse Ihiir-Jon and .-William Leisure, yartnehs tr'adiiur as Hairs! on, Leisure & ('o, I will, on the , OTH DAY 01' MARCH, 1:m);.. at 1 o'c!oi'!(, pi front of the eourt house door in W cut worth, well to the highest bidder., for cash to .satisfy said execution the follow our real estate. to-wit: A .certain lot or parcel of j land lying in liockiiH'ham county nearj the corporate litniis uf the town of Keidsville and Ixnindei! as follows -beginning at a stone on LyN' street, li 11 Jiurnett's corner, thence Southern course with lhirnetL's line- and J H I'aschals line "10 feet to a stone on ('lafton Htreef. ihenee in a Wi'stern irourHe with Crafvoti street., thence a Northern course with l'uniette's line 'in f.'i't to ii Kliriie . f.n l.v e utrect thence Masterly wi'h f.yle street 70 1 feet to the beemning. This January :U ,1, Wi : M. I'. 1'INNIX, - Shcriir of Rockingham counly. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. ihk: in hi iKriiu: '.ii n ill. ... . iiimitti iimj I , rtl . iU Imsinoss under the name of the Rcidnvilla Crocci v Co. has I bcn dissolved by mutual consent, tlie.ii- sticbessors being the Keidsville (Irocery iv. ..i ai ,.i . ,i M . . . . I 4 11 - l . 1 ... i i0.' jr.T. ' ... ' . T : vJ I Morphia, and immediate sHtlcment is ! oebireo. l nose i ihe uld firm will W. Mori.bh; for a'- iUVili claim against .1 please .present ttlrinelit,. .1. C. MiN',:-, I II. ,Vooi:. , K. W. MoKi'tn trine real'-, !s- ! reache.s r.n s:s v control t .1 p bed -v - thfi C.I I- ! r (lllii li iiSlSI I Schedule in eU'ei-.t .January !, U)()5. : OUltl'AM MVI-T' C M A M S:l." 7::'.0 Lv 11:17 1 1 :;',) A r WT!-'IHui'Mi 'Hit 1 . .-.l MiAn. r m ' A r ';(i(i A M )i i in l):ri .yi.cli'g l,v l:::u ::(): i,i;avk i,m i;iu m; V;-0 a ni for iiitermedia'Lis- N'orion, Columbia and nr.is. rullman slecner aiiit l:.n:e car to i.oiimiiius. 3:2S a m-'the Washincton and Chal tanoogn Limited, tor Knanoke unrl Rad ford and ail points south and west. Solid vestibule tram to Cinittiinooga and Mcniphn. l'ul'in oi slep-is to Mem phis and New Orleans, ami cafe car. 'J:TiO p tn The St. Louis expres-i for niueio'l I, i'oi ,d onti ,,( incmriatti, India napohs, si L'.ui-., kans-n ( My, Coium-,- bus. tiU'i 'V-luciiiio, l-'ullitiau '.'ble'eper to t'ohii:'!. . ', nr.i! l::Su vlii;!d to Ciuciiiivntli, c-.r.-. .o T:f() .i io, tV-v IN t.io'.e K'ailfonl, llris-. tol, Cm.' r' r. - . I'ocahon'as, Welch. r-to-p- fni rtnarotrr-nnd't oilenoeoiate sliilions. Trains arrive at .Lynchburg daily from the wcsV at 1 :-.' a tn; 1 :1' a in; H:00 a in, L5.jop m, and 10 p in. LAST !'Ol Nil I l!A VI' i.YNnimmi; I :(:rt) p m. , mnly for harmville, Rich mond, re'er.-l-urr and Norfolk; arriving Petersburg at '!: p in; arrivmir at Richmond at u :().r p m; arrive at Nor folk at lu:ot p tn. J'avlor car. . l:fr a m, .for. I'etei'sl'urg, Richmond and Norfolk'.. I'ullninu slecjier between Lynchburg. Richmond and Norfolk. This car wili be ready at Lynchburg at 10 p tn for rcc pti"n of pa. songeis. 9:03 for Fi.rmville, l'i teishuri;, N'or folk and Richmond. . WINSTON-SALE M. DIVISION.. ' Daily except Sunday. CM AM C M I' M 2:50 H:C0 f.v WinsUm Ar JO.bO 2;W 3:28 8:43 Walnut 'kvu i:20 1 :21 ft-r, 'fl-1S Mndisnn 8:5112:48 t.;r. t.lu A l..., I CI, d ir. I I ,.1 j .vv ;ii nwuiiwui , . i.v ii.iii .i... All enquiries a- to routes, rates, etc., promptly answered. W B Bevill, G F A. xM F Uhkcm, TV A - KoanoKe, Virginia. I lie Hi-. I l li.vmi When you want a physic that is mild and gentle, eay to take and certain to' S Inv Ch.n,l lainV Stomach I W - . ... P ... I I .1 v I , hv V PrlttHin, Di'..rwi Our 1 air Ioiiiik I lit-ml Writr- .Vuin. j KmToR I:eiisvilE RtviEv:-I have j !..: Utl ! poring over jour editorial- of the inst. in the vain endeavor to de-i-r what nuaning if any, to credit to t by 11. J' ifCiiiiar turn oi mino lnuii-aieu i- ' j i: . .i cr Vague treatment of my com-j .ation of the Oth inst. It will be h p t inhered that the burden of my j communication was mat you ptrsisieo in casting slurs and inuendoes at the i'-Llo .has i imputation for peace and order of my f,r!I"! vnt adopted State. . I simply called your at Le Y'n': tention to this gross injustice and sub mitted a3 evidence to disprove your in sinuations the court records of my home county. It is a showing - of which .'.we are proud, of course,- and we are natur- ally jealous of our good reputation, and nu. nafmv.llv resent &nv attemnt to besmirch the fair name we are proud to hear. I had not thought of entering on a crusade in defense of the dispensary, and am wholly at a : loss to understand Imw any sane person could so construe my defense of the State's reputation for law and order. . A; mono maniac on t. v.. i.Wr i,f lb,. Mills -Tariff Act. the Shei man Kcpe.d Hill, the Jim Crow . Y .1 t . ' t . .....vi WM' I, aw or me i-ence law uuuiu wuu . . . i .'. . i .." r r.Vd l''iual JUstK'c 11,1(1 in my arucie a tie-"'rfe"- ftn.-e of either of those measures as .',l",inar"yaUc"f"the yu have found in it a defense of tlie i ','.r rf'ived j -dispensary. I did not mention the dis r Itiiif Dr. Kumcr ' j)(.n,s;iry by word or implication, yet be ure and j you sot,m to cmjt to that institution the splendid record as to thrift, tndus- ,,.y HijrjL4y '" ' , ' 'ate, and em peaee and order of the censure me for publishing to the world the real facts in the case as taken from the court records. Certain- J ly 1 did not claim credit for this excel i lent condition for the dispensary, but I you have, in eilVct, done so. According i to your argument;., all complimentary references t this State, together with uj favorable statistical evidences, of progress, pence, and respect for law and order are merely "uncalled for and ill-condit ioned" defenses of the dispensary.- ... rerun I niu to tender to you my sin cere thanks for your sublime "sacrafice of valuable spi.ee," and likewise to make my acknowledgements to you for the (iiality of your editorial reply (?). Had my letter really been a defense of the dispensary, your reply : would have- been a most able and conclusive docu ment. I almost Wish that I had chosen the dispensary as my subject. How ever, I may at some future time try to accommodate you in this respect and afford you an opportunity to write learnedly on the one topic on which you discourse in such an erudite manner. i our editorial ot the 14th will answer the purposes admirably as a repiy to my future article so that you might bear this in mind and make it llo valiant service us a reprint. Ueally, l am con sti ained to believe that you have btten abiy compensated for your -.sublime nill.1 HILT 7l f UHUIIHV wJt-W, AV viv sacrifice of 1 1 i i . lit ctnf.ii rrti rim , , ,, , , gentle narrowing given you aisciosea a hi herto unknown wealth of verbiage in area,jv fertile vocabulary. I was - - - -i'Py astonished at the ease, facility, familiarity, and utter nonchalance w ith which you approached and grappled j with such words as ''propiniuity," ouixolic ami a :.. I .. .......Lf.jUw ! equal dignity and renown. When 1 ! conteinplatul such splendid courage and looked deeper into your sphere of men tal action and read your own admission that my article was "in bad taste" with you, I diagnosed your case iii a second (for I had been there before). It comes from a too free use of such splendid words as these, and your only ' remedy is to take something for it. I trust that my venerable(?) friend who refers to me as his "fair young friend" will do me the favor to re-read my communication of the .'6th inst., and be himself "fair" in dealing with all questions of public policy, and with my communications especially. Sincerely and truly, Tuos. A'. ; Uatukfe, J .;'. ' Anders.. S. 0., Feb.. 22, liWV. 'In lonuti'iitiu. Julius Wlrirton Wilson, son of J. M. j Wilson, died in the Oregon 'neighbor-; hood on February 21, ' 190,", and on the 22 his remains were laid.- to rest in the w'taeHsing- the- last shJ rites -of one whom they knew and loved. N ' Decease :1 was born March 19, 1S84. Ho was 20 years, 4 months and 3 days old when he died. His people think that hoart failure was the cause of his death. It ia said that he had no ene mies and was kind and affectionate to all. His father and sister, who knew him best, say they have reasons to be lieve that there waa a change in him for the better he died. The bereaved family have the sympa thy of the entire community. The burial services were conducted by J. T. Strader. I rautl I x turned A few counterfeiters have latfilvbonn making and trying to sell imitations of nr. King s isew Discovery for consump tion, coughs and colds, and other medi cines. thereby defraudintr tho Dublio This is to warn you to beware of such people, who seek to profit, though steal ing tho reputation of remedies which have been successfully curing dmeuses for over ',)! years. A sure protcctioiltQ you is our name on tfie wrapper. Look for it, on all Dr. King's or Uucklen's . .o e .mua- r? remedies, ns all others are mere lmita lll and Wimi8or Cnda- ' Our reme: Th War. News of barp fightiDgiu the fit Kitt has dunug tbe nt wttk been coiubmed with nutaerous reprt ot auvfturiitii toward jieHca Tie rutxioia have bn.d it that bocb t, Irs were get"iog ready to make known their teiuis aud it was even Kttfl toward tb latter ptrt of hd we-k ibat JapHQ had made some kind rt a peace ( ffer through Uni'eil .Sr -vr offi'-ia'S-:. TbiB. however, idt'iu!v deuie I bv tbeTokm govermeur, T Hiioi the eutiie paee tain it up IeaiH tbat there is little in it no tnr asauy liklibood d immediate rtmit is coneetBed. Tbat Japnn is to pared to c'D'icue tbe coLtttt a (east auotberyearsennsceitHiu au l Russia will t-udeavor to hold lit r own as long as pofible, unless i-Le MfH pome jjood wt,y t'taveber ta e id the meant 'me. Kot-fiaV pret.-ie H8 a rjghtiug uatiou i- vraeticany noue even now, ber name iu con oeounu wiib waifure doH not d.iv.3 tbame harhb souud tt at it pu ce ed prior to tbeo itt reak of tLe prehf ut stnmijle t'Ut lb- re is yei good deal if ilitYneuce between having uer Huldiers wbipptad ou tt.e held uud haviug toasn for peace uv. even' "HCu'ept tbe tertuH ot u np pan n'ly mafitiaoimoUH foe. li;e bi u.itiunc ia bnidly beeoinH mti u worse f.r Russia hh far as ibiutsnt honiH are Coueerued, atid the Ciai would doubtlei-s raibur buve his oi v reco.d the fact t hat Japau uv-m'cm iu- Russia af'er two yeais'or more ibau ;or it no be btated that his. coUUty accepted peace alter fighting but little more than a year. Tbn t-ikiis of iucre t-iag activity are numerous id he dippiitchert tr-im toe Far Pyist. Ou February 21 tbe Jaianese took Beresutff Hul aner i-evere fighting, the Kur-uiaius accord ing to St. Petersburg advuea Oeiiig largely .outnumbered. Tbe Japs, it is sttited, advanced over taeir do id iu npite of explodiug kui fae ujjues aud barbed wire eutauglement!: Tbe movetneut toward Jap u se p is8ewiou "ot Vladivostock isral I t no fairly uuder way. The last divi Hiou of the Russian HeCnnd Paeitic Kuadrtu has passed through tLe North Sea eu route to the Far Eat, but even if it continues on its way . it ban yet some three m intbs to travel ahead of it, Yest trday's Ctiarlotte Oaserver. UfHIlllltloiK (if ltl.X't. Whereas, God in His infinite wisdom has seen fit to remove from our midst one of our best and most dearly beloved members, Birdie Saunders, therefore be it resolved: First, That our society and school have suffered a loss that cannot be re paired. Second, That we enshrine in our hearts the memory of our friend's beautiful' character and loving young womanhood. Third, That we tender to the grief stricken family our loving sympathy in their great sorrow, and commend them to the loving kindness of Him who maketh all things work for the good to them that love Him. Fourth, That these resolutions be spread upon the minutes of our society and that copies be furnished to the be reaved family, and to each of our local papers. Mary Matthews .1. Gray Richardson John Harris Committee Carpo Diem Literary So ciety of the Reidsville Seminary. ( 'Veruor (lieuu neeJ u defiise at our bauds but we cauuot ueip remtii king if those that h tvo beeu roferrug O the fact that bn bad vvrltteu Oleau Williams a letrr Btying be was opposed to b'onhin; up hit diHtillery ban pub'i-tUel tue eutire letter lesa iuju-tu-u .wnuld hnvo been done htui lit Miuply Kaid in substance that the legieia f'uro,' baviug made contract wan b m should not break it. That w. to -ay. bis town 'wa : incorporated tiy tbe legiclature after the eunct tueut of tb Wat s bill and n iw it would be bad fair b to ruu hiuj out The Govei nor took no grounds ou t be distillery questtou whatever. tu placed bis let firmly nti the tbeoiy tbat a bargain was a bargain -Greenuboro tiecord AVoiufn' KIiIiiph. Women are more often offlirtpd with kldnflv ditinrrlprn t.h ute tho symptoma to disease peculiar to infir ?x, wniie in reaucy me Kianeys are deranged. Nervousness, headacne, puffy or dark circless under the eyes, pain in the back, are signs - of kidney trouble that must not be ignored, or a serious malady will result. Foley's Kidney Cure haa restored the healc of thousands of weak, nervous broken dowg women. It stops irregularities and at rengthens the urinary organs It purities toe blood and benefits tne whole system. -For sale by Britain's Drug Store, Aeoiilzlng HuriiK are instantly relieved and perfectly healed by Bucklen's Arnica Salve. 0 Hivenbark, Jr, of Norfolk, Va, writes: "I burnt my knee so dreadfully that it blistered all over. Bucklen's Arnica Salvo stopped the pain, and healed it without a scar." Also heals all wounds and sores. 25c at W S Allen's and L L Sapp's, druggists. Beautiful eyes and handsome face are eloquent commendations. Bright eyes are windows to a woman's heart. Hol lister's Rocky Mountain Tea makes bright eyes. 35c, tea or tablets. -Sapp, the Druggist. There s a pretty girl in an Alpine hat, A sweeter girl with a sailor brim. Hut the handsomest girl you'll ever sea, la the sensible girl who use Rocky Nfounttln Tee, -Sspp, Drugjist. XI SAlEDAYoAT : Vi'ATFS WAREHOUSE i URING FEBRUARY: 1'1R5 SALR t 11, II, 1 T, 2ot :':(.' 5EC0N0 SALE jo, jrt, 2o, 2-. Preserve this for : r Future reft rence. : , ..."'' i of all kinds INSTALLED. WORK GUARANTEED. Also full line of StoAes and Ranges. - - - THE FORD CO. ! i -.in am ... i A SANITARY WAIL COATING. Plastico is NOT a hot watfr, fl'thy plue KalSi.inine. It U a hncly powdered rock, in white and beautiful tints to oo in ixeu with cold water. Anyone '.an brush it on. PI action hm ih,, peculiar property of cementing to tlie Wall, destroying lliscnli irrrtn t,l vermin and never rubbing or scaling. n.aiiiiiiiie cas no cementing propoi ty dependsentlrelv on glue to make ft stick. The glue bon rots, nourishing vermin and xetms of deadly diseases and tho stuff rubs and scales off, Spoiling walls, clothing and furniture, wall finishes that must betnixed with hot writer are Kalsominea, no matter wiuitfancifulnamcstheyboar. Kef use t.heso uiiheulthful mixtures and buy Plastico In 5 lb. packages only, prop erly labelled. Sample card of l'lastico tans free. ANTt-KALSOMINB CO., Gm Ial4i, Sikh. Sold b v Gih s-Montoit cry I Id w. Co Will euro any case of Kidney or Bladder Hisoaso that is not beyond the reacli of medicine. GIVEN UP TO DIB. B. Splegnl, 1204 N. Vircinis St., ETsnsTttla, Ind., writes : "I'orover four yars I was troubled with a kidney aud bladder RlVeetiou. I lost flesh and was uualilo to work. Three phvsielan failed to help inn Hurt I was given up to die. Foley klrtniiy Ore was recommended and the flrsl bottln irnvn me irreat relief and after taking th lecoiirt bottle 1 was entirely cured." Two Sizes SO Cents and (1.00 Nothing lias ever equalled it Nothing can ever surpass it DrJCing's iscovery t0rLOL."8ana Mc&IItO ATerfe-ot For All TA jat and ' Cure : : : I.t.ng Troubles. Money back If it fails. Trial Bottles rrea. FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE m school offering a technical commercial education, including branches not u very thorough. The school is high grade and well established. Evtry iV.-" l93i,rDio position and has given satisfaction. No decoy mtbodi. t i II meJern atpointmenee. Address, m ; 5UU 1 ntKi OfERATINO OVER 7.000 Quick Romes NORTH-SO U1H Through T rain? lii f n l iiu ii ; I Citifs and Risers ah. j n i r.i m n . F.LEGANT PULLMAN !SLEEl'Eh.s ( )N ALI i It ol r m DIKING. OLCB AND OIJSKRV M I.)N CAKH- 5 For ppeed oomfoi t and (iiurti-' ns inj '"v f . f v ' vrn t- f .. Southern Reilway ' Rte fchertulon and .ithir it'f' r 'ui' i n fnr .-..- . M 'i .1 r- u V h' ui'doii-Kii .1' T li. L VERNON. T P A rharlo-te N r 8 H. HARD WICK P T. M )M0' '' GROWN IN THE' ;" Green rind, rd mt?, Waft If you want quality, sv,vet jas:i, az .i tbji. in't t melons that ii, i W possible to grow, plant ov,r $.jtjih3,nR-7..-0A'rt rv Son seed. Northf rt: 't aj vMlnnmmi mAtnn aep'r-ihi l i - ' ' 'Tr.nrii'' it" - n 'ii!i ",,'l( J iwrnnsirlpr thfl oiiftlitv and nmdiict: K-eV,-"-. J r 1 Ik .Corn, nuiet. iioja f. wi t ft. w Appreciate the best to pbntog rapby as in dbfr tbiujs. Tbin explains not only why they t bope u but why tbey alwMyh come o tbiu tstudio tor their porttatte. The Charm of Individuality Marls its work tbe irrae. eaf"1 aud na'uralnefl-i on p e dfliahf tbt wi'ter and ti e artiH'icele tfHnK f the finished p'io'H Pat intieH tbn rooci fHPtjdj . Have you reen our reont vork I Alderman & Eutsler. Gieerjfboro N C P. B. JOHNSTON, JULIUS JOHNSTON, Rndivlllv YaiictyvihV. A. O. IVIE. Likvllle. - attorneys at l.a.v - - Practk t g in the State and Federal Com ts. Ornce in Wentworth Open Every Monday. DF. C. P. EICHEIBEP.GER, , UmiivIIU, Vn. Practical lOuflned 'O E e, E ir, No8f, Throat and to ti(tiuj of ill ilk OUR Celebrated Beer For Sale by Purgason & Gillie, S)l Agnts f r Reidsville, N C. Absolutely Pure 'sk Tor It V Virginia nrcwiiijf v.o. K A I Lv vv AT. MIU S OF RAILWAY ; lo rI! -oints - EAT-WEST f 5 .1 H - OOli !' I' A ' 11 i Yi OE H A f UfiY aUT full of W.tb 'ais'd sa SFv.'aot." o- t)e frett--',i'-''.-H:v' ...".'!' Y.f.no fiTi!f-.'I1,.-:-.v,''r - ' .-A? ! i i-y ;- ' .', ;tl' ' . is! To Cb.r' ustotiiris: To tbe (tie who gnHr.eH tbe cor lf ( t III IUlir'1' Of PL'Oeh 'Ot ( n nt my nt op last year f viil k'vo $5 00 wi ilb i t woik. Tbe DfiirrHt cor rect k2; the ust $1, allow lowing t bree jueK-e8: Tbi C'lritPft wid last till March 1, 1905. v'aH liiit'KHen to be , rient to The Review. P1 SNIPES. H.i i-villf, N C. B&t'hk Hkvijcw v ill give the cor iret N. ot r-boru Miiieb 1 Kieffer Pears, lliij Great itTon y APPLES, ' ' EislFQlpsie in CnJlivaticn These,""togethcr with a large surplus of other pear, apple, peach, plum, nuts, grape vines, shade and ornamental trees hga and raspberries to close out winter and spring 1005 at a reduced price. Address JOMN A. YOUNG, Citt ensriiro N. C. I taught in ord;i.ary business schools;. Th full giaduate ourirg tho past four year Stoem bat. eleclwe litrl-.u, eUvator ae JUPON I'KtLE, Prin.. " ' ' ";iloro, N. C.