Eeidsville Reviow. TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. OLIVER BROS, Proprietors. besides was a - of -, whereupon R.L. I (,W!1 struck Charles Mooreficld, and , Yesterday's Charlotte Observer, CkrvMitkenniB Show Prizes. Largest and handsomest collection of from that the fight began. Chase t rice was in the fight; could not tell who hit .w ,t i.if it was a ceneral fight. The news as to Rojestvensky's squadron is yet vague and rather uncertain, ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR. . i 1 4 ln)t I . ... til i .1 . I ii Mr. Price pulled Kxse anu went "-"ihe might as wen oe ai me ooiiom m another room and pot his pistol nd'the sca s0 far as locating him is con- came back with it in his hands anu biioi. cernej. There are not even any rumors the whereabouts of '. chrysanthemums ot dinerent varmes. Second largest and handsomest col- u ... . . and as for Togo, ' lection oi enrysanmemums oi ainereni RE1DSVILLE,: MAY 9, 190. Two f a kind -Russia's Warsaw and America's Chicago. In deciding to build their first inde pendent tobacco factory in this county, the Tobacco Growers Association acted wisely. The President's vacation is at an end . , . . IIM i. II ..,,n returned to me w nue cunir- lie was ile-lighveii wnn nix and he yesterday hunting expedition Wbhing1 n Duke, one of the most remarkable men North Carolina has produced, diM at hi home in Durham yesterday aft'rnoon. . Mrs. Alice Webb-Duke will go to Durham, it is announced, where plans will be made looking to the establish .. t i.-i.-co fomianv. We can almost see I'.rodie's finish. Ohio tu rKurhton. : Virginia and ,1 y i Railroad Company, chartered at Ral n-jfnrdav. will trove a valuable addition to railroad enterprise in this State. The road will traverfe portions .t Crolina. North Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia. Owing to an inability to secure re frigerator cars, it is estimate that the berry growers in Eastern Carolina have 9,jTered a loss of about Vm,im this season. Many carloads were dumped into the river, there being no chance of transportation before the berries rotted. Several suits will be instituted against the Armour Refrigerator Car Company. Gaston joins the growing prucemion of progressive counties by voting the bond issue for good roads by a good majority. The issue will be $.'50,000 ... ..... ,., bonds, navable in 30 lour tvi . - vears for the immediate improvement ,, nmdfl. It is said that Ol ui; nearly all t ie farmers favored the issue, Thev no doubt thought that to oppose a tax would be to light the improve ment of his own property to be done at the exp-mso of the public. not hence murder Id brothers the light of Robert More Facli About the Murder, Ivi-itoks Review :-Aa you do seem to have obtained the true facts in reaid to the murder committed on Galloway's plantation on Dan River in this county on May 3, I will give you the evidence as introduced befoie me at the magistrate's trial May 5-not that I lmve any interest or feeling whatever h the matter other than I desire, as a law-abidi ig citizen of the county, tosee all partic s concerned have just'ee. And t th.irht the citizens of the county i,i nutiiraUv like to hear the facts WOWIVI II..-. u' 4 tin' 'mailer. Pefore giving the evidence, in order the reader may get at the founda tion of the trouble, I will make a state ment which was not in the evidence, . . :. ...i.;m4.i1 to be true: It seems ,utMr Galloway had a hay-rake on Ku i.lantation and had instructed the . . ... .v,i thev must not use it tor ...... niirmme of raking up corn-stalks Mr U I- )(Je11 haJ toU Mr (jalU,way L't ......are and Charlie Moorelield, iaie brothers-in-law of Mr. Chase ... .o..n 'iising the rake for j 'rice, "i" - . . .,ii,f stalks. The Mooretie denied the charge, which ended in the i d.i. .11 m..., wHiianU were issued for .... . .... ... f. ...... 1I1..I. I un.l Chase ince, v.. ........... ........... Moon-tield, charging them with ,.. m,.r,br of Robert Ij. Od.-ll. l..rilT Pinnix immediately served the ,.,.,,. the Moorelield brothers am: .t. to Wentworth to' trial i,.r, 'Smiire Jule w. UCI - 't ..ii..uinir witnesses for the State: 3. T. Udell, John M. Gal loway and Caper itoueim Aftpr being sworn, J. the first witness to take the stand, and made the following statement: "On the iftfMv 3. I went down muni"' v , , . Mr Galloway's house and found my v..,. her. R. L. Odell, and George Ed attending to a little WKW I"' td L II , in about half an hour, Mr. Price, Mr. George Moorelield and Mr Charlie Moorelield came in. Mr Price says: 'Mr. Galloway, . have got these boys here; now 1 want to settle it about that rake question.' "Mr. Galloway says: 'Chase, ido not .r.t t-n hear any more ,c "Mr Gorge Moorefield sjwke ami -saidthU",anybody-iuyiJ,..uU,i-I?!t? tells a le'' . "Mr. Price mm ..ii',. Cuaril)lvNren.ui .aid nybedy ..i.i ,a tha rk told - - n . - , ... - R. L. (well twice in me ien siue the back. The others were engage fighting when Price came in and shot Odell and that ended the fight." Mr. J. M. Galloway, Jr., being uuiy i .iff ,- ...nnnni ur sworn, saia: i was j'i"--"' - murder occurred. On Wcdnesiay mommg, May 3, 1W5, I was down at mv plantation. It wos at the nouse occupied by Chase Price, but in the room I keep for my own use wnen i go to the plantation. The tenants meet at this room for the purpose oi transacting any business they may have with me. In the loom with me were i i..i..,.f rwto I was lie uucii huh - - transacting some business wuu u. They were there for that purjwse. While I was engaged in wnung so.ov . . t. i ... i n.L.II Chase orders ior uouen iuu - Price (ieorge and Charlie Mooreheld and Casper Roberts came into the room. They all took seats except Chase Price, who leaned against the toot oi me oeu. l'hev remained quiet until I finished my business with Joe and uouen -n, then Chase Price said: 'Now. Captain, here are these boys. and it is a good time, and I reckon we hail better settle this question. ' 'Then Charlie Moorefield said, es, Mr. Galloway, I understand mat some one has told you that I have used your rake, and I want to say that whoever ;t a - - lie." I told him thai there was no use ot mat anu mm i uri not want to have any fuss there. "Then George Moorefield remarked that somebody had lied and the matter had been straightened rhnrlia MuoretieUl said that r 1 1 "" that I used the rake tells u . lie and is a oi with it.' "At that poiht Robert Odell began knocking Charlie Moorefield. And then Chase Price and George Moorefield jumped on Odell and began knocking him A few seconds later Chase Price ran into the other room and came back with a pistol and fired on Robert Odell twice. Uyon being askexl by the court if he saw any other weapon used, Mr. Gallo- wav said: "I think George Moorefield used a tin wash-pan on Robert Odell, although I was excited and cannot swear as to who used the pan or how it was used; ..ahr think it was thrown. I saw no other weaiKin used by any one Casner Roberts, being sworn, says: "i ur. a nrpsent at Mr. Chase Price's houe on the morning of May .3, 19W5, he murder occurred. I went over there that morning to see Mr r.aiu.urav im hnsiness. When I went into Mr. Galloway's room, he and Robt and Joe Odell, Charlie and Geo. Moore field and Chase Pries were present. Mr. Galloway was attending to some business. When he got threugh Price said: 'Captain, here are these boys; we will settle it about the rake.' George Moorefield said: 'Mr. Galloway, which one did you understand used the rake? Anyone says I used it we are ready to settle it.' Charlie Mooreneid said: Mitchell. The were introduced about the" same re 3 to his position. The Russian admir alty profess now to believe that the Japanese cannot prevent the juncture of Nebogatoff and Rojestvensky, and Consequently the officials in St. Peters burg are hopeful of a favorable out come in the contest for the mastery of the sea. The Russian vessels, accord ing to the home officials, are destined for Vladivostock, where, in connection with the ships there, Rojestvensky is supposed to be able to beat Togo off, take command of the sea and leave the Japanese army in Manchuria because of lack of provisions. Should a 1 this be carried out. of course the war would likely take a turn against Japan, for some time to come, at least. How ever, the destruction of Togo's fleet is something yet to be accomplished, and apparently Rojestvensky is desirous of anything else than a clash with the Japanese. Four Russian torpedo boats ventured out of Vladivostock frway and de stroyed a small Japanese sailing boat. Tne boats then returned toward Vladi- vjstock. The object o; this raid is unexplained. A dispatch from Manchuria says that Field Marshal Oyama is apparently getting his troops in position for an ther general engagement. This seems to indicate that the field marshal is led to believe that the clash betwee i the fleeti is imminent and that he will follow it up with an important land en gagement. Dew Droit from Moarocton. A fair crop of fruit on the trees now and unless we have a snow in July I t iink we can make out. ThC ross Keys base ball team had a practice at Midway Saturday; it is fully organized and in fine trim. If the Elec trical Movers, of Sandy Cross, or the "terrapins" of "terraphville," will cross bats with it again there will not be enough of them left to make a greasy spot. Maj. Jas. Bethell spent last week at his mill pushing the work and incident afly killing terrapins, crawfish and any old thing that crawls, runs or swims around his pond and serves some dainty dishes which he enjoys. He says that muskrat is fine, but he gives the helga mite and polecat a wide birth. There will be an all-day meeting at Speedwell next Sunday when everybody will be there and heavy baskets will be plentiful. Rev. D.I.Craig will ha,ve a de assistance. Mrs. Mollie Rankin has the finest gar den in the country. The strawberries are large, luscius and abundant. As a successful gardener Mrs. Rankin can win the prize. Miss Nettie Griffin takes much inter est in her flower garden. She has a variety of roses but her Marshalneilles are the prettiest. She is growing sweet peas which have such beautiful blooms and are so dicorative. Success to Mit a Griffin and to all lvers of flowers. Miss Mary C. Rankin ("Chickadee") varieties The 10 finest chrysanthemums of dif ferent varieties; two prizes, first . and second. The six finest chrysanthemums of dif ferent varieties; two prizes, first and second. The four finest chrysanthemums of different varieties; two prizes, first and second. The six finest white chrssanthemums of different varieties. The six finest yellow chrysanthemums j of different varieties. The six finest pink chrysanthemums of different varieties. Best crocheted or knitted shawl, Best centerpiece Mount Mellik em broidery. ' Best centerpiece Teneriffe lace. Best specimen batting. Prettiest sofa pillow. Best display of hand work by a lady ever 60 years of age-not over three piects in display. Best display of fancy work-limited to six pieces. ' TTf! ; Facts And good to know that whenyour A prize is offered for the nicest doctor writes you a prescription if ponnd-cake donated to the Chrysanthe mum Show. Two prizes, first and second, are of fered for the best layercake contributed t ) the Chrysanthemum Show. W hj Sufl'nr From KhruuttuUin. i Why suffer from rheumatism when ' one application of Chamberlains Pain Balm will relieve the pain? The quick Largest and handsomest collection of "Jm W1'! relieve the. pamT I he quick . i rplipf whiph tnia hmmont affTtrda matna anemone varieties. nnj i ..iKi- anA w One plant with largest and handsom- , j3 WOrth many times its costs. Many est single bloom. - . t who have used it hoping only for short Single plant having largest number of rei.ei irom suiiering nave Deen nappiiy , , suprisei ,to find that after awhile the Oiooinn. Handsomest collection of begomas. Handsomest collection of ferns of different varieties. Handsomest single fern, CUT FLOWERS. Largest and handsomest Collection of cut chrysanthemums. Handsomest basket of cut flowers. Handsomest collection of cut rose.c relief became permanent. Mrs. V. H Leggett of Yum Ynm, Tennessee, U. S. A,, writes. "I am a great sufferer from rheumatism, all over from head i to foot, and Chamberlain's Pain Balm is the only thing that will relieve the pain." For sale by Geo. W. Brittain. you bring or wnd it to us it will l lrepiml of FRESH PURE DRUGS and medicine and just ks your doctor wants it. Renicmlier we havtvallnew fresh stork.-' No old pods. Thirty years expci-ieum. LOWEST, PRICES. BRITTAIN5 Drug Store. i Do you need more blood, and more Dennv BuiMiii" hprinflr? Hollister's Rocky Mountain Lareest and handsomest collection of , tea will brihg them all If it fails your dahlias. FANCY WORK. Best centerpiece white embroidery. Best centerpiece colored embroidery. Best centerpiece battenberg lace. Best centerpiece drawn work. money back. Sapp the Druggist. While a bilious attack is decidedly unpleasant it is quickly over whtn Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab lets nre used. For sale by Geo. W. Brittain. lied Front. THE & HUB Heiibow Aritle, OppuitUa Bnhm grtiiikr, X V. 30 DAYS OF SPECIAL PEICES. will spend this week with Mrs. Thomas 'Anybody said I uud the rake tells a - Elmore and will make all hearts glad lie. rumen, mien juncu at ncr presence in Miuway lie Moorefield and began striking him. Chase Price and George Moorefield be gan to strike Odell, and Odell turned, on Price and began to knock him. 1 rice then went into the other room. Odell turned on Charlie Mooreficld again. Price came back into the room with his pistol while Odell was on Moorelield and shot Odell twice in the side near the back. I did not see any other v ca pon used by any one." George and Charlie Moorelield, the defendants.' waived examination hnd did not go on the stand. The court fined George and Charlie Moorefield guilty of simple assault and imposed the following tines: Oerge Moorefield $." and half the costs, land Rev. F. H. Jones preached a helpful sermon to his memuers ai rairview Baptist church yesterday, he also ad ministered th Lord's Supper. Miss Lula Pettigrew, of Heidsville, with Mr. James Shreves, the Misses Shreves and Misses Moseley, of Sharon, attended church at Fairview yesterday Uncle Joe. Hotel Rankin, May 8. Charlie Moorefield $15 and half the costs, making a total of $28.55. Very respectfully, JlM.K G. Mitchkix, J. Wentworth, May 8. ; Ncwi From Pelhtm. ' The grading for the Southern's dou ble track has begun at Pelham, a large force of hands and mules moving dirt. A force of hands began laying pipe for the new waterworks Thuisday. Fairbanks, Morse & Co., of Chicago, the contractors for the coal'chute here, are at work. Mr. Harrington, their representative, has a good force at work with more to come. They expect to have the chute, which is fashionexlon the plan of a grain elevator, completed in three months. Buzfuz. Signor Carlo Mora, Director School of Music Greensboro Female College, writes: "Greensboro, N. C.( May 4, 1905. This is to certify that the G. F. College, of Greensboro, N. C, has purchased the Conover pianos now in the college, and have placed an order for a Grand to be in Greensboro for the commencement exercises in Junei And L-personally ay.thaUlhe piano Jajtny studio, a Conover Upright, has stood too tout nf nver 10 hou rs' practice and use for six days in the weeki . and can confidently tflv my ndormont . of It boing th hwt plana manufartUM'!. How's Thin? We offer One Hundred Dollars reward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall s Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, 0. We. the undersigned, have known F, J . Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his hrm. , Wai.dinc;, Kinna,n & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O, Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally . ctmg directly upon the blood andmu cous surfaces of the system. Testimoni als sent free. Price 75c per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for consti pation Terrtllc Kh With Drath. "Death was fast approaching,' writes Ilalph F. Fernandez of Tamna Fla., describing his fearful race with death, "as a result of liver trouble and heart disease, which had robbed me of sleep and of all interest in life. I had tried many different doctors and sever al medicines, but. got no benefit, unti I began to use Electric Bitters. So wonderful was their effect, that in three days I felt like a new man, and today am cured of all my troubles. " Guar anteed at W S Allen and L L Sapp drug store; price 50c. At 25 cents. Silk Mull, Dotted all Colors. Persian Lawn, linen Lawn. White Organdie 2 yards wide. White Linen, Pure Flax 36 iucea wide. White Dotted Swiss, fine quality. Mercerized Madras, Permanent Lustre. At 29 Cents. ' Mercerized Lisle Thread Eolienne, all shades. Mercerized Costume or Oxford Cloth. Mercerized Crepe de Chine, .Tup and China Silks, white and Cream. Irish Lawn, Persian Law u, Linen Lawn. At 48, 49 and 50 Cents Silk Crepe de Chine, All Shades. Loutssihe Silks, Spring Weight. China Silks, all shades, White Organdie, French, 72 inches Monsseline de Soie, all shades. Chiffon Silk and Well, all shades. Mohairs, White and Cream Silk finish. Brocaded Mohairs. Light Shades. Bengal Silks. We are always prepared to furnish Materials "and designs in vogue at prices very moderate for high-clasa merchandise. THE HUB THE HUB 1 steel range, $24.00. : 1 steel range, $29.00. 1 steel sange, $33.00. 1 steel range, $37.00. Plumbing, Tin- Roofing, Guttering, etc. Second hand cook stoves, 50c up. New cook stoves, $7.50 up. THE FORD CO., Plumbers Tinners LINES 1T YUOIjESAMjE F1Z1CES. HOME BIBLES, POCKET TESTAMENTS, PRAYER BOOKS, RED LETTER TESTAMENTS, HYMNALS, TWENTIETH CENTURY TESAMENTK. Mail orders given prompt attention. a mi. nonwsoA x co., Charlotte, ft Carolina Book Tublisliers, Verr ChMiubcrlnia'i Cous It KamtMljr the ' Rant. "I have bee using Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and want to say it is the best cough medicine I have ever taken," says Geo. L Chabb, a mer chant of Harlan, Mich. There is no question about it being the best, as it will 'cure a coughor told In" less time than any ther treatment It should always be kept in the, house iady for instant Use for vkt can be cured in muh time whtn promptly" rt,l, For Ml by Oio W, BrHUln. NEAL HARDWARE SELL "U.&P.-" Ready-Mixed Paint tULLMAN A'jFHlLroT) And guarantee every gallon of it; : Your Curtains Will Look Nice 70,500 Is the number of preseriytions on our tiles, and each one was filled correctly. Experience is the best teacher and you have the benefit of ours when you send us your pre scriptions. ; They are always filled by a registered and experienced druggist just as your physician intended they should be. FETZEP & TUCKER'S Drug Store. re-hung if we when they are launder them. We ' give them a beautiful clean color, : starch them just stiff enough; and dry them on frames thajt.give them just the right snape to hang ngnt. Our price, 50 .cents a pair, is cheaper than washing them at home, too.:v Reidsville St earn Laundry, 'PHONE NO. , - tain mtnm ti Ciiiitt IfflA ' noncE or DISSOLUTION. The firm doing business under the name of Warmer & Wootton has been dissolved by mutual consent, their successors being D. W. Warriner. All acconnts due the old firm are Davable said D. W.- Warriner, and immediate settlement is desired. Those having f ail an a claims against xne oia nrm win please present them tq D. W. Warriner for settlement. . D. W Warriner, 4 .T. B. WootTon. mhbMBm -rit' L PraotiUc L'tlDttned to Eye; Hit Ifbie, tht-flf ind I" fitting UlttWf! Ffne Fabrics Dry Cleaned. Many waists and dresses re made of tine material which can only lie drv cleaned. We 'I : : t clean all dainty garments, Bitch as evening dresses, silk waists, opera cloaks, gloves, slipjiers, etc., by this proces a Without Injury to Color or Fabric. Out of town work solicited. We pay express one way on $3.00 orders; both ways on $6.00 orders and over. Queen City Steam Dying ari " Ceaninn Worts. firs. J. ri. Heater, Charlotte; r!,',