Reidsville Review. TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. OLIVER BROS., Proprietors. ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR REIDSVILLE, MAY 00. 1905 Rev. P. G. Elsom. pastor of Moffett Memorial church, in Danville, preached a senium on prohibition recently, in which he is quoted by the Danville ISeeas say ing that some church-peope whose names were on a petition as asking for an election there to rid the place of blind-tijjers, would not meet him in the other world. It would be interesting to hear just how Rev. Elsom knows what will become of those people who do not see the liquor business in the same light as he does. Sandy Croit Tidinji. Why don't you go over and see ; young revenue officer? the Miss Jesse Newnam recently visited her Bister, Mrs. Robert Carter. Mr. John Sutton and wife, of Sum merfield, visited at Mr. Sam King's recently. Mrs. 0. B. Gentry and Mrs. Tom Smith were guestg of Mrs. 0. H. King on Sunday before last. We are sorry to hear of Miss Nettie Malloy being ill with measleK, and hope she will s on recover. Mr. V. D. Lemons seems to be in a notion of cutting down his crop, as he has been hauling his guano back to Reidsville. There might be a good many people who would kill somebody if they could only play olf insane, at times, like Chase Trice is trying to do. Mr. Chas. King says he knows the 'tater bugs and cherry birds have or ganized. The 'tater T, bugs have E. C TV O. engraved on their back', which means eat Chas', 'taters only. The birds have no letters, consequently not fully organized, but like cherries' just the same. - We wish to correct the 'mistake we made in the last Sandy Ccoss Tidings concerning the "Terripans" of Terri- panville. At the time of the writing it was thought that "Uncle Joe" meant "Terripans" for the Electrical Movers, but we have since learned that the "Terripans" which he had reference to are of Guilford. "Uncle Joe," your pardon u asked. we near mat " utile ijus was down in the Western section of this community Sunday in his new buggy, and don't you reckon he was thinking: "Little Gus" so brave and bo fair, Full of glee and glare, with pinky cheeks and golden hair. Toiling day by day, and thinking out in the moonlight, Oh! what will be my fate on next Sun day nigntf Sadler Notes. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Lovelace, of Danville, are visiting Mrs. J. A. Love- lace this week. We are glad to know that Mrs. G. L. Craddock, who has been right sick with measli-H for the past week, is some better now. . Mmnes Lemma Hurton and Uirtlie Ferguson, who have been visiting in Keidsville, have returned. Sadler has a reception room at last and I know the public will appreciate it, for a lot of peeple get on and off the trains bore. The crops are not looking very w ell in this section on account of so much cool, rainy weather. Mrs. J. A. Lovelace has over 100 young chicks of which some are large enough to cat. Mr. Addison Nance, of Danville, has been spending a few days here with his relatives. Mr. i. II. ..Ferguson, who is in the murcliandise business, seems to keep p etty busy most of the time lately, This is getting to be a very popular and up to-date place. Messrs. Tommy and Robert Burton, of Kufin," spent Sunday Tn this vicinity. Subscribe for The Rkvikw. PLASTIGO t 1 1 ' 1 ' economical material for tinting and decorating wwla, superior to kalso mine and wall paper, and much cheaper than paint PI ASTIftOeoiuuinea all tures of other wall coat ings, and ataa ot their dis advantage Packed in dry powder torm, in white and tints, read for us by adding coli watei. Full directions on 0 ( (' :: v 1 1 t' . r package. Any o can apply j Ic-Ssmpl CAd of tinulifu'r' fints lor the Mking. Anti-Kaltomln Co. New Crpritloii. lUloi-h. X. V., May 27.-Tln? Central Carolina Cnl ruction Co., of Grecnloro, w iliarti'ml t.xbv it la HI.IHiO rpi ta! to Jo a p-inrral rut ranting liiHint-, the iiic"iK)!Kti!' In-ill";-W. I'. Kniii. V. Iiii-Hi. .1. II. MH laiim li, IS. Mi Ki'iiie, K. 1). 'JVssicr and F. A. WesUm. Nut ice 'ih eixen that aiIi-tion h t- li'male May IHJtu to inventor t.lonu fur lie par.luii of F.J I'tley, of Kayette ville. wlio it wiping twenty jears in the ix-iiitenti.ii v for tb singling f CIci'k llollingwoitli in the La Fayette' Ilute l'av tleville tliree yeais aj,'- iln is on of the iin it imled miuler taxes in tie liUt.n v if the state. Ftley was a we eunneeleil onn' t la velinif man ami hal lieen clniiUnif heiivily when Die slioolni; oecill led. All iiiipni'tant new coronation eai i tor Salisbury ami Seneer were charter el to-lay. rlhe Boston Specialty Mim: Co.. of Salisbury, capital .(HX) author il'il and tiHM) subscribed bv ., 'I Ibid 'cx, F. . Hurt, H. (i. Tyson and oilier. 'I he- Julian Investment ( o., of Siemef, to leal in real estate, rentals etc.; canital I.".IMK). subscribed bv J). K Julian, .1.1). Dm sett and others, Major I!. F. Dixon, state nuditor, went to. 'Wendell, '.this-county, today to deliver the itildrvss for the closing of the school there ill I he stead -of . Governor. Glenn who was prevented from tilling the en ra'ciiient bv urgent state business that iiccpiiiiulateil 'during his trip to ali injlton h ml New oik. A nuiiibcr of commissions in the. hit vice of (he . North Carolina National (.uunl art) anoiiiiced. J. C llolliii);sw ort 1 is t'oiiiinisioned maior and ipinrter mas ter General and assigned to dutv with tl"' st brigade. .1. II I'ieiee. of Wil son, (yiiiinissioned (apiam ami iiiarier master of the Second Infantry .vice Fort1 man. nromoted. ( has, F Haniin'O of 'nsiin''lon, appointed first lieutenant and iiiartermasier of the second battal ion of Si-cond lnfantiv. ISv 'special order No. J! the following orlicers me ed to the First .brigade; Lieutenant Col oiiel 1!. L. b-inster assistant, ailiulant geiieral; Major .. C. Smith, assj-tunt inspector general ; V. ('. ISiilIanl, major and assistant judj-e inlvoeate; Major' It P. Hackney, assistant coniuiissary ; Ma jor T. U. Daniel, assistant paymaster ujiieial; Major . 15. .lonnson, assistam chief of ordinance.': TERIFFIC BOILER EXPLOSION. Man Killed and Lumber Plant Wrecked At Wilmington. Wilmington, May 27. At .1: 111 o'clock (his morning a terrific explosion occur red at the plant of the llilllon J.unitier Conipany on the northern suburbs of t he-fit y. One man whs killed outright, 'I'lie boiler room was demolished and brick, pieces of iron and debris were hurled for bund reds of yards in" every lirection. There were six boilers in the wrecked building. One of these was toiir and twisted into a scrap of iron and liurled high in midair, falling through, the roof of the shops at the' mill. Three of the other Idlers were hurled from their settings and scattered in nil directions. The dead fireman is Sam Corbeltwlio has been With the company about one year. The loss i placed at $20,1)00. The cause of the accident i not know n. Several helpers about the .boil ers experienced narrow escapes. One ne gro was frightened almost into temior- ary -insanity. Wilmington special to Charlotte News. TO EVANGELIZE FINANCIERS. Meetings in Wall Street Monday Four- Horse Wagon Out Today. New York, May 2l. A new plan of the 'evangelistic movement in New York will be put in operation at noon today, when n four horse Wagon, with a Sal vation Army band, will be sent out with several leading 'clergymen. Short meet-' ings will be held in Madison Square, Irving Place and Eighteenth street, and l'n ion Square. : A big mass meeting will be held at 4 . .-. l fit . . ... o clock sumiay sncriioon in ine aca demy of Music. The fuiceessful open-air meeting held last.; Monday noon on the steps of the City Hall is to bo tollowed by similar meetings in the financial district. At noon Monday there will be nurtings in front of the Custom House and in front of the Stock Exchange. Several lend ing clergymen of (lie city will be heard und there will be music by soloist and cornet ists. Haw' Till? We offer One Hundred Dollars reward for anv case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure, f t Nil. lev . r'r ToKlilr, n We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last lo years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations nmde by his tu rn. WAI.D1NC, K INN AN o WlAKVlN, Wholesale DruggistsrToledo, (). Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally . cting directly upon the blcnnl and mu cous surfaces of the system. Testimoni als sent free. Price 7fc per bottle. Sold by all druirgists. Take Hall s r amny ruis ior consii pat ion , . Sometimes, a flaming city is saved by dynamiting a space that the lire can t cross, sometimes, a cocgn nangs 011 so long, you feel as if nothing but dyna mite would cure it. Z. T. Gray, of Cal houn, Ga., writes: "My wile had a very aggravated cough, which kept her awake nights. Two physicians could not help ner; m uhe took Dr, King's New discovery tor c onsumption, ougns and Colds, which eased her cough, gave her sleep, anil finaTly cui't'dTicfT" Strickiy scientific cured for bronchitis and U (Jrippe. At W S Allen and L L Sapp drug store, price ww ana guaranteed. Trial bottle free, RIVEKS SWEEP TOWNS. Several Persons Drowned, Bridges and Budd:ngs Wrecked. i.i ll.i-. Tc., Nov. 2". One of the heir t Militaries are f!Mded and cans- i.y .l.nn..-'c to ex.ecd HI.IKHi. I tl log iliimage to eX'fc.l Miai.uoo. i he railroad bridge over the Canadian Unci' near Fagenta. it is rrjiortcd, was swept away. The wile and children of a man named t.'niiipton were drowned b' twecn Magenta and Taseosa. Johntoin ton was drowned at Cherokee ( rossing ot Hlue 15iver. His wile and two chil dren weie rescued. Nearly twenty dwellings mid other buihlinu's were wrecked in Midlothian, lie OiiU, ltoyce, and Jt.isca, a row of village southwest of Dallas. '1 he Chris tian church was destroyed at Ited Oak and . lhc Cumberland I'res'byterian at Boyce. At Itasca cotton mills were un nsil'ed. At lort Worth part of the Polylech nic College is in ruins. At Denison a ne gro school house was demolished and the Fppstcin business building. was dam aged. Six buildings were wrecked at Woodbine. At, Tlockell, Wallace's cotton gin and some dwelling houses were des troyed. Seven bridges over the Sabine and its tributaries were swept away near Mar shall, and ono over Pool Creek at Hose hud. T he most severe part of the storm ex tended. from the Texas Pan Handle down I'cd liner Valley doing damage in the vicinities of (iainesville, Denison, Paris and Sherman, nud spending its force near l.inle l!ock. Ark. The rejKjited destruc t'ioii of thetown of Cliicota is contradict ed." y-'-r.: GIRL'S QUICK WIT. Miss Bidwell Saved 930,000 to Canton's Treasury. Canton, - Ohio, May 21. The failure of the Canton State Hank person a hero ine in the trim little person of Miss Flor cm e pniwell, daughter ol C it v i reasurer llidwell. Miss Itidvvell saved the city fiO.IMM). The State Hunk was a citv de pository, and had !k(M;,iHM( on dejiosit there the day it suspended, The bank iatied its doors ns usual last Wedne lay nioriiiiig. 15ut they were open only tvventv minutes. J'lns was enough fur Miss Jiidwell. I1et1 she reached the citv treasurer's office. Where she had been in charge in the absence Of her father, who is ill in 1 hospital in Cleveland, Assistant Cit v I'reasurer Coyle, who was also employed at the bank, gave her a tip over the tele phone on what was going to happen, Miss llidwell 'is only eighteen, but she showed quickness of thought and ma ture judgment enough for a person twice her age. Quickly putting on her hat. she: slipped over to the bank and asked Covin how niiich cash the citv could have About all the cash in the bank was a bag containing .$.'10,000 in gold. The pro per check was made out('oyle took the goiu iroui mi! vault, arm, ai 1 tie gins reipiest, helped her with it back to the ity treasurer's ollice again it had been lecided to susiend, und the doors were losed. ' CI E A P IF YOU NEED THEM 10c Lemon squeezers, 7c. 15c Pettijohn's Breakfast food, 8c. 10c Pepper sauce, 7c. 25c Musfiroom catsup, I5c, 40c (Jrotind Pepper, 25c. 10c (h-ound Spices, per dozen, lie. 15c ft-ppared .Mustard, 10c. 10c Package Dates, 7c. " G(Jc Prto Rico molasses, 50c, 50c quart jar Jelly, 10c. 40c Swiss Cheese, 35c. 25c Duffy's bottle cider, 20c. 30c Can Apricots, 25c. 15c Imported Macoroni, l?Jc. 25c Can Pineapple, 20c. 8Jc Can Corn, 5c. : 15c Can Pi PPiU'hes, 10c. 30c Can Bartlet Pears, 25c. Acme Grocery Co. Are You a Victim of Vaccination? Stovall, N. C, May 12, 1005. My Dear Mrs. Person: I want to say a few words in praise ' of your excellent "Remedy." Some time ago, as result of compulsory vacci nation, our family was sore distressed by a peculiar skin and blood trouble which was finally agreed by the doctors to be a poison imbibed from an impure virus. We tried many prescriptions from doctors, and sufTered still. My health failed in other respects and finally I had boils-17 which could bt counted, and many smaller ones, on my face and neck. . , I took several bottles of your Kemedy and gave it also to my children, and jn a very short time we were all well and have had no return of the trouble. I consider Sirs. Joe I'erson's Keinedy a Hiendid family 'medicine. Sincerely yours, Mrs. J, J, Davis. D. A. Special Lo w Price Orv Thursday, June 1st, He will Begin a Thirty days' SpeciaJ SaJe. "Nothlnt Mcer Known. " , Reflect a Moment. When looking for cheapness don't overlook quality. In dyeing and cleaning work comes first, last and always. We aim to give each customer the best work for the money and to have each job carry with it the " satisfaction of knowing that the interests of th e customer " are f ul ly pro tected. Let us dye that last sum mer's silk or dry dean that evening dress for you. : : Queen City Steam Dyiiis and C eani Woits, I firs. J fl. Hester, Charlotte. Jersey Male Calves at Great Bargains. With such' breeding as 'Golden iudf : first . prize . inner over, all Jerseys 1800 ; Golden Love, hrst rize two year old bull at Pan- American 1901 ; Gomrald Merrigold, sire of twenty-one heifers that sold at an average of $144.00 each. The n'eeding of these is correct; prices right tor liumeaiato accepiance. Address, ; Jr h'i A Young, Gi h iibboro, N. C, . ..u..,t .i,ns-ft rnmmorc I iftnri( is vrrv thorouffh ;. . lias found a dea ' . . ... . 1 . . . : esuable position ana nas al ?no.leni appointments. Artfirp. l" Buffalo Brand." COME TO HENDRIX'S V " Let everybody come. There will be bar gains for all. We have too many goods in fact more than we need or want. They must be sold. The quickest way to sell them is to cut the price and cut it deep. White Goods, Wash Dress Goods, White Mercerized Waistings, Cotton Voile, Ginghams, Percales, Sheeting, Ready-made Sheets and Pillow Cases, Table Linen, Towels, Napkins, Hosiery, ;, Shoes, Slippers, Muslin Underwear, Walking Skirts, Lace Curtains. Anything and everything we have in our s t o c k wi 11 be offered at red uced prices. Come to see us. Remember the sale will last for thirty days. The Leader WE WISH TO Extend Hearty Thanks to our fxionrls for the liberal manner in which they responded to our invitation to atfend the opening of our handbome bew soda fountain on Wednesday." the 17th instant. Our store was thronged with people who were kind enough to express themseives as pleased with our Fountain and Drinks, as well as with the improved apjK'arance of the iutt'iior of our drug store. To one and all we extend thanks and best wishes. FETZEP & TUCKER. P. B. JOHNSTON, JULIUS JOHNSTON , Reidsville. Yanceyville. A. D. IVIE. LeiksvlHe. JOHNSTON -JOHNSTON & IV1E. Practicing - in the State and Federal Ooiiits. Oflice in Wentworth Open Every Monday. DR. ' laFRANCO'S BH)klct frP. Oil. LAKRNCO,Phllft.Vlphl,P. a education, lnciuainp oranencsnw l ...i- ,i ,Tr outQhiiui n i:vorv mw'.l - ino aecov n.emous. !. Or eons boro, N, C, Sale, in Low Prices 30 DAYS OF VPECIAL PRICES. Jfi 1 rang, $24.00. Co ii$agi $29.00. , :. X t el sange, $33. 00. X 6t3 d range, $37.00. PIuit bin r, Tin- Roofing, 0 uttering, etc. Second-hand cook stoves, $3.50 up. New cook stoves, $7.50 up. THE FORD CO., Plumbers ' Tinner P. W. GLIDE WELL. . Attonioy-at-Law- Wwtitworth N". C. Will practice in the State and Federt courts. At Mayodan every Friday. DR. C. P. EICHEIBERGER, I'racficH loutiued to Eye, Ear None," Throat and to fitting eye wuitin, m uiu...-., "-v---" run crHuuaie uuruiic inc uu. . urui n, cin.nB,u6i.v..... TITDSON PKELE Prin