Reidsville Review. TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. OLIVER BROS,, Proprietors. ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR. REIDSVILLE, JUNE 9, 1905 Some of those people who are now saying they "don't believe in spite work" were instrumental in getting up the dispensary election here two years ago as a rebuke to the commissioners for an appointment they made then. V'T ' We were in error when we stated Tuesday that the appointment of Capt. J. W. Feay as tax collector was left over pending a settlement. There has been under discussion by the board a proposition to consolidate the office of treasurer with that of tax collector, and to create the office of purchasing agent for the town. These are the reasons for the holding over of the fill ing of the Ktsitton of tax collector. As stated before, Capt. l'eay has ho oppo sition, and this year his record was even better than last year, when he led all the other tax col e tors. Th re would be a mighty howl sure enough if tie commissioners declined to reapoint Capt. Peay.butwe are glad to know that this will not be considered. There is a danger of the town pur chasing agent making mistakes as well as other people; As we understand it the trouble before has been that some merchants would hold out their accounts against the town so long that there was ro way of tracing the buyer. It. might bf a better idea to force the merchants to present their bills promptly and to show orders for the articles sold the different departments of the town. These orders could be printed and sign ed by the heads of the several depart ments. The purchasing agent for the South Carolina dispensary system is accused of many bad things and the same might be the case with the Reids ville purchasing agent. The Legisla ture recently defeated the same propo aition because of the apparent dangers of graft. Reduced Sealeace. Judge Charles M. Cooke, of louis burg, who has been holding court here, is very direct in his manner of speech; He, moreover, has the gift of humor. A colored defendant was up before him for sentence a day or bo ago. "John," said the judge, "you'll have to serve one year on the roads. Now that's all there is about it -understand? " The darkey lowel and scraped and mur mured, "yes, suh, thank you, judge." After he wan led away Judge Cooke observed gravely, "Now, that's the most appreciative defendant we've had." Later the negro's sentence was changed to a shorter term. -Winston-Salem Journal. Try It Aula. Saturday evening last was one long to be remembered. The Electrical Movers made many efforts to win the game, but without avail. They were too weak for the Cross Keys boys. They were sure of winning the game. At the sixth inning they were four runs ahead, but when they put their same pitcher back in the box they began to fall be hind and the Cross Keys boys soon went ahead. But now what hurt the Cross Keys boys on the start was that they had to play the Electrical Movers first and then the electrical mule. I tell you now when the mule began to bray it kinder frightened the Cross Keys boys and they got their start again. liut they couldn't hold their ground, for the old mule isn't any good. The Electrical Movers went to bat first and last and would not give the Crrsr Kes boys their last batrThe ru&MUU PUSTlCOi- a durablai . aanitarv mil economical material for tinting and decorating walls, Buperior to kaUo mine and wall paper, and much cheaper thau paint. PLASTICQ "wmuWbm all turea of other wall coat ings, and iao of their die adrantagea, racked in dry 1)0 wdr form. u ttuilo inn nnti for uh b by adding coll wwi. iuu airtciiona nn package. Any one can apply it Sample caid of beautiful tint for tb hiking. JAnifnaiiomtn Co. Ftr Sale in by & MONTGOMERY HDW, CJ game at the last inning stood 13 to 9. Now the Cross Keys boys are willing to go over to their own ground and give them a match game just any time if they will play the same boys on their ground that they played at Cross Keys, and will not come unless they do this. Now, I oping to hear from you, Electri cal Movers or Electrical Movers' mule, we r?main, Cross Keys Team. Coacert ay Lecal Taleat. The following is the programme of the musical to be given under the au spices of the Indies' Aid Society of the Baptist church at the Graded School Chapel on Tuesday night, June 13: Kramer, Pensionats Frenden Waltzes, Op. 18, Trio-Mioses Eva Martin and Lucile and Pattie Wray Womack. Ma.scheroni, For All Eternity, Vocal Sob-Miss Emma Jones. liartlett, Thy Dear Eyes. Vocal Solo Miss Hettie Ford. Selected, Gondolier, Vocal Duett Misses Mattie Irvin and Lucy Penn. Verdi, Hoffman, "II Trovatore," Piano-Miss Eva Harris. Wilson, Carmena, Voal Solo-Mrs. Francis Womack. Weber, Autfordung Zum Tanz, Op. 65, Quartette -Misses ara bupies, Agnes Martin, Marion and Ida Wo mack. Bingham, Life's Lullabye, Vocal Solo-Mrs. Wallace Millner. Chnpin, Kolonaise, No. i, Quaite te Misses Sara Staples, Agnes Martin, Marion and Ida Womack. Newman, Alone, Vocal Solo-Mr. Sam Hines. Selected, '.Goodnight, LittUV Girl, Goodnight, -.Vocal Swlo-Miss Annie Mc- Kinney. . White, Only Thee, Vocal Duett Mrs. J. F. Wray and Mrs. Francis Wo mack. General admission :V cents, children 25 cents. MW Is TIIKTIWK KO HI OHM. far tiair to i'ur C'aturrli o Tluni it .Alijr Mlii Himoii. Now is the time to use Hyomei, wlu-n the early summer days make it so easy to cure crtarrhal troubles. The Hyomei treatment, breathed for a few minutes three or four times in May or June, will do good twice as quickly as it did in January, and nearly everyone knows that usea taitniuny men, u completely rids the svstem of catarrh. v ',. Hyomei is a purely vegetable prepara tion whose active curative properties are given off when it is breathed by the aid of the pocket inhaler that comes with every outfit. It destroys all germ life in the air passages, purifies the blood by supplying additional ozone, and its healing, volatile, antiseptic fra grance reaches every corner of the re spiratory tract as no medicine taken throuirh the stomach can oossibly do. The complete Hyomei outfit costs but one dollar, and consists of a neat in haler that can be carried in the purse or vest-pocket and will last a lifetime, a medicine dropper, and a bottle of Hyomei. Extra bottles of Hyomei can be procured, if desired, for fifty cents. At this season of the year when ca tarrhal troubles can be so quickly and readily cured, the merits of the Hyomei treatment shouln be carefully investi- Sated by everyone and a complete out t should be in every home. Fetzer & Tucker personal guarantee with every Hyomei outfit they sell to refund the money if it does not give satisfaction. There is no risk whatever to the pur chaser of Hyomei. Reaewali aad New Subscribers . I. h. Pritchett, Benaja. It I) Reid, Wentworth. P B Johnston, Reidsville. J P Bennett, R F D 4, Reidsville. Mrs T W Kemp, Spencer. W H Settle, RFD 4, Reidsville. J I) Matkins, Thompsonville. J B Worsham, Locust Hill. R T Eatea, Oregon. R. W. Roach, Reidsville. Miss Lucy Burton, R F D 4, Reidsville. I) F Boggs, High Point. S E Gunn, R F 1) 2, Reidsville. L H Hardy, Reidsville. J P Powell, High Point. J B Motley, New York. Dr L T Smith, Reidsville. Miss Jennie Hopkins, Brown Summit, D S Barber, Reidsville. J W Dameron, Reidsville. J B Johnston, Reidsville. Jeff Brande, Pritchetts. Sallie Watt, Reidsville. F M Roberts, R F D 4, Reidsville, C II Cole, Stoneville. R II BU c'tw ell," ' i iiuet ! I'Hrnl by local applications, as they cannot reacneu mis aiseaseu Hinion oi me ear. There is only way to cure deafnesa. and that is by constitutional remedies. I)afpess is caused by an inflamed con dition of the .''mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rambling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is en tirely closed. Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be ta ken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be de stroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mu- bs surfaces. coWe will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars free. F, J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, 0. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Take flail's Family pills for consti pation, rnlitl Auklr, Stiff Nrk. Ijimv Shoulder These are three common ailments for WhktJambvrlaijj's J'ainBalnns es pecially valuable. If promptly applied it will save you time, money and suffer ing when troubled with any one of these ailments, for sale by Brittaln. Sailer Ntci. Well, there has been quite an im provement on that little reception room at Sadler. I am sorry the strawberries are about all gone, but the dewberries are getting ripe, I see. Mr. W. T. Johnson, of near Lawson ville, was visiting his relatives here this week. Mr. Jim Nance, of Danville, is spend ing a lew days at Mr. J. A. Talley's this week. Mrs. Jim Benton and children, of Ruffin, spent Saturday and Sunday in this section. Miss Mollie Daniel went to Greens boro this week to visit her brother. Mr. J. ... W, Lovelace, of Reidsvile, spent Sunday here with his parents. Mrs. Mary Pruitt, after spending a few days with her brother, Mr. Jim Daniel, has returned to her home at Ruffin. .'.- The people around here are glad to know that Mr, W. H. Schoolfield is re moving his saw mill to near Reidsville again. " .lu-l lVlutt Kviine Sliuulil I hi. Mr J T Barber, of Irwinville, Ga, al ways keeps a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy at hand ready for.instant use. Attacks of colic, cholera morbus and diarrhoea come on so suddenly that there is no time to hunt a doctor or go to the store for medicine. Mr Barber says: "I have tried Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy which is one of the best medicines 1 ever saw. I keep a bottle of it in mv room as I have nad several attacks of colic and it has prov ed to be the best medicine I ever used. Sold by Brittain's Drug Store. .No eii--t About II. It w no scrt. that for cuts, burns ulcers, fever sores, sore eyes, boils pir nothing iq mo. effective as Bucklen'i Arnica Salve. "It didn't take long to cure a uau sore l nau, anu u is an o k for sore eyes," writes I) L Gregory, ot Hope, I ex. ZM at Allen s or app . Mrs. Louis Ernest, Evansville, Ind.: "Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea is splendid. Makes sick people well. Cured me after all others failed." Tea or tablets. - Sapp, the Druggist. It takes a severe matrimonial frost to kill the orange blossoms used in making Holhster s Rocky Mountain lea. .5oc Tea or tablets. - Sapp, the Druggist. "I'lici f woulil x' loo in nt h money in tlic world if women wore cominoii-sciHC clothes. up to-tliik' drug store is this plate tu go to. to solid . to, r 'phone to '-. your (Inijr store heeds. Fresh all new stock. No old ' timers Drugs and Medicirves Lowest priees. BRITTAIN'5 Drug Store. ; Denuy building Red Front. : i ' n.i.-i ''.-' : i Moment. When looking for cheapness don't overlook quality. - In dy eing and cleaning work comes lirst, last and always. We aim to give each customer the Lest work ' for the money;" and to have each job carry with it the satisfaction of knowing that the interests of the customer are fully, pro-: tected. '-' - ' Ijet us dye that last sum-i nier's silk or dry dean that evening dress for you. t Qnccn City Steam Eyiii and : I Ccaninn Worts, ST Hrs. J. n. Hester, Charlotte. I NOTICE I heicby call for Rockingham 5 'per cent, bods No. 1234 and "5, $300.00 each issued May 7, 1900. This June 7, 1905. M. F. Pinnu, Sheriff, Rockingham county. n a n nnn oa lv n iha meat hMllna aalva In the werid. Britteun s rioasanda Ilare Kllney Troutls and Don't Enow it. How To Find Out. Fill a bottle or common g!ass with your tier and let it s'.and twenty-four hours, a , i sediment or set- J nvll tling indicates an iW? stain your linen it i; evidence of k'd ney trouble: too frequent cesire to pass It cr pair in the back is also .onvincing proof that the kidneys and blad ler are out of order. What Co l)o. There is comfort in the knowledge so iten expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swan.p Rot, the jreat kidney remedy fulfills every vish in curinp rheumatism, pain in the ack, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part f the urinary passage. It corrects Inability o bold water and scalding pain in passing , tr had effects following use of liquor, .-ine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasf nt icressity of being compelled to go often iuring ths day. and to get up many times ljring the night. The mild and the extra ariinary effect of Swamp f00t Is soon ealized. It stands the highest for its won derful cures of the most distressing cases. ' f you need a medicine you should have the aest. Sold by druggists in 50c. and $ I . sizes. You may have a sample bottle of this vtnerful discovery fovL ni a book th.-t tells nere about it, both sent bsalutely free by mail, laress ur. Mimer at Hom of Swimp-Rooi li Binghamton, N. Y. When writing men oo reading this generous offer in this paper. Don't make any mistake, but remem ber the name, Swamp-Root, and the addrea, Binghamton, N. Y., on bottle. We Offer for 4iH- Ground Peppr, I'ur. Me (iriniud Spices, per o,., .".. 10c Whole spices, per ( ,., or 85c Marashiiio Cherries, ?Oc. :io- IJot tic Olives, L'nc. 2,)c Bottle Olives, l.V. V 25c Tomato Ketchup, H: :iic Tomato Ketclitip, 25v. 20c Heinz's Mustard Dressing, 15c. .'15c Durkee's Salad Dressing, 30e. 1 5c Prepaired Mustard, 10c. 25c Bottle Fruit Jams, 18c. I Oc Pepper sauce, 7c. 25c Mushroom catsup, 15c. 25c Engiish Plum Pudding, 20c. 50c Quart Jar Jelly, 35c. 8c Can Corn, 5c. 25c Can Pineapple, 2ic. 2ic Corn Beef Hash. 1 5c. loc Can Soups, 7c. 30c Can Apricots, 25c. 10c Shredded Codfish, 7c. 25c. Heinz's Sweet Pickle, qt., 20c. 15c Can Pie Peaches, loc, 15c Pettijohn's Breakfast food, 8c. 15c Breakfast food, two for J 5c, 10c Lemon squeezers, 7c. OOc Porto Rico molasses, 5c. 100 Plug Sun Cured Tobaccc, 7c. 10c Package Dates, 5c. 10c Pearl Sago, 5c, 10c Pearl Barley, 5c. 10c Tapioco, 5e. 1ok1h charged at regular prices, but above pcices are for cash only. Acme Grocery Co. A LIFE IN HIS HANDS In filling prescriptions a druggist ofteu has a life in his hands. You rim 'no risk when you have us fill your prescriptions and wants iu The Drug Line Fetzer and Tucker are both regj istered druggistsand "are always ready to serve you. Let us fill your prescriptions and know it is always filled just as the doctor intended, FETZER & TUCKER, ' Prescription Druggists. WW TTT , J w . i- ... .. ... .... A school offerinir a technical commercial education, including branches not f;itwA ( t,ArtUK..,k. T. . A 4. has found a desirable "portion and hfta all modem appointmenti. Addrenv IMS KHbn ArrniU, U..l IE 11 Most ..'Reliable :and DciK-nduble Merchandise Priceil fur a Very Little Consideration. Figured Organdy Lawns, valued 7c, for 34-inch Wash Bftistc, value 10c, for 32-inch Lasta Wash Voile, value 17 l-2c, for Mercerized Silk Persian Lawns, value 4(k" for Cream. White and Fa 36-inch White China silk, value 8c, for ou-incn oiacK ana wavy Mohairs, value 75c, for h en's Neglijee shirts, value 50c, for Men's White Madras shirts, ualue 85c, for Men's Suspenders, value 21c to 40c, for American Linon, 36-inches wide, for shirt waists, Irish Linon, value 35c, for French Lawn, value 40c, for This Week Only. THE HUB IK It is my pleasure to state that for the past three years I have been iden tified with the Insurance business in Reidsville and the surrounding com munity, anc" I will say that my efforts in this connection have met with appro val, judging from the measure ot sup port Lgiven me by our people, all of which I most sincerely appreciate. Representing as I do a number of the strongest and best companies that are licensed to do business in this State, and having conducted the business to their entire satisfaction, I feel that I can say with confidence that there is no better equipped Insurance office in this , section, or one that will offer better, and more prompt service, than' I am prepared to give. This being the case, I earnestly solicit a full share of the patronage of this community, aud would have you feel assured that your interests are well protected in my hands, and now beginning with June 1st, I am opening in connection with the Insurance Business a Real Estate and Rental Agency, notice of which will appear later a new departure for Reidsville, and one that I feel is much needed. Thanking one and all for any and every indication of appreciation and support, I am, Most respectfully, John D. Hukfines. BARGAIN SALE WOOTTON BROS. We are just getting in which we put on sale today, surprise you. In addition stock of i Ladies Oxford Ties and Slippers at and some BELOW COST to close them out. This gives you a chance, this early iu the season, that you seldom ever have. , I These specials are spot cash, come and save some money. WOOTTON BROS., June 7, 1905 .Reidsville, N. C. iiiw,iijiin.Mjniimj wm t.ntm"mt jm t hijiii DR. LaFRHNCO'S I COMPOUND. Safe, ipilt r(Hil'on SSctntii. DrufdsHor rtiHL Booklet (ro. DR. LaFRAHCO. Pbllaielphla.Fa. ffllEY5mE:iEYCUr3 Uafca KMmytand Bladder la hio-k wmAm mnA WfiU PJitjlhlliihfid JLVCrY given aattafaction. No decoy methoda. C3 m '-..--- - aB,n Hul.l. ummb.,,. . , 1 3 7-c 9 l-2c 9 l-2c 25c 50c 50c niw ' 25c 50c 19c 10c lSc 25e Suits, value 25c, for THE HUB a big line of Notion Samples, these goods go at prices that to this we are putting all our 1 11 mi 81 P. B. JOHNST0M, JULIUS JOHNSTON, Reidivllle. Viacejvnie. A. 0. IYIE. Lctkivllle. JOHNSTON JOHNSTON 4 I7IE. - Ht jt t l aw - - PractioifK in the State and Federal Coiiits. Office in Wentworth ; Open Every Monday. taught in ordinary business chools. The IUU ffraOUBie QUnnff ino BHBi limr jc.i- steatn jicau eiecjtnc ngnus, ewvuwi 3 Gnfy.C. i

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