B5 Rcidsville Review, i TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. OLIVER BROS, Propriet ors. ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR REIDSVILLE, JULYS. 19(6. t ill for Democratic Coavcatiuo and Primirict The Democratic county convention for nominating our county and., legisla tive ticket is called to meet in VVent worth on Tuesday, the 14th day of . August, r.KHi; the precinct -chairmen being requested to call their respective primaries on Saturday, August 11th. All those who intend to vote the Democratic ticket in the -.coming elec tion 81 e urged and requested to attend these primaries. Wry respectfully, FltANClS WoMAI-K. Chairman Democratic Executivi C 'in mittec of lickingham County. ReidoVill", N. C, June 5, 1!nh;. Tomorrow being the Fourth of July we can at least plan a uig trolley ride down to Yanccyville a year from now. For two more yeais it will be Con grestimiii Kitchin. After then it may be Governor Kitchin. Either sounds mighty good to the people of this section. Let cool, sober judgment prevail in the selection of our candidates. We want good officers, the best we can get, regardless of what they thought about the road issue. That report of the proceedings of the Fifth District convention as published in t e Industrial News is unworthy that paper, which we had hoped would be conducted along'better lines. It is gratifying to see the Democrats of Rockingham lining-up for the fight this fall. The Republican party here, as elsewhere, is divided into factions, but Democracy will present a solid front as usual. It in whispered around that friend of Senator Mmmoiis. aimed with a resolution of endorsement for him, decided not to present it at the recent county convention, but will be hand in the next convention. - Other towns are sullering with epi demics of typhoid lever. Rvidsvilltt peopl.' can be tnaiikful for good health, but the time i.i coming when a sewer age iiystcm will be neeessasy in order to mitmti.iii our line I ealth record. I'ongi.'iwman Kitchin and lion. I'orte Graves were unanimously endorsed by Rockingham Democrats. The former has Mreiidv been nominated unani mously and the lalter will be -which shows that Rockingham Democrats r rely ever go wrong. The man who predicted that dire calamity would befall the Democratic parly on account of the bond issue elec tion har. only to look around to be con vinced that he w'as iir error. IJond issue men are eager to help nominate stand patters and the ;' tand-pattcrs are equally as generous towards the bond issue advocates. It takes more than an election on a purely local question to divide the Rockingham Democrats. A Hinall delegation of Roekingham politicians are attending the State convention at (Jreensboro. There are no contests over the o dices and idle curi'tsily prompted most of those who brave the heat to go. 'J he-, -State De niocracv is in fine trim, and Demo crats generally are caring very little about conventions, feeling as they do that thev have a walk-over in the com ing election, in view of the dissensions and strife existing in the Republean ranks. , Y'esleiday near Monroe farmer J. W Hill used a shot-gun to kill his neigh bor, A. M. Iturjre.ss, who a few houi before a i: aulted the former's wife M rhv-11 ill- Uild Jier JiUsban'iof t),e oecuriiicv, nd they.', started, towards Moiui e when th.'y met Hurjrcss and lim wife in a buiruy. lioth tried to shoot, but farmer Hill was the quickest with Ids nun. The dead man leaves Bix children and his murderer has two. About the .same hour of this deed a inei hanic killed a stone cutter; who in the act of boarding a train to elope with h a a i'e. The Kepublican convention held at WenUvoi th today instructed its dele gates to vole for Adams for Chairman. Mr. Gilliam Grissom, of Spray, made a rotiB'nK speech which whh the fea ture of the convention. Heand Mesarr. Eeid and Waller fought the reaoluth n to endorse Adams, but were defeated. Messrs. Joyce and Tuckers were for endorsing Adams. Mr. Malloy was re-elected chairman and Mr. Peatross is secretary again. One of the delegates decrtbes the convention as harmonious. H Ihc Vlc ' Siantl liU Miss Jcanm tie Hut ler. '4t; Mia Mary Wind or. 1 Miss Diruie . K.tse", . i ! Miss Catr.e Matthew.-, t'.', i Miss Mamie HiylUowi r, ! ; Miss I Jessie Withers. j Miss Ethel Hiiteherson, Miss Ida Womack, -M j Miss Tula Dailey.1 I? ' i Miss Mary Matthews. j Miss Amanda Hid Li.:.. ' Mis.i Nellie II ;tncH-k, .. IN Mis Willie .I...n-. . . - Mits Eva Harri-. L".' i Miss Lillian llitem'ock, . : ;. ' Muss Hel. ii Ri'id, ; ; - LM; M ss Clara imp-Miu. : ' "J" i C'H'NiKV. ' Miss Nettie ('t.iiiVm. '-H i M.ss it '.-s Terr, .-; 4 j Miss I Ma Suidlo, '.' -1 M iss Fannie St iiihe'd. !'" ' Miss Mary Rank in, --'. o'i; Miss Kate Anderson, '..'. !! . Miss Kate Webster. I';. ' '.'in Mus -Ida Summers, Miss Exie Gilliam, i- Mt-S Minnie Meadow . -t Work hot nur thulie. In order to encourage tl friends i f tht young ladies whv are in the coio test for Thk Rkvikw's 'Semmer t ut ings we have decided to olFer 'inducer ments to those who take the trouble to get up clubs. ; For each club of ''three ne or re newal subscriptions we will give extra Votes. - -," For each club of liv naliics we w ill give 40 extra votes. For each club of ten subscribers, old or new, we will give loo extra votes. For a club of 25 we will give 'M ex tra votes. Every subscription is entitletl to a card of 20 votes each. In soliciting your friends to pay up their subscription and give you their votes you will secure .so votes for a club of three; 141) votes for a club of five; :iiHJ for a club of ten; and X m i for a club of twenty-five. . In this way the result will be much more interesting and the way for ser curing the prize. is opened up to those who will bestir themselves and get their neighbors to renew or subscribe. The contest is growing in interest every day, and those who get busy will get the plums. The trips are well worth working for, and will he appre ciated by anyone who receives them. Cut iiut your coupons j to he. found in each issue of J'iik Rkvikw ) and vote thenij and pay up your own subscrip tion and induce your neighbors to do likewise. State (ik onto, t ity ok toi.kho, i : 1.1 ( AS t (i'I NTV. I i Frank J. I benev makes oath that is sneior partner of the linn of ! i Cheney fe Co. , doinK business in tlieOty of Toledo, I ounty and Male aforesaid, aufl that said lirm will pav the sum o! onk himi:i:ii not.i.AHs for each and every case o I t atarrh that cannot be cured by the useot Hal Catarrh Cure. FKANK J. CHENKY Sworn to lieloie me and subscribed m my jiresence, lhistthdav of December A D lhM, A V (,1 LASDN, (Seal.f NoTARV l'l lil.li; Hall's -Catarrh I lire is taken internal ly, and acts dtrcctlv on the blood and mucous surface of the systsm. Send for testimonails free. F. J. CIlliNtV & Co., Toledo, 0. ... Sold by all Druggists, 7o. Take Hall s tamilv Fills for con.,fipa tion ttyotl want toruua lonjr wavs. Hon t start too fast. It has caused more i.-iuuiis and di led more tears, wiped awnv diseases and driven away more fears than any other mc'iinne in me worm. iioinstei- t icocky Mountain lea. .oc. lea or lab- lets. .Sapp, the druKKmt. ' Worthless dogs generally have i cile natures. A little love, a little wealth, A little home tor vou and mo; It's all 1 ask except good health, Which comes with Uockv Mountain Tea. -L. L. napfi. The devil never finds fault with a hyprcrile. Then it's time to act! No time to'.. study, to read, to experi ment ! You want to save your hair, and save it quickly, tool So make up your mind this very minute that if your hair ever comes out you will use Aycr's Hair Vigor. It makes the scalp healthy. The hair stays in. It cannot do any thing else. It's nature's way. The bt kind of testimonial "Sold for ovr ixty yar." A Made nJ. v. Ayr Co., I.ow.ll, Aiao manuioturri or SAR5APARILLA. HILI S. CHERRY PECTORAL. yers When the Hair Falls I" " " "' 'rmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I'r. ("opple o. addinc; a new. .-how i r ;i:;l electric b.i'h ! In., s.uiitui mm a -pii.iiM-es. If- i.- : .' It.u nsjr. Hi ted up Oiiiri' rMHl : f'- It';-' .it t oO.Ol..i ion of his Tin; riiM t,.r li-i., n'ii' a riunibt r of p:il ,eul - .and is en mi: "ice e:y . ...ti.-f.it lory n;.V?, t : pe ' H I" chr )ii'c troil'lt . If u ...uiiidi'.iiiii of this character was pu.-died like No (. ern people would pii-h H 'and its. merit made known more p.-;.!.-j hah do mi,;' it avail themselves of. irs e'.ir'itive pow ers. Winston Salem -l"iii't.al. . . THK . RKV t-k and . the. Ne. : Y.h k. " thricc.'a-WceV VrM, . .elm. k full -f national news, fl.n'i. . Beautify Complexion in ii ims: Nadinola The VNEQUALEO StAi,TIHER,c- .or-d ky tk(Unds uarjntccd tt rcnu freckles, pintplcv idl f .ci d d (vubirat iol i n A f (jU te: thl I e i in v id VL'Utll. Tkc worst cases in vcity d.ivs. 50c. and ll.(K) at all leading drug tor.-j, or ky maiL rrp.ml hy NlTIOVsL T0HE1 10. I'lru, 1 Scld b I FfZFK & ItUfR Bank of Rcidsville R'EinsVIL'I'.E. N. C. At the close of business June 1, I'J1. RKSOURCES: Loans and discounts. Overdrafts, secured, . ( v e r 1 ra ! ! s . u tisec u r ed , Ranking house. Furniture and fixtures. All other real estate owned. Due from banks and bankers Iim.:;;;". 1 ;:.:7 ;t7 7. l hi m 2,.".VIvl it.7; ii sit Cash items. Gold coin, lO.IHKI IKI Silver coin, National bank notes and : other U. S. notes, Total. UAIWUITKS. Capital stock paid in. Undivided profits, los '-orient ex. and taxes paid. Dividends unpaid, : Time certificates of deposit, Deposits subject to eherk. Cashier's check' outstanding. Interest KVserve. ' r.:l ,lo'. I f IJKKI (HI 1:'. . oj 1h IMI iiii.'-.'i r, in Total, . - :''i.:. u7 j 1, J. F. VVailinyU.ii, cashier ot the above nano'd bunk, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true, to tin best of mv knuwh.djro and belief. d. 1' . VV ATI INIiNoN. ( ashler. Mvorn and subsctbed tt betore uio th's, -Jih ii:iy of I in e, 1;h;. W. A. 'I'Honi'it. N. IV firrnet -attest: J. II. Hiirlon, U. M llitchcm k. I:.. T. Williams. Bank of Caswell, M 11,1 N ( . At the close of business June L i;ksiickcf:s: 1 inj Loan . ni Over. Ira 11 discount.-, , uiibecui ed. in; i , in I, ,IMI IHI .M AO t oil Uill (Ml I n; :m l.h7l INI I lemand loans. I me from bank ( ash items, (old com. Silver com National bank. I oilier t '. s. and banket . u jo notes. Total, UAl'.IU'IIES. Caiiilal stock paid in. Surplus fund, ' I jidivided pi.. til. ' less cum nl expenses and avspaid. I line ( erhlii alei of deposit, peposits sul.ect to check, Cashier's ch'-cks outstanding, 1 I l'i Ii $",11(11 1 01) l'HJ (HJ ts 51 ! J i .'I l'l II ( lolal. . l!t.t.!i7 (i:; state of North Carolina, "'T (. ounly of Caswell. I. L. limes, Jr., cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear (bat the above statement i true to the- bent of mv knowledge and belief. E. Minks, Jk., ( aidner. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this SSrd day of June, l'l Hi. Marcus C. W instead, Notary Public. i. oi reel aitest ; F. B. Jones, Marcus C. Winstead, .Ja.-i, A. Hurdle, directors. PS SMOOTH AS 5ILK WERE WREN r . oxpord mm i .tii.-t 0XF0RD5 'BLUCHF.B KLONDlKriRVR KloHON LACE. MX. LEATHERS ee PATENT COLT. .OUa t-TAN RUSSIA UVCLTIE5m0YH VICI. WOOTTON BROi. i J72ht mm w mm v i v aw. J 14 n. . i ' y.r Free Penn's kMicumntLsm I'm o RiiM i - Ju-tv inb. fcH. D 01: ij'o'i . ! Vmiv I'-'u'dii -Mdins; S i! ir. v, Ju'v. 1 I POSITIVELY ONIi Wl.liK ONLY. I f voti ai.i- a -.'I'!. ;m Or. houUico, r . f ! r .ii'iil. '.rilt u:i' , rhtim I'm..; A (jcncKHts l:rcc 5amplc I 'ox Of tl-e farie'ii, .(, sa in' t line rui'ili;;' i iiioai ism t U' ". u loi'li .-trv.ii; of 'he iii'ist i liioliiV I'ittiiic. The st t-mtl VN'-' f.ilai alitor !' .mi -tf'(iirt,i'..ni f 'lie rioub!-. . We d-i t'i'l 'w'i 1.1 iid-'i-.loo. :::(.. -Il.-li"! or io- v ifhi . h.o.i . .roth'? ( over si t V ''': b eminent iPia: c ci-e. ii;. 1 rt-..N.N i;iil.l MAI iieirtuiig ot tin' tleifiiient, l.'it : ta ii lo-seve ai weeks i.i get h f i'EXN RHEl'M A 11M ( l RE m an and entiretv free tUmi o mtes, i'ldido tonic, build ng ..up ! tie weak and debiotated. We are s eo'iti-lont. of the great Rod imiirtinb!t of o;ir K'l" u o. .j that we hi.'v ta k 'M this method of gt m; a.'.s.ii.i'wiv fr-v 1 1 i-v. v ..-.it Iteidsvi Je a gete iniH sample jmx, amply sulUci lit, f u an hii".;t e !. I Th:s is the op..,ri unity of yotir l.fe if you ate ,n ne.'il ot , ucb a oe'iir'n r. D not hesitate to thro'iKh any fair, pi I ! i oi ,nc ui,i.-rie olo,- at;on v i. - t sovvrr to puieha cone Cent's wur'h.. A Ii tli l! we a.-k wf '.you I . ,i f.ui. lout t test of this -grtaf and invaluable 'remedy;'' ; Perm D rug Co., Philadelphia Uctail at Hrlttain's Drujr Store : Are You i '& Judge at Of iood Ice i i o Crcnm & soda i When down t".n jut drop oi at oor r,orp nd Irv our I'm p. (.'ream. Everyl'"'!:'.' who tries it renders, the verdict J : 15be Best 1 Ir Town 1! Special Childfeti. I able and Chan s lor Fctzer" & Tucker, 'I UK' D MI'KNIAi.l.K HUUUI.ST.S. LAND -AUi 1V upon vii tue of the power conferred mo us executor by the last will and te; anient of Joseph King, I will on. TUESDAY, THE 10TII OF JlJCY.If'Ki, ' hi front id the Bank of Keidsivillc, in ' the town of Heidaville, N. -., well to i the hiLbest bidder for cash two tract.; , of land lying in Koekingliam County, ! bi'ati of f.oi th Carolina: I First tract siliiated thre? miles Noith . of lieidsville. adoimng the lirids of I'. : I!. Johnston on the south, C. H. Stoke.'M on the cast, Mennett l'lace on the north and VV. K. French un the west; con-1 taming l-U acres,: more or lenn. hihI i known as the "Home Flare," on which are two gool dwelling nouses, gooo stables with eight stalls, and other out houres. Second ha't alxiut four nnlis Irnm Keldsville, adjoining the lands of II. A. Clark on the east, VV, K. f reneh on the south and I'. 15. Stone on the oorth and west; containing (2 acres, on which are situated three good tobacco barns. The above lands are. well wooded and are well adapted to the irrowth of crops uually painted in turn section. This, the 5th day of June, l'Jl.Mi. J. U. Kin;, Executor of Joseph King. LAND SAI L. By virlue of an order of the Superior Caurt of Kickipgham County, Stale of iNjrth Carobra, in a SimmI Hroeeed-i logs enln leif "VV. K. freiiiliBiio VV.ll. Davis, Exis. oi W K.T'avifi, dccenseil, and others, vs. F'. A. Davis and others" I will on . TIICUSDAY, JL'EY 25. IM, at 12 .o'clock hi. on the premises fx riose to sale at public auction to the highest bidder a tract of land in said j county, adjoining the lands of W. II ' I avis, T. M. Scarce ami other-) in Ktif fin Township, on the head waters f Lovelace Mill Creek, mentioned in the will of said W. K. Davis, as containing ltxi acres: but a reivnt survey bIhuvs it to contain Hii acres tntne or less. Terms: cash. This June 21 I'.Hk;. W. It. Fkkni ii and W II, x'Avis.Exrs, of W. K. Davis, deceased. THE REVIEW'S CONTEST COUPON i i mmm mi 1 1 nil mm nrtm This C'ouiion, if voted before entitletl t one of Thk rti viKw'a free Summer Outings. Distribution ; mi?:l 1 0 o v or , i nit io i Ih ihi Icsl KVmkcIv ill ",:'n . all f 'I in . j.f t.y Jin;; '.that. u'i.. e.in it 1 I'll P.! tl, ,i ;..! -.if.iin in -.the 'p"ei.'l -f S.M t 1 KY, s ill I, yu y.iir "rtse i- i hi oioe, y id nvuits, unc acid d' .-i i. i r. n of - potash". . Jiicieuiy. "I loll t li .olutop;' h ti oti- lUid I il :I tl' g TRUSIliirs SALI:. l!y vii tue of aulhorily of a 'cet tain ! " fteid of Trust" S. Ford iind wife executed to me by L. i , t'lnra Ford.-on the ! corded in the Keuister's ollice hi Kock-J mubam County, N. ('., in Hook Si,. ; U.'i. pace 2J', to secure payment of a . certain bond, b arinj; even date there- : with, and the stipulation:-.'' of said Deed! of I trust not ha vine been complied; I . I. ..ii ...... .. .i i . a) j woo, i s.mn expose Ul ptUlllC ailCllOfl, tot c.isn, on TIE-DAY THE lo of Jl'LY, l:n.:, at M . o elik in-., in front of 'the K.ink i 1:!. o'di t)f Keldsville, in the town of Kenkville, in said county; the following describKl i tract, of land, situated in Went worth ! tow nsmp ot sr.nl county, on the waters of Little ,e'k bouse (.'reek, being modt up id two conligiiou.; tracts- I he lust tri.els ailoins the lam J. M. (.alloway, Sam Galloway and olbers. coi.iainilit: Hi acres n orei.rle 1 he second tract ad (oinmir the afore-1 sum tmet, and the tract of land the!'' ' ' ' "t,eorgc( . Cabal Plaep-'. iiTid fitliff--.. ! Hollers.' containing l .-i res tnoie or less Th I Eninncs, hist of said tracts known as Hie "Mill-1 Belting, or I'lac". and the. second as tl'i' luHi'5.. "Woottoii Place." . Sbaftiiign, For fu'lher desei uition of sanl lmM Hani-era, i i 1 reference is made to a dted Irorn I Jobnsion and wife. to .J. K T Jli y 1 bis .ilh uav of June, , 1'. B. J0HN..10N. lru-.tee IkLLSILI S SMJ; l.-.-- ulu" of aiiM-.intv of a "I'.r-l of Tro t execute, o no. ,v p , . bl',!ton and wife, M;ny I', Huston, in (lie bub day oi j-w';-ihl-r. J'.mi:: t,j duly lecoi.le.I in the kej-i.-.d-r odire m lvockiiti:li:.m coiiniv. !i, (;., m jiwk No JJ'f, t '.' ''-j to'utm ih pt.nuttof two inlaiii l.orvl.-v l.f-arin even dale th' ifwiili, ,nid . lie ..iipulalion i in raid I'ee.l of .:, dot haVllll' lieell n.l. '. l; ..ii.. ' i t ii . . . . I in. ao:., i . iicu :-.io.x dt pui.iii: auc-1 1 l III : -. I ' II" "'rfl, l H E l, I HE I'll H OI J' LY 1)',, ft 1 .':t M..e; iii , m front of the Bank of i:c r.,vi!!e. in th" town of Keidiviilo, in (aid (.'.I. n'y, a eeiiam tra. t of hr.d lyii-g in ; ;i el coimly,. in the town of ! Hei.lsville. bounded as follows n j mug at coiner of l.indsev sired and a I new rtreet L ading to l,,,. ,ilt;t side of . the While (oa'led School' lot flo be ! lionwn H. I'raiikbn sticell iber.rp ; Norun ify with ald new si reel N H 4 d I E ..'i feet o a stiike: thence iiool l NK Id East I feel Willi Maty K. Neal'p ! line, Ihence iuulh 1 1 I l f ast 2'" feel wuh luiI Nen s line to a slake on Hie Noiih side of said Eindsev stieet-thenep ! North w d W est with last milnei street to the beginning i5 feet, and on which is a iievly constructed dwelling. '1 his lln 2nd day of June, l!f.. I'. B. Johnston. U Nl Vii RSI T Y OI N()lf I II CAROLINA. Head of. the s tale's FJucwtional System DEPARTMENTS. C'olh iiii-'e, . Engiiiff ring, dra.hi.'.te, Law, iMeiiicine, I'haitnaiy Library contains 45,100 ' volumes.'' iw water work a, electric lights, central heating system. Ncv dormi . toiies, gymnasium, Y, M. C. A. building. 682 STUDENTS 71 IN FACULTY. The F'all term bcEius Sept. 10, liXHi. Address FRANCIS IV V ENABLE, PreuJent, Chapel Hill, N. C. J L m July II, is. gixst for wn vote for -j 01 Ciirc;;v::!.v'':V::-' 'f'd''- ' m:mmm cunoin of : -. .vl-M-MI lixfivi -" i f.-. to f - : : .'B-i-jJ mJii v."v! t.. ;'.. RIBi ItiJM Ii 1 Schlc- J)nos.&Co aBnos&Co: Fine Ci esMaker ifimor Jnd At York P. . c 'ii 1 be Rierson-Copplo Sanitarium 127 SOUTH MAIN ST., iviep large ruoms f hi pativiit.s. G'radtiHte nurse. tions j Winston Mill Supply Co , 1 111, lid, 115 WEST FlrTH STREET. Wood Working, Machinery, Valvea, Fiping, Fittings, Hydraulic Rams, Babbitt Metal, Backings, In fact any thin 2 pertamiuir tu railroad or mill sunolies. guaranteed Mail orders filled the same day. THE NOKTH CAROLINA Uate Normal and Industi ial College - -COURSES-Literary Commercial Classical - . Domestic Science Scientific Manual Training F'edagogical Muhic Three Courses leading to degrees. Special courses for graduate of other colleges. Well-equipped Training School for Teachers. Board, launrliv, tui tion, ami fees for use of text books, etc., $170 a year. For free-tuition k(u dcntti, ?l2fi. F if teenth annual session begins September ai, 1906. To secure board in the dormitories, all free-tuition applications should be made lift. re July I o. Correspondence invited from those desiring competent teachers and .'em.j;rphei. For catalog and other information, address ( HAKEEM I) All IV Ml. 1'iehideiit. (.leeuHbcu., N C Health and Pleasure ai: Vade Mecurn Two. hotels with all conveniences, and 20 cottages. Finest scenery in the United States, and every amusement- row ing, bathing, owl ing, daucing, and burro parties. j --' .-. -- ' I'rouneed by eminent authorities the bebt water in tl e United states of the Alkaline-Purgative clays, a specific for all: 'diseases of the sUtrua' h and bladder and those emu ed by wm.ot uric acid. .-.'. Full rehenrn. tine Bail Koom. Fur titm aud illustrated pauiphlet, 'address .1' . VADE MECUM SPRING CO., Vade Mecuni, y. C. r -"' The Franklin Typ The "Franklm" leada them all. The typewriter operators have pronounced it iing of all viuible writing machines. It's a time saver, simplicity itself, and for durability and fped it has no equal. FRANK H. TUXBURY, So itheiu Representative, OLIVER BROS.. Roauoke, Va. Luftl Representativea. This Label Means Cool and Comfort able Clothes Fur Hot Days, Stylish, too. WelLMade. Perfect Pitting Thoroughly Fland-Tailored. The Kind of Clotlits y tu Admire Wherever you see them SPECIAL PRICES During tlu Summer flonths. Come in! WILLIAMS & CO. cordiHlly inviti's the publio t visit that iustitiitinn. wher vv will take great jdtHKitre iu uliowing -ami t.'llmg you how to efMt cuifd id Klieumatwin, bow the X Kay, Fiiisi'ii liigbt and Mm ueim Violet Light lures all kinds of wkiu diiseMKes, such its Fx-Keiuu, Etipim, Face Bk'tui-iheH, Birtlun.irkt, etc. How ' Moles, Warts ami HiiiK-rtloiis hair are removed without.- leaving the i-ligtitetd Bour. Heuiorrhods iRttwil Varicose Veins, Varii-oi'ele, HydirHele.StriitiireH, Chronic Ulcere aiid" all 'L'hrouk- Condi cured without jnuii. ciihi, Mill Brooms, Fire Buckets, Picks, .Shovels, I)irt bcrapers, Hose, Crow Ban. 'rices and q iality E. T. RAGLAND, Manager, Winston-Salem. M. C. ewriter. i I