NEWS ABOUT THE VICINITY LOCALETTES GIVEN BRIEFLY has moved mile west of Items Gathered by Reporters Since Our Last Issue. Mr. J. M. Harris is on the sick list, we regret to learn. : Mr. and-Mrs. W. S. Windsor have a Mrs. S. A. Ferguwn broke one of her lower limbs by a fall in her yard Wednesday morning. Frederick letmering, age 81, and Mrs. Minnie C. Walters, were married in Greensboro Tuesday.- - The RockWham and Caswell Rail way Go's, surveying corps its camp to a place, one Leaksville. : ; Prof, and Mrs. R. W. Allen have a new member of the family, and its grandmother, Mrs. A. J Ellington, has gone con to Sanford to make it a visit. The State board of education has granted from the SUte appropriation funds to establish three high schools in locking ham county, each school to get $2 jO. .'.';..., Mr. Ben Carter Trotterhaa joined the clever ctoical force at the Bank of Reidsville. He ia a deserving young man and will discharge his new duties faithfully. " It is expected that luuy zuu peopie will board the cars hereTueaday of next -t i. a -..... DdMawillA tAnnla ire liberally patronizing the show, and everybody returns delighted, Mr. Wm. V. Whittemore, of the Whittemore-Mobley Hardware Compa ny, is ill with fever at bis fathers home in Wc ntworth. Although his cot ditinn is not alarming, be-4s quite sick. While hoisting a window in hia office Wednesday morning Mayor Montgomery got bis arm through a window pane and was painfully eut to the bone.- Eleven stiches were necessary to close Bp the wound Ra n la baaiy neeueu m mm section of the county and tobacce-and w Vifxrinninir to suffer for the Will ft lack of moisture. One more good rain, however, would insure the corn and to bacco crops, Some of the farmers of this county wont to Pilot Mountain today to at- tend the State meeting of the North, Carolina Tobacco Growers' Association Thia association U composed of the to bacco farmers from all ov the State, a ffatheiiniT of these farmers is expected. ; Much of The Review's space today is Wrintive of the North Carolina exnit Its at the Jamestown Exposition, and th tirotrram for North Carolina week i i also given. Those of our people who innot iro cm eet a fair idea of what tha State is exhibiting by reading the a -tides we are printing. Mrs. Piatt D. Walker, of Charlotte, wife of the State Supreme Court J ust ices j i. ruMMYf a uawterriflV- She W&8 Miss Nettie Covington, of thia county, aid 8 relative of the Reid family of thia p ace. Mrs, C II. Overman, Mrs. Rott. Harris and Miss Reida Overman attten " dad the funeral ser vices at Cearlottett diy. .., . The double tracking of the main line of the Southern Railway between here and Greensboro has been discontinued,. It is learned that a general order has been promulgated by the Southern to stop indefinitely an aouoie trwu over the entire system. It is under stood that the resent passenger rate war has something to do with this ac tion. ; Capt. R. G. Gladstone and Sergeant R)bert Wray have gone to Morehead City to represent the Third Regiment ac the annual rifla practice, which will bt held during the next few days. Tnv will ioin the Reidsville company . . i . m..tnmn nvt week, and from there it is possible that these crack riflemen will go to Perry, umo, wai. t md th-3 annual United States Army rifle practice. '. ,' Mr. II. C. Gibson, an aged citizen of Stokes county, died at the home of his - son near King, early Monday - morning at the age of nearly 80 years. He ws the great uncle of Deputy Marshal G. i A. Carroll and leaves three children and several grandchildren and great grand children. The interment took - place V old Mt. Olive church graveyard i, etM countv. the funeral services v, .in rr-ndutsted from the church by ws Riv. Pickney Oliver. The teachers' institute will close a most successful two weeks term tomoi rjW. Prof. Brooks and Misses Hudson and Emens, who have been assisting the county superintendent, Prof. U. A Hayes, have done splendid work. Reidi. v.lle has been delighted at having the tsacher in theirlnidst, and bids them au revior reluctantly. A cordial invi tation is" extended to them to come atrain-and yet again. The examina tions will be made today and tomorrow. Messrs. B, M. Hitchcock and Herman. r.etcherand Miss Addie Fisher have , - gone to northern markets to purchase ' a complete stock for the Hitchcock- r.allowav-Trotter Co., which concern will gfr to-4VinaUnwo"roa- ville and whiah will handle wearing ap- n Lio,t for women only. The company haA iuat beea granted a. charter to do business in the Twin-City, the author hcinir S75.000. The stack i'. ., iriv.wl h B. M. Hitchcock, H -I.r7rf.rir and KrN. Hitchcock.- of RsiJsulb. " ;. . ', ... . Three young white boys between 12 and 13 years old wore committej to the county jiil at Wentworth this week ciarged witn breaking into tnree stores at Spray one nisrht last week. One of these boys is a brother to theScaca boy?, one of whom was sent to the cha n gang last week" by Judge Mooie for a similiar erime.J Maj. J. 0. Hardie's pond on his plan tation near Brown Summit was drawn off Sunday night and Monday a party of fishermen composed of Messrs. Tom Dalton, Julius W. Cone, Lytton Tbomas and Guy Hunter, of Greensboro, seined ther catching 340 pound of fish. Some of th' nh were unusually large, twehe or l t ;i of the carp being at least two feel .. j-' The two-year-old child of Mr, and Mrs. George B. Woodall. of Danville, has been carnaa to apray, dui me father sUted that he did not take this step for any purpose in connection with the divorce proceedings soon to be in stituted against m"m by ' his wife. Woodall and his wife have separated and each have signified their intention of asking for a divorce. A bitter fight is expected to take place for the pos session for the little one who is wanted by both father and mother. In a letter just issued by State Sup erintendent of Public Instrnction J. Y. loyner to the county superintendents of public school he directs attention to the fact that the State law requires the attendence of every founty superin tendent on the sessions of the State Aassociation of county superintendents to be held this year during the first week in September at Montreat, and informs thtm that failure on the part or any county superintendent to attend will bring down on him an investigation by both the State and county boards or education. The 2 1-4 centa rate for passenger fares went into effect yesterday on the railroads of the State, the pink coupons being discarded. The putting into effect of the pew rate will doubtless lead to some confusion among ticket agents and others for awhjle, as they have been accustomed so lontf to selling tickets at the higher rate and are familiar with the price of transportation to various noints on the basis of this old rate. The rebate coupons w hich have been used since Judge Pritchard's restraining or der went Into effect, can be redeemed. if the courts sustain the new rate, the knlifoi nf ihenti couDons receiving the differnce between the new and old rate. Col. John G. Anderson, of Rock Hill, S. Cf. was a visitor here recently. Col. ia native of Reidaville and served an apprenticeship as devil in nrint shoo here years ago at two dol lars ner. He has achieved fame and richc as the head of the Rosk Hill Burav Company and is now one of the leading and most prominent citizens of tk Palmetto Stste. He reached Rock Hill In 1886 with a capital of $10 and biz atock of grit and energy ; He open-. ed np a small smithy which has grown in 21 years to one of the largest and best eauipped vehicle manufacturing plants in tbe Sooth and the fame of RnrV Hill Buireies extends almost around the world. Col Anderson's sue-! cea has been phenomenal though no doubt richly deserved. Mr. Hayden Clement,As8istant Attoi ney General, has given it is as hi opin ian that bank cashiers and other bank officers who act as notary publics are iocompetant to take acknowledgments of papers and private examinations of feme coverts to papers that are made to the banks of which they are officers. I This opinion is based on chapter 1003 of the public laws ot iwi, ana is very u- pirtantfor the reason mat pecuniary loss might result to the, banks if they allow their cashiers to take these ac knowledemenU without being familiar with the law as passed by the last legis lature. The law was passed in order to prevent fraud by banks and other inter ested parties in dealing with ignorant persons. f A number of farmers in this section are contemplating adding canneries to their farnis. It is said that the can ning of fruits and berries for market in tin cans offers one of the most proma ble methods of selling the products of t-V,A forma AflV farmer can learn to VltV? . do the canning in a very short time, and it is much more profitable, conven- inf m4 ntaaaant to can one s own lUV - f nroduco than to sell to a cannery, uui v . S AAA fits can be bought Xrom $u to .i,wu, and any of them will do good work, but anv one of ordinary intelligence can nx up all the apparatus neeuea at raucn " It less cost than any ol tnese ouwiw for. The average farmer can fit up at home an outfit for $10 that will be suf ficient to can 25.000 cans per seasor and then as he acquires knowledge of kainos! ha can add conveniences bUO piisiuw .iiitioaaa ha sees the need oi them " -, - The Southern Railway is determined to stop tbe bad behavior on trains and especialy the illegal ot carrying m ,m "o-of towns into "dry" ones. The first rar; was made Monday when Winston-Salem a porter was dis charged bocausa be helped a negro woman put her valise crammea wuu blue lightning" aboard tne wain m order to smuggle it into ureesooro. All railroad Conductors are now au thorized polict-man by: an a:t or tne Legislature and have power to man arrests and they will use th;ir authority in all eases where parties are'guilty ot misconduct. It la to be hoped that tney will soon be ienabledto have so re moved tha existing conditim that it twill ba TosstT)'e f oT-errtlemen and ladie-p: to iile in a passenger coacn wiuiouw beii g in danger of hearing indecent lan ,.r cmoihnT the distrusting scent of the present day liquor. Death of Mrs. Cobb. Mrs. M. E. Cobb, mother of ibe ; well known tobacco magnates of1 that uame, dk-l Tuesday at about 1 o'clock at her borne at Blackwell'a Gufiwell -ounty. N. C. Mrs. C'obb was about 81 years ot age and had been for tbe past ueveral years a declining health. Hor end T - fjiy was Bat unexptto I an J waa Burrouuded by the ruembtsis of her family, who had been Biiia- moned to the beside. Mm Cobb was born and reard a Caswell county and ret.u!eaniring her lifetime on the laaae planta tion. Her death occurred less than a mile from tbe very sjiot where Bhe was bora. She was a daughter of the late Captain Cary Howard and the w idow of the lateienery W. Cobb, who proceded hor to the grave about thirty years ago. Probably no resident oi .wsweu county or the immeaiate bwuuu was more widely or more lavora- bly known than Mrs. Cobb, bne was a woman of estimable character and stood always ready to lend a helpiiig band to tboee lees fortunate than herself. Her loss ill be mourned by a large circle of friends who have indeed lost a staunch and true friend , Mrs. Cobb is survived by the fol lowing children: Mr. J. B. Cobb, of New York, the president of tht American Cigar Comany. Mr.H. Cobb.of New York, vicepreeident of the American Cigar Company ,Mr. J B. Cobb, of the American Tobacco Cnmnauv of Durham N C. and Mrs E S Glass cf Durham N C. bhe was a sister to Mr C Allen Howard of thh city.'." : The funeral servics was from the railence Wednesday afternoon at 5 o'clock. The services were attended by a large gathering of the friends nf th deceased, a large numoer from this city attending. The floral offerings were numer ouh and attractive. Rev.Mr.Hardy, of Reidaville, officiated and the body was interred in the family burying The active ra.l liearers were us follows: Junius King; John Cobb: Hugh Cvbb; James Womack: James Bouldin; Edward Black ell; Scott King and Thomas Cobb. Denville Register. FE0PLE COMING AND GOING Death of Mr. T. N. Terry. Mr. Thos. N. Terry, who has been m declining health for the past several months, passed away at a sanitarium in Monranton early WediKBday mom intr. Mr. Terry, who until recently traveled In AtkansaS for Messrs. Robt. Harria & Bro., gavyop hfe duties oh the road several months ago and visited a number of hospitals for treatment for a serious nervous trouble. His stay in Baltimore was supposed at the time to have been beneficial, but in a brief time after his return home he began to prow worse again. Several weeks ago ha anffAMvt a collaDse and his mind irave wav under the great suffering he i,ni)oraiit Ha was then cameu u WUUV4 n Morgan ton for treatment His condi tion has never shown any improve ment and for several days the reports received hero indicated that there were but slight grounds for hope. iPm-monv veara Mr. Terrv was one A v - of Reidsville'a most prominent business men For a number of years he was head of the New York Racket store, at that time the largest mercantile estab- lishment in Reidsville. He had an ex tended acquaintance and many warm riends. He was affable and popular with all classes. The remains arrived in Reidsville on Wednesday and the burial took place yesterday afternoon, the funeral ser vice being conducted irom tne memo dist church, of which he had been member for many years. Dr. b. ts. Turrentine, presiding elder of the dte- irict, conducted the services,: assisted by Rev. D. I. Craig. ' The pall-bearers were messrs, w. Walker, J. H. Burton. D. R. Alien, JB. 1 Hurdle. Dr. J. N. Hester, and A. L. n-.i Honorarv. J. R. Webster, U J. Matthews, P. H. Williamson, E. F. Hall. J. E. Lambeth and B. U. Watt, - Deceased was 42 years old and leaves a wife. who was Miss Fannie Hazell, and a aaui?hter and son. He carried insur- anceollcres aggregating $9,500, Movements of Travelers Chronicled as They Pass. Mrs. R. M. B. ERington is visiting frienca b Danville. . Miss Elizabeth Pullen, of Ralsigh, is vUiting Miss Lula Abbott. Mrs. E. W. Burch, of Salisbury is visiting her Reidsville friends. Miss Cera Norman, of Pomona, is a guest of MUs Minnie Huffines. Misees Hazell and Alma Belarue, of Richmond, are visiting Miss Jeannvtte Butler. " Mrs. R. R. Jones, formerly Miss Katie Stocks, spent Wednesday in Reidsville shopping. . . , , Mr. Wilbur - Norman and wife, of Kentucky, are guests of Mr. J. Y. Stokes' family. Miss Mary Brown, a charming young woman of Caswell county is the guest of Mr3. P. B. Johnston. Miss Ethel Follin, of Winston, is delighting her Reidsville friends by a visit to Miss Lilly Watt Benn. ' Mr. and Mrs. C. 0. Millowiy, f Lynchburg, are spending some time in this section, visiting their relatives Miss Ola Siddle, one of Locust Hill's most popular young ladies, is visiting the Jamestowtt Exposition this week. Misses Octola Lindsey and , Ruth Price, of near Madison, are the guests of Misses Whittemore at Wentworth this week. y Dr. and Mrs. J. J. McKanna and their son, Kobert, and Mis. u. a. uugnes are enjoying-the ocean breezes at More head City. Mr. J. D. Strader, Of the Nance sec tion gave os a pleasant call topay. He reports having a splendid rain in his section last night and this morning. Good crops, he now thinks are assuej his locality. Mr. J. F. Watlington, cashier of the Bank of Reidsville, has. been spending some time on a visit to his friend, Mr. W. A. Law, vice-president of the Mer chats' National Bank, of Philadelphia, and at Atlantic City., Mrs. Carrie Price, or Keidsville, was here last night as the guest of her daughter, Miss Carrie Price. She was accompanied by her nephew, Mr. Al Jones, who was en route to his home in Mississippi. Greensboro Record. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Hutcherson ard son will leave for Selma, N. C , tomor row, where Mr. Hutcherson will con duct a leaf tobacco warehouse the pres ent tobacco year. Major R. M. B. El lington has also gone to Selma to eri' gage in the tobacco business. Miss Florence Moore, of Reidsville, ia in the city to be with her sister, Miss Maude, who was operated upon for ap pendicitis yesterday aftrrnoon at St Leo's hospital . The operation was suc cessful and Miss Mocre's condition is most favorable. -Greensboro News. r.H!rt Br Tli Cinnt7. " The most popular remedy in Otsego County, ana the best mend or my lam llv writes Wm. M. Dietz. editor anp publisher of theQteegoJournal.Gilberts ville, N. Y., is Dr. King's New Discov ery. It has sroved to be an infailable cure for coughs and, colds, making short work of the worst of them. We always keep a bottle in house. ; I believe it to be the moct valuable prescription known for Lung and Throat diseases." Guaranteed to never disappoint the ta ker, by Allen's Drug store, Price 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle tree. For Sale -Four sets flue pipe, n and - twelve -inch; al3o-10,iw-riven I tobacco sticks. -E. M, Redd. , Enjoyable Entertainment. ThemusicalTuesdayhightatthecasino given in honor of the visiting teachers by Misses Farrier, instructors in the music department at the Seminary the next session, assisted ' by local talent, was enjoyadle. , '-" ... ' .. On account of the length of the pro gram no one responded to encores ex cept Mr. Francis Womack, who had ren dered a piano selection of hi3 own com position. The applaud was coutmous and the audience would not be satisfied until he responped. Miss Farrior's singing and the violin selection by Miss Virginia May Farrior were especially good. Their piano se lections showed skilled training. These young ladies are not only well qualified as teachers, but demostrate their ability to furnish first-class public entertain' ments as welL , Miss Lucy Penn and Miss Kate Anderson, two of the favorites of - the place, were at their best and were lib erally applauded. All in all in the musical was a decided success, and ihe teachers and the large EUjINESS BUILDERS. The REviiwnd;GreeensboroPatriot $1.73 a yer. For Sale-4,000 tobacco sticks.-W. N. Womack. Leave your orders for hard and soft brick with Giles & Montgomery or Jas. Robinson. Lost-Ladies' dress waist, green stripes, lace trimming. Reward. P. O, box 115, Reidsville. All who want wood sawed will please leave orders at Laster's Bicycle Shop, or see me. -Will Laster. Found-An Odd Fellows' pin with "F. L. T." on it Owner cangetsame by paying a quarter for this notice and describing same to T. R. Talley, at Giles & Montgomery Hardware Co's. NoncE-Lots of nice O. I. C. pigs for sale. With proper attention they can be made to weigh from 175 to 200 pounds by Christmas. Send roe your order or leave it with Mr. Scott at Reidsville -Frank King, Reidsville, N. C, R. F. D. Ky thdene Mill. FOR SALE, at a sacrifice -A 7-horse power Foos; gasolene engine, suitable for running a threshing machine; a first-class,Sthree-year old mule; a fine stock hog and some fine sows and pigs, and a lot of full blood and grade Guern sey cattle. Come to see them-P. B. Johnston, Reidsville, N. C. Notice is hereby given that a Build ing and Loan Association will be organ ized in Reidsville for the purpose of helping people to build homes who have not the monev to build with. Please see me and state about how many shares of stock you will subscribe for. Jno. D. Huffines. Notice. -This is to wa:n the public against hiring, harboring or having any dealings with Dell Roach, colored, who is under contarct with me until October 1, 1907, and who has left my employment without cause or pro vocation. Anyone disregarding this warning will be prosecuted t- the full extent of the law.-John Scott, R. D. Z, Farmers! Attentionl-All farmers and their families are invited to the big pic-nic on August 14 in Stokes grove, on Leaksville road, one mile from Brittain'a drugstore. Renumber the date, get ready and bring the whole familv to the picnic. Brittain's Farm ers Picnic will be on Wednesday, Aug, utK The bicgest ever. Horse and mule races; two ball games, etc. Dr. W. H. Wakefield, of Charlotte, N. C will be in Reidsville at Hotel Huffines. on Tuesday, Sept. 3rd, at Spray, at the the Hotel on Wednesday Sept. 4th., at Stoneville at the Hotel, Thursday Sept. 5th.. . and at Madison at the Hotel on Friday Sept 6th. for tbe puipoee of treating diseases of the Eye, Ear.Nose and Throat,and fitting Classes. Fees for testing eyes for glasses reduced one half on dates named. Notice for Taxes-I have notified the people once or twice that I had to have the money for the taxes that still remains unpaid for 1906. I have waited as long as I possibly can and am compel'ed to have the money to pay off the county orders that are coming in every day. I am instructing my deputies if the people don't settle at i once to levy on all who have not paid and make the money. -Respectfully, M. F. Pinnix, Sheriff. The Souchern Railway announces ex tremely low rates to Norfolk, Va". , and return on account of the Jamestown Exposition." The following round trip rates will apply from Reidsville: Season tickets $11 30," sixty-day tickets $9.50, 15-day tickets $8.60, coach excursion tickets $4.90. Coach excursion tickets will be rold on each Tuesday with final limft seven days from dale of sale, and will be stamped "Not good on Pullman or narlor cars." Other tickets will be sola daily until November doth. A i THE; ; A PEOPLE'S STORE Is the place to have your prescriptions fi;I;d and get your drug store wants. Best Goods, Best Service, Lowest Prices. ; BRITTAIN'S DRUGSTORE IS (THE PEOPLE'S STORE.) REIDSVILLE, N, C. v I have the Largest Stock ofWatches Ever Shown in this Section And there ia no better time to buy Watches and Jewelry than now. And you don't have to have much money either. I have an easy proposition. You can buy Watches and Jewelry from me and pay on easy terms, and you don't have to pay any more than you would for cash. To satisfy you beyond any reasona ble doubt ia to come and see. Last week I called your attention to our Graphophones and Phonographs. And told you how easy it wss to own an Edison or Victor. Have us do your watch repairing. No better work done in the State, and our pnces.are very reasonable. Yours very truly, Joha G. Morrison J. S. Hutcherson's Stand. If you have any real estate for sale or would like to buy, see me. Wheat is the most important cereal used as food for man. W00DWA1 LOTHROP 10th and Ilth F and Q Streets, Washington, D. C. MitcheH-Hutcherson. The marriage of Mr, J. Numa Mitch ell nna nf tha clever voun? men in Vv w w . m : charee of the Reidsville Grocery Co. to Miss Junie Hutcherson, eldest daugh tar of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. W. Hutcher son. occurred Wednesday night at the krMn'a home in the" North End. The ceremony was impressively performed by Rev. Seymour 'Taylor, and on ac Aiii.t thn recent death of the sroom's brother the marriage was wit- - - ... m J . nessed by only a few Ultimate inenas. Mr. Mitchell has won his spure as i successful young business man and is vice-president of the Reidsville Grocery Company. The bride is a charming young woman and is very popular with all who know her. The Review extends its hearttest leiicita- Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell are boarding with the former's mother for the pres- cntj ' ' ' - - - Ecicint. For the good of those suffering with trouble. I wisn to say, t i wife had something of the kind and after uaimr tho doctor's remedies tor toma tinr.a concluded to try Chamber mn'a mIv. snd it nrovtd to bo better than anthing Bhe had tr ed. For by Brittain'a Drug Store. number of people present thoroughly enjoyed it. . WHZAT FLAKE CELERY is made from Wheat and Celery. No sweeteninGt or other sub stances" to "create" sour'stomach and constipation. Palatable, nu tritious and easy of digestion. n For sato by all Grocer The McKanna Liquor Treatment V, CUKKS TO STAY Safe and Prompt Relief Guaranteed 5 S- i TV ' ' R I mm mm m . km ' WW i H iniin i i' " CALL ON OJ W1UTH -t n . . , . u T . . HI 111 K 111. J. i'lvivuiiim, hi h r . i ...... '. a H H. . T?0ir1cTfilln-.lSr-n , N IN . -.itymmiiivi - ' Ml H ' , y Infants' and Children's . Summit Outfits Scores of pretty and practical little Frocks of white and figured Liwns, Percales and Gingi ams, also Sun Hats and Bonnets, Mull Caps. Cool Under ...rmnta India Linen Pillow Cases and every article of apparel needed for morning or all day wear for home or vacation. Some interesting items: Infants' Nainsook Slips. huhbard style; yoke of fine tucks and insertion; hemstitched ruffle on neck and sleeves. Each 50c. - ... . ' 1. OL. TtMMBM Uhiiuren s iNainuuu cuuik bishop or hubbard style; hemstitched mfna nn neck and sleeves; sizes, six months. 1 anb 2 yers. Each 50c. " Children's Muslin Shoit Skirts, made on waist, finished with fine tucks, Bizes from 2 to 14 years. Each 60c. j - Children's and misses' Muslin and Oambric Skirts, made on band, with deep umbrella ruffle, finished with fine . tuckrM- from a te-44 yearsr Each 60c,' - PhitdrPh'a Cambric Waists, made full, with double row of buttons at waist; trimmed with lace, beading and ribbons; sizes 2 to 14 years. Each 60c, Children's Colored Chambray Romp m, in a variety of colors, made full, - UK ....! .t At slilt?. flniahed with col- nro.i titinir: sizes 2 to 6 rears. Each 600. New white Sea Island Duck Gibson Ties We wish to announce that we have just received a new shipment of Wo men's Fine White Sea Island Duck 3 eyelet Gibson Ties. These havecovered heels and square edge, turn soles. Pair 3.50. We have also just received a new shipment of Women's Tan Russia Blucher Welt Sole Oxfords. Very smart and stylish. Pair $3.50. Midsummer Bed-Coverings Gauze-like Worn uianKets, euner aa wool or with mixture of wool and vuvvw... mm rn. 10-40 for single or 3-4 oeos. soioti.w 1H for double beds. $4 to $10 a fi t 10 a V1TJ . . :. 12.-4 lor KAtra-Biio unu. pau. FOR CRIBS. $3.50, $4 and $5 a pair. Special 100 pnirs 10-4 Cotton blue and pink. SI a pair. 100 pairs 11-4 Cctton white, $1.75 a psir. B'anketJi, in bi