Sfe VOL. XX, NO. 86. $1.00 PER YEAtf. REID5VILLE, N. C, DECEMBER 24, 1907 ISSUED TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS A PRIDE OF; r REIDSVILLL fetfctfiitSet29tStStit-.t5ct!t.t.J5o CKr23.mas In Cactus Cenier. - , .... I . .... . ., - v Order Your ! Piano j M j , w Manufacturer jf a the ' Artistic Stieffj Shaw and Stteff Keif-Playing Pianos. 8 Soulhern Wareroom; SW'cfit Trade St., Charlotte, N.C. 0. H WILMOTH MANAGER. . T WATCHES AND ; JEWELRY. . , If.X .V,B !u V'r,7S rjr;r;iZi ; Aulbit.. Gent's vest cbaiijg, i lwUc8tguard '; and, neck chains) ringt!,'-feiiectacles. and eye dasHPH. etc. I Rin not giving goods away. Ev ery "intf Uiftnt ? man una woman kr.tt I c lunot fffurd tp pay for , K10(IH wm..k ""u,-""': B,.r.iiii T)ricefe. Some tninas are I From Stieft , Today in: it dUr at my i-rice : HA ; ffc 8 1ent J or But I have standard, gnaranteed her tart- Ihis fact is, perhaps, due to poods that I am selling just a little the number cf teachers, the classes be lower than the othr fallow. Every i ig small enough to allow each student Ibinsr guartinte! to re just as ry lesenttd. : ii wiy j linu" t jgate for yourlf if you anticipate purchasing HDy tluuSr in y hm The: most-difficult-; waUA work i esenttd. : It Ul pny yon to in vec- Bolicited R EED , THa WATCH In AHi'llllECTM. Rooms 13-14 Tife Building, WinsUu-Sa;m, N. W t f Are You- w Boardingr 9. ; If you are, just come to us and let "3 show you how little it will take to fit out haodnomely and cozilv that home you would love to have. Then when you sfe how little it will take, ani that with what you save on your board you can soon own your things, you will thank us for askir; you to come 'round ' . i... $10 wiil start you in and furnish your house complete, HuntleY-Slockton-Hill Companv, . REDSVILLE'S FINE SEMINARY. How the Ambitions of Profv Hayes are Bcin Fully Realized' ' The Reidaville Seminal y, with ap proximately 125 bright girls and boys as student fig, ai iaier astipg; place to visit. A representative of The KtwiEW spent an afternoon of the pist w.-ek in the c'asi room, and ha can a ure Prof ani Mr. Hayes that they V something to be proud of in the S , i.iary. Coming to Reidaville ago ijy too up me Herculean task of ..IJinjj up a badly run-down school, hihaJ Iready made failures in tie S4itt3 enleivor. . It was by ra?re accident that Reids viilenow claims the citizenship of these valuable people. Prof, Hayei had, on a:cojnt of his health, givon up ciool work and was traveling. He spent a fe ddys in the State on business, and while at Charlotte he felt the ever present desire to return to his old work. In reading' the . Observer he earoe across an dvei tisement which tOddo known that the Seminary in tteidsvilla was in neei of a principal. He carp here and investigated the ti .-id, and determined to cast id bit lot with Raidsville people I The ! field di J not look ery inviting, but a drive over, ihd nearby territory revealed to him the possibility of building up a school which could draw support from the ouiny at large and frorn Caswell and other adjoining counties. .: lie tet to work, and from the first Reidsville people f t that he was the rignt man at the i ig it place. How we 1 he ha succeeded in building up the Seminary may be seen from the simple statements to follow which are observations the result of The Rs view man's visit to the school tho afternoon referred to. , . . The bjilding, originally constructed for the purpose it is now being used, was founa to be entirely inadequate to meet the reqairmeutl'of a school which Prof. Hayes desired toestablub, and immediately after he bad accqtiired the proprty a big addition was budc which afforded a better aaie.nbly hall, more clas) rooms, and more domitory A , m A r A w J XXJ irk Ai!nMnl aiaoM .. uations tne capicaty t tne school was than double!, and' the present it has been taxed to tti utmost capacity to accomidat those who ap Ped for admisiion. A determination to build a new dormitory early in the coming rpring has been reeched, ani a teitifnleite justoppjsite the present building has been secured. -lha gpin pervading the school'work makes an impression upon a visitor. ... to be watched closely and made to keep up with the wori The boys have a up with the worir. The gentlemanly bearing ar. are ,ady.iike, circum.p'tt, r.d the girls the cBsocia tion of the two sexes having a ealutary influence over both. The girls' btst I friend is Mrs. Hayes, who looks afttr j thi i ' comforts and their pleasure?; and ' the boys iJol ze Prof. Hayes, and ob.y 1 him implicitly. Both Mr and Mrs.Haycs were reared ; in colleges, and they Jcnow all about ' college life The students are made to feel that they are members of the ' Hayes' family and they are responsible ' to them for their conduct after school hours just as ihey .would be respon ; bible to their pirents. ' As an illustration of the delacy with which culture and refinement is taught Because You Feel That You ?Cannot Afford to Furnish a Home? Grpensboro, North Carollnei.- m . :. ' ; v .j-; ,:6j -AV -'V- 'fer , i, ffc A" A-. if '"H ' - this explanation is given: Once a week the studant body is called together in informal meeting, and a box of queries on etiquette is opened. ' TheaV queries bring out many points of politeness aid good jianners which are discussed. If a student is observed asking for something in incorrect language a query which ' will cause a discussion on the matter is depoisted in the box' . Especial attention is given to physical culture, and the students are daily drill ed and exercised with view of furn ishing an easy mode, of locomotion and alertne s . . The spacious play gronnds come in handy in the afternoons when ' school is out" for the outdoor sports so necessary in college Hie. The courses of stny art comprehen sive and practical and are carefully arranged with a view to the demands made upon young men and women in everyday life. The instruction is thor ough. , Many of the leading col leges admit the t Seminary students on the certificate of the principal. ... , There is a special course for those who desire to become teachers, and this course includes instruction in ped agogy, the theory and practice of teaching, and the best modern methods to b? employed. . t :.... The faculty is asffollawsrjp Henry A. Hayes, A. M., principal, pedagogy; Mrs. L. S. . Hayes, lady principal, mt hematics and latin; Miss Mary Adele Crawford, english and histofy; Miss Kel'ieW. Slieain, natural science, Miss Minnie WuTianSson,' principal pre paratory department; ; Miss S. Jean Carter, school of expression; Miss May Haskins, music directress, piano, voice culture and harmony;Misa LaFayettw, rascnaii, assistant m uitnneduta ae partment; Miss Ruth Ciaik, libarian. The business course combines actual business practise with theory, and com-' prises the latest systems of single and douoie entry bookkeeping, .business forftis, commercial law, comm rcial arithmetic, business c rrespondence, English grammar, spelling . and pen tninshtp, ; - : 5 1 r ' .;. i- The shorthand course affords instruc tion in the Benn Pitman system of stenography, and thorough drill in "touch typewriting." Standard ma chines in perfect condition are used for practise, Good positions are easily secured for those who satisfactorily complete these courses, and who possess the other qualifications that entitle them to en aorpement. .., 1 .; The music department is equipped with new pianos of the best makes. The music coarse provides for - jnstrue tron on the piano, in vocal music, on the pipe organ, and on the violin and other stringed instruments? ' 1 The phjysicaljujtureJepartjpenLJUid Vne tchoofof expression has attained the highest standard of excellence. And thus we might write on concern i ig an enternjise so, dear o the hearts of Reidaville people, but as this article is already running quite lengthy we will end iU-A cut of the building and the grounds will appear in our next issue. Capital Versus Labors Danville Register. The mine ouners in the Goldfield mini g district in Nevada, spurred on by the presence of the Federal troops in tha camo, are more than anxmu3 to have martial law- proclaimed. The presence of the soldiers is quite nat urally resented by the miners, who do not like the idea of being classed as outlaws, simply because they demand a part of their wages for mining gold in the yelljw metal, which they prodnce from ihe bowels of the earth Had President Roosevelt sent his commis sion to" investigate the cause of the strike before lushing in Federal trocps, if even a commission were necessary, the matter woutd have been adjusts ere this, and quiet restored. . As it is the government is involved in an im broglio precipitated by the hasty action of the President in sending- General Funston and United Stated soldiers to the scene. Martial law has been the cry of the mine owners f row the vtry outset of tne trouble, and will doubtless continue to be, until martial law is ac tually proclaimed by Gdnaral Fanstun, or the troops are sent back to Califor nia from whence they came. In this the lafl'dof She free, 3heT' Creators cf wealth do not want to bo '? id the dic tate! of capitalists, at the point of a bayonet, or looking down the barrel of ( v- , . c-..vr,.i,i , . s " . B j L - . . " r . - , a oaa rotate tn Aiiairs in iveniucKj , No fair minded man can raise any ob- lections to tobacco farmers organizing for better prices. No honorable or just .r man can object to; a system tf storage nd holding pjividing ths -system ts based upon business principles. No one hn a right to throw any obstacles inthe ajo! hesetobacco farmers wben they are proceeding alohg conservative con sistent lines. Ic is on the other hand the duty of all good citizens to help the farmer in evey possible way and to en courage him in standing for his rights JSiit w-e would warn the tobacco grower against those who only desire to use him as amsans of political advancement. We would wain him against the fellow who go as about arousing the passions ani vr;judice3of the farmer by burning and bitter words of abuse and we would point him to the conditions now existing in Kervtucky, where farmers are taking the la into their on hands anb abui- ing it tq the extent that meu are being killed and property by the hundred j and and thousands of dollars is beinx de stroyed Barns have been burned, "plant beds have" b ea lai i waste, men and women have been whipped shot and run out of the state, for no other reas on than they-chose to attend to their own busiaps.-while Bel fgtyledar rates of of peace" have paraded the country. threatenin and bullying law abiding cit- ,1 -ds and ordering what they shall buy at .what they shall selU All this bit j been done, says tho Lqpisville Courier Journal wWcTi hj a flagrant violation of the State as were the acts of Friday night at . Hopkinsvilie, yet none who thufc spat-:upoo ithe law have' been brought to- justice,. Local authorities afaid or unable to do their part; ware unsupported in any way by the State Administration, the hed of which li't ed neither voice nor hand against thi? owardly preversion of klukluxism, but instead went up and cown the night- ridden districts seekinig their votes by stump heroics eulog'zing Kentuckianj as "the noblest people on earth. -Southern Tobacco Journal. FeUer & Tuc'ters Success. Fetzer & Tucker, the enterprisin? druggist, rather than await the ordi nary methods of introduction, urged the Dr. Howard Co., to secure a quick sale for their celebrated e pecific for the cure of constipation and dyspepsia by offering the reguLr EOc. bottle at half price. So much talk has been caused ly this offer, and so .many new friends have been made for the specific, that the Dr. Howard Co., have authorized druggist Fetzer & Tucker to continue this special half-price sale tor a lim ited time longer. In addition to selling a 50c. bottle of Dr. Howaro's specific for 25c , Fetzer & Tucker have so much faith i.i the remedy (that thay will refund tie money 1o' anyone whom it dce3 nit cure :; When yuur heac aches, your s'omach does not digest food easily and nat urally, when there is cons ioatior, f pecks beforrthe cve?i; tired feelirg, giddiness, bad (astt. in the - moi th, coated tongue, heart burn, sour stem ach, roaring or ringing in the ears, melancholy, . and liver tnubles, Dr. Howard's apecific will cure you. If it does not, it will not coat you a cent. Quick Items. sThere was a delightful oyster supper at Pike's school house Friday night. It was for the benefit of the school. Little Edna, daughter of Mr. Ed Harrelson, has been very sick forEome time. ', Hope she will soon be out again. but. noger nice nas rtiarnea uuiuo from Greensboro, saving iheie is no place like home. Miss Cora Allison has returned home from a pleasant visit to Danville. Miss Beaulah Harrelson has reamed from a brief visit to Mclver. Mr. Wm. Dovehas been ill for some time. r ' '-;-; Mr. and Mrs. W. L: Harrelson have returned from a pleasant eisit to friends in Greensboro. Mrs. A. M. Turner is teaching our school this vear. The DUbiH like her finely..'. ' Miss Mamie Harrelson ba returned from a pleasant yjsit to her sister, mrs. James Kooinson. in aeiuanuc.. Here's Good Advice. O. S Woolever. one of the best known merchants of LelUvsville.N.Y., savs: "If vou are ever troubled with piles, apply Buckles 'a Arnica Salve, curea me of them eood 20 years ago, It Cures every, sore, woupd, burn.or abra: Bion.-2ac at Allen a orug store.- The Review and New' York Thrice? a-Week World, f I.C. in Cactus Can f V ter, and ther ain't no bar-' cain stores - for to- start them Monday rushes that fcrtak dovin the stoutest door, But we hed some Chriitmas thoppin' , thit tho town tin't ever yet, . Jet becsuie of one small woman and a c'rug store toilot set. She was Cactus Center's teacher, and i the hadn't left the stage Tore the hsd the boys plum locoed, and 1 don't bar youth nor ago. She was cute and smart and pretty, and the might 'a' boon here yet If it hadn't been for Dawson and his drug store toilet set. It was old and scratched and speckled, ', fer 'twas in his case fer years, Cut old Dawson, sharp and clever, put a whisper in our eare 'Lowed he'd sell that set at auction, and he cays, "Now, boys, you bet This'll make a hit with teacher this here swell new toilet set." IT WAS TEEN DEOCH TBI BHOOTI8'. Well, the biddin' started lively, and it : got to gittln' net, -Fer every -mind in Cactus on that sin- glo thing was sot. Purty soon I'd staked my saddle, worth two hundrod dollars net. Just to own fer one short second that blamed drug store toilet set. It was then begun the chootin', no one teems to know jesthow, And 'twaf lack of ammemition that at last broko up the row, And thirtcAVi of us was hurted, but the v.orit blow that we met Was in findin' that some bullets had gone through that toilet set. Cut wo plugged the punctures in it, and we plugged the wounded, too, And agreed we'd arbitrate it, and th bunch 'd tea It through, . So we tent a gift committee, but they camo back sorer yet, Fer the teacher 'd fluttered eastward, ' so w have that toilet tet. Denver Republican. Vnrrm BIoimI, Nkm ninxa, 'nner. ftrentrat Blooil PiirlHtr Fieo If your blood is impure, thin, di seased, hot or full of humors, if you have blood poison, cancer, carbuncles, eaMng sore, scrofula, eczema, itching, ripings and bumps, scabby, pimply skin, bone pains, catarrh, rheumatism, or anv blood or skin disease, take Bo tanic'Blord Bim (B. B. B.) Soon all sores 1ml, aches and pains stop and the blood is n ade pure end rich. Drug gists or bv express $1 per large hotHe, 3 bottles for $2 60 or 6 bottles for $5. Simple free W writing Blood Balm C.. Atlanta, Ga. B. B. B. is esptc ially advisel for chronic, deep-spated cases, as it cures after all else fails. This U the season of decay and weak- ened vitity; pood health is ham to jeT . If you'd retain your, --fortify tain, you- svstpni with Hollister a Kocy Mountain Tea, the surest way. 35c, Tea or Tablets. -L. L. Sapp, druggifct r7 0ME.:a scare VT: - u. 0-0KCH0 HHH OOO OOO X3 -Q We Thank You For o'ir patronage this year and wish a most pleasant Chrlfctma$; a fuli itjeasurw of O success during the next y.'ar. . 6 STAR Laundry Co., DANVILLE, 'VlRQINU. OUit ROCKINGHAM COUNTY AGENCIES " J. S. HUTCIIERSON, ReidBville, Phone 8J. S. PATTERSON, Spray. J. D. MAUTIN, Leaksville. D W, BUSICK&SON. Madiaon, . ,L M J. . FITZGERALD, Ruffin. - - LEWIS & T1IOMA8.. Stoneville," " ... . .. J. H. AULT, Mayodan. . . - O 0 0 s 00000-00000 0H00a0CH DW ELllfiG 1 in i : To burn. The dem n does not wait for it to be com- rf v pletQd. Tho devastation, by I fire is simply appalling, and S g its not safe to bo without f g protection. Therefora I INSURE WITH f I THe I .tancc ! I Man. I Are You Thinking of Christmas? e 1, come r i;t. Wt have tlvf j.MjotJu. Pitwuts . for a en heart. Hibter. brother, mothtr, uncle, and auntie, Finest lino leather got ds Crown make-and all popular Iierfumes Azmae and Roger & Oaliit. Standard Fountain pens no seconds guarahtef d for five years. They ore Mooney'n. Lowest prices. BRITTAIN-S j Drug Store (THE PEOPLE'S STORE). J VHAT YOU WANT AS YOU WANT IT. Vt lM'S. MO.I ORS AKI) KKtNIIK4 Of AI.LKINON. FA BKINUK AKPEUIALTV, H. L. SPRINKLE, Under Watt's Wft. FBI III -A