The RcirisYjlle Review TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. THE REVIEW COJIPANT, (Incorporated) ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR. REIDSVILLE. DEC 24, I907r A'Special Offer by The Review. Toe Review has purchased one nundred tubscriptions from the American Farmer, a high class farm paper, published at Indian apolis, Ind foithe benefit of our subscribers. To the first one hundred eub cribers paying $1.00 or more ou subscriptions to The Review, (either old or new,) we will send the American Farmer one year. This offer holds good until the one hundred subscriptions have been exhausted. First come, first Ferved, Send in your subscription now. SO P.irEK FKIDAV. The Review wi!l not be issued Fr day. The force will tak two or thiee diys off furtha holidays and we feel sure our subscriber will not kick very much over the one emission. We takj this oieision to thank our many f .lands and patrons for the liberal support tbey have given us this year. Ths Review is now in better shape and onasohdir foundation than ever be fjreia the twenty years of its exis '.enei. Hundreds of new names have been aided to its subscription list this year and the paper now has the largest list of boni file subscribers of any pa pr ev.;r published ia Rockin jbam county. We iK try to make a much better taper nxt year than ever before. New equipment will be added to the printing plant from time to time and if general business 'conditions ntxt year justify it w;will miarge and greatly improve tie riper. . " We wish our many readers, one Mid all, a 335 fal and merry Christmas and a happy ai d prosperous New Year. Twj tank failures were announced last week-The Neal Banking Company of Atlanta and the First National Bank of High Point. The suspension of the latter bank is Said to have been caused more by internal dissensions among its ofii';er j than the conditions of its fi- norcwa. rhe failure is not a bad one and depositors will not lose anything. This calls to mind the great difference in th pauia of 1803 and (he one thin fall. Then several hundred went to smash all over the country. The bank failures during the past two months have been but little above the normal, notwithstanding th9 enormous and un usual strain which has peen placed cn them recently. This .shows that the banking situation is fundamentally sound and gives assurances that the effects of the recent panic will not last a great while. The green eyed monster of jealousy bai taken a grip on thetsteemed Char lotte Observer because it has no scrip. Every town of any consequence in the Uidted States has been using the scrip issued by its local banks. The people have been glad to get it and it has kept the wheels revolving. Because its little old town did not keep up with the procession and have a supply of up t -date scrip the Observer Is sore about i: and makes vicious attacks on it. The Observer reminds us of the old fox that lost it tail in the steel trap. He said tvls were a nuisance, anyway, and went up and down the country fulmi nating against tails and trying to per suade the other foxe3 to cut theirs off, too. You know as well as anyone when you n fed something to regulate your sjb trm. If jour bowels are sluggish, your food distresses you, your kidneys pain, take Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. It always relieves. 35c, Tei or Tablets. -L. L. Sapp, drugget. Hard to Dodge. Enr!!shm:u) (on Atlantic liner)-We)!, old cliip; wp'II f-oon It- engaged . with those Unrated Yankee custom inspect ors. American-Yoii lsct: And reineai . old man. but the United State ei)iec! every iu:m to pay his duty! rue!:. ; Most pesplo rron't so prord of beln hcuest as ashamed of be lug poor. NVvr York Press. ' oucm Medicine Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is a regular couch medicine, a 8 strone medicine, a doctor's I medicine. Good for easy coughs, hard coughs, desper ate coughs. If your doctor endorses it for your case, take it. If not, don't take it. Never CO contrary to his advice. i lifers 7 iroMurnvetiiciug doctor The dose of Ayer's PjV.s is small, or.!y one at bedtime. As a rule, laxative doses re betterthancathanic doses. Forcon- stlpition, biliousness, dyspepsia, sick headscbes, they cannot te excelled. Ask your doctor foout this. . - U1L i Scissorings. Th'"-re is no stormy weather Th-it has not iu shiny Li;; We haven't seen a skeeter Since the cold wave hit. -Houston Post. "Mother maj I get in the swim?" 'Yes, my darlmg dauphter, Buy your gowns from a Frenchy store, And don't wear half you ouhter. Lippincott's "And have you mu'ic at the church?" 1 aked the rural squire. "Wall, no." said he, '.'can't say we 2V. Jest singing by the choir. New York Sun. Inability to get a seat at the political pi counter begets reform. Chicago News. - ... Whenever a rich man sits by his nice warm tire of a winter's night how he do pity de po'l-Athinta Constitution. Money is reported to be feeling eas ier. As one of its friends, we hope it will soon be able to sit up and talk about old times. -Toledo Blade. This is an age of wireless telegraphy, seedless dates, fireless cooking, mois turelee3 farming and curvekss woman! Timpson Times. There is always room at the cop, be cause it's a Ion i climb and there's no elevator service to help the lazy man. -Washington Post. Several Kelton, Wyo., girls are re ported to be practicing with the lasso. As next year will be leap year this news looks ominous. Washington Post. Tom Lawson has reformed He is going to settle down to gambling like an ordinary New York banker or trust company director. -Detroit News. "What are the ten best things to eat?" asks a Southern contempory. Well, eight buckwheat cakes and two hunks of well-done, home made sausage is our best bet.-Buffalo News. - The American hen laid '300.000 worth of fresh eggs which willretail forJSTO. OOX when they have been in cold stor age long enough to be worth a tinker's dim. -Lulsv lie Courier-Journal. Ellick Htllwanger invited a few spe rial friends over to his place at Hog Fjrd, Saturday night. Raz Barlowe did not go as him and Ellick are not on drinking terms. -Hogwallow KentucL- ian. - An observant contemporary in South Carolina says Jeff Davii II res-mbles Jieff Davis I, in thit he ha3 two K-gs. True, but thfy differ radically in that Jeff Davis I had a head. -Louisville Courier- Journal. Mueh of the wood being brought to town and sold now is whatol i man Fos ter used to call "gospal wood." Whr-n put on the fire he said it would s ng psalm all day and put the fire out at niht White County Favorite. "A bird will sing whether times are hard or not, but a man will frown and fuss if the whole world doesn't wag his way," says the Liberty. Tex., Vindica tor. Yes, but a bird don't have their taxes doubled when a town goes dry. Birmingham Age-Herald. The Time3 will accept clearinghouse certificates on subsciiption accounts. We will also accept backbones, pig-teet bief livr, soupbones, taterlingins, hog jowls, pole kittens hides, old casting'-, second hand clothes, automobiles and flying machines. Rural Retreat(Va ) Time 3. Why Soma Employees Lose The'r Positions. There is considerable truth in the fol lowing incident, which actually happen ed in a large retail establishment,.' "John, I do not need your srvices any bnger," said the merchant to one of his cleiks who had been in his em ploy only a few weeks. "Why not, sir" inquired the aston ished clerk. "You are very buty and can not reduce your force just now. Hive I not always been on timpani performed my work satisfactorily?" "I have no fault to find with you in those respects," replied the merchant gravely; "but there is a very impor tant fault that you have committed fcr which I am compelled to dismiss you.' "What is it?" ''You do not keep your opinions to yonrself," said the employer "Bafore you had been in the store a wetk, you had formei an opinion of every one of your fellow clerks. You stated the; e opinions openly, and tnereby incurred fie ill will of those associated with you. "In the next place you expressed your opinion of some of my customers, commenting upon their habits, personal appearance, and manner of speech. Some of these were overheard, and you giined the dislike of the customeis, who now avoid you. Then you undor took to criticize the way I conduct my business, and your remarks reached my ears. I have oecn in this business for miny years; you have been h. re only a few weeks. I consider it a mixture of ijnorance and presumption iu you to attempt to give your opinion of iry methods. I tell you this in the hoje that it will teach you a lesson." Few employer! so frank and out spoken as the one qu ited above; but, nevertheless, there are many young men who have not succeeded in business life because they have the unfortunatt habit of tating their personal opinions concerning everybody and everything they see.-Circle. A Hem: Made lit p,ij bv Chambetlala's Cougb ' Remedy. About two months ago our baby girl hau meabk'S which settled on her iuns and at last resulted in a severe attuck of bronchitis. We had two doctors but no relief wa3 obtained. Everybody: thought she woulddie. I went to hjr-t different stores to find a certain remedy which had been recommended tom jpn! failed to get it, when one of the ?tor: keepersmsrtefl trint-1 tryChamber Uin's Couch Remedy. I did so and our baby jg alive and well today. - Geo. W. LSpence, Holly Sptimcs, N C. For sale CKr!37vlA3;.i;ZA3 THS FOLE. Where Seel Meet' and 'Whale's Blubber Taka Turkey's Place. I "I tli!:i'.i C'u:'.s.:nas. 1.SS3, was my ' mo.t u;en;o:a'-le o;:e. said General ' Grcely, the crtie explorer. "With my comuiand 1 was proceeding southward In tha hops of obtaining help, and about the 20th of October we en sconced ourselves In a little hut at Sa'olao. Our sr.pply of fooJ was" .running very ij, and v.e were ca very Fbort rations, every one iwlug. al-; lowed j ist fjJ e;:cr.g!i in e:K'h twen- - ty-1'our tJ sustain life. Uudt-r tht;e Cepreisiug chvumstauces aud j amid tbe awful Fileuce of the fflar -uig'.rt the cbeer'ful'aegs that we contiu-J r.ed to maiiitiiiu was reuiarkable. ... I '"Christmas day tame at Is: t Christ- J ias In' the firctie'reglons! At C o'clock ; v.e had our breakfast thhiToup made of peas, carrots, blubber and potutoe;. i Our Christmas dinner was served at 1 j oVlxktirst course, a stew of., seal j meat, oulous. ilublier. jot;toes and. brvatlcmmbs; second "course,- s rved j one hoar after first, a stew of ralslus, r blultber; and milk; dessert, a cup of i hot chocolate, oiie of our party bad , some tobacco still left, aud he very kindly made a cispirette for each one in our little party. "I will wager ,that In all Christen dom that day not another present was given or received that' gave such In tense delight to the recipients as did those little, rolls of tobacco and paper. They were nmekly' aflame and being puffed away at for dear life, and thus r.iy mo; t memorable Christmas a Christmas near the north pole ended ia smoko."-riitsburg Dispatch. Vacations as Christmas Presents. In a letii'i to the employees of the Hourne ii -.ills of "Fall River, Mass., an iiounring the- ivg'ilar prollt sharing div i U-ii 1 on Ihh-. 21 last. Treasurer George A. Cuase su.1: "The board of directors has uuaiiii':0'.!blr eutborlrcd me to an uo'i!ici to you the experiment of n va-tfjti-m voi-- in Aiiguist. 10!iT. The mills will c! se Aus 21 and reopen Sept. 3, thus ailw'ivlr,:' you ten days .of rest and recreation. In lieu of regular pay you will get an extra dividend on your wages. payr.We' just Wore the vaca tion, to the amount of 50 per cent of the averaie weekly wages." This promise was faithfully kept Catarrh ft i r.ot He Cured with local applications, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take in ternal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directs on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall s Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country for years and is a regular prescription. It is com posed of the best tonics known, com bined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect 'combination of the two ingredients is what produces such won derful results in curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Proprs.,Toledo,0. Sold bv Druggists, price 7.r)c. ke Hall's P'amily Tills lor const! pation. S.-iiai-le. "What wn-.'lrl he a suitable birthday present for my little boy?" inquired the fond ni other. , "Let me think," returned the -star boarder, who occasionally liked to sleep late In the morning. Then, with the glad, confident smile of one who has solved a problem, he -added, "How would a gag or a straitjacket do!" Chicago Cost. Arsiising the Lien. If we want to educate that sturdy, stolid, unresponsive thins, 'he HHtisb r.ut.ilic. a "scheme I:a:s to be mildly di luted v, i.b pKusi'.r'p. Pia:-ke,l b.,- br'ii hart iict:.;:'e':. !:!;e the bitter pill we l.ide in our chili'i tn's jam. We have ei)::.;ials.,r whan',;-.''. i,f ciirrse. but as a rmihn we are i.nt and do not want to tw educated. -Ijudon Bystander. Land Notices for sale at this officle at fie each, or 50c dozen. A Good Time to eiasYiiie The Spring Term Opens Monday January 6, 1908 ' ' , .4 r ' AN IDEAL HOME SCHOOL FOR BOYS AND GIRLS Preparation for College. Practical Business Training. Shorthand and Typewriting. Teacher's Training Course. flusic, Elocution and Physical Culture. We help our pupils get an education; then help them secure profitable employment. Is your baby thinweak, fretful? ST n Make him a Scott's Emulsion baby. '; ;' - -Scoffs Emulsion is Cod Liver OU and Hypophosphites prepared so that it is easily digested by little folks. ; J Consequently the baby that is fed on Scoffs Emulsion a sturdy, rosy cheeked little fellow full of health and vigor. j . - ' ALL DRUGGISTS) Revenue Officer Killed. , In an encounter with moonshiners in the famous Smithtown section of Stokes county Friday, Deputy Collector J. W. Hendrix lost his life. He, with other officers, was making a raid on illicit distilleries and HendriS had proceeded alone and was about to destroy the distillery of Oscar Sisk when he was shot thicugh the heart' and instantly killed. " ' ;' 'V-;' - ' : Hendrix was about 28 years old and had been in the revenue service for a considerable period. He was recognized as one of the most efficient officers of t ie revenue, force. lie was a native of Wilkes county and leaves a mother and seveial - brothers and sisters. Ore brother. W. A, Kendrix, was also In 1 10 pos-ee of officers making the raid and accompanied the body to Ront'a, where the mterrment took place. He h td spent some time at the University of North Carolina and was saving his miney with the intention of taking a course in law. " , Revenue officers say that this is the beginning of the end ct blockading in the Smithtown section. They say that they will suppress it if it takes a thou sand men todo it, and they will continue the work until there is not a moonshiner lift in that community. Several illicit ftilh were destroy d during the recent raid. A Didjrrom Deadkck " ' that sometimes terminates fatally is the stoppage of liver and bowel functions. To quickly pnd this condition without disagreeable, sensations, Dr. King's New Life PillS 6hould always be youf remedy. Guaranteed absolutely satis factory in every case rr money back at Allen's drug store. J5c, , . All Kinds, of legal blanks in stock and fjr sale at this office. ! The foundation of robust j health is what h allowed to enter ' the mouth. The more simple j the diet, the more perfect the i health. WHEAT FLftSlS OKXBY is plain, pure and wholesome, easily digested, prevents con- stipation. a For eaJa by all Groc r a . 0 EXPENSES VERY o & o o o 60c. AND $I.OO. CATARRH YIELDS The Healing Air of Hyomei. Sold Under Guarantee by Fetzer& Tucker. Catarrh is the most prevalent disease known to humanity. Probably ninety per cent of the people in this country suffer at one time or another with this common disease. It is a germ disease and hence can be cared n'y by some method that' will reach and destroy the germs. This is best found in Hyorrei, which may be" called the direct method of treating catarrh, as its medication, tak en in with the air you breathe, goes di rectly to every air cell in the pose, throat and lungs: ki'ls all catarrhal germs, heals the initated mucous mem brane and vitalizes the tissues so as to render catarrh no longer possible. The unique way in wtr'ch Hyomei is sold should dispel all doubt as to cura tive properties, for Fetzer & Tucker give their absolute guarantee to refund the price to any catarrh tufferer that Hyomei fails to benefit. You do not risk a rent in testing its healing pow ers. What offer could be more fair to you than this,, where a leading druggist takes all the risk of Hyomei giving sat isfaction, and leaves you to be the judge. Resolutions of Respect. At a recent meeting of the directors of the Bank of Reidsville the following resolutions were adopted: Resolved, That in the death of the late R. T. Williams, president of this bank, the bark has lost a faithful and efficient officer, this board an able, zealous and courteous member, and ourselves, individually, a firm and con a ant friend. We reiognized in him a roan of ex ceptional merit, arid a citizen worthy of any trust. Cool, clear-headed, h!gh tondd, even-tempered, temperate of speech, steadfast in his convictions and loyal in his friendships-he was ever a staI and a tower of strength to his associates in any cause. It is with un feigned sorrow that we part with him. Resalved, That this tribute be spread on the records of this bank, and that a copy be sent to the family of the ce ceased, and one to each of the city pa pers. W. B. Wuay. J. F. Watlington. i. 11. Burton. F. M. Redd. Directors of the Bank of Reidsville. When winds shriek high in fiendishglee, And en ers winter with his key Protect ycurself, liom diutte le free Take Hollisver s Pocky Motnt tin 1 ea L L Sapp, Druggist. Enter - if Mm. . LOW. After Once Tasting i no one wants an old-fashioned cod liver oil prepara tion or emulsion, because Vinol is a much better body builder and strength creator for old people,weak children, and for coughs, colds, bron chitis, etc.s If it does no good we will return vour money. Fetzer & Tucktr. Mountek.ii Brarvdy, Wines Liquors Cigars : -' - FOR. CHRISTMAS H. E. LINK May we suggest a few suitable and useful gifts for your friends. - -FOX HER Houbitrant' Kxtract $175 Houbiganfs Toilet Water $3 75 Alvrea Extract $1 2 Alvrch Shet .75 R. & G. Extract . SI 25 R. & G. Toilet Water $1 00 Hudnuta Toilet Water .75 Combs & Brushes .25 to $'.50 FOR HIM Fine Cigars $1 00 to 3 50 Rx Safety Razors $3.50 to 5 10 Shaving Mirror $3 DO Shaving Brushrn .25 to .73 DON'T FORGET the S2.C0 Foun tain pen for 75c only a few. left. FETZER & TUCKER. LAND SALE By v rtua of the power of sale con ta:ned in a Deed of Trust executed on the 21st. day of April, 1903, by Mary Sue Scales and recorded in the office of Register of Deeds, for Rockingham County, in Book No. 140, at Fage 3, (he provisions ot said Deed of Trst not having been complied w th, I will, on Monday, the 6th day of January 1908 at 12 o'clock M., at the Court House door in Wenlworth, expose to sale, at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described real es tate to-wit:- Adjoining the lands of R. H. Wray and others, in the town of Reidsville; Beginning at the junction of Field and Wray Streets; 1 hence with Field Street North 89 3 4 degrees East Two Hundred and ert feet; Thence North 9 degrees. East One Hundred and five feet; Thf nee South 89 3 4 decrees West Two Hun dred -and ten feet to Wny Street; Thence with Wray btreet U Uegr-fs East One Hundred and feet to the beginning and containing one half of .mi acre more or lcs. This C.b day of Dumber, 1907. jas. T. Smith Trustee. Administrator'. Ntj. Having qualified as Administrator ' the estate of B. -Johnston, decease', all persons indebted to said estate aie hereby notified to com forward ard make immediate payment of their sa d lndeotcdns, and all pertons having claims afainst said estate are likewise hereby t.otified to presrnt their claims to the uic- rifinpd on or teforeine zoth day of November 1908 or this not ice will te pleaded in bar of tht ir recovery. This 18th day of November 1907. .J. W. Satterfield Administrator cf J. B. Johnston dee'd. NOTICE Having qualified as executor upon the estatf of 1'. B. Johnston, deceased, no tice is hereby given to all persons in debted to said estate to come forward and make immediate payment and set tlement, and all persons havine elims against said estate will present them for payment on or before the 22nd duv of November, 190S, cr this notice will be pleaded in bar of trr recovery. This the 22nl f ay of November. 1307. JUMI S foi'VSTON, Fxr., P. B Johnston, Dec 'd. N.TICi Havii g been appointed Admini trator of the f state oi the late W, N. Wom ack, nctice is If rebygivtn toall parlies owing said estate to ewe lorwara ana m8ke settlement. AH parties laving claims Hgainst said es'i te are hereby notified to present same to the under signed, fluly proven, on r before Nov. 2'Jth, 1908, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their r covery. . "V. a vveay, Aam r. Reidsville, N. C-, Nov. k0, 19i)7. V. NOTICE 1 hrcUw-otify all , rr.'tiitf ; s, of Tur gason & Patterson that on the t ixth day of January, 1903, in the office of the Clerk of the Court of Rckingham County, at Wentwonh. North Carolina, I will filo my final account as trustee under the deed of assignment. All per sons hav ng claims against ths firm tre notified to file them with the C erk of !he Court on of" before the Gthtiay of Jannarv, 19iH. This the 4th day of December, 17. J. N. Craig, Trustee :,' ; . ! -i.-; 1 ' ' i- s-.-, ; v- ' ' ' ' ' -. , . ,t;.. - ' He is Here Again Old Kris Kringle has arrived in Reids vilie H taken up headquarters at D. R. Ellington's again, 'j bis time he omes itn enough Toys and Christmas Present to supply the needs of the community. Eery night he is busy arranging the display and you are in vited to call and see his goods. The prices have been marked right, and by epeciil arrangement with him we have been ph ced in position to ac cept scrip or clear rg house certificates for sny of his merchandise. Ami while you are here wa have many good things in Dry Goo is, Notions Cloak, Shoes and Millinery to show you. Our stock is fresh and op to date and we know we can please ycu with anything in these bines. Plenty of polite clerks to wait on jou, but it will be a good idea to drop in before the rush begins. -Get what you want now and we can make delivery later. .. Always something doing at Elling ton's. Special bargains for every day in the year. D. R. Ellington In Preparing For You inay find you need a new Stove or Heater for your sitting room or bed room. If bo we can supply you and put it up so you will have no further trouble to have a comforting fire. And should you ascertain that you need a new Range bear in mind that Plumbing, Roofing and Guttering when you want it and as you wsuldlike to have it. rwW!k8cVfsigrD Schedule in effectNov. 24, 1907. LV. LYMCHBURO. VA. 3:00 a mi for the West-Pullman sleepers, coaches, dining car. 3:55 a m for Bristol and the South Pullman eWnem to Memphis and New Orleans. Dining car. 7:00 a m to tu istoi, Norton, Bluefield, Welch and intermediate Btations. 2:30 p m for the West and Soutn-Wcst Pullmir elepnor to Columbus, Ohio., CincinnatL Cafe car. 5:20 pro local to iCoanoke. ParKr car. - , eastbound: 8:4 a rn for Petersburg, Richmond and Norfolk. Parlor car. 3:1) p w for Petersburg, Ricnmond and Norfolk -Pullman sleepers. Cafe cas. 2:55 a m far Richmond and Norfolk. Pullman sleeper to Norfolk and Rich mond. Full tnfo:mation as to rates, sched ule, etc. Wire or write W B Bevill, G P A. M F Bragg, TP A Roanoke, Virginia. Eyes Examined Free r.y.: If jcu have trouble with your eitsycil ihoutd on u!t Dr. A Marks and . Hf ;.-. at Plra f .! n C. f iv w fc- T w rr mm - nuiunts, urposue itci by t-rian Church. ti lit Mill v uiu twin, UiUgglSV.