DO YOU GET U? " WITH A LAHE BACK ? tliacj Trouble Makes You Miserable. Almost everybody who reads the new, paper Is sure t know of the wonderful cures made by Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the cat Uldnev. liver I and bladder remedy. lr is ins great medl ur cal triumDh of the ni Iicenm century: a covered after years of scientific research by Dr. Kilmer, the emi-. ' oent kidney and blad der SOeci!!t an4 I. . .i wonderfully successful In promptly curing kme back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou--. ties and Brighfs plsease, which Is the worst form of kidney-trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root Is not reo ommended for everything bu! If you have kid ney, Bver or bladder trouble it will be found lust the remedy you need. It has been tested In so many ways, In hospital work. In private practice, among the helpless 'oo poor to pur chase relief and has proved s successful In every case that a special arangemcnt has been made by which all readers of this paper who have not already tried ft, may have a sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book lelllng more about Swamp-Root and how to findout if ysu have kidney orbiaddertrouble. When writing mention reading this st nerour oner in wis paper and (vr' Dr. Kilmer 8c Co..Binp.KAe uJiii.. hamton, N. Y. The regular imy ceni sra Bom B-i- .p-iw irtsok! -1 aani dr., ris'. WINSTON Mi Keep in stock Jewell Oak Tanud Leather Belt, Man- S haitnn Rubber Belt,0 Beet Grade Bandv Belt. Wnol 7, 3r Steel and Iron Pulley. Fair- In fact every thing needed in mill or factory supplier, 8 PLUMBING AND HEATING CONTRACTORS Ask for Prices. J Reidsville Concrete Construction Company Have auita a niinntv nf RniMino Rltra in comers, stretchers, octagon and cir cle. Blocks, porch, pier and cap blocks, Sewer Pipe, 6, 8, 12, 18 and 24 inch, 2 feet lengths. Plain and Faced Brick. And ia fact they are in the market to do any kind of Concrete work, make contracts for small or lare jobs. Ce ment Building Blocks laid in the wall at the small cost for common brick. IV.-T.lVooifon, Manager. HOW ARE YOU FIXED UP FO R WliNIJtiKY Po you need anew heater, a new grate or cook stove? If so we are prepared to serve you from a full stock. A few dollars Invested in a new stove which acts right will save vou many dollars and much worry this winter Heaters for coal or wood MARTIN & WHITE, Plumbers; Tinners, Stoves To Hi. !XTHAT PLACE r V. a T - I TOT 1 -I Ulrinvin in Diit Ann Dlrjhn & g: IIICI C lb VUl VUO f iatD f Biiv Confec ' - u H E f'nest line of box and loose candies; confections, fruits, m'xed to 1 hrfstmss rtquisitis ccr tit v r in Santa Claus cannot snpply hfs Reidsville needs elsewhere, fo ccmc on row ft rush Prices right and NEWS ABOUT THE VICINITY 12 1 SI' LOCALETTES GIVEN BRIEFLY Items Gathered by Reporters Since ' Our Last Issue. Mr. Charlie Harris, of Florence, S C, is here. M ' Julius Mills is here for a short visit t. his parents. Mr. N. J. Palmer has-been reappoint edjpostmaster at Milton. , Mr. C. A. Stephens, of New York, ia here for a visit to Lis people. Anjnfant child of Mr. and Mrs. J m Gilley died Sundsy tfternoon Mr III. W. Hines is having hie resi dence on Main street repainted. Miss Lillian Mathews is at home from Spray for her Christmas vacation. Mrs. Blanche Law and children are here from Old Trinity for Christmas. Miss Sarah Staples ia at home from Rrt Springs Seminary for Christmas. I 'sa Florence Pannill is here from Or .vinsboro to spend the week with hr f unds. Messrs. Sullivan and Leslie Taylor, of Semora, are visiting at Mr. J. W. Degrotte's home. Mr. W. A. Meador and one of his c (fur, of High Point, are yisttinjj xheir relatives here. Miss Bessie Withers has returned from Georgia, where she has been spending some time. Mr. "Alec Sloan is spending some time in Reidsville, the guest of his sis ter, Mrs. P. D. Watt. Miss Annu Barnes, who has been teaching school in Iredell county, ia here to spend the holidays. Messrs. Will Thomas, Crawford Sta ples and Lawrence Clark, of Durham are here to spend a few days. Mr. W. F. Glass, of No. 5, was ,in town yesterday and called around to see how The Review was fixed for Cnristmas. Mr. Frank Crawford is spending a few days here with Mr. Wesley Trot ter. He is en route from his school to Atheville. Mrs. A. S. Galloway and Mu?es Gertie Harris, Lucy Hall and Jeannetie Butler leave tomorrow for New York to spend the holidays. Mr. W. R. Jones, formerly a member of the clerical force at Penn's, has ar rived to spend several days with his home-folks near Reidsville. Mr. A Wis Barnes, ot the South, hss arrived for the Christmas festival in Reidsville and his own wedding festiv ities in High Point on Jan. 1st. Our good friend, Mr. Monroe Dur ham, of No. 5, was in the city yest er diy and called around to bring sorr e Christmas cheer to his favorite news paper. Mr. R. S. Lemons, of Stoneville, writes a Reidsville friend that ne ha broken the county's record for big hogs He killed one a few days ago which weighed 666 pounds. There will be services at the Episco pal church tomorrow morning at 11 o'clock. The Sunday-School exercises will take place Thursday night The public is cordially invited. The attention of the farmers of this section is again called to the meetirg ofthe Tobacco Growers' Association to be held in "Danville on tho 30th. This is an important meeting and every one who can should attend. A fir? alarm was turned in yesterday morning about 8:30 o'clock and the de partment found Mr. Wallace Millner's residence in danger of a serious confla gration. The blaze was confined to one room and the damage was slight. Business in Reidsville has been very good the past few days. Saturday the streets were lined with Christmas shoppers, and yesterday and today the merchants, with additional forces, have been hard put to wait on their trade. The Chrictmaa entertainment at the Presbyterian church last night was enjoyed by a large number of people. The Sunday Schxl scholars were pre sented with presents, and there was an imitation Santa Clau? and a cMmney made of candy boxesv St ? IS WARE'S rjuts, fire works, and all kinds of W bifo e Tfie crp is good. pr" .! P,ab J"ft ee !...? i. A I a fkwn. S L.. 1 L ,... ...U nni'f """" r',rT',,"""i IT liWft 0 briwWrrr.Ll..l.M,t V.11L IS EiEsrecncy csctor ia jcj t:;s. er roar ccsejl.cL 2SctialslnatdniStm The annual Christmas enter a'nrm nt for the Baptist Sunday Schoo' will take place Friday night There will be no admission charge, but all those who attend are urged to bring an apple or o-ange or some suitable oTering for the orphans. - The Virginia-North Carolina Con structionist roues to us under a Spray date line and is a neat and readable 12 page issue with W, I. Boone as editor. The paper will endeavor to fill a Ion J felt want in the hustling manufactur ing town and we trust its career will be us ful. The subscription price is $1.60 per year, and the paper will appear weekly. A motion was made Saturday for bail f jr Rufus tSlade, who so seriously stabbed Davt Hooper several days ago. SUde was represented by Messrs Gli Jewell & Lane, and Ho pe employed Mr. T. S. Reid to represent him. Mayor Montgomery, after hearing a statement from Dr. Jett as to Hooper's condition, fixed the bond of Slada at $500, which was readily given. The entertainment at the Seminary Thursday night was pronounced the best of the many events of its kind given at this pop liar school. Every number on the program was faultlessly rendered, and the piano selections by Miss Mary Haskins, of the music de partment, were exquisite. Yesterday a Christmas tree was thoroughly en joyed by the departing studenta. 'ihe macadamizing crw of the coun ty convict force has be n moved from Leaksville township to Wentworth, and the road from Settle's bridge to Reids ville is being macadamized. The hews of this action on the part of the com missioners will come as the surprise of the Christmas holidays, as it baa been supposed that all of the roads, avenues and streets of Spray .would be put in shape before any work elsewhere could be done. Fo'ur negro childien, ranging in age from two to nine years, were burned to death Saturday night between 9 and 10 o'clock at the home of their father. Will Brown, about a mile from Gate- wood's store, in Caswell county. The mother of the children has been dead f jr some time, and the father had left the house to be gone an hour or to. When he returned his hsme was in ashes and the four children burned to death. The Edna Cotton Mjjls closed down last night for the holidays, and the op eratives were made happy by the gen erosity of Mr. Pipkin, the treasurer, and Mr. Manly, the superintendent. Two thousand pounds' of ham, ten tar- Is of apples ten bar. els of oranges, 51? pounds of candy, and 300. pounds of mixed nuts were distributed out t them, treasurer Pipkin tells as thi t the Edna has been running full time and expects to continue. No more welcome Christmas greeting could be given out to the people oi r.eiasvn.e than this statement. Mr. Herbert Morrison, a valued at tache of The Review, went to Madisin yesterday on a most happy raissioi. Early this morning he was un ted ia marriage to Miss Florence Meador, an accomplished daughter of Mr. R. H. Meador. The ceremony, a quiet home affair, waa performed by Rev. W, H, Wilson at the Planters Hotel, the pro- proprietor, Mr. J. B. Webster, being a sister-in-law of the bride. Mr, aid Mrs. Morrison will return to Reidsville this afternoon and for the present will board with the parents of the groom cn Lawsonville avenue. The marriage of these young people is the culmination of a courtship begun more than a year ago when Mr. Morrison went to Madi son as the foreman of the Herald. Their many friends extend felicitations and hope their life will prove "one long, sweet dream." BUSINESS BUILDERS. Go to S. S. Harris for the best full dress shirts. Jersey cow for sale. P. W. Glide- well, Reidsville. Good farm or work horse for sale. J. . . ' Don't fail to notice our windows every day. J. M. Tesh & Sons, 'lob work printed when you want it and as you want it at this office. See or 'phone H. P. -Brown if you want your wood sawed. 'Phone 503.. Have you seen the lovely new Teddy Bear bracelets at John C. Morrison's A full lire of the Arrow Brand col lars in the latest styles at S S.Harris. .Everything new and novel and of guaranteed quality at John C. Morri son's. .", . We will pay best market prices in cash for shelled corn. Ilutcherson Bros. .. Temptirg Attractions at S. S. Harris. All heavy Overcoats at 1 4 off regular prices. ; v: Nice supply raisins, candies, figs, nuts, fruits, etc , for Ghristmaa at H. T. Martin's. Call 'phone 79 to place your orders for ready-cut wood, pine or oak.--J. H. Rascoe. stamping done on short notice. Mrs. J. R Newell, 'Phone 138. See those beautiful Teddy Bear brace lets, the most catchy novelty extant At John C. Werrisou'a. Lost a white setter with few b'ack epota.- Answers to name of -''Nell.'' (-$5.00 reward if returned to C. R. Joyce R. F. D.2. Tub Review ard th Thrice a-w. ek f N;W York Wor.J mlv SI 6i Vrar - - - A boaotifu htmk of ti.f U'.ieierp!T ' K'oVtS in Olctati uttd iruinrt-sed kid, , Buck Gaui.llels Pte at S. S. rrt8. we mesn juit what we say in our advertisement found in another column of this issue. -J. M. Tesh & Sons. ' For sale at a bargainr-Two good horses, good wagon and harness. John K. Smith, P. O. Box 187, Reiisville. All clothing tor Men, Young Men & Boys going at reduced prices so all can have a new suit for X mas. S; S. Harris. Parents desiring their children begin music at the first of the New Year, ap ply to Mrs. R. M. B. Ellington for terms. :; Wedding gifts and Christmas gifts should be useful and something that will last You can get these at John C. Morrison'. Wanted. Second-hand bags and burlap. Any kind, any quantity, any where. We pay freight -Richmond Bag Co., Richmond, Va. A nice pair of shoes would make an ideal Christmas gift for some relative or friend. You will fiind a varied stock and at all prices- at Felix M ilea'. For Rent-6 rooms, two furnished, 8 rooms if my wife and I can board and with extra good garden also. Apply to J. M. Hams, East Market street If your bill heads or statements are running short send in your order for new ones. Don't wait until the last moment The Review Co., The Perfect Printers, When in djubt what to give him, remember we have the best ne of ci gars in town. In boxes of 25, 50 and 100-Fetzer& Tucker, the Dependable Druggists Do you know that the only drug Btore here with two registered druggists to fiill your prescriptions and drug wants U Fetzer & 'fucker, the Dependable Druggists. " ' J. A. Brackin's store, next to J. H. Burton's, will be headquarters for Christmas candies, mixed nuts, and confectioneries. . Before you get your snpply give him a call A new line of shoes just in, and I bought them with the view of selling them before we get ready for taking stock. The prices have been marked to move them off and all we ask is that you examine them. -J. C Huffines Lost -On Scales street between D. A. Hendrix's dry foods store and the post office a pocket book containing 123.00 in greenback, $15 CO in script and some small change. Reward if re turnded to Miss Emma Schoolfield, or to this office. More accidents happen during the Christmas nofidays than any time of the year. If you are not protected see J. N. Craig, Sec. of Reidsville Insurace and Reality Co. who can give you the best life, accident, sick or fire Insur ance to be had at the lowest rates. AH persons are hereby warned not to cut or take hoi or anything else from our lands near High Rock, known as the Simpson and Rich places, one tract containing 450 acres and the other 50 seres; and the public is likewise forbidden to hunt on Baid lands, with, or without dog or gun, by day or by night, or to otherwise trespass thereon. - H. R. Scott & James Robinson TRAINED NURSE . 1 'Aft-'"' Writes a Letter tothe People. "To Whom It May Concern: I am a t-aired nurse of nine years' experience in hospitals and private eaaes, and for the benefit of the people of Reidsville I wish you would publish my experience with the cod liver preparation, Vinol. "I was completely prostrated from overwork. I hud n appetite, could not sleep, my kidneys, liver and bowels became inactive, and as I giew weak er I could not retain either medicine or food on my stomach, and raised blood. The doctors said my condition was crit ical end I would i robably dir. "As I had seen Vinol prescribed for my patients with such remarkable re sults, I decided to try it After the first bottle I began to improve. I con tinued its use, and soon began to sleep and eat well, every organ in my body was strengthened and became normal, until it seemed good to be alive and I was restored to perfect health tnd strength. ' " r " ""I advise all my patients who need strength, rich, red blood, and flesh tis sue to take Vinol, as it is bo far su perior to old-fashioned cod liver oil, emulsions, or other tonics." Elizabeth M. Cremond, Trained Nurse, Boston, Mass. In Reidsville we se'l Vinol on a posi tive guarantee to return money if it fails. Fetzer & Tucker, Druggists. Wneo to go Nome. From the Bluffton, Ind., Banner. "When tired out, go home. When you want consolation, go home. When you want fun, go home. When you want to show others that you have reformed, go home and let your family get acquainted with the fact When you want to (how yourself at your best, go home and do the act there. When you feel like being extra liberal, go home and practice cn your wite and cnuaren nrst. vvnen you -lAtrnnt n Aino with afh. hi"Ultanu rre home and light up the whole house hold." To which we would add, when you have a bad cold, go home and take Chamberlain '8 Cough Remedy and a quick cure is certain. For sale by Brit tain's Drug Store (JUS People Sfarek Ho Diphtheria Is Contracted. One often hears the expression. "My child caught a severe cold wh'ch devt -oped into diphtheria," when the truth was that the cold had simply Mt the little one particularly susceptible to the wandering diphtheria g6rm. When hamherlain's Couch Remedy is eiven (t quickly cures the cold and feesnH tl e danger ot diphtheria or any other germ diseaso beinir contracted For tale by Geo. W. Erlttaln, druggist. , Smile FOR Christmas At Woman Tempting heaps- of new things, various, beautiful serviceable, every one of which makes a glad heart. "We mention a ftw especially serviceable Sifts: " Fors'. Umbrellas, Hand Bags, Purses, Gloves, HndKefchitfs, Table Linen and Napkins. Come and 1 let us offer you some suggestions in making your selec- uon, ennstmas our store. . Bring your ch fdrtn to Beginning Friday the limited number of doi's to of age when accompanied FIRS. CORN IE (Quality Has N i cest , and a MA0'S BOOR of Holiday Q oods, Toys, Etc; Thau all the stores in Reidsville combined Because these goods are in their regular line of business Come and see for yourself SIX SPECIAL SALES! In order to show our appreciation for tho 33 years' liberal patronage given us by the people of Reidsville, we are going to give one week of SPECIAL SALE DAYS beginning Dec ISth, the following goods will be offered at prices never before heard of : - Dec. 18th, Silver Novelties and Hat Pins.- - Hth, Watches, Chains and Fobs. " 20th, Silverware and Cut Glass. . ' 21st, Bracelets, Brooches and Cuil Buttons. " 23rd, Diamonds and Kins. " 24th, Clocks and Musical Instruments. Now rt member ! this is not a dull Summer month and we are not trying to nhove unsalable, shop-worn goods on jou, but we nave a clean new stock and this is the time you need. Yes, we engrave free andgiveyouaguesa with everydollarspent with us J. M. TESH & SONS, The Jewelers -TELL IT AGAIN Wc will be glad to take your scrip for goods or on account, and glad to get it. Giles JEoniigomepy CrTT rurr nookWcntltM." DraoKlWalxa njriilxtflrr.P'ng In THREE ton thnt Drauirhfrti'd ollMtKMitn, lv their fU- EMOit ud CtiPYRIUHTLU uithcxia, tea. h $300,OCO 09 cnnltal: 28 Coilciieg rVJI I Written cotitrwtKlven. Vox Catalnj nd "Pv6rne'," ctlt 'ntinna. or writo I la t. knmf)ty froninnt. viUwr 1U, I DBA GhOr'S Producers The 5 s cneer all through . . . see our Christmas tree 20th. we will ..give" awry a children under six years by its mother. IRVIN & CO., and Style.) HE The Large r Stock felX. an-1 t:ia-. L-rnugHoii s teach tha bi&: a,itu of abortband. BUSINESS iiii0 StaU- 1? years success. haIHlipninRtish u.PrsW-D I Kirtll Arit-m.ti Rvs. r "ir 1x1, r in li i i u , baiidjioUouUUAUXN'l'fcEU V TIU tut nuc Store STO sratELirnt of cn Bank of Reidsville REIDSVILLE, N. C, At the close of business Dec 3, RESOURCES: , Loans and discounts, $211,33!i Tl Overdrafts. apcuroH 7,974 43 Overdrafts nnaacnnkl 1.6 6 tv 7,049 77 2.&-1 14 23 80.G28 30 1.433 63 Banking house, Furniture and fixtures. All other real estate owned, Due from banks and bankers, Cash itema, Gold coin. Silver coin, National bank notes and other U. S. notes. Clearing House Certificates, 4,0 0 00 3,552 55 38,141 00 6,200 00 $359,453 47 $ 50,000 00 14,449 43 24 00 lO.OfX) CO 25,000 00 160,422 48 105,f87 85 969 71 3.C00 0O Total T.TARTMTTFS. Capital stock paid in, um'iviuea pronts, less cur rent er nrl tiTM naiM Notes and bills rediscounted. Bills payable, Time certifioatMt nf riannait Deposits subject to check, P&fihiar'a rhjwlr Aiitatanlinrv Interest Reserve, Total $369,453 47 State of Noith Carolina, County of Rockingham. I. J. F. Watlincton. fachinr nf thA above named bank, do solemnly swear uuti ma aoove scaiemeni is true, to tne best of my knowledge and belief. v. . nuiuniiiun, vaMlier. Sworn and S'lbscribed to befora m this, 6th day of Dec, 1907. W. A. TROTTER, N. P. Correct-Attest: J. h. Burti n. W. R. Wray, E. M. Redd. Directors. Report of the Condi ion of -the Citizens Bank REIDSVILLE, N. C. At the close of business Dec. 3, 1907. RESOURCES: Loans and discounts, f 229.185. 60 Overdrafts secured, 1,027 66 Overdrafts unsecured, 801.80 Furniture and fixtures. 2.667.46 Demand loans, 32,500.00 Due from banks and bankers. 61.643 29 CaRh items, 1,109.60 Gold coin, 6,555.00 Silver coin, 4,383.70 National bank notes and other U. S notes. 23.225 00 Clearing House Certificates, 8,861.00 Total, 376,960.01 LIABILITIES': Capital stock, $ 75,000.00 Surplus f una, 12,000.00 Undivided pronts, less cur rent ex. and taxes paid. 9.849.79 Bills payable, notes to Clearing House for Certificates. 25.000.00 Time certificates of deposit, 147,134 21 Deposits subject to check. 104.230.03 Cashier's checks outetandin, 209 60 Certified checks, 36.38 Accrued int. Cue depositors, 3,50X00 Total, 376 9C0 01 Stae of North Carolina, County of Rockingham l, tl. u watt, casmer or the above named bank, do solemnly twear that the above statement ia true to the btst of my knowlege and belief. tt. u, watt. Cashier. Sworn and subscribed to before me. this 6th day of Dec, 1907. SCOTT r ILLHAN, N. r. Correct-Attest: H R. Scott. Robt. Hirris, C. H. Overman, Directors. BIG STOCK SHOES, , DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS We have been Belling, Shoes ia Reidsville for 21 years nd every year has brought back to us the same customers who were among the first to try our Shoes. Can. there be any stronger endorso- me t? This fall we hare epared neither patience or expense in selecting our . lines. With our long experience ia the business What to buy, how to buy and where to buy. We stand between you and tho manufacturer. You know us. . Our Customers Must be Satisfied ! i We cordially invite you to exam ine with a scrutinizing eye and makr comparisons by trying a pair out of our stock. We never tire in show ing our goods. Mr. Santa We wish to tell you that our line of Tor AubmttblUaVelosipedtia d Tr cycles for Xunaa is complete and prices right. A real bicycle, gvla oi talking machine for your many happy children ia to be found at our store on Gilmer Street J. H. LAGTGn Opp. Watt's Warehouse. in i. Glaus

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