.Ciii C ffS WANTED'.'.. REIDSVILLE SEMINARY Afford the very best advantages to those who wish Rapid and Thor ough Preparation for State and county Teachers' Examinations, and Practical Training for the work of teaching Thorough Drill and Reviews in Public School Branches, Instruction in Higher Branches, Pedagogy, Me thods of Teaching and School Man- agement. Practice Work in Model Primary School. We help you. get an education, then x - help you secure profitable emploj- . rnent ' ..', , :.v." Expenses very low. Enter January 6th and prepare for the summer examinations. . Schedule in effectlNov. 24, 1907. LV. LYNCHBURG, VA. v 3.-00 a mlfor the Wes-Pullroan sleepers, coaches, dining car. 3:55 a m for Bristol and the bouth Pullman sleepers to Memphis and Ne Orleans. Dining car . 7:00 a m to Bristol, Norton, Blueffeld, Welch and intermediate stations. 2:30 p m for the West and South-W est Pullman sleepers to CJolumbus, Ohio., Cincinnati. Cafe car. 5:20 p ra local to Roanoke. Parlor car. , eastbound: 8:43 a m for Petersburg, Richmond and Norfolk. Parlor car. 3:45 p m for Petersburg, Ricnmond and Norfolk-Pullman sleepers. Cafe cars J . 2:55 a m for Richmond and Norfolk, Pullman sleeper to Norfolk and Rich mond. , "' Full information as to rates, sched ules, etc Wire or write W B Bkvtll, GPA.MF Bragg, T PA Roanoke, Virginia. - LAND SALE By virtue of the power of sale con tained in a Deed of Trust executed on the 21st. day of April, 1903, by Mary Sue Scales and recorded in the office of Register of Deeds, for Rockingham Countv. in Book No. 140. at Page 2.63, the provisions ot said Deed of Trust not having been complied w th, I will, on Monday, the 6th day of January 1908 at 12 o'clock M., at the Court Rouse door in Wentworth, expose to sale, at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash, the lolloping aescriDea reai es tate to-wit:- Adjoining the lands of R. H. Wray and others, in the town of Reidsville: Beginning at the junction of Field and Wray Streets: Thence with Field Street North S9 3-4 degrees Uast xwo tiunarea and ten feet: Thence North 9 degrees. East One Hundred and five feet; Thence South 89 3 4 degrees West Two Hun dred and ten feet to Wray btreet; Thence with Wrav Street 9 degrees East One Hundred and five feet to the beginning and containing one-half of an acre more or less. This bth day of December, 1907. Jas. T. Smith Trustee. Administrator's Notice Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of J. B. Johnston, deceased, all persons indebted to said estate are hereby notified to come forward and make immediate payment of their said indebtedness, and all persons having claims against said estate are likewise hereby notified to present their claims to the onderigned on or before the 25th day of November 1908 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. This 18th day of November 1907. J. W. Satterfield Administrator of J. B. Johnston dee'd. NOTICE ' Having qualified as executor upon the estate of P. B. Johnston, deceased, no tice is hereby given to all persons in debted to said estate to come forward and make immediate payment and set tlement, and all persons having claims against said estate will present them for payment on or before the 22nd day of November, 1908, or this notice will te pleaded in bar of their recovery. This the 22nd day of November, 1907. Juuus Johnston; Exr.,f P. B. Johnston, Dec'd. ' NOTICE Having been appointed Admini-trator of the estate of the late W. N. worn ck. x.oMce a herebyeiven to all parties owing said estate to come forward and make settlement. All parties having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present same to the under signed, duty proven, on or Deiore imov. 20th, 1908, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. W. B. What, Adm'r. Reidsville, N. C, Nov. 20, 1907. 1,1 . II ! " I NOTICE I herebv notify all creditors of Pur garon & Pattf rwm that on the sixth day t January, 1908, in the office of the Clerk of the Court of Rockingham County, at Went worth. North Carolina. 1 a ill file my final account as trustee under the deed of assignment. All per ilous hav ng claims aeaintt this firm are notified to file tbem with the Clerk of the Court on or before the 6th day of Jsnuary, 19'8. This the 4 th day of December, 1307. J. N. Craig, Trustee - NOTICE, Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of Richard Taylor, dec'd, this is to notify all persons indebted to paid estate to come forward and make settlement at once; and all persons hav ing Claims against said estate are no tified to present tbem to the under signed, jtlr proven, vn vt" ye forethe" Ut day of January, .1909, or this no tice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery D. E. Purcell, Adhr. tfr.'crhia's Cough Itafjf - uret Cotda, Croup tiwl Wh&upiug r'& " ccococoocooooeoo WALKING A 3 CHALK LINE. 8 oooooooooooocococococooooo lOrlglnal.) Jaquellne was not twenty-two when she was appointed manager of the household of a widower with two sons. Before entering on her duties he said to her: "It Is to be expected that both my boirs will fall In love with you. Nei ther has a cent in the world except what I give him. It behooves you, therefore, If you are to retain your position to walk a chalk line. Do you understand? "I do.- . Six months later the younger boy, Alex, said to her: "You are trifling!" "Trifling with whom?" ' "Me." Jaquellne laughed. "Yesterday you were very sweet to me; this morning I saw you sitting in the window seat with Tom, and It looked to me as If he were holding your hand." "I love your brother." "You confess ltr "Yes, and I love you, too, Alex. Do we not make one family? Since I came in here as housekeeper, after your mother's death, 1 have striven to make your home as happy as possible. Yott and Tom, Instead of thwarting me by making love to me, should treat me with proper reserve. You must re member that, living under the same roof with two such susceptible boys, I must walk a chalk line." "I am willing you should do so pro vided you walk that line with me." "With you? And what would yon have me do with Tom?" "Oh, Tom is not as much in love as I am. He'll get over it." . -"Come, come, cease this absurdity. I am three years your senior and am Just Tom's age. By this silly contest you'll spoil everything." "Well, if you Insist upon walking a chalk line, as you call It, you'll find you'll have t walk It with some one, and I could never bear to see you walk It with any one but me." "Go away and behave yourself." Alex went away and instead of "be having himself went Btralght to Tom. They bad been loving brothers until the appearance of Jaquellne, since .when they had been growing In en mity. The two were spoiling for a fight Tom opened fire. " "You have been spooning with Jaque llne." "Suppose I have. What's that to you?" . ... "Oh, nothing, if Jaquellne cares for the attention of a mere boy scarcely out of his teens." "Huh, you are not so old as she your self!" "I am but ten days her Junior. Her birthday comes on the 14th, mlfle on the 24th. Besides, I am past twenty one and a man. You are still a boy." Alex could not brook his brother's superlpr manner. Alex's age, or, rath er, his youth, was a sore point with him, and Tom's holding it up before him was like shaking a red rag before a mad bull. "I wish you to understand," he said, "that I am old enough to know my own mind, and, take warning, I will have no more Interference from you." "You should consider the position lu which Jaquellne Is placed. Jaquellne, you know, In this household, admired, I admit, by me and beset by you, must walk a chalk" - "So she has been talking about that chalk line to you, has she? I told her that if she must walk It I am the only man she shall walk It with." "You mean the only boy. Women don't need to walk chalk Hues with boys." "I'll tell you what I'll do with you," Bald Alex, glancing at his brother. "I'll fight you over a chalk line." - "Do you suppose I would strike my little brother?" This was pure bluff, for Tom was but five feet five and slender, while Alex was five feet ten and muscular. "The reason 1 proposed to fight you over a line," sneered Alex, "Is to give you a chance to get out of the way. You would have the advantage of my hot being aWe to follow you up." Alex ran off for a piece of chalk, which he found In the billiard room, ami, coming back with It removing the rugs, drew a straight line on the floor; then, taking position, he dared hU brother to stand up and face him. Tom was loath to do so, loth fearing to have Jaquellne catch hlui In so uu dlgnlfled a position as fisticuffs with her youthful lover and knowing that Alex was the better man. However, after Alex had sneered at him, called him coward and threatened to trounce him anyway If he didn't stand up and fight like a man be concluded to give the boy a chance to work off his wrath. 8o, taking position on one side of the tine, he began to parry the blows that rained from the other. While the two young men were In the thickest of the fray the portiere was suddenly drawn back, and their father and Jaquellne stood In the doorway, an amused ex pression on the face of each. "Boys." said the father, "stop this nonsense. Jaquellne has told me of the persistence of both of you. She has told you that her position here between two such fiery lovers could only be maintained by her walking a chalk line." Both boys groaned. "You hnye Insisted on her walking that line with some one, and she has concluded to walk it with me. Cease this ridiculous straggle and give your new mother that is to be a kiss." Tom went to Jaquellne and, taking her hand, raised It respectfully to his lips. Alex, who was full of emotion and very youthful - In his feelings, threw his arms around her. ELINOR T. BOYD. Badly M.tti Up. Abraham Brown, of Winterton. N. Y.. bad a very remarkable experience: he says: "Doctors got badly mixed up over me: one said heart disease: two &llad it kidney trouble; 4 he fourth blood poison, and the fifth stomach and liver trouble; but none of them helped me. so my wife advised trying Electric Bitters, which are restoring me to perfect health. One bottle did me more good "than all thf five doctors prescribed " l.norontMin trt enra hinrul rtniaihn ivpolr. ness and all stomach, liver and kicn?y KEPT WITHIN BOUNDS. Young People, In Virginia In Chiaf e Justice Marshall's Day. In an old biography of Chief Jnstlce Marshall there Is au anecdote which gives a significant hint of the disci pline to which young people were sub ject In that earlier day. Several of the great Jurist's nieces were In the habit of visiting him, and as they were young and attractive the house became a rendezvous for the leading young men of the city during the afternoons. Judge Marshall's black major domo, old Uncle Joseph, held a tight rein upon these visitors. Every day at 4 o'clock he would appear at the door of the drawing room in spot less livery and with a profound bow would announce: "Ladles, bis honor the chief Justice has retired to his room to prepare for dinner. .. . . "Gentlemen, dinner will be served at half past 4 o'clock. It Is now 4. His honor will be pleased If you will re main, and covers have been laid for you at the table. If you cannot re main, will you permit the young ladles to retire to prepare for the meal?" The gentlemen usually took their leave, and the ladles retired In an 111 humor, but any remonstrance with Jo seph was only answered by: "It Is the rule of the house. Young folks must be kept within bounds." In Virginia houses of the better class, notwithstanding their almost bound less hospitality, the calls of young men In that day were strictly held within limit No one was received as a visitor to an unmarried girl unless his ante cedents and character were well known to her parents. GRAVITATION. The Mystery of This Wondsrful Fores - In Nature. When plants are grown In recepta cles fastened to the rim of a rapidly revolving wheel, the shoots and leaves grow toward the center and the roots away from the center of revolution. This is remarkable as showing the In fluence of centrifugal motion upon growth. But the earth, any point In whose surface at the equator passes through fifteen miles In one minute, baa a cen trifugal motion so swift and so great that It Is almost Inconceivable.. Why. then, reasoning on the basis of his wheel experlmeut, do not trees and plants grow In the directions they are urged by this centrifugal force name ly, with leaves and boughs toward the earth's center and roots pointing to the sky? The answer Is because there Is a force called gravitation which over powers fhe enormous centrifugal force and practically reverses It, Whether this overmastering force which we call gravitation is electrical or what It Is no one has- yet been able to discover. There can be no doubt that it Is the greatest force we know of. To unveil the mystery of It would be to become masters of a power whose possibilities dazzle the human mind. It would simplify the problem of build ing, water and air navigation, projec tive and many other branches of me chanics. It would revolutionize pre ent methods.-St Louis Post-Dispatch. Electric Light Bulbs. It has been remarked that the effec tive life of Incandescent electric lamps Is much longer with clear than with ground glass bulbs. E. P. Hyde ex plains this fact as follows: A thin de posit of carbon Is formed on the In terior surface of the bulbs, and this r.bsorbs a certain portion of the radia tion from the filament. When the glass is clear the light passes straight through, suffering a definite loss from the carbon film. When the glass is frosted the light undergoes many re flections In the Interior of the bulb from : the Innumerable facets, and at each reflection It loses something ou account of the obstructing film. The consequence Is that the total amount of loss Is much greater with ground glass than with clear glass. , Mr. Hyde's experiments show that the fila ment lasts as long In the one kind of bulb as In the other. Youth's Com panion. A Lost Art. A Richmond housekeeper had occa sion many times to employ a certain odd character of the town known as Aunt Cecilia Cromwell. The old woman had not been seen in the vicinity of the house for a long time until recently, when the lady of the house said to her: "Good morning. Aunt Cecilia. Why aren't you Washing nowadays?" "It's dla way. Miss Annie," replied Aunt Cecilia Indulgeutly, "I's been out o' wuhk so Jong dat now, when I cau wuhk, I finds I's lost niah tas'e fo It" Lipplucott'8. Whsn It Rises. Teacher (of geography class) Name the largest city on the Ohio river. Bhnggy Haired Pupil Cincinnati, ma'am, but It aiu't on the Ohio river oaly part of the time. Teacher In deed! Where Is It the rest of-the time? Shaggy Hatred rupll-I a It-Chlcaeo Tribune. For headacho Pr. Miles" Antl-Paln Pills. FOR Neuralgia. Sciatica. Rheumatism. Backache. Pain inchest. Distress in stomach. Sleeplessness MODERN PAPER. Not So Good or Lr.cting as th Old Fashionsd Kind. "The men who wrote history On tab lets of stone In ages gone had a diffi cult task to perform and had to culti vate the habit of brevity," says a writ er la a German paper, "but what they wrote was preserved. Itnvlll be differ ent with the newspapers and books of the present time. The paper upon r.hlcb they are printed will dlslnte Tate In a fewears and the records historical, scientific and literary will become dust ' , ' "I raw two papers recently which told the whole story. One contained in account of the death of Napoleon Bonaparte. It was printed In 1821, was in a state of perfect preservation and looked as though It might last with ordinary care a hundred years. The other paper was kept because Its leading article described the surrender of Sedan, which had taken place a day before. Although it had been printed nearly fifty years later, the Sedan pa per had to be handled carefully to pre vent its tearing in the creases. One of these papers was printed on old fash ioned rajier and the other On the mod ern kind. v "With the two specimens before me I cannot refrain from urging once more that a few numbers of all books and newspapers, enough for all first class libraries, lie printed on good paper for the benefit of those who will live after us." . . THE SKYROCKET. How It Is Mads and the Rsason It Rises In the Air. Of all fireworks none is more beauti ful from a pyrotechnic point of view or more generally popular than the skyrocket ; .' V . The powder Ingredients are sulphur, charcoal and saltpeter, roughly lu the proportions of fourteen, twenty-six and sixty respectively. : Except in the case of military or, life saving rockets, the cylindrical case Is of paper or paste board, somewhat constricted at the fuse end. Into tbht the powder Is rammed tightly, a conical space being left for the insertion of the quick match which passes through the con striction, or "cbokehole," into the mass of powder. This forms the body of the rocket, which la closed at the top with a plas ter of parls plug. Through this a small hole filled with a fuse communi cates with the conical shaped head, holding stars, serpents, crackemorgold or silver rain. -The whole Is, of course, attached to a slender stick to direct Its flight On the fuse being Ignited and the main cylinder of powder exploded the enormous quantity of heated gases gen erated force their way downward through the narrow box, urging the rocket upward In the air. Pearson's. Power of Habit The power of habit was strikingly Illustrated not long ago In a shirt waist factory. One woman who had done nothing but sew up the seams of sleeves for four years was taken off that particular Job and wan asked to run up seams In the body of the waists. She - complained that the change made her so nervous that she could not work. "But what Is the difference?" asked the foreman. "There Is nothing but a Btralght Beam here, Just the same as you have been , used to." "I know," replied the woman with true feminine logic, "but it Isn't sleeves." ..... And It did Indeed prove to be a fact that owing to her four years of steady work on sleeves it took her fully that many weeks to, overcome her nervous ness sufficiently to run the machine at her accustomed speed when sewing an other part of the waist Exchange. A Real WosderUaaV South Dakota,-with its rich silvei mines, bonanza farms, wide ranges and strange natural formations, is a verita ble wonderland. At Mound City, in the home of Mrs. E. p. Clspp, a wond.rful case of healing , has lately occurred. Her son seencei near death with lung and throat trouble. "Exhausting cough ing spells occurred every five minutes," writes Mrs. Clapp, "when I began giv ing Dr. KIrg'i New Discovery, the great medicine that saved his life and completely cured him." Guaranteed for coughs ar d colds, throat and lung troubles, by W. S. Allen, druggist. 60c and $1. Trial bottle free. BUGS COD W Fore i ' J-21 huu j. .ij A A Company Disbands. At a recnt meeting it was decided to sell the Carolira Life Insurance Com pany, of Hifh Point, to the Jefferson Life Insurance Company, of Raleigh, which will take over all the policies and assume the risks." The Company will go into liquidation and Mr. B. A. Wheel er was bppointed chairman of a com mittee with Mr. W. P. Raean and Mr J. E. Cirkman, who will practically wind up 'he affairs of the company, paying the stockholder; as fast as it comes in. Negotiations have been go ing on for several days and the sale came as no surprise, the stockholder failing to pay in the amount: subscribed and at the law requires a $50,000 capi tal, this course was deemed the best plan." , Ts PalrMi cf Resit NJ, Mr. Editor:-Please allow me spre i i your valuable paper to publicly thank the natrons 1 Route N . 3 for tbi rrrany nice Christmas gifts and numerous Christmas dinners to which I was invited. I annreciated those tokens of kindness more than mere words can convey, and, I wh one and all of them much DroeDeritv d iring the coming year of 1908. Rcspectfully.tetc, J Robert Grogan, Carrier No 3. Here's Qoe4 A4vlc& O. S. Woolever, one of the best known merchants of Le Raysville,N. Y., ssys; "If you are ever troubled with piles, apply Bucklen's Arnica Salve. It cured me of them good 20 years ago." Cures every sore, wound, burn or abra sion. ,25c at Allen's drug store. You lnay find you need a new Stove or Heater for your sitting room or bed room. If so we can supply you and put it up so you will have no further trouble to have a comforting fire. And should you ascertain that you need a new Range bear in mind that Plumbing, Roofing and Guttering when you want it and as you would like to have it I i HE DR. J. R. MEADOR, DENTIST. Office Over Citizens Bank Formerly occupied by Dr. Rominger. , . .1 - DR. G, JETT, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office Over Hitchcock's Store, formerly occupied by Dr. Brooks. - Phcne 4 Residence phone, 4, next to Episcopal Church, Lindsey Street. DR. J. W. McGEHEE, " Office same as formerly occupied b Williams & McGehee, in Bank of Reids ville building. 'Phone 50, Residence Pbonc CO 1 Ex-Ray and Masiage Trtatnient. Insurance In Preparing . For WiiitAP 11 I What is medicine for ? To cure you, if sick, you say. But one medicine will not cure every kind of sickness, because different medicines act on different parts of the body. One medicine goes to the liver, another to the spine, Wine of Cardui to the womanly organs. So that to why has proven so efficacious in most cases of womanly disease. . Try it,' Mrs. Wa Turner, of Bartonvins. lH. writes: "I suffered for years Vlth female diseases, and doctored without relief. My back and head would hurt me. and I suffered agony with bearlng-dovn pain. ' At last I took Wine of Cardui and now 1 am In good health.'1 Sold everywhere, la $1.00 bottles. lmiTC l!C I I CTTCn Wftte today for a free cow erf valuable 64-pe Ulurtrated Book for Wom. M yoa nwd Medial I IK I IT 111 A I r I I TK MvK: dncrlbe your symptoms, sutlng age. and reply wi!l be sent In plain staled favtfopfc IIIUIU Wtl IS MillMI Address: Ladies Advisory Dept., The Chattanooea Medicine Co.. Chattanoogi. Tenn. ma Take NO of the Little Tablets and the Pain is in. co ) . ualaiw : u HliKiilirti- 'Jr yM psfcbsM pres. i I-1 tat. telect tomcthlnf tht will . , i? ' " f ' ' lat,oth penoa reeeirioi Ills lilulr NB," Vv 1 to oa fort ct the fiver. Artistic d(i!(M. fo." Vh. ft Wiatifnllr finished torcthcr wttb piX WM I 1 t II .taf aoaliUss ar combined la the V j I ROGERS BR05.V I ? ) ft SPOONS, FORKS. KNIVES. Etc ff f If) Tbe"1?i2 0GERS BROS." fcrao'I lata worIdwJ4 Iff m tepoUtioa as "SUrMPt.U (JUt Wotrt," aa4 HI Iff , ' is soU Vt sfl lcadlnr dealer. Stai to th Jf Iff If . Yk. suaer lor beaatiiuUr illustrated cat., . Mft nanl 1 i T toe "C4." a "If" " I V tranoAi tnnm Co., tminw Hi Jr " V I VVV DERIDE BRITANNIA CO.." JvA. - . v" : ; . Nsrldsm Cou -T; ; " 1 11 ' ' -J ' . - ooutnern OPERATING. OVER 1 Quick Routea to all Points ? NO RTH -SOUTH --EAST W EST Through Trains Between Principal Cities and Resorts aiio Vint-ciast Auoaeda tie ELEGANT PULLMAN SLEEPERS ON ALL TDROUGDJTBAI , DI5150, CI.CB ASD OB8EKVATUJI CABS. For speed, comfort and courteous employees, titvel via lie Southern Railway. ' Rates, Sebedalesan other Infomatlnn forulrlrd tjt aCrrlDff the andrMKiid? . W. II TAYLQE, J.P. fc ; H ''j I Days 1 , . (INCORPORATED! CAPITAL STOCK. $30,000. it is a conceded lact, Known everywncre in worm caronna dv inunc formed, that King's is the school-the right school, viewed from everv stand oint of merit and worthiness. The beet faculty, best equipment, the largwjt More graduates in positions than all other business schools in the State. New catalogue and full information. Address, KING'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, Raleigh or Charlotte, N. C. We also teach Book-keeping, Shorthand, Penmanship, etc., by mail TELL IT AG AA We will be glad to take your scrip for goods or on account, and glad to get it. Giles & eJ$0nfcgomep& fHardWaPc Go. If you have Headache Try One They Relieve Pain Quickly, leaving no bad After-effects 25 Doses 25 Cents Never-Sold-in -Bulk Gone- ... .-, --: - J Kailway, 0 US.S OP RAILWAY. i A., Watih ington, L V. mm Llpr Treatal CVR.ES to stay Safe and prompt relief Call or write to nearest Sanitarium. Address McKANNA 3-DAY LIQUOR CURE CO., Columbia, S. C. Reidsville, N. C. : 1206 1-2 Main St., Phone 418. Phone 184. No Vacation. Enter Any Time. complaint? Dy w.. AUcn,aruggitit,t.u:

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