Clothes tell the Tale -v 1 & - 1 1 A 1 A 1 - . .. . vur glomes leu uie mic, kwm Clothes for good money and ev- y erv occasion. d Days of much sunshine make '1 on look to the . two-niece suit a 7 a thing of necessity. These we have in different weights, colors and sizes. Get yours now, yoa need it. The "younger man" will find a varied lot to select from-just the newest in every respect' - Back c f every suit we sett goes our personal guarantee; that ought to suffice ' See our SPR1NQ I CLOTHES for men and bojs VANSTORY I CLOTHING CO g C H. McKNIGHT, Gen. Mgr. I jg Greensboro, N. C. If you are in Deed of Screen Doors como and see me. I have a lot I will sell cheap. ''Overstocked." Also WINDOW SCKEENS 0. K. fee Cream Freezers. 5 ply Garden and Lawn Sprinklers. Refrigerators Ice Boxes Ice cream freezers Ao ferrenftbe hirst; that you wi'l svi. .ii J rf. W? ae pn-pared i. ft. it jou iid can supply your most fastidious requirements in these lines. We have a good stock to select lrom and prices have been marked right. Anything you need in our line you can have at right prices and we will give you our best service, whether your purchase be large or small WH1TTEMORE-MOBLEY HARDWARE COMPANY Reldsvllle, N. C. Announcement For Register of Deeds. I hereby announce myself candidate for the office of Register of Deeds for Rockingham County, subject to the endorsement of the Democratic Con venlion. I m forty one years of age, have been a democratic voter all my lire and have never sought or desired office un til now. The hand of affliction has been laid upon me resulting in the loss of my right leg, leaving me unable to work on the farm, and my means have have been largely taken up in my fight for life. And while I feel it my duty to myBelf and family to do some work which I am physically able to do, yet I would not ask far this nomination if I did not fsel absolutely confident of my ability to do the work. Should the people see fit to nominate and elect me my appreciation would be shown by a faithful and conscientious attention to the duties of the office. Very Jespectfully, W. Frank Moore, Bethlehem Precinct. LAND SALR By virtue of the power of Ue con tained in a deed of trust executed to mo by Jack Gallaway, of record i.i the office of the Register of Deeds of Rockingham county in Book 155, page 3o0, the terms of which have not been complied with, I shall at 2 o'clock p m. on -iiATL'EDAAVMAY,- in front of the Citizens Bank in the town of Reidsville, sell to the highest bidder for cash one house and lot lo cated on Caswell street, near the cor poration line South of Reidsville, being lot No. 14, plot No. 8, of the "High lands'' survey, containing one-fourth . of an acre, more or less, now occupied Ma rwoence ny ssiaiiacK umiiwiy. JOHN D. HUf FINKS. Trtttti, THE PROHIBITION BILL H1MEIS ON AN ACT TO PROHIBIT THE MAN UFACTURE AND SALE OF IN TOXICATING LIQUORS IN NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Caro lina do enact: ." Section 1. That it shall be unlaw ful tor any person or persons, firm or corporation to manufacture or in any manner make, or sell, or otherwise dispose of, for gain, anv spirituous, vinous, fermented or malt liquors or intoxicating bitters within the Sta'e of North Carolina; provided, this act shall not be construed to forbid the sale of such spirituous, vinous, fer mented or malt liquors or intoxicating bitters by a legalized medical deposi tory, or by any licensed aud register ed pharmacist, for siosness, npon the written prescription of a reijnlar li censed and actively practicing physi cian or surgeon having the person for whom such prescription is made un der his charge, which said prescrip tion shall specify the amount of spir its reanired ; provided, farther, that wines and ciders may be manufactur ed or madtt from grapes, berries or fruits, and wine sold at the place of manufacture only, and only in sealed or crated packages containing not leB than two and a half gallons per pack age; and no wine, when sold, shall be drunk upon the premises where sold, nor shall the package containing the same be opened on said premises ; and, provided, furrther, that nothing here in contained shall be construed to prevent the sale of cider, in any quan tity, by the manufacturer from fruits grown on his lands within the State of North Carolina. Section 2. That all liquors or mix tures thereof, by whatever name call ed, that will produce intoxication shall be construed and held to be in toxicating liquors within the meaning of this act; provided, that medicinal preparations manufactured in accord ance with formulas prescribed by Un united States Pharmacopoeia and Na tional Formulary which contain no more alcohol than is necessary to ex tract the medicinal properties of the drugs contained in such preparations, and no more alcohol than is necessary to hold the medicinal agents in solu tion, and which are manufactured and sold as medicines and not as bever ages, shall not be held or construed to be or to come within the meaning or provisions of this act. Section 3. Thnt any physician or surgeon who shall make any prescrip tion (except in case of sickness) lor the purpose of aiding or abetting any person or persons who are not boua Ode under his charge to purchase any intoxicating liquors, contrary to the provisions of this act, and any licensed and registered pharmacist who shall sell or otherwise dispose of, for gain, any spirituous, vinous, fermented or malt liquors or intoxicating bitters without the written prescription of a legally qualified physician or surgeon, or who shall duplicate the prescrip tion of a physician or surgeon for In toxicating liquors for any person or persons not bona fide under such physician's or surgeon's charge, with out the written direction of the phy sician or surgeon who gave the same, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, aud upon conviction shall be fined or im prisoned, or both, in the discretion of the court, for each and every offense; und all licensed and registered phar macists selling intoxicating liquors ijy prescription as aforesaid shall keep a record thereof, which shall bear the true dates of the sales, the names of all persons to whom sales were maio, the names of physicians or surgeons upon whose prescriptions the sales were made, which said record shall be subject at all times to the inspect ion of the solicitor of the district, the sher iff and other peace officers ot the county, the mayor aud police officers of the city or town in which said li censed and registered pharmacist's business is located, aud all other per sons; and any licensed and registered pharmacist failing to keep the record aforesaid, or refusiug to permit the examination of such record by the officers named or other persons, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction he fined or imprisoned, or both, in the discretion of the court. Sec. 4. The place where delivery of any intoxicating liquors is made in the State of North Carolina shall be cunstrued and tield to be the place of sale thereof, aud any station or other place within said State to whirl) any person shall ship or convev anv in toxicating liquors for the purpose of nenveriug or carrying the same to a purchaser shall be construed to bo the place of sale; provided, that nothing in rnis act shall be construed to pre vent the delivery of any intoxicating liquor to any licensed and regiteroij pharmacist in sufficient quantities !r medical purposes only. Seo. 6. Nothing in this act shall bo construed as making it unlawful to sell to auy minister of religion or other officer of a church wino to he used for religious or sacramental pur poses. Seo. 6. That nothing in this act shall lie construed to prevent the coun ty commissioners or governing body of any city or town from prohibiting the sale of soiiituous, vinous, frement el or malt liquors or intoxicating bit ters by any licensed and registered pharmacist io their respective coun ties, cities or towns; provided, fur thor, that said county commissioners or governing body of any city or town may levy a special privilege tax upon any licensed pharmacist licensed to sell spirituous, vinous or malt liquors. Seo. 7. That all laws or parts of laws in conflict with this act be and the same are beteby, to the extent of such conflict, repealed ; provided, bow ever, that nothing in this act shall operate to repeal any ot the local or special acts of the Ueneral Assembly of North Carolina prohibiting the manufacture or sale or other disposi tion ot any liquors mentioned in this act ; but all such acts shall continue in full force and effect .and in concur rence herewith ; and indictmeunt or prosecution roav be had cither under 1 h iiact or anvjpocial nr local. ar.LiB. lating to the same subject; provided, that, if the provisions of sections one to nine (inclusive) of this act shall fail to go into effect on the first day of January, one thousand nine hundred and nine, because of the failure of a majority of the votes cast in the elec tion hereinafter provided for to bo " Against ttre Mantifarttire aud Halo of Jutoxlcatiti Liquors" thn this net Misll nn tie eoo'Jriul ai a. frpeftt fit any Uw Mndar which urohtblOn 9t a dispensary lias been established ; nor shall it have the effect of restoriug license where prohibition or a dis penary now obtaius. Sec. 8. Any person violating any of the provisions of this act shall be guity of a misdemeanor. Sec. 9. That the foregoing pro visions of this act shall go into effect on the first day of January, in the year ot our Lord one thousand nine hundred and nine, it a majority of the votes cast at the election hereinafter provided for shall be "Against the Manufacture and Sale of Intoxicating Liquors. " bee. 10. That, on the last Tuesday in May in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and eight, an election shall be held in the several election precincts in each county of the State of North Carolina to de termine whether the provisions ot sections one to nine (inclusive) of this act shall become effective. Said elec tion shall be conducted and held under the same rules and regulations and in the same manner as elections for State officers; and, unless otherwise provid ed in this act, the general laws regu lating elections, as set forth in chapter ninety of the Revisal of one thonsaud nine hundred and five of North Caro lina. At said election every person qualified to vote for members of the General Assembly shall have the right to vote. At each election precinct there shall be a ballot box provided for the purpose of said election, which shall be labeled in plain Roman let ters. "For or Against the Manufacture aud Sale of Intoxicating Liquors." In all other respects said ballot box shall be in conformity with the general laws regulating elections as set forth in chapter ninety of the Revisal of one thousand nine hundred and five ot North Carolina and the amendments thereto. At said election every quali fied voter shall have the right to vole a written or printed ballot, or ballot partly written and partly printed, bearing the words "Fot the Manufac ture and Sale of Intoxicating Liquors, f or a written or printed ballot, or a ballot partly written and partly print ed, bearing the words, "Against the Manufacture of Intoxicat ing Liquors. " The ballots hall Lo ot white: paper aud shall be without device. The votes cast at taid election shall be counted, compared, returned, can vassed, certified and reported under the same rules and regulations and in the same manner as the vote for State officers, as provided in the general laws of the State above referred to, except that the Board of State Can vassers shall, immediately after it has completed its cauvassof the returns of the said election from the abstracts transmitted to the Secretary of State, certify to the Governor a statement of the result of such canvass, and the Governor shall forthwith issue his proclamation announcing and declar ing the result, and ench proclamation by the Governor shall have the effect to determine the result of said elec tion. The State Board of Elections and the several county boards of elec tion are hereby authorized, empowered and directed to take all such actions as may bo necessary to fully provide tor the election to be held in accord ance with this act. Tho several coun ty boards of elections shall meet in their respective counties not later than the second dav of April in the year of onr Lord one thousand nine hundred and eight, and arrange for the holding of aid election, by select ing aud appointing a registrar and two judges of election for each elec tion precinct in their respective coun ties, the duties and powers of whom shall be in all resteets act provided in tho general election laws of the State, as above referred to. In making the appointments of judges of election the county boards of elcctioiissliall, if pos sible, each appoint for each electiou precinct one competeut person general ly known to bo in favor of the manu facture and sale of intoxicating liquors in the State of North Carolina and one competent person generally known to he opposed to tho manufacture and salo of intoxicating liquors in the State of North Carolina. The several county ttoards of elections shall make publication of the name) of the regis trars and judgeB of election and serve notice upon them as required by the general elect ion laws of the State. Tho compensation of all officers engaged in the said electiou shall be the same as provided by law for similar service in case of rwieral State elections. In order to fully effectuate the purposes of this act, and to carry out tho trne intent and meaning of the same, it is hereby provided that the State Board of Elections, in matters affecting the eutire Stato. and the sevoral comity boards of elections, in matters alfect iug their respective counties, shall re spectively have full power and author ity, and they aro hereby directed, to make all such rules and regulations anil to do and perform all such acts and things as shall be necessary to complete the details for the holding ot said election aud to conform the same as nearly as possible to the general laws of the State regulating State elections, as set forth in chapter nine ty of the Revisal of one thousand nine hundred and five of North Carolina aud the amendments thereto now or hereafter adopted ; ami if any officer shall wilfully neglect or fail to per form any duty, act, matter or thing required or directed in the time, man uer and form in which such duty, act, matter or thing is roauirod to be per formed by the terms of this act, the person so offending shall be guilty ot a misdemeanor. ' Sec. II. This act shall be in force from and after its ratification. In the General Assembly read three times and ratified this the 81st day of Jauuary, 1908. Have you read the "Bill" on which, for which, you, as a citizen of North Carolina, are asked to votevjm May 26? If not, read it, as it is printed in these columns today. Have you heard any of the prohibition orators discuss the L1TT7 No, they do not talk of the bill, they talk prohibition. Why do they not discuss the bill, and why do they soeak only on prohibition? Because no m in, no Matter how much ability he m, can defeHd It, therefore they seek t muddle yourthind by talking prohi. biti n YOU NOT VOTB on the tpifptlutl of prohibition, koti vote oH the II SOME IT. of the bi'l. Read the bill carefully.and then ask yourself if any man can de fend such an absurd, such an outrageous proposition? What does this bill mean? First: It means that you are re quested to go to the ballot box oti May 2 Ha and vote that local option be de stroyed forever in North Carolina. What is localoption? It is the right of the people of tach community to settle among themselves the question of sell ing liqjors. Is local option in existence in North Carolina now? It is in- towns of over 1,000. inhabitants, but the Watts' bill has taken it away from the people in smaller towns, and all the people in the country. How do the two great political parties in our State stand on local option? Both of them are committed to it in their platforms. Was Governor Glenn elected on a plat form in favor of local option? He was,, ai d Senator Simmons was elected by a Legislature which was e'ected on a lo cal option platform, and to was Gov ernor Aycock. What has made them change front and repudiate the plat form on which they were elected? Pol itics, and the fear that the Prohibition party would capture the Democratic party. Is a man who takes a drink of whis key snd preaches prohibition a temper ance man, arid do you know any of that kind now preaching prohibition in North Carolina? Has any town under local option voted on prohibition? Yes, Charlotte, Durham, Greensboro, Ashe ville, Goldsboro, and others have voted "drj."; Wilmington, Salisbury, Win ston, Rocky Mount, Washington, Tar bcro, Reidsville, Morgan ton. Mai ion, and others have voted "wet." Well, do you think these towns which have votca "dry" should have the right to say that those towns which have vated "wet" Ehall be dry; ard do you think that the "wet" towns should have the right to say to the "dry" towns yoa tl.all be "wot"? Second: It is a blow at personal liberty, it takes away the right of local self government, by allowing the peo ple in dry communities to vote that other communities now wet shall be made dry. It allows the people of alt the State to vote whether Wilmington shall be dry, and the people of Wil mington under local self government have settled that for themselves. Per- eonal liberty end local self government are the two basic principles upon which our government is founded, snd yet you are abked by these office-seeking politicians to vote your liberties away. Third: It is dishonest and unfair Read the bill and you will see that if the whole State votes wet then that part which is now wet remains wet, nr d that part which is dry remains dry, but if tho whole State votes dry then the whole State s' all be dry. Now what honest man, what decent man, what Eane man, can defend a proposi tion like that? Fourth: There is no true temper ance in it. It allows liquors to be sold in drug stores, and charges bar rooms into pharmacies. It says that you can make wine and sell it in 2 1 2-gallon packages, but you cannot make brandy out of your fruit, and the only reason tbat can be given for this is that wine will not make one as drunk as brandy. Is that temperance? Fifth: It will not and cannot keep men who have the money from ordering all the whiskey they want from Vir- J ginia and elsewhere out of the State. It will not keep the rich man and the club man from having all the whiskey he wants, but it will keep the poor man and the farmer from having any, unlesB hopiys a doctor to write him a prescription, and then have to go to a drug store and pay twice as much for k as ho does now. It means that mil lions of dollars will be sent out of this State yearly for liquor, none of which will ev.r return. It means that the p jor man and the farmer will be denied the right to go "and purchase a drink without paying a tax for tho same, which the rich man dos not have to pay, when he orders his whLkey by the case from out of the State. Sixth: It is a fraud and an intimi dation in that the ballot you are asked to vote ib not "for" or "againBt pro hibition, but "for" or "against" the manuf cture and salo of whiskey. This i i done to intimidate people. Si VENTii: It .-is", nothing but pure p jlitics, there is no morality in a fraud ulent proposition, and any honest man who reads the hill cannot but help say it is dishonest and unfair. Eighth: There are grave doubts as to it being constitutional. Two of the leading constitutional lawyers of the United States have written opinions that it is, and they say that the man who wrote tha bill must have known it would not hold. The bill as first drawn was clearly unconstitutional in tht it provided two ballot boxes, but the Legislature changed that, and at least preserved the right of secret bal lot. by allowing only one ballot box. Finally, let us look at the history of this bill: The Legislature was called in special session on the rate matter by our Governon No one dreamed of State prohibition until the pobticians got their heads together and agreed ibatWE-must, havO-somcthing iEW to go before the people with) there was w modi iwit In th Btate( so ir.anr blaming the party with too much legis lation, hence ii was in order to frame up something to get the people's mind off of the conditions which existed, then the Governor, and two ex-Gov ernors and the other smaller politicians said we will make the Legislature pass a btate prohibition law. knowinsr that such a measure would excite the pao-' pie The Govereor sent his message calling for State prohibition, and all the politicians and pie hunters joined , in with him, but the Legislature did not pass State prohibition. It agreed to leave the matter to the people, ar.d they passed the bill whi-.h you have read, a measure which it unwise, tn just, undemocratic and unrepublican. It is up to you as a voter and a citi- ssn to say whether you will be hood winked into voting your liberties away upon a fake bill which the politiciai a and the fanatics together have put be fore you. If you value your liberty if you believe in local option, if you ad vocate local self government, if jou arc a temperance man, and not a fi natic, you will vote "for the manufac ture and sale of whi key," ai a lasting rebuke to the crowd who would take away from you your rights and liber ties, which your ancestors fought to win and which they left you as a price less heritage. Vote this bill dawn, if you are a true North Carolinian, if you love your State, its history and its glory Vote it down if you are opposed to unjust, unwise, sumptury and atbitrary law. (The Liberty Leacue ) Advertisement. A Cnllforuinn'a Lin I . '!The luckiest day of my life was when I bought a box of Buiklen's Ar nica Salve;" writes Chas. F. Buduhn, of Tracy, California. "Two 25e boxes cured me of an annoying case of itching piles, which had troubled me for years and that yilded to no other treatment. Sold under guarantee at Allen's and Fetzer & Tucker's drug store NOTICE. Slate of North Carolina, Rockingham County. Superior Court. Notice of Summons and Warrant of Attachment. S. H. Ware vs. - McLaughlin. - McLaughlin and -i McLaughlin. trading and doing business under the tirm name of McLaughlin Bros The defendants above named will take notice-that a summons in the above en titled action was issued against said defendants on the 23rd day of October, 1907, returnable on the first Monday before the first Monday in March. 1908. for the sum of $300 due 6aid plaintiff by contract. The said defendants will also take notice that a warrant of attachment was issued on the 23rd day of October. 1907, against the property of the de fendants, which warrant was returns ble before ithe judge of the Superior Court at a sourt to be held at the court house in Wentworth on the first Mon day before the first Monday in March, 1908' - : ,'. The said defendants will take notice that they are required to be and ao pear before the judge at a Superior Court to be held for the county of Rockingham, at the court house in Wentworth on the 14th Monday after the 1st Monday in March, 1908, and answer or demur to the complaint herein or the relief demanded will be granted. This 30th dsy of April, 190P. Jas. r. Smith, Clerk Superior Court. Certificate of Dissolution To all to whom these Presents may come-GREETING: Whereas, it appears to my satisfac tion, by duly authenticated record of the proceedings . for the voluntary dis solution thereof, by the unanimous con sent of all the stockholders, deposited in my office, that the McKanna 3-Day L'quor Cure Company, a corporation of this State, whose principal office is sit uated in the town of Reidsville, County of Rockingham, State of North Caro lina, (George A. Hughes being the agent therein and in charge thereof, upon whom process may be served) has complied with the requirements f chapt r 21, Revisal o! 1905. entithd "Corporations," preliminary to the is suing of this Certificate of Dissolution. Now, Therefore, I, J. Bryan Grimes, Secretary of State of the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the said corporation did, on the 16th day of Apiil 1908, file in my office a duly executed and attested consent in wining to the, di solution of said cor poiation, ex'cu'c'l ly all the stock holders thereof, which said consent and the record of the p".i eedings aforesaid are now on file in n y fcaid office, as p cv.ded by law. In Testimony Whereof, I have here unto set my hand and fixed my cfTicia seal at Haleigh, this 16th day of A ri A. D., 1908. : J. Bryan Grimes, ' ..... (sfaC) Secretary of State TO THE PUBLIC Notice is hereby given that blank fire insurance policies Nos. 641WJ to -64 Wis incltihive; 341070 td 34 1092 inclusive and 31 10'. 18 of the Insurance Company, of North America, of Philadelphia, Pa., which were 111 the possession 01 me late John B. Johnston, the company's former agent at Reidsville N. C, have been lost or mislaid, and since Mr. Johnslo i' death, cannot be found. This is to notify the public that the said Insurance Company of Noith America d clines to acknowledge any lability whatever under any of the aforesaid policies, and if fame are held by any person or persons they should be returned to the office of Edw. S. Gay, Manager S u hern Department of the In. urance Company of North America, at Atlanta, Ga., or to FRANKS WOMACK, A enr, Reidsville, N. C. Executor's Notice Letters tes amentary under the wi I of Martha K. Comer, deceased, having issued to the undersigned from the Superior court of Rockingham county, iiotice ia hereby given lo. all persons in debted to said estate to come forward and make immediate payment, and to all persons holding claims against said estate to present them for payment on or hefore the 12th. day of April, 1909, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery This April 6 .1908.. JESSE Li. mWL-LiUBIj Kecu.or of Martha F. Comrv I, ,. oi.j'itn run r"vs rm HEARTILY mm Dealer and Patient at HaUowell, Maine, Mdas Statements Under Oath In connecfJoa with the Intense In terest nanffested by the public at large In the theory of U T. Cooper as to th human stomach being the source ot nearly all ill heal! h, the statements of Mr. W. D. Spauldlng. of Hallowell, Me., one of the oldest and best-known druggists In that stato, and of Mrs. Frederick Harvey, a well known nurse living In the same place, will be interesting to thousands of persons who are today suffering from ailments directly traceable to the stomach. The fact that these state ments are made voluntarily, undor oath, removes all element of doubt The statements follow: "Hallowell, Maike, July 20, 1907. "To the Coopra Mxdicwe Co., "Dayton, Ohio. "Gentlemen The policy at Spauld- Ings drug store is to gam the per fect confidence of the public by never recommending any medicine or treat ment until Its virtues have been fully established. The Cooper Remedies were to us an unknown quality, we were very skeptical of their medicinal value, and it was not until several of our customers had received such bene ficial results from their use that we could no longer doubt their value that we consented to take the agency for the Cooper Remedies In this territory, heartily endorsing the Bame. "Herewith we give the testimonial of a lady whose case camo under our personal observation from her being a regular customer, and she says: 'Gentlemen of the Cooper Medicine Co., Dayton Ohio: It H with pleasure I rccoouaena your New Ducovery lie Show The kIiow ot Iver Johnston and Reading standard Bicy cles is great, and the good will please you, too. Come lo we 11 and let 118 talk wheeling that in iuteretiu to you. Cur repair department in in the best nhapeever. We re pair everything. See im 011 Eiiht Market St., J. O. Sharp buildipg. rw $ t s 8 I L ASTER J' & The Bicycle ana uim wan., pe Things to Interest You : - - - - Flour, Meal, ShipstulT, Bran, Lard, Meat, Loaf Bread, Cotton Seed, Cot ton Seed Mea, OalS, Hay, Clover Seed, Seed IrishPotatocs, Garden Seed, Tin ware, Tableware, Shoes, Hats, Cloth, PlantBcd CLth. A full lire of c II kinds of Staple and Fancy GroreticF, Dry'Cceds and Notions too numerot s to mention. Also;Fertilizers, Lime ai d Cement in any quantity. P. H. Williamson Co HANCOCK BROS. & CO' PLUG TOBACCO A 1 CO'S. 71 is one of tho biggest plugs of standard grade flue cured tobacco ever sold for 10c. It goes further and lasts longer in the going than any other brand made. A man who knows of this brand never goes around with a "chip" on his shoulder, he keeps it in his mouth. It . make3 friends, and makes them always glad to see you. Demand Chip, and don't stand for substitution. Manufactured by a strictly independent firm. HANCOCK BROS. & CO., Lynchburg, Va. Established 1851 1 Leaders 1908 In yrtir pocket by giving" Pulle'ys, lliiiigerB. Mifiltirjg, Lubricators antf Miil Eupplie'ij t-f pHTdueW" Cull on usT CRAWf QRD PLUMBING ft' MILL . COOPER REMEDIES medlclne, of which I have taken thai, contents of three bottles, and can to day eat anything without Inconven ience to myself. For a number of years I had suffered Intensely with sever headaches, sour stomach, indigestion.1 pains in my side, and complications which made If exceedingly hard for me to accomplish even my household work. Physicians had given me doi ens of prescriptions, which failed to accomplish a cure or even relief. Your New Discovery medicine advertisement attracted my attention, and I purchas ed a bottle of the medicine, which I took according to directions and before) it was half gone, I felt very much bet ter; when I had taken the contents of two bottles I gained courage to cat many things which for years I had denied myself, and found they caused me no ill effects. Today, after harms used three bottles of the New Discov ery, I can eat anything and feel that I am a well woman once more, and therefore would advise anyone to taks Cooper's New Discovery, for I feel sure it will cure them.' Mrs. Fred erlck Harvey, Hallowell, Mo. "We endorse the above testimonial under oath, as being correct ' "W. D. SPAUUM50. "Testimony before mo under oath this 2:2nd day of July. 1007. "Geo. A. Sat-tobo, (seal.) "Notary Public The Cooper remedleg have proven eminently satisfactory wherever in troduced, We will bo pleased to ex plain their naturo to anyone wishing to know about them. We are agents. I'ctzer ft Tucker. CLOTHING .THAT SATISFIES With a long cxjH-riewe in the Clothing Ltisiitehb and with a de termination to buy a Moek that en ables uie to meet the prices of all competitor, I now call attention of tho public generally fn the fact that I am prepared to ktvc t hem. 1 have recently rctoi iumI lrom the Northern markeiM, while I fee 111 ed tbo iitnin of (food lliiiiff,r my tit-temeiH, ai.d the price's I can ab solutely guarantee. I have a npli n dirt Mock and will be delighted to ha ve you call and make an exami nation. SIMON ROMAN Clothier THE RIGHT KIND OF ROOFING It is hichly important thnt your roofing be put en your buildings properly in order to save you a world of annoyance and inconven ience. A leaky roof would try the patience of Jobc. Plumbing - Rightly Executed . . . Is one of the most important re quisites of a home, rd you cannot bfTonl to ovcrloek the importance of having it done by people who underafand how to give you a job that is right in every way Martin & White, Plumbing, Roofing, Stoves. tm your ti title on Eelting, InjectorH, Eje:torn, Valves, SIWLY COMPANY, m, 1