GLCOTIO.j GDITIOH, Wcdncoday nomlna. 51 A7 VOL. XXI, NO. 71. $1.00 PER YEAtf. REIDSVILLE, Ni C, NOV. 2. 1908 ISSUE!) TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. . -; r'i it f a. i , r ii r-y n enjoy. your evenings at home have a you must s or Sh aw 1842-1908 66 years oi contin. uous piano building under the caro or two gcneratious of one family has en abled us to produce Ihirbtbt piano ol lis time. - 'JVJ ! Manufacturer of the Artistic Stkff. Shaw and Stieff Self-Playing Plane. . . Bontbern Wareroomi S West Trade St, Charlotte,N.C O. H. WILMOTH MANAGER. Roman Hyacinth, 50c. Doz. ... . Dutch , Hyacinth, 50c. Doz. Narcissus, 25c. Chinese Lilly, $1. We have the Dutch Hyacinths in irile end d' u' lc and all color for the raroe price. Nov is the tiro? to plant them. Fetzer & Tucker The Dependable. Druggists. . ,y To fully tieff PIANO Flower Biis -' A Big Stock of. Headers and Stoves We do Plumbing of all kinds. Martin & White, " Plumbing, Roofing, Stove. GATE.pITY. Creensboro, N. C. A school 'hat enable your? mensrd wsmen to mski their own living in tie . worlds UNLIMITE9 SCHOLARSHIP?. POSITIONS GUARANTEED. "! VERY LOW RATES. Fookirtr, Shorthand, Typewriting and Telegraihy taught by experts. Writs today firrarticulars. . W. II. PRICE, A. B. Greensboro.IN.C. Prin. North Carolina Remains Her Democratic Normal But The Legislature is in Doubt. Tin Stale of North Carolina stand true to Democrat it! principles ami ctn lnUirs and tives hs majority of frota 30,OX to 4),m) Ev?rv candidate run i.tuH on lh Slate ti'ket i elected by hii afe mtj rity, ami the Legislature will hesaMy D-incfttic. but the Ke- publican have made some gains. We do iiot anucinaie any darnrer to Senator Overman, tlthounh we hav no fietin a loniuhc as j the result of the vote on joint bellot. borne or the cloca counties have un doubtedly been captured by the Repub licans, while others have maintained their usual majorities and still others rolled up an increase fur the Demo cratic standard In-art rj. The result of but few counties were obtainable at midnight, but meagi e re- porta in hand in the State Democratic headquarters show thai the normal ma jority in the State has btxfl maintained notwithstanding the ctianguiK of the atanding of a few counties, - - State Ticket. Governor: v :' WILLIAM W. KITCIIIN, Person County. Lieutenant-Governor: WILLIAM C NEWLAND, Caldwell County. S"cr tarv of State; J. BP YAN GRIMES, ritt County. Auditor: BENJAMIN K. DIXON, Cleveland County. '- Treasurer: ' -' BENJAMIN K. LACY, Wake County. Superintendent of Public Instruction; . JAMES Y. JOYNER, M Guilford County. Attorney General: THOMAS W. BICKETT, 1 ' Franklin County. -Commissioner of Agriculture: WILLIAM A. GRAHAM, ' Linln County. . ..i,;. Commissioner of xr and Printing: -' MITCHELL L. SHIPMAN, j Henderson County. Member of the North Carolina Cor poration Commission: BENJAMIN F. AYCOCK, f Wayne County. -Insurance Commissioner: JAMES R. YOUNG, j Vance County. Judge of the Superior Court of the Fifteenth Judicial District: JOSEPHS. ADAMS, Buncombe County. Representativo in the Sixty first Con gress-Fifth DiMriet: A. L BROOKS, , Guilford County. 1 The Teachers Association fleeting. Upon request of Supt.-ll. 'AM fa yes the public school teachersof Rockjiig bam county assembled at Wentwortu Saturday, Ootober the seventeenth. As stated in the! announcements and in accord with lrof. Hayes' cusUm.the meeting was called to order promptly at ten. Rav. J. A. I3e.-un, tha first oa the program boing abseni, the devotion al exercises were conducted, .by Prof. Hayes.. First in the order of business was tne nomination and election of a seoetary to repet the proceedings ot the meetings to the county papers. Then followed the roll cull hy districts, showing'neaiiy all districts represented or a satifactory excuse, previeusly sent in ttfd'rof. Ilajes. , Mr. L. N. llickersen being unable to deliver his address ." en aoeount of sickness the order, of the program was changed, and - the next production which proved very interesting as well. as instrucivo was a paper on the subject "What To lVAhe Week Before School Opens" by Miss Kate Daineroni' ,' ' In an Imprcssivo Introduction by call ing attention to Kiilo 5 in tc.ioyl regis ters she' m ii'e hi r s-tggestionJ obliga tions. She said that the teacher? niiHSt visit tjie parents and in the words Hpf 1 Read "Put yourself in Ins place." 1 tie , teachers will then see through the mother's eye3 that the child is the greatest thing in the world and also gain co-operativo sympathy of the pa rents in educating their children.. In the round, table discussion,' it was decided that in the most instances a week was necessary for visiting parenrs, and cleaning up the school house and grounds, preparatory to the opening of the school. . . t - With the thought, of moving into a new community, the question of secur ing a boarding placcwhich. naturally arises, Prof. Hayes anticipated "with some good advice. ' s " . , m Tha pioaraut mw proviihl ,a. fiia,ng( in the way oi entertainment by the in troduction of two delightful readings given by Miss Octola Lindsay and Miss Elizabeth Parkinrj. y : Following 'was a discussion oq "The Teacher's Obligations in Social, Moral and" Religions- Life' t y-Kev.VVr l. Whitehead. By statf'erits and analogy, Mr. W.nitehpal-leftvhj8 listeners forcibly impressed with the facts that the teach er by reason 'of his superior advantages and stand in the public eye lias obliga- Solid flajority Is Almost The Complexion of GUILFORD. Guilford county gives a Democratic majority of about 1,000, BEAUFORT. lieaufert goes Democratic by about WXl majority. . . WAYNE. Wayne county gives a Democratic majority of 800. v -; WARE. Wake county rolls up a Democratic majority of lJUu. SURRY. -Surry county goes Republican by reduced majority. GREEN. The Democratic majority In Green county is about 300. . IREDELL. The estimated Democratic majority in ireueii county is JUU. . SWAIN. The Republicans carry Swain by 200 majority. f . . ' CABARRUS. ' Caltarrus county goei Republican by a small majority. CARTERET. Carteret gives a Democratic majority Qt suu. , PITT. . Pitt county gives Democratic ma jority of 1,500 for the State and nation al tickets and 1,800 for Congressman PERQUIMANS. The Democratic majority in Perquim ans is zw. FORSYTH. Forsyth county goes Democratic by a narrow margin. Winston-Salem gave urooks aoout ii majority. CASWELL. :" Caswell county goes for Bryan. Kitch- in, Brooks and the entire Democratic ' GRANVILLE, Granville gives Brooks and all Demo cratic candidates 1,000 majority. MECKLENBURG. Mecklenburg county gives a slightly reaucca uemocratie majority. V v - ROWAN. Rowan has given 700 or 800 Demo cratic majority for State ticket and Bryan. , . WILKES. Wilkes county gives a majority of 1,700. Republican CHATHAM. Chatham gives a small Republican majority, reversing its Democratic ma jority ot two years ago. I tions increased in a gemetrfcal ratio to those of the average citizen: In a great measure his constituency regard him a social, moral and religious criterion, and set him before the child as an example worthy of imitation. With cognisance. of his precedence, he must strive by precept and example to train the child: te enrich citizenship; enlarge the moral aggregation and expand the principles of righteousness. : ' A fine'point ih'lhecare for the poor or afllicted was btought out in a very pleasing manner through a reading by Miks Ida Dilkes Wolf, of the Reidsvillo Seminary. " f he first day at school Enrollment ('lassi fications-and Text Books," which was-to have been discussed by Prof. J.E. Crutchficld, in "his absence was led inv discussion by Miss Auvila Lindsay. She related the work done in the Madison Schools by Prof., Crutch field, preparatory to the opening of the school and the 'successful results. In the discussion, which followed many questions which are likely to arise on the first day of school wete ably answer. ed.: - :-''t ' .; f::-, As if speaking from jthe heart, Mrs. ' Lula Foster told "How to get children to come to school," ' She summed up one oi ner Dest points when she said we can't expect uneducated! parents to send their children to school unless we go to see them and, point out the good of sending them. . . . Very appropriate were the'e.Wing re marks of Prof. Hayes. After 'calling at tention to the announcements of public school work found everj .wee -in- the county papers, and some explanation of the financial report soon o appear, he enlarged upon the idea of thinking about the work, i He says "Think out your work,Jthen work out your thought." Again he would have the teaciersl do a few things well than many things poorly. Greatest in importance are the Three JL'a. Thftrfi 'is, a great' kiot-i e teachers to do. Citizenship is not so much in the hands of the politician as in the bands of the teachers. After a full day's work, this represen tative body of the teachers of the coun ty was dismissed with the announcement that another meeting would be "held Iff about a month. r v What sortof furniture do you need? Just name it and we'll show it. Hall J Chance Co. 1 ': - - : Fill One Democrat Who Escaped The Republican Landslide. That Hon. ' A." L. Brooks hn been eleeted to Congress In tiis District to succeed the Hon. W. W. Kitcbin is one cause of great rejoicing in Rockingham. His majority in tbia District will not be less' than 2,000 and when the full re turns are in it is possible that these figures will be Increased. ; ; His Republican opp oneut, J4r. J Motley Moreeead. is a native of this county, and while he has made' quite a good bU first contest for votes before our people Mr. Brooks has held him down to a point below the other candidates on the Republican ticket, and he only secures the county by something like a hundred majority. A spirit of retaliation on the part of Senator Reids' friends in the Western end of the county cost tbe Democratic candidate . a number of votes, and strenuous efforts put forth by the Re publican ' organization in this county i counted mightily in Mr. Morehead's favor, ', tot the plain fact thai Mr. Brooks led the aounty ticket under the cirtumstahces brings gladness to the Democrats who have stood by his con test with ovi countynun. Every other Democratic Congress man in the State-, hi elected with the possible t xctpticn of Crawford, in the Teath or A-hvilie District, and there is every reason for believing Hackett, of t ie Eighth District is defeated. Rockingham county has ,' ejected nearly - eietl Republican andiddte mming, ftd tly- escaped -with grv ing Kitcbin and the national ticket a majority. There is not a precinct in the county which has not shown a kreat Republican gain, and in Reids- ville, where thr Democrats scored a victory of mere than 300 two years ago, tome of the Republicans had large ma jorities, Mr. Wray receiving more than 200 majority. Leaksville township. which two years ago eave a Demo cratic majority, slipped into the Repub lican column, giving the candidates majorities of from 175 to 220. The rural precincts also gave Repub lican gains, and Williamsburg, Oregon, and even some of the Western pre cincts tried to see how nearly unani mous the could make it for the Re publican, candidates t here are several reasons assigned for the great slump in the Democratic vote, the principle one ' Jbeing the court house fight which was kept alive by the Fastern end of the county. It is evi dent from tbe meagre returns that in a spirit of retaliation the Western .provl etnets slaughtered, some; of the ci3i dates who were favored in theiepent primaries by the Eastern end it -the county, and the candidates on the Dem- . ' A I. . 1 A ocraiic iHTKet were uuuvr un rxvio nna on a. th. .nnnrtf tha. AthaV There are those who bay the recent nrohibition i lection accounts for Dem ocracy's defeat. These are inclined to tbe beliel that Democrat wao ware most active in carrying that election in the county were: indifferent to the suc cess of the party in .today's contents; ' It is impossible to give anything like tabulated vote of the result, or even an intelligent analysis of the returns. so few are the precincts which have re- poriea meir vow inieiugenuy, .-) , - In Keadsvule itownsnip benator Held received a tert ble drubbing. Ex Sher iff Wray 'a, majority over h m being 225 while Mr.XBrooks in. the rame precinct get a Democratic majority 0(179. T his shows just how the votes varied. Mr. Clark fed Mr. I vie in these boxes about votes, and Mr. McMicheal. . candi date for register of deedB, got a clear majority overbid Republican opponent Thb KEVrew. is humiliated at the re sult of the eteetioi) in old Rockingham, county Democratic in sentiment, and hadits. .rltfooltafor her return to her own two years from now. ? The election in, Reidsville 'passed ' off quietly, but the friends of pomeoi the candidates in the runiiinir were active around the four poIhnV precincts. In' the early part of the day those Demo-, crats who were giving1 joyal support .to the entire tickbt" Seemed to be satisfied' with the results ofjthe voting, and an- icipated Becurini? iiigood majority of the four precu.cU f wjT every candidate uu ilia iicaci, I u: vy. wv iiyun nour mo scratchers" ma le a rally and . it was soon learned tnat there were a number of them incl oding other Democrats to -cu :c nr. .... ti yum lur cruecii Mijr aiiu uaiiistr inf. ReSd. This was not anticipated, and a number of the workers who we'rel'pull ing for the whole ticket' left .the polls in disgust, asserting that tlcjjrvwould not place themselves in the attitude of begging Democrats not to vote for. Republican candidates. n . .. .' Those who did remain at the polls throughout the day were a tired ant weary !ot by sundown. The eagerness with which they awaited the returns from county, State, nation h, perhaps, lhe only way to account for them hold in out further. ' Many Democrats declare" they' have witnessed a new spectacle in Rocking ham polities, during the day. that of setmg Democrat persuadiriIvoters to votj fo- Republican candidates, and thcta i r many interestinir nredictiotis i to tbe final result In county politics. Hill Taft Landslide Defeats Republican Candidate Captures All Doubtful States and Reduces the Southern States' Majorities. : . . National Chairman Hitchcock si id: I stand on my claim of 325 elector votes for Taft. I expect that Taft m ill receive not less than . 100,000 plurality in New York State and that Governoi Hughes has been elected." Chicago-Congressman McKinley, of Illinois, chairman of the National Re publican Congressional Committee, de clared the next House 'would have a good working majority of Republicans. SOUTH CAROLINA. South Carolina has given Bryan a ma jority estimated at 60,000. ""The entire Democratic ' Congressional "delegation has been re elected. . . "PENNSYLVANIA. Thair watt an nnnanallv Kasivw Afa Taft's majority is enormous.: MASSACHUSETTS ; Indicsti'-ns are that Taft carries Massachusetts by 65,000 ' WISCONSIN., ;. Returns, i idicatea State far Taft. , . , NEW JERSEY . ; -New Jersev is jsfelv republican b Wge majority, - I .;- - ohio. Indications point that Taft carried Ohio by substantial plurality. , ; ILLINOIS. " Retowis from Illinois indicate over whelming majority for Taft - Steven son, Democratic candidate for Gover nor will have plurality 15.000. -- ' jSpeaker Cannon was re-elected by 6,000." " " ... ; .' MARYtAND.; Baltimore -Returns from , various parts of State' shows falhn? off of Democratic voU indicating that Taft has 'carried the State by 5,000 or more. i :- :.''AEABAMA: "; Estimated Alabama gives Bryan 85,0X0, Taft 30,000. : Congressional districts safely. Democratic. ' . ; FLORIDA. r' ..'1 . . . Jacksonville-The election passed off quietly throughout State. A light vote was ' polled. -. Conservative estimate, places Democratic mojority from 18, 000 to 23,000 for both SUte and Natio nal ticket v , '- ' ' "i . GEORGIA . Savannah, Ga.-r Bryan Jias carried Geprgia by"- returns thus far . received indicate a larger fait and Watson vote. How Tlie States Wt for Reside Taft ;'Bryri Alabama Arkansas . California Colorado Connecticut , Delaware Florida ; , Georgia Idaho Illinbis Indiana . Iowa v' u 10 5 ' 7 8 13 8 27 15 13.: 10; :'.',.' . , " '6.- 14 ,11 Kansas ; Kentucky;' f Louisiana fy: Maine , Mayland '- Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota ; - 13 i s: Misslssippi'rT '10 18 Ttf issoun Montana " Nebraska 0 OOOOOO OOOOCK) ooo 0-00000 6 - Two . . Many Trill tell ybm it is out of date to advertipo finylhing A as the "befit." Yet when you have the licst and ycu , knew ty A all signs and reaeouB it is, it Beems further out of date not to q i get up and 6sy bo. ..." .'" n - We Arise to Remark ' ' .' ' . that we believe we can furnish- the best quality, the bes fitting and the moet serviceable clothes for tho money of any "dealer in the bufinesR in these We- believe thm because- wfcnw-our arunBummKw iaui. j . . :"We have seen them demonstrate their ability along these lines for years and we b.nve epptomerd who are bo well satMed with the clothes we get from thorn that they never think of going . ,'dBewhere. . . J. S. Hide I lev son Bryan than was generally .expected. State oes Democratic by reduced . majority. ' ' MAINE. .-:' Republican plurality in Maine is esii mited about thirty ttwuandv ' MICHIGAN. ; , ' Detroit The RepubH.n Sta?e Com mittee c aims Michigan ty over4i00,t)00 for Taft. ..'' 'T.-"- : i lELAWAP.E. . '" ;"' Wilmington -The Republican ' Sfate Chairman claimed Dfluware for Taft by 3,500 plurality. 4 MINNESOTA. , , ; St. Paul -The Republican State com-' mittee claims 20,000 plurality fof Taft in this State. v NORTH DAKOTA j-v Fargo The Republicn State Com- Mittee claims North Dakota for Taft bj substantial majority. 4 TEXAS. ' ( 'Huston Texas gives her enormous Democratic majorty and elects ail Dem ocratic candidates. f V LOUISIANA. ; . New Orleans-Louisiana gave Bryan and Kern her electoral vote by slight ly reduced majorities. - VIRGIN A. " ! ; " Richmond -One and perhaps two Democratic Congressional candidates have been defeated,- but the State gives her vote to Bryan. ' TENNESSEE. Nashville Tennessee gives Bryan increased maj )rty, and elect hll Demo crats. J - MISSISSIPPI, ' Jackson -Mississippi has given her Vote to-tli Democratic candidates. Muskogee Oklahoma, the. Nation's new State, is Democratic as result of today's voting. :; , . , , s w est Virginia. Charleston-Wett Viryioia tock tjer place in tbe Republican cokimn today, Bryan announced just before mid night that be would have no statement until tempt row. ; .; '! - At the hour, cjur reports closed no statements had been given but 'from the Democratic National headquarters. Republican leaders aid good-night In a manner to make it appear that they could retire and rest in peace; - eVatla" , ( 1 lamjwhirV" ' j 5 1 A NewJerSey.u New Yortc , ;Ndrth ruVolfna "NcAJSiXotU 12 30 ;.4 23 4 34 '4 12 t ? .'. Ohio' . ; f 4 "bklaliqfitii ' . I Oregon V Peasyfyania ,-. .. iiboile Island.;-' .... '!'.' South Owolina ; r ' .. Sottlh DaTi'bta ! Tennesseo ; . ' Trtias 'PtaU'-'.:,. .-'. Vermont Virginia ;, t Washington . West Virginia' Wisconsin ' Wyoming " 3 4 5 7 13; 3 i 1 Total 814 i 1 'Views parts. . e ii A.X B f BP yon court with anxious care as you pour out tna medicine that may be th -metst of saving a dear one's Kfa. De you want the best medicine that eanlw bad? Don't you know thstyov should go to the most reliable and con scientious druggist, the most op-to-date druggist, who has up-to-date drags and methods? We are that kind. Not alone be s ause it pays, bat because there's satisfaction hi feeling we are helping to make people well Day aad night servica. ; BRITTAIN'S iVcre e ! Lif fc, an4 the wwrld langhs ' . Wltn fM! Wmv, ed yew weep afoae." rBb WaeeWWUeos. iThis m xt sad jcommiatary on human nature; ibiit oxii cF the ;itab!6j;:'p(cei) tions is that of Insnrance '";." '--v-.-v'i...,. "i . y, ! I;-. (; ;' -VT;-''' that comes as a ' ' -" ' - sympathetic !"; ;finehd . tcr bright-.-en ths home in I the hour of ad- v p0C3 it appeal to you? If co, tee The Insurance Man ostastasaaetaslasliaostaiAa! Do you know that Ben Mir ; is in town? A 5-ccnt Cigar pt meri t . Made in Detroit Sold every where. ASK ill: II. DR. 5, O. JUTT, PCTSICIAJJ AND Vr.GrCN. OJSce, aecoc;'1oer, Lambeth tilJ'g. Francis Womack I-

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