I - I A Town and , County Nevs Miss Sussie Williams is visiting friends in Asheville. Miss Mollie Fetzer visited friends in Greensboro Saturday. Mr. J. D. Williamson, of Dalton, Gs., is here for a short visit to his relating. Mr. H.LiTUi'ihfiell, of Waynesvillf, is visiting his friends and relatives here. Messrs. Richard and Julian Anderson, of Richmond, spent the past several days here with relatives. - y Mrs. C. L, llennis, after spending ptme time here with her father, Mr. B. II Ware, has returned to her home In ' Mt. Airy. -; .. . Messrs. J. M. Tesh A Sons have bought the H. T. Martin bulding on SoaWstreet, and we hear that they will probably occupy it about the first of the new yearr The ladies of the Episcopal church served oysters at the Casino tonight (Tuesday) to those who were interested in getting the election returns, and netted quitaVnlce sum for their Jkrea- ury. -, 'r.-- ':''':"""'V J L, S. Shonlnger & Co., Danville's leading store, are advertising some af ? tractive values in this issue in tailored" suits and cloaks. -" They advertise that they give prompt attention to all mail orders. ; V'-V - ; ' . : ' t nur mfitrhlnir two DOUIldS Was k P rw - grown this season on tree on tht plantation of Messre. L. W. and C. L. Yate at Mayfield. S. C. Three pears alt of enormous size were pulled from the same twig. ( Mr. William Nissen, the man who xnuiufactures the celebrated yissen wagons, spent Sunday in Reidsville. He cime here to accompany ni wtie -ana children to Winston-Salem, they having spent several days here with relatives. . Hagan's tliina Store, of Greenboro, hu an attracUve adf in this issue,-This concern is one of the leading china con earns In the Stat, and Reidsville people who find it necessary to go elsewhere for imported and domestic china, tP and fancy glassware; cut glass, hammer ed brass, fancy lamps, toys, dolls aid novelties, would do well to call on this firm. Their stock is complete in avery detail and they enjoy a very large patro. age..: Mr. J. H. Walker has Issued invita tions for the marriage of his daughter, Miss Annie ice Walker, to Mr. Bayard Scales C'um'mings, the wedding to occur on the evening of Wednesday, the 18th of November, 1908, at nine o'clock, at First Presbyterian Church, Reidsville, N. C M ist Walker is one of Reidsville' . harming young'nomen and Mr. Cum- hs, fornrn'y of tW county, la a- ria ls Twai bus't of Hih Point. , Ti Reviir Co. has sold its job print ing plant to the Ware Prinlery, and the new concern will move the type, fixtuie. ad stock to the building North of the depot occupied in part by the ReldsviMe Paper Box Co., where iew and convenient offices are being fitted up. It is the intention of the publish ers of Thi Review to devote all of their time and attention to The Rrvirw news piper, and make a numbrr of improve ments in the paper. The romance of Mr. William L. Rich mond and Miss Mary E- Phillips, both of whom were injured 1 y jumping or falling from the train from the East one evening last week while on their way. to Greensboro from Union Ridge to be married, culminated Jn their marrage Sunday afternoon at 5, o'alock at St. Leo's Hospital, in .which institution both have been patients since the acci dent. Mr, Richmond's injuries were more serious than than those sustained by Miss Philips, who was only slightly bruised, while Mr. Richmond had, his right arm broken and was badly shocked and bruised, Despite the fact that he is yet unable to be up and around be snd his fiance decided V to be married anyway and so wifh the bridegroom p opped up in a ehair in the hospital ward the ceremony took place, and the happy couple received the congratula tions and best wishes of those who wit nessed the marriage. ' ' Scrofula '- Few are entirely free from it. - It may develop so slowly as to cause little if any disturbance daring the whole period of "childhood. i It may then produce dyspepsia, ca tarrh, and marked tendency to con sumption, before causing eruptions, sores or swellings. 1 To get entirely rid of it take the great blood-purifier, Hood's Sarsaparilla In usual liquid form or In chocolated tablets known as Sarsatabc. 100 doses " Imported and Domestic CHINA M A. (H A W? Cut Glass, Hammered I?rr-::, Fancy Lamp4 Mrs. Cornelia Troxler died at her home B"ar Beoaja Friday afternoon about fits o'clock, after a lingering ill ness with a complication of diseases. The deceased was the wife of Mr. A'. R, Troxler, and is also' survived by "four children, Mr. A. M. Troxler, of Greens boro, Mrs. Jennie Jones, of near Reids eille, Mis. Vannie Furcell.'of Heilsville, and Mr. Thomas Troxler, of iiearlleitis-' vdle. The deceased was 69 years old. The remains were buried at Fair Grove, of which church she had been an active member for the past twenty-five years. Yesterday morning a serious, if not a fatal affair took place near Penn's Store ia Patrick, county. The principals in the shoeing were Nathan' Taylor, aged 21, a rv l and peaceful citizen, and Jas. Leake, a. Lid character in tee neighlxw bood. The nature of the trouble could not be learned, but it occurred in the public road that c separates Henry and Patrick counties, between Penn's Store and Mayo River, early yesterday morn ing. Taylor was very badly shot in the abdomen and it is feared that he will not recover. Mr. Taylor is a cousin of our townsman, Mr. S. F. Taylor. Mr. Hunter li. Oldham, a young man about ryearrf age, formerly of Relds ?Jle, diedat wa ob the roast "of Nova Scotia on Qcfobw" 13tu. .. The-firtit in-. tTmation of Lis death came to his rela tUvte here through a notice published in this paper by the Department of HUte,' Washington, in an inquiry for legal representatives of the deceased. Particulars of his death have not been learned. His relatives are now in com munication with the government, and will probably learn about his death in a few days." The deceased has quite a number of relatives herej among them bein his grandmother, Mrs. Waynick, his aunt, Mrs. J. IL'Rascoe, and Mrs, JW, Jacobs, and two uncle, Messrs. Fletcher and James Waynick. His mother ah,o survive.. Unless there is a hold-up the growers will be out " of tobacco by Christmas. Jj'erer before la the history of the mar ket have the farmers sold so much to bacco eo early in the fall. Already there have heen three big breaks andome look for anothor this week.. 1 his is hard ly prbbabiyhWever, "as the growers ha.v about got enough of such affairs for the tinweng -The market no -"doubt needs a little rest after the strenuoiw times flurfog the past month.. The buy ers have great stocks or tobacco on hand now that has not been re-ordered and packed. Their old stocks are not as they desire, however, and every pound yet in the country will be needed by the manufacturers. They do not want it all at one time, however. Prices held up very well consdiering the condition of the market and the unwoked stock on hand. Cardenio F. King, of Boston, arrived here last night. He is the former North Carolinian and present Boston financier whose name figured so largely in the newspapers about a year ago as having suffered financial troubles so embarras sing that he fled to Europe to escape them. At present his affairs are under stood to be in better shape, as he went back to Boston, faced his problem and Courageously commenced iU solution. At one time so extensive was his oper ations thag he conducted, as a mere sideline, an expensive daily paper on which he is said to have sank huge sums of money. He is an especial friend of Col. Al. Fajrbrother, with whom he had a long conversation at the benbow hotel last night. ; This morning he goes to Burlington for a two days' stay with his mother, going then directly back to Boston. GreeSSboro Telegram. In the game of football in Greensboro Saturday, between the - Greensboro High School and Reidsville Seminary the former team had an easy victory. The Seminary' has splendid material for a successful team, but at its present stage of development the team is no match for the Greensboro line up. The team found rather stubbon resis tance from Reidsville's lino, but the speed of the Greensboro backs and the splendid interference of the High School t earn enabled them to make repeatedly long gains around Reidsville's end. The final score was 51 to 0 in favor of Greens boro High School. Nine touch downs were made and six goals kicked. The lineup for Greensboro was Armfield, Grimsley, Taylor, Townsend, Whith, Hendrix, Gillen, Denny, Lenord, Rich ardson, Porter, Coffin and ,TateThe i line up for Reidsville waa Worshara, Powell, Truitt, Basley, Lasley, Hutch erson, Neal, Burton, Hubbard, Bennett, Huffines. Umpire, Sitpt. Swift. Referee, Mr. Richardson, of Reidsville. Time referees, Trofs. Jackson and Weaver. If it is any thing you 'want from a De pendable Druir Store, just phone No. 28, and see how quick you get it. Fetzer & Tucker, The Dependable Druggists. " GREENSBORO . Business Builders. ? .'.'Don Juan." - Wonderland. -"Don Juan," Wonderland. Carry your hides to Benson's stall. "Don Juan" at Wonderland tonight. Mothers Joy will cure croup like mag ic. ; ' ; ; Stove wood already cut for sale. J. S. Deshazo. ." Barrel fresh Mackerel, 5c each. W. F. Burton. ' Remnant sale this week, at VThe Wo mn's Store." . - Foa Sale 12 or 11 loads of manure, J. S. Deshazo. - Wait for the Presbyterian Bazaar to get your dressed dolls. : Everything you need for that fruit cake at W. F. Burton's. ' Decker's Buckwheat Flour and Pure Honey atTV.F. Burton's.. See or 'phone l. P. Brown when you want your winter wood sawed.- . ' Mothers Joy '. for children, ' Goose Grease Liniment for old folks. A few fine thorough bred cockerels for sale. Mrs. B. F. Sprinkle. Ask your neighbor abut our "Seal shipt" oysters. W. F. Burton. ' J no. C. Morrison wan ts a good man to sell pianos and organs. See h'im.' If you are looking for fat beef go to Benson's stall and you will find it.. J. E. Amos has a number of second hind vehicles for sale at a bargain. Bring all of pour hide to Benson's skill and get the highest market price. You can't afford to miss "Don Juan." You can see it at Wonderland touight Fob Sale New top delivery wagon, light and durable. J. H. Smith & Bio. Mothers Joy will cure Pneumonia at once. Mothers, you cant afford to take the risk. ' Oui line of staple and fancy groceries wis never so complete as now. W. F. Burton. . . .- -. What sort of furniture "do you need? Just name it and we'll show it. Hall Chance 'Co. In looking for bargains be sure to go where bargains realty exist. Ha'I ChanceCo. - A good Jine of cereals, and evgry package guaranteed fresh and pure. W. F.llurton. Don't buy your Christmas dressed dolls until you see those at the Presby terian Bazaar. Our men's $3.00 shoes are the best on the market, come and see them. Wootton Bros. Mothers Joy is made from pure Goose Grease mutton suet, crude oil and other healing ingredients. . ; -; , Call, en J. E. Amos if you want the best buggies made. He sells the Co lumbus and Rock Hill buggies. - Our holiday stock highest in quality, j broadest in variety, fairest in price. Hall-Chance Co., the Furniture People, j Have you seen our new china? .Six j decorated cups and : saucers and six places all ror one dollar. Hall-Chance Co. Fob Rknt Rooms furnished or not, as desired, practically in the heart of the city, For articulars apply at this office. . Mothers, why is it you will let-your babies suffer with colds when you can get a box of Mothnrs Joy and cure them in one aight. '"" '- - -': Wasted To buy timber from 500 acres up, any one having timber forile pleae communicate with A. M. Fell, Greenville, Pa! , . ' Come and take a look at our sample stove in oqr china department. Ifyotf" need one it will fill the bill. All sizes' at' Hall-Chance Co's. - . - No need to pay 5 and 6 dollars fb'r shoes when you can wear the ''Keehlahd shoe for $4.00, thefe are no better shoes made. Wootton Bros. - - ' When you want your suit neatly cleaned and pressed, 'phone Broadnax's Barber Shop, All work sent for and delivered. 'Phone No. 10. '.. : ' Wasted About forty women to work in the Inspecting Room of The Ameri can Warehouse Company, Address" R. E. Wall, General Manager, Spray.'N. C. Lost Oo Saturday between Northern end of Reidsville and my " hoir-pfliCar Mr. Will Wray's farm, a purse contain ing about $45 in greenback." Liberal re ward if returned to Aafon Settle, R. F. D. No. 8, Box 7. Wanted To hire a, few .teams to haul 75,000 feet of pine lumber to Reidsville, distance 11 miles', level roads. ,WiU pay $4.00 per 1,000 feet.at t.he rate of 3, 000 feet por day. John R. Garter, Nub in Ridge Lumberman. , . Staple and Fancy GLASSWARE Dolls, Toyc, Novelties Get the best and the cheapest by get ting them at otir store'. Mattings, rugs, luce curtains and art squares. A com plete line of each at llalt-Cliaiice Co's. The Review has a scholarship good for a business course in one of the high est class commercial schools in the South. The scholarship will be sold at a reasonable price. If yon desire a really hifrh grade course, "address this office for further particulars. . r"'--' Notick Under the lawj'any person who hunts upon the lands of another without ha viug first obtained permis sion, is guilty of a misdemeanor, All parties are warned against violating the law as to my lamlson llavS fjver, adjoin ing T. W. Hopkins and VHhere. The annoyance botlj . day and "night has be come unbearable, and I shall enforce the luw rigidly against alfalike. Mrs. Belle S. Whitted, by H. II. Scott, Atty. "Lastforevcr," irjisses', boys', ladies' and men's hosiery is unexcelled in wearing qualities) permanency of dye, depth of shade, sanitary qualities, com fort to feet. 'Made from" seiected cotton,- uuinjured by "Lastforever" dye. These hose are positively guaranteed to last a boy three months wilhoat darn ing. If any pair fails to wear as we guarantee, return it to us and anew pair will be furnished you. Price & Clark. Tho public aro hereby warned not to go on tho lands of R. P Richardson Sr., with or witnout guns or dogs. I ask everybody to observe tlm notice. E, M Redd, Agent. f . Bnn Duke to Build. IVenjamin X. Duke, brother of James B. Duke, head of the Tobacco Trust, is to have a new palatial residence iu New York, having retained au architect to build it for him at Fifih Avenue and Kitrhty ninth Street. The six and a half 'story building will,,occupy a plot 00 by. 100 feet The cost, including the land, is estimated at nearly fifmfXto. Sure! Whv not? Isn't there' 100.000 tobacco growers keeping right on in tie old; way in which they , furnished money for mansions, yachts, automo biles and other tine things? Why, those trust fellows roast do something with the oodles of money that suckers give up. Southern Tobacco Journal. HOW 18 YOl'K DIGESTION. Mrs. Mary Dowling of No. 228 8th Ave, San Francisco, recommends a remedy for stomach trouble. She says: "Gratitude for the wonderful effect of Electric Bitters in a case of acute indi. gestion, prompts this testimonial. I amjully convinced mat lor.eiomacn and liver troubles Electric Bitters is the beet remedy on the market to day." ... . . 1 i . . ! . l! inis great ionic anu wierauve meui eme invigorates- the system, purifies the blood and i especially helpful in all forms of female weakness. 50c. at W; S. Alkn's and Fetzer & Tucker's drug stores. ' ... - ' - Murdered and Thrown On R. R. Tracks Pitts, Ga.. Nov. 2. Mystery sur rounds the dcifh here of Vims Hall, whose body was 'found, on taa K;aboar3 Air lino trnrl-s near the OuJf I.lm Junction, with the head completely severed and with an ugly knife wound in the sido. The coroner's jqry decided that young Hall was murdered and his body placed on the track to make his death appear accidental. ' Shot Dead From Ambush. Grafton Staibuck, aged forty-five, a prominent miller of Gauloy IJrldgo. hear Clii)Testc)h, Wl, Va was shot and Instantlf killed as be was leaving his home, by an unknown assas?in, who was In ambfish nearby. Mr. Starbuck was active in the rtcent fight against Saloons 1 Kayette county, and it is . said that hiz life had been threatened j on this account.-it is known that the murdered man has been afrall of trou ble since the runnty has beca "dry." ' ' Girl Killed In a Tetif. ' j A large stone, thrown over 200 yards by a quarry blast, caused tho death I of Dorothy Rhodes, sixteen years oldj at St. Louis. She was lying in a tent 200 yurds south of the city work house when the stone struck the tent's 1 centerpolo. The pole fell upon the girl and Wiled her. , Fell 235 Feet to Death. Two foreigners met death at Jerome, Somerset county. Pa, They were about to descend a shaft to go to work on tho nght shifty when they fell 235 feet to the bottom. Mike Zerok, aged thirty Are, was one of the men. The name of the other Is hot known. ' . $1.00 Pants for 50 cents. $5 00 Fants for $3. Boys Stilts at special prices. $5 Overcoats like we had last winter For-menr-ladieSrboysrgirlSr-babies.- Zach-; H. i Weal CASH STORE . '1 Court Acalnst Rev. W. Holcombc. A few months apo The Heview pub lished a story to the eH'ect that Kev. Walter Holcombe, an evangelist who is known to a numler or lleiilsville people, hail been indicted andcouvicted of the charge of using ugly language in the presence of ladles during one of his sermons. J he evangelist is a native of Mt. Airy, this State, and for seven! years w.is termed "the boy evangelist." I'pon bis conviction in the ower court of Georgia the evangelist appealed to the eourt of appeals, which h;is just affirmed the decision of the lower court. ' "The defendant was clearly guilty and the record presents no reversible error," declares the State court of" appeals in sustaining the verdict againuf Kev." Mr. Holcomlje, of Cartersville, convicted of using "profane, obscene, and vulgar language in the presence of females." The Atlanta. Journal in reporting the decision of the higher court, says: Dr. Holcombe, an evangelist, and a son-in-law of the late Kev. Sam 1. Jones, was indicted for certain remarks he made at a meeting in the Cartersville tabernacle, in the presenco of ladies. He appealed the case and the higher court sustains the verdict of guilty, "It was not the ribaldry of some low grade comedian in a second class theatre," said the court;' "It was the indecent jest of a minister of the gos pel,t made in a house devoted to the sarvice of God, in the presence of some three thousand worshippers, aimed at a certain female inem)er of the congrega tion whose excess of adipose upon au unmentionable part of her ''person happened to excite his attention." The case against KvangcliU Holeoiobe has been iu the public eye at intervals for several months, and' has attracted wide attention, because of its unique features and the piomiijcuee of thuJ minister. ,' The annual tabernacle revival meet ings were in progress in Cartersville, and Kvangeli.it IMcombe was iu charge o" the "services. A ni:eling for men only had been advertised and arranged for a particular Sunday afternoon, and it is recorded that a great crowd gathered. Kev, Mr. Oliver was to address the men. Following the services for men the regular services" were te be held. On this particular Sunday afternoon it began to rain very hard just lefore the meeting for men was to begin, and a number of women sought shelter under the tabernacle. The court record shows that Minister Oliver, who was to address the men, suggested that the women, retire, so the meeting could proceed, us por sehedu e, Evangelist Holcombe advised the women to retire, aud his remarks were such as to lead to his indictment and subsequent conviction for using "pro fanej obscene and vulvar language in the presence of. females." ' The minister rein uks, aeco.ding to. the record, were aimcii at one particular woman, whose back was turned to the rostrum from which he Was talking. She was a particularly large woman, and his remarks referred, in part, to her adipose. In passing on the case, the court of appeals declares that the word "pro fane" is regarded as surplusage, wheru t'je language set forth is, as a matter of law, not jirofane, but is obscene and vulgar. "As used in the code, obscene and vulgar language includes any foul words which would rcasonaby oflcud Uiu sense of modesty and decency of the woman, or women, or any part of thorn, in whose presence they were uttered." Evtngebst Holcombe will have to pay the fine of $00 arid the costs w hich was imposed by the trial judge al Cartersville, SKVfcN VKAUSOK ritOOC "I have had seven yearsof proof that Dr. Knag's New Iicovery is the bett medicine to take for coughs and colds and 'for ery 6iscasU condition ot tlaroat, chest and lung," says W. V Henry, ot I'tin&rua, No. The world, las had thirty-eight jeais of proof that Dr. King's New Discovery is the best rem edy tor coughs and coldp, la grippe, asthma, hay fever, bronchitis, hemo rrhage of the lungs, and the early stages of consumption. Its timely use always prevents the development of pneumonia. Sold under a guarantee at W. S. Allen's and Fetzer 'i ucker's drug stores, 50 c, and (1 00 a bottlo. Trial bottle free. . . " I hifve on my 1!J07 tax books a good many taxes ,ybt .unpaid, and will say I have waited just as long us I can. I must have, theunoney andji. parties owing tlie taxes don't pay them now . I am going to levy and make them. Re spectfully, M. F, Pin nix, Sheriff. See and OPPORTUNITIES F O R N O V EM BER Our showing embraces all that is best in Style nud Quality. Plenty of NEW THINGS to claim your attention this week in DRESS GOODS, SILKS, SATINS, TAILORED COAT SUITS, SKIRTS, WAISTS. TURS, WRAPS, SWEVTEKS, SILK PETTICOATS, Knit and Muhliu Underwear, and1 all the latent novelties in Ladies' Furuibhings. See our Kefunant Counter for Bargains in Chil dreu's. School Wear. OUR MILLINERY Is dainty and full of newness just the styles that are approved by the smartest dressers. You will find here what your are looking for. l-s. Cornie THE WOMAN'S STORE Quality and Style" r V 1 X THERE'S A BEAUTY IN GOOD JEWELRY not 10 be resisted : And if you want to see good jewelry of every variety ficm a baby pin to a ieweled collar come here.- 1 FOlt AUTUMN BRIDES there is a s rt dally Ere (election of sifts which you may choose at once and have re leivcd until needed, lltj range in price for the least expensive to the very eottly with the great majority of a moderate cost. Can 1 show you? Yours very truly, 10 c. Lead ng Jeweler and Optician For You Another. car of. new. Buggies just in. Also a nice line of Surreys, with harness for all of , them. We can suit you. Try us. GILES & MONTGOMERY Hardware Co. Hotel Marlbbrpi Broadway, 36th and 37th SU., Herald Square, New York r;w, $1.50 7rA uprari. 2.00 trA A Plt, Bwlmn A BA J.iV-l.w.ti HpwadJ . tUQO UM bv w ptntm oetupy fUxm . a , , WRITE rOB BtH)HLt T. ' '"" SWEr,TEY-TIERNEY HOtEL COMPANY Iran & Co.; .tlrtwf. " - M0MS01 We do you a favor when we sell you a Chattanooga PLOW Wo call attention tp our "Empire" Grain Drills- Six end Eight Diet or Hoe, and ' Osbrne" Steel Fiama Die Har rows, which we would be glad to show you . SASH. DOORS, BLINDS. Everything in HARDWARE. WHITTEMORE-MOBIY HARDWARE QO. ; to See Most Centrally Located Hotel on Broadway. Only ten minutes walk , to 2i leading theatrei. Completely;" renovated and transformed in every' department. Up-to-date in all rti imwts. . TelcDhone in each room. Four Beantifal Diniof iUofna with Mpaaty or iuv. . , - The Famous j German ReslAtnrant. Jmr't rh'iml lttrartioB for Spe cial Food Dishes and Popular Music.

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