IHDJSESTIOB ? I DYSPEPSIA? I FLATULENCY: ? 1 FOf? SPEEDY RELIEF. THE GENUINE ; HAS THE RED ON THE FRONT OF EACH PACKACE A NO THE SIGNATURE AND SEAL OF J.H.ZEIL.N&CO.. ON THE SIDE, IN RED. ktA Stitch I In Time I A' f haves Nine" - $ A very tiue saying1, it is. ; ? $ A bad cold or cough oft-times S & rives y u a "stitch" in the side, ,V l&ck or ctcst that is unpleasant or alarming. . J Our medicines will tave ycu V $ mnny a "stitch" both in puree u and health. $ & GARDNER DRUG CO f j The Store has everything that ? h anybody else has and some ; ,o i things that nobody else has (4 - -- - . "' - - w LAND SALE By virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Uockinpham county, in an ncttr,n entitled "George Johnston and Mbere ajrainst E. T. Motley and oth f" then underigned Commissioner ..will, on f&feh.'-:- SATURDAY,. NOVEMBER 28, 1308, nt 3 o'clock, in front bt the Bank of Kndsville, in the town of Reidsville, HT-r for sale at public auction to the highest bidder the following described estate:' - One lot cr parcel of land lying and 1 driR in the town of Reidsville, Rock inpham county, in the Southeast fork rf Lawsonvilje avenue and Montgomery fct reet, and more particularly described 's follows: Beginning at the comer of Liwsonville and Montgomery streets Ui i hv. town of Reidsville; North Carolina, running South 5 l-2d Et 271 ft with Vmtjromery street to Martha EUing nn's corner; with this said Ellington's lino South G3 1-21 East 158 feet to l ink Wyniek's line; thence North U 8-4d E 242 feet with the line of Wny mck and the Methodist parsonage line to Lawsnnville street: thence North f8 1-2.J VV 210 1 2 ft with Lawsonville tlreet. to the first station, containing in 100 of n acre, more or less, and known as the dwelling house of the lite J. B. Johnston. .The undersigned Commissioner -will nl on , . . THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1908, Jvt one o'clock on tko following r:m i. en, oiler for sale to the highea bid dor at public auction the followi-g dc t cubed land lying and being in Pas ell - unty. Locust Hill township, and I ounckd on the North by the land of ine lata James WatlingtorJ, deceased; n the Northeast by flilaad'belonging to Carl 1'owell and others, on the old Danville and Greensboro road; on the South by the lands of J. T. Walker, William Walkec Mrs. Fannie Cobb, Mrs. Nannie Cobb and others; on the West by R, H. Johnston, George John t ton, Jsmes Walker and others; and 1 noven as the Launcelot ' Johnston rV.ee, containing 412 1-2 acres, more ct less. .. .-J.: .,..,-'.-.. Ifcu farm . has been divided into two !'ts, A plot showing the size and I "undary of each lot can be seen at any time y calling on the undersigned O'mmitisiouer. The said farm will be rKVred fir, in these lots separately, s i d then will be offered as a whole. The terms of the sale of all the above mentioned lands both in Caswell and U. loxnof Reidsville, one-half cash i ' d .the other half m twelve months' '' -i l red payments bearing interest, the ' irci.P'er having the privilege of pay- ii '' rv-.h if he so desires. Ti.Sm the 15th day of October, 1908. J. W. ?atterpield, Commiasioner, , NOTICE ILving qualified as administratrix of tHa eR,i.eof Joe Roliryr, deceased, jat r Elhorn; W. Va., this is to notify sM peraons having elaims against the "t-tte of said deceased to exhibit them t t tirKJtjreitftied at Reidsville, N. C, . r t-ctoro ihe 29ih day oi October. i")D, r U.ht notice will be pleaded in J a' .f (heir recovery. All persons in - C't!f! to s-aid estate will please make Jf.'n filiate piymeot. . ' Ijiu IJAiay NtAi Administratrix ., V Of Joe Keling. 1 hs 20th Any of Oct., 1908. R.Moirig & Gulley, Attys. -NOTICE Tlsving qnatified before the clerk cf tie upcilor-Court as administratrix of t e.' tate of J. M. Swann.. deceased, n i loo; ijiHbted to said eatatcliee - t te roriie forward and make im r.(.ate k- mnt. and all thfe having r: huh i ;yr,)r,t fuid rotate must present iJu'y ff.tid, to the rtdtaiyiftd -' ef :? U:e lUh day of OotoU r, )':, .r t ; . Mtieo will be pltal;d in l .-i' i f t.'.tir rtciv;ry. ' - .. . J-an.vje M. Swann, Admx. of J. M. Swann. : Jlllilll A Forbidden kqairy. (Ordinal. The Inst bell rang for.' the., passengers who were o: board to bid tiianJs good by to go ashore. , "Adieu, aweetheart. I.kUhII couut the hours till you return." , "Are you sure?" . "Certaiu." " Snd siipjHise I never return." "I will go and weep over your grave." "You won't have to go. 1 have no mind to be buried over there. I made my will yesterday nud gave, directions that I. I die abroad my bu.ly E-li.iil be Fent bonse ta lie iu the family lot at Avondale." , "Then I will weep there." "How Ions'" ' "For my lifetime." lie hurried ashore and stood looking from the end of the dock tip at her, throwing her kisses which she threw back nt hlai. -A .mouth .later word ws cabled from abrond that she hud .died suddenly of heart disease while climbing.-a. moun tain lu Switzerland. --.lie remained for three days' in a stupor, then was ubout to go abroad, where her mortal part was, when he rcnietubereu uer farewell words. As soon as tlu cool weather set la au oblong box was received from Switzerland aud buried in Avondale cemetery. lie was hot not Hied of J he burial by her spinster cousin, her oiily relative, who gave ''as. a reason that it would be better he should not be pres ent. But as soou as he learned of the .fact he went to the cemetery and stood uncovered by her grave, tears rolling down his cheeks. Ho had brought some plants to set out where their flowers the next tsprlug would, hang over her grave. ." Some one had been there be fore him ou a similar errand. Flowers were strewn over the mound so fresh that they must have been cut but a few hours. lie spoke of these flower3 to her cousin and asked If she had placed them. She had not and seemed surprised. lie was troubled. It Is singular that we should be jealous In case of the dead. Every Sunday afternoon he went to the cemetery, and every time, he found fresh flowers on thp grave. They must have been placed there' In the morning. The next Sunday he went, at dawn and waited and waited till 10 o'clock for this rival for the dead. At. that hour a young girl came and strewed flowers on the grave. A great relief came to J mm. lie auyanceu ana aauressea n.is fellow mourner. She had been a friend of his former fiancee. ? - Every Sunday morning these two met at the grave of one for whom they had a common love. lie grew to look forward to the meeting not so imich as a melancholy event as a reunion with one who was filling the void In his heart, a void which, If filled at all, can be done only by a living person. But this girl of flesh and blood was from the first constrained, and her constrain) had grown on her. When they met bet eyes would brighten; but, looking dow on ber " friend's grave, she seemed nfoved by some Inward emotion. u When- Winter cauie their visits were omitted by mutual consent till the spring should come. Their meetings were not, as before, on Suuday "-mornings, but oj Sunday afternoons, and were often prolonged until late in the evening.. It' was pleasater to sit by a warm fireplace than stand out lu the cold cemetery, where the winds shriek ed through the leafless branches. He besoupvit ber to marry ..him. She refused. - Pi .tin .tha-expression'-. op her face his words suynied to have: had the effect rather of chits falling on n 'cofBn than of a- great comfort. When the recuses were springing up she proposet that they go again to the cemetery, lie sighed and consented, hut at the appointed 'time he made ex cuses. She said, though with evident reluctance, that she wtnild go aloae. So ho wcut with her. Ou the way she was silent and. melancholy. , To see her one would have thought she was going to her own funeral. He carried I he Dowers to the grave, while she stood at the gate of the in -closure. ; He had strewn them when, looking up, he saw a figure coming "down the F-qdway. Shading lils eye with his hand to seo more distinctly, he staggered Kek against the iron rail. The woman over whose grave he had strewn - flowers his lost love was coining. She advanced with u slow step, a c rious expression on her face. ; There was nothlua ghostly about her.; On the contrary, she was plainly mortal. What astonished her betrothed most was that her fplend appeared lit no way wrprls'Ml at this return from the dead to the quick. "This Is a wrong I have done you," said the returned one, "and I regret It, but I laid the plan Ions; ago and re solved that I would carry It out. When v.pi artcd I beg;in a brooding Over your words that you would "weep over my-grove." s-Thou I became pos sessed with a desire bj learn how long you would weep for'. me or If you would be faithful to my memory. I gavejoni that I was dead and caused an empt; bx to,. Vo .buried here. More than that, I nrraiwd for her," pointing to his fellow mourner, "to come here to meet yon. 1 have, learned what It 1' letter I. Bhnuld.rU linow that t'.ie dead have no place In the hearts of the living that cannot be easily occupied by another." Tbe.e. were -.the only words spoken. What else was there to K:i,v? The three left the cemetery by .-.different routes and never met again. Hot far t,he mortal heart reaches into immortality U one of the hiddot secrets of l'rovldence which It is dun genus to attempt to prlve. IIEI.r.N V. WEED. WATCIJEU I IKTt.EN YEA IIS : "For fifteen year I have watchtd the w rking of faackhn'a Arnica Salvf ; and it has never failed to cure any tore, oil. ulcer or burn to which it vuza ap plied. It fravt-d us many a dorter "J' says A. FJIardyr ofEait.Wjl ton, Munjv z,c. ar W. S. ARen'a and r etz r & Tucker's drug 6tores. Oui linj of ulaple and fancy groceries m-A never so complete as now. wl 'F. Burton. Mrs. Wm. Astor Dead. Mrs. William Astor, who for more than the past thirty years has been regarded as the social leader of New York, died of heart disease at her home on Fifth avenue. For nearly four .weeks Mrs. Astor, who was eighty-two years ..of age, had been in a critical condition owing to the return of a heart affection that had given her trou ble for years. There Is not a name in the social register that is so well knuwn from one end of the land to the other as that of Mrs. Astor. Despite her ad vancing years, Mrs. Astor continued to hold her social domination up to a year ago, when falling health com pelled her to retire into comparative seclusion. It was In the summer of 1907 that Mrs. Astor's friends learned of her ill health. While she was abroad last year her son, Colonel John Jacob As tor, made the announcement that Beech wood, the summer home of Mrs. Astor at Newport, would not be open ed, and this-, led to the discovery that Mrs. Astor was in poor health. Word came later from Mrs. Astor while she was in Paris, saying that she would open her Newport villa and that' she would make the season there one of the gayest In years. This pVomise was not fulfilled, how ever, for when Mrs. Astor returned from abroad she broke down In Boston and had to return to New York, She had remained at her home ever duee. The society functions given and pre-t sided over by Mrs. Aastor, nave gone down into history as the most bril liant on record. It is said that the ball room In the mansion on Fifth avenue would accommodate . 1000 people. It was Mrs. "Astor who established tho famous "400," her visiting list being confined to that number of names. In 1905, however, Mrs. Astor was said to have "let down the bars" when she In vited 1200 persons to one of the most memorable social events ever given In New York: Mrs. Astor received her guests at these gatherings seated In a high-backed chair beneath-'a portrait of herself, painted by Carolus Do-ran The Astor jewels were worn by Mrs. Astor on these occasions. It is said the Astor emeralds are the fiiest in the world. WUHam Astor, who died in Papls m 1892, took little part In the social activities his wife enjoyed. Mrs. Astor before rnajriage was Miss Carolina Sehermerhorn, a daughter of Abra ham Schermerhorn, a well-to-rto mer chant. She was married t Wil.'lam Astor on SPt 23. 1.S53. John Jaeob Astor was their only son. Thai e were tour daughters, two of them, Mrs Ogilvie llaig and Mrs. Orme Wilaan, are now living. The eldest daughter, Miss Emily Astor, who married J. J, Van Alen, died some years ago, as did Miss, Helen Astor, who married James Roosevelt-Roosevelt A STEADY DRAIN. Sick Kidneys Weaken the Whole Body Make You III, Languid and Depressed. Sick kidneys weaken the body through the continual drainage of life-giving albumen from the blood into the urine, and the substitution of poisonous ui it; acid that goes broadcast through the system, sowing the seeds of disease. Loss of albumen causes weakness, lun guor, depression. I'ric poisoning causes rheumatic pain, nervousness, nausea, cricks in the back, gravel ami-kidney stones. The proper treatment is a kid ney treatment, ami the best remedy is Dean's Kidney Tills. Great ,Kuidsvilla cures prove it. ,.. ,., . . Mrs. Lillie Grant," living on Cotton Road, Reidsville, N. C, says: "I have used Doan.!s Kidney Bills wifli exeellaat results and am glad to recommend them. They gave me prompt relief from severe pains through the small of my buck, and since using them jhave. fait a great deal better. I itfocwtkl Doum'i Kidnef HilTcat Hrittt1a'g drug storo, ad fee results obtained wore so rifMfauky that 1'tbink a suiiuwiliofi wf their me will result in a cwmp'leU- ears. I hope that ethers who are sifeiing from kid ney trouble will try Doan's Kiduey Bills as I know they will obtain prompt re lief." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents, Foster-Milburn Co., Buffulo. New York, Sole agents for. thu 1'niled States. Remember the name I)oan's and take no other, . Docs This Suit You? Brittain, tthe enterprising druggist, of Reidsville, is having such a large run on "Hindipo," the new Kidney Cure and Nerve Tonic, and hears it bo highly praised that they now offer a guarantee in it for every case to wire all forms of Kidney Troubles and Ner vous Disorders. They pay fr it if it docs not give you entire satisfaction. ' If you use it, it is their risk, not yours. A 60-cent box Bent by mail un der positive guarantee. Four more years of Roosevelt. Will son Nick's prophecy come true ! Teddy if possible js a huppier man today thbii Tatt. ' . MAKE ICE CREAM FROM WATER and a small quantity of condensed milk, if fresh milk cannot be had.) H pint spndenMd milk eoaU . . , ,06c Add en?ugh cold water to iake one nan ........... .00 Vlil 131 II l'i t'owder. .13c Total . . . . , , . , .lc Mix all together thoroughly and freeze. Don't heat or cook it; don't add anything else. This makes two quarts of delicious ice cream in 10 minutes at very small cost. AND YOU KNOV IT'S FUR. Fivt kindt ; Chocolate. I 'a nilfa. Straw terry, Ltmon shJ t ' kluvortd. 2 packages 25c a'c all grocers. ' Illustrated Recipe Book Free. Tht Gwkm Pun Food Co., I Roy, N, . : A Dlunder. Origlnal.1 'When I left home for Miss Ilartuou's school for girl my father lived lu Illi nois. When I was graduated be had removed to Bankton, N. ,y. He gave me the streetaad number, but he was e lawyer, nud lawyers were in those dtys proverbial for their wretched handwriting, so 1 found It dlfllciilt. ti make out the address. As near as I could come to deciphering the name of the street It was Lafayette. This was not correct. - It was Sabelle .street Leaving the station on my arrival. I took A cab and told the driver to take me to CO Lafayette street When I eaw the house I was surprised that ! my father could afford to live in lt I had left a two" story frame -cottage la the west to come to t four atorjr stem front house in the enst. ; , I paid the coachman and. gvuig up the stoop, rang the bell. A maid came to the door Whom 1 had never f eefl, and I told her to to'l mother tftat 1 had ronie from school. She nsked me whorfi t he should say had Conie. t tebj Y.nt "her daughter,' of cor.rf.iV and. going into the drawing rodai, looked about ine at the h.indsome furniture, atlll wondering how father had been able to purchase It. The maid went upstairs to make the renvonneemcnt. I waliel iui!e a long while for her return. When the camo-down she told me that no one was at home except my mother, who had recently hsd a cata ract removed from one of her eye awl was obliged to remain ia a dark room. I was surprised, for I had not been In formed of there being anything the matter with her eye, and as the maid said I was to go np to her 1 ran up stairs and through a room that hud beeu darkeuedrso that one entering my mother's room should not let in any light. The chamber occupied by my mother was so dark that I couM scarce ly see my hand before my face. 1 didn't know which way to turn till she called ine, and even then I went In the wrong direction til, she had done so several times. Then-1 found her sit ting in an easy chair and pnt my arms around her nock. 1 , "Wiry, child." thg said, "wjiy dji yoa wrire us that yon wwold aome tomor row? Yonr bjPotherAWould hare met y 041 at the. station."'! I was startled. My. moiher'a voice had changed. Couicit be that her trouble with her eye. had broken her faculties. "There's some mistake about that, mother dear," I replied. "I wrote that I was coming on Thursday. t Thursday and Friday by a bad writer may be made to look alike. Ferhapa there's where the error lies." , I was about to speak of her trouble when I beard the door of the' ante room open and shut Then the door of the room I was in opened, some one hurried in, and a man's voice said: "Where are yon, slsT "I'm here.". ' ' . . "' ;. V; "EUen told me yon'd come, and come a day 'ahead of time." . My brother Tom, ten ' years my Reolor, never called me anything but "sis" and "sissey," but there was some thing wrong with bis voice. I bad no time to wonder Vhat had caused the change when I felt mysejf clasped Jn tw strong arms and lips pressed against mine. . .: ' "What's become of yonr beard t" I asked. . -; -. . ; "Beard! I never had one. We've been counting on your coming. Moth er b shnt ap ger the psesenf. but shell conie out nJJ right. The doctor says she may ha e the light in one week more. Awful glad to see you I mean to feel you. ha, ho,! Can't toe any thing In here. f Have to'rely on the touch." And be gave me another good hug and several ' kisses. "But come out Into the light.. I want to see how you've Improved. You won't mind, will you, motherr "ot If yo'.i don't kee; ber toe long." Putting kl arm arouad my wnist. he led. m oHt firei. the anterostH. nad. optMiiu? tk outer" door., we rtood o,a the threshold - between- the room and ftie baH. I ray we stood there, and f o we did We didn't ret any farther, ct lenct.eot jurt'ihen. Xexer. were two peop!a more n 't:).iir'! '7. ltt-.t ildprer!. We were wi ll re t ' : ?: each oJher. 4 "Gr .' .r!:!'" wo -his exclamation-. "Ilcavi"!'!" was mine. He (I:opieJ his urui r.a if It bad been shot, and I tjuleklj drew away. ; " "How In the name of- - 'I munt hire got ii?-the wrong" At this o!nt be regthied 'm eqca iitmlty ."If you're not my rlstcr, jOT're certainly worthy to l e any one's sister. At my nite. I'm happy to make yoar -aetpinliitance, even by mistake, though I assure you I don't usually on so slight an acquaintance" He paused, and my face flushed crim son. .'... .'.-..:. "Come," he said reassuringly, "tell me how It happened." I told him my story, and be replied that his own sister, who had iwen away from home on a long visit, was expected the next day. He Insisted that I needed a luncheon and ordered one, and while L was eating It he tele phoned for a carriage. Whea Jt came bo got In with me and began ft hunt for ine for mys home. ; My father's name was not in the directory, but ! told my new found friend that he was an attorney, and. driving to the office of one of the profession, wf learned the address. Ten minutes later I was with my own family. . Tho family Into which .1 had blun dered became my intimate frleads ?he daughter called on me, and thf on has been so attentive to me as tv iwe shall see. I FLORENCE NORTON. HOW IS VOIB DIOESIIOJf, Mrs. Mary Dowling of No. 228 8th Ave , San Francisco, recommends a remedy for stomach trouble. She ssys: "Gratitude for the wonderful effect of Electric Bitters in a case of acute inc"i. geati n, prompts this testimonial. I am fully . convinced that . for stomach and liver troubles Eleettic Bitters is the best remedy on the market to day." This great Kmc and iterative medi cine invigorates tha rysterr, purifies 'he-Hood and i- especially helpful in all fotms of female weakne-a. 50c. at W. S. Allen's and Fetzer A Tucker's drug stores. Aim: Shorn of Her Crc vJ cf leant? tests Ia Love t..J jrirrbss.- Hair is certainly most necessary to woman. Who could love oad marry a bald heaJfed w6man? What charms could one array to offset such a disfigur ment? ' ... . . ,- : ..." A woman's goal is usually love and marriage. Her crowing glory is her hair. The loss of her hair . mars her beauty, happiness and success. Yet, right here in Reidsville, there are thousands of women who are neglecting or injuring their hair to such an extent that it is only a matter of time' when it will be utterly ruined. - v : Many wotyen destroy the beauty of their nair through thoughtlessness or ignorance of certain facta. They use curling if orti over heated, or to excess which destroys the natural oil of the hair, cauiiaf It to split, break and come out. they do not shampoo their hair often enough, or too often. ' Tbey use soap or preparations which eontJtn in gredients poafavely harmful to the scalp and hair. ' , As A rdsultof such treatment, dind ruff Is created!, the . hair loosens, loses color, fal'sout.and badnesseommeiees unless proper and prompt precautions are taken io time; Then again, microbes and Certain diseases bring about un healthy scalp andhair conditions. Almost anyone may rid themselves of dandruff and disease d scalp and hair if they will but use the right remedy. We have that remedy and we will postively guarantee that it will either eure dand ruff and baldness or it will not cost the user anything. That's a pretty broad statement, but we will back it and prove it with our own money. Rexall "93" Hair Tonic is the remedy thai will grow hair and over come all scalp and h ur troubles. It will grow hair even on bald heads, unless all life in the hair roots has been extinguish ed, the folicles closed, and the scalp is glazed and shiny , It gets its name from the fact that it grew harr fa 93 out of 100 cases, whret received thoroughly hard, Impartial knI piyetial test.' We. want you io try Re'xal "98" 'Hair Tonic at our risk', Ten surely eaanot lose anything by doing so, while you have'evtrytbing to gain. Ton had bet ter think thiiover, and then come in and see us abofit this offer. You wiH be well repaid ror your visit te our store. Fetzer A Tucker, The Dependable Drug" gists.". .,' Society Women Some Spf ndJUurrdr eds of Dollars i Yw on Their Heir. Leaders of society in New York knew the social value of, attractive hair, and according to a metropolitan (newspaper every society woman spends a great deal of money to keepher hair beautiful and resplendent. ' v' V ' These women employ highly paid hair dressers and specialists, and so long as they have the money to gratiry their desire for beautiful hair" Bone should complain. (! But what about the thousands upon thousands of women just as intelligent, just as refinedtand just as lovable as any soeiety woman, who have not the means for expert hah- dressers and specialists?' ; -----;---.- - -r-yr- What are tliey to do? Aje they hdt entitled to beautiful, lustrous and luxuriant hair?'. ' Most assuredly 'they are, and thou sands of them give lhanks daily to the great scientist sad dermatologist who put within their reach, at a small prise, the marvelous and ejuiok acting hair tonie known all over Ameriea as Pari sian Hage. ii. ;. Brittaia will sell you a large bottle of Parisian Bags for SfJ ceats. It wiH make woman's hair grow thieker, mere beauti ful aid mere Justroutc m a very few days; It cures dandruff by kUhng the mi crobes and is guaranteed by Brittain to cure dandraffstop falling hair and itch ing scalp in two weeks, or money back. Get a bottle while iU on your mind. It is a most pleasant hair dressing, and is not sticky or greasy. For sale by -Brittain or direct, all ex press charges 'prepaid. froraGiroux Mfg. Co., Buffalo, K. Y. CROUP QUICKLY CURED Don't Let the Child Choke to Death White Waiting for the Doctor. Ilyomel, the miraculous, antiseptic. dry air treatment, will cure croup in either the first or second stages. Easily inhaled, even when the breathing is Ir regular, it reaches more promptly than any other remedy the terribly inflamed membrane of the windpipe. Its. soothing- balsams act immediately, the Inflam mation is allayed, and tlw swelling re duced. . ; ! -: .- "Not long ago our little boy, Walter, awoke in the fjight with a bad attack of croup. We allowed him to inhale Hy omei; he began to breathe easier, and in half an hour was last asleep. I am glad to speak f good work lor a remedy that wil robveroup of its terrors." Rev. Geo. SUson, pastor of M. E. church South Londonderry, Vt. - llyomei (pronounced lBgh-o-me) Is guaranteed by Brittain to eure catarrh, coughs, colds.; asthma, bronohitis and croup,1 or 1 wewey baeh.- A - eompiet4 outfit, iacluiing a oeat hard rubber , pocket inhaler, costs only $1.00. An j extrajbottle brf llyomei, if afterwards j needed, costs but oO cents. h ... . - " If jou 8oni . It ia your" business 16 keep out of ad the trouble you can and you can and. will keep out of liver end bowel trouble if vcu Uke Dr. King's New Life Bills They keep bUi'tusness, malaria and Jaundio cat oar sjs'em. 25:. at W S. All.n'ssnd fetzer ft Tucker's drug stores. IO TO . VIK If SISTEO - . . TTT ' l?t the treatment a ooiDulL-te trial: and if Ton WtojOTttire nwtUooTlontyou12cenNawrtk or Kiw than two cntaadaT U Zl 7 5 f'ro.r,work r occupation. Jail mi ita a i tUntt. trll ma how yon J a wish, and I will amd yotrtha tmt'mit for y.ur.tv. mittrt-lr frw In plain wriJ EnCJ2r?m?1, 1 rmnn rf ml my tk "WOKIH I OWI MFBItal UtlUIC with JPitnriUntraMonBhowlh why womn orir. and how theT canmailrruirthnnaeiTca) SV-S-rwm womn ahould kam it, and Imrn to Sink hr kvlf. Thn whpn the doctor aara "rrz " ..'J 'I'. " 7oa aa "" "y a rrmoay. it cura is rm'f noma trvatmmt whlrh iTedllT and eln g" j f " ai" Jtanatrnatloa In youtig Xadfaa, Kuniputwa and health always revolt from a-r)W.-'mZ??J'T'-"n TT"? to Iwtlaa of your own lor,my whaknowand will (tladly 22jyJrrTJKi! ,Treany aofnnll mi-n'8dls.Vsi. aad mak women wWl. traof, Blamn and roboi. Jml wnt at fw H1rj, and tho fr. ti-nrtny a treatment toyour aiaa tk book. .Writ to-day, aa you may not aua lliU oir.-r !. Addrtwa ' MRS. M. summers, BoxH - - Notro Damtj, Ind., O. S.A. OJ JEFFERSON Fine for Highballs fAs a gentlemen's drink J e f f e r s o n C 1 u b Whi ke y is iccognized as the standard in Quality and rich flaver. Guaranteed absolutely, pure and recommended for family and dub use. Ask for "Jefferson Club1 and see that you get it v Guaranteed under the aatknal pure food law. StTaaS. GuilSt & Co Mw Distributors I 4 V .Vn'l Vm f, WWVr-rawaf Vi .Irf' mt . PEE L E Commercial Schools are North Carolina' oldest . nd und'sputably the highest clans. , During Seplember we offer special discount to teachers, high -school pupils and gradual buiiness men who are handic i)fed for want of bustneM training, and all who have fair knowledge of Kngliah, spelling, and arithmetic. No catchpenny method t. Built for intelligent people. JUD50N PliEtE, rrcbldent, tiiecuBboro.N. C. I Oldest business schools in the State. REMOVAL Three times in less than three yt or I have had to increase my facil ties to meet the ' increasing uemand ef my frafrons. - ---' ' -;' Tne growth of my business made it necessary for me to seek larger q iarr teis and . bave moved from P. H Wil liamson Co. 's store into the Eilinctnn building, directly opposite the Sheriff's office, where I have in stork a full line of Watches and Jewelry of the txst quality at the lowest y rices ooneiutent with good-goods The most difficult repair wark solic ited. All Fork guarantees'. One in and look ever my goods arid get pries. Yours to Serve, ' G. I. REED s Fresh .' Turnip Seed 75ppubdsj ust recci v ed;at ALLEN ' 5 DRUG - STORE Guaranty SAFi mo, 7m five years olUI" ' Free Safety Razor With every order for three or 4 3-4 gallons of our "Korking Korn" . 3 faSons, $5.95 12 qnarts, - $6.45 4 34 gak.J8.4S 16 quarts, - $8.95 This is a High-Class Old Cora Whiskey, Yellow and Mellow." Express charges prepaid and losscg and breakage rrade good.Our shipping house ia nextdoor, to. express ,oi!ice, , which gives us the best and quickest shipping facilities. ILnd money order with order and write for big price list A. Hatke & Co.) Distillers (Richmond, - Va. P. X Box 371. J Established Wl80Q.B06 EomI Carr Stmt rr ta Voj and Every tUtertlS" rln frerri Woman's AtienU I am m woman. 1 kuor woman ' roffarlnga, 1 baT found the cure. I w IU c:nll, (roe of aur chanra. nVasMtftnij w-oiuan a aiiiuuuu. 1 waut tu tril H women about thw cure-tw, my rulr, for joutbcU, tout daughter. iuriuothcr,orouri(7r. I aiit to tU you tow to our our-H lvK at hum wuhp out tlu- help of a doctor, tlm caaaai tuutcntiuMi jiL-n ,-uoifruiKa. v nai we woiuea know tnm MFffitBci, wo kuoar twttr than any due tor. I kuow i!it niy boinp trmtment In aafe and aura ctrf.rlcmiiirWWiiidnfnt, Dctntioa 0 MacmMt tr lali! tt mk, rnlM. Ictitr ar HitUt r.n., dhiwi wi iwih innwa, w CrawtM; aw aataa a) ttrt, Uc tnt kovttt, knm tcrnn tiMiait. maMU rrwtmi Httm tM dm, attWt, Hun la tn.H !"". tiitiKsi, Mott. tri tittto, keuUn tau cumJ aj mkiu i m atculix to our m. I ivaut to aond yoa a mathti In ttf Httoaal Cfitrlf lr to nroT to you that you can cur ourulf at boioa, t-mnllj, quietly ajid lor y.mrneir. Thooaamla of women havarnrd Hi at nmg. T ttolatri ef Qaatirrrt, 1 will raplaln tul taallf rurra riicorrhm, cirwn 8icknand CLUB WHISKEY Icf .... .... .. . PMttltlKWIKI I i i! WD. Burton Contractor Headquarters now in Reidsville. . Houso PftiLtiog, Wall Paper ing, Kol8omiuir.sr, lJecor aiing arid Prtttt i g ' a fpocially. 1 hare' a long repu'ation tnrougli Soutn iflmijna, Jiorth OnroliHa Dd Virgin ia of beiog ono of the best in my line, --, -."'-'--if..-W .-'".-' -'.,;:. ''.'; '.'' -.:''' '' .." '; Letrae fijruro with vou on i yvv ivfyi'JUj Address Keids .villsr tuniter.S. C. TR. J. W. MtQEH:H OllIc came as formerlv occupied tj Williams &. UcGekee, ih Bank of Raids v.Ue building. . 'I'bnfie 50, Residence Phone t0-l Cx-Uay and Masiago Treatment. .. DR. J. K. MEAROR. - D! NTI3T. - Office Ovur Ciliaeus Bank Formerly o cupio4by Dr, Uommger. 3 HMi Free Watch Fob With, every order for one or "two gallons of our v"Kor!ring Korn" TpUa'C "52.45 " 4quaiir 2 gallons, - $4.70 8 quarts, 24 phV.s, or 48 half pints,- - J4.9S $6.70 n

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