The Reidsville Review TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. 'Hi2 REVIEW COMPANY, (Incorporated) ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR. 3E1DSVILLE, FEB. 16, 19C9. The Taft administrationVems to be inviting Knox ore it has even begun administrating, paragraphs the Danville Register. Mail carriers are holding their heads h gh these days. In the, future rural carriers will get a salary of $ 1,000 a year, and city carriers will receive f 1,200. The Wilmington Star thinks it strange to read these days of a delegation of citizens going to Raleigh to urge before the Legislature "better regulation of the sale of liquor in their county." The Congress, as usual near the end or the session, finds itself very much behind with its work and will have to hold night sessions in order to dispose of the big appropriation bills. The last issue of the Madison Herald Ex-Senator Reid's defeat was attributable directly to the disaf fection among the Democrats of the eistern part of the county on account of the court house fight. Exactly. But some time ago the Herald said that the tobacco trust spent $3,000 in lleidsville to cause Mr. Keid's defeat. The New York World vigorously con tends that the Democratic party is not dead nor even near -dead. It points out, among other things, that the party polled ,o'J3,l.SJ votes last fall, an in crease of 1,315,211 over 1094, as against a Ik-publican increase of 14,900. In utner words, the Democratic gains were -i iO times greater than Republican gains. We regret that the Leaksville Gazette Ins decided to suspend publication. The publication of the paper, says the Ga jrette, costs it annually $o00 more than it receives from it, and has made a pre ent of this sum to the business and oilier interests of the community. The iazette, however, will later on be resiis ticated, and we look for its reappear ance with a degree of pleasure. A Valentine F?rty. The home of Mr. and Mrs. S. X. White was the centre of mirth last Fri day evening when Mrs. Felix Miles cele brated her birthday anniversary by giv ing a most enjoyabie Valentine social to the choir and official members of the First Baptist Church. The reception room was charmingly decorated in red and green, and its bright appearance must have had an exhilerating effect upon the guests, tfor no jollier crowd ever assembled to hon or old St. Valentine. There were several entertaining games, including a word contest, in which Mrs. Robert Burton and Mr. Z. 1L eal were equally successful, until theytdrew straws to break the tie, when Mrs. Burton lost and the prize, a beautiful cameo scarf, went to Mr. Neal. Mr. J. E. Heinzer ling for being the"boobv" was rewarded with a carrot pin cushion. Rev. Wm. Hedley presented the prizes. If a prize had been offered for wit and general good humor, Miss Jones, of Kerners ville, would surely have taken it. Mrs. White received in the dining room and dispersed delicious refresh ments, consisting of apricot cream, cakei wafers and fruits. The decorations were all in red, most attractively arranged. At a signal each guest pulled a ribbon and received a favor consisting of two brilliant hearts. A large birthday cake adorned the centre of the table and cut ting it occasioned great merriment and much good-natured rivalry among the guests. The lucky people were Miss Minnie Huffines the ring, Mrs. R. G. Glanstone the silver coin; and Mr. R.G. Gladstone the silver thimble. The birthday feature was not announc ed, but a number of Mrs. Miles', friends discovered it in time to present her w ith little tokens of their regards. At a late hour the company adjourned wishing themselves and Mrs. Miles many happy returns ol the day. Those present were Miss Emma Jones, Kernersville; Reidsville guests, Misses Powell, Huffines, Mesdames Hedley, Overman, Tipkin, Burton, Foy, Glad stone, Williams, Hubbard andHeinzer- ling, Messrs. Wm. Hedley, C. II. Over man, J. B. Fipkin, Z. H. Neal, II. L. Morrison, J. E. Heinzerling, R. L. Hub bard, W. II. Foy, R. G. Gladstone, and R. T. Burton. Ilarrelson Gets Hitf Verdict. In the Guilford Superior Court Greensboro Saturday the jury case of W. L. Ilarrelson vs. The Gazette says that while appreci ating Thk Rkvikw'b sorrow on account of Leaksville not possessing a recorder's court, it knowrthat our interest is sadly wasted. Says the Gazette: "Instead of fooling away $60 a month on a recorder and clerk, we are spending our money on concrete sidewalks, macadamized streets, electric illumination, and other things useful and ornamental. We have no criminal class like recorder's court towns. We are civilized over here, quiet and law-abiding. But not withstanding its crudities and delin quencies, there is yet hope for Reids ville; and that town, with its recorder's court, has our best wishes," The Lockhart sub section A bill and the Manning substitute are both still reposing in the hands of a sub-committee of the Senate judiciary committee, in spite of the fact that there came from the executive office of Governor Kitchin the past week an urgent message that the Legislature do not fail to enact at this session some adequate supplemen t ai y legislation that will impart "teeth" to the 1!07 act for the prevention of trusts and combinations in North Caro lina. It is understood now that this sub-committee will report back to the full committee its recommendations as to the two measures tomorrow after noon. Then the committee as a whole will take action and report back to the Senate. A Birthday Remembrance. Last Thursday, February' 11, 1009,was the birthday of the Rev. D. I Craig, pastor of the Presbyterian Church. The people of this church and congregation seem to have known and remembered this fact, and it was made the occasion for kindness shown to their pastor which will be long and gratefully remembered by him. Early in the afternoon parcels and packages, large and small, of various articles and good things to eat, too numerous to mention, began to pour in to the manse, and by sundown one end of the manse hallway presented the ap pearance of a full corner in a grocery at ore. It was indeed a genuine, gener ous and abundant "pounding" and it came spontaneously and universally from the people. At night about twenty-five persons of the congregation, mostly ladies, assem bled at the manse and extended their cordial and happy greeting of good cheer and best wishes. The pastor in grateful acknowledgement of the kind ness shown him, and of the sweet spirit which prompted it, attempted to make a little speech of grateful thanks and appreciation, but his heart was too full for utterance, and he desires in this public way to repeat and to express his heartfelt thanks for this manifestation of kindness so nobly and so generously shown. May God bless the people, one and all, and abundantly reward them. 1). I. at in llu the North Carolina Railroad Company reached na agreement awarding tlu pUiutiiV $!),000 as damages on account of personal in juries sustained by him while working for the company in January', 1903. He was suing for $25,000. The case was given to the jury about 3:30 o'clock Fri ilav afternoon and thev retired at 10 o'clock that night bufore arriving at a verdict. Ilarrelson was a breakeman on the Southern Railway and was injured by having his arm mashed between the cars while uncoupling the air lioie iVn Twr.rta The case was nrlcrinallv Kitchin and Carlton's case, the plaintiff living over in Caswell coun tv. Messrs. Stedman and Cooke were Amn1.1l'Oll fit AUS it in the trial. Mr. r;i,in Koinir pWted Governor, and 1JVV1" O " Mai Stedman being in Raleigh on im nortant business, the case was tried by- Messrs. Luther M. Carlton, of Roxboro, and A. Wayland Cooke, of Greensboro, i.:uti,HK,l -! reiiresentod t its regular counsel, Messrs. Wilson A FprPiLson. The case w as strongly con d.ivs. Mr. liar- ICSICU ami wv - relson was formerly a drummer and was dangerously injured, having his aim crushed at the elbow. He was at one time a night clerk at the McAdoolIotel, Greensboro. Utlng the Opportunity. About the most resourceful young person I've encountered In the real c tate line." said a Pittsburg man, "camo from Ohio. He secured a place with a real estate firm. The second evening lie was in town one of bis co-workers introduced him to an evening gather ing at the house of a well known merchant. The company, learning that the newcomer possessed a voice, invit ed him to Blng. He responded with 'Home, Sweet Home.' "Everybody was surprised at ins se lection, but as it was well done he was heartily applauded. 'Jr'hen he sur prised them some more. "StoppluR forward to the center ihp room, he said: .. rm riM,i vnn liked the sons;. There is nothinz like "Ilome, Sweet Home," and let me say that our firm is selling Ui..m on terms to suit ami f,vivo miles of the city. If you don't care to live there the fact yet remains that It's the chance of your life for an Investment.' "-Kansas City independent. The Review's Honor Roll. The following good friends and sub scribers of The Kfvikw have paid sub scriptions since our last issue: W.L.Sheffield, Oregon. R. L. Watt, Reidsville. A.L. Haskins, " Mrs. Julia Smith, " Mrs. M. F. Redd, " J.S.rinnir, " M. F. l'innix, " Jas. W. rcay, U. H.Tucker, " J. A. Brackin, Sr. " (MI. Rogers, M ss Sarah Walker, t ?V ( has. Fetzer, . " Frod Degrotte, " J. II. Owens, " W. B. Millner, " A. Wilkinson, " Mrs. J.lI. Lyle, . John Williams, " J. A. Ware, Haywood Swann, " W. G. Terry, " J. S. Desha.'., " R. S. Montgomery, " !!. M. Doll, Hickory. Y. 11. Wi.liams, R. F. D.5. J . 1". Chilton, R. F. D.3. 11. L. Williams, Benaja. W. M. Herndon, Altamahaw. J. Walther Jones, Greensboro. Miss Beulah Ilarrelson, Mclver. J. B. Worsham, Mclver.No. 1. of Sandy Cross Tidings. A dance given by Mr. F. D. Gunn was greatly enjoyed by a large number of our young people last F"riday night. Messrs. Meeks and Baker furnished ex cellent music. Mrs. Edd C. Davis, of Buckingham county, a., is visiting her motner, Mrs. M. E. King. Mr. T. S. Malloy, of Reidsville, spent Sunday with home folks. Messrs. W. A. ( raddock and C. H. Scott visited friends at Kallam Grove Sunday. Poor boys, they dont get to go often. Wonder how she likes her French poodle. Mr. N. B. Knight, of Salisbury, visit ed his parents here Sunday. Another telephone lino is going up through our vicinity. I tell you tele phones are good things, especially when one wants to discuss playing check. Mr. T. D,.Green spent Saturday and Sunday with his sister in Reidsville. Stand By Your Home Dealer. Stand by your local merchants; pat ronize the stores in your own town. Don't be tempted by catch-penny bar gains to send your money all over the country; keep it in circulation in your own neighborhood. When you see ad vertised something you want ask your d aler to get it for you or write for sam ples. But always buy the goods through your home store. By doing this you will benefit three parties: Thk Aovektibeb He will get an op portunity to do business in your town and to work with your dealer. Yoi k Dealer He will get his regular profit and an opportunity to broaden out his business. Yih hhki.k You will see what you are buying; the price will be quite as little, and peahaps less than if you buy by mail, and, moreover, you will have Uie great satisfaction of knowing that you have done your share towards support ing and encouraging local enterprise, upon which depends the growth and prosperity of your town. t.1 Ideal food for chfldren ' " Teaching the Royal Salute. Crossing the deck of the Kaler Wll helm II. royal yacht with a large mug of beer In bis hand, one of the (tailors was startled by the sudden appearance of his royal master. He made n most clumsy attempt to salute with his free band, while bis anxiety to prevent the beer spilling amused his majesty. "Look here," said the latter, "you didn't do that right. IiCt mo show you how It ought to be done." Telling the man to fancy that ho was the em peror, who was to be saluted, the kai ser took the mug end retreated n few paces. Then, coming forward ngnin, stopping opposite to the sailor, he held the mag to his lips, drained it, put it down on the deck and gave the salute with military precision. "That's the way to do It," he remarked to the as tonished seaman. "Now go down stairs and tell them to fill the mug up again and give you one for yourself. Say It was I who drank It." The Millers. "If you want to hear some guessing wide of the mark ask some one what he would think might bo the third most common name In New York city," says the New York Sun. "The probability is the correct answer will never bo made unless some one has happened to alight on some such bit of information. The fact is that, ac cording lo the best available authori ties the name Miller ranks third, Smith holding first I'l''e and Brown second. It seems almost Incredible, tint ns a matter of fact the name Mil ler stands well to the head of the list nnmoa niosf frouiieutlv met with in the four largest l(ie;; In the coun trv. It stands second in Philadelphia, third in New York city and fourth in fhloazo. while the name .Tones is way down In the list, holding the eleventh place In New York city nnd the thir teenth In Boston, with such names as inrif vviili.ims White and othe! names never considered common pre ceding it." Hie STrt Of low: I if. A French scientist has discovered or secret of Ions life. His method deals with the blood Rut lone bko millior of Americans had Droued Electric Bit ters prolorgs life and makes it worm living. It purifiep, enriches and vital izes the blood, rebuilds wasted nerve cells, imparts life and tone to the en tire svstem. Its a erodend to weak, sick and debilitated peorle. "Kidney trouble had blighted my life for months." writes W. M Sherman, of Cushing, Me., "but Electric Bitters cured me entirely." Only 50c. at W. S. Allen's and Fetzer & Tucker's drag stores. Sreial functions of winter, midnight t i clt p. lets of skcDtell cn the health. Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea cleara the bleed, aids digestion, relieves fa tigue; rrakts and retains vcur neaun. Gt tat est tonic. Tea orTableta, 35 ctnts.-Gardner Drug Co. WHEAT FLAKE CELERY mm lOO Reward 1 100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a con stitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucou3 surfaces of the system, thereby, destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in do ing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer one hundred dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. . . Address F J Cheney & Co, loledo, u Sold by all druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills paUon. Brain and Muscle. According to Miss Eoane, the author of "From Their Point of View," more men are tramps mid more women are miserable housewives If married or underpaid slaves If single because they cannot or will not use their bruin power than because they are too lazy for hard bodily labor. ;fTi0 amount of purely unlntellectunl drudgery dimin ishes every year and the demand for Intelligent workers Increases. The author had one woman patient, a worker aiming London poor, n chron ic sufferer, v. ho managed to keep house and children In far more perfect order than vigorous neighbors always scrub bing nnd scouring. She was once nsked how she contrived to do this, and she replied: - "I makes my mind do three parts of it. It isn't so much what 1 does, but what I stops from having did." for cnosti- cakes the children plump and afrnncr anrl rrMNnt- ennr stnm. . . The long winter months-heavy foods ach and constipation. The best lack of exercise decrease your vitali- tv maka vnn feel mean Holhster a food for erowine children, in- Rocky Mountain Tea gives you vitality clears i ue uiuuu j;ununuj, '"-"n Grat15prlrififrnedicine. Tea or TableU, 35 cents. -uaraner Lrug ka. n lids and thc-aged For tale by all Groeor Mothers you can't afford to be with out a box of Mothers Joy. Old Laws. There still exists In London n bylaw which forbids a cask of beer to bo un loaded between certain hours, but no mention 1.-: made of casks containing any other liquor. Lucerne lias on its statute hooks a law which Is not enforced. It prohib its hats of more than eighteen inches In diameter, forbids the use of artifi cial flowers and Imported feathers nnd orders that n license or T;i cents n year shall be paid for the right to wear rib bons or silk or gauze. Kevolln At Coll StML "Your onlv ' ope," said three doctors to Mrs. M. IS. t ishtr, ueinot, mm,, sulferl.g from severe rectal trouble, lips in an operation." " hen I used Dr, King's New Life Pills," eed writes till wbollo cuu;d. They preveni. Apprnoi vtiH. cure ConatiDation. Headache. W.S. Allen's and tetzer & Tucker's drug stores. 25c. -No inoie divumus." "Hubby" will Btay a lover true, F.wra wife his onlv sweetheart, too. Peroetual matrimonial bliss 'twill be, If both take Hollister's Rocky Mount ain Tea. Gardner Drug Co. AJVD A SOUR STOMACH ARE SICNS THAT YOUH LIVER IS OUT OF ORDER. TAKE Simmons Liver REGULATOR And Feel ' Uke Yourself Again." THE GENUINE hoa ! RED Z Trails Mark on ttia front ol aauh paokaga and tha alonaturo and aaal ol J. H. ZEIUN & CO. on tha alda, IN RED. spring: 1L Ooeoins: 11 nn A rr n Suits Monday and Tuesday, Feb. 22-23 At that time wc will have with us an expert cutter and fitter Ircm the well known house of M. MOSES & SON, of Baltimore, Md , who will have with him a complete line of all the new shades and patterns shown in this season's patterns. Those who wish clothes of distinction, individuality and merit will make no mistake to wait and see his line. He will be glad to sec you and show you .through and explain to y ou all the newest and nobbiest makes of the season. Remember the Dates, Monday and Tuesday, 22-23 Williams & Co., Leading Clothiers. J Majestic Ranges For Sale . 1,000 FEET Wanted at once to wear a good pair of SHOES at about one-half price. Also I have three bis. of Plant Bed Muslin that I will have to dispose of in a few days. Get it while it lasts at greatly reduced prices. I have lots of other useful things, such as Hats, Shirts, Ties,Collars,Sox,Pants,, at about one-half price. I h;ive a ft;w OvrcoatH choice wbi e they last at sM worth from t" 5(l to 7 Take y our hoico. J 10.1)0, your I have on hand thrte Majestic Ranges that I will pell at a bi? sacrifice for CASH. Thone who contemplate buying will do well toeee me before buying elsewhere. e. ii mi LAST CALL FOR TAXES statement or CouUtion oi Bank of Reidsville KWDSVILLE, N. C, At the clo3e of business Feb 5, 1909. RESOURCES: Loans and discounts, $277,317 35 Overdrafts secured 1.197 52 unsecured, 546 0b Banking house, $7,231 02, Furniture and hxtures, ii, 17J 74, All other real estate owned, Due from banks and bankers, Cash items, Gold coin, Silver coin, National bank notes and other U. S. notes, 9,eoi 76 F.945 07 42,492 37 999 02 9,000 00 2,692 31 15,557 00 Total, LIABILITIES: Capital stock paid in, Undvidea prohts, less cur rent ex. and taxes paid, Dividends unpaid, lime certificates of deposit, Deposits subject to check, Cashier's check outstanding, Inte est lieseive, $365,648 46 $ 50,000 00 16,332 74 702 00 15,342 93 107,003 04 267 75 6,000 00 Total, $363 648.46 State of Noith Carolina, Count v of Rnckincham. I. J. F. Watlintrton. cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true, to tne best of my knowledge and belief. J. F. Watlington. Cashier. Sworn and subscribed to before me this, 12th day of Feb., 1909. W. A. Trotter, N. P. Correct-Attest: J. H.Burton, M. F, fmnix. E. M. Redd. Directors. DR, 5. Q, JETTY FELIX MILES I meet the taxpayers of Rock ingham County at the following timet and Dlaces for the purpose of collecting their taxes for 1908 and ht pe every body who owes taxes will meet me and settle, as I am compelled lo nave mon ey to met the at manas oi ine oiave and County; lesides it will save them cost and trouble, for 1 am compelled and am going to collect the taxes: Ruffin, Monday, Feb. 15. May field, Tuesday. 16. fireirnn. Wednesiay, 17. Lawsonville, Thursday, 18. Thompsonville, Fr day, 19. Reidsville, Saturday, 20. Leaksville, Tuesday, March 2. Spray, Wednesday and Thuisday, 3 and 4. Draper. Friday, 5. Reidsville, Saturday, 6. Stoneville, Tuesday, 9. Price, Wednesday, 10. Martins, Thursday, 11. Mayodan. Friday, 12. Madison, Saturday, 13. Rockv Springs, Tuesday. 16. Sharp's In titute, Wednesday 17, in the morning and Simpson's Store in the evening New Bethell, Thursday, 18, in the morning, and Baynes' Store in evening Iron Works, Friday, 19; Apple s Store In morning and Shreve s Store in the evening. , , . , . I will have all my tax books at Went worth during the first week of court, also first Monday in March. Respectfully, M. F. PINNIX, Ex-Shenff. ft 4. H Varnishes, Oils, &c. IT wm9 A Fresh Supply Just Received. WHITTEMORE & MOBLHY HARDWARE CO. H tt ft Ofiicern auil Directois: WM GILES DR. J. N. HESTER s. ii. ware J S. W WALKER (i. A. MILLER U. J-MEBANE K-. MONTGOMERY P. W. GL1DEWELL JOHN T. OLIVER LEND YOUR MONEY THROUGH US We make the loan withoutcont to yu, pttuiifj you h x per cent, net, and prepare all ihe pa pers, and guarantee the loan with the capital ntock of tbi company. Our attorneys exam ine and approve the titles to ail pr.feity mi which you take a mortgage. We col ect the interest and principal when due without trouble or inconvenience to you. All loans made on real estate security. Reidsville Insurance & Realty Co. Real Estate Insurance Loins Bonds GIVE US YOUR INSURANCE PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office, second floor, Lambeth build'g. Residence opposite Episcopal church, at Mm. benny's. Phone 4. NOTICE The undersigned having qualified be fore the Clerk of the Superior Court of Rockingham County as administrator of the estate of J. M. Stacey, deceas ed, all persons indebted to the estate of said J. M. Stacey are hereby noti fled to come forward and make im mediate payment of their indebtedness, ndalll persons claims against said estate are likewise hereby notified to 'prsent them to the undersigned on or 'before the 1st day of February. 1910, or this notice will be pleaded m bar of their recovery. This the 26th day of January, 1909. J.A. Benton, Administrator, of J, M. Stacey, deceased. 1 ' " JRaJa-iJftcQEHEEU Office same as formerly occupied y Williams & McGt hee, in Bank of Reidt ville building. Bjorie 50, Residence Phone 60-1 ERay and Masiage Treatment. jmrnm ijn ft Trappers d Collectors are requested to correspond with us about this season's catch of FURS. We want the early catch as well as the late catch. We will pay full market value at all times. , Price lists and tags can be had for the asking at any time. HERMAN SCHW1ERL & co 28 West 31st Street, New York City.

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