V Semi-Weakly CI'! ,A J?X , O T7 T7 VOL. XXIII, NO. 18 $1 PER YEAR. REIDSVILLE, N. C. MAY 6, 1910 ISSUED TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYSi Tlx .A in 1 1 a rT i A Policy Issued by The Life Assurance Society Prevents the Ship wreck of the family W. 1. Clark, Agt. WE STUDY Think, plan and work to make our Drugs and ser vice a little better than you'll get in any other drug store. The drug business is our one business. Concen tration and ability have made it a large and grow ing one and we always make good the statement that we are m . T I i retZr & I UCker ! The Dependable Druggists P. M . PETTI T Plumbing and Heating Estimates given on short nitice. All ' work guaranteed. I also make stor t' window and porch awnings. Office, show room and warehouss 114 East Market St., Phone B09 Grainhiri, N. C Smith Seed & Feed Co WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Fertilizers for grain and grass. Cy phers Incubator and Brooders. Garden Seed Specialty. 224 MIAN, DANVILLE. 'Phone 133 LfUUIlUVlV 00 Our laundry work is work of merit. It stands up and resists the withering effects of perspiration. There is no get ting aroand the fact that the Star Laun dry's work wears better. THE STAR LAUNDRY, WILBUR WOMACK, AGT. :TR USTS GET BAD BLOW Corporations VioaUed the Anti-Trust Act of the Respective States. Washington, May 5. The hands of the States In the. fight against "trust." wore upheld this week by the Su preme Court of the United States with tolling effec t. j the aasoclatinn of retail lumber, dealers in Mississippi and Louisiana; 1 was nisoanned by arnnnance or tnej decree of the Supreme Court of Miss- Kemuciy was ousiea irom ibbbcmi; bv th knoroval of the decree of the'of thl. rl.. Supreme Court of Tennessee. Both. I "This syndicate, composed chiefly! oppn his 1)00,58 ,or thp '"SP00"0" ofi he State courts bad held. vlolatedtof the American Tobacco Co. sto.k-rtl,fi Dnocrats, and where he Pcwlgt-I. the anti-trust act of the respectlvei holders, had a number f irn,.rt w e.1 In his high handed dealtngs with . States. i "- -..........v ...v vK.. j Ion of the court In the Mississippi case. It was his first utterance from the Supreme Court bench on tlof determining whether the nossibil- irusi quesuon. tte sain ipe mem- iwir. r ih uiwiiaiion lnJ11hllni.1l1h.11v. . . ..... . ... themselves not to deal with any man-j ufactnrer or wholesaler In lumber j who sold to consumes 1n the localities; in which they conducted a business i sufficiently large to meet nm . , niands of the public. He accepted the findings of the ;. State courts and declared that it ; an .illegal combination and conspiracy! tnilon th. .Mll..lnnl ! " ..... The nroceed Ines In the Standard Oil case were begun In 1907 under, - the Tennessee antl-trust act. The charges against the Standard originated out of a transaction at v c.j ir latin. Tenn. the Standard of Ken- tucy had oil stored In tanks In Tea- ; heasee from which R procured a sup ! em hotel with sanitarium adjoining.! j ply to serve merchant throughout : will be built and eouinned, and a, (various sections of the State. Thei general summer and winter resort, jKvansville Oil Company of EvansvilleJ and watering' place will be maintain.; i Ind . sent a salesman to Gallatin ta ed which will rival Hot Snrines. Sul-. sell oil. He obtained a number of phur, French Uok. TThis center of, orders whereupon the agent, of the; amusement and power will be Inrer-: Standard Oil offered to give the mer-;llnked with all ad.foinine towns and chants ten gallons of oil per barrel toltles with Interurban railways and countermand their purchase orders the nower for rollinc stock will bo with the Evansvllle Oil Comnany. j supplied with current Trom the plan: Four of them accepted. The Stand-, near the springs, srd and two of Its agents were in-J "The comnanv ontinfnntA ovnemling 'dieted under the State antl-tmst act. ' I" the i!n-i,bo,'horvl of $i.nnnnon. and j One of the agents was convicted. bnt;l' is thoucht operation win heln in j the Standard escaped wmlshment on' sixty davs. Ada. it is thought, will, the ground that It could not be fined ; b the basis of oneratinn hinder the act, but could only bej "Or. McKanna. Ruck V.'rtH find Tno j jousted.: "v , . j Smith w'ere to leave today for New j Ouster proceedings were then be- York City where a conference Is to i Run oealnt it with the charges based , be had with the stoeVholderK. ,ieit , State courts Issued an ousting decree; from which an appeal was takenio ; the Supreme Court, of the United States. Justice Holmes announced the onlnlon of the court. All the eon- ton inn3 of tnP company were dispos- ! "f favorably to the State. Chas. T. Cafes, Attornev General of Tennessee, when asked what steps would be taken by the State authori-i ties to eliminate the Standard Oil i Comnanv from Tennesse under the; recent decree of the t'nlted States; ; Sunreme Court in the Gallatin case.j irenlied: "We have the decree of the; I court, and under, that decree, the. I Standard Oil Comnanv is forbidden to do any local business In thl State. There is nomine 10 pre-, invent thnt comDanv Irom snipping n, it Tanneaaee but under the! decision of the Supreme Court of the i T'nlted States it can carry on no lo- i cal business In Tennessee. The de ' cro of the hlehest court In the coun ! try simply enforces itself." I A Man Win ' to Die I only when a lazy liver and sluggish ! bowels cause frightful despondency. ' Rut Dr. King's New Life Pills expel poisons from the system; bring hope frnd courage; cure all liver, stomach land kidney troubles: impart health and vigor to the weak, nervous ailing. 2'c at Fetzer & Tucker's and W. S. Allen's drug stores. If the census man skipped you, go .wn Anit .ee Rill Taft and Joe Can- non and John Morehead about it. It to will not be possible for Congress do business until your age is talned. ascer- j DR- M'KANNA 8UYS PR0PE Will Spend Million and Half Dollars Developing 1. ..-..'-'. ' A relent issue of the Ada, Oklii., Evening News has tho following o say about a big property deal pushed through by Dr. J. J. McKanna. of Reidsville: 'Ryrd's Mill, tho townslte, stream and spring, have been purchased by a syndicate of OklahoniH Ci'v and New York capitalists. Dr. J. J. Kanna, of Oklahoma City made Mr, the Home Abstract and Real F.Htate Co'''" ' ' " ...... er this site In 1S09, and capful siir- .,Jn aim iems nave neen made aa t0 the water fall, amount of water character of same. etc. with a view uieg would juRtlfy the ouilav. The eH penpie nave punnas- pd the entire water basis and Ryrd's Mill townsite. Is evidence of the re- suit of the nri nmtMiki.. r-,.n, information " - - "- ....10. riwm KMiut-reii irein an inter- 1UMAJ - . . I Jn.1... i.t - Hun ur. MCKann.i nmrnMur and capitalist a.... m, mnM.u.g me been employed ----- " as nroinoler for the enterprise, It was 1 earned that the nnrnion. .VI. . ... ....... , i,rrn are mam- fold: first to deveinn ih tat nun1 nurnoses of this ' i' er. and to furnish and transmit now- er for traction purpose, to the towns' and cltiee in a radius of a hundred Oal-jmlles of the plant. Second, large res- i t i , , avoirs will he constructed and, Mocked with fish. A large and mod - McKanna o remain orer f hi, for a conference and he has ron- on-' enren. Happenings of General Interest Since Our Last Issue. Another strong effort Is being made to brln? about ftPflPA hoi TVnntl t Via two warrinfr factions in Nioaracua. Returns show that Emmet O'Neal optionlst was nominated for Gov ernor In the Democratic prlman- held in Alabama. Lieut. Reginald Owen and Mrs Ruth Bryan Lea vltt were married at Fairview, Neb.. Tuesday. The strict- AX . f J 1 absolutely,"1 as mamiainen. The chamber of commerce of Wll 'mington appropriated $"0 for enter- ii""i ...-. .v u- nn - v ...,- .-..,n uiuiku iit-- Association whhh meets at Wriehts- vllle next month. Representative Godwin's hill provid ing $21,000 for ranee lights and sig nals In the Cape Fear river below j Wilmington has passed the House and will become a law. The sixteenth quadrennial confer-, ence of the Southern Methodist Church opened in Asheville Wednes- day and the beautiful mountain resort Is filled with the men w-ho rule that great religious organization.. A marked increase in the world's gold supply and extravagance and waste, public and private, are the' principal reasons given for the high cost of living by a special commission' whbh has ben investigating 'the; subject for eight weeks. j Lieut. Gov. W; C. Newiand says It la . font tliat at ITil. HmA lin hati a very strong Inclination to be in the; ,..! race for the Democratic for Governor of North Carolina in the next campaign," but that this is too far off yet to have anything much to say about it. Through a misunderstanding in a I long distance telephone message rel-l atlves of T. C. Chandlers, of Wash-: ington, D. C went to the depot at. 1 Wadesboro the other night expect ine! to meet the dead body of Mr. Chandle-.i and were imost happily surprised to grct him well and happy. Changes In Banking Circles. Wilmington, ; May 3. On account of temporary impairment of health, necessitating his retirement from ac tive business, for some time, Mr. Matt J. Heyer, at a meeting of the board of directors of the institution today, retired from the presidency of both the Southern Bank and the Atlantic Trust & Banking Co. Mr. Charles N. Evans, cashier of the Southern was elected to succeed him. J. W. Simp son, assistant cashier of the Southern succeeds Mr. Evans as cashier. Mr. Hever will eo North this summer to consult a specialist and will later tra el abroad. It costs $40 per hour to ride in an airship in France, almost as much as R figures out per hour on some ofj our railroads. ; J DO NOT ENDORSE THEM Republican Deputies Have Their Own Party Men Against Them. The action of two or three Repub lican rienntv sheriffs ill rttfiisine last .t.... .....i iw .hi. ,inn,' I fo Democrats could notify them, hasj been the cause of much criticism be - Ing indulged in. and this criticism has not come wholly Tom Democratic . 11 eii i u it ill n init 11.111111 request from' 1 bua ff rinpir a : his Buberior officer. Sheriff Clark, to the voters by ahseming nimseir iromi his township on Friday by coming to; ReHsvllle and on Monday when he went to the county seat there are; went to the county seat there some of the Republicans who have ex- pressed complete aisgust at nis cou - j... umi. ' The Democrats of the township :;ppreciating the fact that Deputy; cv,oif rmro's nhsenee from the town-i ii.v.1. . p,n - : ' , , . . 1 . .. npnunlfiri o Tl 11 II'. mit iai. r nuay uou wit. huv. . . . . ,t.I.I" r,t numnrrA 9 rrom navine WicW Is-; ax wtIO aesirea lo uo umi ...,, - letters sued anu m -- Saturday nieht notifying ; the voters;Kemn ftf MflVA1an . nninlnn of Attorney General " ' . . .. it fjirktf to the effect that he oeneveo . . . . 1 nii ii nairt on Monnay. ice secunu. ' .... ' , onji nT"' Tn Te follow tV,,Iar fortunate ln ln a ll7 LnlTL toioVLe llZl J i Vr. f0,,1lT,ng 'hat will permit of their coming. d"! ?Jn 'l,Hn f 'th S A mammoth picnic dinner, prepared' U'eiito-orth for the oav 5loprta. nine Kankln. sister of the bride, and'. ., . ' v ' . w . r pv(1,n9 (Miss Marv Rlnckhnm f p.cW 'br women of the county, will be " -. " i ,t - went n Wentworth. .to induce Mr. Faee to return to bis post of duty, itrl lato in tire af-ernoon he did re turn with them tn T.eaVsvill.1 tnwn ililn We are rolinblv informed that n tt'-'.i.-a- nhn Viat eycr been a 'oval Romihilean. havlnc snworfed ; .'..Ill.lilipnn : nrinlnlec rt irovern- ' ment -while a citizen of the North, exrresppil romnlpfe diseust at. such eo:idi'ct. "-a the fact that he was uc'tv. N!h the Democrats hi tryine to Indure the deputy sheriff to afav in hlR tov.nship in order that the clt zens could pay their poll-tax is evi dence of the fact. We know what the voters gener ally of Rockineham county think of such tactics to override the will the majority of her citizens and of , disfranchise white men whom the lawjof green with hat, gloves and shoes '. or mayu U;-"""K . " w "' t""ao ,L.i I n m I .. .Innf .n h. .III. LIlttL III Hit? UUllillift enrv.viv.il niv. v". tenship will rise up and wipe such j kin. As the last strains of Mendell-high-handed characters out of power, sohn's wedding march ceased, Sehu and register a vigorous disapproval beat's "Serenade," played soft- of such conduct. Harvey Ware Not Guilty. Harvey Ware was tried in the Re corder's court Wednesday on the In dictment charging him with having sold whiskey to R. L. Snmll about two weeks agoi This case covered the; transaction for which Small had sub-i niitted for going after tie whiskey! for another.- Small was fined $30. The jury in the Ware 4ase returned; a verdict of not guilty, tie Jury being. composed of J. W. Peay.J. 11. Burt or. - .v G. Terry, J. Y.- Stok-s. W. .1. Ir- vin and W M. Whittemov. The only witness wis the man Small, who proved gooacnaracier oyined Mr; and Mrs. Taylor to the three other witnesses. Vare. contra-, southern station, where at 2:17 (In dicted his evidence and also proved a boarded a Northbound train for a good character. 'tour of the principal cities'' of the The Recorder fined Vare $100 ln.North. Upon their return to Madi the other case iu whict he was . con- son. where they will reside, they will victed a week ago for Jelling another.be at home In the new Hotel Sterling. flask of whiskey to hiall, and be.ore announcing the fine cinsel for Ware asKed tor a new trial wnicn was tie- nied. the court informng counsel that the Recorder's court couM not grant a new t rial. Noticf of appeal was j given and Ware gavtbond for his ap-; pearance at the nex term of the county court. A strenuous camnign is being wag-; ed by the Se;retaryof State in con-j nectlon with the :orporations divis-' ion of the departmnt, for compelling stocK .o.aeTS or comm ons in m nn Carolina that are nt actively in bust J ness and do not. inina 10 resume uu- i siness to comply vth the law. as to Absotttaly Pure client, ' "yf- frJ:' .. 5 y RANKIN-TAYLOR WEDDING. Two of the County" Popular Young People United. j Yesterday at high iiooii, at the love- I ty suburban home of ex Sheriff and ! Mrs. Thomas Franklin Rankin, their exquisitely fharniinit daiiKhter ' Miss' Emily Louise, was united In marriage ! 10 l'r- "nies -i nomas layior. a popu - r ni ""wwwfHl . practioiier f " rmimry re- i Idence had been converted into n ion. i..u . . .. ... ture Bof,mpd o .have inspired to give ' . - -v..-....- .v. n. " ii anu i v.- " l iU- The Kast uarlor anl th h 11 ALJ' u tne "humuods id .ddi .., . . T". " " - - p.-npie provision will be made for car- ' en l ,pro,v,s-'1 l..g for the biggest crowd that has' .ha f.e".m,ad?' th.e bever visited the city. A half hundred m Hniurt, nniiM me weu ; ,,-,. . . i. ..-. . iunj in. rea,ana green, the Ameri-an Beantv ami ta Pennlps vieh r . an ' rea effon q - hn r , . ln an ... .. 0 . ' occasion. ;l ISS IflTle Hull naul1nJ i. " ' 11 1 Ul can .u . '"7- "cuuiiik uinrcn n .1 .) . I -..I. me ttccuuiiiHiiimenrs. Miss Kate Anderson sane In her m, H.1l-l,f..i nianner. "Hecause." and Vm p n r j RIW LUIUIIUUICU a hfQ.,(if,,i i in All IOT IOU. Sl PS ethSr and the entire cimenship of wnicn w-ere gi.ini.j tu- .. . . ' . l,,e uuithe county count the Damrhters nar- T,e. i J ' - " UHII'U 111 TtllllM 1 I EM I . ' with shoes and hats to match. Then came the dames of honor, Mrs. S. C. Graham, of Cheraw, S. C, sister of the groom, and Mrs. Wade Rankin, of Salisbury, sister of the bride, the rormer in peau de rrepe over messa- ,ine' the latter in white lace, over men saline, both with black picture hats, 'u'oves and shoes to match and car- lying bridesmaids' roses. Then came there In the vale of life half so de the lovely little ring-bearers bearing liehtful as a wife, when beauty, love the bride's treasure In a large ealajand peace combine to stamp the mar Ully Nancy Wade Rankin, the fif riacre.bond divine? And Henry V.! teen-month-old niece of the bride. "Gnd. the best maker of all' marriages This little lady was also in lingerie ! combine your hearts In one." and white slippers. 1 ' The handsome groom came in with Frouson-Jones. his best man. Dr. 11. H. Harrison. Mayodaii. The stately bride, so be tolcomingly gowned in a gnfnsaway suit,.. M-Hi,o0nt of the city, was the ' niiii h rusts, cairns in oil uitr, ,. ui viivviivi, tin, i. iVMU - firm fT HOI hPAIhal Mr 'I' r TJ n . ly and with exquisite touch and ex pression, was rendered. Immediately after the wedding vows were taken, Mrs. A. S. Galloway and Miss Ret Hall received the guests in the West palor. where the elegant and useful wedding presents consist ing for the most part of cut glass, silver and hammered brass, were dis played, and the guests were then es corted into the dining-room, where Mrs. Graham and Mrs. Russell Tucker received. Luncheon was served In most pleasing fashion by Misses Glad ys Oummings, Louise Anderson, Lucy and Helen Wray. ine entire wedejing party accompr- The brdie is one of the county's choicest prizes. From her childhood aiP ,as grown into womanhood right here in our midst, and she has at all times commanded the admiration and respect of okl and young alike, She has ever been a bright star in the home circle where characteristic Southern hospitality has been dispens- ed with a lavish hand. She has been regarded as one of the State's most beautiful women, but her sweet trails of character have perhaps attracted more admiration than her Keauty of person The eroom has been a resident of Madison for the past two years, and groom has been living in Los An as a. practicing physician he- is , fiwt.. gelus, Cal,., fur several years,, but. is becoming succt'!8ful and popular. Ho a native of this section. Granes- dell licious, neaiuitul" most valuable mere- i i the active principle, to - Iasnres ivholesosie and ; dellclocs food for every day In every home .KO-ALUM- THE UNVEILING JUNE 29 ' .- . uaugnters of Confederacy Making Plans For Great Times June 29. Tlie, handsome momimcnt. w hich is; to be f rorted by the local . chapter! laughters of the Conoderacy at the : intersection of Scales nd More- 'bead streets, will be unveiled on June! rtth. This is the date agreed upon' .necessity for a rbantrn ua Iho nnh ters have carefully considered the the inaivri ut'ifiiK ereifi . unnn mauer oeiore agreeing time. rrobably the largest crowd asiembled in Reidtville will be ever here1 rate t0 witness the exerctss. At any of the State's foremost citizens have1 indicated a desire to attend, and in-j vitations are being extended to others. ' The gallant Hon. Oj'rus B. Watson, ' of Winston-Salem, will deliver the principal address. He will be Intro duced by Col. Jas. T. Morehead, of Greensboro, who knows most of the1 remaining soldiers of the "Lost t'ause"; in this county by name and ; face. The acceptance of invitations' by these two patriots is already In spread and all soldiers and invited guests w ill be furnished tickets supplied bountifully.. ' and is a native of Wake county, a of Mr. lfred Dickerson Taylor. son and a grandson of Dr. .Tames Thov T,eah, one of the State's most widely known citizens. Paraphrasing' Cowner; ' What Is On last Thursday evening at eight 'Aineir o r.reenwood I nanei, iour of one of the prettiest wed jdlngs that the Sadler community nas ,h0j m.v a day. When Miss "iw:Di,v'I - i.-,'- . . lT-r.Qrt lifti Zena Fereuson became tie bride of Mr. Frank .Tones, of Lawsonville. Greenwood hy nature is a pretty place, but on this occasion was dou bly so under the skillful and artistic touches of Miss Maggie Clack. Ferns and a great profusion of spring flow- i its were tastefully arranged with i graceful effect to decorate the chap el for this marital occasion and pre sented a rare scene of floral beauty and attractiveness for the ceremony, i which w as so Impressively performed by the pastor of the bride, Rev. D. I. Craig. J The attendants were Miss Nannie Covington with Mr. Hugh Johnson an Miss Ruth Ferguson with Mr. Fred Clack while little Misses Hattye Cov- ington and Maud Ferguson acted asi nower giris. n. r j Tlie bride and her mauls were simply yet beautifully gowned in Ion-! gerie dresses, trimmed In valencennej .ace and carried bouauets of ferns' and roses. i . The bride is a daughter of Mrs. John Ferguson and is a young wo-i man of charming personality, gentle-: ness and courtesy. Mr. Jones is a; son of Mr. C. W. Jones, manager of Edgewood Farm. The bride and groom are deservedly. popular and the news of their mar riage will be -of much interest to their niany friends who have oi ly the best of wishes for their happiness. Mr. William J. Carlef and Afiss Lo ra Simpson Were united In marriage on Monday night at the home of the bride by Rev. William Hedley, pastor of the First Baptist church. The 'V . if, LIFE INSURANCE I have represented the MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE INS. CO. for 20 yr. I simply because it is the J BEST COMPANY for my people. Let me Show you the figures. FRANCIS WOMACK, The Insurance Man Julius Johnston, Au.an D. Ivib, Yanceyvilie. Leaksville. WiLLUM ItRID DALTOfi, Reidsville. Johnston. I vie & Dalton, Attorneys at Law. Office in rear of Bank of Reidsville. Same as formerly occupied by John ston & Ivie. Julius Johnston and A. D. Ivie will continue their usual visits to Reidsville, the latter on every Thursday. ' Practice in State and Federal Courts. W. ROBT. KELLY, CIVIL ENGINEER-SURVEYOR. Plans and Estimates Furnished. Farm Surveying. Peoples Bank Building, Leaksville, N. C. CHAS. O. M MICHAEL J. E. SAINTSlNfi Wentworth. EeidBvilie. McMIchat l' & Saintslug, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS Practices in Sta and Federal Courts, SSS&S&. on Saturday, office over postoff.ee. ' - A' L. BROOKS ', H. P. LAN! BROOKS & LANE, Reidsville1, N.iC. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Practice in Sti teand Federal Courts. Careful attention to all business en trusted to ua. ; - EDGAR H. WRENN, JR., LAWYER. Office in Fell Building. All business intrusted to him will be looked after promptly and carefully. JUSTICE & GL1DEWELL ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Practice In State and Federal Courts. Offices in Reidsville and Greensboro, DR, S. O, JETT, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office in new Ware & Somer's Building Residence at Hotel Rockingham. 'Phone 4. DR. J. W. McOEHEE; Office same as formerly occupied by Williams & McGehee, in Bank of Reius : ville building. i 'Phone 60, Residence Phone C0-1 ' Ex-Ray and Massage Trtatnient. 1 i . . DR. J. R MEADOR, DENTIST, Office formerly occupied by Dr. Rom inger over Citizens Rank. Phone 63J DR. M. B ABERNETKY, -PHYSICICAX AXJa-SURGJOS Office in Fels BoiWtog. Reaideocf next to Episcopal dborcb.