P3 2. THE REVIEW: REIDSV1LLE, N. C. Friday, May 6th, 1910. The Reidsville Review rUESDAJfS AND fRIDATS. rBE REVIEW COMPANY. (Incorporated) Jomi T. Oliver. President, JOBNT.UUVU. e"S;';iilng of being a YOl'XG lawy Mamtom OLrvB.......Vk President r 6 . . ... . oi f.. ' C t.rw.Trajiurer. A. af . WU t aVJfta. a a a WWI vw i - ONCJPOLLAR PR VEART" rAVcordinK to" the Weekly. Judi;e Ab " " .jfjJlliljr jm-inM' hi license to practice ' ... Jaw at i'l ycai-s of ase . lie was THE WEEKLY HAS ANSWERED. )n no nils ,Hn ft ,aw. araphrasinr the first two lines J,Tfr 29 ywrs, .ndpe MannitiR was th first editorial rolumn of onr.rRntr(, ,lirpnK,. to practice law in neighbor, the Weekly. "overtakinK a Jrxi, sliowinR that he also has been' a paber In a misrepreosntation iHWyer for 23 years: Th- Weekly make its editor )utrm more than any.gy, Allen was appointed to thins else." Ample demonstration )f1(be Smierior court bench in ISP? and thk fact .Is found in the page ot tne Weemy wmcn is aonunairu aim iv trfilked by its editor who gives practi-j$witl oay all of the whole page to a frnso of The Review's charge that it .h4 mLsrepresented the age of j'lS6imo,rats of this State, a.v faf bark Manning for the purpose of creating . )S;)6 thought Judge -".Manning pitjudice against him. and that i'worthy of Judicial honors, for a! He proceeded to follow up its statement l,.,,, that year he was their camli- that be la "a YOl'Nft lawyer" with aaf(1 fnr Judge of the Fiftji 'judicial, quantity of argument ajioiit the dan is(fi,., an(j rptPiVpd more vot.-s than geir of putting young lawyers on thPhny. other rmocratic candidate on bch. the State ticket, although all were de- tt would seem that a few para-gfp jod bv thp Fusion ticket. fP"l u'L ; :V ,;-.Zf wauia nave . owii -'" T .L . t llnlmnnl Kilt tho PI" "r me iiiuiiiuii:iii, aonce pnmwi m - - - fc.'uugesnip on toe in-mocrauc iickhi conclusive that the Weekly has em 1hr,e year9 Wfore juaKP Aen was pteyed a whole page and then some tppoit(d ,0 a position on :h(. 0,.;nrh. make out a' defense, v The TeprieveAnd thp pwpl( of thp Statp PV,n ,4 1 . . I , - ... V, it M Sl.r,.. J I I . . . . . . .1.1..., Halley's comet, the pardon of Cooperj,v at)(j competency to sit on The bjfc.Governor Patterson of Tennessee, )0nt.n tnat he received more votes th sub-sections "A" and "F.v ""Jthan any other Democrat in the run TaVious and sundry 'other things re:lling. brtught Into the dloHiission ' for thej OJ Totnmie. ' "what '-a .tangled web very apparent purpose of muddyiniftwp weave," hen fir.it we practice to th water and to permit the editor tVi.,,.,,. Tho above being the' fact-- or. tne weeKiy to -" i'- ; "JVnd the Weekly, gentlemen of thej tiirv In the first column of its edi j torial page, tries to intimidate the,nd n, the whole snacmodle'eoiiflhenient would. Jeopardize his life wttness who is prosecuting it for uti-pa?p deliverance with this gen: of a The Weekly U great when it comes truthfulness by breaming out iiireu.j,),. prophatlcally dpny that Tfko it in ita discussion or tnet. T' . a. , t tt n.an uhOS casnet: nereaiiei. Mini in.." Bhjll declare it tailless not "'"-'jfvon think of that, gentlemen of The wrongs Science, but makes us out "fjury, in view of the admissions set lir. And the man who makes us - oiitfortn in thp beginning of his page. aliar had just as well pick out rtaand thp proof of tht, inftccuradc, i winding sheet and aomft seven-feet -nis 8tatPn,ents as so plainly shown fogr of MtrWarth1if."some quietln tt)p grate's history, information he conntry churchyard.' l-had at his fingers' ends, and which me rieview nas uu lF.r-.. . , , ,.tn nnr.Vf. eice about where its "seven-feet-four'tbetter to ignore? aball be. but rather it is more con-F cerned In keeping the Weekly from&ihe first indictment only, that of burying the State Democratic ot-froisrepresenting facts to prejudice vo- s anything in the w eekly s conten ficJals under a mass of untruths and,ters against Judge Manning, the ajj- :lon ,haf experience is necessary mlsrepresentatioasj; ndT even if . wefnointe, of our Democratic Governor.' H was in Judge Manning's favor. And fet like our time had come to select "Kitehin. who has given the State yet the Weekly scuttle-fishea by sav our own spot we wputd proceed to dotone of the best administrations of inS ""at we have "backtracked our af and return to the arena to die infthe several great Governors who brief." Answer It according to its a 'defense of truth and right fhave occupied the Executive office, folly, and it scuttle-fishes. ' Stripping the defense put up by therThere can be no compromise verdict, Weekly of all the dead matter, and ' but the jury can recommend niercy. getting down to meat in the cocoa- . . . 1 JJ. .'ML. - W.nkl. nut, what ao we una: .. i ne ; , saying! 'lncofuran one., paragraph fiv'e, "The Review, which has access to the family Bible, assures us that Judge Manning Is 5t. Must be feel-! Ing the weight-of his officeMo make thfs confession:" And again In - col- nwrirtwo th first struib in th, col-! umn. "Hanged ff a man don't need; to be careful how he writes about poVi iMf-tana' In Rocklnehara ceun-' ty." That is his answer to our In-' In the language of the State Deieo-Him- .3i 't th fa?ahwPr' we' cratic platform and carries out a have been able to find in the entire Daee devotd to a diacussion of the rh matter except at the conclusion - - . - T, - -'.-.-,.. , . .- , i Review Is asked. "Is he (Judge Man- nlng) an older and more experiencea i.var" i,k, i..t aiionn- Piteously asking us to answer for. him and appealing to us to make his, defense for him after we have arraigr ed hira and read the indictment! Wlu. .... .n.j r.ni.iAn Mr,1 pose the Veekly luid been accused pf- '""" nij.it; 'T?CrP A TI? 1 w.l I . I ft I 11. V'-': ' - r "VV,Wh,h op'ratw, purpose of Improved Town, Country ...... bringing hardshiPs,upon any class ot. .- and SUDUf ban Froperty 1, l rirm nrl Tnbaerrt Farm i if rtiitp, ' . r p-M.-ill nn.hmh 1W. ia . jyy UJ uncillu. t v. ... ... i. . . i.vuovj . .. v tobacco' 'bafnSataMe3l"etc.;"one-bii1f .i.li;.... 1 tenement house, two in orchard 5 years old, 40 acres in cul- tivationOof which ibottonvland, 20 ; nuarter mile from corporation line; 3 room bouse, stable, tobacco barn, (rood well of water, young frujt treer. A bar gain for somebody." 7 New home on Main street, close in. Property now occupied. The only prop erty close in that we know of that can be bought, See us right away. Plenty of building lots in ilrfiirec tions and 'some of "thei exceedingly Sntpior MS either for a home, for an investment or for rent. , Give us a chance to talk with you 4 Reidsville Insurance and Realty Co. Office in rear of Rockingham Savings nk & Trust Co. ......I! K.n nA it inHituH it... , oivaiiHB a bui ri auu . party wno niaae tne accusation, (.um ,U have been satisfied to allow' the' accused party to ask if it had over stolen a sheep and then felt like th" (ends of justice were met, and with- irirawtna nrnuintinn ' Thtmi u ... th ! unenvtabl-' position-, the Veeklv finoV.eofcM-- milt iftrtTSTnow . and. makMu' rmarrigy Syrop i itself in Having accused Judge Man- er, it I'rweas lo ass us u ne is not a ... younger lawyer than Judge Allen. erved for six months. He has served a tnis capacity continuously a nJ mar ability since .January. no-?,. Now. ,(( )(s al)(1(I, ,ndS(, hunntnirs career as lawyer: Tin. ?5 . ?. r. wiot oniy a lawyer in ye oiaen nays. .?.L... . ' . ..JM.. iuui ne was aciuauv a canuiuaie mr ... aim we nejv their contraarction, i WOTl, seenj tna, the Weekly would , h . Tei,PA further rmf ft do!. ' mijronroonntH f:nv wtphin .... ... . j or any or nis appoimees. n nut "o jup ipnoren Decause u suueo nis cries 1. .. .. ... in This )g ,h(1 cagp for ,1P people and the sentence will not be severe 1 . , . , i . ,, uuuer tais inaicimem. i nere are several other Indictments pending. This brief review of the "answer"1 filed by the defense Is not at nil nec-! essarv. as the WWr t ha - Itself. However, we will take advan- tage of the opportunity to answer a question which, in Its desperation. It has hurled at us. We do endorse sub section "F" heartily and enthusiasfi- cally. First, because It is clothed- promise made to the voters of State, a promise wmch caused vofpra to swear ntlepbnee to the Dem 1 . - ..u . crane party. o owe -;.. o a j ii a. x i ar ik. n. rt. was in in, irust p.. m iue w.uu- icratic platform, and tnereiore we ao not at this time consider any meas-' ure endorsed or advocated by the ed- itor of the Weekly or any one else who has not submitted his measure to the annroval of the nartv to which w-e belong tr m.h ti l.ot. - 'I standing on th, platform of the i . .. .. J nomnrratli, narfv. Ihon mlvnralinf ' some measure-, endorsed bv the Week "i - ,k t ' dice against Governor Kitchin, espec- ially in view of the fact that the Wee' 4 ly has so plainly shown Its anlmodty towards the Governor. The Review; need not answer the other question propounded by the Weekly, viz: "Does The Review take its stand with the tmurlmn Tnhat-fn Cn unit thp rnrnn. : rate interests or does H stand with, the farmers" The Weekly wll, not charge what' it insinuates in Its otter- ry. The Jnisnuatlon is about as far from being tme as its charge -that ui-iiiR 1 1 ur ii a .-Mm ki; . ,,, ;.Tudge Manning is a YOUNG lawyer. The Review has steadfastly waged war - . ifc. -.o..' t u citizens. An Insinuation contained .... a iciinni i..r . n.r ,,lt! w,'aK,,, S8 " lnp CBB0 i on- vi ine case oi- onw "uu . ""w'fMr..M fro-Uiidittfr-..ball game iiitiii lit? uir"B iui iiKiiL aim lauin. i " ' Ttevle.atrHJs with the farmers eountbtMloe8 not intentt 1 t'am i ! ing thai. twelve years lie repreedtf them tn theVhaJls ot the NatlcmaTeiei ws,, wan, nuross Laepnuneni Congress cast erery vJte In therr0"1 ims Ieai WI maKe "' InteresV, .and; who- haa lpr.very con-UPle. vTrolley4,aflimotor OUt& test stdbd -'-;qarly1i'tti them .-jaendered them superfluous. protecting tHeHnterettiCj;' We are, for theAjfannern nd wlth.ihe fanueriUHti and we are for fair play and Justice The -"Weefljr stands; convicted i appointees of. Gov tenor Kitchin, and h nas neen proven luai i uiu no ui the purWB&'f. treating: a prejudice against the fajtoors" obaripion ''-and patriot. -Tjie ve rdict v haa been ren- dered and fte eekly is gutnof the serious charge?- v'. ..-f.-y'A The Weekly. Winff convicted ItscU of the serious eharre. should have" 'stated whether it misrepresented Mr. .v? " m Manning rordownrIghr"ipcdneS8YWra or simply through Ignorance. t In raising lioga.. ' ' i Ttl. I'SITlT .f I Iill'i hp lltl.-h.... .f. - ' ."'" " ..s ..uie striking . Missesuons io young meo entering' politics-. It used to bo said there is no chance for a young man to win financial success n politics h Hj, honest i.overnur 'Hushes' C ilW I inroves that. INv ?1'MA ar hf law practice if .he wanted to. WhV? Because the peo- pie will di""anythins' for a man who will fight the political machines , iis ; unto trade ni'ath of the cive ami hik.- Rive ami I'll scratch, yours, of old time in i- chine .politics.. If a man will ..simply Jnore the machines, jset theiU a! de fiance, act hs the loyal ser ant f the common honnt. thr- infer; r,k.'Hrd less of party will .take rare of That man. will see that : the assaults of the machines are Innocuous, and will B'v-"nu a.-repmnon assuring huu; Dus.iues.-a success wncu no umts .'tM?n piked it down Uroadway one day game, . ,. .... - ... , . 1 . . : Th" w'"'Klv anmujnve.l tUv SWl of ,,,,: " A I'oushep to the vmiHti,,. last week and stated that lieas. the manager of Judge Ma.pning'f ta!U-..fro1ft I'imnnt Carolina "to (Iip eff.-ct palgn. and theu 'wonders by r did !kal 1h''1 IukeS' will' bui'M a trolley not see tit to ""mention the -fact tl(at ;:ray system connecting many cit he was here. We courteously inti. North and South Ciu-oliua. ami Hii, .-.t thi. viilnr in th.. .m1 imp nf .the'. Weeklv and thereby laid lie ground work for a.;"scoop-;-pn'a jioce.of The Weekh- knows well tCmatU-,- wnch nrointed. . - , - . Mr Knnsnpp Trt mane a Trin m . uii - -- - - I 1 II I I M , I ! M I I J I 111,- Mil il.'.-li.V', U . i . - ; -- - - rmkes come to snend their millions "img acquainted w;th Ue,tua.Uft 1n Rockingham relative to,.h, . and.-.j" " ,ih it recog dacy of Judge Mann.ng.and Judge AL, J- Vonh Caro- The Weekly reasons that . Coveniar. , Patterson pardoned ( ht, ...n'i same grounds that Kitcliin -oiiii.nu:ei ()f the sentence of Sttemu ell that showln? Hvrcy. Patterson pardom d X'oopor because he did . not believe him guilty. Kitchin cotiiinuti'd Shem- 'ell's setiten. e becaus physicians said five n se six reputable months' prison to reasoning mauers in a .. i. win enaoie tt '0 earn us pmn' ahom'o!i M J . i"l Virt0 flf a "misde -- me inor aim i . v.,, to,,,,,.,, ... pnti.ipatin? in a n .rl r The Weekly has been arguing all along that Judge Manning has not had the experience enjoyed by Judge Allen. We have shown that at this .I... nI..l..n1nnr.ii. .v 1. .Irt l.K, ,.- o.i.t,r ...a.......f, ....... ...... ......... 'e.ir's- experience on he Supreme Court bench and that Judge Allen "as h;d nnp. arguing that if then , . , ." , After tising it as argumem aga nst Judge Manning that he was a YOUNG nn'.n- nn.l I .. . - V .uu unuK mru uuuutr. me Weekly says we should have "laken": not Ice of a more serious charge aginst Judge Manning. The Weekly had 'ar-1" - v o B,r,enuiuir aawiw jui.ge Manning because of his youthfulness t .at It seems strange it now has the nerve to say in, ruars, was u,..u., tant. But the Weekly stepper. is side- The Weekly made the ' misstate ments about Judge Manning's age two the weeks ago and had all the time In the tenening to prepare a defense. Still it thinks we are unfair for asking It "AnmA nr.ae'' an answer - - .; .1 .;:VT.. ..." . .7 an a n n tt aw a'o t i i iij i 1 11 1 r- i im i iic -; . ' weesiy biiuuiu um uave ue.-u .ai.su, napping after making a charge, nor knowing what It could ay whm caH " ed dow n. . We are not surprised at anthlng the Weekly should say about Judge' Manning or any one else after tead- ing its charge that Governor Ritchlnj i . r.,- vti.tr.1 has iolned the tnlStS. CiOVemor KltCnV In, 'so well 'Known Itf this 'dlstrlcf'for'.llycr t ' w.Hmft' waste and foreign' h nat tu-Plve' veal's will not how-' matters from tie blood. Thence Rt ever, be injured by -such rot.' There once' "was a young' editor vv said, "Cussing Democrats with me is great fad;" But alack and alas, it soon came l,b' to'; nass. . He couldn't tell young one's from' old! V ' ":'"' ' ' ' V ;''" ' ' " ' The Weekly suggests' l he names of -.r . -a four excellent gentlemen for Legisla- v'ui t-Avtui7iii, Srii..ic,.irU ,.,,i Uve honors, but the Weekly has been predicting dire calamities to befall' u.. !... mA t... .i,.. ii-.i..u ';." i. so happens that the Weekly is (the fjrat to even.,, suggest a part of a ticket. :..:.;:.cm--'.'Ml'im .'" J?e,t'"' .'" ..-:'-.' '-'-'. 1 . . , iv rwtM n..,.t the Uhnr union m! In nrcvent at St. Louis yesterday. The unions - xUWttrarKmrtn - y- , j?! v W Seve)lof Te j& iinfMy Z ui I not ber4el' iu n? J J.ifS, f I no particBlair . attrat iena yittt -Jtlkt, good undertakers jitbome. a eiii,or who dcs not ktii.the deference a Msmkof heaJwaU amj Cooper-gurU 'not laFbe . expepted.. t know unythTrtp ibqat Jrhc 'age bf Bqjrtfl iAnne WltrhMBrarteef inpoemj and a great loarcUw of bacon, .we 'ara trying vainly to persuade tlrTU ... I llai: net y IH;ww Is iii.t-',l . 111 (. miiiiK- ji May .in Senate uiuil he di. RetifcirVable heroism, to ,J(,t lK.aM Mart.h 4.,, ,.xt M, ,.almly. - . j. . VHetty "Gl-.-euV son Tyo-ivf tWse-i,f--n,vdtUI warms ous nearis n womanKtmi. , , . ,.,,.:,.-,'. ,,JV . ., in --i.,' flv,. ViVVniiuiUis, iuln huiuv iiamiw ,vuu. ,,,,..,, f-.,.t , fmiMirian.-e . "' The Itcvb-W fnti(;ll trusts while tile ditt of the C'lily niis play i tic hid'' and seek anil makinc ..mud -calo-s. at Vaiicovville. After . iiuiie a tramp in from the incitii: sutmrtis. K'tward I'ayson wos- this week. . ..-"-; - " opcr.u )lM.MVa.. . Tv. . . i. aj . 1 1 r -i k 1 1 . 1 hat -w-Interesting- nens coming '' that hoy will take, hold of the? regwn or Mirth Jaroiinfi iv-,;.,a"4 mak( " ,,v'-" "ore at relative as " u'inr resort, h means iiiq speno- or. tein n.UUons of dollar- - . , ,,,, ,,D 0J .. - ------ v. ,,.,;, i, ine.onceivable. Wlien the ina.;uei that the expenditure of capi tal is all that-- is r.-'cessnry to develop resources that aro full of promise. If til" Messrs. Dtlke ill not be sufficient Iv entertained' by tliir projects In the I'lertmont let ttii-rn com" m rtnal -eri'i Carolina ami w- !i mak it entertain - in", fi r ihem Vit:...iitto!) ?:Hr - : - How's This? we offer one hundred dollars any case of catarrh that caV Ha.8 ruann Cvrt, V. .1. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo. O. We. the undersigned, have known F Chenev for the last 1 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in nil business transactions, and finan cially able to . carry out any obliga tions made by his firm. -Walding Kinnan & Marvin. Wholesale Prug- . 'gists. Toledo. O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken intern- -11,. ..-rr:., dir,,..,i,- upon the blood of the system. atid mucous surf aces Testimonials sent free Price 7f.c per bottle. Take paUou. Sold by all druggists. Hall's Family Pills for consti- Farmers, Attention. We will close up f lie grades we ex pect to put ii) our first sale June 1. -so please hurry iii what tobacco you 'te Koing to pool as early as you can. The morp totaci;o we llav tllt b)tP ..sale we ran make. We are well j.uuipped for handling - ' ril..n'. v:ri ' ,'. your tobacco. so please bring It in and help the farm(,rs.' in this movement for bette ' , ' r .nripoo . . . Truly yours, H. O. KERNS, Preisdent, Producers Tobacco Co., Inc MILAM Blood Purifier and Tonic. , . i- v. . . . -.nUlY 11 IUA I I WUKIVT. b a -a m r r a m f - a r f i t By a Wtll-Knon Physcfan. ''Milam js aisorbed from the Btom-j. ch and it Nithies by the Portal, Veins and cametj tnrough the uver,.j n aa,-.w culation. ..J"- ertles it. sttmilates the cells of he 1 1 u,.B il i . pocs tTirough ue lungs into the gen- , era! circulationwhere it tenetrate to- the minutest cols of the body anditJI lurking places :of disease, stimnla-t a' ting the' ells knd glands to drain-j 'away poisonous' and foreign mattersH circulating In tft blood or hiding In uie bJaiein. ' The TOMC pbpertles ot MILAXfjthe bladder, brickdnst or sediment in fi come .not only 'rom the purifying the urine, head -ache, back ache. lamei and enrichment d the blood, but be-j back, dizziness. aleeplessnesSj.. verroBa-.;- 'ore being absorbd into the ayateni.J Jfl jftfl'ffll'if brea. .4 . . . Ull . the action upon tb stomach is very; - T . , beneficial. The cedents are sweeten-j ed and buriflefl, ' tte flow' of the pan rrentle Inleea stlmlateH thi, n trt in? dUeatlon. Increaa appetite toning up and trongthertig the entire sys-: j up ami n'raisufiHK hip rniue sy- ;tcm, Mllnm h tb best: -'- T II 11 t iVIi' TaMI t a-' "MHM , a w I I i l'll VI I I I IIUII . The only oae guifautecd to benefit. At Your Drugglsf $1.00 a Bottle. fllLAM MICINE CO ,. INCOPOPATED. DANVlLLEj VIRdlNIA TltPf Tni '1A1W'.-' T i-j m y rir mim I II -Everything that (goes into Ice Cream ..costs inuth more Mi f Whan It toed to, un- j re ader Wll , u ii rntti from Jell-fl Tea npreaii , " ; r,-.Cresm does not cost n i i s it-d tea t ts ago. Tbl-ju, !f,T OloaC. ,ju Pow. der never t i ,t' - ,- " lee fjnsun ;t w from ,JHl-0 Ice Cbnciuie. aS.t llniWnl. Mi i.rmmr 2 f(Naw S3 (KMafa, Bfaitliliil kmiwr Ilk Free. Artdrfss, TWfeBcseefiirtMCaU tt7,fCY. vnm PlwJ.j fthetlowaprked Mury ca Vfttth.5 t -1 ?f Jury List June Term Superior Court. M. 1.. Price, Mayo. J P. Thomas, Mayo J. J. Vaden. Madison. J. I'. t-talliugs, Keidsville. J. i-. Hopper. LeakSvillc. ' ' CabeJ WUkins. Mayo. It. H. Wilson. Madison. T P. Roberts. Mayo. .W, Hall. Keakvsillo. ; VV'C: Mitchell. New Jtth.l. t."V. farter. Mayo T: o; Stalling...: Kcidsv ill... .1 A. Hopper, ,caksvil1e, W alter M. Bay nes. New Hethcl Walter I Simpson. New Hethel! 1 II. Ciiffilh. Ruffin! I II I'ani.l, Ruffin, '-'-: T K. Webb. New He; he. .1. W. Vauglin, Huiitsvillc; W. I,. Hruce. Reidsville. Walter fiibson. Madison. Second Week. U. ('. Pace, Liaksville. " , (t. W. Apple, Simuonill . N. A Wllliiti.stMi. laksile. I. R. Allen. R'eidaUl.. ' iia !e f.f .V BetheJ, J. W. I'lirgasoii, Wentwortb S. I.. )ver,iv.Leaksvili. .... J. (J. .lolmson. Madison. . ., W. p. B.urton.eidsi iUe. J. W. lliimlUn:, rakavillo. , Jas. N. Allen. No Bethel .. John I L Bailey, New Btithel. I,: L. Harrelson. Ruifln. 0. W. Carter,. Jteidsyllle. R.-.P. Chance, ReidsviUe. W. M. White, Huutsvilkv J. F. Deshazo, LeakstUle. 'as. P. McCargo, Went worth. Mr. Woods" Heavy Losses. Samuel ;. Woods. '- well know fanner and merchant of Caswell ' !io-.. Iarg lumber mill, ; storehouse and mnniif.-cinrlue"' plant ft' Purb -y . .were -.destroyed by (ire early , Weduestlay moniing. was in the city' today and stated rhat his losses from the conflftgrtion would be between four and five thousand dollars. The fire was firsf discovered at about 1' o'clock In a building : used forlhe storage of lumber, and its 'origin is a" mystery. The flatties spread rapidly" and all of the adjacent buildings were soon burned ;o the grrmnd. Practi oally everything was destroyed, caus ing damage to the extent of about .even thousand dollars!.' Mr. Woods operated a saw-mill, a grist mill, manufacturing plant and a general mercantile store. He Was 1n C.reenslioro on business at the time of the fire, and carried ontv two Thou - sand dollars Insurance. Mr. Wooils stated today that be hail '- When 'yottt health is attak,ir rr.?0ward ,( specific, for .Fet not as yet made any plans for re- Voil lUttflM affnrd to"' ftlke risks by z,'r Tucker have so much faith in building, though he had re-opened hia'otfontjslnV'thi'Whft an;lt care-fth rvmodr- ,hat 'hejn , w"l refute) mercantile establishmeht. Danville f..l nt,.i, -l l :....... ,.,.,...fv.j,the money to anyone whim it does no np' ; The splendid work of Chamberlain '. Stomach aud Liver Tablet , is daily eoming to light, N'o such grand rem. dy for liver and bowel troubles was ever known before. Thousands bless them for curing constipation, sick headache, biliousness, iaund'v,- 1 indigestion. Sold by.GoW. Brittain. . , t A touch of rheumatism, or a twingt- of netiralgla, whateer the trouble is, Chamberlain's LlhimeTiit drives 'away the pain at once and cures th i complaint quickly. First applicatit gives relief. -Sold by .-Brit tain. j. Do you have that dark brown taste (in yo'ir mouth every morning when i you awa'ce? If so. you are bilious and, should take two or thre of tho lit. - v. - tie Bloodine Liver Pills, easv to take ! never sicken, .weaken or gripe. 25c. ! mailed by The Bloodine Co., Inc., Bos j ; -.'"'. 1 UC CaUSe Of Many 1 . Sudden Deaths, ; - ... .. ...'.. . . . . r ;. deaths are caused ' by it heart dis ease, pneumonia, heart failure or ' ' apoplexy are often the result of kid-' I ney disease. "If"; j kidney 'tronble is?! allowed toadvance ! the kidney-poison-1 j ed blood -will at- ji. .v k ..;-! : . , t vt ls auii noavc a tv ay veil uy VCli. Bladder troubles almost always result ujauuer irouoies almost n I ways result from a derangement of the kidneys pnd better health iu that organ is obtained . quickest by anrcmcr treatment of thebid. it a(J(1 overcolnM that utfXa"rtWe compelled to- go often thtougfc' ' 7'.' uutibh. f tliahl TTit.iilH in..J.'.l. -(T k --- .....u,.,,.u1utll. uj ownuip-Riwi, ine great Kianey remeay is soon realized. It stands the highest be cause of its remarkable health restoring properties. A trial will convince anvone. Swamp-Root is pleasant to take and ia sold by all druggists in fifty-cent. and. one-dollar size bottles. You may have a sample bottle and' a book that" tells all' about it, both sent free byraaih" Address; Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. When writing mention reading this gen erous offer in, this aper. .Ppn.'t make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, and don't let a dealer sell yon something lit plate Of SwampRoot If you do you will be disappointed. ; FOR RECISTEP; QF . . Two years ago-after anj dsfaat 4Qt Register of Deeds 1 had nO(omplaIat to make, but said Ja-, a. .card ihat I would be with-th boya again' ..J two years. I now- ask thevDemocratlc party for the nomination -again. While I am no qultterI lm Hot 4 hanger on and shall - make -o-.. fight for the nomination In the .primary, but will appreciate ifr if th party thinks best to tonder ine tha nomina tion for Register o! Deeds again and will ihake a hard fight for the clec- ii. J li MoMlCHAgU V'adison, N. C, No. 1. The utomteh in a ar!r factor in " life, liberty n 1 the pur suit of hif rP tHwi nnt people ara aware. Patriotitm , fn,"' -w i huaeV uf;not dytpepsia. The confirm ed dyt H i t!et fo(.an,tratiCemt ami spoil." The man ju t If the tiQlt ltf hi country with weak stomach til Mkj 4k oldicrnd a (ault hiidcr. ..A oynJ ftomach makes iur good citizenship a well at for health and h.ippinoi Diseased W the utomach and othet organs of digestion and nutation je promptly and permanently cured by the u of nr. PiKsaoiDE MLi)itL ristrovriit: rr-taitda vp the bothr with ok4-fHH aT nolld masce. " ' - T.T" . ':. i ;-. :-.;..: v.- . . . . The dealer who offer a mhatitute for the " Discovrir " I ' m rntf Peking to make the little more prufit. reulued on the nle'pffe'Mi meritorious preparation. 1 " 11 " . l)r I'irrce' t'mnin Sene Medical Adier i ent frri ott receipt of tnmi t'i pay expense ol milin( nh. Send pj . - one-cent sjrtmpti lor me paper covered took, or .u aiamp fow 'the doth , bound. Address World's l)ipnnsary Medical lJarAoaifttion,Jiv..N .ricroe, M. D., President,. Hiillalo, N. Y. I C E CR.E A fl ' H0W T0 CUHE KHEUMATISP1 , . !. rf K,.ff , i, , j Htai?Ii5.iaslJi5a aa Hrmitt-M an"" ,Ye, deliver, crearn any The Ca.e o Rhramatism and kir. ' rlv tiA'-it,M-i,.J .ii1" diseases is an excirsa of uric acid ' "-..' 1 d?5 ?"y "f", packed,' o the blood. To cure this terrible di- i A - I , ,i i 1 following prices: . .1, Quart. J -2 Gallon, v v?. 1 Gallon, r - i -tr ..... ,,may ease tne pain, put tney win no . Special ,. prices, .on lafge more cure Rheumatism than paint will " .. . . ",,.,' . , . . ,chsnee the fibre of rotten wood, quantity. guarantee Our Science has at last discovered a per- ' " t r t - x ff-t and complete cure, which is called 'Cfeam to be fn8tlass. - -"Rheumacide." Tested inhundredsof "." - . - - .cases, it has effected th, most marvel- Telephone Nq.,T69, ' Piedmont Gro. Co. hDI) VVARE. Prop '"' Morrison's Old Stnnt : A LONG '". - -r-f.a w - i . . J - .. EXPERIENCE , in the winwrtiuUtag of j.n-sirip- ' ". -. ul "" "Vsl wu": Ul"ur.jiu.s uiamus us to ' ' - aM"..t(iHiiaiiiii. ..o.jttie cuxe., of. inisl vy::i w i : ;in i .Jspe Plwntln by HUltituU(liv but , si;, i..y ,'ff.. U the. -eVulSif ' Oc 'botMe ' Just wlmt your, iloctor ,orum ii Ulf Hiii4y of this tore that we rati (lit to ftinkp ilralln with us iilmsant anl "athfactory. A ' . I '- I- C IVT ''f C t aLai 14 L 11 J DRUG - STORE The Old Reliable iDO YOU NeCd a Plumber? r Get connected with 'phone 25, and tell ns what you; want done. ' We'll come running: and the work will be properly done, too. . . WE KNOW HOW. W. G. MARTIN, :.rU'.nBE!l ASB.TI.tMER I WANT. TO MAKE YOUR p r i-v t a t oar m f K I j 'C S Ii I -I- ! '. - 7? ; t ' - new .an.faaionablo Wc8 for Snrlne wear anT? wat t your new Suit. I know I canai' .....j .nir.,lpv- J T t,ll I,,' - ' " i ivince you of this fact. . fMl work is made in my shop, un- d my personal supervision, and ituated in the city of Reidsville, ft wfcl see to It that you are well bl'c auctlon- pleased. When you come to Danvllla rady, May 21, 1910, at 11 O'clocl, call In and see my line. 'Prices always right. M BALf TUP taii no . v ' Morgan Block, Main . St., G. E. PETTY&'CO. ElectricaJEngipeers r t". t 1 ' ' ;.r . i.! and Contractors. -.1r-r,s4',.-'TI 9 "GREEfBOROTN. C. Patriotism ww una aciu inuoi ut rxpeiieu aim fihe system so regulated that ne jncre jacid will be foimed in exceaatve B Jan-A - ' .jtities. Rheumatism is an internal di- . t sease and requires an internal remedy. , 35q, . - ! RubbinR with Oila and Liniments witr ' ;' ' 1 not cure, affords only temporary relief 60c " t best, is in no sense th, proper -- ' treatment, and allows -.the tialtdy -$1.00-- teta fiimer hold on yta.J Llrnmvtita ous cures; we believe it will cure vnu. . R ifumcitie "gets at the joints from the inside," sweeps the poison out of the rystem, tones up the system, recu- Mates the liver and kidneys and mskis you feel well all over, Khcmscide strikes thrroot of thediseas,. and re movei its cause." This splendid reme ' dy is said by rirui'lists and dealers gen erally at Mi and Jl a bottle In Tablet form at 2-rcand otic a pack sue. Get a bottle today. Booklet free if you write J to Bobbitt Chemical Co , Baltimore I For sate byTMuTn's' tru'g Store. Fetier-A-frtiaKer's Success. . I-etzer'TuckTrribe ittefprtsInT idruKiU ratjec, tliao awjtiY the ordt- IK(1'V m,.thods of' tntordrtctlbn.' urged I Hie I3r. rj0Wardrt.'p: to.5-ure a quick ( 4;,1.. f,.r tneir ceMmmd s.ietific for at half iflice.,. , .-;, .. f Iti ndi'itioii to :-e''!iig a r.nc botfl cure. , f ; ., ; When your to ad actus, your stopi ach does not digest food 'wisily' .nfml Hat urally when there Is constipation. specks before the iyes,-flrtl feellnK. giddiness,- bad tate iu the nioulli, coated fongu,; hearibnrrr, sour tom Uh, roai-Uig ot rUiging In tlut jpars, I melancholy' and llvfcr" Iroubles,' iiTir. llowarrrrlecKJe' will euro; your 2, 1? ' h does not, it w ill not cost you a 'cent. .... i V ' i.r,T Special Bargain" a.,. nr ... w,,! ;- , In order To reduce " my large sibck'of Kanges 1 sell to the first three purchasers in the ' I he, next GO todays one - new Rat)gc each at prime First come, first w- . ,h served. Thcfie are Raraihs. u ' G. Gladstone cak' SLroft, , Itelddville. c Af p flF TiSwM DPAt SALE OF TOWN REAL - nESTATETFOR TAXES. .4- I will sell the following property? ,-ort the premises, the following reftl eijiaw to satisfy taxes due tne ci fot tlil eaTTlfOa: . OTcnrsiftianrl lot on Branch street. loWfilfi'fn Squire McCain, adjoinid iLRSl'V -f Brum Dickerson and otl HQUi- . mid lot on Church stred belongfing .;o Sallle Clark, adjoinlnk the lands, 5f Tom Gunn and othera. Taxes, $2.38, - j House ani.b)t on Church street, ljt longlng to Tdpi Gunn, adjoining to lands of Sallle Clark and others. Tt t- Housp and lot on Carter street, ljr fofigftiB-'to 'I'tissf Pbnn'.' adijoiniiig t je lands, vof,lllohnd VjHklna and o(h pre, jaxes, 2.uu.( ' Hruse and oV ton Lyte' streot, !l be- longing to Polly Searcy, adjoining . the lands of Maurice' Low and oli- crs. Taxes, $2.75. jj Mere wrll-follow 4hhi if rtbt paid at once. ;, this April Te, 'Wto J.W. TKAY. City Tnr rllectr,

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