Somi-V7oo!dy VOL. XXIII, NO. 26 $1 PER YEAR. REIDSVILLE, N. C. JUNE 3, 1910 ISSUED TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. iu,,twmiuBKsnm A Policy Issued by The T jj Assurance Society . . Prevents the Ship wreck of the family W. L Clark, Agt. This Is Our Policy. . Wc want you to remember that .we have a definite object In vifW ant! that i that eve TV in view, anu inai inai every CUStOmer WhO COmeS mtO OUr store snail believe that every Oatpmpnt k warranted tn hp siaiemeni lb warranieu 10 dc so in every way. A 1 1 A-1 A - A ADy DUSUieSS inai aoes nOl liVe UP tO that Standard mUSt fill in nfprpc 1411 IU ylCCCO. We Have Deen JXCre With you a lonjjf time and surely we havp nrnvn nnrcc1vp wc nave proven ourselves worthyof serving you as your druggist. May we ask a trial? j CAi.nH C. "'T'--,1'v rcuci i uvtver The Dependable DfUeirists r P. M. PETTI T Plumbing and heating Estimates givtn on short nitice. All work guaranteed. I also make storf, window and porch awnings. Office, ihow room and warehouse 114 East Market St, Phone 509 Greaniboro, N. C. Smith Seed Equitable! & Y j Ail qualified voters who desire an rPPfl I .A i economical form of government in 1 VVU V4Vjn.vjrn state and county, and who WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Fertil'zers for grain and grass. Cy phers Incubator and Brooders. Garden Seed 9 Specialty. 224 MIAN, DANVILLE. 'Phone 133 Nothing you offer her will please her half so much as .he announcement that you havetfound a laundry where she can have all ihe linen laundered and returned to her with immaculate whiteness free from all spots and blemishes. This Is the place. THE STAR LAUNDRY, WILBUR W0MACK, AGT. NEWS OF THE NATION opening of General Interest Since Our Latt tame. i Koiwevert visited the Zoo in Lndo i I fie other day. It must Imvp seined ' like Old Home week. ! Tap Main-, Jacko Mabo and Dave Joyce, of Stokes county, were given a h ariiiK in Winston on the charge of illicit distilling and were bound over (0 Fdial court. David Wade, a colored boy from Martinsville, went to Ridgeway on an excursion where ho was shot and fa tally wounded by officers who mi-i-took hlra for a fugitive from North Carolina. There la a well founded report thul at Hit meeting of the executive (committee In Greensboro the other 1 day It was suggested to Chairman 1 'Adama that he might resign, but i that the ex-Judge very promptly de- (lined the proposition. The two hundred and fifty dollar leward offered for the capture of Lut Shaw, the negro slayer of Charles S- Caswell county authorities. At the meeting of the Young Men's Democratic Club In Winston excel lent talks 'Were made by Solicitor S. Porter Graves, of Mt. Airy, and lion. C O. McMlchael, of Wentworth. who 'was In the Twin-City assisltlng In ! th prosecution of Charlie Snipes for j the murder of J nnie Webster. THe second bids for" the 3,4:10,000 refunding fortv year four wr cent North Caolina bonds to take ud bonds , I Llnpuf n I frustum i npinnlir riT liar. . , . ..u.n.,.a -u ,,v . .,., ensarr wr jne to mane any reply, not-, v.,. . tu rl.ts tht I viiip hg .n fir r u m irii. him. ,.!,..,... ...... . ..wJiair or tnein rig-its mat i " .-- MiiiHwiumius very aeumuiy mvHi. th irnirole of I at hnliirh a '.'Uivk tn 'him hn. hiun .l, ' ' . 1 . ..' i mJWSU '10. 8 ITOHOie 01 - -me great wrong me course ne HiiJ t, t nf Mu ,we flml Irnnr nn nnnr I minimi v )v thai j i.-- a i. . i "m request 0 Mr, anU falling due July 1 were opened the h8hlJ! than mine. othr day and it was found that "While "regretting the whole affair, there- were bids for only $1,19.1,000 of i nd dasirliiS to do Mr. Fagg no injus the Issue as comnared with 11.765.000 "M. yet this article seems to make that were bid for on the first date for the bond sale May 18 when all tiids were rejected. Ttiuf Aftot- HollvpHnv mi nilHrsH I before the Randleman township 8un- j day school convention, wiison Davis, i an aKed c,tlzen 81,(1 superintendent of 1 st John.g Sunday Scnool of thRt place, dropped dead in the convention ; ,m h closed his address with j "May God 'w,th you tln we raBt,t ' a ln Takl hl8 geat he 8Udden... iy expired. - : All of the fifteen Injured in the ! wreck Monday of Southern Railway 1 'a8t nlal1 a,,d passenger train No 3, Ul a.amxrn. oKn..t Tift ll- Vnrtk of Reldsvllle.wm recover and no fat al- u,os resu,t from the disaster, so far the caU8e of lhe wreck na8 not determined and the o..iv aoiu- tion advanced is that It was due to a't o-defective ran. Democratic Convention and Primaries The Dei'Hf riitic Convention of' RtK'LinKham coiirty Is hereby called '10 mPet at Wentworth on the 2nd day i of July (SMurdsy) 1910, at 11 o'clock for the purpose of selecting a m.. I delegates lO illr Dioic l.'Wiiriiivin ivi bo held In Charlotte. N. C. on the 14th day r.f July, 1910, as well as to s'.ict delegates to the Congressional i and Judicial conventions to be held in ills Congressional and Judicial j district, and for the purpose of nom inating county and legislative ticket. The chairmen of the various pre- (cir.cts are requested to call their ! pri maries on Saturday, the 25th day i of June, 1910, for sending delegates t the convention to be held at Went-' worth July Z, which convention will ' select delegates to the State, Con , M"f sslonal and Judicial conventions, : and nominate a county and legislative i ticket. The preclnce meetings will ! also elect their precinct executive ! 'onimittee. believe In the principles of the Dem ocratic party are urgently Invited to participate in the Democratic primar ies.' By order of the Executive Commit- j106' By ALLAN D. IVIE. Chmn. The Review and Atlanta Tri-Week fly Constitution and Uncle Remus Magazine, 12.00 per year. FAGG SAID JOYCE AND CLARK TOLD HIM NOT TO SHOW BOOK Chairman Ivie, of the Democratic Executive Committee, Prints the Affidavi Sustaining Serious Charges Against the Republican Chairman and Sheri Clark The Whole Affair Completely Analyzed. Editor Rockingham News: I notice an article In the Issue of your paptfr of May 20th written by Mr. J. W. Fagg, deputy sheriff of ; Leaksvilie township, relative to his conduct In the collection --at poll tax , Uockini;ham ot one of the prior to May l You should have had ..j K1v&t partieg, andin trying to ful h il foil your last weeks Issue but f fi uponlme, I was repre for my absence from home. Uenting a large bojly of citizens In 1 regret very much Mr. Fagg so Leaksvilie townshlX and It was in wrote his article as to make It nee- ; iha n, th' rtb.en nrf on pursued has done the people vlllo township. The personal rela tions existing between Mr. Fagg and myself have been most cordial, and ito one ),-egrets more than I that he chose the line of conduct pursued hy him, a-nd I did , all I could to try to persuade him to desist and act other wise. He refused to hear my many : very courteous requests, and among othrfr tilings, told .me that he had other advlabrs, whose. 'Judgment and advice he seemed to regard more !11 cncifflibent upon me to give the ;(oilb connected with this Incident. Also, his article states that it was ' written for the purpose of correcting ; errors, but I find that Mr.. Fagg. or I Whoever wote his letter for him, ! falls Into a gross error himself. , A.'.". Fagg, in his article, states : that Mr. C. P. Wall and myjelf "well i knew" that the Democratic deputy sheriff two years a?o refused to l"t the Republicans hive a list of tho.e who had not paid their poll tax. Mr. Fagg is groisly in error about this j as to myself, and I am informed by 1 Mr. .Wall that he Is likewise iu error as to him. 1 do not know that Mr. Deshazo refused Republicans a list two years ago; on the other hand, Mr. Fagg should remember that In talking with him about thi3 in at tar, when he told me that Mr. J. F. peshazo likewise refused the Repub- j itvoiio iiic oanic I 6 inu ;mio ago, that I told him Mr. Deshazo de- member, also, another thing I told him, that if Mr. Deshazo did do what he said he did, that Mr. Deshazo did wrong, and that a wrong on the part f f M'. Deshazo would not be any Itiatlflnat Inn nr irufunoo tnr lilm ffr , . , likewise doing wrong. (n j I am not writing this article detVnd Mr. De3hazo. suffice it to esfcy that 1 noticed In, a recent Issue of The Reidsville Review a sworn statement from Mr. tleshazo denying that he ever refusd any Republican j the privilege of ascertaining from hla hnko ItifrhntiQ iinn na in whn halt ... wno ...... - innt naM thai nnll Y- nW tluit lte httd not left the township, "nor concealed himself therein" to keep pejf)iln from paying their poll tax. I am Informed by Ex-Sheriff Pinnix that there was no complaint madeto him as to the alfleged conduct of Mr. Deshazo in regard to the. poll tax. John F. Deshazo,' being duly aworn, says that he is a resident of Leaksvilie Township, and that he has been deputy sheriff of Leaksvilie Township for sis years, up to and including 1908, and that during his term of of fice as deputy sheriff for said ; township he has never refused to allow any Republican to examine his books to ascertain who had not paid their poll tax. He furth er says that he never bus at any , . time absented himself from his township nor concealed hlinaelf therein for the purpose of pre venting citizens from paying their poll tax in time to qualify them to vote. J. F. DESHAZO. -'Leaksvilie, May 19, 1910. r -(Sworn to and subscribed be fore met this the 19th day of May, 1910.) J. W. Norman, N. P. But Air. Fagg did not give me as his reason for not showing his books that J0I411 Deshazo had done like- ! wise, but gave me other reasoiui. the: first of which was that he had V en bond for his tax books and that he did not feel that anybody except himself had a right to examine them, and that he was not only refusing Iiemocrats, but did not allow Re publicans to examine hl3 books. Now he says In his articlo it was only the Democratic politicians he refused to let have his books. The last reason he gave me, or rather in justlfica-1 tion of his refusal, was that both 3heriff Clalrk and Mr. Joyce had ad vised against showing hla books. And ;nly Incidentally reminded me. In answer to my earnest request and ' many reasons why I thought he ought itlo show us this courtesy, that his predecessor had done likewise..-- j Mr. Fagg says in his article "It was only Democratic politicians whom' I refused to let L;. v.e my boonr and I also refused to give a list of those who had not paid theif taxes." You 'HrwonlttMpfer from tftiw-that- ho-1 everybdoy else a list, as well as let them have his books, notwithstand- lng he told me he was treating He- publians and Democrats alike, My going to Mr., Fagg for this In- foimatlon was pursuant to the man dates of a trust which was Imposed vntk ita th r4iir.HftifAf tvv in put making his re- fusal was not an lnsalt nor injury to me, and I have no -levance with use this argument In justification, at him. Whatever injustice and wrong which time I told him that John De there was In bis conduct fell upon j shazo denied the charge. the good people of . Leaksvilie. town- J "C. P. WALL, ship, whom 1 repij.sentt'd, and it ' "Sworn and subscribed before me, was their right and" sacred privilege j this the 24th day of May, 1910. K. which he trampled "inder foot, not pntne. The following affidavit from . Mr. j C. P. Wall showi the facts connect ed wi'h' Mr. Fagg'a refusal to give information from his books. "State of North Carolina, Rock ingham County.: "C. P. Wall being duly sworn says that as precinct chairman of the Democratic executive committee of Leaksvilie precinct, I went to Mr. J. 'W. Fagg. deputy sheriff of Leaks vilie township, about, the middle of April of this year and asked him for a list of the taxpayers on his books who had not; paid their poll tax thai ,1 might calf this important matter to th attention of the voters. Mr. Fagg, in the presence of Mr. J. S. McAlister, told me that he would (give me this list, and soon thereaf ter I asked Mr. W. D. Carter to see him and get this list for me, and in a day or two I was Informed by Mr. Carter that he could not gettthis in formation from Mr. Fagg. I again saw Mr. Fagg and tked hlra' about j it, and ho again promised to let me j I have this Information. I asked Mr. 'Carter to see him and get the liJt, nr A ' n-Ati I n f v-w eA V. Iff. Porrnr - page said he was busy at i the time, but would come over to the office later, Not seeing Mr. Mir. Carter5 to see him and insist iat llo give it to us, or let us know definitely about it as the time ! wfas growing close, it then being the last week in April. Being in formed then by Mr. Carter that Mr. Fagg refused to let him have the ' list, 1 saw wr. ragg myseir, ana ue refused to give me any information a'n,d refused to let me look at his books in his presence, and upon, my asking his reason for such refusal, he said that he had given bond for his books and didn't think anybody ,u. .i, .1 K. Af- ,,au l"c "S"1 l Uer receiving a letter written by ' Sheriff Clark to Mr. Fagg, requesting him to let any taxpayer see his books, I; sent, this letter to him by . Mr. Carter, with the request that he j insist on getting the list that day as ' it was then the 29th day of April, and I was informed by Mr. Carter that Mr. Fagg stated when Shown this lettel', "that if Sheriff Clark didn't object to It. he dhm't." and that) he would be) up to tlffe office in i a little while to see me. Rlr. Fagg j did not; come to tho office that day. On Saturday morning, ApTll 30th, at I the request of Mr. P, W. Williams, I who works in the office with me, who ! wanted to pay some taxes, Mr. Fagg came to the office and I again asked - hlin If he would not let us have this J. N. Ciraig, Justice of the Peace." Information as to who had not paid ) Tiy'M is still anotjieif person to their pofl tax he refused outright to .!mflidni Mr". Fagg told that Mr. J. U do so, and upon calling his at-'' Jeb-ce advised him in the strongest, tftntion to Sheriff Clark's letter, in-' slructing him to let. anyone have '(Continued on Page Four.) M Wm BAKED FOOD, IA j II economlciO. Readily I. rnsdt with :WfP r s s 1 1 1 1 I -.ii .1 ir 1 i. .ii.ii.i.. 1 .1, 11, mil--' 11 1 3lfjfT ' '. - V '.- ..'" this information, he told me in the presence of Mr. P. W. Williams that I no, had heard from Sheriff oJaik again. Md Kagg did not give me as his reason for not showing his books that John Deshazo, his predecessor, had refused the same, but gave in as his reason that he had given bond for his books and be did not think anybody had the right to see them, and ou Saturday, April 30, a further reason that he had heard from Sher iff Clark again. He did tell me in talking with we about It, that John j Deshazo had refused to show his books, and might have intended to j E. Emerson, Notary Public.' Mr. Fagg did not refuse me the first time 1 talked with him about It. Later he did refuse me, but said he would take it. under further consideration and let me l&ow by 'phone next morning what he would do. He did not call me the next morning, as he promised. I'pon my calling for him at his residence I was .informed. .that he had left home and I got no further advice from him ijt.ll about five daya later wlnJ.i 1 again maderhe -same miuejt oHiiin According to the affidavit' of Mr. . Wall, when Mr. W. D. Carter on Fridaay morning. April 29, presented Mr. Fagg Sheriff Clark's letter, he said he would be at the office to ! see him In a little while, and then Inslaad of agoing to the office to soe Mr. Cart4r, as he promised, Mr. ' Fagg, according to his own state ment, went to Reldsvill', and next , morning after his return refused to 'obey Sheriff Clark, and told Mr.. Wall, ! in the presence of Mr. P. W. Wil- Hams, that he had heard from the sheriff again. Fdr what purpose he went to Reids vllle I do not know; 1 do know that, in the presence of another person, on Monday afternoon, May 2, when I again asked him would ho not let us j see his books, he said he would not . lid wj'n I called his attention to the fat that the ahariff had reqest ed him to do so by letter, he an- I stwe'red me by saying that he saw Ihe sheriff again after he had writ-; ten th letter, and upon his giving the sheriff certain information, that Sheriff Clark, as well as Mr. Joyce, j advised against showing his books, j t beg tfo submit 61e following af- I fidavit of Mr. W. R. Dalton: "Reidsville, N. C, May 28, 1910. "W". R. Dalton being duly sworii says that while at Wentworth, N. C I on Monday, May 2nd. 1910, w hile in ) the hallway of the court house, . he J w'as in convisatlon with his law . partner, A. D. Ivie, in regard to some ! legal matters, and while thus en gaged in conversation Mr. J. W. Fasg deputy sheriff of Leaksvilie township, ciune, by and? Mr. A, -I). Tvie iisked Mr. Fagg if after getting Sheriff Clark's letter he was gotiig to show his tax books. Mr. Fagg stated that he was not goins to show them-.. that after receiving the letter from Sher iff Clark Instucting htm to show his tax books, he had seen Sheriff Clark again, and that both Sheriff Clark and Mr. Joyce told him not to show his tax books. "W. U. DALTON. "Sworn and subscribed to before me, this the 28th day of May, 1910. 1 I DELEGATES ARRIVING ' Delegates Attending State Woman's j. : ; ' ' ' Missionary Convention. J The Woman's Foreign Missionary j' Society- of the Western North Caro 1 lina Conference convened' here last ! nigh'. The sssions are being held I in Alain Street Methodist church. j Tli reei u re something ku 160 dele ; gates attending the convention, and ; tliege uro being entrttained In the i hotiies if IP. tity. A list of the dele ; gateii follows. ! Greensboro-Mrs. L. W. Crawford, Mrs. Lucy Robdreon, Mrs. R. B. , Allen, Miss Ruby Alley, Mrs. A. L. ' JVree, Mrs. E C Watlington, Mrs. .1. El . Atliight, v Mii ' I .xzifc Per : kins, Mrs. I) B Carr, Mrs. Mary Hoiles, Miss Love Ireland, Mrs. J. K. Bell, Mrs. A. E. Rives, Miss Bes sie Townsend, Miss Grace Elliot, Miss Thelma Saunders, Miss Reulah Brady, Mrs. Ida White, Mrs. E. L. Sides, Miss Elizabeth Sides, Miss Annie Landruth, Miss Carrie Young, Miss Limnle Ward, Miss Ethel Bar ber, Miss May Hendrlx, Miss Mada eline Stafford, Misa Bcrta Melvin, Miss Kathleen Hall, Miss May Dor sett.. ' " Spencer Mrs. C. M. Bobbitt, Mrs. A W Hicks, Miss Mary Hicks, Miss Mamie Hatley, Miss Effle Hartman. Mooresvilla Mrs. C. E. Voifes, Mrs. P S Starrette. , Shelby Miss Lilla Hull, Miss Hil ary Hudson, . Waavenille Mrc T. II. Reeves. Mrs. R. V. Wllams. Kings Mountain Mrs. McKay. Winston Mrs. W. E. Franklin, Mrs Mat Stockton. j Ashboro Mrs. W. D. Steadman, Misa Katharlnu Burns, Mrs. C. A. I Wood. : North Wllkesboro Mrs. Z. Paris, ; Miss Alma Mast In, Miss Safford, Mrs. Ie wis Ulrlch. Lewis ville Miss Susie Warner, Miss Tabor, Miss Nannie Patterson, j Miss Blanch Spaugh. r Lexlngton--Mi88 Iena Grimes. Miss (Margie Yarboro. Thomasville Mrs. J, r. Cramer, I Mrs. F S. Lambeth, Mrs. J. R My ers, Mis3 Annie Thomas, Miss Nell Rtvfes Norris, Miss Lillian Yow. Lawndale Miss Lula Wilson, Miss Mat tie Stanley. : Mt. Airy Mrs. D. Vance Price, Mrs. S M Hale, Mrs. J E Albright, Miss Grace Foy, Miss Fannie Hoi comb, Miss May Robinson, Concord Mrs. W. R. Harris, Mrs 1) B Coltrane, Mrs. A L Day vault, Miss Anna D. Shaw, Misa Mary Pera betton. Mrs. W. T. Linker, Mrs. Jas Fink, Miss Llthia Miller, Miss Amy Stevens. Pineville Circuit Miss Annie Haw field. Charlote Miss Snow Davis, Miss Maud McKInnon. Ashevllle Mrs. W. W. Barnard, Mrs. J. T. Sevier, Miss Georgia W, Dennis, Mrs J. H. McLean, Miss Nan- nje McDowell. Miss Ada Butter- ick. Miss Clora Brown, Miss Sallie Reynolds, Mrs. Wilson, Ml38 Ethel Wilson. Miss Amy Hackney, Miss Kathaiine Wilson, Mrs. G. G. Harley. Salisbury Mrs. H, T. Simpson, Mrs. N W. Collet. Mrs. D. A Beav- crs, Miss Annie Bostlan. New. Lon Ion Mrs. Jas, W. Under wof'd. Miss 1-dna Ivy, Miss Janle Mauny, Miss J. A. Allan. 1 Mathews Mrs. E. W. Thomas. - Leaksi ille Mrs. Jas. Ivie. Gastonia Mrs. B. F. Morris, Mrs. L. L Hardin, Mrs. R J Sifford, Miss Clare Morris, Miss Myrtle Gray. Wadesboro Mrs. U, B. Blalock, Mrs. -Eugenia.' Lea, Mrs. Nannie How;pd, .'.",'' ...'-' 1 Llncoliiton Mrs. E. C. Baker, Mrs. Bettie Ward, three Light Bear ers. Taylors ville Mrs. E. Myers. Statesville Mrs. D. J. Kimball. Mis. R V Brawley. Morganton Mrs. W. F. Womble, Mrs. E McK. Goodwin, Miss Miriam Goodwin, Miss Straus Perkins. Waxhaw Miss Alma Cunnngiham. Norwood Mrs. Jas, Shlnn. Monroe Mrs. R. A. Totten, 'Miss Bettie Howie, Miss Adeline Craw, High Point Miss Francis Mann.Mrs, Dr. Frazier, Miss Venetia Smith. j Newton Miss Rebecca Trollinger, i Miss Mabel Beacon. i Hickory Mrs. H. F. Elliot, Mrs J H Weaver. Lenoir Mrs. England, Miss Ira Tuttle, Miss Iva Mcintosh. Mt." Holly Mrs. Jno. Holly Bethlehem Church-'-Mrg, John Hurton, Miss Florence Mre- M. Death of Mrs. Trogdon. - j Mrs. Elizabeth Troedon died at her t home at Mulberry Island, near Mad-j ison, Monday morning. The f uneral ! service and Interment were nt Mul berry Island clnicrh Tuesday afternoo at 2:30, -the) services being conducted by Rev. Mr. Robinson. Mrs, Trogdon Is survived by four sons and two daughters, the former being Messrs. W. B. Trogdon, of Greensboro; Samuel L. Tro-;don, of Greensboro; F. K. Trogdon, of Lynchburg, and J. L. ; Trogdon, of Madison. The daughters are Mrs. R. P. Henry, of Winston, and Miss Flor - who was held in. the highest esteem Deceased was a - (IhrUtian wcmJin by all who knew' her. For nearHy 30 years she was a member of the Bap tist church at Madison. She had been an invalid for five years. What Everybody Ought to Know, Thait Foley Kidney Pills contain j tst the Ingredients necessary to ?n'?. strengthen ana regulate tne utUon of the kidneys and b"4dIgr, Sold by all druggists.. ; LIFE INSURANCE I have represented the MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE INS. CO. for 20yr$. simply because it is the BEST COMPANY 1 for my people. j ,:..v.v-.'- ? 'I Let me 5? S f: f f S ? 5? Show you the figures. FRANCIS WOMACK, The Insurance Man Ji i.iiB Johnston, Allan D. Ivix, Yanceyville. Leaksvilie. WiLLIAM Rkid Dalto.n, Reidsville. " Johnston. Ivie & Dalton, Attorneys at Law. . Office in rear of Bank of Reidsville. Same as formerly occupied by John ston ft Ivie. Julius Johnston and A. D. Ivie will continue their usual visits to Reidsville, the latter on evtry Thursday. Practice la State and Federal Courts. CHAS. O. M'MICHAEL Wentworth. J. E. 8AINTSIN0 Reidsville. McMlchael & Salntsing, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS Practices in Stat and Federal Courts, All basinets given prompt attention. Chas. O. McMicheal will be in Madison on Saturday, office over postoffice. A. L. BROOKS . 1 H. P. LAM BROOKS & LANE, Reidsville, N. C. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Practice in Stt teand Federal Courts. Careful attention to all business en trusted to us. EDGAR H. WRENN, JR., LAWYER. Office in Fels Building. AU business intrusted to him will b looked after promptly and carefully. JUSTICE & GLIDE WELL ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Practice In State and Federal Courts. Offices In Reidsville and Greensboro, DR, 5, O. JETT, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office in new Ware A Somer's Building Residence at Hotel Rockingham. 'Phone 4. DR. J. W. McGEHEE Office same as formerly occupied by ! i!r1l,,ll?ni.?J McGebee, in Bank of Reiils- ville building. 'Phone 60, Residence Phone 60-1. Ex-Ray and Massage Treatment. DR. J. R. MEADOR, DENTIST. Office formerly occupied by Dr. Rom inger over Citizens Bank . Phone 63J j 1 Q(t VI, B ABERNETHY, PHYSICICAN AND SURGEON Office in Fels Build ng RHonce next to Eplwor-al chorch YOU CAN CUBE THAT BACKACHE, Paiu (long the back, dinincM, hradnchc md general lauzunr. Out pclt!: of Mothcf tlrnjr'. Al-TKALIAN-LEAF for All KiUner, tUUet and Urinary trouble. When yon feel all run down, tired, weak and without energy you nerd t fuw done. o this plenunt berb cure. X. a regulator It haa no eoual. Mother Uray't Anlrliiii-tiif w aola vf tm""in or em tf w wrwmiei Kxmnie aent FltLs. Addnw, lb MuUM Uiaf CoUoy,K.I.

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