VOL XXV.NO 90. $1. per year. RIDSVILJL, N. C JANUARY 24, 1913. ISSUED TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. NEW M P. CHURCH NOW OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. 1 made a trip to Sandy Cross and , Bctheny Sunday. Good congregation a. both places. 'For this quarter I will preach at Sandy : cross the J.mrih Sunday, in February at 11 a. m., and Betheny at 3:30 p. m. We organised 8unday school in our Rj-idevUe church on the first. Sun day in January with 43 present, and ntw scholara enrolled each Sunday since. Mrs. J. D. McCollum ds bu ". peilnteudent; J. A. Dixon, assistant; T. S. W'ray, secretary; Geo. D. Wil liams, treasurer; teachers, Mrs. T. S. Wray, 'Mrs. D.L. Carroll.Mrs. Geo. S. Keruodle, Miss Fleetwood Mc Collum.Miss Bessie GunnIies Treva Jlaper. and Miss Nellie Huicherson. Miss Madge Thompson is organist; .Miss Treva Raper is organist Tor c Service. We are starting off well. There v ... uc reaching the next fourth, first, second and third Sundays, morning and night. We have our organ, chairs, pulpit, pews, etc. and hcje to have our church lighted this week. We give all a hearty welcome. We will open the doors Of our church next Sunday morning, Following the servjce there will be a l: meting of the trustees and stew ard. Hop to have you present. t ur president said whea he was h::e, when you move to town bring (.ur certificate with you, aad I t;ie talked with many who have Jived In town with thejr membership back at their home church because there was not a church of their own, denomination where they moved to, an ..they said tl:ey vjuW never , do It a, Tain. Last year I gave several certificates to our memto to join other denominations, who had moved away to places ' where we had not a church. We are paved through the blood of Christ's atone ment and our personal effort, and not by church creeds. If you only lives here for one year, bring ;our certificate and join the church that you feel moat at at home and where you can do the most good. Do your level hist where you are, and If every one would only do that, what a revolution and, oh, what a revela tion And salvation would take place. Every one shall give an account of hilt' self to God. Be careful, prayer ful aad watch. Wheat and winter crops are look ing fine. Much plowing has already been done, many toboaco beds al ready prepared, and seed in the rrcini, i noticed on my way to Betheny on both roads, as I went or, .mad and came another. They are having a splendid school at'tiethtLy.. They also have a uplen lid attendance with a fine set of teachers. banay Cross has a good school. So has Sharon. The patrons - speak . well o the schools. Fraternally, i C. E. M. RAPER. Escaped After Fifteen Years. W. P. Broyles made a successful escape after fifteen years of suf fering from kidney and blad der troubles. Foley Kidney Pills re leased him aad will do just the same for others. He says: "They cured a most severe backache with gainful bladder irregularities, and they do all you claim for them." Re- fuse substitutes. For sale by all dealers. 2 IE ORIGINAL, SAFE, SURE CURE THE r " McKanna 3-Day Liquor Cure Administered by registered physician und trained attendants. No dangerous hypodermics used. No sleepless meats. Jfo'loss of apnetitu, The time tested treatment forthe disease of alcoholism ICota s iherinjr up process but a certain cure with an. established record. Thorp is But One McKanna Cuie in North Carolina, Virginia or Tennessee. " ... The McKans 3-Day Liquor Cure Company Apaitnects in lie Piedmont Hotel, ct the Depot, Reidsviile, N. C. C. T. U. HELD MEETING WITH MRS. L. T. SMITH, The W. C. T. U. held Its regular monthly meeting with Mrs. L. T. Smith. Twenty members were pre sent and two new members added to the roll. The president held a short busi ness meeting. The Union was . di-w-u into ban's. Each banj ;s ;o make as much money as they can within the next two months, this money to be used in both State and local work. It was decided to have the priie wlnning essay on "The Evils of Cig arette Smoking," by Reuben Baker, published, also two of the next best. It will be remem bered that this contest was held at the Grad ed School in, December, the prize be- 4 $2.50 in gold. A committee .was appointed to a r-raijy-.i for theFrancisWillard memor ial service to be held In Februuary. After all business had been trans acted, the meeting was given over to Mrs. Will Williams, superintenden of Mothers' Meetings who had ir ranged for the reading of reveral interesting leaflets as follows: Prac tical Suggestions for Local Purity Workers, by Mrs. J. II. Walker; A Call to Young Women, by Mrs. R T. Burton, and The Heavenly Vision by Mrs, D. (R. Allen, in which the names ofseveral faithful women were mentioned, among them Frances E. Willard. who did so much for the betterment of humanity , and who had such a deep sympathy for the lowly and unfortunate. . On motion it was decided, to or ganize a club in Domestic Science for the young girls, whjch we hope will prove both pleasant and profita- b.e. The next m-etine w-iil be with the president, Mrs. P. W Glidewell, in February, II IN MEMORIAM OF MOTHER AND CHILD On January 7, 1913, the Great Father of Mercies saw fit to call (l oiu Tim e to Eternity our beloved friend and neighbor, Mrs. S. J. Lowell. For some time her health had not been good owing to heart trouble: but her last attack was sudden and unexpected She jetired in apparently her usual health about 7 o'clock, and passed to the Great Ueyond without the knowledge of any one by 9 o'clock. She had lived a consecrated life of service to her oomm unity, her Camiily and to her God. She had for years been a faithful and loyal member of the Missionary Baptist church.: Her entire life was . beau tiful. in its simplicity, being quiet and unassuming and ever in touch with her Lord and Master, living each day as though it were her last She is survived by a host of rela ys s am friendK. .. . . In her own family she is survived by a loving husband and five chil dren, one of which fcus soon to fol low her Little Stephen was taken : with pneumonia on Saturday following her death. He was given the best medi cal attention but continued to grow worse uun til on Sunday, January 19, his little soul returned to the ... God who gave it.' His short little life had been lived so as to win' the love of all who knew him. His suf fering was great but the end quiet and peaceful. The bereaved famiily have the love and sympathy of the commun ity A FRIEND. GROOM'S. Messrs. .Willie, Eddie and Earle Robertson.of Crystal, W.Va.,are vis iting friends and relatives here. Messrs. J. H. and J. C. Wall and their families vi&dted at the home of Mr. G. W, Brown in the Apple's Store-Bection.. Sunday Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Wilson and Miss luula Wilson visited Mr. ami Mrs. Fletcher Washburn at Mizpah Sunday. Ivlias Lottie Brown was the guest of Miss Delia Brown in the Apple's Store section Sunday. - 'Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Robertson, of Crystal, W. Va., are guests of rel atives and friends here. Farming is progressing nicely in this section at present. There has been a good deal of plowing the past week; and the peo ple are about through burning plant land..:'. ;:, Wonder what Ms become of our friends in the Oregon and Nance vicinity. It seems that they are asleep, as we don't hear anything from? them. Work on the new church at Groom's is progressing nicely. Groom's School is doing pplcmdidly under the diieeticn of Miss Ida Ap ple, we are glad to know. ' MLss Helen Miller Gould was mar fie 3 ' tl 'T..ofcOTrr,tfTT-stat(rTiMr Tar rytoAvn, N. Y.. Wednesday to Finley Johnson Sheppard, an American rail road 'mail who - has" risen . from the W. WHAT HAS HAPPENED 6INCE OUR LAST 166 U Carrying . appropriations aggrega ting $93,830,177, the annual army ap propriation bill was passed by the House Tuesday. Plans to impeach the Japanese cabinet at the reassembling of the Ltet this wk were made by the Constitutional party. Argentine has accepted the invita tion to paricipate in the Panama Pacific Exposition. Twenty-four for eign nations have thus far accepted. From the South will be drawn the only infantry regiment taking part in1 Wilson's inauguration. The 17th Infantry, of Fort McPherson. Ga., was selected. . Because Governor Blease was not invited to the inauguration of Presi deat Wilson. h will not allow the South Carolina troops to leave the State for that occasion. President-elect Wilson's inaugural ball was officially abandoned when the House committee providing: for the ceremonies March 4 struck it out of the Congressional resolutions. The contract for 125,000 pounds of plug; tobacco at ; 39 cents a pound has been awarded by the Navy De partment to Martin Brothers, of New York, as the result of personal chewing and chemical testa. Free lemons or at least GO per cent cut in, the present duty of one and one-half cents a pound assumed shape this week as part of the Democratic tariff revision . policy of the coming extra session of Con gress. C: ' As an undertaker was preparing to embalm his body. Harry Brig- ham, a long-time resident of Ulys ses, Pa.i shook off his hahd, straight ened up in bed and asked for break fast. After eatting Brigham said he felt better than he had in several days. "Free meat" proposed by Vx House Democrats at the Jast session of Congress, but blocked by a Presi dential veto, was indicated as part of fltle extra session of Congress tariff revision program at tire bearing be fore the House committee on ways and means this week. Wearing livery of mediaeval limes. Miss Inez Mulholland. of New York, on a prancing steed,' will lead the troop of "petticoat calvary" which marches down Pennsylvania avenue March 3. She has been designated as the "most beautiful girl :. in the suffragette movement." A complete wireless equipment has been installed in the Fifth , Street Methodist church in Philadelphia by the rastof and will begin wireless classes for boys la connection with lis church work in order to ; get i the boys and young men Interested m the new method of holding conver- Kations to come to church. To tease her husband, - Mrs. Al- phonso Victorine concealed herself In a trunk at Amesbuiry, Mass., 1 as she heard him enter the house As the cover dropped over her the bolt of tie old-fashioned lock slipped Into its place and Hai a few . hours the woman w as dead from suffoca tion'. Alarmed for the safety of America lives which are in jeopardy because of widespread lawlessness of Mexican rebels in Vera Cruz State and throughout Southern Mexico, the State Department has again called upon the navy to protect American interests in the republic, The gun boat Wheeling is on Its way to Vera Cruz. One hundred and thirty men, many of whom are representative . in St. Louis business circles, have agreed to each adopt a boy between the age of 12 and 16 years old, as his foster brother, in so far as he shall become responsible for the boy's moral influences.- at a- meeting- held tni a St. Louis M. E. church. . No man is allowed to take his own child At Columbia, S. C, Tuesday, the Atlancic Coast Line Railway was found guilty to the , United States Court on two charges for violation of the act of Congress "to promote the safety of employes and travelers on railways, by limiting hours of ser vice of employes thereon." The rail way was ' fined $1,200 for over working T. M. Jandan, a telegraph operator stationed in Columbia. Regulation by the interstate com merce coanrolsslon of the compulsory competitive provisions of the Sher man anu-tnist law. wuil be the means of solving. In large measure, the so-called telephone trust prob lem, according to Attorney General Wicken?ham, who announwa that he has rferr-d the whole question t the commlsfilon for Investigation and action. This move terminates the investigation by the Department of Justice of the alleged $6,000,000 tel- cTTicnT - trogt pendent telephone comjianls have made charges of unfair treatment and. of the employment' of, methods dtstfuctive of competition, ," '' NEWS OF THE OLD NORTH . fifTATE IN BRIEF FORM, At a recent meeting of the good roads advocates held at Lencdr it M decided to ask the Legislature td j allow; tbe people to vote on a 2tM).000 bond issue for building good roads in Catawba county. Greiisbro Daaial UtCMkmkk snot mmA Mriouoly vwuUtt Bliaor WhK Jey. Both are mctm IThiiUr was shot in the side ad U Um the two buUeto beias tete from Us bdy by a tocal yhyrinn. His wowda are mot WUml to be fatal. kaJotgh. A ciMrter la Jmhm for Um WayM Red Srtek Oocapaay, of Coldeboro, eaial $&,40 authoriaed, And $2,0fl Bubetrised by T. A. Griffin, J. W. Sotithsrland aad others; also for the J. B. Pleree OoanNuiy, Ayden, capital J 50,000 authorked aad $7,600 qbecribed by J. B. Pieo and others. Couoord. Efforts to locate Bob Ametrong, at whota Manly MoiTis is supposed to hare beea shooting wsee he killed Joe Msraa last month, have proved na railing, al though he is wanted by the state for bis testimony as an eye-witaesa to te shooting. It is reported that Arm t "g is M Oklahoma. Morris will It ie to trial January 27, and aM wit nesses have been subpoenaed. New Bern. Tbe board of aldermen of New Brn have reduced charges to users of electric motors to 4 cents a kilowatt, in place of a rate of from 6 to 10 cents, in operation for several years.. For the lamps of the city the rate renins 10 cents. The city's light plant is on a very satisfactory basis. .: ' . Charlotte. Charlotte leads the state In the parcels post business. This Is the news that comes from the postoffice department at Washington. Since the sew system was established 6,415 parcels have been handled by the local office. During the same length of time Wilmington handled 4, 632, Greensboro 4,193 and Raleigh 4,106. ; .,::.: . ....:,;:: ;:: Durham City Attorney S. C. Cham bers announced that be would within the next few. days draw up a bill that will effect the cocaine laws of the county should it be passed. The bill will make it against the law for any uleio "hare cocaine in their possess sion, unless they can show evidence that the cocaine is for their own use and that it was purchased legally. Raleigh. Governor Craig has writ ten the governors of California, Art ona. New Mexico and other Btates in terested to send delegates to a meet ing to be held in Asheville February 12, to consider the locating of a great ocean-to-ocean highway proposed by the Ooean-tc-Ocean Highway Associa tion, to be lwiated far enough South to make it available for satisfactory travel the year round, especially dur- ing yje winters Raleigh Congressman J. II. Smaii says that by February IB" the govern ment will take over the old Albemarl i. Chesapeake canal, paying $500,000 for it, and having $900,000 additional to expend in declining it in connec tion with thesgreat inland waterway. He says the sale of the bonds for the Mattamuskeet Lake drainage is being closed and this work ought to be well under way before a great while. Raielgh, If a bill introduced by Representative Henry A Page, of Moore county, and now pending in the house, should be enacted into law every county officer in the state whose compensation is derived from fees Instead of salary will be requlr ed, on the first Monday In next Janu ary and on the first Monday in Jan uary in each year thereafter, to file with the county commissioners of his county a sworn statement setting forth the total groBs income of his office for the preceding yeur and the total amount paid out during the year for clerical or other office asslstanca Raleigh. The Great Chiefs of the Great Council of North Carolina of the Improved Order of Red Men as sembled in council here recently and considered and disposed of several matters relating to the interests of the order. Newborn. Forty-three barrels of whiskey consigned to J. H. Smith, and which were confiscated by gov ernment officials last December are now being held at the federal build ing in this city. There has been much speculation as. to what disposi tion the government; will make of this liquor. . Washington. At the last meeting of the county board of commission ers held a day or so ago Dr. John G. Blruntof this city, was unanimously ehvted county superintendent of health to succeed Dr. E. M. Brown, whose term has expired. .. Greensboro. An amoh dmcnt to the Greenstoro commfSElon firm of kv ernment charter which the present legislature Is to be asked to ratify jrtiviili a that nn, nr.tinti nT d.i nirigea against tho city : shall be Instituted unless within ninety days after the happening or-Infliction of the Injury complained of, notice has been given. READING CLUB MEETS WITH MISS M'KINNEY. A delightful tneeUng of the Tuesday Afternoon Reading Club was neta wun auss McKinney Jaau- ary 2l: The prorram was as f )!- lows: Roll-cell. Minutes Read. New business. Second roll, with cjuofa- tions. Papeas: Passions of the Play, Miss Sallie McGehee; Shakes peare's Political Career. Miss Mc Kinney; WThat We Really Know About Shakespeare, Mrs Oliver. Manton The main passions and proceedinja of the drama of Othello have their ortyj in lago. In the' tirst act it la evident that bis actuating princi ple it; not revenge alcre. but A3 origittnal maligniity of feature. - Iago first exercises his faculties on Roderigo, trying to engage the dupe (n a dishonorable quest of Dcs demona. Here Iago has little trou ble in working his achemei. Dealing wflth the Moor is quite another matter. There Is no way for the villain to crush Othello except to turn the latter's honor and in tegrity against himself. Othello has every manly virtue and his love la bo oevotea xnat ne can even give up war for it. When once Iaso's . insinuation of Jealousy has taken hold of Othello's mdnd it does . its work with terrible rapidity. The light of love and fi nally reason leaves him. Coleridge says Othello's Jealousy ts augmented by the agony of being compelled to hate that which is supremely loved. Shakespeare's poetical career is divided by one author into four pe riods. A few doubtful plays that may belong to him, The Two Gentle men of Verona, The Comedy of Er rors, Pericles, etc., exhibit a cer tain youthful awkwardness, harsh ness, and immoderation. This first period may have extended from 1587 to 1592. The years between . 1592 and 1597 which latter date marks Shakespeare's highest renown and brilliancy, must have formed the 'transition period. To ths era belong Richard III , All's Well That Ends Well, Romeo and Juliet,' King John, A Midsummer Night's Dream, and The Merchant of Vendee. The full power of the poet's gen ius is first apparent ta, his "three great tragedies, Hamlet, King Lear, and Othello, wihflch In their force of tragic pathos cannot be equalled. The dazzling wealth of Shakes peare's humor Is display edi in his comedies, Twelfth Night, As You Like It, Much Ado About Nothing. The pieces placed In th Jast pe riod of Shakespeare's activity as a poet are Troilus and Creasida, Julius Caegar, Antony and Cleopatra, and several other well known plays. After an attractive and tempting luncheon the club adjourned to meet, with the president, Miss .Mc Gehee. Other, guests of Miss MdKinney were Mrs. J. II. Walker, Misa Fitz gerald, Mrs. Ivie, and Misa Emma McKinney. On account of the Mardi Gras cele bration January 30-February 4, 1913, at New Orleans,, La., and Pensacola, Fla., the Southern Railway will sell round-trip tickets to the above men tioned points at greatly reduced, rates, these tickets being on sale January 28 to Febuary 3, with final limit until March 3, 1913, by deposit ing ticket with special agent and upon payment of one dollar at time of deposit For detailed informa tion, Pullman reservations, etc., call on nearest agent, or write Jt. H. De Butts, Division Passenger Agent, at Charlotte, N. C. t Costs To keep your money in this strong bank, subject at all times to your check. The person of small means finds us as attentive to his needs as does the man with large interests. An important function of this bank is to do what it can to aid it depositor in.their financial growth. It's a very simple matter to open an account here subject to check or on interest. CI n Capital $75,CC0. ljmVATTy.AreiIdfnt KIRKPATRICKK 13 A REAL LEAD MINEJ A special Lcm Washington saya: S. Klrtpa trick (no first name ever revealeu;, Congressman-elect from j tho Sixth Iowa district, promises to be one of the inost interesting men i In the next Congress. Recently he wrote to House CJerk Trimble: "1 Hat to thank you for all your kind remembrances. By reason of .loss or vision I am feeling my Je- Jpendence very much. My eyes were inmost oiaiAuy si-ot out Li mom shiners and I am carrying about two hundred pkces cf lead in my body." The W'ofld correspondent wrote Mr. Klrkpatrick at Ottumwa, his hom and asked for particulars of jis strenuous career. They came in a dictated letter, written December 16, In which he said: "I was born Febru uary 11, 1842, in ladlson county, O. I emigrated to Iow'a in 1S49. I grew up between two rows of corn. I served four years and four months in Company K, Second Iowa infantry, and was promoted from the ranks to first lieutenant. I partici pated in all of the prominent bat- ties in the South and West, and nev- er missed a fight or a foot-race, and was never wounded. "I was appointed internal revenue agent in Cleveland's first adminis tration. I was severely shot three times by moonshiner. to March, 1899, I was transferred from Omaha, j where I had charge of the Iowa, Kansas, Indian Territory, Colorado, Wyoming f ..d the Dakofas field, tj the South, v.iiih headquarters at Ral eifih, N. C. ' "February 25, 1810, in Orange county, I had a fight to ' f tqrj with Henry (McManon, am illicit dis tiller. He used a shotgun and l a 45 Colt revolver. As a result my skull was crushed, every bone in my face broken, my teeth knocked out, shot entered both eyes. One eye was removed after the fight. I fired one shot at my assailant, the ball pass ing directly through his heart, kill ing him instantly. I was tried for murder and acquitted. "As a detective I acknowledge no superior. I have placed more men behind the bars than any other man in the service.." . , . When Mr, Klrkpatrick left North Carolina la&i spring ior ms oia home in- Iowa he had no Idea that he would be a candidate for Con gress, lie went there to wind up some business affairs. While attend Ing a Democratic convention In his district he made a roofliftlng, side splitting speech which instniucted, entertained and delighted, the crowd that gave him the nomination in a district which, as he says, once gave a Republican majority of 9,000. The Repuublicans and Bull Mocsers of Iowa became alarmed at the pro gress Mr. Klrkpatrick made in his campaign for election and sent run ners to North Carolina' to get something against him; but the more his opponents dlscussedthe encounter that resulted in the death of the ne gro moonshiner McManon, the more voters rallied to him. Mr. Klrkpatrick is a resident of North Carolina, owning a pretty home in the suburbs of Greensboro. Frightful . Polar Winds blow with terrific force at the. far North and play havoc with the skin, causing red, rough or sore chapped hands and Hps, that need Bucklen's Arnica Salve to heal thorn, It makes the skin poft and smooth. Unrivaled for cold-sores, also burns, boils, sores ulcers, cuts, bruises and piles Only 25c. at Fetzer and Tucker's and Card ner Drug Co's. mg PicfitG -iC.CCO AWIilIlAlQRJx:! MR. Ndth BANK. EUGENE IRVIN, Caihier. !