THE REVIEW: REJDSVILLE. N. C. TUESDAY, MAY 6, 1913, GOV. CRAIG MAY CALL EXTRA , SESSION OF LEGISLATURE. A GENTLEMAN. 1 1 knew him for a gentlemaa I By Eigna that never fall; 1 I LAND SALE. - Under an order of the Superior j Court for partition among the par I A special from Ralegh to the i t h , h ; ties In interest, the undersigned will, Creil)oro Xewg saj-s: The practica-; vorn WJ. tie to practicability of j .... . v wppe tvin and tiale calling the Legislature toother to j A Iad vh Ud Ma way tQ ffiake take action in the freight rate j .... h Kttte to matter have been frwly discussed j j kQew him for a geatleman by ptace the adJoairnniMit of the confer- certain 6igns tojay. enc between the State and railroade ' ttf almost everybody except those ' " m( mother on the street, Bhtw-th ,RTnRihilitv Off came his little cap. i for the assembling of the Legiela- j M' door was ehut. he waited there .lands of Nathan Mobley and others i at the court house door in Went worth, at noon, on Monday, the 19th DAY OF MAY, 1913, sell for cash to the highest bidder the tract of land owned and occJ .J,d by the late W. M. Settle it the time of his death, situate in Wentworth Township on the waters 1 of Town Creek, the tnr fnr this mimcse would fall. That' utn r h,ard rap; even those who would sliouWer the i He took the bundle from my hand; responsibility are discussing the And when I dropped my pn queeticm there is no doubt, but they I He sprang to pick it tij for me are not saying anything for riblica- This gentleman of ton. tiom. It is too grave a matter to He dooe not push or crowd along, fusff; pell mell into print, . and for . His voice is genlly pitched; this reason the convt.risation part of n does not fling bis books about It is left to outsiders. I As if he were bewitefctd. Sentiment is undoubtedly strong : He stands aside to you jviss;'. for the special session among the yne always shuts the door, shippers, but even they cannot Bug- He nins on errands willingly gefit anything that the Legislature. ; To forg and mill and store. might do except in a retaliatory Way. He thinks of you before himself, It is an interstate proposiUc pure an1 i iim nla in1 oil ihs. CJtatn - r-l tl j , I t. A In whatever company da w to harrass the carriers and s u , He serves you if he can; make it" so uncomfortable for them ! that they will accede to the demands of the shippers for Justice. Any at- tempt to interfere with interstate-, commerce would find the State i Irticking the United States court . without a show of winning. The j Legislature would have to confine j its aclvltiee, therefore, to matters within the domain of North Caro- ; Una. ' ; ; I j It Is not known yet whether the , Corporation Commission will press Its claims before the interstate com merce commission for relief from alleged discrtinlnatioiis from Western poimts. The matter was temporarily taken out of the bands of the coin uiisslon by the Legislature, which authorized a special commission to deal with the railioads dircetly, and until both sides announce that there is posiivly notWng to be gained by The manners make the man At ten or forty 'tis the same. Hie manners tell the tale. And I discern the gentienmn By signs that never fail. HDUAR PAGE. Mclver, N. C, Way 5, 1H3. FEDERAL PROTECTION FOR SHIPMENTS BY EXPRESS. I containing 372 acres, more or less. ( Beginning at a White Oak Sap i ling, on the East Bade cf the branch; thence S. 23 W. 56 polee to i a grub; thence S. 53 W. 36 pol I to a walnut on the East side ;" f one prong of Town Creek; thenc? down the meanders of said creek N. 49 W. 10 poles; N. 83 W. 6 poles; S. 25 AY 14 poles to the fork of said creek; thence up the Southwest i fork South 8 E. 6 poles; S. 37 E. 3 'poles; S. 36 W. 5 poles; S. 36 E. 2 1-2 poles to the mouth of ' the i branch; thence up the same S. 64 w. 4 poles; S. 20 W. 11 poles to a 'poplar; thence S. with the, Hender son line 43 poles to a white oak; thence W. with said line 18 Poles ito another white cak; thence S. 55 E. crossing one branch 72. .Doles to a post oak, Nathan Mobley's cor ner; thence North with his line crossing said branch and one fork of Town Creek 44 poles o a Btak on the North side of 6ald creek; thence E. with Bald line 103 poles to a post oak; thence South with said line 43 poles to a black ' Jack in Mobley's line; thence East with John Setliff's line 205 poles to a small black jack sapling; thence The first violatko of the new Federal law known as the Carlin Vet was ttfie- steah'iig if an fe rrets lacakage in one of the C'hicaiJ) North 3 E. with Haizlip's line and dpeots resulintg in the conviction of the offender and placing him un der a, five thousand dolLar bail. This act imposts a maximum fne of $5,000 or Jmprlsonmvnit of not more than ton years for any per son convicted of unlawfully break ing into any railway car containing waiting, the Corporation Commission rsta-te or foreign shipment of mm not Jikely push its suits. It is imgQl or Jcprt w m BieaHI ready to proceed, however. oUtainiai by faud or decfpUon Tliere rMnain no e-.f th lroul aepoi, pia4iorm, vs fact that North Carolina is unrea sonably discriminated against. The railroads outpointed the State and shippers as to technicalities, but the State scored every time in showing instanceee of gross charges. One of the best speeches of the con ference wias made by C. II. Ireland, of Greensboro, who compared L. Green, generaj traffic manager a the Southern, to a Christian Science healer. This person when you have the stomach ache, Mr. Ireland said, simply patted you on the back and Informed you of your mistake; that it 'was imagination. And that is -what Mr. Green has been telling tfce shippers when they complained about unjust rates. "Forget ft" was the mental suggestion of Air. Oren, "your troubks are imagi nay." And all the time the jobbers in other States have been closing ta n the North Carolina mer chants. ' As has heen said everybody recog nlies the gross discriminaitone, but there is a division of sentiment as to the means of correcting these. Ose legislator, who did not care to bs quoted, said the movers would find, mighty stiff opposition In th House to any program of retaliation, against the railroads, and that this opposition would not come from men in die pay of the carriers, but ! from persons Who believe in usimg the courts rather than the club- He did. not believe anything can be accomplished and he advised the Governor against calling an extra session. This legislator, it might be stated, was one of the progres slvos in all legislation of an ad vanced nature. However, that is meiieiy his opin ion. With the public fully aroused to the enormity of the breach be tween the State and the railroads, and with small likelihood of ever getting relief through the usual eourt channels, the General Assem bly might go on the warpath and make it interesting for the carries. The next two weeks should cer tainly unfold the secret of whether " tnere wll Lo a sijiecial "'sessIo'iP of tbe legislature. In tlie iiiantime nobody with authority J saying anything. sel or wharf, any freight, express or baggage which eonstitutts or is part of any interstate or foreign shipment. While the Carlin act in no way infringes on the jurisdic tion of the State courle, it puts the whole power of the Federal Depart ment of Justice behind the detec tion and prosecution of persons guilty of stealing from; cars or de pots since it W'ill be practically impossible for thieves to distinguish between intrastate and interstate shipments. As the Carlin act becomes better known and underetood, tlie petty crook will look pon express pack age in transit with the same rever ence and awe as he has been taught to respect all mall matter, however tempting its purloining may be to Ills criminal instdnots. crossing two branches 170 pol to a grub, originally a post oak sap ling in T. B. Wieelers line; thence West with said line crossng Dne small branch 121 poles to another grub, formerly a post oak; thence North with 6ald line crossing one small branch 121 poles to another grub, formerly a post oak; thence North with said line crossing one branch 60 poles to a chestnut sap ling; thence West with said line 21 poles to a new corner; thence North with said line 30 poles to a white oak sapling; thence West 3 North with George Well's line 108 poles to pointers; thence South with said line 77 poles to the first station, peing the land purchased by R. W. Dallas from Josiah Bullington. Book Third N., page 90. This land will ne divided and platted in three parcels, each of which will make a desirable farm, and at the sale will be offered as a whole v and in separate parcels. The boundaries and plats of the whole tract and of the several pan eels will be exhibited at this sale. Terms of sale: Cash, subject to confirmation of court upon report of the commissioners. This the 8th day of April, 1913. C. 0. McMICHAEL, II. II. SCOTT, Commissioners. of re- of QUICK. Misses Ida and Dora Siddle, Ixcu8t Hill, Were the guests ceutly of Miss Martha Bom ere. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Roblinson Iteideville, were guests of the jat ter's parents here recently. Mrs. B. B. McKJnney, of Mclver, has been visiting relatives in this section. Mr. Jin Klmbroiigh, of Relds vlUe, was a caller here recently. Mr. Eugene Orr and sister spent a few days recently in Reidsiville with relatives.' Some of our young people took In the commencement at Ruffin last week and they reported the exercises as being very good. Mr. Tucker Combs, of Thompson ville, was a caller here recently. Come here by your lonesome Or come with a friend, There'll be more to molest you None to offend. Of course, two is company, And three is a crowd, But as to the personnel of our patrons, We're extremely proud! Ycu are inv'ted. Piedmont Grocery Co. LAND SALE. Under the power of 6ale contained in a deed of trust dated . August 14, 1909, executed by W. M. Crad dock and wife, Etta Craddock, and duly recorded in the office of the register of deeds of Rockingham county. Book 160, page 522, the tonus of which have not been complied with, I -shall, in front of the Rockingham Savings Bank and Trust Company, on MAY 17, 1913, at 12 o'clock noon 6ell for cash to the highest bidder the following described real estate In Reldsville township, Rockingham county, to wit; A certain lot or parcel of land adjoining the lands of John Crad dock, Mrs. Laura Woods and others, beginning at a stake in John Craddock s line on the Eastern margin of Maple avenue, thence along Maple avenue South 10 3-8 d. East 136 feet to a stake cor ner of lot No. 3, thence South 87 1-8 d. East 200 feet to a stake of an other corner on lot No. 3 ; thence North 10 3-8 d. West 134 8-10 feet to a stake in Mrs. Laura Wood's line; thence her line and Ciraddock's North, 86 3-8 d. West 200 feet to the first stake, being lots Nos. I and 2, section D In the survey of Thos. Martin. W. M. GILES, Trustee. Reidsvine, N. C, April 11. 1913. HEADACHY, BILIOUS, UPSET? "CASCARETS." You're bilious, you have a throb bing sensation in your htad, a bad taste in your mouth, your eye brn, your skin is yellow, with dark rings under your eyes; your tips are parched. No wonder jou feel ugly, mean and ill-tenijierul. : V'oiir system, is full of Wle mot properly liaesed off, and what you need is cleaning up inside. Don't continue being a bilious nuisance to yourself and those who love you, and don't resort to harsh physics that irritate and injure. Remember that moKt disorders of the stomach, liver and intestines can be quickly cured by morntag with gentle, thorough Oascarots they work while you sleep. A 10 cent box from your druggist will keep your liver an' bead t lea r fur love to take Cascarets, becatise they taste good and never gripe or afckeo. Keep the Balance Up. Men and women alike have to work incessantly with brain and hand to hold their own nowadays. Never were the demands of business, the wants of the family, tjhe require ments of Bocjety.more munerous.The first effect of the praiseworthy ef ifort to keep up with all these things is commonly seem in a weak" ened or dabilitatcd condition cf the nervous systemy w,hich results in dypei8ia, defective . nutrition! of both body and brain, a,i:d in ex treme, cases in complete prostra tion. It is charly seen that what Is needed is wnat will sustain the system, give vigor anil tone to the nerves, and keep the digestive and assimilative funetidns healthy and active. From personal knowledge, we can recommend Hood's Sarsapa rilla for this purpose. It acts oa all the vital Organs, builds up the whole system, and fits men and wo ni(.'i for these high-pressure days. LAND SALE. Under the power of sale contain ed in a deed of trust dated Marc 22, 1911, executed by W. M. Cradf dock and wife, Etta Craddock, and duly recorded in the office of the register of deeds of Rockingham county in Book 171, page 170, the terms of which have not been com plied with,--' I shall In front of the Rockingham Savings Bank and Trust Company at 12 o'clock noon on SATURDAY, 17TH OF MAY, 1913, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash the following real estate stuated in Reidsvlile township, Rockingham county, . to-wlt: Ad Joining the lands of Biaoken Cobb, W. M. Craddock andi others, be ginning at corner of Bracken Cobb's lot on Martin street; thence in Easterly direction 725 feet with Mar tin street to a sake; thence in a Northern direction 400 feet to a stake; thence in a Western direc tion 825 feet to a stake W. M. Oraddock's comer; thence in 3 Southern direction. 400 feet to a stake at the beginning, contapining 7 acres, more or less, and being a tract or parcel of land bought of the Reldsville Realty and Insurance Company, and known as Section G and D In the survey of. the Thomas Martin lands. R. S. MONTGOMERY, Trustee. Reldsville, N. C.. April 14, 1913. DH papers 20c, 100 t ihii office, A man living at Auburn, New York, had a severe attack of kid ney and bladder trouble. Being a walking man, not wanting to lots time, he cured himself completely by using Foley Kidney Pills. A year later lie says: "It Is a pleasure to report that the cure was perma nent." His name is J. A. Farmer. For sale by all dealers. Cure for Stomach Disorder ths. ChtWreu, f""I?lo,iliB of 'thir"trJTJfl avoided by the use of Chamberlain's Tablets. Many very remarkable cures have been effected by these tablets. Sold by Gardner Drug Company, ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of J. D. French, de ceased, I hereby notify all per sons indebted to said estate to com e forward and make immediate settlement. All persons having claims against said estate will please present them to the undersigned on or before the 25th day of March, 1914, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. This 18th day of March, 1913. O. H. FRENCH, Adra'r. of " J. D. French, Deceased. Ira R. Humphreys, Attorney. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of John H. Settle, deceased, notice is hereby given that all persons owing said estate will please come forward and settle their accounts. All persons having claims against said estate must pre sent them to the undersigned, duly verified, on or before April llth, 1914, Or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. It. S. MONTGOMERY, Admr. of John II. Settle, Deceased. Reldsville, N. C., April 11. 1913. LAND SALE. Under the power of sale contain ed in a Deedi of Trust executed to me by John Settle of date July 13, 1912. the; terms of which have not been coannlikd with, I shajl at the court house door in Wentworth. at noon, oai Monday, THE 19th DAY OF MAY, 1913, sell for cash to the highest bidder a certain tract of land, lying in said county, adjoining the lands of J. P. Smothers. Cicero Knight, F. P. Saunders and others : Beginning at a white cak in the line of the helis of T. C. Moore, (afterwards Knlight); thence North with said line 45 poles to a black oak, Moore corner; thence East with the old King Hue, (afterwards Newnam) 50 poks to a ioilar; thence Strth 45 polrs to a black gum in the Newnam line,' J. P Snicithers' coiner; thonee West :mffttera' Utie AH . 1-2 poles to the beginning, and ccn tainJng 14 1-2 acres, more or less, on the head waters of Piney Creek This the 15Ch day of ApriL 1913. II. R. SCOTT, Trustee. mm 1 "" " Call on Bcnclicld,Mollcy&CO. "The Old Reliable Housefurnishers" For Furniture4 Stoves and Ranges, Porch Swings, Settees, and Rockers. Lawn S ings, Comfort Swings and Reclining Chairs Fruit Jars Mason's and E. Z. Seal Stone Jars and Churns. RefrigeraiOrs the Celebrated Automatic and others -:. Special attention Riven to mall orders. We pay freight on all cash orders of $5.00 or more. Let us serve you. BENEFIELD, MOTLEY & CO., corner Main and Craghead S's.. DANVILLE, VA. (Not Sold in Stores) Spirella Corsets;Garden Seeds I Fresh shipment of new seedsj just ar rivedand waiting for you. Come, ''phone or write us; for, your needs. ' --. Fetzer& Tucker The Dependable Druggists Wear the Corset made to fit you. Ask for a demon stration. Telephone 152J. MRS. J .E. AMOS, Reidsville, N. C. BABY'S HEALTH NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Bids for brick County Home for Rocfclngham county, Wentwortli, N, C., wiH be received by Couny Com missioners May 12, 1913, at 3 o'clock Wentworth. N. C. Each .bidder will be required to give bond for 80 per cent of con tract price and a certified check for 2 per cent, of estimate must ac company Wd. Plan can be obtain ed from J. P. McMichael, Register of Deeds, Wentworth, N. C, on de posit of $10.00, or from W. C. Northrup, Architect, Winston-Salem , N. C. On return of plana the $10.00 deposit will be refunded. TAX NOTICE. Owing to the approaching munici pal election and the necessity to collect up all the town taxes by the time the new board of 3om mlseioners assume charge, I especi ally urge every one to call prompt ly and settle their town taiea. A. VVllKLVSON, C'oTTectofT-" Reldsville. N. C. April 14. 1913. Buy the O-Cedar Mop for cleaning all floors and woodwork in your boAttfl. Burton-Cbance-Walker Co. Don't Take Chances when baby's. health is in question, you can't take chancesit isn't necessary it isn' even economical. You can not blame the acctor if baby's prescription is improperly filled by-a bungling drug mixer. SCRUPULOUS ACCURACY is the first essential of successful drug compounding. Your physician's prescription, carefully compounded with fresh, pure drugs, will safeguard baby's health. GARDNER DRUG COMPANY Nothing on Earth Affords as much Genuine Pleascrea PRIDE OF REIDSVILLE SMOKING TOBACCO Every leaf is picked and every granule is per feet and every item in its production is the finest that money will buy. You can't take up its constant use without becoming a diicrimi nator. and you can't know what is really meant by a pleaiure-giving tobacco unless you do. ROBERT HARRIS & BH

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