PAGE TWO. THE REVIEW: REIDSVILLE. N. C. FRIDAY, WAY 10. 1913. EXPLAINS THE SEARCH H' i , AND SEIZURE ACTT,' ' " tlY. R. L. Davis, Suirlntendent JJorth Carolina Anti-Saloon League, 5rrtt as follows: s Inquiries are constantly coming to tu from parties throughout the State to know If liquors which are tended Ze6,. ! old, or in any manner-need, either la the original package or otherwise, In violation of any law" of the Stat may be seized under pur fcearch and seizure law while it is stai In transit. That Is, whether an officer armd with a warrant Which has been Bworn out by biro- matt y.r omtia ftfhpr.frftf7.en.' "Jin eo to the express office . and take narg l IHJUor vvlv lx. u,-,,,- red. We answer most einpaancany . i -l ; 1 u . UL3 Webb law Is this very point. UnVi c... . n IZ UZ : ..." J V.1',V0n I the la1 was, that a! liquor was pro- ! tected until it was delivered to the . v e.. , miiri i in itiu tv i iMrii iM-i iti or officer could operate; or act upon it while it was in. the freight dePot or the express office or in .any manner In the hands of the ti-nnenAflaHin wim r.a t V v . n cl 'fhtf eote purpose of the Webb act was to make this liquor subject to the laws of the State before delivered. Therefore the Webb law prohibits the shipment of liquor intended to be receiTed, sold or used in viola tion of the State law. All such li quor is contraband liquor and not to be protected by any Fedcm Court in the country. So the State officer, arnwd wltJh his warrant sta ting that liquor belonging to such and such a lrscnw;hioh he has rea son to believe for illegal Purposesjs in the office of the express ' com pany, Can go to that place and take harge of it, and the railrojid agent pres agnets all over the State bave already received instructions from higher up to obey to tho letter both the Webb act and the State wide "blind tiger search and seiz tre law." .: :-i'm- !j Thero Is no doubt of the fact that this law is being largely used by the sheriffs and police" officers, but these seizures havw invariably been made after liquors have been delivered. This must continue un til no tiger has a stock on hand. In addition thereto our officers must keep tab on every express office and freight depot and count the Shipments and amounts that each fellow gets week after week, and if they find that some are getting It in such amounts as to arouse their suspicion, that they are sell ing it. then they must secure war rants and seize such, liquor while it ie still in the handu of the expres company before they can get It, tihey will cease to order, and thia "will mean in many instancee that tiey will find honorable and profita ble employment from which to make a living. Most Prompt and Effectual Cure for Bad Colds. When you have a bad oold you irant a remedy that will not only give relief, but effect a prompt and permanent cure, a remedy that Is pleasant to take, a remedy that contains nothing Injurious. Chamber Iain's Cough. Remedy meet all these requiremente. It acts on nature's plan, relieves tko " lun gs, aide expcetoratlon, opens the secre tions and restores the system to a aealthy condition,. This remedy has a world wide sale and use, and can always be depended upon. Sold by Gardner Drug Co. Cruel. First DoctorI operated on hliu for appendicitiH. Second Doctor What wus the mutter with him? Life. Come here by y our lonesome Or come with a friend, There'll be more to molest you None to offend. Of course, two is company, And three is a crowd, But as to the personnel of our patrons, We're extremely proud! You are inrted. Piedmont Grocery Co. SPIES j DISCONTENT. " (The City Man.) Tho etreets of the city. The roar of th-e city; The crowds without Jore, without heart, without pity; The ruah of the turmoil, the tu mult and thunder. f le of plunder; The glow and the glamour, the 6neer of the gold, The paint and th powder. . the chill of the cold; '. iTlie money crazed millions, the I dullness and denseness, I The frowns of tho facee, their sad ness and tenseness; he-. clty. tho city Qh. take - v 11 Hi.? L'd Ul Ul LHO liflUP. IU UC - . 7 sunshine of day; The low of . the; cattle; 0 df the farm. peace ' i The silenoe. h.e Joy. the Ineffable charm 0f sweet, simple goodness. humans we find - - - . . nnose men are couiuiyaujous, miwc ; women aro kind; Where days are for doing and nights , are for rest, Alld nature and life are forever j their best- The country, the country, the fields and the streams; Ah. there lot me live in the midst of eweet dreams; Afar from the pavements, the noise and the strife, Where men are real men, and where life is real life. : The Countryman.) The stillness the dullness, the soft, sighing sadnese, The . hush of the world. bringing death bringing madness; The fields of one color, the skies never changing, The dumb, drowsy herds In monotory ranging; The stunting of chances the scourgs of ambition, The horrible sameness, the shut-In condition; The countenance empty, life buried alive. The striving for naught that uplifts man to strive; And over the hill calling Bweetiy, the city, Where men are awake, and where women are pretty; Where life's something more than a hoe and a plow, And laurels are waiting for every man's brow; Where chancee are plenty where Work brings reward. Where fame and success and in centive afford; Where beauty and comfort and cul ture are found, And music and learning and knowl edge abound; Tte city, the city, it holds out Its arms, Ah,-there let me live la the glow of its charms; Afar from the farmland, the soinber- ness rife. Where men are real men, and where life Is real life. ANONYMOUS. EAT CABBAGE, FISH, SAUSAGE, NEW BREAD. Do some foods you eat hit back taste good, but work badly; ferment Into stubborn lumps and cause a sick, sour, gassy stomach? Now, Mr. or Mrs. Dyspeptic, Jot this down: Pape's Diapeptdn digests everything, leavlaig nothing to sour and upset you. There never was anything so safely quick, so certainly effective, No difference how badly your stom ach is disordered you will get happy relief in five minutes, but what pleases you most is that It strength ens and regulates your stomaoh so you can eat your favorite foods with out fear. Most -remedies give you relief some times they are slow, but, not sure. "Pape's Diapepsin" is quick, positive and puts your stomach in a healthy condition 60 the misery won't come back. You reel dntereaH as soon as "Pape's Diapepein" comes In con tact with the stomaoh distress Just vanishes your stomach gets sweet, no gases, no belching, no eructations of undigested food, your head clears and you feel fine. Go now. make tho hest Investment you ever made, by getting a large fifty-cent case of Pape's Diapepsin from any drug store. You realize in five minutes how needless it is u suffer from indigeeton, dyspepsia or any stomach disorder. Grow Big Carnation. ITerumii Kath, n West Lafayette (Ind.) florist, hns grown a carnation meiisiitlnn five Inches In diameter. It Is bright- red, with n stem thlrty-sls to forty-eiglit Inches long. There are only 2(0 of the enrnntlonn In existence, tud they are valued highly. Wonderful Skin Salve. Bucklen's Arnica Salve is known everywhere as the best remedy made for all diseases of the skin, and also for burns, bruises and boils. Reduces Inflammation and Is soothing and healing. J. T. Sosaa- N. C., writes that one box helped his serious skin alhnen t ateer other remedies failed. Only 25c. Recommended py all druggists. TV0 GENERATIONS NOW USING IT Nation's Most Popular LaxativeKeep ing Millions of American Familj les in Good Health. ; There must be genuine merit to aa article that has stood the ttt of two generations of users. In the field of medicine none has 'had greater success, nor retained ' that success to a greater degree than lr raldwpll'fi Syrup Pepsin, ' ' . . which is now being ued by two generations of people. Its use in families is cons tan tiy becoming re general. The reason, primarily, ; is that it has merit. It is what it where ! represents itself to be, a laxative , tonic; it does not make exaggerated " .uBBV i" tt forth Its virtues. " is a medicine, but so mild and gentle a. medicine that thousands of mocnerp gie it 10 uny jnianuj, ami yet, in a slightly larger dose, it la equally effective for grown-upe. It Is for any disorder of the stomach, liver or bowels, for constipation no matter how chronic, for dys pepsia no matter how severe, for. biliousness, sour stomach, g;u on the stomach, headaches, drowsi ness after eating, and similar complaints arising from a clogged up condition of the bowels, It Is pleasant to the taste and does not gripe. It can be used with Bafety and good results by anyone, at any age or in any condition of health, and that person's health will lm porve, Every druggist sells It and the price Is only 50 cents and one WHAT LUKE McLUKE SAYS ABOUT SOME THINGS. Lots of men w ho wouldn't think of suicide would like to ewallow poi son fu small doses. When a woman displays expen sive cobweb silk stockings it is a sign that she wears the ten-cent kind when she is at home. Cjass is that rare something that enables some girl6 to look Btylish in an old wash dress. If nature were not so liberal with ears and noses and so stingy with foreheads and chins men would be better looking. Men are like factory whistles. The more Insignificant the plant, the more steam Is wasted in ma king a noise. A married man can make a hit with a, bunch of cubs by announc ing that he does as he pleases. But the veterans know he Is a liar. Eternity seems quite a space to an old man. But with a growing boy It is as nothing compared with time between meals. Once upon, a time father went home to his dinner and eat down to ;bla soup He picked up the salt shaker and it was filled. He ner vously grasped for the pepper sha ker, and it was also filled. Two houi later they were measuring father for a wooden overcoat. The shhock was too great. W"hfn a marnled nan is building air castles his wife seldcjn occupies any of the handsome apartments. Every now and then some old crab wastes a perfectly good two cent stamp to send Luke an anony mous knock. This IP encouraging. If I didn't prod a sinner every once in a while I would imagine only live folks were reading my stuff. A woman is Bmarter than a man. She calls her husbands parents "father" and "mother before she shakes the rice out of heT hair- I notice that the spring style in Bklrts Us juts as affectionate as the old kind. Your credit is always good when you want to borrow troubles. Cin cinnati Enquirer. .- A man living at Auburn, New York, had a severe attack of kid ney and bladder trouble. Being a working nwuiv-not wanting- to loes time, he cured himself completely by using toiey ivumey nils. A year he says: "It is a pleasure to report that the cur was nent." His name Is J. A. For sale by all dealers. perma Farmer. "Oar Personal to VT have been In business In this town for aome time, and we are looking to build up trad by always advising our patrons rlffbt. So when we tell you that we have found the eczema remedy and that we stand back of It with the manufacturer's Iron clad guarantee, backed by ourselves you can depend upon it that we sive our edvlce not in order to sell a few bottles of medicine to skin sufferer!), but be raiise we know how !t will help our (justness 11 we neip our patrons, known skin remedies. But we will s&y this: . If you are suffering from any kind of skin trouble, ecxema, psoriasis, rash or tetter, we want you to try a full sise Dotue 01 v. u. U. Prescription. And, It H doe not do the work, this ELSIE LEWIS. dollar a bottle. Thousands of families throughout the country are never without It in the house, among them being Mrs. Clara Lewis, Becks' Store, Ky., who gave it to her baby, Elsie, while teething, and says: "It Is the best medicine in the world for the stomach and bowels," She writes it herself and that her mother re hat she keeps it m the house for evrey member of the family, takes covered her health and gained in. flesh by using Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. f no member of your family has ever U6ed Syrup Pepsin and you would like to make a personal trial of it before buying it in the regular way of a druggistend youraddress, a postal will do to W. B. Caldwell. 417 Washington, St., Montloello, 111., and a free sample bottle will be mailed you. SHE COULD SHOUT. Says Mrs. John W. Pitchford, or Aspen, N. C. t I will always use Hunt's Cure for itching trouible, and tell all I see about it. I could shout tuow to know that we are all well of that dreadful trouble. The first of last fall my little boy broke out with, some kind of itching trouble. Think ing his blood was bad I gave him a blood tonic, but he got worse, and could not Bleep at night. Some said he had itch, and told me wihat was good for it. I used what people said would cure it, but nothing did any good. My other two children and myself took the disease from him in January, 1911. I saw Hunt's Cure advretlsed and I purchased a box. It helped my little boy so much, I got a box fior each, of the family, and now we are all well of that awful trouble. Hunt's Cure will cure itch in a short time If you will go by directions. We had it in its Worse form, and used Hunt's Cur and we are now all well. Thanks to A. B. Richards Medicine Co., of Sherman, Texas, manufacture of such healing medicine. MRS. JOHN W. PITCHFORD, Aspen, N. C. Sold by W. S. ALLEN. For tho Weak and Nervous. Tired-out, weak, nervous men and women would feel ambitious, ener getic, full of life and always have a good appetite, if they would do the sensible thing for health take Elec tric Bitters. Nothing better for the stomach, liver or kidneys. Thousands say they owe their lives to this wbnderful heme remedy. Mrs. 0. Rhinevault, of Vestal Center. N. Y.. says: "I regard Electric Bitters aai one of the greatest of gifts. I can never forget what it has done for me." Get a bottle yourself and see what a difference it will make in your health. Only BOc. and $1.00. Recommended by all drug gists.; Health a Factor In Success. The largest factor contributing to man's success Is undoubtedly health. It has been observed that a man Is seldom sick when his bowels are reg ular he is never well vhn they are constipated, For - constipation you will find nothing quite so good as Chamberlain's Tablets. They not only move the bowels but improve the appetite and strengthen the di gestion. They are sold by Gardner Drug Co. Guarantee Sold by GARDNER DRUG CO. bottle wilt cost you nothing. Tou alon to Judge. Again and again we have seen bow a few drops of this simple wash applied to the skin, takes away the itch, in stantly. And the cures ail seem to bt permanent. D. IX D. Prescription made by the D. D. D. Laboratories of Chicago, ii composed of thymol, glycerine, oil ot wlntergreen and other healing, soothing, cooling ingredients. And If you sre Just crazy with Itch, you will feel soothed and cooled, the Itch absolutely washe4-way the moment , you-Appiled this D. D. V. We have mads fast friends of saors than one family by recommending' this remedy to a skin sufferer her and Joa our poslUvt fuaxante, there ana we want you 10 try u now ''' rr!"" : t Call on BcncflcldrMotley&CO. "The Old Reliable Housefurnisliers" For Furniture' Stoves and Ranges, Porch Swings, Settees, and Rockers. Lawn Swings, Comfort Swings and Reclining Chairs Fruit JarsMason's and E. Z. Seal Stone Jars and Churns. Refrigeraiors the Celebrated Automatic and others Special attention given to mail orders. We pay freight on all cash orders of $5.00 or more. Let us serve you. BENEFIELD, MOTLEY & CO, lorner Main anJ Craghead S's DANVILLE, VA. Spirella Corsets (NotSoliin Storesj Wear the Corset made to (it you. Ask for a demon stration. Telephone 152J. MRS. J I. AMOS, idsvflle, N. C. nnv. HEALTH baby's prescription is improperly filled by a bungling drug mixer. . ; SCRUPULOUS ACCURACY is the first essential of successful drug compounding. Your physician's prescription carefully compounded with fresh, pure drugs, will safeguard baby's health. GARDNER DRUG COMPANY THE STATE JOURNAL, A Weekly Mirror of -North Carolina Life. Preaches Piogressive Democracy, Edited by R. F. Beasty and Altx J. Field, Raleigh, N. C. $1 per year. THE REIDSVILLE REVIEW and the State Journal both for $1.50 per year. Addrt ss ; THE REVIEW, Reidsville, N.C. The Review and Semi-Weeky Char lotte Observer, $1.75. Garden Seeds ! Fresh shipment of new seeds J just ar rived, and waiting for you. Come, J'phone cr write us for your needs. Fetzer & Tucker The Dependable Druggists Don't Take Chances when baby's health is in question, you can't take chancesit isn't necessary it isn' even economical. You can not blame the dector if ssss