PAGE TWO. THE REVIEW: REIDSVILLE. N. C. FRIDAY, AUGUST 1. 1913. savage type of war j Rovfag Bands in Mexico are Teriorizwg People. With the gradual spreading of revo lutionary activity to parts of Mexico hitherto more or less unaffected, tales j of atrocities and indignities to for eigners filter into Mexico City in in creasing number. Early in July these had become so common that whereas a year ago 'they would have caused great indignation and possibly prompt representations by forcigu govern-; nients, it is doubtful if they receive j now more thau inclusion in a possible f , claim for damages, in due time,: upon , the Mexican govci'iiiaeut. An experience related by passengers on a train proceeding northward from j Tfirrmm siiiiwiirs tty DlilCe il certain con tingent of the northern rebels In a class j .(ih f.n,,-iisi..f .Ymmta of the ! i, .... v...,r ,.r ,;ru :, t !:. 1. 1 ineut of their victims. stopped near Iierniejillo by a burned bridge. A band of intoxicated rebels or oner diarrhoea. In mw he ae bandits swooped down upon the pas- companied by a cold or by erup seiigors. robbed them of everything, in- tims of the skin. The timely remedy eluding clothing, not sparing even the and one -which you can rely on for women victims, of whom there were half a dozen, Americans and Luglish. An American Shot. An Americau detected trying to hide a revolver, was taken out and shot, lie fell severely wounded. An Eng lishman, of whom was demanded a UUIUIOUU Wn ue null.-, ouu " uivu ..,. ii(Ii..I(.. .,. ',...,vi.. vv,,c,w.i,f.,t by means of a knife. The finger was chopped away so that the ring could be obtained. The passengers were eventually allowed to go and walked miles into Torreon. Another experience growing out of an effort to escape a worse fate was that of a group of Americans, refugees from a mining camp near Topoiobam Io, Sinaloa. There were three womeu in the party, which made its way to the coast town. To catch a coasting Bteainer due at a u uncertain date, the refugees bad to put out to an island. Bun scorched and without a house or tree. Its only Inhabitants were shark Ushers and the stench of decaying Bhark fish was next to unbearable. For two days the refugees endured great hardship and discomfort; -'' then an American gunboat appeared. A boat was sent off. but the officer In charge had orders to take only em ployees of a certain mining company. Nine were accordingly taken aboard and the rest. Including the three wom en, waited two days longer, when, al most in despair, they were picked up by the coasting steamer, described as a filthy affair, already overloaded, which landed them in Mazatlau. - k President Huerta'i Injtructione. President ITuerta, it Is said, has great confidence in the ability of his new cabinet to aid him in his work of pacification, but he expects them to devote their attention to the work of their respective departments and not let their covetous eyes dwell upon his Beat. This he made quite clear to them at the first formal gathering of the new administrators. To them Huerta Baid, after the usual felicitations, that he expected each minister to be su preme in his own post, so far as pos sible, and that they would experience little Interference from him. But, on the other hand, he warned them to "Cutdarse Con La I'iritura," a legend often seen on new edifices In Mexico, meaning "watch out for paint." To his puzzled ministers, who asked him to explain, the president said, pat ting the back of the chair he custom arily occupies at his cabinet meetings: dt It V U 7J3 Ul lilt VUMUILV lJV.vv.i 4 "I mean that thin old chair suits me very well, and for the present you should not try to improve It. Pay at tention strictly to the duties of your ofllees. and I Khali manage to look after mine." AVOID STORE CIGAR CUTTERS. Infection Through Indiscriminate Ue of Automatic Clippers. Warning that the automatic cigar cutter is au agency for the spread of disease has been issued 'by "the United States public health service. The state ment pointed out that many smokers on purchasing a cigar and before clip ping off the end place it between their lips while paying for the purchase. "This would seem," the statement declared, "to be a very effective method of bringing about the interchange of mouth secretions and possibly the spread of Infeetkm. Such automatic dinners should be avoided by u"-' pntiUe. on account or tin piissitiiiit.iws that disease may spread by them," . . Wants a Blowless Whistle. A police whistle. which can be sounded without blowing, is being sought by Major Funkhouser, civ ilian deputy police chief of Chicago, for the use of member of the trai'ic quad. Thev'l! blow their heads off." he de- dared. "I must find a blowless whls tie." The inn jor will welconis' saiti jiles of any kind of an improved Whistle. " The daughter of A. .Mitiell. ra,gdad, Ky., had a Lad case if kidney trouble and tl-y feared her Itf-alth was permanently Impaired. Mr. Mitchell eays, "She was in enable (jape but I got her to , take Poley Kidney Pills and now she ta completely cured." Women uLiig more liable lo have kidney rouble than men and will find Foley Kinney Pills a eafe, dtpehd Mble and honest; .medicine. For Bale ly all dealers. : Now is the time to subscribe. Summer Hints to Mothers Seasonable Advice on the Health- of Children iff Hot Weather. .; It is wtll that mothers be ad-, j 'vised not to over-feed thi chil- j dren during the ht months. No j. ah a ffkmi iviC q c u . i ifli ti u til in c ii Til i mer as in witter. Feed the chil- the lighter and more easily jt digested foods. See that the niiik is cool and kept away vjlit'S. jie careful that the. fruit is ripe, and ,if the child begins to scratch the skin, indicating too much acid In Ahe blood, deprive it of fruit for several days. It is flute' natural that under theee conditions there will he Tlx. train wassome digestve disturbance, turn -as. constipation, indigestion or t urn- ; results, is a small dose of Dr. Cald vell'6 Syrup Pepsin on retiring and by morning the bowels will move and the trouble will vanish. j The except ional tonic ingredients in tiliis remedy will tone the stomach and enrich the Llood, and the cnua , . .5 U'ill feel ats usual self aa.n Many families like Mr. William Weber, Place, Buffalo, N. V., that of 2! Edwin who uses it CABARRUS COUNTY NEGRO OBEYED THE LAW An old negro, who in the "'ytn' hp war." had served his ter" faithfully, and wfco had since, by the sweat of his face through a 'loai period of years, acquired iQ ir and a mule, wa driving me animal to town a few days ago. The July sun was pouring dowai Iwith torrid effect. The jad "Jar head" moved slowly, the revolution of the whwls of the rickety wagon being hardly perceptible. Efforts as vigorous flhe sweltertag atmospliere would permit had heen put forward proved unavailing, the long-eared an imal refusing to cfiflnge his terrapin rate progress, But like the winner tm the race of the fable of old, the continuance of movmeent finally brought the driver, wagon and ani mal to the edge of the city. There they stopped to rest and revive from the fatiguing journey. Having. been refreshed by the rest thq old darkey mounted the wa gon and Picked up the reins. Just as, lie was about to deliver the com anarud that would set the w&eels again in motion his eyes rested upon a sign board. Being somewhat fa miliar with such literary works as reading, writing and 'rithmetlc. the old daarkey began employimg his knowledge of the first named sub Jeict, and, after many attempts, fi nally deciphered the words "Rpeed limit ten miles an hour." The negro gazed at his mule. Tie ppavlned creature, with his head lingering only a few inches from the mntn innlind A nitlful ohlect of ! -worlness gone to de-spa I r. The old Ine-rro becan to think. "Ten miles a. j ;hour," He had never been arrested. And. tWmking the law required ne make t,n miles an hoiir and being familiar with the one-horse power of his animal, he began to see vis- inn a nf h ne rson encas ei! imu u u -teel bars. He also began to wonder , wltWt Aunt Emmalinc, his life part- for 4S years, would isay and also what effect it would have with his standing with his brother dea cons! of the church. Pondering ov er these subjects he bcsune fright-. .fJned, h (Sir i lied. He debated the Idea of retuminghome but -abandoned It because it was necessary for him to come to town. Business called him urban ward. Slaving forced such a resolve he ' decided to execute it. come wuat ! may. Grabbing a plank from out or i tj,e wngon bed and drawing reina ...... hp veiled : "Cot iu, ;ou lazy, irood far-nothing critter, tr you fer , did do anything do it now. me won-ls were atx-oinpanied by fore'e , ftil wallops of the board, which were continued with rapid repetitions. The mule started wiKb a gingerly walk, SW. this did not Biiffice. Urged on : by the driver's pleadiaiiis and the se i vere application of the board the. Uvv wrensrd to a trot. Cbnsidera- i ble distance was coverod and old darkey was hopeful until he saw a policeman walking along the side walk. The policemen looked' at the mule. The look carried fear and ail but rulti with it. More speed was necessary and necessa,ry now. The wark must be converted into a gal lop. But how could1 such a me.tamor Phffls he brought about? Th old negro knew that In all his acquaint ance with that mule that the animal had neveir galloped and that riding behind him a trot was an unusual tb'Xury, But he mi!t p-nl'ot) now. Th 4irn beard Knld en ml'es, nhl tli Hue coat wa Icokinp. Down "f the mnle wlt;h e)J the fn ct be driver's 'lielr.g behind 1t. The Bpavln ed legs and torn and .beaten hoofs Who Care NX A .ami uim.uc, "w i -I - i . .1.. ... i a. " v. . v., who imut, u auH.-m? lw iiei- ielf as well as Iier children, are never without it, keeping it for just such emergencies. You also can obtain a bottle of Dr. "Cald; welHs Syrup Pepsin at fifty cents or one dollar of any druggist. Fam- which once use this pleasant tasting laxative forever after dis card cathartics, ' purgatves salts and pills. Families vvisJing to try a free sample bottle can obtain It, postpaid, by addressing Dr. .W.. Ii. Caldwell, 41S Washington Street, Illinois. jto.uuceuo, j j j moved faster until at last a gallop was reached Hut it lasted' short. Lm . TT for foul breath and ' constipation, , I he strain being too great on an ani ilays j mall to whom tlhe taste of corn and mas-! oats .was' foreign and, after a few j jumps, he stopped with jerking sud idtinness. More licks from the board j were piled on but without effect, j The old mule dropped back to a walk and refused to change; The old negro became frantic. Jumying from the wagon he hitched the an. mal to a nearby post. Grabbing a small box of produce and, tucking 'it with his hat under his arm, he determined to ' make that ten miles an hour. Down, the sidewalk ne ran with all the speed at his command, "keepinr the gait up until he drop ped on a warehouse sill weary and iexCwiusted, but with the happy thoughts that he ecsaped arrest mingling joyfullly within him. Con cord Tribune. MANY ENTRIES FOR PRIZE PONY, BUGGY AND HARNESS. Ten of Reidsville's enterprising finna are conducting the contest jointly, these being Payne's Pure Food Store, Fetzer and Tucker, Morrison Jewelry Co., Mrs. Corn le Irvin and Co., Cosmo Benson, Air Dome Theatre, Gus Clark and Co., Burton, Chance,' Walker Co., Boyles Bros., and The Review Co. Representatives of the above nam ed firms conducting the contest met and adop'ed th- rules, and elected Mr. ft. B. Chance, f resident, and Mr. ft. II. Tucker secretary of the contest corpora 'on. The officers will Lje glad to give information that may be desired. . The rules are as follows.: 1. Any child not over 16 yaers of age who is' not a child or grand chil or niece or ne;,hew- of any of the participating firms, or any employee of any of said participating firms, may become a contestant in toe Dunlap Pony Commercial Contest by enrolling his or Iher name at the t,iii.fa of business of all of the firms w-ho are joint '.participants this contest. in 2. For alt money paid to any of the particijating firms during the. pro gress of contest, either on old ae counst of on casih business, 5 votes shall be given for each 5 cents so paid. 3. Tlie only exception to the aliove rule is tihat in case a newsaper is participating, said news-a per may dve out GOO votes for every dollar paid on new or old subscriptions, but said newspaper shall awaru me regu lation number of votes for all other revenue of its office. 4. Under no consideration ' affialj, the schedule mentioned . above ne changed nor shall any additional votes be awarded by any merchant at any time during the progress of the contest. No coupons except these printed by The Dunlap Pony Com pany Hiliall be considered valid cou pons, except by unanmimous consent of the participating firms. 5. A sealed ballot box will bo placed in the store or office of each participating firm for the reception. of said votes. 6. At the conclusion of the con test three disinterested judges shall be selected by said firms, and said judgesi shall tabulate the result and award the grand prize of the Shet land Pony, Vehicle and1 Harness to the child who has received the greatest number of vote. A 7th. At the end of the contest ev-e-y participating firm will file an affidavit settirg forth the fa-t that no coupons have been issued except to those wpre entitled to thbm under the rules of the contest. Now is the time to subscribe. Luke McLule Says. A man can sit down and put up a good whereas argument when his wife can't cet aay ice to keep her food on a hot Jay. But if he runs out of tobacco I he will eather get some or know the reason why. Same years ago a girl wouldn't think ; of going down tow n in her nightgown. ' But these days its dillerent. If I had Carnegie's money I could award some real Hero Medals. And 'some of them would goto Good Fellows who' want to marry, but whose salaries will not permitt them to support a j jueen of Love and Beauty and a Dea,r i Mother at the same time. A nun who has a patch on the rear of his pants knows that he can hide it by wearing a coat. But a woman who has a patch on the inside of a corset ! w here.k6ne of the steeles broke knows diiiVrcut. -. A young woman can get more w ith a look than an old w oman can with a long talk. There are some things that the lJevil is too decent to do himself so he turns them over to the hyporcites. The average w oman loses more sleep over her complexion than -she does over her reputation. The man who never hands out .five advice always has a big audience. If you are prepaped lor the emer gency it never shows up. The reason Solomon is called the i w isest man is because he never tried to tell each of his wives that she was the only woman he ever loved. A boy of lo thinks all stage robbers wear masks. But a man of 60 knows that lots of them wear tights. Cincin nati Enquirer. Mothers, Have Your Children Worms . Are they feverish, restless, ner vous, irritable, dizzy or constipated? Do they continually pick Cheir nose or grind their teeth? llavo they cramping 'pains irregular and faveu .oua apapetite? These are all signs of worms. Worms net only cause your child sufiejiug, but stunt its mind and growth. Give "Kkkapoo Uvorm, Killer" at once. It kills and removes the worms, improves your child's appetite, regulates Btomach, liver and bowels. The Bymptolns dis appear and your child i made hap py and healthy, as nature intended. All druggists or by mail, 25c. Klck aoao Indian Medicine Co., Philadel phia, Fa., St. Louis, Mo. Suffered Eczema Fifty Years Now, Well. Seems a long time to endure the awful burning;, itching, smarting, skin-disease known as "tetter" an other name for eczema. Seems good to realize, also, that Dr. Hohson's Eczema Ointmeryt has proven a porfuct cure. JUrs. D. L. Kanney whites: "I cannot sufficiently ex press my thanks to you for your Dr. Hobson's Eczema Ointment. It 'las cured my te-ttor, which has troubled me for over fifty years." All druggists, or by mail, 50c Pfeiffer Cliemlcal Co., . St. Louis. Mo., PhiladelHhia, Pa. King Solomon's Pearls. Tradition says that King Solomon's pearls were from Ceylon, and the Phoe nicians came to tnese coasts for them. The earliest mention of pearl fisheries in Ceylon occurs in the Rajavali chron icle, 306 B. O. -- -' inloc!l Sarsaparilla Acts directly, and peculiarly on the blood; purities, enriches and revitalizes it, and in this way builds up the whole sys tem. Take it. Get it today. In usual liquid form or In chocolate coated tablets called Sarsatabs. LAND SALE. Under and by virtue of an or der of the Superior court rendered by the clerk of said court in a special " proceeding'" entitled J. ' Y Stallings' et als vs. Ben S tailings et als, appointing tfcie undersigned a commissioned to sell the lands hareinafter described, I will in font of the Rocklngshani Savings Ban and Trust Co., on Saturday, THE 30th OF AUGUST, 1913, at 2 o'clock p. m., sell at public auction the following described lands: Lying and being in Reids ville Township, Rockingham Counyt, adjoining the lands of Mrs. Robt. Harris and others on the North, Fletcher Stallings on the South, land of Calvin Preddy estate on .the, East. John Willie Jones on the West. ; Said tract containing 227 acres of land, It being the home place of Andrew J. Stallings, de ceased. . ' Terms: One-third cash, one-third in til months, one-tjhird. to. twelve months. P urchaser to execute deed f trust to secure deferred nnymenf Sale subject to the confirmation of tVeourt. Thlfl July S8. 1913. R 'W CHANCE. Commissioner. P. W. Glldewell, Atty. y Stubborn Case "I was under the treatment of two doctors," writes Mrs. R. L Phillips, of Indian Valley, Va., "and they pro nounced ray case a very stubborn one, of womanly weak ness. I was not able to sit up, when I commenced to take Cardul I used it about one week, before I saw much change. Now, the severt pain, that had been in my side for years; has gone, and I don't suffer at all I am feeling better, than in a long time, and cannot speak too highly of CaiduL" TAKE AROU I if you are one of those ailing women who suffer from any of the troubles so common to women. . Cardui is a builder of womanly strength. Composed of purely vegetable ingredients, it acts quickly on the womanly system, building up womanly strength, toning up the womanly nerves, and regulating the womanly system. Cardui has been in' successful usefor more than 50 years. Thousands of ladies have written to tell of the benefit they received from it Try it for your troubles. Begin today. Wrttt to:- Ladles Advisory Dept. Chattanooga Medicine Co.. Chattanoocs. Tens., lor Spttiai Inttrvtmiu. aad M-paie book. Horns Treatment lor Woowa," sent tree. J si Take No Risks With YOUR DRINKING WATER Guerrant's Spring Water is not only pure and sparkling, but it has valuable medicinal prop erties. Read wnat Frbehling & Robertson, renowned chemists, say of The Analysis of Guerrant's Water "The analysis idicates that this is a light alkaline bicarbonate water of extreme purity. It contains sufficient free Carbonic Acid gas to make it light and pala table, which properties should make it acceptable to the most delicate stomach. "We would expect the water to prove highly beneficial in the treatment of cases of acid dyspepsia and all disorders of the digestive system of catarrh. Its solvent properties should also make it an excellent eliminant of special value in cases of rheumatic or gouty character, and we are also of the opinion thats its continued use in cases of gravel would be attended with very beneficial results. "It is free from any trace of organic contamination and of excellent quality for table use. " We are satisfied that your water will retain its sweet, palatable taste without deterioation for an indefinite period when kept in clean, well stopped bottles." This water is sold in Reidsville and will be delivered as desired, or shipped from spring up on receipt of out-of-town orders. JOHN D. HUFFINES, Reidsville, N. C. Telephone No. 36-L. coMEjo Ncw vade Mccui Would you like to spend your vacation in the most healthfn! section of the State? Would you like to spend it where you can drink from a spring that affords daily I'fyOOO gallons of water that is positively unequaled for medicinal effect? Vade Mecum is for many reasons one of the most attractive summer resorts in the country. M.ny objects of special interest to guests are only a short distance from hotel. Both hotels (with accomodating capacity for two hundred and fifty guests) are equipped with all modern conveniences and are ideally located, As to the music: the owner has been very fortunate in securing the services of a graduate in piano of Berlin, Germany; a graduate in violin of Salem music school, and a graduate in claronet of the New York Conservatory of Music, Excellent music for the dances and all special occasions. The management will be only too glad to do everything: possible to entertain the guests and give them entire satisfaction. RATES: $2.00 per day; $8.00 to $12.00 per week. Cottages $j, to $10. per week. J.R. KING, Mgr., Vade Mecum, N. C. Nearest Railway Station, Rural Hall. COOL MOUNTAIN BREEZES, FINE MINERAL WATERS, BEAUTIFUL SHADED WALKS, SPLENDID OUTDOOR SPORTS: Phospho-Lithia, Springs hotel is now open for the reception of guests and we hope it will be our privilege to have a visit from you and your friends during this season. The hotel is located in the foot hills of the Blue Ridge mountains, making it an ideal place to spend your summer vacation. The building is equipped with toilets, hot and cold water, and dancing hall. Music will be provided for dances each week. - The grounds are so arranged as to make strolliug and outdoor exercise attractive. There are tennis courts, bowling alley, and beautifully shaded walks. ; ..v. The water is a specific for stomach, liverr bowel, kidney and bladder trouble, and some remarkable cures have been achieved by parties wtyo used the water. Rates reasonable and made known on application. Four passenger trains stop in front of hotel each day, making week-end visits possible Daily mail and telephone service. For any other infor mation, write 1.IRS. R J. OLIVER, Prop., PHOSPIIO-UTHIA SPRINGS, Ridgway, Va. Only 22 miles fom&iidsvLk Auto Sice frcra Reic'svJIe lo PLofpLf-lithia Spring; Is YOUR Subscription due? tu- WonranTonic