THE REVIEW: REIDSVIlL E, N. a PAGE FOUR. FRIDAY, MARCH U, 1915 ISTORIES THAT MfMHE Two Young Frenchwomen Poison Husbands to Save Lives of Garrison. s rO.YIE of the latest stories from the buttle front iu Europe include the follow Ins: How two young Frenchwomen IHisoiicd the husbands they loved to lave the lives of uu entire rfurrlson ham just been inude knowu iu PKa The dory created a treinendoiiH sensation. Rose and Marie Dupoiit, twlim, were Immu iiihI reared at Vilterupt. n Kiuall villuue ou the Lorraine frontier. In Wli! they married two students of heiiiLstry uuuied Ulrich hh1 Wilhelm viro loved llieni so much that they be came French citlzeus. The uieu bought u dt-UK store at Vilterupt. Hutli unions were uiosb4iappy until July V'J of lust year , wen the bus- Iwinds received a letter from across the fmutier. Immediately both became nervous and usUed their wives to no to their Kfainl mot tier t home in Longwy until the Hituutiua cleared. The young women went to .Loufrwy 'but found that their grandmother was not at home. Tbey returned late the neit day to Vilterupt. When they arrived at the drug store, It la related, they found it closed. Go ing through the back garden, they peer d through the closed shutters and. to their mimzeiuent, saw their husbands talking In gulte a friendly manner to two uhlans in full uniform. The young women learned that a plot had been arranged by Ulricb and Wllhelm. Tbey bad stored a large THRILL FROM OF EUROPE Correspondent In Trectop Tells How He Feels as Shells Whistle By. shells utter the word "you" as if It were spelled "yew,'' precisely like o Yankee comedian.' This would be when the shell was remarking in as I thought the most pointed manner, "I am coming to get yew yew yew.' Pens What They Say. In the ireetop I tried to set down On a piere or paper woras tnat wouia stand for the sounds the shells were making. At the moment 1 thought was cutting quite a literary dash, but upon later examination the results did not seem very brilliant. But they were the only results I had and as I had come across the ocean to get them tbey at least represented the expenditure of u good deal of time. So here they are: The shell said. "1 am coming to get you. and I am coming to get you now." That part was In a kind of remote singing hardly more than a murmur. J; I! t, , , 1 - ' 1 Photo by American Prefti Association. XBENCB SOLDIERS LEADING SUSPECTED 8PT BLINDFOLDED TUltOUGH LIMES. quantity of strychnine, and In the night It was planned to drop it in the wise casts reserved ror me f reucu ; garrison. "Are you sure the dose is strong enough?" asked one of the uhlans. "Why," answered Ulrlch, "It is strong enough to kill all the garrison and its reserves:" Rose shuddered and almost fainted. "We must act," said Marie, "to pre Tent this most awful crime, even if we must commit one ourselves." Half an hour later tbey rang the front doorbell. They appeared most Joyous, uml they explained their ela tion by saying tbey had beard the war nad been livened. Tbey said they were so glad that tbey wanted to set out some wine in honor of peace and the friendly uhlan soldiers. Marie went out and brought back a champagne bottle. She poured the liquid, and the men drank it. Next morning the young women ran out of the house. They were 'widows, for they 'themselves had employed the pol son. They went straight to the chiel of the gendarmes and told of their plight. They were set free at once. "We have killed our husbands:" they cried. "Do what Is right with us:" But the. official simply wept with them and kissed them, for it was found that the plot had been craftily laid and that the sacrifiie of the wives had saved hundreds of French troops from death. Songs the Shells Sing. ' Considering the subject, not only from the walls of Berru. but also from our trectop in the Bavarian camp. It becomes my earnest belief that It 1 not the bang of shells that makes m civilian (Minder on the nature or his pt life, but their preliminary conver sation, says a correspondent of the Cub-ago Tribune. For n shell Is the most loquacious of device. If can say more In ten sec onds and xny It In more ways than an ordinarily receptive mind could assimi late la ten minutes. It sings. It whls pern. It whistles. It cackles. It chat ters, and then it goes bang! It ban 'arloits accents, and It drops Into the most nnexiKx-ted dialect. But nobody pilars t have any difficult la com pretending all it ssys. Often It misprononnce some of the pLmpleet words. I have beard several - i 1 iilj'iiiM Photo by American Press Association- rBKNCH SNIPER SHOUTING FROM BLAST ED OAK THEE. war, I could at least take chance cpon occasion. ' Ills reply was more encouraging than I had hoped for. "Now that you speak of It," he said nlowly, "I have no stomach for high places either. That Is why I did not join you in the tree." Then a ray of light illuminated by reflections on the subject of soldier courage, and I decided that it took a saner kind of courage to decline the Invitation to climb the tree, this man having no duty to perform there, than It would have taken to huve accept ed it- Briton Praises Germans. The lion. Aubrey Herbert. M. P. for South Somerset, a lieutenant In the Irish guards, describing his experi ence In north France, says: "I was shot and was found by some German privates after about on hour and a half. "With other wounded men and offi cers I was taken away to a house that had been converted Into a temporary hospital after nightfall. We remained prisoners in the hands of the Germans for eleven days, until the French occu pied the village where we lay and set us at liberty. "It is only fair to say that both on the battlefield and subsequently we were ail shown courtesy and great kindness by the Germans, from all ranks, from Prussians and Bavarians alike." The New War Weapon, A French doctor, who has Just re turned from Flanders, describing the effect of the "Fleche d'uero," as the steel darts with w hich the French air men are supplied are called, said: "Among the '2,000 wounded whom we treated In forty -eight hours was a German who had been struck by an aeroplane dart. He was evidently bending over when hit, for the dart had entered the riht thigh and trav ersed the whole leg. so that the point emerged Just above the boot. The man was conscious when he was brought in and said be felt no pain. only a heavy blow. He d'led soon aft- 00 ooo o to O 0 0 0 0 o 0 o 0 KEEP THE CHILDREN BRIGHT AND HAPPY 9 i Y o- lti 1 s rf'tVr'-:', - I'lioto by American Press Association OBOWD VIEWING BOLE IN OKOCND CAUSED HX AEKIAL BOMB AT OSTEND. Then a whistle crept Into the ' staging. as if the shell were trying variants oa the air. w Suddenly the tone became iusoleni aud urgent. It w as then that the chat tering sound was audible. "I urn com ing to get you." said ihe shell, and added the highly improper after thought. " "flung your eyes and blast your soul!" The "you" w-as a favorite word, and ou it the shell grew nasal and made ii 'yew," "yew." "yew." There won further objectionable' remarks, partly concerning the liver. word which tlv shell 'elaborated into "liverrrr," win lug' guttural' over it. With a furthei hooting of "yoo." "y. and with an other wference t the liver, tliis titn, Iu a snarling uianner, tlie shell alirupt ly closed. the conversation: with a pro diglous bang iu midair. It was a peri od multiplied by a million; "There's No Danger, Though." After that you could relax from tbt crouching attitude you had assumed ud pay the tribute of an admirlnj: glance to the otiicer by your side win. had not crouched at all. Always these otlicers. were It the meu at Berru oi the lookout who had Joined me in the trectop. merely remarked. "There h uo danger as long us we keep out ot ught." .'. : ; 1 Iu view of the verbal spasms one had laboriously rutted down that rc mark was rather irritating. So we descended from the tree. : In the evening I say to the Gerraar officer with whom I have traveled ov hundreds of kilometers during the last week that I bad felt no real test In accepting the Invltatiou of the Bava linns to climb that tree. It was m.t final effort to lure somebody into say ing that, though I couldn't by any poa slMltrr i s hern In this method laden feT) " 't. P;4ill v -I ii ir' iiniMiiiii- "- i, lmi O 1913, by American Press Association. , MBS. JOHN JACOB A8TOB PBKPARINa PACK AUKS FOK FltKNCU SOLDI EBS. erward from shock and loss of blood." The darts' resemble steel pencils. Tbey are about five inches long, with the unpointed end half fluted to Insure their falling head Urst . Ambushed! A letter from an English corporal woo was wounded In Fvanee. on Oct 123 has Just been received by a friend In New York; The corporal writes: "Well, we were through the thickest of the fighting betweeu Ypresand Lille, We had twelve days in the trenches, two days together without any food or water. The ration party could not get near us, the lighting, was so heavy. . "About the third night we were in the trench we found 'we were surround ed by a much larger force than we were. The enemy opened tire, and we replied. Then It came from the rear, They were in a wood.- where there was a lot of undergrowth:., and they had a machine gun. playing on us. We had lost one otiicer and a few men, and then we were fired on from both Sides -what they called enfiladed Ore. "One awful sight Is to watch the Bel gian people leaving their homes. Toor things! They Just tie a few things in the tablecloth, catch up the child In their anus and run like the devil. "1 forgot to tell yon while we were lying in a Frenc h hospital In Boulogne we were visited by Queen Amelia of Portugal, and a very nice lady she is. 1 made her laugh. She came to my bed. I put my hand out and shook bands. She asked how I was. and 1 forgot myself for the time and 'Raid. "Very well, thank you. your majesty. She said, "Very w-eUV and burst out laughing and said. 'I'm afraid you're not. but you soon will be. You have a very good spirit. That's what makes the Hritish 'Tommy.' She spoke a few tvords of em otirugenioiit and bade us roodby." - For the Stomach and Liver. I. N. Stuart, West Webster, N. Y writes: "I hare used Chamberlain's Tablets for disorders of the stomach and liver off and on for the past fiv: vears, and it affords me pleasure t .Kate that I hrvh found them to be just as represented. They aH mild tit their action and the results have been satisfactory, f value them highly." For Ble by Gardner's Drug Store, o o o o o 0 o 0 0 0 o 0 o o 0 0 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 0 0 0 o Happy youngsters must be healthy. The digestive organs of children get out of order as readily as do those of their eiders, and the result is equal ly distressing. When the bow els are clogged with an ac cumulation of refuse from the stomach the child naturally becomes cross and fretful from the discomfort, and is often punished for temper when medical attention is really w hat is needed. The next time your child Is cross and unhappy, without apparent reason, try giving it a mild laxative. Dr. Cald well's Syrup Tepsin Is a mild, pleasant tasting (combination of simple laxative herbs with pepsin, and is especially rec ommended for children be cause of its freedom from all opiate or narcotic drugs and its gentle action. It is sold in drug stores everywhere. A free trial bottle can be ob tained by writing to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 452 Washington St., Monticelio, Ills. 0 0 O 0 O 0 O O 0 o o o o o 0 o o o 0 o o o o o o o o o 0 0 o o o o 0 o o o 0 o o 0 o o 0 o o o o 0 o o Now being received at our store. Too busy to quote prices this week. Bargain CASTOR 1 A For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature of Will give some Prices In The Review next Week. WATCH OUT FOR THEM ! PRINTING OUTFIT FOR SALE. Under and by virtue of the power given me in a deed of trust made and entered into on Jan. 27, 190C. be tween C. O. Mc Michael and Nat M. Picket et al, terms of which have not having been complied wl,th, I will on April 19th, 1915, at two o'clolck, in front of the Bank of Madison, at Mad ison, N. C, sell for cash to the highest bidder the following describ ed property, to-wit: One second-hand Country Campbell Newspaper Printing Press; one new Chandler &. Price 10x16 Job Press; a lot of newspaper type, job and dis play type; Imposing stones, new cases, cabinet, and In fact everything purchased by C O. McMichael on Jan. 16, 1906, from the American Type Founders Company. ' This 18th day of March. 1915. J. O. RAGSDALE, Trustee. And in the meantime call and see our beautiful line of Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Ready Ladies' Goods, etc. -to-wear NEW YORK BARGAIN HOUSE A. BANE, Proprietor 5. Gilmer Street Reidsville, N. C. TILGRED-TO-GRDER CLOTHES FOR EASTER Sunday April 4 Brings Easter True to custom, discriminating dress ers will order their clothes made-to-personal measure. 500 handsome woolens to selecr from Call and leave Your measure To-day AH the prevailing Summer Fashions Price you can easily afford to pay We are daily taking orders for these popular tailored-to-order clothes. If youll select your fabric and fashion now, well arrange delivery to suit your own convenience. Ideal Tailoring Company

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