2A&I2SIX TES REVIEW; REIDSVILtE,' N. 0. FRIDAY. MARCH 19. 1915 :i;inmnmmiiiminmiiiis :;;!iim?tt 'HMIIIIIimiliimmmiiiH nmmmMiMmmmn Illllllllllllllllllllin: tnmiwmtnmtffittmmmmH: to the Greatest -a. : TYPICAL SCENE IN ONE OF THE FOUR INNER COURTS Ar oriel Dosixionr. 'Marvels of Landscape, Sculpture and Architecture, Wonderful Exhibits J at Huge Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco LOW ROUND TRIP RATES AFFORD GREATEST OPPORTUNITY OF A LIFETIME TO TAKE WONDERFUL JOURNEY AND SEE FINEST DISPLAYS OF WORLD'S NATIONS These pictures at best can indicate but feebly the indescribable marvels presented by the Panama -Pacific Interna' tlonal exposition at San Francisco to which the people of all nations are thronging. Forty-two foreign nations, and more than 80,000 individual exhibitors, representing every country on the globe, I have sent to this wonderful $50,000,000 show the best of their present-day achievements -Allien are now displayed In the eleven colossal exhibit palaces and also in the buildings of the state and foreign group, the latter structures be ing built in most cases in a style of architecture characteristic of the state cr nation represented.. More than $10.- : 000,000 has been invested in the "Zone," the 3,000-foot amusement street of this great fair, where the world's premier showmen are conducting the most wonderful and most original sight-seeing and pure-fun attractions ever assembled ; for any celebration on earth I In order to put the opportunity of seeing this most marvelous of all expositions w ithin reach of the greatest nun ber of people the railroads have cut rates in half to and from San Francisco, and the hotel and restaurant associa tions of the city have agree to keep their schedule of prices down to normal figures. 1 Complete Information regarding this wonderful world's fair maylie had free for the asking by addressing Man ager of the Bureau of Publications, Press Building, Panama Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, Cali fornia, who will forward to any address a beautiful sixty-page booklet, Illustrated in colors, containing detailed In formation regarding the glories of this great celebration and a complete description of the Panama Canal. ONE OF THE WORLD'S MOST BEAUTIFUL ARCHITECTURAL SI3HTS TJ H"J v ,. -tin A' ft ft 44 1 tfZsZ . A . : B,," .,!! 5:"' :, Ztm. ill f .. . I , ""V t ill Mt f H !' 4 (M I I fl i .Lt fl K II' J S ! V.' ft i ( 0. " I I. - r; ,FJ h ? alttfc T: 5fr;v- Detail showing ihe rich and Oriental suggestion in the embellishment of the Court of Abundance, at the Panamft Paclflc International Exposition, San Francisco, In this court are orange trees In full bearing and rare flowers. REFINED BEAUTY SHOWN IN SCULPTURAL ADORNMENT UUMiiajiuiimiuiiMiiauniitttiMirauaiiaiiaiiaiiaiiH End tUw of Graeco-Roman colonnade extending 1,100 feet before the Palace of Fine Arts, Panama-Pacific Interna tional Exposition, at San Francisco, and curving in a graceful sweep along the shores of the Fine Arts lagoon. Sur mounting these pillars are beautiful figures of women gazing Into an urn, expressive of Art and Beauty. Eric Ellcr bause is the designer of these groups. Over the foliage and forestatlon of the Fine Arts lagoon can be seen the Half Dome of Philosophy and the grand central dome of the Palace of Education. WHERE WORLD'S GREATEST PIPE ORGAN WILL BE HEARD - - - ' r iinhiltn.t il 0 mil Hlllrfi1Hniili iinillT : ' .. . X - A' -. Sri.' ',4 , , 11 P i- - r - .A r9 I ill i ' I . Sk Pc fti ;r,lli : -u. in I V7 'twig tin r i l.' .ran ifn clM ii a X .life hi i ' ii hrtfrfe 1 I 11,4 i Kl . M S I I 'i t!v I F ! ' 1 1 f. Ii Jill 1' Pt " iP "W-. A I 1 r V j ,'-Ji . rf o i'i -v ' r ' r Hw I J 1 ft 1 M i'1 h-1 1 1,1 j. , J JE1: lir ! , 1 H I " .tit iaUBi HMMIilltiaiaHBiaHMailElHIIHHBiaiSUHIIiaMBaHJUMnUHBaBMBBHBM !! 2 SIMM I jW t Details of colonnade in the Ccurt of the Universe, showing frieie adornment and sculptured figures. These corri dors are Illuminated by the new indirect lighting system, the whole vast area of this court 900 by 500 feet beinf lighted In the same manner, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco. Festival Hall Panama-Paclflo International Exposition from the Bouth promenade of the South Gardens, the facade of the Press building showing at the extreme right On the great organ In this hall one of the six greatest organs In the world Canaille Saint Saens will play an original composition, and there will be recitals by Edwin La mare of London, Wallace Sabin and other maestros. This hall will center the intellectual, dramatic, musical and literary life of the exposition at San Francisco many of the 400 conventions of thl year making It their assembly i'place... the'buTl SUPERB NIGHT ILLUMINATION OF THE VAST PALACE OF HORTICULTURE hi! J H i O At night the vast glass dome of the Palace of Horticulture is played upon by rays of gigantic searchlight projectors set within the building. The globe, which lathe largest hemispherical glass dome In the world and is one of the many marvels of the great Panama-Pacific International exposition, then assumes all the colore of the rainbow. This photograph shows the great building at night with the rays of the searchlights casting the sign of the Zodiac over its gleaming surface. .. INSIDE INN AT PANAMA-PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION V i ft r "Where Lincoln Beachey made, the world's first indoor aeroplane flight, the giant Paltce of Machinery at the Pan na-Paclfic International Exposition, San Francisco. This enormous structure is surfaced with Imitation Travertin! garble, which Is used on the Pennsylvania Railroad Depot in New York, and other notable structures. - ' l'-Hll.fc f i 1 - i tti. J-.. , 1 5? n r. . . -4.. J lew of , architect's perspective of huge sotl os th exnoKioa grounds- at San Francisco. Visitors to the rreat world's exposition at St Louia.in 1904 will remember the huge Inside Inn at tliat exposition, TJure iM rimllar large building at San Francisco, with a capacity of accommodating thousands of people. The location of th. tuijding is within the exposition grounds, near the great Palace cf Fine Art. The Inside Inn la a city In itself.