t PAGE EIOIIT THE REVC3W: IlCn8VILLBt K. 0. FRIDAY, MABCH 19, 1915 REIDSVILLE AND ROCKINGHAM NEWS to A. , Spring is not yet with us! Business conditions continue improre. LeaksTllle-Sprsy Institute vs. Relets Tllle Saturday. Mr. O. T. Gossett is quite HI at his . room over The Beview office. Oua Clark & Co. are advertising a big reduction sale in all shoes, slip pers and hats In their stock. The Southern is extending the spur track from Hairston's factory to the building occupied by Collins' bakery. The Reldsville Insurance & Realty Co. in its advertisement today is giv ing a "tip" on profitable Investment of idle money. ' The Union Supply House In our columns today is advertising that they carry a full line of groceries, feed stuffs, fertilizers, and general farm supplies. The Millner Company received car load of Studebaker automobiles yesterday. The shipment includes roadsters and flve-passenger cars, and they are beauties. Mr. Paul Settle and Miss Nina Set tie. who underwent operations for appendicitis in the Danville hospital a few weeks aeo. have returned to their home on Route 4. Rev. J. W. Pattent of Greensboro will assist Rev. L. I. Cox at the Reldsville Christian church Sunday morning and night. Public cordially Invited to the services. The Ideal Tailoring Co. in an at tractive advertisement, is reminding those who want to be well dressed for Easter should get busy with its lalor ing department at once. Mr. J. F. Wray has returned from Richmond where he recently under went a surgical operation. Ills many friends, are delighted to learn that his condition is greatly Improved. The New York Bargain House is heralding the fact in today's Review that new goods are being received at this busy store. Next week Mr. Bane ' will give some bargain prices in these columns. The Leaksvllle-Spray Institute ball team comes over Saturday to play a game with the Reldsville High School boys. Tnese-teams are pretty evenly matched and an exciting contest may be expected. . In this issue D. A. Hendrlx an nounces his millinery opening on Tuesday and Wednesday of. next week. He will show the largest and finest assortment of high class mil linery he haa ever exhibited. Mr. J. A. Hubbard, a well known farmer of La wsonvllle, underwent a successful operation at Dr. McGuire's hospital In Richmond last week. He haa returned borne and his condition la greatly Improved, we are glad to learn. ;- - V The annual spring opening at Tur ner's is being well attended. Mrs. Turner has made big preparations to satisfactorily serve her trade this sprinr and her selection wase care fully made with a view to pleasing the most fastidious. ' Easter formally opens the portals to spring fashions, and for the period preceding Easter Mrs. Cornle Irvln & Co. are advertising that they have plalnned the moat complete display of new spring apparel, millinery and dress goods they have ever attempted. Williams & Co. in this Issue make an Interesting announcement of "The Clothes Beautiful," designed and made by the celebrated master tail ors, Schloss Bros." & Co., for the spring season now on display. The new models are the most attractive ever shown. Miss Mattie Hamlin has returned from Germanton where she has been teaching school. Mrs. Martha Wright, a widow, aged about 60 years of age, died at her home at Ruffln Tuesday. Mr. Jack Sands has returned from a visit to Chatham, Va. The Chau tauqua was being held there this week and very large crwds attended, he ays. The spring opening Wednesday and Thursday at Alrs. Cornle Irvln & Co's. was largely attended, and those competent to judge pronoiiuced the display of dress goods, ready-to-wear and millinery the prettiest and most select line this progressive firm has ever shown. The Minnie Loe Jones Hat Shops opening Wednesday and Thursday was largely attended and received fa vorable praise for its success from the ladies who attended It. The proprie tor durl.ig her absence in the North studied carefullly the late styles and made her selections accordingly. The Los Angele3 Times says: "Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Schoellkopr and Miss Penn, among the attractive guests at Hotel Del Coronada, are using Hydro Curtis aeroplane for amusement. One of their trips the past week was j flying two thousand feet high some sixty miles-out over the Pacific Ocean." On last Saturday night the Bach elor Girls were delightfully entertain ed by Miss Lillian RatclifTe. The guests enjoyed the social hour after which Miss Ratcllffe served a delic ious luncheon consisting of deviled crab on the In'f shell, tomato salad on lettuce, poiuia chips, anu conee, and ice cream and cake. The world famous New York Hip- prodrome, und the play "America,' which had such a successful run all of last year, will be reproduced in mo tion pictures Monday night at The Amuzu Theatre. Manager. Smith has been trying for some time toi secure this spllendid picture and he is to be congratulated for being successful. He will have packed bouses. The second quarterly conference f the Wentworth circuit will be held at Lowe's church next Saturday and Sunday, the 20th and 21st. All official members are urgently requested to be present. Preaching by Presiding El der J. H. Weaver Saturday at 11 a. m Dinner on the ground. Business ses sion after dinner. Praching at 11 a tn. Sunday by the presiding elder. 'Squire G. T. Walker, the sage of Route 6, spent a number of days here. this week on a visit to his relatives, The 'squire honored, The Review with a call while here. He is enjoying good health and is quite active for one of his age. Mr. Walker has been a regular subscriber to The Review since Its first Issue 27 years ago and has never missed reading a single cony. v The T. A. R. Club met with Miss Mary Wilkinson Tuesday, March 16. The roll call was answered with quo tations from Act IV of "The Taming of the iShrew." The act was read and questions asked, by Miss McKinney. It was decided that the study for next year should be the Bible as Literature and Art. The social hour was made more enjoyable by the presence of MIbs Effie Bangle. After refreshments were served the Club adjourned to meet with Miss Katharine Ellington March 23. The American Tailoring Co. has Just installed the latest improved Hoffman cleaning and pressing ma chine. To those who have never seen a machine of this kind it would be well worth their time to call and see it in operation. This machine makes glossing and scorching an impossibil ity. It also sterilizes and removes all odors from clothing. This machine nrlll 1ai TnaUft If noiu!hl tar thnm tit I always deliver all work promptly, as it does the work of several men. We believe the people of Reldsville will appreciate the efforts of these young I men and will prove it by giving them a part of their patronage. Be sure to sfe their ad. In our next issue. The Guild of St. Thomas church ho'd nn Interesting meeting with Mrs. 0. L. Irrin on the 16th. Owing .u in? tact mat the memoers have been deprived of the weekly Lenten services, the devotional "exercises of this organization have been aug mented and a most beneficial service was enjoyed. The Guild members have for sale small cook books, con taining 24 recipes of the world's most famous cook, Prof. Michael, demon strutyi" of the Majestic Range Co., in oi, l,ouis. 'inese recipes are un usually valuable in that they instruct minutely the preparation of dishes In use every day. The little book can be obtained from any of the Guild members for a minimum price. The next regular meeting will be held on the 26th with Mrs. Scott on Law sonville avenue. A full attendance is earnestly desired. BUSINESS BUILDERS LOST, WANTED, ETC Vouth Will Hav. Examination to to Pas Scriptural. Regain Freedom. narold Lnne, a youth, sits In a cell at the -county Jnll in Los Angeles, a picture of rclhdoiis devotion. A visi tor paused at the grated bar, peered in and remarked to a warden:. "A religious youth. I am glad to see that he loves the Bible. Intelligent reading of the holy book will make him a better man." "Chase yourself." muttered Harold. "I ain't reading It because I want to, but because rpt to." Harold told the truth. A unique pun ishment has been uicted out to him by Judge Wilbur. He has been given the alternative of set vin;; ten years in the penitentiary for violating hid probation or reading the Bible in the county Jail for thirty days. Harold chose quickly; hence bis study of the Bible. But It will be no perfunctory read ing. At the end of thirty days the Jude, himself a Bible Student, will ex nniliie Harold. It will be an examina tion that w ill take the youth from cov er to rorw of the good book. Harold knows this, and on bis first day In JalJ he started nt chapter 1. Before be started on the task he made a calculation dividing the num ber of pages In the Bible by thirty. Thus he has so many pages to read dally. i ue punishment was suggested by his unlucky venture in a church. He walked out of the Immanuel Presbyte rian church with five Bibles, nis only regard for them was their money val ue. He needed money, and he sold them at a second hand book store. His arrest followed. The court saw by the records that Harold had violated his probation He canre before Judge Wilbur soma years ago for burglary. Judge Wilbur gave him a ten year sentence and sus pended it, placing him on probation. He walked the straight path for three years. Then he went to San Fran cisco and did vaudeville stunts. His existence was precarious, but appar ently he was honest as far as the evi dence shows. Then he fell, and now he is being punished. Operators of United State Navy Talk Over Seven-Hundred Miles. DON'J LET YOUR MONEY LIE IDLE, OR INVEST IT FOR LESS THAN 6 PER CENT. Reidsville Insurance & Realty Co. will lend it for you on Real Estate at Six Per Cent., draw up all papers, guarantee the title and collect interest with- ; out cost to you. J)0NT TAKE THE CHANCE Of Losing the Savings of a Lifetime If you have REAL ESTATE to sell or want to buy, the REIDSVILLE INSURANCE s & REALTY COMPANY is Ready to serve you. riID3VHlE E8URAKCE & REALTY C0:,IPAY. Seven hundred and twenty-one miles of atmosphere have been traversed by the human voice, transmitted through the ether by a wireless telephone In vented after years of labor by II. P. Dwyer of San Francisco. The test that establishes what Is as serted to be a world's record In wire less telephony was made unofficially from the Mare Island navy yard and was observed by Chief Peterson and .Operators Hayes. Walsh, Payne and Moser of the government's radio corps at the navy yard and at the govern ment radio station at Tatoosb, Cape Flattery, on the coast of Washington. "Heard voice clear aud distinct. Cau understand every word you say. Jdusk fine.".- ' So spoke the government operator at Tatoosh after Dwyer had addressed him and a phonograph had played be fore the transmitting machine. While the test was being conducted govern ment operators at the navy yard at Bremerton, Wash., a distance of 560 miles, the operator at Point Arguello, the operator at Eureka, Calv and the operator at Sun Diego, Cat., the latter a government wireless station, beard Dwyer's voice. Dwyer. who has Iteen working foi years to perfect his Invention, hai made other tests, but none of such magnitude as those successfully ae coinplished. There was no publicity about the, most recent tests, and th Inventor and those associated wltfi hhu wanted keep the wonderful ac complishment quiet It was the punose of Dwyer to wait until the report from the navy depart' meut at YVusmiigton haa peen re ceived. Further than to acknowledge thathi upervlsed the test Chief Electrician Peterson declined to discus the sub ject, saying he had been Instructed from Washington to say nothing con cerning the test Others are equally reticent as to details, but acknowledgt that the telephonic Instruments trane mltted the human voice understanding ly across the 721 miles. , Caraja Coffee 25c. per pound, at Harris Bros'. Easter dresses and hats. Mrs. Cor nle Irvln & Co. Easter dresses and hats. Mrs. Cor nle Irvln & Co. i Special big bargains in watches. Morrison Jewelry Co. When Big Ben goes off you get up. Morrison Jewelry Co. A good Bond piano at the right price. Morrison Jewelry Co. Try a package of Franklin's Wheat- let. For sale by Harris Bros. New lot coat suits and children's dresses. Mrs. Cornie Irvln & Co. See my special offer on plows and harrows for cash. Jim Robinson. Buy a Big Ben clock and you will be sure to rise. Morrison Jewelry Co. New lot coat suits and children's dresses. Mrs. Cornle Irvln & Co. Big reduction in all farm imple ments for next CO days. Jim Robinson. Just received fresh from the Frank lin Mills, whole wheat flour, at Har ris Bros'. Best roasted coffee In Reidsville ror 15c. per pound at W. D. Hightow er's store. For desert on short notice trv Block's Cakes and Velvet Ice Cream at L. R. Ware's. For quick anc. best baggage service In town call 65. Rockingham Trans fer. Garland Watt See us now if you are thinking about a piano, grapnapnone or organ. Morrison Jewelry Co. FOR SALE OR RENT. Two good residences; one on East side of Main street. H. R. Scott. , Our optician fits glasses correctly and saves .you' examination fee. Morrison Jewelry Co. For twenty-four inch concrete well lpe, brick and building blocks, call n W. T. Wootton. Mgr. FOR SALE. A good second hand rubber tire buggy, good as new. Big bargain. Townsend Buggy Co. FOR SALE. S. C. Rhode Island Red Eggs $1.00 for 15; a good hatch guaranteed. Mrs. R. L. Snead. The 3 Johns John Rogers, John jarrett and John Watklns want to see you at Watklns' Lumber Yard, Get our prices on seed oats before huying. White and black spring and Burt 90 day oats.-Harrls Bros. BALED HAY FOR SALE Oats, mowed in the milk, orchard grass and clover. E. R. Walters, Phone 14$ nesi uiover ,aeea, Maine grown cobbler s Bliss and Early Rose Po tatoes; lowest prices. Rascoe, Hub bard & Co. When the show comes to town the band starts to play at L, R. Ware's, They all like Velvet Ice Cream and Block's Cakes. Eggs for sale from pure-bred single comb White, Brown and Buc Leg- horns. Anconlas, Silver, Champions, Hamburgs, Buff Orpingtons. C. H. PettlgrewJr- !? ' Buy your fertilizer from the Union Supply House. Give John Williams a description of your soil and let him fit it with the proper kind of fertilzer. We sell to everybody. Allen's Drug Store has just receiv ed a big stock of fresh garden seeds Peas, Beans, Cover Carrots, Let tuce, Parsnip, Onion, Radish, Turnip, Tomato, etc. Buist Prize Monarch Tomato. For lowest prices on hay, corn, oats, bran, shipstuff, cotton seed, beet pulp, molasses feed, and all kinds of staple and fancy groceries, call 246-L. Ras coe Hubbard & Co., R. L. Hubbard, Manager. NOTICE I have for sale 10 shares Citizens Bank stock; price $162.50 per share. If not sold before will of fer it at public auction in front of the Bank of Reidsville at noon Saturday, April 17, 1915. NOTICi This Is to notify the publ'c that the automobile and bicycle ordinances will be strictly and im partially enforced. All violators will be duly prosecuted. W, W. Williams, EASTER Formally Opens The Portals To Spring Fashiopgyy And for the period preceeding Easter we have planned the greatest and most complete display of New Sp ing Apparel; Millinery and Dress Goods we have ever attempted. . , . . . . You will find it a pleasure to inspect these new things. We enjoy showing them to you. MRS. CORNIE IRVIN omei f CO., "THE WOMAN'S STORE." Quality and Style Pictorial Review Patterns. REDUCTION PRICE BIG On All Shoes Slippers and Hats Mr. Cicero Knight of Route 2 was a caller at The Review fflce yester day. Chief of Police. The Sopthern Railway Company will run a per capita excursion from Win ston-Salem to Lynchburg and return on Easter Monday, April 6th. The round trip rate from Reidsville will be only $1.75. This will be a fine op portunity to visit historic Lynchburg. Sfced Oats, Seed Potatoes, Clover and Grass Seeds, Hay, Corn and Oats. Cotton Seed, Meal and Hulls, Beet Pulp and Bran, Water Ground Meal, Sunrise Flour, Sugars and Cof fee, with a full line of Can goods, are our lines with prices right Haiell & Mlms, 'Phone 84. NOTICE. I will open Saturday at the Union Supply House in Reidsville a produce business, I will buy and will pay best cash prices for all kinds of country produce, chickens, eggs and hams a specialty. I will also handle fresh flsh. Will appreciate your patronage. S. F. Hutcherson, Mgr., Reidsville Produce Company. NOTICE. To Confederate veterans of Rockingham County: You are spec ially requested to send me your name, company and regiment, and whether or not you wish, to. attend the Gener al' Reunion 'of Veterans to be held In the city of Richond on June ', 2 and 3 next E. R. Harris, Commander. (All county papers requested to copy.) As we have rented part of our store to Rascoe Hubbard & Co. we are compelled to reduce our entire stock in order to make room. For the next 30 days we will sell all shoes, slippers and hats at greatly reduced prices. Our stock is new; up-to-date in styles and desirable in every way. ; Call in and see the bargains we are offering. - ; ; I h r disc Mi to. DELICIOUS FROZEN ICE CREAM As exquisite as the Hush of beauty, as subtle in flavor as the breath of violets caressed with the morning dew. Hade in many flavors from absolutely pure cream under most sanitary conditions. " MADE IN REIDSVILLE 99 We SoEcit Your Patronage . REIDSVILLE CANDY KITCHEN P. G. SACRINITY, Proprietor Special order filled and delivered in the city. Phone 272

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