Tins ncvrmr: xittWUrfi; tf. ft FAC2 TfU-f? J. 1$. JOYCE Attorney At Law. Office ia old Citizen Bank Building -Practice In State and Federal Courts. Loans negotiated. J. M. SHARP ATTORNEY AT LAW. -Office In Lambeth Building, Next to Sheriffs office. 'Phone 176. Practice in all Courts. Special Utentlou to collection of alms. ANDREW J. BURTON N Attorney at Law. Reidsville. N. C. Practices in Rockingham and ad Joining counties and in the Supreme nd Federal Courts. ' " Office: Kernodle Building. J. S. TROODEN LAND SURVEYOR P. 0. Box 554 'Greensboro, North Carolina HUGH R. SCOTT rro-fNEY AT LAW. Special attention to negotiation of loans; conduct and settlements of estates; buying and selling real es tate. Office, Citizens, Bank Bldg PERCY T. STIERS Attorney and Counselor at Law. RMdavMe. N. C. Special attention to negotiation of loans, settlement ot estates, buying fcjid selling real estate. Insurance adjusted. Practice in all courts. Office in Lambeth Building, Over Sheriffs Office. CHARLES O. McMICH AEL Attorney and Counsellor at Law REID RAY, ATTORNEY AT LAW Practice in all Courts. Is in charge of my office in Reidsville I will be in my Reidsvile office on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, frldav ni in Madison on Saturdays DR.JR. MEADOR 0ENTI8" . Office Over New Citizens Ban. Thone 212-3. DR. JULIUS S. WELLS DENTAL limrf-ON Office over Fetzer & Tucker's Drug Store. Thone 10Q; DR. E. A. TROXLER Dentist. ' Office formerly occupied by Drs. Romlnger and Meador, in the Scott Building. Telephone 148. Phone Your Orders for Pure Sweet Milk and Cream Fairview Dairy Farm Telephone No. 1721 to the farmers who Have cover crops This is probably the first year you have used a green cover crop to ini Drove your soil. We therefore wish to call your attention to a few impor tant points regarding the best method of handling your land for tha suc ceeding crop.. The state at which a cover crop should be turned under depends upon the soil, weather conditions and the crop that Is to follow. "Where corn is to be planted on crimson clover land, the clover should be turned under just when the bloom begins to ap pear. The crop at this stage will contain abcut the maximum amount of plant food. Besides, it will decay much more readily t'iiaa if permitted to reach full maturity. It may be ne cessary to turn the clover under a little earlier in order to get the corn planted at the proper time. ( It is sometimes advisable to turn under earlier on account of the soil being in good condition, whereas to put it off for a few days or a week, dry weather might ' prevent doing the work as it should be. When the land Is to be planted to cotton it will be necessary to turn the cover crop earlier regardless of the stage of growth. This will allow a few days for the land to settle and to be gotten in proper -condition for a good seed bed. The plow should be followed closely with the harrow to pulverize the soil before the wind and sunshine dries it out. Unless the soil is full of moisture, or there are prospects of an early rain it is best to run a roller over the land to firm It, which will aid in holding the moisture. The roll er should always be followed with the weeder or light smoothing har row to mulch the top soil. When the cover crop consists of rye or other small grain, it should be turned under when about knee high. If the conditios of the soil prevents plowing at this time, double dis; the crop a couple of times and this will prevent the further drying out of the "soil, and frequently the soil will be mellow enough in a few days to plow even if it does not rain. This, of course, is true when clover is to be followed by corn also. Never turn the clover or other crop under without first thoroughly cut ting up with a disc harrow, as the material plowed under in a layer se riously interferes with the capillary action of the moisture in the soil. The effects of turning under in a lay er is what is sometimes called sour ing the soil with green manuring crops. Double disc the cover crop two or three times with a sharp disc harrow before plowing; plow well by taking a narrow furrow and edging rather than inverting the - furrow; then double disc the land again rath er deeply, and no injurious effect will result however large the growth may be. This is the important point I wish to impress upon you: The thorough incorporation of the vegeta ble matter with the soil. Do not get in a hurry and neglect this important part of the work if you expect good results from your cover crop. Use the disc and smoothing harrow until you have the soil well pulverized and Xcaber and Building Material Prompt Service and Good Grades. CCILFORB LUMBER MFG. CO., GrMnstxrt, rl C. BRICK BwHdlng Paving DAN RIVER BRICK Winston-Salem, N. C Prompt shipments. j .Inquiries solicited. 00 Commercial Headquarters Americai and European HOTEL DAN DANVILLE, VIRGINIA Free Anto Service "tike rooms with bath $1. Square meal, 50c M; GOOD REPAIRING J Si if? PREsVlNO .if l r If , . WtJO KNOM THE VALilC 1 jp www-- r!t y .io, -''ill In" iHul Don't Worry but just call for 'PHONE 284 ADAI.1S, ULLARD, ADAMS At The "AMERICAN" . Of er TuIIoch's Store the vegetable matter mixed through out the soil. If yoju are in doubt about the fer tilizer ingredients to use on soil thus prepared, communicate with me. Very truly yours, F. S. WALKER, County Agent. March 18, 1915. LEAK8VILLE-3PRAY INSTITUTE At Leaksville that's a twin of Spray, There's an Institute, our people say, That's one of the best within the land. The buildings beside a river stand From along this grand, historic river, Have dome i ereat men and women ever. And many siHl are sure to come, With minds trained in this fine school house. 'Tls not a school a century old Where history and tabs unfold; But one of much more secret birth. That strives by deeds to prove Its worth. With bulidines the school is well 'supplied, And a campus broad lies along beside; While off to the South lies river land And east, yet more, and a forest grand. With buildings, campus, and scenery here, Only one thing is needed and that will appear, As the tale I still further unfold; For the best of it all is yet to be told. And this tale Is of men and women so true Whose pride is the service that to others they do. These some from the East and some from the West Wish much to comply with the Mas ter's request. For they believe it to be most won derfully true That if of others ye "would to them must well do. And if every hard task with Joy is begun The reward is a simple, but glorious, "well done." So with environment right, and teachers true blue. There s a grand work In pro a pec a good work, and true And if training for life is part of your plan, Let this training take place on the bank of the Dan. A L. FRENCH. Sunny Home Farm, March 18, 1915. ODD BITS OB NEWS IN COUNTRY AT LARGE In Cincinnati the Methodist Minis ters' Association has formed a secret body of 100 men, v, ho will report to parents and employers the names of all young persons attending dances, theatres, etc., thought to be improper. The investigators are volunteers. They will report, also, all other law viola-f-cua they discover. Justice of the Peace Henry Miller of Swoyersville, Pa., was so angry at the defiant and unrepentant attitude of a wife-beater on trial before him that he peeled his coat and sailed In to the defendant.' Wihen court ad journed the wife-beater was so bat tered that his best friend would not recognize him. Also he was humble and repentant. Kept alive for two days by associa tion with two bear cubs and their mother, Baby Ball, the two-year-old sou of a settler near Fifleld, Wis., was found late at night recently, asleep in the underbrush and, though starv ing, was not suffering from exposure. The searchers saw the signs of bears near where the child was found, and old woodsmen declared that the babe was kept alive by sleeping with cubs and their mother. AU that the child can say is: "Big doggie play; baby hungry." , " I ". 10i lf UNCLE SILAS' REPLY SHINE. TO SUN- REPLY TOLE.H. When I had almost given up in de spair . And thought I wasn't to hear, from -you, I was agreeably surprised To see your lines in The Review. You seem to blame me some For putting my lines in Review; But I didn't know your address, So what else could I do? ACHING "HZ" FIXES SWOLLENJORE FEET How "TIZ" Does Comfort Tired, Burning, Calloused Feet ; and Corns. "Ail Boy. TO b Hi ome said you lived on Route 1, While others said it was No. 3, So I didn't care to risk it When I didn't know which 'twould be. So after all things are considered I think I have acted for the best. Now I've found you, will ddsny part. To you remains the rest. You are quick to see another's fault, But how about your own? Remember if you're in a glass house You should not throw a stone. You say I've more than one sweet heart ' But I would love to know, W)iile you're writing lines to me, Haven't you another beau? But I do not wish to quarrel In fact I never do If there is quarreling to be done I'll leave It all to you. Times are getting very hard, And cost of living high; . It has now become a case Of "root pig or die." So I don't think I should be censured For trying to make a mash On a little miss who teaches school And "rakes in the cash. But It seems N. F. L. isn't going to ': write, Believe me, I don't care. I'm not going to write to her again, Now Isn't that quite fair? For it has always been my rule (A good one you can see), Never to correspond with a girl Unless she writes to me. You say you would love to see me; Now this I'm glad to know, Will be out to see you next Sunday If It doesn't rain or snow, H. E. M. March 15, 1915. YOUR FRECKLES People who are forced to stand on their feet all day know what sore, tender, sweaty, burning feet means. They use "TIZ", and "TIZ" cures treir feet right up. It keeps feet ta perfect condition, i '"TIZ" Is the only remedy In the world that draws out all the poisonous exudations which puff up the feet ?nd cause tender, sore, urea, aching reet. It Instantly stops the pain In corns, callouses and bunions. It's simply glorious. Ah! how. comfortable your feet feel after using "TIZ." You'll never limp or draw up your face In pain. Your shoes won't tighten your hurt feet. Get a 25 cent box of "TIZ" now from any druggist, department or general store. Just think! a whole year's foot comfort for only 25 cents. v . The Review and New York World, Tri-Weeklj, $2.15 Now is the Time to Get Rid of Those Ugly Spots. Do you know how easy It is to re move those ugly spots so that no one will call you freckle-face? Simply get ffh ounce of othine, double strength, from your druggist, and a few applications should show you how easy it is to rid yourself of freckles and get a beautiful complex ion. The sun and winds of February and March, have a strong tendency to bring out freckles, and as a result more othine is sold In theso months. Be sure to ask for the double strength othine, as this is s ld under guarantee of money back if It falls to remove the freckles. Miss Sunshine has burst forth With her slpendor bright; Joins hands with Uncle Silas His Katie Blue to fight. Uncle Silas should be grateful And salute with tip and bow, For Sunshine is so grateful Why, Silas doesn't know how. But Sunshine sticks right to me Like a plaster to my back; If she can grip the paddle Kate will catch a whack. Miss Sunshine crowds the season With her hook and bait so true, And" tries to snare Uncle Silas And crowd out Katie Blue. We reached for our almanac, Looked f. J a chance to bite; But to our grief and sorrow The signs were not right. Miss Sunshine gives description Of her height and. size, The color of her topnot And also of her eyes. She seems to have regrets Abomt her enormous weight, ) For fear 'twould be a barrier And end in awful fate. But, ah! Silas is familiar With these modern fads, Instead of being all girl . A big per cent is pads. But I'll slip Sunshine a secret On this solemn page: Kate and I are good chums And we are now engaged. So it's come along, my Katie, To my cottage den; If I crow like a rooster You cackle like a hen. We'll bury our little tommyhawks Sd deep they'll never rise; We'll roast our sweet potatoes And eat our chicken pies, We'M do Just what we like best; We'll say our little say, And when the Shanghai hog blatcs We'll feed him clolver hay. And when there is a baby We'll dress it up anew, We'll call him Billie Silas Or name her Katie Blue. So it's by-bye, Miss Sunshine, I bid you a long adieu; I thank you for your good will, But I'm bound to Katie Blue. UNCLE SILAS. March 18, 1915. HEADACHE IS A WARNING Neg- The Review, Atlanta Constitution, and Progressive Farmer, six papers a week for IS 00, Is a winning combina tion that cast be beat' Reidsville Peoplle Should Not lect Their Kidneys. Backache Is often nature's most frequent signal of weakened kid neys. To cure the pains and aches, to remove the lameness when it arises from weakened kidneys, you must reach the cause the kidneys. It you have pain through the small of your back, urinary disorders, head aches, dizzy spells, or are nervous and depressed, start treating the kidneys with a tested kidney remedy. Doan's Kidney Pills have been proved good and are especially for weak kidney .s Doan's have been used in kidney trouble for over 50 years. Head iteidsviile tesimony. Mrs. E. F. Walker, Lawsonville Avenue, Reidsville, says: . "I can't speak too highly of Doan's Kidney Pills for I have found them all that is claimed for them. Whenever any one of us are troubled by backache or from kidney disorders a few doses of Doan's Kidney Pills give relief." Price 50cat all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy gel Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mrs. Walker recommends. Foster Milburn Co.. Proprs, Buffalo, N. Y. Welcome Information. Most middle aged men and women are glad to learn that Foley Kidney Pills give relief from languidness, stiff and sore muscles and Joints, puffiness under eyes, backache, blad der weakness and rheumatism. They get no results. Contain no harmful drugs. Sold by Gardner's Drug Store. Mil -sax CI' i5 DIG'S mm ALCOHOL 1 PER nfT AVrgclablerVeparaCionrorAs sLraiIari tteRwtfandRf yuta ting die Siocncis andJJwcJsof ffls llll ft Ptomotes DMcstionflif erfii ness and Rest.Contalns nciifcr OpiumMorphine norMiatri. OT NARCOTIC. Sieve rotiitSM.nmmt Bmfikia Seal' JkcUttStltt jnatiti Ctonfrt Suanr . hmtsfmifhrr. ADerfertRenwdv forrcmsft non . aour MOinacn.uiamww Worius.ConvuIsioiisJ'CYcnsli ness aiulLoss of Sleep. FacS'uwk Signanw of NEW YORK. Guaranteed, under the For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears Signature the AA Ay Exact Copy of Wrapper. In Use For Over Thirty Years mm TMI our... SOMrXltT kwtqm' "QUICK r.JEAL" WICK OIL STOVE THE ORIGINAL OIL STOVE EQUIPPED WITH A GLASS FOUNT SIMPLE AS A LAMP. MAKES A CLEAN AND POWERFUL BLUE FLAME. EASY TO RE-WICK OR REGULATE. HAS PORCELAIN BURNER DRUMS THAT CANNOT RUST, AND AUTO MA TIC WICK STOP WHICH PREVENTS SMOKING, BURNS ORDINARY COAL OIL HUSBAND DO YOU LOVE YOUR WIFE? If you do come to see us at once and get one of the McDougal Kitchen Cabi nets and a "Quick Meal' Oil Stove. We sell them on the club plan of $1.00 per week. You can pay for them and not miss the money. When you do this we will all know you love your wife and will have proved it See them in our window. Burton-Chance- Walker Company CHATANOOGA PLOWS v., : rl.i.- 22 Low Front, Cutter Share, One and Two Horse 'The Plow that Sheds Where Others Fail" Sold Only By Whittemore-Mobley Hdw. Co.