PAGE FOUR. THE REVIEW: REIDSVilXE, Jr. a FRIDAY, MARCH 19. 1915 The; Reidsville Review TUESDAY AND FRIDAY THE REVIEW COMPANY. (Incorporated.) fKANTON OLIVER VM. M. OLIVER.. It. J. OLIVER .. ., . .. .. President ,. . y.-Presldent Sec. and Treac. 11.50 PER YEAR. Former Representative A. Mitchell Tulnier of Pennsylvania as been selected by President Wilson for Chief Justice of the United States Court of Claims to succeed Charles Mowry, whose resignation lakes ef fect April 1. o "Real news" is wanted In the office of the Jonesboro News, which says: "The friends of this paper will please hand us In news items when they are fresh. we prefer not to pubiisn a marriage after the child is weaned, a marriage after the honeymoon is ov er, or the death of a man after his widow Is married again." A hint to the wise la sufficient, . Two or three good roads enthusiasts got busy and had the recent Legisla ture to authorize an issue of $300,000 for roads in Davidson county. The other night opponents of the move ment held an indignation meeting at Lexington and spoke out in meeting Just what they thought of the busy bodies who had sneaked something on them that they did not want. ; a - .. "All the Are bells in the State should be sounded in unison," thinks the Greensboro Record. "One man in the State was summoned to Wash- i lngton and offered a lucrative place In the Department of Justice, but, by .Jinks, he told them he was awfully thankful, but did not want it. The first letter of his name is J. CraW' ford Biggs, and Durham is his home. A monument should be erected in his honor while living. He is a mighty rare bird. ' ' o . ' In our next issue we will publish papers read by Capt, T. L. Rawley and Mr. P. H. Williamson at the open Ing of the remodeled M. E. church here last Sunday. Capt. Rawley, who was a citizen of Reidsville , and chairman of the building committee when the original building was erect ed, read a paper covering the history of Methodism in Reidsville from that time until 1894, and Mr. Williamson read a paper covering the history of the church from 1894 until the pre sent time. Captain Rawley tells that the ground upon which the building Is located was. Just before the build ,lng was begun, covered with briars .and shrubs, and Just about the center .of the main auditorium was a very large, hollow chestnut stump. Captain Rawley and two or three other men went to clear off the ground, and in i the old stump was found a pint .bottle of whiskey. This Captain Rawley broke and burned with the stump, saying that he dedicated the . ground to prohibition, WHERE THE TROUBLE LIES About two years ago quite a num ber of the business men of Oxford became imbued with the notion that their town needed another newspa per. So they finally got together, subscribed the necessary capital stock to purchase a good country printing plant, and put their good money behind the new enterprise in the belief, no. doubt, that is was to meet with excellent patronage and a high degree of success. The boast was made in this office by an Ox ford man, just as the new venture was getting under way, that the old paper there would soon be put out of business. However, it sems that the new paper had rather indifferent success from the start, and that mat ters kept going from bad to worse, unui tinany tne paper naa to sus pend and go out of business. If a fellow has some good money that he Is anxious to sink out of sight for all time to oome, be can find no surer way than doing so than putting it into a newspaper in the average size town wher there is al ready an established paper of long standing. It is a fact that practical ly all of the newspapers that have failed in this State during the past several years have been the newly established ones, while all of the old ones have gone right along unscath ed. The "dissatisfied" element in any community is generally depended upon to support the new paper when it has once been established. But the fact is apt to be overlooked that the element that has become "dis satisfied with one paper will soon become "dissatisfied" with another. The main trouble in all such cases is apt to be with the "dissatisfied" people and not with the paper. Without specific reference to Ox ford or any other place, you can de pend upon the "sore-backed" ele ment in any community for very lit tle in the way of supporting a news paper. If they were the sort of citizens they should be, they could easily bring themselves around to overlook a few. faults and shortcom ings In the home paper (for all news papers have these) and rally to its support, thereby encouraging it to make improvements and Increase its general usefulness to the communi ty. A peep into the lives of those who knock and-berate the home pa per will generally disclose the fact that they also knock and berate al most every other enterprise and in stitution in the to wn. In most towns, if not all of them, there is a certain class of persons who are al ways knocking and finding fault with the local paper, and they rack-, ing their brains trying to guess why the paper is not crazy about them A hint to the wise' is sufficient- Henderson Gold Leaf. .-'.' o ' i ''' EIGHTY DISTILLERIES SEIZED IN FEBRUARY ' THE MAKING OF A MAN. A few days ago a prominent bust , ness man of Winston-Salem was in Greensboro, when a prosperous look ing young man accosted him and said: "I am considered a prosperous busi ness man, and I confess to feeling some pride in the fact that I am; but whatever I have accomplished, I owe It to you. A few years ago, when you were in business in Madison, I was a poor little boy with nothing to do, and there were very few things that a boy of my size could do. I went to you for employment, and you put me o 'vork carrying water to your hands at twen ty cents a day. But the kindly manner in which you treated me was an in spiration to me. You made me feel like you believed that I bad in me the power to win out in the battle of life. It made me want to make good, and I have worked to that end." The yomng man introduced his friend to a number of his Greensboro friends as the man who had been his inspiration. The gentleman confesses to a feeling of pride in the distinction. . It is one of the traits or human char acter that nothing will bring out the best that is in us like a feeling that some one has confidence in us believ es In as.. Back of almost every man who has done great things in the world is some one it may be an inva lid woman or only a little child who has been the Inspiration of his life. In the small hand of a woman may reside a power that can change the history of the world. Novelists are fond of depicting this trait. We have Little Kell controlling the life of her gamb ling old grandfather, and Little Co sette transforming the strong charac ter of Jean Valjean. In the hurly-burly of Justness life jnenare apt to forget that the small, seemingly insignificant acts of their everyday lives are making for the weal or woe of other lives, and to some extent helping to decide the des tiny of the State and Nation. But it is worth remembering. It is not easy to comprehend that we are exercising some degrw of influence, either , for g-ood or evil, upon every life that touches ours. And yet is it not true? Winston-Salem Sentinel State of Ohio, City of Toledo ) Lucas County : )ss Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm' of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOL LARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of HALL'S CATARRH CURE. FRANK J. CHENEV. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of De cember, A. D.( 1886. A. W. Gleason, Notary Public. (Seal) Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally and acts directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists. 75c. Take Halls Family Pills for con stipatlon. Are You - Rheumatic? Try Sloan's, If you want quick and real relief from Rheumatism, do what so many thousand other people are doing whenever an attack comes on, bathe the sore muscle or Joint with Sloan's Liniment. No need to rub it in just apply the Liniment to the sur face. It is wonderfully penetrating. It goes right to the seat of trouble and draws the pain almost immedi ately. Get a bottle of Sloan's Lini ment for 25c. of any druggist and have it in the house against Colds, Sore and Swollen Joints. Lumbago. Sciatica and like ailments. Your mon ey back if not satisfied, but it does give almost instant relief. The war risk Insurance bureau let It be known that the total Insurance is sued by the' 'government, on the freight steamer Evelyn,.-' which wus sunk in the North sen, amounts to $401,000. The ship's cargo was iusured for $.'i01. 000 niid her hull for $100,000. It wus pointed out that the profits of the bureau to date exceed the loss on the Evelyn by nearly $200.(KX. This does not take Into account the loss of the Carlb. which was also covered by Insurance. Eight Hour School Day. The Menominee (Mich.) high schools now have an eight hour schoolday, from 8 to 4:20. The time is divided into five periods, half of which are Spent In recitation and half In study Under the mipervlsloo of an instructor. C ASTORIA For Infanta and Children . In Use For Over 30 Years Signature of Officials here of the United States internal revenue department have just compiled their report of the work of the men during February. This re port shows that 80 Illicit distilleries were destroyed during the month. Of this total number, 48 were seized in the fifth district which comprises the 1 Western part of North Carolina; 30 were captured in the. fourth district, comprising the Eastern part of the State; one was taken in the sixth district of Virginia, and one was de- stryoed in the Georgia district. . The capture of the Georgia plant was made through a mistake, the of ficers taking it having no authority to operate in that district. They had gone out on a raid from Murphy, and went over the line without knowing it. . There are 35 men working under the revenue agent of this division now, this being the largest number ever before employed for the division. Nine of these men are income tax col lectors, while the others are working as deputy collectors and special em ployes in the field. This is thought to be the largest squad of men, In fact, stationed in any division in the Uni ted States, not considering the income tax men. Records show that ilifclt distilling within Its boundaries is sec ond in volume - in the country, . the Georgia district ranking first. i BETTER THAN SPANKING "lunkluK dor not cur children of bfd c-itlUK. Tlirn i eonatltntlonat taunt for (iiia trouble. Mr. II. Summer, Box W, Notre Pamr, Ind , wilt arnd free to any mother her anwaaful home treatment, with full luxtructlona. Send no money, but write her tiMla If your children trouble ;im In tlili way. Don't blame the child, the clmncea are It can't help It. Thla treatment alxo cure ilults aud aired people troubled with. DrLn tiflk'ultlea hr 4aj or eight. (' ) Report of the Condition of THE BANK OF MADISON, at Madison, in the State of North Carolina, at the close of business March 4, 1915. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts .. . . $195,191.23 Overdrafts, unsecured.... 412.79 All other Stocks, Bonds and Mortgages . . .... 6,500.00 Banking Houses, $700.00; Furniture and fixtures, $900.00 1,600.00 Demand loans 10,000.00 Due from Banks and Bankers 45,585.01 Cash Items . . 70.00 Gold Coin 1.070.00 Silver coin, including all minor coin currency . . 275.37 National bank notes and other U. S. notes 12,048.00 THICK, GLOSSY HAIR FREE FROM DANDRUFF Girls! Try It! Your Hair Gets Soft, Fluffy and Luxuriant at Once. If j ou care for Iheavy hair, that glistens with beauty and is radiant with life; has an incomparable soft- PCs? and. is fluffy and lustrous, try i Danderine. . Just one application doubles the beauty of your hair, besides it im- $272,752.40 20,000.00 20,000.00 mediately dissolves every particle of LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in . . Surplus fund . . .... Undivided profits, less current expenses and taxes paid'.'. .. .. .. 12,481.34 Unearned - discounts .... 1,500.0 Notes and bills redis- ounted , .... None Bills payable .. .. .. .. None Time Certificates of De posits . . . . . . 98,302.60 Deposits subject to chek 118,737.17 Cashier's Checks out- ' standing .. 1,731.29 . .. .. .. .... $272,752.40 dandruff ; you cannot have nice, heavy j healthy hair If you have dandruff. 0: iotal. ' i '" This destructive scurf robs the hair State of North Carolina of It inxfrA. u Rtrenth and ft vt ' County of Rockingham, ss 1 1 te on1 if mf nvAfintn a I rtrnfliiri&li ' ' a feverishness and itching of the scalp; the hair roots famish, loosen and die; then the hair falls fast If your hair has been neglected and Is thin, faded, dry, scraggy, or too oily, get a 25 cent bottle of Knowl ton's Danderine at any drug store or toilet counter; apply a little as di rected and ten minutes after you will say this was the best investment ever made. We sincerely believe, regardless of everything else advertised, that If you desire soft, lustrous, beautiful hair and lots of it no dandruff no itch Ing, scalp and no more falling hair you must use Knowlton's Danderine. If eventually why not now? Our "Business Builders" for results. Ragsdale, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. J. O. RAGSDALE, Cashier. Sworn and subscribed to before me, this 13th day of March, 1915. J. O. BUSICK, Notary Public. (My dom. ex. March 15, 191 .) Correct Attest : J. H. Moore, Nat M. Pickett, Thos. R. Pratt, Directors. Bleed Oats, Seed Potatoes, Clover and Grass Seeds, Hay, Corn and Oats; Cotton Seed, Meal and Hulls. Beet Pulp and Bran, Water Ground Meal, Sunrise Flour, Sugars and Cof fee, with a full line of Can goods, are our lines with prices right. Hazell & Mims, 'Phone 84. $150 to $fcflQ There is a price for every purse in our Wonderful Spring line of w You get your money?s worth when you buy shoes here, no matter what you pay. The Price on the Sole is Your Guarantee of Value. A. S. PRICE & CO., YOUR MONEY'S WORT1T O R YOUR MONEY BACK Boot for Reidsville and Rockingham! ,1 SS, ever Chewed : - S V f ''' J y '"' V , : - 1 V'' -'' - ' aalaM ' ;-

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