PAGE TWO. THE REVIEW: REIDSVILL E, N. 0. TUESDAY, JULY 27, 1G iTHE NEWS SINCE OUR LAST ISSUE "Home-Run Baker" has signed with the Mortranton. N. C baseball team Jt Is said that his salary Is $10 a day. firfwnshoro will spend ill the ' neighborhood of $100,000 for new Btreets this year. The county is also doin considerable suburban road work. President "Wilson has railed for re ports on the subject of national de fense. These will be made to him personally by the heads of tn wai and navy departments. John Wananiakor. addressing a meeting in Philadelphia, suggested that the United States purchuje Bel gium from Germany and later turn Belgium over to the Belgians The Interstate Commerce Commis sion has decided that the revenues of the principal express compnnies of the United StatpJ a;e inadequate and modified its fain e:. orders... to ... pro vide additional - income. It was announced at the Sunday School conference Of the Method Eoisconal Church. South, in Ashe- viile last week, that the Sunday School membership of this church had Increased by 95,000 the pat year Out of 33 cases of typhoid foyer in Greensboro in the last month there have been seven deaths, and several .others are now critically, ill. The. ty phoid infection there has been pro nounced by physicians the most viru lent they have ever seen. Large increases in exports of ex plosives, iron and steel manufacture', automobile, leather, cotton and wool en goods, chemicals, all classes of metal gdods, and in foodstuffs are shown by detailed Department of Commerce statistics for May, just is sued. Twenty thousand American freight cars and 400 American locomotives are due at Vladivostock, Rus.da, from the United States within the next two months to relieve the co'resjjon of supplies destined for the Russian front. Cannon, rifles, ammunition armed cars, etc., are badly needed in . the field. while he was directing tranic m KIaw Vrtrb PnHcmnn McAroVArv .if the traffic squad, looked down and saw something sparkling. ' He went over and picked up a circular gold brooch with a gold band across tho ceater set with six diamonds. Ex perts who examined the jewel, said it was worth $2,000. The police be lieve It was dropped from an automo bile. - Not many days since a genuine eld fashioned blockade still, pouring out unadulterated booze as clear cs crys tal, was found in a dense woods; ne&r Ore Knob, N. C, and when thla In formation reached the ears of Misses Bertha Thompson and Lellege Lee, they promptly moved to the scene of action and used the hatchet End) axe with the skill and dexterity of old and experienced raiders. General Carranza has informed the State Department at Washington that he will no loer receive com munications fronvNtorelgn govern ments, which have no diplomatic agents" accredited to his government at Vera Cruz. This would sever com munication with governments which ave ministers at Mexico City. Car ranza, however, Is understood to re gard Consul Sllliman at Vera Cruz as a properly accredited agent of the UnKed States. - i he question or me attorneys. t08 to be paid by the Davidson county board of road commissioner ,i, whiu caused so much comment in the pa pers and elsewhere of late, has been settled. The board of commission ers, at their last meeting, offered to pay each firm $400 in full for all ser vices rendered to date and $100 each as a retainer to January 1, 1916. This offer was unanimously agreed to by Messrs. E. E. Rape-r, Walser and Walser and Phillips and Bower, - the attorneys, and the above amounts have been paid. An aerial torpedo boat for attack ing ships in protected harbors U pro jected in patents just issued to Rear Admiral Flske, now attached to 'Am War College, but formerly aide for operations to Secretary Daniel:?. The plan contemplates equipping monster aeroplanes, similar to a numbtJ- now unaor construction in this country tor the British navy, with a White head torpedo of regulation type. Swooping down a distance of five sea miles torn the object of attack, the aircraft would drop a torpedo into the water Just as it would ha ire boon laiuuthed from a destroyer. Admiral KiskA believes the flying torpedo would mak It powdble to attack a fleet even within land-lockpj W. auo raneo oi me newest navy A VISITOR RELATES HIS EXPERIENCES IN MfcXICO or. lorpeao is ten thousand yards and even the older type will be affective at seven thousand yards. - Is Sickness a Sin? If not, it's wicked to negloot Illness and means of relief. It'a wiched to endure liver Ills, headache. Indiges tion, constipation, when one dose of Po-Do-Lax is Podophyllin (May Ap ple), 'without the gripe.. It arousea the liver, increases the flow of bile Kature's antiseptic In the 0!els. Your constipation andther Ills dl. appear overnight because Po-Do-Lax haa helped Nature to remove the cavse. Cet a bottle from your drug gist today. Gt rid of yor constipa tion overnight Mr. John Lyon, who went trim Reidsville to Arizono immediately af ter the war and who spet some tim,, here recently, is now a guest o rela tlves In Forsyth county, and the Win ston-Sentinel had the following to sav about liim in a recent issue: It is not often that you run across a man or a summers inai riues horseback almost every day and Unit has not been ill in s olong tnut he hardly knows what the word mean?, but Winston-Salem has such a man within her boundaries today m the person of Mr. John Lyon, of I'hoenix, Arizona, who is the guest of ins brother, Mr. J. S. Lyon, of West Washington avenue. Mr. Lyon has not only been Messed with excelj' iu health during the forty years that he has been a resident of the grei't Southwest, but he is also the posses- or of a fine physique, on.; t h.t- would do credit to a nian of haif his ars. He is tall and straight as an rrow ana shows his age only oy his snowy white hair and long, Mow ing beard. Mr. Lyon is a mine owner and rancher. He owns mines, one at Bisbee, Arizona, and one ai vit'gra, Mexico, and also a splendid ranch of 000 acres, located about for' miles from Phoenix, Arizona, on which he makes his home. He is well posted in regard to all affairs, particularly the Mexican situation, although he 3 not disiKssed to discuss condition in that country. During his forty years! residence in the Southwest, Mr Ly-j on has been througn a nuraoer or thrilling and hair-raising expeile-ic- es, chief among these happening only a few months ago, whon he, together with seventeen other men, were held captives for almost three weeks by a band of Mexican outlaws. Mr. Lyon says that this experience was a most unusual one because of the fact that for two weeks and three days he was given nothing to eat and drink except beans and water. No salt or anything else went with the beans. It seems that last Ja'nuary Mr. l.y on and rour otner ranchers decided to go into Mexico and round-up fif teen thousand head of cattla belong ing to them and drive them across the border into Arizona. Picking out thirteen of their best cowboys the party set oat and began the irduous task of rounding up the steer3. Oih morning about 2 o'clock as the par ties were sleeping, they heard shots and upon getting up found that they had been surrounded by a band of about 200 Mexican outlaws. Mr. Lyon states that he first believed them to be soldiers, but that it did not take the members of his party long to dis cover that they were bandits. It soon developed htat the robbers were after money and not tattle and af:er rob bing their prisoners of their valua bles, including their weapons, they stampeded the few thousand s'.eers that had been gotten together and moved off, taking Mr. .Lyon and bis party with them. For two weeks and three days we traveled with the Mexicans," said Mr. Lyon, "living on straight beans and water. On the fourth day we were rescued by a party of Villa'a sol diers who escorted us to the herder to protect us from any other of the numeous bands of outlaws.'' Mr. Lyon says that all of his cattls except about twenty-five heal which the bandits killed forNjieat ire still in Mexico, but that hex? mt going back afterthem under present c.tndi: Hons. Mr. Lyon says that for. twentv-five years he has known -'General Vrilt. They met In El Paso, Texas. The present Mexican general had gon to EH Paso and opened a store and a large butcher shop and Mr. Lyon says that he had extensive business dealhigs with him there. He regards Villa as a very fine fellow and says that he Is not-the blackguard ho is pictured in the States. When asked if he was acquainted with 'any.-other Mexican chiefs, Mr. Lyon stated that he knew. Iluerta very well, but de clined to express an opinion of niru. DISCHARGED EACH DAY AMD RE-EMPLOYED THE NEXT BROTHERS BROWN ASSAULT MAN A t SUMMIT LAST WEEK From waste fields to a thriving community of 50,000 Inhabitants in a few weeks is the transformation which has taken place just across the Virginia State line from here, on six)t which will soon be listed on the map as City Point. Immense powder mills, tho largest ami most modern in the world, now Hearing completion and belonging tc duPont de Nemours Pow:1.t Company, are the magnet that has drawn 17.000 wiknien to this new : metropolis of tho Old Dominion Stale In this city of uncompleted 'homes and thousands of tents, which stretch 1 in every direction, liquor has been ta-j iKioed. . Although the workmen ein ployed in the departments already completed and the mechanics and la borers working on the uncompleted buildings are for the most part drawn from all parts of both States, the ah- Hence ot nquor nan resunea in an or derly community, though ths town is yet in its inception. One of the novel features of the b,g powder plant is the fact that .while 17.000 men are employed there, the only regular payroll maintained by the company is ior the managers of the different -departments. Each f the 17,000 employes is hired and dis charged each day. Every nfght each employe is paid for the day and his employment, In so fur s the com pany Is concerned, is ended. If )R. shows up in the morning no is again i nireu and put to work. Tins tuetn d I of handling a force of 17,000, whit :i novel one, has been found to give I the best results at City Point. ' For the most part the -town looks like a big camp. Special officers are provided by the power comanv to enforce the law and maintain odtr. Offenders are punished promptly, and while some liquor has been confiscat ed in the town it is impossible lor n man to drink it and obtain omploy ment with the powder company the j next clay it he is found out. High explosives for the Fuiopean ' governments are already being turn ed out at the new plant in tremen dous quantities. Carload after car load is shipped daily to seaports, 1 where it is '.loaded for European ports. Tri nitrofoleune, ono of the most powerful explosives known, amL in the last few years used in the j British navy, being produced in large ; quanUtie.1.--Bluefield (W. Va.) Di. patch. j B. L. Flack was shot and sorioublv ' wounded late Wednesday afternoon i by C. Self, in the store of tho latter at Brown Summit. The otfic-jrs wtre called in and Self was arreued. aj were two brothers of ' the injured man. The brothers are C. W. Flack and C. J .Flack. The wounded man is in St. Leo's Hospital in Greens boro, while Self was releae'l en bond. One of the Flack brothers is still held unable to give his bjnd r.nj the other was released. The injured one will probably recover. According to the story Mr. Self told, the three Klack brothers enter- ed his soft iJink stand at Brnvn Summit and started a row. He had a badly torn shirt which he exhibited as evidence of the truth of his as sertion that the men attacker! lin, before he used the revolver. He said he released himself from the attack ing trio longenough to secure the .32 calibre revolver and opened fire. One of the bullets took effect in the abdo minal' cavity and the other Inflicted a purely flesh wounds. The shooting occurred late in the afternoon and pincers went from Greensboro as soon as the "shoolln,? was reported by telephone. Xo dirfl- cuity was experienced in finding all parties to the occurrence and malting the arrests. Mr. Self was placed un der a $500 bond and the Flacks, who were able to get around, wee re quired to give bonds of $100 each for their appearance before Justice of the Peace J. B. Minor for trial. Sheriff, Stafford, who headed the party which went to Brown Summit, said that there was a -45 cal'bre re volver also in the store of Mr. Self, very near the resting place of the smaller gun. BLACK WHITE TAN Alt DEALERS r A o r I f - n r m in& THE CELERY COLA BOTTLING COMPANY Phone 266-L BEEN. County. It- th West Market Street Near Depot. BOTTLERS OF CELERY COLA, SODA, AND IRON Prompt delivery by Auto Truck Anywhere in the Orders Solicited. Satisfacti on - guaranteed. - Celery Cola Best Drink on the Market. "QUALITY TELLS" M. L. RICE & SON, Proprietors Are You Feeling Fit? Do you envy the man or woman of untiring energy, strong body and hap py disposition. All these depend upon good health, and good health Is Im possible when the kidneys are diseas ed. Foley Kidney Pills help the kid neys cast out poisons that cause backache, rheumatism, and other symptoms of dangeroug kldnev and bladder troubles. Gardner Drug Co. OFFER. SPLENDID MAGAZINE To My Friends: To be among the Rookies of North America has been the dream of my life. A trip to Jhe Panama-Pacific Ex position offer exceptional" education al advantages, and I feci that now. is my supreme oppor tunity. I am working hard on a niag azlne proposition by which I am aid ing myself. By a special oiler for July, a sub.Tiption is worth three times as much to me now. as It would be later. I have Harp3r Ba zaar, Cosmopolitan, Gd HouselJep ing, and Hearst's. $1.50 per year each. A two-year subscription. $.00. It you can use one or more cf these, please send me your orders at once. and thus aid me In my closing effort for the trip. Cosmopolitan $1.60. Ev erybody knows the Cosmopolitan. Sincerely, MISS M. K. FETZEIt. THOUGHT RtCORDS A tinfoil philosopher ha3 said: "The Jiore I see of men, the better I like dogs.' As an example of logic mat is a good epigram, but there is toore of cleverness in it than of love for humanity. Man is all right himself; it is only when he-'reflects the thoughts of others that he falls to their level. No Institution or group of men or association is great er than the individual. A religious of an irreligious man; a democrat or republican, a prohibitionist or an an u-proniDiiionisi, a sunragist . or an anti-suffragist, Is not great or evil because" he is a religtous man. a dem ocrat, a prohibitionist or a puffraght lie is great only in that proportion as he Is conscientiously honest in his convictions or evil in that proportion no ub twin agauisi mem. inus a man who believes in his soul that a principle is right, does wrong when , . ., no uueo ior a iaw wouiu opporio that principle. Also he doeu wrong by voting for a law which he inteuds later to liela nullify -.Th in k 4or-your- sen. Ana ao what you think'ia right, inus a man becomes truly great Do not record the thoughts of others. Thought is the light from Heaven. Consideration of bodies of men makes us hard and narrow. Think for yourself and let others think for themselves. Don't be-a.-thovght. re cord. Exchange. THE GIRL WHO BITES HER NAILS Better Than Life Insurance. Twenty-flve cenfts invested In a hotUe of Chamberlain's Colic. Chol era and Diarqhea Remedy will enable you to protect your family from anr serious consequences resulting from an attarck of colic or diarrhoea during- theaummef moptlisT-Is that rot better than life Insurance? Buy now. It may safe Mfe, For Jala- by Card, ner Drug Co. How about your autscrlpUoaT Her eyes are of a purple hue; Her nose is tilted saucfly; I think she beads her lashes, tec; Her hair Is fixed so flossily Hor charm in ony one thing fails -The little girl who bltew her nail. 'Tis but the flaw that goes to makes Her beauty the more ravishln". Lest all the charms fey some mistake Tho gods on her wore lavishing Who -In-her fairness Venus rale? - The little girl who bites her sails For, were perfection there displayed. She'd be too fair too look upon A goddess not for men's e-ves maiir. For bards to write a book upon; The human touch one's heart essails Tbe little girl who bites her nails. ' ' you When Hot Weather Oppresses. When you feel oppressed, dull and stupid, are inert and languid do not blame it all on the weather. Heat will not affect you so much If the bow els are regular. Foley Cathartls, Tab lets are Ideal for indigestion and con stipation. They relieve stoat per sops of that bloated, heavy faellng. Gardner Drug Co, Write it on the film at the time. Pictures made today become a record 4onior row. Date and title every negative perma nently, ' at the time. Use an Autographic Kodak from our stock of Kodaks at any price to suit you. Don't delay, there is pleasure in it. Smith Stationery & Printing Co. Won't one trial that will give you like let us prove there Is no to you by finish that lasting satisfaction DAVIS' VARNISH STAIN in point of luster, beauty, haiduosa, and above all WEAR? It is proclaim ed the best' by those who h.ivo u3-d It for years. Ask your dealer. SPOT GASH REDUCT ON SALE! All Clothing, Underwear, Colored Shirts, Oxfords and Low Cut Shoes, Straw Hats, etc., will be offered at the following cut prices tor CASH until August 10th. 7 MEN'S CLOTHING $25.00 suits now . $22.50 suits now $20.00 suits now , $18.00 suits now . $16,50 suits now . $15.00 suits mow . $12.00 suits now . $10.00 suits now . ..$19.75 ..$17.7.-) ; . io.75 . $14.75 .$12.75 .$11.75 , $ 8.75 .$ 7.5 SHIRTS and UNDERWEAR $1.50 colored shirts $1.00. colored shirts $ .50 colored shirts $1.50 undefwear ... $1.00 underwear $ .SO underwear . . . now now now ..$1.20 . .$ .80 ..J .40 ..$1.20 . .? .80 .40 $9.0 $8.00 $7.50 BOYS' CLOTHING Boys' suits now .... . . $ T.50 Boys' suits now .... . . $C.5fi Boys' suits now ..... $6.00 $6.50 Boys' suits now .. .. .. ..$5.00 $500 Boys' suits now . . .. . ,$ L25 $4j90 Boys' suits now .. .. ..$3.25 $3.50 Boys' suits now . . . . .. ..$2 75 $3.00 Boys' suits now , . . . . . $2.25 OXFORDS AND SUMMER SHOES $5.00 $4.50 $4.00 $3.50 value value value value now now ; now now .$4-00 , .iU.75 ..S3-.40 , . fi.75 All Straw Hats From 1-3 to 1-2 Off The greater portion of our lest clothing is ot medium weight, dark colors, suitable for all seasons, and are new and up-to-date. It will pay you to see our offerings. MIS S. S. MAR