TUESDAY. SEPT. 12, 191C REIDSVILLE REVIKVC RETDSVTLLE. N". C PAGE FIVE TAN LAC! The Blood Purifier And Tonic. We Have It! ( . PHONE 28! Charles Fetzer. ,The Dependable Druggist 'At It For Over 30 Yean' NOTICE. North Carolina Rockingham County Town of Reidsville. An Ordinance requiring all property owners on sewer mains to connect with said line on or before Septem ber 1st, 1917. Whereas, the Town of Reidsville has, at great publilc expense, estab lished, and owns and operates a sew er system for the disposal of sewer age, and has constructed the said line on the various streets of the Town of Reidsville, and that the said lines have been ready for connection since October 16th, 1911. And, whereas, a very small percent age of the persons owning property abutting on said lines have taken ad vantage of this means of abating a mui sance: And, whereas. In order to abate the nuisance of private sewer lines and septic tanks and surface closets in said Town, and to .lid in the pay ment of the nterest on the bonds Is sued for the purpose of constructing said sewerage lines: Now, therefore, the oard of Commis sioners of the Town of Reidsville In regular session assembled do adopt the following ordinance: SECTION ONE. That all prporty owners owning property on a line of sewer pipe on the following streets in the Town of Reidsvill and owning property abutting on said streets must on or before September 1st 1917, at their own expense, connect with said sewer lines to wit : On North and South Main Streets, South Scales Street from Morehead to Settle Street, '' West Market from Madison to-Settle, Carter from West Market to North Scales, East Market from Roanoke to Burton, Montgomery from Lawson ville to Allison, Arlington, Morehead from Arlington to Harris, Gilmer from Main to West Market, Settle from, West Markei to Main, Piedmont from. Main to Michael, Harrison from Main to Maple Ave, Lindsey from Main to Vance, Irvin, South Sharp from Lind sey to Piedmont," La wsonville from East Market to Barnes, Burton from Montgomery to East Market, and Pond Street. Except that where new permanent street improvement Is be ing made or petitioned for on any street or streets of the Town of Reids ville that such connections shall bo made on or before January 1, 1917. SECTION TWO: That all pri vies or dry closets of property owners owning lands abutting on sewer lines in the town of Reidsville are ordered to be closed and removed at the ex pense of the owner off of any lot m which the same exists on or b?iore Sept. 1, 1917. SECTION THREE: That all drain ge and slops or city water from any kitchen sink, bath tub or water clos et, or from any soda fountain, carbo nater, barber shop, dying or cleaning establishment or soft drink establish ment or water motor on the ' public streets of the town are declared a nui sance, and said nuisance shall bo abated at the expense of the property owner where said nuisance exists on or before Sept. 1, 1917. SECTION FOUR: That all private sewer, private septic tanks and sim ilar disposal plants are hereby declar ed to be a nuisance and are hereby condemned, and any property owner having said private sewer or private septic tank or similar disposal tank shall be requred to close the same and keep is closed at his own expenso on or before Sept. 1, 1917.' SECTION FIVE: Failure on the part of any property owner to comply with the provisions of either ot tne sections of this ordinance and the violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance by any property owner shall subject, the offending person to a fine of one dollar, and such property owners violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be subject to a fine of one dollar per day for every day said violation exists after the 1st day of September, 1917. The above ordinance read, consid ered and adopted section by section and ratified. This the 5th day of September, 1916. We Will Supply Anything Wanted N PERFECT GALVANIZED IRON OOFlNO. V CRIMP ROOFING, 1W tOOFINO, GUTTERING ANT SPOUTING; CHIMNEY PIPE. BOTH ftOUND AND SQUARE; WELL TUB NO AND SEWER PIPS. 1TOVE8, RANGES, HEATERS, -AUNDRY AND COOKINO STOVES, FIRE BOARDS AND PIPINGS. PLUMBFNO GOODS, CLOSETS uAVORATORIES, BATH TUBS AND 3ATH ROOM SUPPLIES OF ALL ONDS. EJT OUR ESTIMATES ON PLUMB NQ AND SEWERAGE CONNDO HONS. R. G. Gladstone WANTED! FOR CASH HIDES, TALLOW, WAX, WOOL, FURS. SCRAP RUBBER, BONES RAGS, FEED BAGS, SCRAP METALS AND IRON. FOR SALE Gaaoline Engine, Pulleys, Shaft ing, Hangers, etc Also Agents for the Union Metal- ic Bread Board, the only all-metal sanitary bread board on the market at $1.00 each. PROMPT RETURNS MADE ON ALL OUT OF TOWN SHIP MENTS. Walker Hide and Junk to., Reidsville, - - N. C HONf Itf RUFFIN. Esquire Bas Graves and familly of Yanceyville attended services at the Baptist church here last Sunday. The audience wag favored by a solo ren dered by Mls's Elizabeth Graves which was enjoyed and appreciated. Mrs. E. B. Fitzgerald has returned to her home in Greensburg, Pa., after spending the summer with her pa rents. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Worslcy. Mrs. Harry Stanton and daughter, littlel Virginia, have returned to Sa vannah after an extended visit to Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Williams, near the city. Mr. Jack Ferrell is now on a visit to his sister, Mrs. Aycock, at Free mont, N. C. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Lewis and chil dren of Danville are visiting at the home of Mr. T. Hagood. Miss Helen Bendall of Danvillo and Miss Frances Rawley of Reidsville have returned to their homes after a pleasant visit to Misses Chandler. JWlss Marlorie Worsham has re entered the G. C. for Women for the ensuing term. Miss Bessie Stacey has entered the State Normal at Greensboro. Messrs. (Samuel Wright, Robert Stacey, William Wor3ham and Spen cer Blackwell have entered the A. & M. College at Raleigh. Horace Carter, 'Jr., has returned to Chapel Hill after a week's visit with home folks here. Miss Cora Harrelsori has returned to Spray as one of the faculty in the Graded School. Miss Orphelia Wrenn and niece, Miss Aline Fitzgerald, of nan. are visiting at Mr. Hilljnan Wresn's. Misses Dorothy and Agnes Wil liams have returned to Reidsvilla af ter spending several days with Mrs. Jno. L. Williams. Miss Beulah Cooper of Mars Hill is visiting relatives here. Mrs. W. II. Baker and children arc home again in the E. C. Wright rssi- dence after spending the summer in Stovall and Raleigh. , Misses Kathleen Gibson and Vir ginia Ferrell have returned from a pleasant visit to relatives In Danvilie. Quite a number of the townspeople attended the stew given at Mr. J. J. Hopper's barn Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Johnston have returned to Mooresville after a visit to Mrs. Wm. Worsham. We are glad to see Mr. .J. A. Ben ton out again after a recent illness. Misses Younger, Davis and Gregory have returned to Stovall after a visit to Mrs. J. J. Worsham. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Harris of Reids ville visited relatives here Sunday. Miss Nettle Blackwell of Caswell spent a few days with Miss Virginia Ferrell last week. Miss Mary Stokes is visiting avIus Mary Carter, near Danville. , JL Quite a number of Ruffln people at tended the funeral services of Mr. Iverson Carter at Shady Grove church on last Sunday afternoon. Dr. Weaver held quarterly meeting here several days ago, preaching two sermons during his stay with us. LEAKSVILLE-SPRAY. The Leaksville postoffice is being overhauled inside and out. The car penters are to work now and in a few days the painters will be busy with their part of the work. Mr. Joe Lane said the other day that they had been at work for some time to get the Im provements made and was pleised that they had succeeded. There will be a number of new lock boxes added and the front greatly improved, the building painted inside and out. and the old boards that everybody felt at liberty to use for advertising by tack ing handbills on the sides ot the door way will be a thing of the past. The changes were badly needed and will be very much appreciated. Mr. M. J. Hampton, son of Mr. J. H. Hampton, left Wednesday for Dos Moines, Iowa, where he Joins his brother Wade, where they will attend a school of osteopathy. The boys are working their way through college They are very much interested In The Review-Observeivand left an order to nave it sent to them. Mr. H. C. Pace started work Wed nesday on a new brick building on Boulevard street. The structure will be 85 feet front and 70 feet deep, and there will be four stores with nice street frontage. The building will bo next to the Boulevard Bank. Miss Ruth Price returned Monday from a house party given by her cou sin, Miss Faye Price, at Fountains Va. Miss Ruth has been absent ov?r a month and while away visited Roan oke, Martinsville and Rldgeway. Mr. G. W. Wood will open a market on Washington street, Leaksville, op posite the Hampton Buggy Co. He Intends to run this place separate from the one he has in Spray. On Tuesday afternoon a few friends of Mr. Hartsell, anticipating the com ing of his mother, met at the rectory with gifts to add to the comfort of their new home in our midst. Mr. Sylvester Green has returned from his vacation and his friend, Mr. Robert Owen, of North Emporia Va., returned with him and is spending a few days with the Greens. Mr. A. G. Brumbeloe, who has been employed at the Mercantile Co. storo. leaves Sunday for school at Arden. N. C. He is to attend the Christ School at that place. Mr. Dillard Stovall's eight-year-old daughter, who lives in North Spray, las diphtheria and scarlet fever She has been confined to her room three weeks. Mr. W. M. Polk, from Godwin, Cum berland County, N. C, is here lookin up a location for a mill. He is practical miller, and has a family. Mrs. Quesenbury and daughter Miss Maggie Quesenbury, returned Wednesday from a week's visit with friends and relatives at Siler City. It Is with regret we learn that Mrs Hiram Foard will soon leave LeakJ ville for Hopewell, Va., where her son Meriweather has a position. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Hampton and children have returned from Dillon S. C, where they spent two weeks with relative!. Miss Lucinda Martin returned on Wednesday from Martinsville where she spent a week as the guest of Miss Anna Simmons. Miss Adeline Neal of Reidsville and Mr. Tom King of Roanoke were week end guests of Misses Taylor, Leaks ville. Mrs. Terry Turner and children re turned to their home In Danville after spending two weeks with relatives In Leaksville. Mrs. J. P. Price and Misses Minnie and Caroline and Laura Price are vis Ring relatives in Madison. American PoultiFenee Big Lot of Stock Fencing Cole's Hot Blast Heaters South Bend Malleable Ranges and Richmond Cook Stoves Paints, Oils and Varnishes WHrrrEMORE-MOBLEY HDW. CO. GET READY FOR FALL AND WINTER REMEMBER You can find just what it takes in clo thing, hats and furnishings for men and boys. And at the Price are Aiming to You Pay BOYLES W. W. BOYLES Mgr. BROS., REIDSVILLE, N. C. STONEVILLE. Miss Ethel Newberry is visiting her cousin, Mrs. Robt. Stone. Frank Joyce is In town visiting his parents. Mr. Hamlin and Clarence Stone have returned to Davidson College where they will resume their studies Miss Shumate of Cascade, Va., ia the guest of Miss Cora Roberts this week. A stew was given by David Carter last Saturday night. A large crow 1 attended and everybody had a good time. Mr. Will D .Lemons has entered Trinity College, Durham. Miss Minnie Joyce has gone to Ham ilton, N. C, to teach music the com ing winter in the school there. Mrs. J. A. Thomas is visiting rela ttves in New Bern. Dr. and Mrs. W. W. Matthews of Spray were in town a few days ago. Attorney Eugene Trivette is on th sick list, we regret to know. We are glad to welcome a new law yer H. K. Penn to our town. Misses Myrtle Glenn and Klma Jovce have been Visiting relatives in Madison for several days. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stone and Miss Kate Claybrook have returned from an extended trip to relatives and friends at Bland, Va. To Tobacco Growers. I am delighted to be able to tell my fanner friends that our market is fully opened and all the buyers on and as eager for tobacco as I have ever seen them, and (quality considered) I don't think I ever saw it higher, es pecially common and medium prim ings with any show of color. I think I have made some as good sales out of this crop as I ever made in my life, quality considered. I think. the whole crop is going to sell high be yond a doubt, as I don't think the crop will weigh out over 65 per cent of last year's crop. I certainly congratulate you all in the prices you will get as I know all farmers have lost money for the past two years. : When you get your tobacco ready for sale I will appreciate your patron age with the assurance that I will WEAR DIAMONDS juxxt ; iu'w SPARKLING JEWELS PRICED RIGHT AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. TOO IT IS THE DUTY OF EVERY MAN AND WOMAN TO LOOK THEIR BEST AND TO MAKE THEIR HOME AS ATTRACTIVE AS POSSIBLE. THE VALUE OF GOOD MUSIC IN THE HOME CANNOT BE OVERESTI MATED. IT LINGERS FOREVER IN THE MEMORY LONG AFTER THE HOME HAS CEASED TO EXIST. COME TO US NOW FOR THAT MUSI CAL INSTRUMENT, SO THAT YOUR LIFE MAY BE HAPPIER AND YOUR CHILDREN GROW UP UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF GOOD MU SIC. OUR INSTRUMENTS ARE THE BEST MADE AND PERFECT IN TONE AND WORKMANSHIP. MORRISON JEWELRY CO-, OurGorrect Stiits and overcoats are perfectly wade. ineytittoo. K'l:-:Y- "A woman is as old as she looks." So is a MAN. It Is a scientific fact that "as you FEEL so are you," Trim fitting, handsome new clothes actually make the man who wears them not only look younger but FEEL younger. If you don't believe this just come in and let us slide on to you one of our brand new suits and overcoats. You don't have to buy them unless you want to. We never urge anyone to buy. We let our CLOTHING do it. WILLIAMS & CO. THE MAN'S STORE REIDSVILLE, N. C. always do in the future as I have done in the past: Get you every dollar I can for' your tobacco. With thanks for your past patron age, I am. Tour friend. J. N. WATT. Rrtdsrille. U. C.