PAGE SIX 'TUESDAY,, SEPT. 11, 1916 ' - PROFESSIONAL CARDS REIDSYILIE'S MOST PROMINENT 1 LAWYERS, DOCTORS, ETC. 1 IEAE. HUMPHREYS ATTORNEY AT LAW Special attention to settling astute Practice In all courts, except Record r'a Court Office In Fels Building OTer A. S. Price & Co.'s Store. OLIDEWELL & ROBERTS ATTORNEYS AT LAW Prompt attention to all matter" intrusted. Practice In all court Offloe In Citizens Bank Building. MAJOR T. SMITH LAWYER Office over Burton & Pears, Shoe Store. A. D. IVIE B. C. TROTTEl JULIUS JOHNSTON IVIE, TROTTER & JOHNS TOW Attorneys t Lw Offices In the new Irvin fiulldini ext to Bank of Reldsville. J. R. JOYCE Attornsy at Law. Office In old. Citizens Br' Buildln. Practice In State nna Federa Courts. Loans negotiated. HUGH R. SCOTT ArTNIY AT LAW. fecial attention to negotiation o loans; oonduct and settlements o states; buying and selling real Ute. Office, Citizens Bank Bldg PERCY T. STIERS Attorney and Counselor at Law. RmdarlUe, N. C. Special attention to negotiation t loans, settlement ot estates, boyla and selling real estate. Imuran adjusted. Practice lit all court. Office In Lambeth Building, Or 8k-lffs Office. J M. SHARP ATTORNEY AT LAW Office over old citizens Bank Build lng, opposite Confederate Monument REIDS VILLE, ...... .. ,. N. C DR. E. P. McBANE VETERINARIAN Office 225 South Scales Street All Domestic An'lmah treated Phones: Office 143; Rea. 286 W. JAS. W. HOPPER . ARCHITECT. Phone 131-231 Leakavllle. N. C DR. J. R. MEADOR DENTI8T Office over New Cltlsens Bank. Residence 'Phone I6S-L. Phone 181 McMICHAEL & RAY ATTORNEYS AT LAW Practice In all coerts Mr. McMlchael will be 1b the HeM vtlle office on Tuesdays, Wednesday Thursdays, Fridays and In Madlso m Saturdays. .' " ' ' WILLIAM REID DALTOh ATTORNEY AT LAW Reldsville. N. C. General practice of the law In BtaU and Federal Courts. Money loaned on real estate. B tates administered on and settled Real estate bought and sold. DR. JULIUS S. WELLS NTl SUOOtON. office orer Ftsr Tuckor'i Dnu Store. 'Phone 100. W. G. MYERS ENGINEERING ' and ' SURVEYING MARTINSVILLE, VA. A. H. WAYCASTER LANDSCAPE GARDENING REIDV1LLK. Nr C, Phone 314-W HIGH GRADE BUILDING BRICK Brick ia the most enduring; most secure against Are; most comfortable In all weather moat economical In final cost and the most beautiful ot aay building xnatertaL If quality appeals to yon, (Write as and get quotations. Shipment made promptly. WILLIAMSON HEDGECOCK, INC. MartlnsTllle, Va. . H HOOPER. Sanitary Plumber Repair Work Promptlj Done PHONE 294 ARE SOON TO BEGIN TRAINING'ARMY AVIATORS In a short time the war department will announce the plans which liuve been approved by the general staff of the army for the reorganization of the aviation arm of the regular service, u reorganization which contemplates the training of nliout l.'KMi aviators, half of whom will be in the actlvo'and the other half In the reserve service. These plans call for an equipment which will iiiHuile aeroplanes of all 1 1 1 various military types, for a thor ough' system of triiiuliiK. for the mo bilization anil so far as possible the htnuilai'dizuiiou of Uie various in dustries which can be utilized in the manufacture of aeroplane or their equipment for military purposes, and, lastly, for means by which any yoini;,' man who can pass the menial, physi cal and moral t the regular serv ice may obtain the practical ami the oretical instruction necessary to equip him for a commission as an oilicer of the aerial reserve service. There will be established a system of training schools which are expected to bo second to none in the world. The machines manufactured especially for liaiiilnu purposes will he of types to lly from thirty-cijdit to sixty miles an hour and design -d with the idea oi' obtaining a iu:t Iiiue easy for a novice to operate. Flying With Irutructor. Imrin' the preliminary stage of his education as an aviator me piqni al ways tiles with an instructor until lie is able to pilot the machine alone un der very good air conditions. The In structors In this preliminary stage are ivllians, of whom there are now three lit San I.'leo, where there Is the only military aviation school now in this country. Only ofllcors of the regular service are now eligible for the train lng. a condition which will cease as' soon as the new scheme of aerial or- anizatioii goes into effect in the next few weeks. iVfter an olflcer lias completed the preliminary stage of his training and Is certified as able to 'uperate Ills ma chine without the assistance of an in structor Jlot. Ids training passes un der the control of an experienced army oHicef, w lio is a veteran pilot. The San Olego Instruction begins with very easy flights -In which the pupil, simply encircles the Held at comparatively low altitudes and re ceives Instruction in landing. After lie has' ..mastered, the simpler problems of aerial navigation the Instruction .'grad ually leads up to the most dillleult of maneuvers which are made under all possible weather conditions. No idiot Is permitted to go into the air unless he has some -'definite maneuver to make. After landing from each flight ho reports hack to his Instructor and together they go over every detail of the llight. the Instructor pointing out mistakes and' Indicating how they are to lie obviated. Requirements For Certificate. This system of progressive instruc tion Is continued until the student Is able .to make all the 'fish's which are 'enumerated' In the government require inenls for a -Junior -military aviator's certllicnte Tl.e-e requirements areas follows: Five figure s's anuind pylons l.iiCMt feet apart, keeping all parts of the niaeliine Inside or circle .whose radius Is ;tM feet. Climb out of a square, field i.-X by 1.2IK) feet and attain r(M feet altitude, keeping all parts of the machine in side of square during climb. Climb a.liiM) feet, t ut oil' motor, spiral down, ('hanging 'direction of spiral that is, from left to right and right to left and land within l." feet of pre viously designated mark. Land w It h dead motor lu a field 800 feet by loo feet, assuming said Held to he surrounded by a ten foot obstacle. From .rHX foot altitude land within 100 feet of previously designated point with dead motor. : Cross country triangular (light with out landing of approximately sixty miles, passing over previously desig nated points, at a minimum altitude of 2..MH1 feet. Straightaway cross country llight without landing of about ninety miles from previously designated points at a minimum altitude .of 2.&00 feet JOKE STARTS OIL RUSH. Campers Poured Keroiene Into Pump In Pennsylvania Village. Kerosene oil poured down o pump lu front of the home of Jerome Hawkins at Clarksvllle, Pa . started a wild rush to obtain oil leases at almost any price. The kerosene was poured down the well following publication of the re port of the "oil strike" in a newspaper." Leases were sought of all the land in the vicinity of the well. Many credu lous persons, having visions of. for tunes, secured leases and paid big bonuses for land adjacent to the well. The hoax soon became public, atd the cainiHTs left Constipation the Father of Many Ilia. Of the numerous Ills that affect hu manity a large share start with con stipation. Keep your bowels regular and they may be avoided. When a lax ative is needed take Chamberlain's Tablets. They not only move the bow els hut Improve the appetite and strengthen the digestion. Obtainable everywhere. Our Jitney Offer Thia and 5c. DON'T MISS THIS. Cut out tnis slip, enclose with five cents to Foley & Co, Chicago. Ill, writing your nam and address clearly. You will receive In return a trial package containing Foley' Honey and Tar Compound, for coughs, colds and croup, Foley Kiduey Pills, and Foley Cathartic Tablets. Bold by Gardner Drag Co. ZEPPLINS ARE SEEN IN THEIR LAIR Anton Fendrh h, w ho Js about to pub lish a book on the war, is giving to the German public its first real view of the Gorman air fleet, which he vis lted "among the sand dunes." Here is his story in part: "Somewhere amid the white sand dunes ami the salt meadow wecis dwell the mariners of the air who hu brought some notion to Albion that it no longer U an island. I was taken to ngroi.p of buildings dark airship halls', sllhouoite.1 against the sunset cloin's in great lines of modern steel construe tion. "'How many?' I hear the questio.i ns-Ked. ignite a conlidence Inspiring number. "Tho commanders were sitting at a flower de-ked horsesho.1 supper tables not all of them, for some were under wiry. From the wall smiled the Sua blan Count Zeppelin, without whose decade of struggling all this would nev er have been. "These men were mostly between thirty and forty years and already had .. ft...,. ... l l.. n ct.i V., T 1 , , . V 7 hunt through Fi'iirHi!''hN mid btirstin shells, fi;H, tho'fili they lived among Cio-e peaceful I'li'cdov.s, t he same keen look of the hi:lsrnan whi'di "nun- funis nt thet front was stamped on their faces. "It was ml lnlg'it as we approached the dark structure with brightly Illu minated windows, which, at first broad and red, soon shrank to narrow shin ing slits as the whole ball turned on Its axis In order to bring the air ship Into line with the wind. Hurricane From Propellers. "The turning of a single screw on the oeher yellow body of the air cruis er tilied the giant hall with the roar ing and howl'ng of a hurricane. "In front of the almost unbelievably thin steel rods to which were affixed the screw propellers were high wood en platform on whl-li mechanics cow ensl and watched the whirling pro pollers. These' wooden propellers, each an tall as a man, soon became visible again, turned awkwardly n few times, then stopped. A mechanic adjusted a few screws, hammered a few bolts, and then the slender thin wooden blades again roared. The mechanic notes the faults first always with the ear only, but nttcrwaru uiseovers them with the eye. "Now they had caught the right tone. 'The ship is clear for sailing,' the en gineer reported to the commander. "Hut outside waited the night wind. One knew It Well from past experience. Therefor a hundred hard seamen's lists grabbed It outside to prevent cap sizing. The Air Giant Is Off. "A shrill whistle and all the screws began-their s-torin" song. A few" men of the landing battalion shook themselves like, wet dogs. They had got on their heads a spout of the water with which the air cruiser lightens itself. - Lightly the slender colossus floated upward and it seemed swallowed up by the ulght, a dark shadow against the .! rent IMpper. "We Hew. The deafening noise mak ing conversation impossible, I at first noticed -''nothing.-' The commandant showed me the manipulation of the steering gear for elevation and direc tion and nil the other technical eipilp aient. '. . '"'": "Ve flew over wood and meadow nml over airship' halls and 'barracks and the canopy of green was soon lost o sight. "Through -'a - small horizontal trails-, parent pane, built like an alcove In the glass, wall-' of '(he 'commandant's gonoiToki, your eyes can "see 'straight, downward lido the depths below. "I hiriii',' the week I was with , the air cruiser In ...which one of the com mandants had lu five days spent' fdghty-eight hours In the. air and had slept only twenty-four In his bed. "Another officer, commanding one of the older ships with open gondolas, re turned so frozen that it was necessary flrst to knock off with sticks the ice from the fur lothes of .him and his men before they could -undress. "Hut, in my nilnd. I took off my hat most of all to the one whose tlrst words as he leaned out of his gondola were: " 'I haven't been able to get rid of my eggs!' lie .meant the lwmbs with which his .Zeppelin wiis provided. "He had orders to attack an Iron foundry.'. Prom afar he saw it gleam ing below, but the Increasing stormy west wind prevented hlin from getting over it. The home Journey led him over many a town, and village of the land wli!checks to starve out Oer tn an women and children, hut he flew jver them with all his bombs. "Down on the water front every where stand new rir.d gigantic airship halls. On the day I left the first of some new and splendid monsters came flying from Its airship yards. "Woe to yon, Paris! Woe to you, London, when your day comesP' Forget Your Aches Stiff knees, aching limbs, lame baca make life a burden. If you suffer from rheumatism, gout, lumbago, neuralgia, get' a bottle of Sloan's Liniment, the universal remedy for pain. Ea3y to apply; it penetrates without rubbing and soothes the tender flesh.. Cleanar and more effective than ruussy oint ments or poultices. For straits or sprains, sore muscles or wrenched lig aments resulting from strenuous ex ercise, Sloan's Liniment gives quick relief. Keep it on hand for emergen cies. At your Druggist, 25c. Mail orders receive our prompt and careful attention. We have the atock. We know the drug business. W want your trade. Brittaln'a Dru Store, Phone 100. Oddities In the News J I'layful cow, by tightening rope used by Glen Cove woman in leading It, cut off woman's thumb lio't weather note: Credit man gave up $."(.(hm) Jolt in lubber factory to preach at Jt.-" in Titlin, O. Rolt of lightning discovered gas In abandoned well in I'enusylvaiiia.' ami owner is now getting $."t worth a day. Mr. Wood 1 irink water has gone back to Chicago, but a New York hotel still has Mr. Will Hooz. who says he lives here. Clevelund wife seeker has written mayor of Passaic, to recommend "a plain young widow, sweet, slow, recep tive and Jolly." Inhabitants of Lodz, Poland, who go dirty on streets will lie seized by er man military authorities and sclen- i tincallv cleansed and shorn, ! Million dollar movie theater In New York, to hold :?.,im, be of concrete and have no stairways balconies and gal leries to be readied by slopes. UNITED STATES SUBMARINES SHOW GREAT PROFICIENJ Secretary of the Navy Daniels has made public a detailed statement of the standing of destroyers and subma rines for the gunnery year 1015-191(5, together with the standing of destroy ers, submarines, cruisers and gunboats in elementary practice and battle prac tice. ' The figures for gunnery and In ele mentary and battle practice show a wide variation. Some vessels made 1(0 ier cent. In the destroyer class the Stewart Is give,n first place, with a merit of !i!."14. The Patterson was second, w ith 13.270 points. The Wads worth is last in the list, her gunnery merit being 44.271 points. In the submarine class the K-8 was given a final- merit record of 100 points, !'s ne:!:;'',! competitor was the II-2, with 70.717 points. Five sub marines got less than ten points, while the merit given the A-fi, one of the oldest submarines In commission, was 0.S33. A general statement explaining the figures says: "The final merit of a vessel In gun nery is computed from the results of all gunnery oxerci.Ts eomlu t;l by n vessel during the gunnery year. As conditions change from year to year the standard must change to fit these conditions, and in the analysis of the work of the fleet standards for differ ent parts of. the work and different forms of gunnery exercises are estab lished from the direct data .obtained from the actual performance of the vessels themselves." The destroyer Stewart led In its class in the elementary practice with guns and torpedoes, its merit being 72.750. In this practice the Patterson again was second, with a merit of 09.702. The Decatur was twenty-sixth In the list, receiving a merit of 10.!)98 points. The K-8 led the submarines in ele mentary practice as well as In gun nery. In the former receiving a merit of STi out "f a possible 100 points. The II-3 was '.second .-with 05 points, and the 0-.r was last with 5 points, sharing this record with 'the-A-fl, In the battle practice on the second run seven out of twenty-five submarines made perfect scores, while ten were given zero. In elementary-practice. the Mayflow er, President. Wilson's naval yacht, led In the gunboat class -with S l.SoO points. In the battle practice' the Mayflower dropped to sixth pla e with 27.040 out of a possible- 10( points, the Dolphin heading the list w ith 81.S13. The Reldsville School of Music, conducted by Mrs. R. M. B. Ellington, will open SSept. 1. " Instruction given by her at the residence of Mrs. J. C. Mills, on Lindsey street. A Bad Summer For Children. There has been an unusual amount of sickness among children every where this summer. Extra precaution should be taken to keep the bowels open and liver active. Foley Cathartic Tablets are a fine and wholesom-3 physic; cause no pain, nausea or grip ing. Relieve indigestion, sick head ache, biliousness, sour stomach, bad breath. Gardner Drug Co. Are You Looking Old? Old age comes quick enough with out inviting it. Some look old at forty That is because they neglect the liver and bowels. Keep your bowels regu lar and your liver healthy and you will not only feel younger but look younger. When troubled with consti pation or biliousness take Chamber Iain's Tablets. They are intended es pecially for these aliments and are excellent. Easy to take and most agreeable in effect. Obtainable every where. ' - . , ' Don't Neglect Your Cold Neglected colds get worse, instead of better. A stuffed head, a tight chest must be relieved at one. Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey is Nature's re medy. Itoney and glycerine heal the Irritated membrame, antiseptic tar loosens the phlegm, you breathe eas ler and your cold Is broken up. Pleas ant to take. Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey is an ideal remedy for children as well as grown-ups. At your druggist. 25c. DANVILLE The Worlds Greatest Bright Tobacco Market! The Great Danville Tobacco market opened August 15th under most favorable auspices. High prices obtained for all grades ofi Tobacco, common and medium grades showing the strongest advance. Farmers and Warehousemen were pleased and every thing points to a continuation of high prices for the 1916 crop. Danville, with its big corps of buyers, repre senting all the manufacturers of this country and Europe, its enormous re-drying and storing plants, splendid warehouse facilities, six immense ware houses operated by the Danville Warehouse Co. , Inc., conducted and managed by men of experience and proved ability, offer facilities for the sale of to bacco unequaled in this or any other State. To ob tain best results sell your Tobacco on the Danville market with either of the following Warehouses: Central Warehouse s. II. Wilson and J. C. Dickerso Managers. Banner Warehouse . T. Keeling and W. R. Fitzger ald, Managers. Exchange Warehouse A. Myers and K. L. Walton, Managers The Danville Warehouse Co., Inc., Danville, Virginia Could Not Do Her Cooking. Mrs. F. E. Hartmeister, Tea. Mo.. writes: "I was affected , with' kiduc v trouble for two years. I got so had this summer I could hardly do my cooking. I got Foley Kidney Pills and I feel like a new person.-' Too maiy women neglect symptoms of kidney derangement, weak back, s wolleD an kles and joints, aches, pains, , anl rheumatism. Gardner Drug Co. The Telephone Operator Says: If you permit your friends, neigh bors and servants to use your tele phone indiscriminately, you are liable to be reported "busy" when there is an urgent call for you. -v. It is easier for the operator to make the connection than to give the "busy" report. When your number is called she instinctively reaches for it with a olucr. - If your line tests ROCKINGHAM COUNTY FAIR LEAKSVILLE-SPRAY, N. C. October 3 to 7 4 Bigf Days and Nights Daily Aeroplane Flights Bluest Free Attraction Ever Shown In This Secfon! STRONG MIDWAY ATTRACTIONS . ' Write for Premium List. C: P. ROBERTSON, Lcaksville, N. C. Acree s Warehouse M. O Nelson, W. T. Fowlkes J. E. Neai, Managers Holland's Warehouse . P. Fowlkes, W. T. Burton, J Tucker and II. C, Swanson, M Planters Warehouse 0. B. Davis and J. K. Dudley, Managers He Was Worried and Hopeless. "For ten years I was bothoreS with kiu'acy trouble," writes T. F. Hutchin son, Little Rock, Ark. "I was worried and had almost given cp all hopes. I used five boxes of Foley Kidney Piils and am now a well man." Foley Kid ney Pills drive out aches, pains, rheu matism and allkidney symptoms. For sale at Gardner's. . "busy" she so reports. You may not be using the tele phone yourself and may be unaware that someone else is using it.