TUESDAY, SEPT. 11, 10X3 , REIDSVILLE REVIETVEEIDSVTLLE, N. C. PAGE SEVEN fa p3 ki La vrjv Hi' Our Mew Fal Stock Jf (Goods Is Mow On Display And We Cordially Invite Every One To Call And See! early in the Much of Our Stock was contracted for season before the big advance on all goods, and we arc giving our customers the full benefit of this big saving in prices. DRV GOODS DEPARTMENT: Dress Goods, Silks, Lingere, Notions, Table Linen, Napkins, at old prices. v Ribbons, Velvets, Sheeting, Embroideries and Laces, Blank ets, Counterpanes. LADIES' and CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT: Cloaks, Coat Suits, Raincoats, Sweaters, Hosiery, Gloves, Underwear. Everything Except Millinery. MEN'S CLOTHING DEPARTMENT: Hart, Schaffner & Marx's Clothing for men. Lord Baltimore Clothing for boys. Emery Shirts, Hats, Interwoven Socks, Latest Styles of Gents Furnishings. AH Kinds of Underwear. SHOE DEPARTMENT: Walk-Over Shoes for Men, Queen Quality for Women. Buster Brown for Children. Star Brand for the Whole Family. ; Every department is complete with go of Highest Quality. No shoddy goods can oods of the newest styles and le are giving our customers by full benefit making early contracts before the heavy be found in the Big of the big savins' -we in prices. &e made advances o r7 M vca 11 J 1111 iTHl! J Jl ci YOUR MONEY'S WORTH OR YOUR MONEY BACK REIDSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA n 1 si