FACE FOUR Tl'HSDAV, SEPT. 10, 19:0 RKIP.SVILLE REVIEW R KIDS VI LLE,TN. NEWS OP EEIDSVILLE AND ROCKINGHAM in Mr. Oscar North Bpont Sunday Danville with relatives. Mr. R. W Williams of Camden, C. spent Sunlay here. Mr. Z. II. Neal of South Ronton is spending some time in the city. Mrs. C. B. Hobgood and children ar visiting relatives at Pilot Mountain Miss Lena Faw of Winston-Sp'-im spent Sunday here with I.u.ile Hubbard. Mr. R. R. Hudson of Route 4 calh-d in to see us Saturday and enroll.'.! for The Review. Messrs. Sterling and H-nry Huhbard of Winston-Salem spent Sunday hurt; with their parents. Miss Mary Boyd of Washington, I). C, Is visiting Miss Ruth and Iary Hairston on Main street. Mrs. O. 0 "Sharp and children are visiting relatives at Haw River, Hlilsboro and Morrlaville. Sauire W. L. Gardner and Mr. J. 1 Gardner visited relatives at Pittson, in rittsylvania county. Va., Sunday. Mrs. A. D. Jones and Miss Jesse Crowder are visiting their br .flier. Mrs. R. W. Crowder at Lemon Springs N. C. The bankers and lawyers will play another baseball game at Red J Park Wednesday afternoon for benfiet of the library. Mr. Allan Burton has accepted a po sition aB a salesman at Barber's book store at Winston-Salem. He left yes terday for his new home. The weather has been cool and pleasant the past few days. Palm Beach suits and straw hats are gradu ally, but suraly. disappearing. Dr, J. T. Stewart, the popular phy sician of New Bethel township, was in tows Friday and called around to help us on our high pricel paper bills. The Woman's Missionary Society of the Baptist church will have an all day meeting at that church next Thursday, Sept. 27. All the members are cordially Invited. The Womon's Missionary Society of the Baptist church will hold an all day meetng in the Ladlee' parlor of that church Thursday of this week. All members are urged to be present. 'Squire O. T. Walker of Route Six sold, a load of tobacco here Saturlay for an average of $24.16. He says to bacco is decidedly higher than he ever knew It In the whole course of his 77 years of life. Mr. J. W. Somers, a prominent far mer on Route Three called In to see us Friday. He had Just cold a load of tobacco hore at an average of $2.r. He 'says tobacco Is nlgher than he ever saw it. The Republicans had a big rally at Spray Saturday night. An Interesting account of the meeting will appear In the next ssue of The Review. Mo.sri. Joyce, Gardner, Glass, and a ''number of Republican leaders from Reidsvi'do attended the rally. Our cherished friend, Mr. J. F. Smith of near Oregon called in Sat urday to help keep up our Biipply of print paper. Ho says he is In good shape this yenr--has plenty of hog and hominy and a nice crop of to bacco on hand. Quite an exciting game of baseball was pulled off on the Red J. diamond Saturday afternoon between llih Point and Reldsville. The score was Mr. S. Roman is now on the north ern markets buying his winter -stock of goods. Messrs. Williamson Mills and F. (' Whtttemore of Senuca. S. C, spent the week-end here Mrs. Dora B. Mills and daughter Dorothy, who have been spending Mr; summer at Blowing Rock have return ed home. Mr. and .Mis. F.drington of Fori Worth, Texas, who have been vi-itnj .Mrs. C. A. I'enil, left yesterday for Roanoke, Va. Klder J. M. Harris' many friends are glad to see him out again i.fit r a relapse several weeks ago. !l" is Htill very feeble though able to g"t around among his friends. Mr. J. P. Connell, superintendent of the A. T. Company, has been promot ed to the Now York office of that in.n pany and will enter upon his new du ties about October 1st. His family will remain hero for the present. . is many friends regret to see him leave Reidsville, but aro glad to know of his promotion. Be sure to come to the Daughter.' reception at tho C. At A. rooms. You'll have a dolightful afternoon. Tables will be arranged for different games the rooms will be beautifully decor THERE IS A BIG DEMAND FOR MALE STENOGRAPHERS Concerning the male stenographer the Omaha Vxaminer has this to say: The government seems to have di!H jculty in securing male 'stenographers. ! A recent circular status that nearlv L'oti appointments are soon to be made. To get them, examinations will have . to be held nil over the country, Sep t (ember 12 to 26. But while applicants for other civil service appointments .:re sleeping on the doorstops of their Congressmen no rush of candidates for this position is expected. Whit has become of the male stenographer? Newspaper reporters are asked al most every day if they are familiar with shorthand. This is because the public conceives of a reporter ts spending much of his time in taking down long reports of speeches. In actual practice the reporter soon finds that he can get down in long hand four times as much as his paper will print. Few men in this business ever find it worth their while to acquire stenography. In mercantile anil manufacturing lines few fellows consider it of any large use. To an ambitious man knowledge of shorthand might even provo a detriment. It would tend to but ated there will be good music iiinl dj keep him at merely clerical work liclous sandwiches ami tea. All your friends will be here in gala attire and i oil for only a quarter. And nest of all you'll help the Daughters help some needy veteran, r.et evervbodv come. Chief of Police Brown, of Reidsv!l came here Friday at noon and ni"t a . Wiiken eminty officer who arrive. her" i.t 12 10 having in bis cun'o'iy j i young white man under sentence,! imposed in Superior Court of Wilkes j unity. The Reidsville . officer tc jk charge f the prisoner and he was j carried to Reidsville to serv tlnu on, Rockingham county roads. Wilkes county does not have a county convict J force, but hires its convicts to Rock- j Ingham county. Greensboro News. The lawyers and doctors will pHy the bankers and Insrrance men in their second game of baseball on Wed nesday afternoon at 4:00 o'clock. All who witnessed the first game will bo doubly anxious to see the second. A royal good time awaits, you. Come out and see them.- They will give the proceeds to the city Library to help get new books for the winter. If you want books, come out and help. S" money, no books. Don't forget the date, Wednesday, September 20tb at 4:00 o'clock. Mr. C. L. Moss of Castelia, Nash county, was here Saturday and -'purchased' two farms, through the Reids ville Insurance & Realty Co. They are the Richmond place on the north .Me of town, contains !)t acres and tno Galigher farm just west. of town con taining 70 acres. Mr. MOss will move here about December 1st. His son, Mr. J. M. Moss, purchased the J. U. MeCollum lot on Piedmont street end will erect a handsome residence lie will also become a citizen of Reids ville and engage in the practice of bis profession here. Mr. Thomas J. Darlington, a promi nent citizen of Leaksvllle, died sud denly at his home yesterday morning at 4:30 o'clock. He was 75 years old. The funeral was conducted from t hi Leaksvllle M. I-1 church this morning and Interment was at Lawson's ejnie tery. Mr. Darlington was. a Confeder ate 'veteran" ami had u w ide circle of friends throughout tho county, rur many years he was editor of Uu a large job ollice. He was a fluent writer and a man of considerable abil ity. He retired from active business life several yeas ago. Peace to hU ashes ! when he ought to be out getting his hands dirty while he was learning processes and materials. Probably the government, like pri vate enterprises, will have to depend more and more on women for stenog raphy. The limitations that custom still throws about Women's work makes this field particularly popular. There are many capable girls who would like to plunge into the bear' of a business in overalls and jumoers like their brothers. But society woul I be shocked. They are not yet ready to defy society. So the girls will undoubtedly monopolize this field, or nearly so. They will crowd it too full, tnus Keep ing down the rates of payment. This drives out of the business the m3n whoever expect to support a family No wonder Uncle Sam must ransack the country to find his 200 expert shorthand men. Chamberlain' Colic, Cholera and Di arrhoea Remedy. This Is a medicine that every 1am ily should be provided with. Colic and diarrhoea often come on sudden ly and it is of the greatest importance that they be treated promptly. Consid er this suffering that must be endured unt.fl a physician arrives or medicine can be obtained. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy has a reputation second to none for the quick rel: f which it affords. Obtain able everywhere. C ASTO R I A- For It f ants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Mwayp bears the Signature of How about your subscription? BUSINESS BUILDERS LOST. WANTED, ETC 1 ' a n A 3 alvfann Innlnira Im Imr ni'it witht avT fh Ytir-Thrf LeaksviUe-Gazette 4ind conducted was called on account of darkness. Mr. W. W. Boyles was carried to St. Leo's hospital in Greensboro Wednes day' afternoon suffering- with aeeiilo appendicitis. Ho was immediately op erated on. The operation was suc cessful and ho Is now in a very satis factory condition. Mrs, Boyles spent Sunday with him and found hl condi tion very favorable. Saturday's breaks of tobacco vere decidedly the largest ho far this (sea son; It was about 3 o'clock when the last pile was sold. Prices held up to the highost notch and everybody was well pheased. An unusually largo v I of farmers were in town watching the pales. Trade was good with the mer chants and tho old town looked bu sier than it has in a long time. The High School Girls held a meet ing on Friday afternnon for the pur pose of reorganizing the Irving Liter ary Society for 1916-17. Marion Mor rison was unanimously elelcted pres ident. The other .officers are: Vice President, Irene Stacey; Sec. and JTreas., Dorothy Williams; Critic, Ruth Teachy; Press RcporTex, Lola Yuug. TEb'c TRoal Cafe NEXT DOOR TO TUCKKRS FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN FIRST CLASS SERVICE AO the Delicacies of die Season Our lady friends from the county can save the trouble of bringing lunche when shopping by making the Royal Cafe head quarters where they will always find a cordial welcome. Also news stand in connection. O. W. GWYNN. Mgr. . ' - MADISON. Madison's school opened Monday morning with the largest attendance In its history, Many of the p. re-.?.! and friends of the school were p e sent to witness the ererciscs, and I he term bids fair to eclipse all -others.' Tv It. Pratt and Dr. J. T. Taylor re turned from lialttmore ine inner pan. t of last week, where the former went to consult a specialist. Mr. Pratt was advised to return to Baltimore ami un We pay cash for country produce Cosmo Benson. Roofing at $1.00 per roll and up at Reidsville lurdware Co. Lucas Pa inU---stay --painted Sje Reidsville Hardware!' Co. Best thicken exhibit at the Danville Fair, October 10th to i:;th FOR RENT -A Six room house, clone to business. Apply, at Citizens Bank. .-.Vulcan Chilled Plows are the best. For sale by Townsend Buggy Co. Special low prices on buggies and harness. Reidsville Hardware Co. A fresh line of groceries and vegetables,- Cosmo Benson, Phone C3. UOARDKRS WAXTKD. Apply to Mrs. S. S. Porter, 46 Lindsey street. See the livestock and poultry exhib its at the Danville Fair. Oct. 10 to 13. Rogers & Cook are your ''friends'. dergo treatment for a term of three They want and appreciate your trade weeks, the specialist promising to have him in "ship-shape" at tho end of that time. Many friends will bo pleased to learn that the prospects for an early recovery are so bright, and hope that he will soon be with again halo and hearty. The electric light question for Mid Ison has been revived and it is more than probable that something will yet Trsnitr-wtthm- Five bbarrels pure apple vinegar just received - J. I). MeCollum & Son. Carload of choice. Timothy hay Prices right, Rascoe. Huobard & Co. If you get your work at the Climax U!4 .J Barber Shop you get the best service. fio.ooo to lend on first mortgage real estate Reidsville Insurance &. Realty Co. Oliver Chilled Plows soli and Mrs. Minnie Price left for her noma in Miami, Fla.. Monday, after spend ing the summer with her uncle. Mi. J. V. Price Messenger, How's This? We offer one hundred dollars re ward for any case of catarrh that can not bo cured by Halls Catarrh Cure F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo. O We, tho undersigned, have known V. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially al l" to carry out any obligations made by h!s firm.Natlonal Bank of Com merce, Toledo, O. Hall's (Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price "5 ceut-j per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. gtTafanTeed by Reidsville -Hardware- Company. Buy Boss Self Working Clothes Washer. Sold by Townsend Buggy Company. Xice lot of Porto Rico molasses just arrived. Try it J. p. MeCollum Son. Phone Si. Our stock of dry goods is full and up to-date. Please call and see. -W. D. Hightower. The Reidsville School of Music will open Sept. 1 Mrs. R. M. tJ. El lington, Principal. Chickens and eggs, lots -of tnem nearly every day. Call me up. 'Phone 63. Cosmo Benson. FOR SALE One fine colt. 4 years old next spring. 150. Also a feed and corn milt, only $30. Apply to Lester Combs. Mooreneld place. R. F. D. I.. Reidsville, N. C See the latest farm machinery In operation at the Danville Fair, Ooto- ber lUh to 13th. j FOR SALE. One new top deliver! wagon; will sell at a bargain. Tjw-i-' -end Buggy Company. We make a specialty of children' hair cutting at the Climax .next door to Rank of Reilsvllle. For twenty-rour inch concrete wel! pipe, brick and building blocks, call on W. T. Wootton. Mgr. Paroid Roofing not cheapest least expense. Big stock at price. Reidsville Hardware Co. FOR SALE. Motor truck, capacity l.ooo pounds. Good bargain. Leaks ville Electric Co., Leaksville, N. C. We handle lots of country produce, the best the market affords. Chickens and eggs. Phone 63. Cosmo Benson. Full stock of staple and fancy gro ceries. Phone us your orders. Pr imp' delivery. W. D. Hightower. Phone 31. Hot and cold baths at the Cl'tnax Barber Shop. Buy a ticket good fo G baths for $1. 00. Barber & Petti- Krew. Everything fresh; everything new; prompt delivery; groceries and couit' try produce. Cosmo Benson, Phone No. 63. When Brittaln fills your prescrip tions you get exactly what your doctor prescribes. Brlttain Is a Druggist, i Phone 300. ! We pay cash or trade for country produce. Highest market prices. -Trent & Trent, Ware & Somers build ing, Phone 1S2. FOR RENT. 140 acre farm on Wolf Island creek. 50 acres bottom land. Apply to J. R. Morgan, Ruth i. N. C. R. F. D. 3. i Sun Rise uour, best that money ran buy; we guarantee every pound to please. Give it a trial. J. I). McCo! lum & Son.. Phojte S4. If you want to visit Reidsville's cleanest grocery store, come and see us at Trent & Trent's old stand. Phone 63. Cosmo Benson. For good automobile service at any time, day or night, large or small cars, at reasonable rates, call J B Faulkner, Phone 241 or 94. We aro in position to fill all or ders for everything your carpenter i;eeds. Our grades are better and ur prices lower. Rogers & Cook. Deputy S. T. Neal has returned from a pleasantly spent vacation with re latives at Black Mountain. He says he had the time of his life on this trip. I hereby return sincere thanks to my many friends for their act9 ot kindness shown my family during the llness and death of my beloved wife. Johns B. Martn. Mail orders receive onr prompt and careful attention. We have the stock. We know the drug business. We want your trade. Brittaln's Drug Store. Phone 300. The Reidsville School of Music, conducted by Mrs. R.M. B. Ellington, will open SSept. T. Instruction given by her at the residence of Mrs. J. C. Mills, on Lindsey street. Just received, a full and elegant lire of shoes' for -men, women and ;hil dren. including North Carolina made shoes, best on the market.' Prices right. W. D. Hightower. FOR SALE. A "nice- five-passenger automoble; only been driven about 5-.000' or 6.000 miles, for sale at a sac rifice; or will trade for cattle. See J. C. Roberts of; J. E. Amos at Amos Motor Company. : '.Seasonable press-.' Goods. Stocks are at their best , just now and selec tion is easy. Those who want to se all that is desirable, and who desire to select from complete lines, should come at once. Mrs. Cc lie . Irvir. fc Co., The Woman's Store. WANTED. Eggs, chickens. ' haras honey, onions, potatoes, beeswax, a id tallow. I am paying this week for eggs, 25c ; young chickens, IS cents pound; hens, 16c. pound. I make prompt returns. J. W. Wiley, :'00 North Elm Strtet, Greensboro, N. .C. Accessories at Little Prices. At tractive offerings in Neckwear, Rib bons and Veilings that will , appeal strongly to thrifty women. In every case the saving from regular prices is worthy of your inspection. Mrs. Cor nie Irvin & Co., The Woman's Store. WARNING. This is to warn the public against hiring or harboring Sylvester Troxler, a colored youth 17 years old. who has left his nj".e without my consent. Any one viola ting this notice will be prosecuted ac cording to law. Henry 1 .oxler, R. F, D. 1. Brown Summit, N. C. IflLXHE PUBLIC: I have severed THEY ARE HERE! WE HAVE THE STYLES IN SUITS, COATS, SWEATERS, DRESSES, SHIRTWAISTS HATS, ETC. RIPHT MOW Is the time to SEE the new things luUlll lllMi every express brings us. MRS. CORNIE IRVN & CO. THE VVOH AIM'S STORE QUALITY AND STYLE Agents Pictorial Review Patterns Sow Turnip Seed! A fresh supply of new crop seed just in. Twelve varieties. AH good. Tucker's Drug Store, PHONE 200 r.ntt-ii''w.'. i! Good coaterfafc go mi our UOOO clothed or men ft x 33? fm JlDl w mm- mix m. i'- i tr., NR. MM It : U V Yi 11 IV , mfl . i - If you are a judge of good cloth, come to us, you'll find the quality you are look ing for. If you ARE NOT, come to us and "Leave it to us." You want the BEST law yer and the BEST doctor. Men in need of clothes come to the BEST clothing store. The clothing business is a PROFESSION, too. And if you don't know whether or not WE know our business and will treat you right, ask those who deal with us. WILLIAMS & CO. THE MAN'S STORE REIDSVILLE, N. C. ray connection with J. H. DurolTJ store where I have been for the past nine years and am now with our store on Gilmer street. I return thanks for ths past liberal patronage of ray friends and respectfully ask for a con tinuance of same. Jas. D, McCollnm of the firm of J. D. MeCollum & Son. The Southern Railway will operate a low round trip fare excursion frrni North Carolina points to Jackson ville. St. Petersburg. Sarasota and Tampa, Fla.. Tuesday. September 26 1916. Special trai CiMsistlng of Pull man sleeping cars and high class daj coaches will leare Greensboro at p. m.. arrtving In Jacksonvillt text morning at 10:55. Fare from Reids ville to Jacksonville and return. ?J 20. For further Information ce ticket aent. 0i0KKKHKOHXHCOO0KHXHCH s .- ? GARDEN and FIELD SEEDS JUST RECEIVED 100 POUNDS OF WOODS FRESH TURNIP SEED. ALL THE GOOD KINDS! VELVET ICE CREAM - WE ARE EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR VELVET ICE CREAM. BEST TO BE HAD. WE GET IT FRESH EVERY DAY. GARDNER DRUG COMPANY