TUESDAY, OCT. 3RD, 191 G reidsvttj.t: KEvnrvr retdsville, n. a MADISON. The prospects, again, are very right for lights for Madison. Sam Carroll was given a hearing b fore Esq. Jesse Pratt Monday morning on the charge of being Implicated in transportation of whiskey to this county from Ridgeway, when a team and wagon belonging to his mother-in law were captured several weeks ago along with several gallons of whiskey. After the witnesses for the State had been heard Esq. Pratt dismissed the case, In view of the fact that no case was made out against Mr. Carroll. Several days ago Dr. J. A. Roach and H. J. Walker had a misunderstanding about the courtesies of passing each other while driving automobiles. Cnief Walker drove by Dr. Roach at a pret ty rapid gait and the latter did not propose to "take dust," bo he passed Walker. The latter Issued a warrant for Dr. Roach for reckless dri'ing when Dr. Roach In turn Issued a war rant for Walker for exceeding the speed limit. Dr. Roach plead guilty and was fined $2.50 and costs. Walk er plead not guilty and was fined $S and costs. He appealed to the Supe rior court. They were given a" hear ing before Mayor Jones on Wedms REPUBLICAN Legislative and County Candidates will address the people at the following places and dates. ROCKY SPRINGS, Monday October 9. Day Speaking. MADISON, Monday October 9, At night. MARTINS, Tuesday, October 10. Day Speaking. MAYODAN, Tuesday, October, 10. Night Speaking. PRICE. Wednesday, October 11. Day Speaking. STONEVILLE, Welnesday. October 11. Night Speaking. NEW BETHEL, Thursday, October 12. Day Speaking. GENTRY'S STORE, Thursday, October 12. Night Speaking. BETHLEHEM, Friday. October 13. Day Speaking. SETTLE BRIDGE (School House), Friday, October 13. At night. SADLER SCHOOL HOUSE, Saturday, October 14, At night. OREGON, Monday Octobor 16 Day Speaking. , ' DRAPER, Monday October 16 Night Speaking. MAYFIELD, Tuesday, October 17, Day Speaking. REIDSVILLE. (Town Hall), Tuesday, October 17. At Night. LENOX CASTLE, (Slades Wednesday, October 18. At night. EDNA COTTON MILLS, Thursday. October 19. At Night. GROOM'S School House, Friday. October 20. At Night. WENTWORTH, Saturday, October 21. At night. GOLD HILL School House, Monday, October 23. At Night. GLENCOE, Tuesday, October 24. At Night. SYLVANIA, Wednesday, October 25. At Night. MIDWAY. Thursday, Octobor 26. At Night. SPRAY, Saturday, October 28. At Night. EVERYBODY IS CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND The Day Speakings will be at One O'clock in the afternoon and Night Speakings will be at 7:30 P. M. By order of the Executive Committee of the Re publican Party of Rockingham County. This Sep tember 24th, 1916. FRANK L ANDERSON. NUMA R. REID Chairman Secretary day of last week. Tom Smothers, the Norfolk ami Western special officer, has been prnt ty busy during the paat week running In hoboes. In our last issue we noted that he had captured several. During this time eight have been added to tno road force of Rockingham county .each serving a term of thirty days. These gents will soon learn, no doubt, that It does not pay to attempt to beat a Norfolk and Western train, for when they do so and afe caught it means thirty days real work, and as a general thing they are somewhat averse to this kind of labor. The contract haa been let for the enlargement of Hotel Sterling and the carpenters will begin this week. Eight rooms are to be added. T. R. Pratt, who went to Balti more several days ago for treatment returned Sunday night and his many friends will be pleased to learn that his condition has greatly improved. Messenger. til it rolled down the fill bit he escap ed injury. Mr. and Mrs. II. L. Glenn have re turned after spending several das near Price with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Deahazo. The Stonevllle high school opened last week with about 250 pupil en rolled Quite a number of people at tended the opening exercises and re ported that it was the best in years. Prof. J. C. Caldwell of Gastonia Is principal, and Mrs. Weathersby, Miss Ada Joyce and Miss Cassie Fag? are assistant teachers. s GREENSBORO, N. C. STONEVILLE. Miss Aubrey Gerry is visiting rela tives in Roanoke. Miss Ruby Thomas is visiting her sister, Mrs. L. A. Taylor, at Siloara. Mias Ruth Cooper of Critz, Va.. la visiting her aunt, Mrs G M. Mitchell. Miss Nell Taylor is visiting friends in Mayodan. Miss Ethel Crantz of Spray was vis iting here recently. Miss Elizabeth Matthews of this, place la staying with her brother, Dr. W. W. Matthews, at Spray and attend ing the Leaksville-Spray Institute. Messrs. Frank King and Frank Joyce were m Kemsviiie ana ureensooro Tuesday on business. Mrs. Sue Stone of Reidsville'is vis iting her son, R. L. Stone. Mr. H. L. Mitchell has returned from a business trip to Charlotte. Mr. B. R. Stone of Reidsville was in town a few days ago. Mr. Green, the actioneer for the Union Warehouse, spent the week-end at his home near Walnut Cove. A team of mules property of Messrs G. C. and H. N. Joyce of Spencer, Va., ran away as they were leaving here and badly smashed the wagon. For tunately none of the occupants was jured. The animals became frighten ed at a hand car sitting on the track just above Mitchell's garage. First, they struck a large oan tree in the front yard of M. H. Fitz's residence, then went up the railroad tralk run ning for about half a mile until they reached the deep fill, when the wagen. mules and all rolled down the bank in to the road. The four-year-old son of Mr. H. N. Joyce was in the wagon un- ETTING HIGHER EVERY EEK! Never Saw Anything Like it in All My Life All kinds of Goods, even the poor farmer's tobacco, cotton, wheat, and everything else the farmer raises, or should raise, have gone up so high until ordinary poor folks can't buy them. And still most of them are grumbling because they haven't got as much of these things as they should have. - It looks like foolishness for a merchant to advertise to sell his goods at old prices. Yet Hendrix is doing that very thing. Why? Simply because he is anxious to get out of the goods Business. That is the only reason in the world he is doing so. Hendrix has a magnificent stock of all kinds of dress goods, shoes, coat suits, cloaks, blankets and other winter goods, bought six months ormore before the advance in prices. Customers who trade at Hendrix's this Fall shall have these goods at old prices. Act wise and buy from Hendrix. You will surely save money. 10c ginghams and domestics have advanced to 12 l-2c. Hendrix is selling his at 10c. 10c percales are now selling at 12 1 -2c, and 12 l-2c percales are now selling for 15c. Hendrix is selling his at the old prices. All 10c outings are now selling at 1? l-2c. Hen drix will sell his at the old price of 10c. Everything in Hendrix's store will be sold at old prices, except a few silks, woolen dress goods and coat suits. Come to Hendrix and get your supply of Winter Goods. None better, none newer, and certainly none as cheap in price. D. A. HENOraX ROUTE 8 (REIDSVILLE). The brunswick stew given by Mr Bob Coram was enjoyed by a good j many. It seems that brunswick I stews are all the go on Route 6. Mr. Jim Kemp lias accepted a posi tion with R. M. Gillie and will move to town Boon. We dan't like to give up so jolly a fellow as Jim. Mr. and Mrs, J. O. Craddock have returned to their home in Meridian Miss., after spending a week with their mother, Mrs. E.'A. Craddock. Mr. Harry Crist was a visitor on Route 6 last week. Mr. Velma has gone to Burlington where he has accepted a position. Wo wish him great success. Services were held at Sadler every night the paat week. Good crowds attended. We are indeed thankful that Mr. Bennett is grading our road which has been in very bad condition. Sadler School began today (Oct. 'A.) The children are already busy with their studying. Mr. John Johnson and sisters, Mi3 ee Llllie and Edna, attended the biff stew at Wentworth and reported a large crowd and plenty to eat. Guess the wedding bells will be ringing soon on Narrow Guage. Seems like some of our boys have China fever. Two will leave soon for a voyage to the Orient. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. "Pete" Brande, a son, this being the seventh son. Mr. Brande is making good pro gress toward securing a baseball nine in his family. DEMOCRATIC PROMISES TO FARMERS FULFILLED Benefits Under Wilson Set Forth in Official Pamphlet. The Democratic platform of 1012 made this promise to the farmers of America : "OfiU'Uual Importance with the question of currency reform is the question of rural credits or agri cultural finance. Therefore we rec ommend that an Investigation of agricultural credit societies In for eign countries be made, so that it niuy be ascertained whether a sys tem of rural credits may be de vised suitable to conditions In the United States; and we also favor legislation permitting national banks to loan a reasonable proportion of their funds on real estate security. "We recognize the value of vo cational education, and urge Federal appropriations for such training and extension teaching In agriculture in co-operation with the several states." These pledges, with many other services to the farmer, have been com pletely fulfilled in the legislation of the present Administration. The rec ord of Democratic Performance Is of fered In comparison with the Repub lican record of broken promises to the farmer, in nn attractive pnmphlet is sued by the Democratic National Com mittee. Copies have been furnished to every Democratic State Commit tee for free distribution. ANNOUNCE , Formal Displays of Paris Fashions v Gowns r Wraps Suits Goats Blouses Furs Silks Trimmings ! CSssq--! r$T I 2 Smartest of the New Modes for Early Autumn Wear Visitors to Meyers will be delighted with the compre hensive displays of the authoritative styles embodying all the most distinctive achievements of the foremost fashion creators. Only Democratic Congressmen Appeal ed for Action. Congressman C. (V Dill, -of Wash ington, cites the records of the com mittee hearings on suffrage in Con gress to prove that "the only Congress men who have gone before the 'Judi ciary Committee of Congress this year to ask that a suffrage amendment be oted upon have been Democratic members." He adds that "no others have appeared to ask for considera tion of the measure. That Is, I think, sufficient answer to any claim that the Pemocratle Party opposed Woman Suffrage." This, record need only be supple mented with the personal voting his tory of the rival Presidential candi dates to show who Is the real friend of suffrage. President Wilson made two trips from Washington to New Jersey to register and vote for Woman Suffrage when It was submitted in his State. Candidate Hughes did not take the trouble to register or to vote the same year1 1915 when the suffrage amendment was submitted In his stute. . .,r-r Our BuaU ess Builders tor result ', , "There is no means of Judging the future except hj assessing the past. Constructive action must be weighed against destructive comment and reac tion." From President Wilson's Speech of Acceptance. Our Business Builders for results! Constipation Dulls Your Brain That dull, listless, oppressed feeling is due to impurities in your system, sluggish liver, clogged intestines. Dr. King's New Life PillB give prompt re lief. A mild, easy, nen-griping bowel movement will tone up your system and help to clear your muddy, pimply complexion. Get a bottle of Dr. King's New Life Pills today at your druggist, 25c. A dose tonight will make you cheerful at breakfast. . RUB OUT PAIN with good oil liniment. That's the surest way to stop them. The best rubbing liniment is HUSTAUG mm mt J f it- Ail -i. uwu jvr mc nu'ic;iuj uj Horses, Mules, Cattle, Etc Good for your own Aches, Pains, Rheumatism, Sprains, Cuts, Burns, Etc 25c 50c $t. At all Dealers. HEADQ ARTERS FOR HIGH PRICES -:- -. . r;- ..-::v,w itm; WAITS LEADER WAREHOUSE, Reidsville, N. C TO MY FARMER FRIENDS: I am glad to say that tobacco is selling at very satisfactory prices and all of my customers are highly pleased with returns. I am making the highest averages ever made in any previous year on this market for the same grades of tobacco. There is a keen demand for ail colnry tobacco and bright smokers and cctlers are especially saoght after. In grading your tobacco h careful to not mix fillers with your smokers, as 'A hurts the sale of the latter. Get your tobacco in good orJer and when ready to market, drive straight to Watt's Leader Warehoise where yon will always find good accomodations and can count n getting the top of the market YouTsFaithfuIly, J. N. WATT, Proprietor OUR FORCE: R. L Snead, Bookkeeper; Will Hotchcrson, Auctioneer, Joe Benton, and Charlie Ttner Floor Managers; E. E. Fagge, Book Carrier.