PAGE TWO FRIDAY, OCT. 13TII. 19JG SOME FARMING POSSIBILITIES. Lawyer J. M. Sharp brought into fhe office of the C. & A. Association a day or two since throe sweet pota toes taken from one of twelve huu ired hills planted by him last spring. Two of them average 3 1-2 pounds, and the third three-quarters of a ound, making a total weight from ne hill of 7 3-4 pounds. The tubers are clean and healthy, and Mr. Sharp ays the slips were planted on ground that had no particular care or atten tion, and all tho fertilizer used was ne 200-pound bag of ordinary garden fertilizer, which was distribute! over is whole garden. He only planted 1200 hills for his own use. Were the whole 1200 hills to yield at the same rate, the total returns would be 9300 pounds or nearly five ions. Had Mr. Sharp planted 10.000 kills on an acre of ground and receiv ed a return equal to his one hill -which, by the way, he picked out at random he would have boon digging p now a crop that would yield him 77.5U0 pounds, or thirty-eight and three-quarter tons of fine feed. Ta king tho bushel measure, he would have 1292 bushels, and at present values in ar lots, his acre would have hroucht him $646 gross. Were he to turn his hogs loose on this amount of teed, without doubt the profit on this acre would go nearer to $1,000 when the hogs were marketed. Mr. Sharp, howeveK Is not a farmer, and only planted this lot for his home us but he has fully 100 bushels of sweet po tatoes from 1200 hills There is not a renter in our county that can not become an owner .if u j aic fnrm within a very iew I...U..1 A..lti,r..Hnn rtf years Dy rno juuiiimis ;un i no acre of sweet potatoes, feeding his crop to pork. "Southern Farming" has a noon" ptory in its Issue of Oct. 7 eov.v i": he operation of a dairy farm by Sam Wilder of Wake County, North Caro lina. Sam Wilder began sellini; two gallons of buttermilk a wek twelve; years ago. l oriay ne nas unny sens co to so gaiions oi o.i. - , .. .-.a 11 , t l...,t,,a. m 111- n dav. "at 20c.. a gallon; mio pouini:- hitsr wnollv n 40e ner nound, and has an income from his thirty cows of 115,000 a year. Allowing a not pri nt on this turnover of $5,000 a yiar which Is far too low, but taking it at this figure, can anyone tell us of a Business calling for an Investment of around $500 that will pay one hundred per cent per annum? Both these casos can be dupicated by any average farmer almost any where over Rockingham County to-, day. Why don't we do it? Is It be cause of hick of vision, or extreme conservatism, or devotion to one par ticular crop that saps our vitality, and pinches our capacity .tor. development?- The Commercial & Agricultural As sociation can help you to dispose of every sweet potato you have on hand now at 50c. per bushel. It can help you get nearer to $1 a bushel In the spring, if you are prepared to keep your crop till then. . There is selling in a small way xn. the local market a manufacture of butter that, for quality, far overshad ows the product of the Northern creameries. Thore Is an active de mand for three or four times tho quantity availablo. It would not take many digits of our right hand to mark off the makers of good butter In Rockingham county. Good butter Is always wanted, at good prices; tho rancid, evil smelling product is not in demand even for axle grease. There (s no excuse for tho manufacture of t he latter product, or the dirt and care lessness that brings It Into existence, but there is a steady and growing demand for the pure and clean pro duct. If some of us don't get busy soon one or two of tho progressive farmers In the community will corner th situation, and emulate tho exam ple of Sam Wilder of Wake County, with resultant great prosperity. There Is no use shutting our eyes to the fact that the single crop system is detrimental to a country. It loads to the prosperity of the very few, and the continued poverty of the' 'many; IHCli-vnn 1 lull Ul LIIV nun, tuy dwarfing of tho Intellect of tho young. We are tired being told ihat we are always harping on this ue.tion of single cropping, and wo w ?nt now ar.d here to state our -position and policy on this subject of gambling on a to bairo crop to tho exclusion of every thing else. We sincerely belie vo Rockingham County raises the flncj.t bright leaf tobacco In tho Country, and we desire to see an abundance of it on our market every year, but we do not subscribe to the doctrine of raisin,; a largo area of tobacco to the exclusion of the other possible crops of a wjII conducted farming business. Such a policy spells' ruin for one who follows It; hard and Incessant toil for every member of the family, with Its handi cap of Insufficient education; tho de terioration of the soil to the detriment of coming generations, and the con tinued low per capita wealth of our people. It means ''back to the town and the factory" for our boys and girl, and the ultimate reduction of our lands In cultivation owing to scarcity of labor. It means. In fact, a continued sordid living on lands that ought to be turn ing gold dollars into the pockets of the owners; poor roads, poor schools, awl consequently a deteriorating race or the Influx of a raco that will make fh best of opportunities that we have i r i it i 5c f - IT J, TP Tt, - a.. persistently ignored. When wo look abroad on our rich chocolate loam farming lands growing ., growth nine, and thi ((f th(J poH8,bilitio8 of say( flVo acres of such land laid down in permanent alfalfa, the product consumed by poiU on the land, with a minimum of labor or anxiety; or, a few acres planted each year . In sweet potatoes, and properly hamllol under expert ad vice, freely given, and the product al so consumed on the land, thereby re turning to the land more than the crop takes out of it each season, we Ix-t-iii to wonder how wo are going to su:iro ourselves when wo are called up(m t(1 r(!I1(it!r an account of tho iise of the talents, of which we are stew ards for a timo. We could easily count up tho number of farmers, fol lowing tho singlo crop system, in Rockingham County who have made money in the past ten or fifteen years. It dillietilt perhaps Impossible- to count those who have fallen behind steadily under tho same conditions. The farmer who has not made good money during tho past year will nev er make any, unless he changes his methods. The only method by .which tho farmer can make money today is diversification. The roads to wjalth and poverty remain open. Which shall wo choose? PAYING THE PREACHERS. We have seen a Stokes county con gregation worth $250,000 property give $1.,'!0 to tho collection plate, and even then some of the breathren looked like- martyrs when - they ---dropped it their dimes. An article in the Ladles';" Home Journal, recently published in the newspapers, and which appeared in tho last Issue of the Reporter, where in the subject of giving to the church was discussed, has attracted a Rood deal of attention. Many of us who give anything at all to the church, give very Infinitesimal ly an well as very grudgingly. We feci like wo have made a sacrifice, in stead of chipping In freely and with gladness, as tho Good Book com mands. One reason many people, it is be lieveddo not pay-more to tho church, Is because they want to presist in giv ing relatively, rather than independ ently. That is, for instance, I would give more if Urown would givo more. Brown is a leading professed church man nnd able to contribute ten limes as much as I. So the poor preacher usually suffers because Urown don't turn loose. Among the poorest paid Intellectual laborers in the' world aro doubtless 1 h e pa stors-7 f l ho eo u 1 1 1 ry churches of Western North Carolina. Any of them can make more.nionev farming than" preaching the gospel. A minister who cannot give th bent energies of bis mind to the pre paration of his sermons because he in bothered about where the next .lire and meat are coming from, is certain ly not mentally equipped to edify hi hearers on Sunday morning. He r ;iv get up and Indulge In seine thread- GET RID OF HUMORS AND AVOID DISEASE Humors in (lie blood cause infer nal derangements that utlVct the whole st iii, as well as pimples boils and other eruption. They alTVct all the organs and .functions, mem branes nnd tissues, and are directly responsible for the readiness with which some people contract disease. For forty years Hood's SarsapanHa lias been more successful than any other medicine in expellm humors and removing their inward nnd out ward effects. It is distinguished for it thoroughness in purifying the blood, which it enriches and invigor ates. Jso other medicine acts like it, for no other medicine is like it. Get Hood 'a Sarsaparilla. today. Insist on having Hood's. the best oyster better. Serve them with soups, salads, Chowder, etc. They vill add to your reputation as a hostess. Alway freth. At all groctrt. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY worn platitudes, and shoot off a lot of hot air, but his financial burdevs have allowed no tlmo for that close though; and intensive preparedness which make entertaining discourses unci well-filled pews. A clrcult-rlder who is allowed to go poorly clad, while his family is lnccn venienced for lack of actual necessi ties of life, ought to lie transferred to a community where j pic appreciate the advantages of the church and its immense influence- fr good. Let tho tirlit-wad parishioners .see how it feels to live outride I be ecclesiastical pale. Indeed this p- sibly would be tho case if the Conference or the Presbytery dih not consider them as semi-heathen, anil are trying to fur nish them spiritual light in spite of themselves. A congregation of pros perous citizens who are willing for Greensboro and Winston philantro pists to bear the expense of keeping their souls saved, will not take up much room in Heaven, we opine. A church is an organization or nothing, and an organization without any system of finance except beating fne bushes for loose coin every ninety days, will not accomplish much. The preacher should be relieved of tha embarrassment of begging for his living, if he is worth a living. If not, he ought to be put on the retired hbt .very cnurcn, no mauei " - - - neeus a uoaro oi uuttiuc iviw mium- gence and business ability to arrange an assessment of each member, so that a certain income for the preach er may come in with regularity. This would obviate the usual quarterly irises when a bunch of women are sent out to beg a few dollars to meet eurntuit expenses. It. would also allow the burden of church expense to rest more equitablyon the members as ev erybody is supposed to have signed up what and when he will give, and is expected to hand the cash to the secretary and treasurer of the boird without any special grunting over his sacrifice. If you can't pay $.Y0.00, pay HO cents, but pay it without having to be ding-donged to death. The churches are our greatest as set. They come before our scho Is, . . T....!. if- SMW.;;r:-.f- .- -. v' - : .: M-P JJ iip ' m 15to35 STONEVILLE. Mrs. C. F. King has returned horae after a week's visit to her brother, Dr L. A. Taylor, at Siloam, N. C Mr. J. O. Thomas has returned from New Hern where he has been engaged in the tobacco business. Mr. C. h King and C. A. Thomas niade a business trip to Greensboro on Saturday. Mr. Houston Taylor of Caples, W. Va., is at homo on a visit to his pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Taylor Miss Aubrey Gerry has returned home after a ploasant visit to her friends and relatives In Roanoke. Mrs. W. A. Robertson and children are visiting friends in Louksville this week. A party composed of Mr. and Mrs. H. I-. Mitchell, C. A. Thomas, O II. Taylor and Miss Myrtle Glenn m cor ed over to Spray Friday night to ct tetid the Rockingham County Fair. Dr. and Mrs. Matthews of Spray are visiting relatives in town. Miss Elizabeth Gerry and Mr. J. R Martin spent several days In Win -it in last week visiting friends and attend ing the Fair. Mr. Frank Drown of Madison w.u in town last Wednesday night visit ing friends. Sheriff and Mrs. Kemp were here Wednesday to see their aunt, Mrs. Jssie Smith, who is very sick. The two months' old infant of Mr. and Mrs. Smith Roberts was touud dead In bed Tuesday morning. After spending several we ks in u at Mary -1 iier KeruersviHi- Mrs. Fannie Lew; ti-me. Her daughter. Mr.-:. Sharp, and little son uccompanii homo. Mr. Green, auctioneer for I iwon Warehouse, has rented Mr. Matthews' cottage on Mill street. He will be uni ted in marriage and bring hl3 bride here this week. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Glenn is't ed in Winston last week. Dr. T. A. Mitchell left a few la; s ago for Texas to spend the winter with his sister, Mrs. I'.a.-.tier. Mrs. Cora Harrison spent Friday in Madison. Dr. and Mrs. Hannibal Simpson and sister, Mrs. Annie Carter. at!.;'ded tho Winston Fair last week. Tobacco Barn Barbecues. On the big tobacco farm of Mr. J. Spot Tavior. a mile or two East. of Danburyi where the curing season is coming to a close, several barn par ties or barbecues were tendered a large Crowd Of invited guests. Miss Mary Taylor and Miss Alary Joyce were the moving spirits of the de lightfuL fetes, and Monday night at Mr. I C. Campbell's barn and Tues day night at Mr. Dennis Smith's barn the festivities ran riot. At both places elegant spreads were laid. which were enjoved bv some 50 or 75 guests at Ua,a pJaceOames were even played around the big log fire', and th eve nings passed delightfully. Danbury Reporter.. CASTOR I A - For Infants and Children - In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears -.- the CTj, Signature of or even government itself, as what would government, education or so ciety be without the light of the gospel? Then we ought to nourish them and cherish them, and count it a privilege to do it. not a burden. ' Danbury Reporter. Try On this Genuine Colleman Suit Don't lower the buying standaj-d of your clothes money. Co.ns in see yourself in a genuine COLLEGIAN Suit that gives you that custom tailored look that goes only with the highest priced clothes. . ADLER'S Collegian Clothes The new models are not only fashionable to wear but economical to buy, with a fabric selection that insures personal satisfaction in whatever model you choose. Norc the smart, graceful lines, .the striking end original designs, giving a triple assurance of hih quality, expert tailoring tsid perfect fit. S. Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications, as they can not reach the diseased portion of the ear. There Is only one way to cure ca tanhal deafness, and that Is by a con stitutional remedy. Catarrhal Deaf ness is caused by an Inflamed condi tion of the mucous lining of the Eus tachian Tube. When this tube is In flamod you have a rumbling sound or Imported hearing, and when It is en tirely closed, Deafness Is the result. Unless the Inflammation can be re duced and this tube restored to Its an inflamed connection of the mucous stroyod forever. Many cases of deaf ness are caused by catarrh, which Is an inflameh connitlon of the mucous surfaces of the system. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Catarrhal Deafness that cannot be cured by Hall's Ca tarrh Medicine. Circulars free. All Druggists, 75c. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Bad Cojds From Little Sneezes Grow Many colds that hang on all winter start with a sneeze, a snifle, a sore throat, a tight chest. You know the symptoms of colds, and you know that prompt treatment will break them up Dr. King's New Discovery, with its soothing antiseptic balsams, has been breaking up colds and healing coughs of yonng and old for 47 years. Dr. King's New Discovery loosens the phlegm, clears the head, soothes the irritated menibrnme and - makas breathing easier. At druggists, 50c. Easier to Stop Now. It Is easier to check a bronchial cough now than later. Coughs grow worse the longer they continue. Fo ley's Honey and Tar stops tlcklinr: in the throat, allays inflammation an 1 ir- ritation. restores sore and dischar ;ini membranes to healthy condition. op es congested air passages, and affords longed for relief.' At Gardner's. NOTICE OF SALE. Under and by virtue of an order of re-sale made by Jas. T. Smith, Clerk of the Superior Court of Rockingham County, N. C. in the special proceed ing entitled ' V. it. French, Adminis trator of Harrison Graveley vs. Sylva Graveley, widow, et al," the same be ing upon the special proceeding dock et of said Court, th undersigned ad ministrator will on SATURDAY, THE 11TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 19l at 2:30 o'clock p. m., in front of the Bank of Reidsville building in the town of Reidsville, N. C, offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the following describ ed lands: Lying in Ruffin Township, Rockingham County, N. C, adjoining the lands of J. F. Ward, R. B. Chris mon, and others. Beginning at a stone on the South side of the public road and running with the road North f.2 1-2 degress East 26 poles and 0 links "to a black gum markers as a corner South 33 1-2 degrees Ea3t. 44 poles to a stone In the original line; South 1 1-2 degrees West 117 poles to pointers; South 20 degrees East 52 poles to pointers; North 87 degrees West 75 poles to a white oak, corner with J, D. French ; North 4 1-2 de grees East 173 poles to the beginning, and containing 60 1-2 acres, more or less, subject to the unallotted dower Interest therein of Mrs. Sylva Grav eley (widow). Sale subject to con firmation of Court. Bidding to start at $368.50. This October 9th, 1016. W. R. FRENCH, Administrator of Harrison Graveley, Dco'd. W. R. Dalton, Attorney. Read the Advertisements today! S. HARRIS WAR OR NO WAR Fires Keep Coming And We keep paying My Companies Are lots more Able tobear a Loss than you are; Therefore, BE PRUDENT And insure With j 3 FRANCIS WOMACK, The Insurance Mar.. j Head-Off Thnt All-Winter Cou.3h i At lho ,irst f',n of sn:'( throat, tight , rhfst or stufScd-up head take a dose of ii. uens rine-i ar-noney. I ne heal ing pine-tar, sootning noney and glyc erine quickly relieve the congestion, loosen the phlegm and break up your cold. Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey aas all the benefits of the healing aroma from a pine forest, it is pleasant to take and antiseptic. The formula on the bottle, tells why It relieves colds and coughs. At your druggist, 25c. Constipation Dulls Your Brain That dull, listless, oppressed feeling is due to impurities in your eyoteui, sluggish liver, clogged intestines. Dr. King's New Life Pills give prompt re lief. A m;id, easy, non-griping bowel movement will tone up your nyetani and help to clear your muddy, pimply complexion. Get a bottle of Dr. King's New Life Pills today at your druggist, 25c. A dose tonight will make you cheerful at breakfast. Jno. D. HDFFINES FIRE INSURANCE and REAL ESTATE City and Farm Property Bought, Sold or Exchanged. I have some very desirable property for sale now, includ ing the Anderson place near the city, - OFFICE NO. 200 CITIZENS BANK BUILDING WANTED! TOR CASH V HIDES, TALLOW, WAX, WOOL, FURS, SCRAP RUBBER, BONES RAGS, FEED BAGS, SCRAP METALS AND IRON. FOR SALE Gasoline Engine, Pulleys, Shaft ing, Hangers, etc. Also Agents for the Union Metal lc Bread Boardrthe onlyall-nietal--sanitary bread board on the market at $1.00 each. PROMPT RETURNS MADS ON ALL OUT OF TOWN SHIP MENTS. Walker Hide and Junk U Reidsville, PMONI 1SS N C 1 TAN LAC! The Blood Purifier And Tonic. We Have It! PHONE 28! Charles Fetzen The Dependable Druggist At It for Over 30 Year,

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