REIDSVILLE REVIEW REIDSVILLE. N. a "FRIDAY, OCT. 13TIT. 10 PAGE FIVE Send Us Your Garments To Be Dry Cleaned or Dyed, and we will return them to you evual to new Rascoe, Hubbard & Co., are agents for us in Reidsville, and will look after your garments personal. Powells Dry Cleaning and Dye Works. Danville Virginia REPUBLICAN Legislative and County Candidates will address the people at the following places and dates. ROCKY SPRINGS, Monday October 9. Day Speaking. MADISON, Monday Octobor .. At night. MARTINS, Tuesday, October 1. Day Speaking. MAYODAN. Tuesday, Octobor, 10. Night Speaking. PRICE. Wednesday, October 11. Day Speaking. STONEVILLE, Wednesday, October 11. Night Speaking. NEW BETHEL, Thursday, October 12. Day Speaking. GENTRY'S STORE, Tharsclay, October 12. Night Speaking. BETHLEHEM, Friday, October 13. Day Speaking. SADLER SCHOOL HOUSE, Friday, October 13. At nigrt. SETTLE BRIDGE (School House), Saturray October 14. At night. OREGON, Monday October 16 Day Speaking. DRAPER, Monday October 16 Night Speaking. MAYFIELD, Tuesday, October 17, Day Speaking. REIDSVILLE,. (Town Hall), Tuesday, October 17. At Night. LENOX CASTLE, (SladM Wednesday, October 18. At night. EDNA COTTON MILLS, Thn rsday, October 1ft. At Night. GROOM'S School House, Friday, October 20. At Night. WENTWORTH. Saturday, October 21. At night. GOLD HILL School IIouso, Monday, October 23. At Night. GLENCOE, Tuesday, October 24. At Night. SYLVANIA, Wednesday, October 25. At Night. MIDWAY, Thursday, Octobor 26. At Night. SPRAY, Saturday, October 28 Night. EVERYBODY IS CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND ESPECIALLY THE LADIES The Day Speakings will be at One O'clock in the afternoon and Night Speakings will be at 7:30 P. M. By order of the Executive Committee of the Re publican Party of Rockingham County. This Sep tember 24th, 1916, FRANK L ANDERSON. NUMAR.REID Chairman Secretary NEW FIRM NEW GOODS THE MAIN STREET GROCERY CO. has opened up a brand new stock of goods in the stand formerly occupiedTw C. W. HufFmes on South . Main Street and invites a share of your trade. We will keep an up-to-date stock of all kinds of fresh gro eries and will make prompt deliveries to our custom We handle all kinds of country produce. J. W. DIXON, Manager PHONE 270 m PV AUTUMN r J 'i Xn OFFERINGS X AUTUMN OFFERINGS JEWELRY EXQUISITE AND CHARMING ARE THE NEW AND UNIQUE THINGS WE ARE OFFERING THIS AUTUMN. FOR A BIRTHDA Y, WEDDING OR ANNIVERSARY GIFT YOU WILL FIND JUST WHAT WILL SATISFY YOU AND PLEASE THE RECEIVER. YOU MAY KNOW THAT WHAT YOU BUY FROM US IS HIGH IN QUALITY AND THE FULLEST VALUE FOR YOUR GOOD MONEY. MORRISON JEWELRY CO., THE NEWS IN BRIEF biMCE OUR LAST ISSUE John S. Henderson, 71 years old .l representative la Congress from he Eighth district for ten years, died at his home in Salisbury Monday. ALDRIDGE GUUMS The National Farm Loan Board which Is selecting the location of the District Land Ranks, will visit Ral eigh on the 24th to consider Nortn Carelina's offerings for a bank. Mrs. T. Adelaide Goodno of Kal eigh was re-elected president of the North Carolina Woman's Christian Temperance Union, which was in session at Wilmington last week. One man was shot and killed and four others probably mortally wound ed during a general battle, following a dispute in a school trustee's elec tion at the Beech Grove precinct, in Breathitt county, Ky. The tenant who violates his con tract by vacating, without notice, a vermin-infested house is justifiable in so doing and can not be required to pay back rent, according to a jury's verdict at Danville, Va. The Florida State Press Associa tion, which met to consider the in creased cost of print paper, decided to increase the subscription price of all weekly papers to 2 and to in crease the advertising rates. In a collision in the inner harbor at Norfolk. Va., the British tramp steamer Hawkhead was sunk ,tnd the bay liner City of Norfolk was bad ly damaged. There was no lour, of life and none seriously injured. R. W. Wallace of Guilford county is prosecuting E. D. Hobbs. a Greens boro grocer, for alienation of hi3 wife's affections. Hobbs has been re quired to give bond in the sum of $3, 000. Wallace, it is stated, will ask for ? 15,000 damages. William Howell Ellis, 43 years oiu and prominent socially in Philadel phia, shot and killed his wife, at their home near Philadelphia, and then at tempted suicide by shooting himself inflicting a probably fatal wound. Jeal ousy Is believed to have been the cause. The couple had been married 12 years and there are three children. Awakened at an early hour with her house on fire and the escape by the stairs cut off, Mrs. Annie Burgees of Spartanburg, S. C made a rope of sheets and tying them to the rail lng of an upstairs porch, let Mrs.-T, I ' a - ' . m 1 , 3 "'H S. Johnson ana ner v-year-oia son down to the ground In safety and es caped herself. The Raleigh Woman's Club has cast a majority vote to discontinue card tournaments in which prizes are offered. There was also an effort to get a motion through discontinuing the practice of letting the use of the splendid new club house for dances, but the majority stoutly contended for the propriety of the dancing feature. Rear Admiral Francis A. Cook of the United States navy, who com manded the cruiser Brooklyn at the battle of Santiago, Cuba, in ihe Spanish-American war, and who was commended for "eminent and con spicuous conduct in battle." died sud denly at his home in Northampton, Mass. He was born in 1843 and was placed on the retired list in 1902. A special election to fill the vacan cy in the United States Senate caus ed by the death of James P, Clarke, Senator from Arkansas, has been call ed for November, at the time of the general election. Judge Kirby of the Arkansas Supreme Court, who op posed Senator Clarke in the 1914 pri maries and was defeat n J by less thiin 300 votes, is the Democratic eaiidi date. v - ' An attempt ny a gang of highway men to secure an $8,000 payroll vi.? frustrated near , Hammondton, N. J.. when Mrs.: Elsie Smathers speeded up an automobile anl escaped, but not until her uncle, Henry Rider, had been killed, and she and her .father. A.J. Rider, had been seriously wound ed, v Mrs. Smathers husband w.t killed in an automobile accident thre weeks ago. She is 2G years old. Pilgrims to French battlefron.t and battlefields after the war will probnbly be able to inspect trencher and .-field works' as they actually were i tiring hostilities. It has been pro posed to select on the field of remark able exploits sections of trenches id field works best characteristic of the trrcrh warfare, and maintain tbem in their present condition, through an arrangement between the owners of the land and the government. The National Colored Citizenship Rights Congress, a gathering of ne groes from all sections of the coun try, held under tho auspices of the National Equal Rights League, in session In Washington, adopted res olutions condemning the segregation of negroes employed in the civil ser vice as "Un-American, unjust, wicked shameful and disgraceful." A raso lution followed endorsing Hughes' candidacy. FINDS HARDLY RECOGNIZE WIFE Tanlac Adds Fiftee" Pounds to Her Weight After Sufferings of a Decade. "After suffering for 10 years from Indigestion, my wife got so bad that to eat solid foods was out of the ques tion. The slightest noise would dis turb her and night after night she would lay awake sleep refusing to come. Then, too, she suffered from severe pains in tho side. Although she was prescribed for her condition grew worso. Then we heard of Tanlac." The speaker was W. C. Alridge, well known resident of High Point. "Now, three bottles of Tanlac hav made such a change in Mrs. Alridge that friends hardly recognize her. Why, she is hungry for every meal and eats anything she likes without serious after effects. Pains left her side; she is not nervous, her sleep is sound and refreshing; she has gained 15 pounds and Is again doing her own housework." Tanlac Is sold In Reidsville by Chas. Fetzer Drug Co.; Madison, R. A. Ellington Drug Co.; Leaksville, Leaks ville Drug Co.; Stoneville, Stone ville Drug Co.; Spray, Spray Drug Co.; Mayodan, J. H. Ault; Pelham, J. O. Fitzgerald. ALFALFA No doubt many of our readers are interested in the growing of alfalfa, and like to satisfy themselves upon the subject of its adaptability to our soils and climate. As already stated in these columns many tracts have been laid down this season and W3 are informed in every instance that where planting has been done in ac cordance with instructions. In order that our readers may have an oppor tunity of witnessing for themselves the gradual growth and development of many of these plats, we give under neath the names of a number of own ers and invite inspection of the alfalfa plats now and regularly until they 6hall have been well establish sd, which will be early in the coming year, when the owner may reasona bly expect to have rich returns for his labor, and his faith: A, A. Walker, Reidsville Route 6. C. E. Saunders, Reidsville Route 6. Dave Matkins, Mclver Route 1. F. S. Dalley, Reidsville Route 1. Leslie Stallinigs, Reidsville Route 1 J. T. Amos, Reidsville Route 1. A. Q. Smith, Reidsville Route 2. C. M. Bennett, Reidsville Route 1. J. W. Wudson, Reidsville Route 2. D. E. Purcell, Wentworth Route 1 . J. L. McCollum, Madison Route 2. T. P. McCollum, Wentworth. B. F. Robertson, Madison. T. A. Moore, Reidsville Route 2. W. A. Johnson, Reidsville Route 4. In addition to the foregoing, the following have had alfalfa on the'r farms for the past few seasons, and inspection, together with a statement of testimony as to result obtained, will unquestionably cure the most pessimistic among us: R. A. Walker, Reidsville Route 1. W. B. Wray, Reidsville Route 3. J. E. Newnam, Pelham Route 2. W. A. Webster, lladison. .L R. Binford, Madison. K. L. Wright, Ruffin. J. W. Wilson, Leaksville. T. J. Garrett, Ridgeway Route 3. Patrick Dixon, Summerfield R. 1. We are assured already of a tre mendous large ncreage to be laid down in alfalfa next fall. We wish to offer every encouragement to our friends throughout the county to In vestigate for themselves at first nand everything connected with the grow ing of this mortgage lifter in order that prosperity may be widespread, and not restricted to isolated spots. CONVINCING TESTIMONY YOU'RE BILIOUS! LET "CASCARETS" LIVEN LIVER AND BOWELS Don't Stay Headachy, Constipated, Sick, With Breath Bad and and Stomach Sour. Get a 10-cent box now. You men and women who can't get feeling right who have headache, coated tongue, bad taste and foul breath, dizziness, can't sleep, are bil lous, nervous and upset, bothered with a sick, gassy, disordered stomach, or have a bad cold. Are you keeping your bowels clean with Cascarets, or merely forcing a passageway every few days with salta cathartic pills or castor oil? Cascarets work while you sleep; cleanse the stomach, remove the sour, undigested, fermenting food and foul gases; take the excess bile from the liver and carry put of the system all the constipated waste matter and poi son in the bowels. A Cascaret tonight will straighten you out by morning sT 10-cent box froma ny drug store will keep your stomach sweet, liver and bowels regu lar, and head clear for months. Don't forget the children. They love Cas-' carets because they taste good never gripe or sicken. Given By Many Reidsville People, Experiences told by Reidsville pj) pie. Those who have had weaX k.i-ne'ys- Who used Doan's Kidney Pills Who found tho remedy effective Such statements prove merit. You might dohbt an utter Btran,;.rr. You must believe Reidsville penp!i Here's Reidsville proof. Verify it. Read. Investigate. Be convince:!. You'll find why Reidsville folks- lieve in Doan's. W. L. Leath, 64 Lihdsoy t w., Reidsville, says: "At times r-. Sid neys get a little out of order .v.. I my back feels tired and lame. A few years ago I hurt my back and evsr since then I have been subject to at tacks of kidney trouble. When I am bothered in that way I take Doan's Kidney Pills and am soon rolieved. I am satisfied that Doan's Kidney Pills are the only reliable medicine for kidney trouble." Price 50c. at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mr. Loath had. Foster-Milburn Co., Proprs., Buffalo, N. Y. WTien Brittaln fills your prescrip tions you gt exactly what your doctor prescribes. Brlttain Is a Druggist Phone 300. We Will Supply Anything Wanted IN PERFECT GALVANIZED IRON ' ROOFING, V CRIMP ROOFING, TIN ROOFING. GUTTERING, SPOTT ING ;-. CHIMNEY PIPE, BOTH ROUND AND SQUARE; WELL TUBING AND SEWER PIPE. STOVES, RANGES, HEATERS, LAUNDRY AND COOKING STOVES, FIRE BOARDS AND PIPING. PLUMBING GOODS CLOSETS,' LAVORATORIES, BATH TUBS AND BATH ROOM SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS. V- GET OUR ESTIMATES ON PLUMB ING AND SEWERAGE CONNEC TIONS. K. G. Gladstone. Miss Marshall Is Coming! While in Reidsville She Will Call On Any of the Ladies By Appointment. Have you heard your friends say, when speaking of the popularity of some other woman, "What is there about Mrs. So-and-So that attracts people to her so readily?" Let us answer this question for you. That woman, whose presence is felt at any gathering, knows first of all how to safeguard the clear skin and healthy complexion that Nature has endowed her with; she realizes that To Neglect the Skin is to Forfeit Its Attractiveness. She also has the good sense to know how to get best re sults she must follow the advice of someone who has success fully specialized in the beautifying of complexions, just as you seek the services of a specialist in time of sickness. That's What Miss Mae Marshall Is-A Beauty Specialist Who Has Made Good In Her Profession That's why we contracted for a week of her services for the women of Reidsville. Miss Marshall Will Give You a Personal Demostration of Harmony Complexion Requisites In Your Own Home Free of Charge She will show by actual massage how you can get best results. If you are interested in your skin and you should be Miss Marshall will be glad to show you how you can retain or re store its original attractiveness. She Arrives October 16th and Will Be At Our Drug Store Until October 22nd. ' Understand her massage and advice on beauty culture costs You nothing whatsoever. Let us know when she may call up on jou, and we will be glad to make the necessary arrange ments. . . Miss Marshall Will Also Be Glad to Talk to Any Woman's Club in Reidsville Free. Just Phone Us or See Her 8 CHAS. FETZER REIDSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA Tho fogot& Store 0