fAGE EIGHT REIDSVILLE REVIEW REIDSVILLE. n. FRIDAY, OCT. 13TII, liHfl. JNEWS OP REIDSVILLE fw,. AND ROCKINGHAM Town HU tonlsht! f Mr. W. W. Boyles spent ynstord'iy fa Winston-Salem. ' MIsg Mary Preddy la visiting rola Jives In Qreenaboro. Miss Mary Boyd of Washington 1 A guest of frienda and relatives lue. Mrs. J. H. Barber and son Rohtrt 'are visiting In Petersburg, Hopewell end Richmond. ' Mr. AOd Mrs. O. P. MoMtt and lit tle son of High Point are visiting lrs. J. N. Hester. Mr. L. L. Self, formerly of itoan bke, Va., has located at Mayodan for Jhe practice of law. Mr. O. W. Patterson, a well known insurance man of Charlotte, was in Jteldsvllle Wednesday. Mrs. J. P. W'ray and Mrs. Scott Flllman are attenling the Vir;;.iu; tate Fair In Richmond. Cole's Hot Blast Heaters make a l)ig reduction In your coal bill. Sao their advertisement and gurantee. Republican headquarters for thi'i county have been opened in the Irvui building over the Climax barber simp. Mr. John Hester in atton:l;:ig the .University of Maryland at Ilikitnore here bo is taking a dental surgwii'b .Course. Mr. J. F. Drish of !' ' i e William County, Va Is in RcirNville looking around for a farm wirh a view of lo cating in this section. Mr. end Mrs. Otis Phillips and chil dren of Richmond are visiting Mrs. Phillips' parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Moore, on Maple n venue. Mr. A. II. Dicker-son, a progressive farmer of the Mayfleld section was m town Wednesday and gave The Re view office a very pleasant call. Democratic county candidates will ttpeak at the town hall tonight, Thurs day, at 8:45, ' Immediately after the preaching at Methodist church. Mr. R. 0. Henson, Jr., the Iik ms trial and Immigration Agent of the Southern lt'!way. with headquarters at Asheviile spent Wednesday here. Rev. I-.' I. Cox of Klon College w.l! fill his regular appointment, at the Iteidavllle Christian church on next Sunday at 11 a. m. and 1:'M p. m. The public cordirily lavitcd. Every member of the Presbyterian congregation, who can do so, is earn estly reauented to donate, jelly, canned fruits, etc., for the Barium Springs Orphanage on the gro wench" for sale. The paper Is quite a curiosity. Mrs. Jack Sands H visiting rela tives in Chatham, Va. ' The Irving Literary Society held Its regular meeting Wednesday after noon in the school auditorium. The Initiation of the new members caused old ISth of this month, and please sen-l the same to Mr. C. II. Fetzer's dni store for shipment. In order that everybody may go to church toniftht (Thursday) and alse hear the county candidates, the speak ing at the town hall will not begin un til after the church service. Miss Llllie Roman, daughter of Mr. a great deal of fun among the and Mrs. S. Roman of Reidsvllle and Mr. Joseph Potter were united in marriage last Sunday evening at Mx o'clock at the Wilson Street Syna gogue, Danville, Va. Patrolman T. D. Hatcher of the Mount Airy police force, was heie a few days ago to deliver Percy Fi v, a white man, wanted in this county ot. ii charge ot retailing. Mr. HaUdier arrestel Fry In Mt. Airy. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Barber and -,) Raymond motored down to Jacks t, Springs and spent the week-end with Miss Audrey Iiarber, who is teaching school at that place. Miss Margaret Young accompanied them. There will be an important meet ing of the Royal Arcanum Council on Monday night, at 7:30 o'clock. A full attendance is desired, as something that may seriously concern e.ich member will be brought up for law ful consideration. The weather has been ideal fur the fairs this week clear, cool and t(:m Largo numbers of our citizens hiv; visited -the Danville and Greensboro fairs and a few have taken in the V'ir glnia Fair at Richmond. All report pleasant outings. The Rev. E. C. Murray, D. D.. pas tor of the Alamance church. Guilford county, will preach at the Presbyte rian church here Sunday, and also will speak in the interest of the ;iade Valley High School. A lull attendance is desired. John T. Wooten of near Wentwortli one of The Review's most loyal color ed friends, sold tobacco here Wednes day at fancy prices. John has been a regular subscriber of The Review. for over twenty years and we appreciate his constancy and friendship. Mrs. Mattie Moore, mother of Mr. Harry Moore, of Reidsvllle, has in her possession a copy of the "Ulster County Gazette." publisher in King ston, -N. Y., under date of January -. 1800 It Is a four-column, tour page sheet, und was publishod weekly. Tho Issue is in mourning for Geo. Hash ington, who died a few days before that date. Considerable space is de voted to the European war new.,. though three months old. Among the advertisements Is one offering a "ne- immmlm fill II m nAHomeBank thai payx Intcfest YOUR HOME BANK You naturally wish to transact your banking business with the bank which endeavors in every way to further the progress of your own commun ity. This bank is essentially a home institution and by transacting your banking with it you are assured of personal attention to your individual' requirements and of practical service and co-operation in the development of your interests. Our success is yours and your success is ours. girls. The new members took the oath, and after the reading of the constitution the old girls gave an attractive play, "Mrs. Jarley's Fa mous Wax Works," which was iijoyed by all. Mr. J. E. Garrett, a popular young farmer of Lenox Castle, was united in marriage Wednesday night, the 11th, to MIs3 Lucilo Dlackwell, the attractive daughter of Mr. and Mrs R. H. lilackwell of Waynesvllle. Mr. Garrett was accompanifnl to Waynes ville by Mr. R. G. Wray of Reidsville, who acted as best man. The newly wedded couple left immediately on an extended bridal tour before returning to the groom's home at Lenox Castle. Very satisfactory progress Is being made on the city's street paving, a large area on Main street having al ready been laid with the mixture of 'snlialt and broken stono preparatory to the pure asphalt top. The road shows up very well under the pre sent, condition, and whvn the asphalt is laid, .limn si reel win ceruainiy pre sent a very handsome appearance, and with the completion of the paving we will have a system of thorough fares second to none. But additional labor is badly needed. Hands, white or colored, are in demand. Wages of $1.25 to $l.f a day are being paid nnd the contractors could use fully fifty more hands right now. Hon. A. L. Rrooks of Greensboro was in town Wednesday en route to Oregon Hill where he made a red hot Democratic speech at the rally there He gave The. Review office a pleasant call. Mr. Brooks is doing some ef fective campaign work and is in fine fettle ami very optimistic over Demo cratic prospects In the nation. He held a joint debate with Jake Newell of Charlotte Tuesday night and sewed up that doughty Republican to the queen's aste. Mr, Brooks also spoke at Pelham yesterday where a Ing rally and brunswiek stew were held. We are informed that Mr. Brooks' ad dress at Oregon was one of the finest ever heard In this section, the late beloved Aycock's efforts not even be ing excepted. Five hundred people were there to hear him and to enjoy the delicious stew. CLUBBING OFFERS The following -clubbing off era are ,-ood for a limited time. ; Owing , to the high prices on print paper inese rates are liable to be advanced In the near future. The Review and Trl-Weekly New York World ... . ...... 215 The Review and Atlanta Constitution Trl-Weekly), McCalls'.. Maga zine, or Southern Farming one.......... year each . . . . ...... $ 2-t5 The Review and Progressive Far mer, one year each . ..., . ?2.0Q The Review, Metropolitan Magazine, Woman'sWorld and Farm and Home One year each .. .. .. 2l The Review, Everybody's Magazine and Woman's World, one year $2 75 DAVIS' CARRIAGE PAINTS art colors grounl in tough, e'astic Coach Varnish and one coat will make your faded automobile or car riage look like new. They are easy I to apply and dry with a strong, high gloss-clinching Enamel finish! Made for wear and tear. Ask your dealer. LISTEN! The Reidsvllle Building & Loan Association has something to tell you, and that is how to begin to save. Saturday, October 14tb, we open cur 30th series. Be on hand then and join the many others who have been with lis heretofore. Once start, then go ing is as natural and easy to you as wearing your hat. To start, first of all, you take as many share as you Want and on each share you pay us 23 cents per week duts,an;i for each share you pay iui ini tiation fee of 25 cents the first week, 'with no other expense to you. Remember this stock is free from taxation. Every elirre you take and keep paid up will amount to $100 00 from six and one-third to eix and one-half ye ai s. CaU In the office of the Secretary & Treasurer, room num ber 200 new Citizens Bank Building and talk the matter over. Reidsville Building & Loan Association R. B. CHANCE, President, JNO. D. HUFFINES, Secretary BUSINESS BUILDERS LOST, wanted; ETC Pooling at '.$1.00 per roll and up at Reidsville Hardware Co. Oliver Chilled Plows sold and guaranteed by Reidsville Hardware Company. Watch, clock and Jewelry repairing. i Jas. W. Manuel, Rarer Building, Gil mer Street. Have your watch repairing done at Jas. W. Manuel's, Rorer Building, on Gilmer street. Horse, cow and chicken feed, such as hay, shlpstuff , bran, oats, screen ings, etc. Harris Bros. For twet-ty-rour inch concrete well pipe, brick and building blocks, call on W. T. Wootton. Mgr. Paroid Roofing not cheapest but least expense. Big stock at olu price. Reidsville Hardware Co. WANTED. Eggs, chickens, butter fresh meats and vegetables. Market prices paid in cash. New Southern Hotel. We pay cash or trade for country produce. Highest market prices. Trent & Trent. Ware & Somers build ing, Fhone 182. FARM FOR SALE. A nice 76-acre. well improved farm, 3 1-2 miles from Reidsville. Bargain for quick buyer. Ralph Stratton, R. 3, Reidsvllle. Seed eata and rye for sale by Har ris Bros. Lucas Paints stay painted. See Heidsville Hardwarel Co. We pay cash or trade for country produce. J. D. McCollum & Son. I am no longer agent for the Footer Dye Works. J. S. Hutcherson. If your piano needs tuning call Jomis at New Southern Hotel. Thone 62. Another lot Sun Rise Flour Just re ceived. Give it a trial. J. D. McCol lum & Son. FOR SALE Two good second-hand buggies at bargains. Townsend Bug gy Company. Polite and prompt attention given to all 'phone orders. Tickets sent with all packages. Harris Bros. LOST. White setter pup six montns old; lemon spots around ears. Re ward. Return to Review office. FOR RENT Desirable and fur nished front rooms with or without board, at No. 24 Lindsey Street. Subscribe for stock in the Reids ville Building R- Loan Association, and get ready to build a home. Two or threo good second-hand Kord cars for sale at a bargain to nick buver. Amos Motor Co. The Reidsvllle Building & Loan A.s sociation pays you six per cent iuttr on your money, free of taxes. The books are now open for sub scription, to stock in the l!Uh serie of the Reidsville Building & Loan Association. Onr stock of staple and fancy gro ceries is kept up to the standard, and wo guarantee quality and prices. Harris Bros. Iiring us your chickens, eggs, hams r any kind of produce. Highest mar ket prices, cash or trade. J. D. Mc Collum & Son. No better time to start a savings account than now. Subscribe for stock in the Reidsville Building & Loan Association. FOR RENT. "Desirable furnished front room; modern conveniences; lindsey street, near Main. Apply to Mrs. J. D. Jacobs. We have a nice line of dress ging hams, flannels, brown and bleached do mestics, hosiery, etc. See us before buying. Harris Bros. Amos Motor Co. now have a car load of new Ford cars in their show rooms and will be glad to have ycu come In and see them. LOST. Thirty dollars some where on Scales or Morehead streets. Throe ten-dollar bills. Liberal reward for return. X, Review Office. We have with us Mr. Auburn Lam beth, son of Mr. Henry Lambeth, who will be glad to see and have his friends at Harris Bros.' For good automobile service at any time, day or night, large or small cars, at reasonable rates, call J. B. Faulkner, Phone 241. Letter heads, bill heads, statements, envelopes ciculars,""p6sters, etc. All work promptly executed. The W. M. Oliver Printing Company, Reidsville. WANTED Position by young man; clerical work preferred, but wil ling to do anything; some experience with books. Address "Clerk," oare of Review. AGENTS WANTED Let us show you liow to earn from five to ten del lars daily with a rapid selling house hold article The Reliable Agency, Reidsville, N. C. Mail orders receive onr prompt and careful attention. We have the stock. We know the drug business We want your tra.Je. BrlttainV Drug Store. Phone 300. Geo. W. Baker says he can give as much for a dollar as any one cam and handles the best line of shoes on the market. If you don't believe him tell him so at Harris Bros.' FOR PALE One fine colt. 4 years old next spring, $150. Also a feed and corn mill, only $30. Apply to Lester Combs, Moorefleld place, R. F. D. J.. Reidsville. N. C. WANTED. Good tenant with plen ty of fo ct (o rert good farm abv.t four miles from Reidsville. Can make good terms to right party. Mrs. C. H. Overman, Reidsville, N. C. W. F. Glass, president of Sadler Local No. 1415 requests all member? to be present at a regular meeting at Sadler Schoolhouse on Friday night, Oct. 13th. II. I. McAlister, Sec. Registered Berkshires for sale: pug nose, and from the famous Long fellow and Masterpiece Premier breeding. Two sows bred one boar year old two litters of pigs. The quick meat kind. W. G. Ballard, TtV ephone 181-W. NOTICE TO OUR CUSTOMERS. We contracted before the advance for all ginghams, percals and staplo dry goods required this season, and will continue to sell them at old prlce3 as long as they last. Mrs. Cornle Irvin & Co., The Woman's Store. It has been rumored that I will move my business to Greensboro, but wish to state that although I have moved my family to that place I will continue the 5 and 10c. Store here and wiU be glad to see all my friends and customers as usual. R. B. Turner. Our stock of men's, women's and children's shoes were bought early which enables us to sell for much less than if wa had bought later In tte season, as some othrs did. Seo our stock and prices before buying and get the advantage af our savings. Harris Broa. THE SEASON'S SMARTEST COAT AND SUIT STYLES ARE NOW ON EXHIBIT AT THIS STORE Introducing a showing of the newest and best in tailored Suits and Coats with all the best ideas of the fashion lead ers combined into the garments of exceptional worth and quality. The new fabrics lend themselves with beautiful grace to the lines of the new models and the results are delightfully pleasing. Let Us Show Them to You. MRS. CORNIE IRVN & CO., THE WOHAN'S STORE QUALITY AND STYLE Agents Pictorial Review Patterns FLOWER BULBS Hyacinths, Dutch 50c Dozen Narcissus, Paper White 30c Dozen Tulips, Single Mixed 20c Dozen Chinese Lillies 10c Each Plant early and make home beautiful. Presh shipment just arrived. Tucker's Drug Store, PHONE 200 pressmen m-F I THAT 1 I S,WU.,VMRI If you don't believe wearing the best clothes pays, just dress up slip-shod and go strike some stranger for a job. You II never even get to see him, probably, and if you do you'll get a scire TURN DOWN. The qlad hand goes out to those only who ap pear well. It is a matter of BUSINESS to wear good clothes, Look at your OLD ONES, then come and look at our NEW ONES. You will buy. WILLIAMS & CO. THE MAN'S STORE REIDSVILLE, N. C. 9 -. - '- TWO DOLLAR WHEAT. Is too high to be eaten up by Weevils. We have the remedy that will kill them and keep them out. It is not expensive and you can't afford NOT to use it. We also have a big supply of BLUE STTOlME for soaklnV Seel Wheat to prevent rust and smntt. GARDNER DRUG COMPANY