PA03 CIS FRIDAY, NOV. 10TII, 1916 I P?.OFESS!0;iAL CARDS RHDSVUIE'S KOST PROfflNENT t LAWYERS, DOCTORS, ETC. ' IRA E. HUMPHREYS ATTORNEY AH.AW Special attention to settling estate FracUca in all courts, except Record Wi Govt. Office In Fela Building T6 JL S. Price & Co.'s Store. OLIDEWELL & ROBERTS ATTORNEYS AT LAW Prompt attention to all matters lntnwted. Practice in all courw Of&ce In Citizens Ikink Building. MAJOR T7SMITH LAWYER Oflle over Burton & Pearson.s Sa Eton. A general practice of tho law Including; settlement of estates, ad tnatmemt of insurance, collection ot claims, etc, tec. Practice in all courts claims, etc. Practice in all courts. A. D. IVIE B. C. TROTTED JULIUS JOHNSTON IVIE, TROTTER & JOHNSfOJV Attorneys t Lw Offices In the new Win Bulldinj text to Bank of Reldsvtlle. J.R.JOYCE Attornsy nt Law. Office in old Citizens Ba"k Bulldinj Practice in State nd . Federal rarta. Loans negotiated. HUGH R. SCOTT ATTORNEY 'AT LAW. serial attention to negotiation o loans; conduct and settlements o) estates; buying and selling real aa tato. Office, Citizens Bank Bldg The Stroke Oar By WILLARD BLAKEMAN "OLD PERCY T. STIERS t Law. wrney and Counselor PHOsrllie, N. 0. flpecia a'.remiou to negotiation 0 loans. settlement ot estates, biyti and selling real estate. Insurant adjiuted. Practice In all court. Office in Lacnbetb Building Or 8-lffs Olflcm JM.SHAEP ATTORNEY AT LAW Office orer old citizens Bank Build tog, opposite Confederate Monument REIDSVTLLE, . . ,". .... , . N. C DR. E. P. McBANE VETERINARIAN Office 125 South Scales Street All Domestic Animali treated Phones: Office 143; Res. 286W. J AS. W. HOPPER ARCHITECT. Ptooe 131-231 LeaksTille, N. C DR. J. R. MEADOR DENTIST psoe oyer New Cltlsens Bank. Residence 'Pnone 3 SSL. 'Phone 181. McMICHAEL & RAY ATTORNEYS AT LAW Practice In all ooarU Mr. McMichael will be In tha R!d Villa office on Tuesdays, Wednesdayt ITinrsdays, Fridays and In Madlaw on Satnrdays. WILLIAM REID DALTO ATTORNEY AT LAW Reldsvllla. N. C General practice of the law In 8tate and Federal Courts. Money loaned on real estate. Es tates administered on and settled, Real estate bought and sold. DR. JULIUS S. WELLS over Feti'sr A Tuckw's Dra Store. 'Phon 10. W. O. MYERS ENGINEERING and SURVEYING MARTINSVILLE, VA- HIGH GRADE BUILDING BRICK Brick la th most enduring) : most secure against Are; most comfortable In all weather tnost economical In final mV and the most boautlful of any building material. If quality appR1. to you, write as and get quotations. Shipments made promptly. WILLIAMSON A HEDGECOCK, INC Martinsville, Va. t (llUMIlliiO U01 ITT it Ji m; ir t foi'a f ccna i r 'l is t" Wuna I'jriula by Rfl drag t.t r by Dtfui timtn ttv c J. 3. flictjris L';;!:8 Co,, ShersaTei A number of yonng men, mostly col legians, were sitting In a group on the forward dwk of n North river steam er. They tvero prolug up to I'ouh- keepslc to a boat race of t-ollei-'o crews on the Hudson. An elderly man sat near tliem ILitenlnj? to their talk and enjoying v tho exuberance of youth which came bubbling out of them. Presently he drew bl.s chair near them and eakl; 'Your talk takes me back a pool many years. I pulled In the race of 180 between Harvard and Yale, a race nerer to be forgotten by rue on account of a curious culmination con nected with It" "What was that, sir?" Tho man hesitated. Presently ho said: "I'll give it to you, but under stand Hint 1 don't put any Interpreta tion on it. "1 wan at Harvard th yiar I have mentioned. Yule hart :.'.':ittMi us 6r several jean;. YV Lad lost seveni' consocutlro nu-;-s, and this year we wero epe'hiHy anxious to lircuk up the run of Hi suc-csa and get Home en- j conratrement Into our supporters by winning a race. Tho.-o who could go back In collepre affairs 8nid that there had been no success since Wllklns had been rapt a In of the crew and stroke at the wanio time. hadn't the coaches la thos'e days you boys have now nnd were more dependent upon some single iiiemljor of the crew. "I was captain of that crew of l.Sd and made it up myself. I cxpfK teil to give the stroke, but a eoriplo of iiniiiili' before the reMtn I'wus taken 111 am! when the rare was ubont to come olV had not siiillclently recovered-to row at all. I had a hard t !';: to ilnd a man to take hiy place In the crw, and as for getthij,' one who onid ,-ive tl:' stroke and carry the crew to a possible success It, was iirj)os.siI)!e. "Tho, evening before the regatta I was slttlnR In my robm at the House tilone and feeling very blue wheu there came a tap at biy dwr. I said, 'Come In I' and n young man en-i tered who was ono of the most Htrik-I ing fellows In appearance I ever saw. j He was very thai ly 1 rested, and the muscles stood out all over him., Tin only thluK against him for strength was that, bo was very pale. "'Going to get licked tomorrow?' he said. -, " 'I suppose so. VL are you?' "Tm n Harvard man. I reckon I'll have to help you out. Can you use me?' - "I nskd h'ni a lot of quest Ions about what class he was In, what course '.lie was taking,; when ho had entered, when he would graduate and coulo" get nothing definite out of him,". He said that ho was an expe'i't oarsniai: and If I would put him on the ere and any one after the race attempted to prove that ho had no i-'.uitt to be there it Would bo time. eii"tig'i to b more explicit. The .-college needed 11 Victory nnd after a rlcfory It woiili'. pluck up. "I fully agreed with him e.s to ''tin necessity of a viitory atid arranged with Idin to be at the boathouse n i the boat was about to bo put Into th' water. ... ue was there, nil- ri :. when In rowing togs bU. frame .."was sight to bciiold. I've never seen belie. biceps in my life. When the crew. on tered tho bout he took the stroke.-". "What n sweep ho gave tiiat oaf. of his! ft seemed a feather in his hands.' And his stroke Was so perfect that though there was not a man behind him who had ever beet in a boat with him before, there was, no difficulty in nil of them keeping perfect time with him. "The boat shot out into the middle of the river, where the faces of the crew were not very plain to those on shore. and I was glad of it, for I bod my doubts about my stroke's light to be there. Tho boats lined up and ,iiu1, a .-start' at f ho 'first signal to ;ro. "There .was a ' jiotieeabli) dlfu'reiu'e between tho work of tho two crews Now and again soroo Yalo man would Rend tip the spray, but not a man in the Harvard boat struck n cupful of water ou the recover. It 'was ail In the leadership of the stroke. "Our fellows took the lead from the first and kept It around the stake boa! and won the race by a good hundred yards. It was the prettiest won race I ever saw. -When I got to tho boat house the men had carried In tho boat I lookedaroitndu for my stroke, mt didn't see hTnC" 5ue of "Vie crew "said he had Just gone up the bank. I fo! lowed, but ho was nowhere to be seen "It would tako a t of time to 'tel' you what wris said about the Intro duet ion at the lan moment of a nev. and unknown man. - There was much adverse criticism, and it fell principal ly on mo. One thing I luard st:irtlei me. Bcverai persons who imd knowi. VilkIns when he was lu college de clared that my stroke was he. I won dered if he had come back and goi into the crew witnont Jetting mo 01 any one know that he wn do!ng wlnr he had no right to do. I learned when VllU!ns lived and wrote a lino to bin isRing if tie would kindly tell nn wltere he was on the day Of the rc,-ai ta. What do you suppose wai t!;e rt ply? - Ills father wtoto ne that ho ha , been very ill for some time and die the evening before the race. Now, young gentlemen, I don't wisli any comments on my story. I hare none to make myelf. I have simply riven It to you as. according to my census, It occurred, I Buy Lara dream d It" ' .- -'" 4 4 $ f 4 IRONSIDES" WILL BE REPAIRED The frigate Constitution, relic of the early days of the United States, is going dnto dry dock for the first time in nearly three-, score years, according to plans announced at the Charlestown navy yurd, where tho old sea fighter is docked. In the last naval bill an appro priation whs niadfor repairing the Constitution, and as a new bottom is .neceKSiiiSy she will have to go Into drydock. Tho (potation Is regarded as a deli cate one, for it is feared that the frigate's hull is not in condi- tion to stand any great strain. The last thno the Constitution was In drydock was in 1858. The Spear In the Tusk. It seems unbelievable that a savage's Iron Rpear point seven and a half Inch es long by one and a half Inches wile has been found all grown over and per fctiy I idden In a big Iitil! elephant's tusk. I !. : "vago had roosted up In n ?-' t.'H Hi-!' a sprh:.j where thu ele pliant came for water. 'I h:ii lie drop ped this spenf, weighted to fifty pounds, so as to strike' the nape of the neck and pierce (he brain. Here the spear went a liitie to one side of the brain and into tie Mg open funnel end of the i-i M it of the tusk, broke off and then "growed" u;i in the ivory like a nail in a tree. The ?pcar was found when the tusk was caned. Exchange. CLUBBING OFFERS The following clubbing offers are good for a limited time. Owing to the high prices on print paper tnese rates are liable to be advanced In the near future. The Review end Tri-Weekly New York World.. ?2.15 Tho Review and Atlanta Constitution Tri-Weekly), McCailsY Maga zine, or Southern Farming one year each $2.25 The Review and Progressive Far mer, one year each . . . . . , $2.00 Tho Review, Metropolitan Magazine, Woman'sWorld and Farm and Home One year each , . .. .. .... J2.10 The Review, Everybody's , Magazine . and Woman's World, one year 2 75 Seeding Wheat. During th past several days our farmer friends have been quite busy seeding wheat, and we learn that many acres have been "set aside" for this purpose this season. We believe that this Is the proper thing to do wheat is high flirting wits a two-dob lar bill in a most disgraceful manner, and tho prospects are that this flirta tion will be kept up for many months. As a consequence of this activity on the part of the farmers, the tobacco breaks have not been so heavy during the past several days, though tho woed is still high, whilo some are saying that the prices are advancing. Madison Messenger. November Weather. Early cold snaps, storms and si sat, snow and slush, cause coughs aac colds. Foley's Honey and Tar acts quickly, cuts tha phlegm, opens air passages, allays irritation, heals in flammation and enables the sufferer to breathe easily and naturally so that sleep is not disturbed by hack ing cough. CASTOR I A For Iniants and Children In Us For Over 30 Years Mwcyc tears th rJ. Signature of H Suit SBSR33BE2BSDCT! as-l A CilPLEI TOGS-:- Liko a Circus. Mr. S, had a peculiarly Irritating sneeze. It began- wilh a complex and terrifying series of facial convulsions, but Inslead cf concluding wilh the roar of a shot lion It. ended with a most lame paroxysm that always disappoint ed tiie-expeel.-'iit observer, "Your sneeze," sal. I a friend after watching him through one of bis ster nutations, "is a regular circus.-" "A clrciisV" said Mr. S. "Ye sir," !!-, the rejoinder. "Tlu performance never conies up to the ad vance notices." Cleveland lender. v- L i mi Gall Stones, Cancer and Ulcers of the Stomach and Intestines, Auto-Intoxica-t'lon, Yellow Jaundice, and other fatal allmonts result from Stomach Trouble. Thousands of Stomach Sufferers owo their complete recovery to Mayr'a Wonderful Reme dy. Unlike any other for Stomach Ailments, erywhere. For sale by druggists ev- 1 Rheumatism Follows Exposure. ,3 the rain all day is generally fol lowed by painful twinges of rheuma- j tism or neuralgia. Sloan's Liniment j will glvo you quicf relief and prevent ! the twinges from becoming torture. It i quickly penetrates without rubbing I and soothes tho sore and achlnir ! joints. For soro, stiff, exhausted JB muscles that uchn nnd thrnli from nv. & erwork, Sloan's Liniment affords quick reliof. Utilises, sprains, strains and other minor injuries to children are quickly soothed by Sloan's Llni-1 ?J ment. Oct a bottle today at your R druggist, 25c. Our entire stock in all Departments were never so large and attractive. While prices on all kinds of merchandise are advancing, we are giving our customers the advantages of our early purchases at much lower prices in nearly all lines. We handle the famous Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothing; Walk Over Shoes, Light; Medium and Heavy Upderwear; Emery Shirts, and a complete line of Mens Outfit&gs. In oisr Ladies Department will be found an unusually attractive line of Coat Suits, Cloaks, Sweaters, Woolen Dress Goods, Silks and all kinds of Ladies Ready-to- Wear Goods. Come to the Big Store to do your shopping and you will have the satisfaction of knowing that you get noth ing hut reliable goods. No shoddy stock of any kind to be found here. poffB YOUR MONEY'S WORTH OR YOUR MONEY BACK! wejj 'jBHiiw-in.iiB tt't-i "- '"H i. "f Model 85-4 f. o. b. Toledo $795 rn.rpfM I li) f?;. yTT?:' .A 2 fa SrJSL K-LJjkJmmL 795 Model 85-4 f . c. b. Toledo Luxurious Bigness! A big i'oomy car is luxurious no two ways about it. But extra inches in an automobile cost hun dreds of dollars as a rule. It took an investment of millions in facilities for tremendously increased production To effect the economies necessary to produce luxurious size at this price. The wheelbase is 112 inches The seats are comfortable and roomy and there's plenty of leg room front and back. And your further luxurious comfort is assured by cantilever springs, big four-inch tires and balanced weight the gasoline tank is at the rear. Beautifully finished! every convenience!! Price $795!!! . Model 85-6, six cylinder, 35-40 horsepower, 116-inch wheelbase- $925. " Phonc244-WOMACK MOTOR CO.-Reidvsille, N.C. The Willye-Overland Company, Toledo, Ohio "Mad. in U.S. A." llow aovt your subscription t . .. .. . f. it

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